New FREE AI Video Generator & Feature Length AI Films!

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hey everyone today I have a brand new totally free AI video generator it's pretty impressive and I've got some interesting information on who's behind it and yes I should say totally free for now you guys have been around the block long enough you know how this works plus we're going to take a look at the latest research on generating fulllength AI films yep it's coming all that plus drama at Mid Journey yeah they've got bad blood with stability. a this one is pretty wild it's actually rumored to be the plotline for the second season of Netflix's beef okay lots to cover let's dive in first up is hyper. a a new video generation platform that you can start using right now totally for free this one is brought To Us by Yia meow and zuu Wong two former Google Deep Mind alums who have teamed up to form this platform raising over $19 million so it does look like hyper is set to be quite a contender in the AI video race hyper offers text to video uh very ni nice clean smooth movement here we're going to take a deeper look at that but clearly I mean obviously it does these animated Styles very well it also does image to video in this example uh they actually showcase that you can generate images on the platform and then animate that I have not seen that on the platform yet but we are going to take a look at some image to video examples and also somewhat surprisingly they offer video repainting or you know video in painting essentially they actually had this kind of neat demo of repainting on the site with you know somebody pouring the smoothie mixture into a bowl and then repainting it to be like this watercolored uh you know koi fish thing uh yeah very creative like it a lot getting started the interface is pretty straightforward there is a light dark mode down here by the way uh change it to dark because once again only Psychopaths use light mode your prompt box is down below and you have a number of different options in terms of how you want to generate your video uh either in a full HD version animate your image which is basically image referencing repainting your video and then two more options for creating with text prompts or image referencing but this time in standard definition there is a reason why we'll get to that in one second finally at the end of the options is extend your video uh this obviously has not been enabled yet but will be coming soon diving in in my last video I did kind of a quick sketch music video of some creepy dolls working in a factory for that I ended up utilizing Pika so I decided to take the same prompt and run it through hyper just to see what the results would look like so pretty much the exact same prompt which is stop motion facel dolls working in a factory Gothic dark uh yielded these results which looks really good so to note Generations in this HD format tend to be around 2 seconds I know it's super short I do have a bit of a workaround for that we'll get to that in just one minute once you're in the generation and creation area if you want to swap out modes you can simply come up to this creation mode up here and then you know you have all of your various templates once again so taking that same prompt in the standard definition definition model you'll note that we now have additional templates uh up here that we can add in basically what this is doing is it's just going to add keywords into your prompt so uh say we're going with this in steampunk uh by hitting that we now have weighted steampunk style uh mechanisms fantasy gear decoration Etc we also have additional options here uh for example you can lock the seed number uh there is controls for motion levels let's just crank that all the way up and then the duration on the standard definition version you can take your Generations up to 4 seconds running that but removing the steampunk prompts uh yields this which yeah that looks pretty good I would put it pretty much on par with the Pika outputs that I got in the last video so these are definitely two different models image to video also looks really good I took this Dune inspired like heavily Dune inspired image that I generated up in mid Journey mostly because I have Dune fever I have not seen it yet hopefully next week anyhow running that into hyper and then adding the prompt man looks to camera intense gaze and running that in the HD mode yielded this which yes while short does look very good now taking that same image and running it through the SD model with the exact same prompt yielded this the results from the SD version are just a little bit more on the I know kind of static and Bland side uh additionally Timothy shalom's stunt double here has kind of an animated look to it his eyes are kind of doing the Pennywise thing as well uh and just you know overall the HD version is definitely far superior to this that said I do think that you can still get some really cool results out of the SD model uh for example this is a prompt of just uh a wizard standing in an enchanted forest and I use the gibli preset and yeah this looks really really nice hopping over to the Community Feed to see the breath of what hyper is capable of uh I ran across this output which looks really really good um yeah I mean I would hesitantly call this somewhere in the neighborhood of Sora quality although you you know granted much shorter something that I noticed is that the cars are all maintaining consistency like they're they're not morphing all over the place and there aren't a few of them like driving backwards although I do have a bone to pick that there are what like five Outward Bound lanes and one inward bound Lane there's one thing Sim City taught me is that this is going to end in disaster sticking with the imaginative side this ghost train in the sky looks really really good this interior zoom out also looks really good although obviously you know Limited in time it's it's also not like morphing out too much everything is staying consistent and stable this extreme closeup also caught my eye yeah I mean pun not intended uh but yeah this is actually text video it's not image to video so that's what I'm saying about it approaching sore level quality although just you know not as long few more quick ones yeah walk cycle here looks really really good uh all six legs look like they are actually present and not just like sort of floating along a surface another walk cycle or I should say step cycle uh in sort of an animated style it's really solid and finally cribbing one of the famous Sora text prompts fly over of a California Gold Rush town uh we end up with this which yeah I mean this looks really really good now I should say it's still AI video and there is still weirdness abound uh taking our old friend the man in the blue business suit walking down a busy City street gets us this uh where our guy is like moonwalking down the center lane of a city street definitely not safe uh additionally we have this car over here that's actually driving backwards but you know maybe they just made a wrong turn down a one-way street but again at the cost of free I mean roll to your heart's content until you find something that you like overall I think the results out of hyper are super impressive yeah there is that 2cond limitation on the HD versions uh but that is a bridge that will be crossed at one point or another in the meantime uh if you want a quick hack in terms of extending your shots you can always bring your clip into a nonlinear editor like Premiere that we have here or Da Vinci resolve and extend it out in Premiere what you'll want to do is uh just right click on it come to speed duration uh take the speed down to 50% and then just make sure that Optical flow is turned on here Da Vinci also has something pretty similar uh but yeah as you can see the results are pretty good A little slowed down but I mean not bad ultimately to get the best results you should probably use something like topaz video Ai and listen I know it is super expensive but it is also kind of the best in class for for this particular job and that pretty much is the smoothest and best result that you can possibly get and again I know the 2C thing is a bit of a bummer but again that is just temporary and even now I think you can craft together a pretty solid narrative by using a combination of 2cond HD shots extending them out a bit and 4 second SD shots uh to vary out your shot lengths anyhow moving on from like two second shots to feature length movies uh we have movie llm enhancing long video understanding with AI generated movies now this one is in the paper research Arena but it does set the stage for what will be eventually coming which is you know fully generated AI movies from a prompt we actually have seen something kind of similar to this in a previous video namely LTX studio uh if you missed that video it is linked Down Below movie llm leverages The Power of GPT 4 and text to image models to generate detailed scripts and corresponding visuals the work path of movie llm is the movie plot generation a style immobilization process and video instruction by data generation movie llm leans on GPT 4 for sort of the initial breakdown of the film um with GPT coming up with the theme the overview movie style frame level description and the characters of the film from there GPT 4 takes that output and generates up Epoch chapters essentially scenes for the most part uh at which point it takes it through another process where it will generate out you know chapters for each scene detailing both the characters the actions that are happening and the location uh from there it actually takes that output and then begins generating dialogue for each of those scenes the real key to all of this is in the style immobilization process in which uh essentially keywords are then extracted from each of those chapter epochs the characters and the plot summary uh run through stable diffusion to generate up the various you know scenes characters and locations uh but then taken through the uh textural inversion process and the immobilized style embedding in order to essentially lock the look of the entire film into one consistent or what multiple consistent characters and multiple consistent locations from there it's taken back out through generation guiding and through another stable diffusion process to generate out key frames for each one of the scenes now the paper did not provide any video examples but we can see key frame comparisons uh namely uh the movie llm output is down here where you know it does it looks like it's very consistent in terms of style and in character whereas in the other two examples uh this custom diffusion one in particular is a little bit all over the place in terms of its overall style and look just zooming in here for a minute because the custom diffusion model actually did make me laugh a little bit like in the second example where he's supposed to be a blacksmith he just kind of looks like a drummer for like an 80s rock band interestingly in the paper they do note that there isn't a lot of resources out there in terms of training models for extremely long like featurelength movies uh but they ended up using the data from the movie net data set which apparently is a massive data set of over 1,000 movies and 60,000 trailers now to note the movies and trailers aren't actually within this data set it's just the data from those films and trailers by utilizing the movet data set movie llm is able to basically come up with better synopses for its own films weirdly flexed with an example by using the film splice I've seen splice and that's a pretty odd choice to go with for an example if you haven't seen it I pretty much say you know you can take a pass on that one uh what you should check out is natali's other movie Cube that movie is really good ring out with some pretty odd mid Journey news uh yesterday's office hours started off on a pretty weird note mid Journey CEO David Holtz explained that the 24-hour outage they had on Saturday was caused by botlike behavior from Paid accounts he then said that this originated from stability. a employees basically scraping for images and text prompts at which point he announced that he was effectively banning all stability. employees from using the mid-journey service Nick s Pierre took to Twitter as this was happening and offered stability. imod mustak the opportunity to comment imad's response was uh what mod shortly followed up with and I'm just quoting directly here it's Twitter there are grammatical and spelling errors glore but you know it again it's Twitter uh very confusing how two accounts would do this team also hasn't been scraping as we have been using synthetic and other data given sd3 outperforms all other models anyway I am a big mid journey and David fan which is why I back them at the start with the grant to pay for the beta on E we go IM mod followed up from there with if anyone did do this on team have asked we'll dig also happy if mid Journey reaches out direct it's not great but obviously not a DDOS attack but unintentional certainly not instructed by us/ stability though really happy with our data set and the augmentation we have on that a little while later David did respond to Ahad saying sent you some information to help with your internal investigation definitely interesting I do hope the boys can resolve this issue I mean we have enough going on with Elon and Sam we do not need any more drama meanwhile mid journey is still training their video model it is reported to be quite good and stability will be releasing stable diffusion 3 into the wild uh pretty much at any moment so that wraps up another crazy week in Creative AI as as always I thank you for watching my name is Tim
Channel: Theoretically Media
Views: 41,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nU7lCnVmcBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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