New FREE AI Video Generator & Free AI Image Upscaling!

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hey everyone today I've got a new free AI video generator I know that this is something that a lot of you have been looking for since Pico went into a paid tier system and this is the best one I have run across yet in that class plus we're going to take a look at another free tool this one is an image upscaler that kind of does the magnific thing only for free and finally a new video upscaler that will remaster up to 8K this one's not free but it is the first one that I've seen that gives topaz video a run for its money and it is way cheaper okay let's dive in kicking off we have a new AI video generator called pix firste this one is free for now at least I mean I presume they're not doing this out of Charity at some point or another there will be paid plans so hop in while you got the chance to get started with pix verse obviously we just sign up pix verse currently has text to video and image to video uh a prompt section A negative prompt section three different stylizes in realistic anime and 3D animation and supports a number of different aspect ratios so it does lack some of those bells and whistles that we've seen in p and Gen 2 namely camera motion controls and in andout painting I do expect that those features or something like them will be rolled in at some point or another but you know hey in the meantime it is free so starting off with an image to video test which is the thing that I think most of you tend to be the most interested in I took this mid Journey V6 image and brought it in leaving everything at default yields us this which does look really good yeah it does have that kind of AI Parallax you know uh character movement look with the eyes having that Mona Lisa gaze of just staring directly at you but it does look really really good the smoke effects do look very nice and realistic and there's very little morphing going on the one thing I was expecting to see was like this earring kind of like you know morphing larger smaller uh but no it it holds pretty consistent all the way through so yeah really well done the video exports at 1024 by 576 but there also is this upscale button which you can run comes in at a whopping 496 by 23 4 that's a pretty significant size when you punch in on the upscale you'll definitely see kind of a more animated uh kind of painted look on the model that's you know a byproduct obviously of upscaling to that size if you don't like that look I would say definitely upscale your video and then just scale it down to 1080 taking a look at some shots from the community feed that I thought were pretty good uh this one is apparently Seth Green staring at an eclipse uh overall I really like it the diversity of movement in the background characters feels like you know fairly natural there is a little bit of warping going on with this guy as he crosses behind Seth Green but I think that if this were a fast enough shot you really wouldn't notice that here's another one that really impressed me it has that analog 80s sci-fi vibe to it um but the parallaxing outside of the cockpit I mean that really looks very good another shot that I liked was this kind of you know classic AA film inspired shot with the prompt raindrops falling I'll note that there was no prompt for them to start kill kissing which means the bot is just a romantic at heart now I will say that there is definitely some warping and morphing going on as the noses come together but uh for the most part actually it looks pretty good definitely a few months ago this would have looked like an outtake from John Carpenter's The Thing finally this shot really did catch my eye there's a lot of movement in here the smoke looks really good uh and you know you've got a lot of characters walking now granted they are kind of doing the sort of zombie Shuffle but I think that if you were to lean into that and create some you know zombie apocalypse shots in this kind of documentary style it would look pretty cool we'll talk a little bit more about Motion in just a minute but first I wanted to swing over to text to video starting off with the ultimate Turing test of AI text to video the Smith test or Will Smith eating spaghetti so I'm sure most of you have seen it but just in case you haven't and it's always worth rewatching Will Smith eating spaghetti was a very early AI text to video test that kind of you know caught fire silliness aside The Smiths spaghetti test actually is a very good indicator of how coherent an AI video model can be you have Will Smith a face that you know everyone in the world knows spaghetti which is a pain to render in any artistic medium and then eating and chewing which you know obviously can get pretty horrific in AI video so I would not say that pix verse nailed it but it is pretty good uh The Prompt here was Will Smith eating spaghetti Fork into to mouth chewing with negative prompts of morphing deform face deformed hands extra limbs and long neck I will note that that result was cherry-picked out of a number of previous roles where it didn't work we had this one that is just static and then this one which was actually in all honesty probably my favorite I mean that's super surreal so yes kind of a fail on the Will Smith test that's okay I don't know of any AI text to video generator that has passed the Smith test as of yet so moving on uh this is a test prompt that I like to run a lot that is sort of inspired by George malle's trip to the moon crossed with music video director Chris Cunningham uh yeah this one came out pretty cool moving over to an Old Chestnut of the channel uh anyone who's watched more than one video of mine knows the man in the blue business suit uh so this is medium shot chest and face man in a blue business suit walking down a city street smiling sunglasses yeah it looks pretty decent it does have sort of a weird feeling of being green screened or comped like the background definitely feels like it's on a dollar the movement is a little bit weird on our man in the blue business suit I will say that in terms of current AI video that kind of like medium shot is generally the way to go as walking always looks a little bit uh weird and weightless we'll take a look at a few examples of that coming up in just a minute but first I did want to show off the same shot under the 3D animation preset this is with a different seed I don't know about you guys but I saw this guy and like the first thing that popped into my head was like Ned Ned Ryerson I don't know maybe it's just cuz he's got like a really punchable face and here he is again under the anime preset which looks really good and he knows it so moving back over to full body walking shots yes this does tend to be a problem in any AI video generator for example taking this image very much inspired by the upcoming Amazon TV show Fallout really really looking forward to that uh anyhow bringing that in and trying to you know animate it tends to end up in results like this where yeah it is working but it's just kind of a mess to be totally fair even Pika does not do a stellar job with this um you know the movement is a little bit weird and wonky um and then the dog you know just takes a seat and just starts scooting along I know what that means and it's fine as long as he's not doing on the carpet one thing I did stumble across while experimenting around with this is that you kind of do have camera controls with pix firste uh namely I was trying to get a no walking here uh although she does end up taking a step forward but by prompting camera pan we did actually get camera movement so although we don't have ful featured camera controls like Gen 2 or paa um you can still end up getting camera movement out of it you just simply have to prompt for it once again pix firste is completely free so you know head on over and start experimenting moving on to an AI image upscaler that kind of does the magnific thing and listen I don't want to harp on it too much yes I know magnific is expensive I do advocate for free trials and reduced cost just the other day in a tweet I had said that the comments on cost and the lack of a trial dominate the feedback that I get so this clearly is an issue I also mentioned that the price point is a big leap of faith for people and that's totally valid jav at magnific did respond with I think we'll be more confident about GPU costs negotiating that already so perhaps by voicing our concerns we have managed to reduce the cost somewhat uh in the meantime does have a free AI image creative upscaler is that what we're calling it that doesn't really roll off the tongue very well does it so I did look at this upscaler a while back back but Kaa has updated the model and it looks really good so starting off with this kind of lower res slightly fuzzier image of a cyberpunk woman standing on a street this image was actually generated using Korea's realtime generator the thing where you draw a sketch and then it basically generates based off of The Prompt that you give it so one thing I think is pretty neat about ka's model is that you'll take your reference image drop it in and then you'll see the prompt will actually start autogenerating for you it's kind of neat from there you have a few different styles to choose from um we'll start off with photo realistic and then sliders with the AI strength so this is how much the model is going to hallucinate over your base image the resemblance strength which obviously controls how much of the output resembles your original input and then the upscaling factor so this only goes up to an upscale factor of two though I suppose you could actually take that output and then re-input it in and then you know upscale another two so cranking all the sliders up because I very much am a turn to 11 kind of guy yields us this which looks really good I mean we asked for photo realistic we definitely got photo realistic uh yeah that looks really pretty nice and just because I know someone in the comments will ask this is the same image upscaled in magnific uh I don't want to turn this into a shootout or anything um those are both the images you guys can discuss amongst yourselves heading back over to Korea and since we used our man in the blue business suit in the last segment I figured let's just break out all the recurring characters so once again our old friend Dutch football player Daniela van denan dressed as a pirate again this looks nothing like the actual Daniela vanan uh running it through Korea with the photo realistic preset and then once again the AI strength cranked up to 100 uh yeah it looks really good with her although you do end up with like these weird uh kind of hallucinations where we start seeing like hands appearing in various places um yeah super real so the AI strength slider is something that you will definitely want to play around with again because Kaa currently at least is free I mean experiment to your heart's content I mean I will say minus the weird hands in the background this does look really really good so yeah Kudos Kaa sliding over to the video side of things one of the things that you guys have been asking quite a bit for is a video upscaler that is not topaz video at $299 there is no question topaz is on the pricier side now that said it is soft software and you know it is a one time you buy it you own it kind of situation so there is that that said if you have been looking for a more affordable alternative we now have pix op pix op pretty much does all of the stuff that topaz does though kind of more of an allart fashion so just to give you an idea of how much pix op might run you uh say if you did an AI generated trailer somewhere around 3 minutes which is actually kind of long for an AI video um and you were to run the deep rest restoration and super resolution models on it uh that total would end up being $6.4 now granted that's coming in with a 25% off discount in your first month so we are going to take a look at a comparison between pix op and topaz in just a second but first um I did want to walk you through the Pix op uh options so taking our shot from pix verse and bringing it into pix op sorry where is my mind there's a lot of pixies in here once we have it imported we can then assign a number of processes to it it actually gives you a score too um in this one apparently we are scoring high in noise but fairly middling in details and in colors so taking it and running it under the HQ input enhanced UHD 4K preset we do have a number of other options such as saving it out as a apple Pro res or as uh h265 color space profiles if you don't know what any of this stuff is just leave it on the default we can also change the bit rate um change the scanning from Progressive to interlaced again if you don't know what that is just leave it on auto and there are some pretty interesting presets down here uh such as an augmentor Face Forward uh that will relight your face um you can give it a color boost and even kind of bouquet your background more so taking a look at our upscales and this is always kind of a tricky thing to do considering that you know you're looking at 4K upscales through you know YouTube compression and then on top of it I only upload in 1080 because frankly I just don't feel like juggling a bunch of 4K material so I do have each of these video files available to you over on gumroad so you can download them and you know pick them apart on your own systems and monitors uh obviously they are completely free although as always you are welcome to leave a donation if you so choose never feel obligated though so this begins with the pix of verse native 4K upscale this is topaz's 4K upscale and finally pix op's 4K upscale and finally just to give you an idea of exactly how much of an upscale this is this is the initial output out of pixiverse so yeah while I know that upscaling is not always the most exciting thing in the world particularly since we haven't brought in like you know creativity hallucination sliders to video yet but it often is necessary to bring that final polish to your overall project so if something like topaz has been out of your price range for a while uh pix op might be a solution for you I will say obviously because topaz is running locally that is much faster I would say that one shot round trip uploading it to pix up having it ingested and then kicked back out was probably a 10minute process round trip so if you were thinking about using pix op I might suggest kind of either batching your files into one timeline or just upscaling entire projects the link for pix op is down below and I guess that's it for me today so two free things one paid thing that's not a bad ratio right thank you for watching my name is Tim
Channel: Theoretically Media
Views: 104,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: v-V8hVv2veE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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