The Best AI Upscaler Makes GTA 6 Look AMAZING!

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hey everybody so the trailer for Grand Theft Auto 6 was recently released and it is pretty stunning and although I don't cover games on this channel but rather AI tools for Creative uses Rockstar Games like Grand Theft Auto or Red Dead Redemption tend to have a pretty large cultural impact so I thought it might be fun to use the tools that we were going to look at today but give them all a Grand Theft Auto theme So today we're going to take a look at an image upscaler that does something a little different it's probably the best one that I've ever seen plus we're going to take some screenshots from the GTA trailer and create our own AI image model out of them and finally I have an image to character animator much like animate everyone that we saw last video except this one you can use right now all right our flight is boarding from Los Santos to Vice City so let's hop first up we have magnific doai or magnific doai French speakers you can feel free to lamb ask me in the comments this is an AI image upscaler by jav Lopez that does something a little bit different jav actually likes to to say that it not only upscales but it enhances and reimagines as well so starting off with a shot of the character Lucia from the trailer I should note that this is a screen grab obviously from the YouTube version of the trailer so you're already looking at a source that has been compressed by YouTube I don't think that this is necessarily how the final game is going to look when it releases that said magnific does a pretty amazing job of not only upscaling the image but I mean just really really cleaning it up as well uh you'll see on this side we have an area to drop our image to upscale the scale factor is currently only 2x right now but 4X is on the way we have an area down here for I guess presets for the most part I've pretty much stuck to standard uh and film photography though we are going to take a look at nature landscapes in just a minute as well the three big areas that I think set magnific apart from all of the other upscaler is the fact that you have slider controls down here for uh creativity HDR and resemblance and as a quick FYI uh because it's AI it does tend to do both awesome things and weird things often simultaneously uh for example here where uh if you look we have Lucia's hand here and it actually kind of brings in the knuckles uh which is really really kind of cool but at the same time it turned the money into like kind of dirty laundry I guess that said when you really punch in I mean the remarkable amount of detail that magnific provides is I mean it's pretty stunning here's another shot one that both blew me away in the actual trailer uh plus with what magnific does with it um this is a fairly challenging shot given the you know mixed light here um but look I mean look at that that's pretty it's pretty remarkable there um yeah it really really really brings uh Lucia to life there yeah that's incredible furthermore I was actually kind of surprised that I didn't freak out with these background characters here given the uh cross stitching on the wall here I really figured that they would turn into like abstract watercolor type characters not that they're in sharp Focus right now or anything but I mean I just figured that it would be a much bigger Blobby mess now one small thing to note is that the eye position does tend to change I've been noticing that a lot with the imageo image models uh that said in this case it actually becomes more aesthetically pleasing moving over to a landscape shot and using the nature and Landscape preset uh we have this um this looks pretty stellar um there is a little bit of a dehaze effect that it ends up having but I mean that really cleans up very nicely in particular this white building like just from a texture standpoint it really really cleans up very nicely yeah it's pretty stunning the beach scene is the one that really blew me away though there's a lot going on in the shot and I'm just kind of Blown Away at how magnific manages to turn these Vice City you know MPC into actual people um the background details on the building uh become much more realistic um given the amount of stuff that's happening in this image uh we of course do run into some problems with our extreme background characters like it handles the joggers here pretty well but if you look in the back um like our guy here just turns into like I don't like a Gumby figure I guess the off-road gang here was pretty remarkable I mean I think I'd be really hardpressed to not believe that that was a photograph another one that really blew me away was the shot of Lucia and her partner I don't think we know his name yet uh going full bandito in the liquor store um yeah this was really pretty amazing two quick things I do notice that her arm suddenly kind of has a weird sort of skin condition uh but I actually think that that is from the video compression her partner in the back really does kind of transform into an actual person uh although it obviously does miss the details on the pattern pattern on the bandana and just kind of turns them into wrinkle folds again not a criticism just something I've noticed going back to the eyes thing if you'll note here Lucia's eye position does change so it's not a huge deal but that is something just to kind of be aware of is that sometimes your eyeline might change but overall magnific is really really remarkable for bringing out like really little details like these bottles along the side of the uh the shot there that looks pretty incredible another shot that that magnific handled amazingly was our Rooftop model um yeah as we scroll across here that's that's pretty remarkable and just to point out again this takes nothing away from Rockstar's game engine these are two completely different things we are talking about a game engine here versus an AI image upscaler but that said I mean this is pretty pretty amazing the overall texturing of skin uh muscle definition all of that is is really pretty amazing uh right down to beauty marks and some skin tags here I guess she might want to get those checked out and just for fun I thought it would be neat to head back to Liberty City to see how our old friend Nico was doing um so this is just running the film and photography preset with creativity of four an HDR of one and a resemblance of two um and then I did actually prompt for Michael fast Bender as well uh I think I've I just watched the killer so it made sense to me he does look a little bit odd but remember that magnific here is actually playing within the rules of what you're giving it so because Nico was kind of a blocky character it kind of ended up with sort of a blocky fast Bender as well that does of course lead to some kind of wacky hands here um but again that has more to do with the input image than anything that would be something that you could pretty easily in paint out so as a note and I know this has been a bit of a point of contention magnetic is not free jav Lopez the creator of magnific is trying to run this independently you know not accepting venture capitalist money or selling out so you know I'm props to him for that but obviously gpus are expensive that said Javi has started rolling out 24-hour uh free trials here and there so make sure that you are signed up on their website and their socials the link is down below so after all that I had a bunch of screenshots obviously and I thought to myself well you know what may be kind of fun to do with those let's head back over and check out ever art. ever art which we have covered on the channel in the past allows you to upload up to 50 images in a certain style and then you can prompt basically based off of that style so after uploading all of our screenshots we now have a model that is Loosely based on the GTA 6 look it does a pretty good job of capturing the style this is a party at the top of a building near the beach uh this definitely looks like it could have been cribbed from the trailer here is another favorite this is closeup beautiful woman with a gun standing on a boat um yeah this definitely has the overall look and Vibe of the GTA 6 trailer the overall advantage to ever art is when you say take that same prompt and bring it over to Mid Journey uh where I prompted video game in the style of and Then followed by the rest of the prompt as we ran it in ever art we end up with this which is good it's definitely much more in line with the promotional materials from say Grand Theft Auto 5 and four I guess in that sort of Illustrated style because mid Journey doesn't know what Grand Theft Auto 6 is yet and as an additional bonus ever art will let you upload image references as well so I took this iconic shot from Grand Theft Auto 3 and brought it over to everard and ran it through our Grand Theft Auto 6 train material and we ended up with this uh which is pretty awesome there are of course a number of issues uh in terms of you know the bike and the perspective of our character on top of the bike there's some warping obviously that's happening on the buildings here but I mean it is also based off of an image from a game that is what 22 years old now CU it's kind of fun to take the whole thing over and just animated in Gen 2 speaking of video we have magic animate which is a little like animate anyone that we looked at in the last video but with the added bonus you can actually play with magic animate right now the examples that were provided are very you know Tick Tock dancers uh because that seems to be the thing that everybody seems to use uh image 2 motion for actually I shouldn't necessarily say that as we do have some motion and yoga poses that were also provided to us so thank you for that magic animate developers overall yeah it's okay animate anyone again which we looked at in the last video does tend to have a little bit more temporal coherency in the faces at least from what we've seen we actually haven't gotten a chance to play with that model yet but magic animates motion does look really good and the fact that you can actually do multiple characters uh in motion is very promising as well now I will say that all of the motion seems to be based off of dense pose sequences uh which I have not actually found a way to easily make yet and to be honest I wasn't about to go man manually rotoscoping a bunch of footage to find out so I did just use their examples but going back to GTA I figured let's stay in theme so magic animate is available up on hugging face it does seem to be quite slam so I would recommend heading over to replicate where you can try it they have a few different video motions that you can try out um and then I gave it a t pose of GTA 5's Franklin I figured the T pose actually might make things easy for the model as well so uh loading him in and hitting run we end up with this it's not bad definitely deaged Franklin a pretty good amount I don't know why it kind of left his uh legs hanging out there I guess you know there was probably an artifact left over from the toost uh but yeah I mean I think that if you were to take this and then maybe face swap Franklin's face back onto this character uh you'd have a you know a pretty good running sequence of Franklin things did get a little bit weird when I took a t- pose of Trevor and decided to animate him dancing um yeah that's pretty horrifying but somehow I think he would approve so there you go another crazy day in Creative Ai and hey if you just stumbled in here from the GTA side of things I do invite you to hit the Subscribe button I cover AI tools but always from kind of a creative perspective uh it's a lot of fun on the channel Hope you join us I thank you for watching my name is Tim
Channel: Theoretically Media
Views: 421,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VCP1R5-Zywc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2023
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