Midjourney: Consistent Characters & Kaiber 3.0

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well gang it's finally here the ability to create consistent characters in mid Journey today we're going to take a deep dive into it plus I've uncovered some tips and tricks that I think will really help you maximize your use of it for your Creations plus I've got a look at the latest update from kyber I think you're going to be really impressed with this it is definitely very cool and doing something really unique okay let's dive in kicking off mid Journey have finally released character references so we no longer need like really bizarre prompt formulas or third party plugins or face swappers to achieve a consistent character across different scenes to start off we're obviously going to need a character so uh I figured we'll take our old pal the man in the blue business suit and begin with him so you can expect obviously a couple of rerolls to find the character that you're looking for I do have an additional trick on this coming up in a second this guy is definitely I don't know what business he's in but that does not work appropriate sir I ended up running across this guy who I felt was you know appropriately man in a blue business bus suie uh I did take him through a subtle upscale I don't know if that matters or not but I figured you know can't necessarily hurt uh from here we're going to take this over to First Discord before I show you how to do this on the website so very briefly just to get the image off of the website what we'll do is come over here and hit copy and then uh come over and copy the image URL on Discord we issued the prompt photograph a man in a blue business suit at a City Cafe drinking coffee in a window seat as the world rushes past him with an aspect ratio of 169 and then importantly D- CF character reference followed by a paste of the image URL and from here we have four images of our guy pondering out of a window probably thinking if that guy in the Parisian coffee shop and the Sora video isn't real am I real now to note these four Images aren't exactly the character that we had initially generated and that's okay I kind of think of this phase as mid Journey getting to know the character on the website side what you're going to want to do is just you know grab your image and drag him into the Imagine prompt bar now this is the important part I'm actually zooming this in because it's a little bit on the finicky side uh what you're going to want to do for character reference is actually you see a little person icon right there so you're going to want to make sure that that is enabled if you leave it on the default then all that is is an image reference you're not going to get the same character you're just going to get the vibe of the overall image itself so for this I'm going to swap out the prompt for a man in a blue business suit walking through an office lobby and importantly going to change the aspect ratio to 9916 that way we should get a full body shot out of him so we ended up landing on this guy who looks pretty close his pants do need to get iron though uh and now what we can do because we have essentially our base image we have our standing image now and then we have one of our images from the cafe uh we can actually use this and take all three of them in and drop them in as character references as well I like this one because it was a pretty decent profile shot as well so we're going to drop this one in and then finally our base image uh one thing you can do by the way is since it's actually sitting here you can just take this and drag it right over it's very nice quality of life uh featured there mid Journey taking all three of those reference images and then changing out the promptu Cinematic still a man in a blue business suit buying a burrito from a street vendor uh busy City street yields this as a result uh yeah that's our guy buying a burrito off of a street vendor to note he has had coffee and a street burrito at this point he is in for a very long night that said on occasion mid journey is just going to Mid Journey for example in our previous burrito example where uh it rolled up this young Chad uh kind of like I guess our man in the blue business suits son taking a selfie at a taco stand uh clearly this is all wrong however you can actually inpaint him out by just selecting the face of our young whipper snapper here uh we can then add in-- C ref followed by the URL of our original character running that yields us this which is pretty decent he is starting to drift a little bit away from the characteristics of our original character there is a trick for that we're going to talk about that in just one second first here's an interesting trick on generating a character without needing to generate multiple images of that character and that's simply by creating a model turnaround sheet of that character so the prompt here is character reference sheet photographic studio lighting realistic character reference sheet sort of reinforcing that prompt T pose uh futuristic resistance fighter now to note she is not in a t pose and additionally she does not look photorealistic she kind of looks a little bit more on the Unreal Engine side but that's okay this will work mid Journey themselves do state that this technique does work because the way that character referencing works is that when it sees multiple characters it's going to blend them together so it stands to reason that if we have three separate images of the same character that that would help reinforce the overall look of that character what's really cool about CF is the fact that you can change styles for example in that character reference sheet she obviously had a very sort of gamish look to it but running her through the prompt cinematic still female resistance fighter battling robots in a James Cameron action film Style by Terminator yields us this where you know she now has the characteristics of a real person and as you continue to generate up more images you do build up a library of that character in various poses that you can use for for further character references now as always I encourage you to continuously reroll explore swap out your prompts and don't necessarily expect a home run every single time um I don't want a cherry pick here but you know so this was a you know a four up of one of the uh character reference prompts uh you can see here we sort of ended up with a concept art style uh another sort of concept art style this one was it was okay uh and then this one was okay as well um so if I wanted to continue along with a cinematic look uh I could grab both of these two and add them to my character Library you know it just kind of occurred to me that she kind of looks like Jenna Ortega and now I really want to see like Wednesday Adams versus the Terminator one command that you will definitely want to be aware of and use is character weight or D- CW this has a scale of 1 to 100 100 being essentially the exact same character as appears in your original reference image and then you can scale that down why would you want to scale that down well for example if we wanted to take this image of our cyberpunk woman with long white hair standing in a snowy alley and change her over to a photographic look but then also set the scene in summer uh you wouldn't necessarily want her to be in that level of you know heavy armor so by taking that image as a character reference once again we swap over to the character reference button uh and then changing the prompt out to photographic still woman with long white hair and a black T-shirt intense Gaye City hot summer day and then D- CW of 50 so half the amount of the character weight and run that we end up with the same character our cyberpunk woman with long white hair albeit now rendered in a photographic style standing on some you know Small Town Street somewhere definitely heavy summer Vibes but the bigger note is by taking the character weight down 250 she's no longer wearing you know heavy cyberpunk armor which would look a little bit on the out of play side and instead is simply wearing a black T-shirt still has the intense gaze of a warrior that pretty much says that you've already lost the battle suggesting that you know she pay for her half of the meal so returning back to our Jenna Ortega sci-fi dystopian epic you can also use style references in conjunction with character reference as well for example taking the overused Sci-Fi Trope of the mission briefing uh this is a shot from Prometheus and using that as a style reference we end up with this where it definitely has picked up on all of the background style details uh you know those sort of blue hued computer monitors now I will say that you do run into some problems with this technique especially if you start calling out for background characters uh namely because all of the background characters then become your main character I mean granted you could very easily go through and in paint these characters out but hey maybe it works to your advantage like if you're doing a SQL to uh multiplicity so to use style references you'll want to end up hitting this middle button here uh that then turns it into a style reference once again character reference style reference and image reference I always feel that style references never really took off I took a whole Deep dive look at it in a previous video that's linked down below but now in conjunction with character references I think that it becomes a really powerful combination uh for example taking just like this still image of uh a shot from Mad Max Fury Road and utilizing that with our character reference we end up with with images like this which definitely have that sort of aesthetic and color grade look of that Mad Max shot whereas utilizing this shot from tenant ends up giving us this so yeah there's definitely a lot to explore in here if you were sleeping on style references again you could check out that previous video it is linked down below just as a note you still can't run photographs of actual people as character references so this does not work as like a face swapper uh for example taking you know this image of me running it as a character reference in mid Journey uh with the prompt man in the blue business suit uh we ended up with this guy who I guess you he kind of looks like he kind of looks like uh my older brother who doesn't exist uh who I probably owe money to and who is still disappointed with my career choices all I can say to him is who bailed who out of jail in our 20s as an additional note mid Journey states that CF can only be used for characters uh namely humanoid characters that said UMES actually discovered that you can actually use it uh for different applications as well uh here taking a CF of kind of this sprocket uh and running it through a number of different iterations so this might be an interesting back door into generating up things like logos or icons or maybe even props character consistency and mid Journey has long been a hurdle to overcome and now that it's here along with the Bevy of other features available to us uh yeah I'm really excited to see what you guys end up creating moving on kyber have recently updated to a 3.0 model and it's pretty impressive if you haven't checked in with kyber in a while I do recommend swinging by uh the video transform feature is gotten really good and 3.0 motion well as we'll see in just a second is very impressive so kicking off with this mid-journey image of a kind of robot girl uh and bringing that in issuing The Prompt robot girl blinking Smiles uh and then using the Cinematic preset uh we can hit video settings uh from here we can select a video duration up to 16 seconds which is pretty impressive it's like four times longer than most of the other standard video generators uh evolve which is the slider that I think that kyber is most associated with it's the thing that kind of gives everything a weird sort of warpy hallucinogenic look well what's interesting is that you can actually take this down now to zero and then finally we have a motion slider which we can take up to 10 for a considerable amount of motion or you know down to obviously zero for no motion uh just make sure the version 3 Model is selected down here and when we run it we end up with this which is pretty impressive the facial coherency stays pretty solid um it starts to lose it a little bit around this 7 to 8 second Mark but I mean you get a pretty good amount of space before that ends up happening yeah there is a lot of crazy movement happening in the background which you could probably tone down via the motion slider but I mean for the most part I think this is probably one of the longest video Generations that's managed to stay this C Cent yes yes outside of Sora but again we do not have Sora and I'm pretty sure you all caught the news that we are not getting Sora anytime soon once again one of our famous recurring characters Dutch football player Daniela van Deno dressed as a pirate uh yeah overall I think it looks pretty solid she's maintaining consistency she's not like morphing out a beard and turning into Jack Sparrow there is one issue kind of happening with her hand there there's also no camera movement controls which is actually probably helpful in this case as it helps maintain the overall permanence and consistency of these characters taking our man in the blue business suit and issuing The Prompt Smiles uh we ended up with this which I mean that's it's really pretty good there are some issues obviously with the flickering but I mean I think that if you were to take this through a d Flicker and sharpen it up a bit this would look really really really solid but I'll always say when it comes to surreal and weird like kyber just can't be beat I mean this is pretty awesome does it feel a bit like a fever drink yes it does and that is what makes it unique in my opinion the last thing that I want is all of these video generators to end up having an overall homogenized look so if you ask me keep it weird kyber we'll take a bit of a deeper dive into kyber 3.0 later because there are a lot of other really interesting aspects to it including beat matching from music and uh we didn't even go over the text to video options here so keep a lookout for that one in the meantime I thank you for watching my name is Tim
Channel: Theoretically Media
Views: 32,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney consistent character, midjourney tutorial, midjourney consistent character design, Midjourney, Kaiber, Kaiber Motion, Kaiber.AI
Id: 4gAI-Gx4dog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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