Visiting GTA 6 Trailer Locations In Real Life!

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[Music] today we are going to try to match and recreate some scenes from The Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer I'm so excited we all knew through leaks and rumors that it would take place back here in Miami Beach in the Miami area now we know it's actually including a lot more surrounding communities and I'm very excited to show you guys what those communities look like in real life all right we're in the car now heading off to our first location that is featured in The Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer this spot I immediately knew because I frequent this bridge but I immediately knew exactly where it was and I'm so excited to show you guys what it looks like in real life along with the two cities that this bridge connects so you'll will'll have plenty of time driving across this bridge in the game we have made it to the Venetian Causeway which is currently jammed in the back the way I know that this is the Venetian Causeway in the game is because one I live here but other than that there is a toll Gantry right there and you can see the bike Lanes in real life are also in the game as shown on the trailer another dead giveaway is this unique building that kind of looks like step that is featured on the right side in the trailer I didn't get that could you try so without further Ado let's get up in the air and try to recreate that shop from the GTA 6 trailer we are currently above the Venetian Causeway and you can probably already see the similarities from the the trailer it is yeah this is it this is the Venetian Causeway in real life which is going to be one of the causeways you can do in GTA 6 to go across the bay so we're facing Miami Beach and then directly behind us is Downtown Miami which obviously is going to be in the game you can see the little house towards the right which is what I'm standing outside of right now you can see the toll Gantry you can see the the stepped building that is on the right you can also see a tennis court on the left in the the trailer which I'm going to fly over right now so that is real as well there is a parking lot as well on the left traffic uh I hope they get traffic accurate in the game it is it is terrible here in Miami and Miami Beach I showed you guys the comparison but now let's pass the to Gantry because you can't do it until GTA 6 comes out so I'm giving you guys a little exclusive here so you know what the area looks like so let's say you just drove past the to Gantry this is all residential by the way Venetian islands are all residential and there's a couple of islands before you actually get to Miami Beach it does look a lot closer in the trailer but Miami Beach is still ways away I believe it's like a 4 Mile Bridge as you can see there's several islands you have to cross before you get to Miami Beach I mean look at this shot Miami is such a beautiful city and I know they're going to do this city Justice Just by the trailer it just looks amazing but this is what Miami looks like at Sunset and of course traffic you can see there all right so now that we're done with the Venetian Causeway let's check out the MacArthur Causeway which is the the highway that you see the girl standing up in the convertible let's go over there but for that we have to wait for the sun to completely set it has to be dark out so this is what I suspect is I 44 in the game which is the MacArthur Causeway connecting with I 395 which it sounds complicated I know but it is simple it just connects the mainland City of Miami with Miami Beach two different cities we are the Miami side right now so in that part of the the trailer where you see that lady kind of standing up in a convertible she is literally driving right here where you see that highway sign the three green highway signs right there she is driving right there and it the one thing that's not completely accurate is that the arena the ca Center which is where the Miami Heat play a bunch of concerts go on there that is immediately on the left I'll show you guys in the picture it is immediately on the left and that's not true you can see it all the way in the back right there so that's just something that Rockstar did to add their own little touch or maybe they just felt like there was no need to to space it out like that but here we have this is actually the Museum of Art Pam uh Pere Art Museum Miami and it is also the frost Museum of Science which is the building uh towards the back there so I guess those won't be in the game or they probably just move them around and put them somewhere else but anyway this road if you keep going actually connects with the airport and you can see that on the highway sign there it takes you to the airport the Vice City International Airport here it is Miami International Airport so I'm getting a little closer to the sign so you guys can see so the middle sign basically says heading west on the 836 again it is I 404 in the game an interstate this is just a state road in real life State Road 836 heading west to the airport and then we have uh bis game Boulevard US1 I believe it's us3 in the game with a different name and also so uh I95 is something else I can't remember on top of my head but it's in the picture here it is something else but in real life it is I95 don't mind all these people in big tents that won't be in the game that is part of artweek Miami by the way you can see the Metro mover there it wasn't in the trailer as I had hoped but it is in the leaks if you remember the leaks you remember there is an autonomous train that is basically just how you get around Miami another method of getting around before we move on to our next place I just want to leave you guys with this beautiful shot of Miami I am so excited to take over Miami and Miami Beach and surrounding communities in Grand Theft Auto 6 oh my gosh look at that all right we are on Ocean Drive where it is night time so we can see the neon lights because there is actually a shot in GTA 6 trailer that shows Ocean Drive and it shows an outdated Ocean Drive I'm going to show you guys what it looks like during the day cuz just because it's easier to see during the day but right now we're going to recreate the shop where there are various sports cars super cars on the Strip I'm going to show you guys where that was taken before we try to do the exact shot this is by the way the Breakwater hotel it is off of 10th Street in Ocean Drive in the shot it is called Boardwalk obviously like GTA games like all of them they're not using the exact names of buildings cars even cities here is a shot of the GTA 6 trailer and here it is in real life you can see the vertical neon sign where it just shows two letters in it the LK from boardwalk and then uh across the horizontal it is Breakwater obviously the name of it and it says boardwalk in the game that's how we know the name of the hotel way off the distance we see purple lights not just in the trailer but in real life that is the Clevelander Hotel I'm going to get you guys a closeup in just a second and that sidewalk right over here is where that person is sitting there there's three people walking by and there are a bunch of cars including a Porsche parked right over here so we're going to switch over to daytime so I can explain why the street looks a little different than it is in the game so one thing to note now that it's daytime I can show you guys better in the trailer shows this at night but with two-way traffic as you can see that's no longer the case that actually is real but it was before the pandemic and you can see some of the old remnants of the markings when this used to be the parking spots where you can actually park your car and you see cars parked in the trailer that's the old layout this is the hotel in the background you see it with the purple lights it is known as The Clevelander a hotel that you see in the background of that picture and Ocean Drive in the game is called Dixon it's Hotel Dixon in real life that is Hotel Victor and the Dixon actually stood out to me many people probably didn't cat cuz they're not aware of the the South Beach history but the architect of that building is name is L Murray Dixon I don't know if Rockstar had that plann or if it was just a coincidence all right we're done here in South Beach let's go to our next location in Miami welcome to Miami we are in the Windwood neighborhood which is the arts district you'll find a lot of graphiti mural museums bars different art exhibits in general and I'm standing in front of one of the walls that has one of the many walls that have graffiti on them which if you remember the trailer you'll know that there's a lot of graffiti around there's a lot of nice cars around the tricky thing about Winwood is that we know GTA 5 came out in 2013 and there was a gap between then and and now and I guess 2025 that they're working on the game and I don't know exactly when they flew down to Miami to scout the area take all the photographs they need for the game I just don't know and this neighborhood has been expanding and growing so so much I'm going to throw a picture of what it looked like when GTA 5 came out at least around the year and then I'm going to show you guys what it looks like now just so you can see how quickly things grew in the past 10 years in the picture with all of the cars there hanging out the graffiti on the walls there is a building in the background and I feel like it's this one but this was built in the past couple of years I'm going to zoom in on the background of the trailer so you guys can see this building kind of reminds me of it I don't know why it doesn't say the exact same thing looks like it says wood in the actual trailer or something else but in real life it says Bakery I'm not too sure but it looks very familiar and there is that big building in the background there is also this parking garage SL wework build building that has a little curvature to it and I feel like I can see some curvature in the one visible in the trailer I just don't know it is it's it's hurting my mind right now the other ones have been pretty easy but Windwood has me stumped I'm being honest I mean I just don't know exactly where that was taken and like I said it could it could have been around when they came to survey and it's no longer there anymore not the building of course that's that's going to be there but I'm talking about where the fencing is and where they're all hanging out and cars are inside or maybe it just never existed and they just wanted to add that to the game all right I think we're done here in Windwood so let's go and Che got our next location I was so surprised to see this part of the trailer this is the Florida Keys I am so excited specifically bajah Honda bridge which is near bah Honda State Park the entire drivethru of the keys is very Scenic you got water on the left side you got water on the right side and it is so much fun to drive in real life so I cannot wait to drive through it in GTA 6 one thing that really stood out to me in this part of the trailer is the bridge on the right you can notice there's two sections missing from it this used to be an old railroad bridge in the early 1900s created by Henry Flagler it was destroyed in the hurricane 1935 and eventually turned into a highway they literally built a road on top of it and there's actually a portion you can walk onto the state and I actually did that a couple months ago it is very cool but eventually that Highway was abandoned and then the one on the left was built and that is the one that is currently in use today but it's so cool that Rockstar kept the old railroad bridge on the right even showing those missing segments all right moving on you know that part in the trailer where a girl is kind of like on a rooftop or a penthouse and there's like pool beside her in the city in the background that was in Miami Beach now I wasn't too sure where exactly so thanks to someone on Reddit they were able to identify where it may have been not 100% sure but it does look similar so I'm going to get the Drone up in the air show you guys what I'm talking about so in the background you can see I I'll point it out with an arrow the ptoo tower which is very iconic in South beat you can kind of see it in the trailer so from that perspective they are somewhere north of that Tower but they are in the city of Miami Beach it looks like it it's a very tiny pool overlooking the entire city City she would be standing on the rail farthest away from me with the city behind her all right so we're here in the everglaze doing an airboat tour because it is actually featured in the GTA 6 trailer so we're going to put the headsets on and we're going to go on a little ride through the [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Everglades [Music] guys that was so much fun it was too loud for me to really talk throughout the ride but oh my gosh it was my first time doing an airboat and I'm so happy that recreating GTA 6 trailer locations had me come out to do it for the first time that was so much fun and if I had fun in real life I'm sure I'll have a blast in GTA 6 the fact that they're adding the Everglades which is so massive it covers such a wide area of Florida that I'm just mind blown at the size of this map we don't know yet how big it's going to be there speculation fan-made Maps but the fact that it has everglaze lets me know that it's going to be huge now let's go back to Miami because I actually want to do something a little faster than the Airboat for our next location we're actually going to go on a speedboat because we have to pass by the Port of Miami which you see in the trailer I'm going to throw up a picture it's a really fast boat going by uh one of the oil tankers or cargo ships all right so we are now we're now passing Court of Miami I'll show you guys in just a second this boat's going really fast oh my God so in the game they are passing a ship such as that woo we're tearing the water all right just imagine we're on this boat right now in GTA 6 [Music] all right guys that was so much fun oh my gosh I'm happy I'm making this video for you guys I'm actually enjoying myself so that is our last location for this video thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video please please leave a like And subscribe it's the best way to support the channel and with that said I will catch you in the next one
Channel: Joel Franco
Views: 1,101,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GTA 6, GTA 6 Trailer, Rockstar, Grand Theft Auto, Grand Theft Auto 6, Vice City, Miami, Florida, Joel Franco
Id: dQPdtqA4PK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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