This FREE AI Comic Book Creator is Incredible!

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hey everyone today I've got a look at a free AI comic book graphic novel creator that has a ton of Storytelling potential within it plus I've got another free air generator that solves a problem that has plagued a lot of AI art tools trust me you're going to want to check this one out okay let's dive in first up we have comic Factory by Julian Bilk this is by far the coolest AI comic art generator that I have run across yet comic Factory is available over on hugging face and it is free to use the model consists of a number of different styles we have Japanese Franco Belgian American modern American 1950s Flying Saucer humanoid haddock and amoricon the Japanese model has a relatively old-school Manga style which you can see here here is another example of it albeit in more of a modern context Franco Belgian is very much in the style of Metal Hurlant or heavy metal as it might be known to you guys very much a mobiusy kind of style Mobius of course being Jean Gerard the legendary French artist who contributed to the film's alien Tron and The Fifth Element but whose design style inspired countless other Sci-Fi movies another style is American modern which obviously has a very Marvel DC kind of superhero vibe to it American 1950 has a very retro look to it obviously but I will say to me this feels less accurate to that time period and more something that has been inspired by that era of comic book art that said the model Flying Saucer definitely has a much more accurate representation of those early comic books um this very much reminded me of kind of an EC Comics Vibe so I generated a scene of a woman running away from a bunch of zombies which seems Fairy Tales from the Crypt to me humanoid seems to be sort of a modernized version of Franco Belgian as the name implies that it is based off of the publisher humanoids who I am a big fan of haddock seems to have a very tintin-esque vibe to it which makes sense because I think the name is definitely a reference to Captain haddock and finally there is a moroccon which to be honest I'm not exactly sure what particular art style this is emulating perhaps someone with a art history degree can let me know in the comments below as a quick note I did want to jump in here to say that the channel has been hit with the dreaded YouTube invalid traffic bug this has been an issue for many YouTube creators resulting in a significant amount of at Revenue loss I've not seen any suspicious traffic in my YouTube analytics in fact hilariously actually YouTube says that my channel is getting the exact same amount of views as it usually does and reaching out to YouTube support they basically say I wish there was a button to make it go away but I don't have a button to make it go away all of which is to say this has made the patreon pretty important to the life of the channel so if you like the work that I'm doing here and would like to see it continue please do consider are joining all the videos that I post here are also posted there for members and I am working on a number of bonuses as well I am sorry this was a segment that I was hoping I would never have to make but I do thank you for considering the link is below hopping back over to the fun of comic Factory Julian has indicated that it runs on sdxl 1.0 four times one for each panel with 25 inference steps it also upscales by two we're going to take a look at that in just a minute now one thing to note is that the model is not generating fully narrative stories based off of prompts but I do have a trick for that in just a minute also the text does come in as that kind of garbled AI text but that's a pretty easy fix with Photoshop or any other image editor but now let's dive into why I think that this is a pretty interesting way of putting a comic book together comic Factory works best when you give it shorter prompts despite the fact that it initializes by asking for a story really I think you're better off asking it for a scene it really isn't in your interest to ask for very granular storytelling but as we're about to see I actually think that's one of its strengths so taking the prompt a cyber Monk and his robot friend walk through a deserted spaceship with the humanoids model it's a very humanoids-esque prompt um we get this page which is very lovely to look at but doesn't really hold up as an actual narrative we have our monk walking here suddenly our monk is inside the spaceship with his robot friend then he's like in some kind of command Bridge with some dude staring into the clouds and then he's over in some Bay with another robot but I do say with this material you can use kind of an AI version of the Marvel method to end up creating something pretty unique the Marvel method is a comic book production style that was popularized by Stan Lee it basically consisted of Stan writing a synopsis of what would happen in each issue and then handing that synopsis off to various artists such as Jack Kirby or Steve ditko those artists would take the synopsis and then draw the entire comic book before handing it back to Lee who would then write for the dialogue balloons and captions to be fair the method works so well that Lee ended up firing all of the other writers on staff and this definitely led to a major Schism between Lee Kirby dicko and many of the other artists considering that they never got storytelling credit for any of those classic stories but that is a whole other video but I do think that there is an interesting modified version of this that can yield some interesting story results for example taking a very basic story premise scene which was this space man landing on a volcano Planet uh comic Factory generated up these images which again don't make a ton of sense but by prompting the page three or four times and then slightly changing the scenario to move the story along there was enough raw material there that I can begin cut and pasting out very various panels and laying them into Photoshop the end result after about 45 minutes of fussing around was two pages that I think worked pretty well on our opening page we have a spaceship that goes into another establishment shot of a spaceship the spaceship landing on a deserted planet with a close-up of space guy our hero from there space guy goes out in his Rover buggy to explore the volcano Planet there's a speech balloon here that we could either remove or create some text for space guy to say and then he runs across a giant giger-esque ship now obviously space guy will be going into that ship in the next page and I'm pretty sure nothing good is gonna happen the end result was kind of a cut and paste job from the various other Pages as you can see here this was accomplished by taking panels that I liked from the original comic Factory output and laying them in one by one in an order that made narrative sense so as you generate pages in comic Factory tree all you have to do to export them is head down to this print button hit that and save it as a PDF those pages will then be upscaled to a resolution of 2321 by 3068 at a DPI of 300 which is pretty solid all in all I'd say if you're trying to channel like your inner Allen more or you're working on your 400 page graphic novel Opus this might not be the tool for you but if you're willing to kind of jam with the AI and treat it as a collaborator I think that it's a really cool tool to free form storytell and come up with some cool comics the project is very new so you know be mindful of any sort of weird buggy things that end up happening but Julian has said that he is going to be adding new models to Comic Factory soon again it is completely free you can find it at the link below next up we have and it's kind of funny talking about this because one of the problems that I mentioned that comic Factory has is that it can't do text and and ideogram has solved that problem for AI image Generations ideogram was created by a team of former Google brain employees and yeah it is pretty good from an AI image generation standpoint let's take our old friend the man in the blue business suit generated over in mid-journey this is just simply a man in a blue business suit walks down to city street at an aspect ratio of 16 9 in ideogram by taking our man in the blue business suit prompt you have three options for aspect ratios vertical square and widescreen and we'll use the 1610 aspect ratio here and then from there you actually have a number of different styles that you can choose from so let's try cinematic and you can actually mix and match these as well so cinematic photo let's say and generate from here to see what it looks like so here we are not bad the one finger is a little bit alongside but you know for the most part yeah this looks pretty solid but the real superpower of ideogram is the fact that you can prompt for text obviously this has been a struggle for mid-journey in this case I try to design a logo for a mountain apparel company called Peak threads and you know we kind of end up with teacock frauds over here and then tiak over here and Trey Pock over in that fourth one whereas ideogram just gives us Peak threads and there are some very creative and cool things you can do with it for example this user who created a 3D render of a KitKat made out of kitkats this one made me laugh kind of a play on the famous Mulder poster in The X-Files here's a nice graphic design piece that was put together by someone here's a poster for my new tropical themed bar and grill I will say while it is pretty solid it is still going to run into problems here and there as all AI software does for example when I try to get a logo for the channel uh theoretically came in as through Uriah please uh so it doesn't get things right all the time or it will just make things up as AI often does I decided to try to put together a novel cover for the game I am playing 12 years too late uh Alan Wake by remedy um the book cover looks pretty good but then it just decided to make up an author's name so it is written apparently by Danka Mindy for the record I do think that Danka Mindy is a pretty cool name and should be a character name and maybe Alan Wake too I think that ideogram really shines as a tool for those of you who are looking to create custom logos t-shirts or stickers basically it really flies with any task that you would say use Adobe Illustrator for and while occasionally you are going to run into some frustrating AI issues for example muscular body with T-shirt with the text perfect and idiogram just decided to put the hand over the P or just some misspelled words for example this was supposed to say the experimentalist it comes out the expera toll list I have found for the most part it generally gets text right until you hit about the three syllable limits so you know simpler words will probably yield better results for you if anything is just worth stopping by because the community there is having a blast with text and there is some pretty hilarious Generations there but if you're looking for some quick and really good graphic design or logos ideogram is the place to be and it's free I thank you for watching and as mentioned before here is a shout out to our current patreon members I hope to see your name there at some point in the future my name is Tim
Channel: Theoretically Media
Views: 301,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai art, ai comic book generator, ai comic book art, ai comic book stablediffusion, ai graphic novel maker, ai graphic novel generator free, ai text, ai graphic design, ai graphic design tutorials, ai graphic design software, free ai art generator, free ai image generator
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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