"THE BATTLE IS THE LORD'S" - 10/12/2019

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will you pray with me father as we open your holy word I ask that you would cleanse me of all unrighteousness fill my life with your Holy Spirit's presence and power speak to me for me through me I promise your Lord I'll always give you the honor the glory and the praise in Jesus name I pray amen and amen that you pray that this message will be one that will speak to every heart he had a day you ever heard the expression no joke this is one of those kinds of messages and I asked that you pray with me there's a reason when we need hope and encouragement that we turn to the stories of triumph in the Bible the stories of the Bible give us so much hope remind us of the goodness and power of God and perhaps you have your own favorite Bible story Joseph in pharaoh's court or Daniel in the lion's den the three Hebrew boys and the fiery furnace David slaying Goliath with his five smooth stones but there is one story of victory and triumph in the Bible that I often turn to when I need hope when I need encouragement when I'm going through dark days and difficult periods in the book of second Chronicles if you have your Bible go with me to the book of 2nd chronicles chapter 20 verse to the book of 2nd chronicles chapter 20 verse 2 the Bible says there then there came some that told you Hacha faith saying there cometh a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea on this side Syria and behold they be in do you want to pronounce that word yourself or you want me to do it for you has as on tamo which is an in Getty and Jehoshaphat feared and set himself to seek the Lord and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judaea may God add a blessing to the reading of his word thank you God for many years that young King Jehoshaphat and his nation lived in relative peace and calm but near the end of his rule Jehoshaphat and the kingdom of Judah were suddenly and maliciously invaded by armies from Moab Emin and miR a messenger was sent to the king saying there cometh a great multitude against the Oh King an army from beyond the sea they have invaded Judah and are now close to taking the entire kingdom of Judah brothers and sisters even though Jehoshaphat for many years had been strengthening his armies and fortifying it is his cities even though he had been preparing for the attacks of the enemy this enemy who now threatened Judas sovereignty and security were more that they could handle on their own the witness of the scouts who were on the lookout for danger was Samba and sober a vast army they said a huge army has invaded our land the future looks dark and grim brothers and sisters in each of our lives there are situations and circumstances from which we are and for which we are no match there are times when our strength is not equal to our trials and so it was with Jehoshaphat he had walked with the Lord long enough to know that when you are warring against demonic activity and the forces of evil there are times when we can't place our hope in anything man can do for us and we have to admit and recognize that it is only through faith in God's power alone that we can make it through it is only through faith in what God alone is able to do on our behalf that we will be able to see victory and deliverance come into our lives and shine a bright light on a dark night sky that's why when trouble comes to our lives it is always good to read the places where we have seen God move and work hmm in our lives it is imperative that we rehearse the principles on which God has promised victory and deliverance so I want you to gain to go with me to a book of second chronicles chapter 20 verse 3 the book of second chronicles chapter 20 verse 3 and Jehoshaphat feared when I read this scripture I saw a spiritual formula for deliverance and victory that I want to give you today anybody here need a formula for victory and deliverance if you do you came to the right place first of all the Bible says when Jehoshaphat heard the enemies would come to destroy him were many the Bible says that Jehoshaphat what fear he did what he feared brothers and sisters it is only natural in our frail humanity to be afraid of the consequences that come with pain the consequences that come with suffering the enemy seeks to keep upon us all kinds of difficulty and sometimes you can't help but feel afraid you know as parents we try to look brave to our children when we're scared to death you know I'm right when troubling trials are scaring us and so when jihad the bottle says Jehoshaphat feared and when you're scared that tells me it's okay to turn to the Lord until God that you're afraid you're afraid and then the Bible says in 2nd chronicles 20 verse 3 Fath feared and what did he do he made a commitment he set himself to seek the Lord so the first thing you do when you're afraid is tell God you're scared and then seek his face that means to seek his favor and then the next thing Jehoshaphat did was he proclaimed a fast and then he did what a fast throughout all Judah and the next verse says that he gathered the Saints together amen gathered themselves Judah together to ask now you know first of all you can't be so proud that you refuse to take those first few critical steps number one tell God if anybody want to be victorious here today anybody want deliverance today I'm giving you the formula for victory and deliverance today the first thing you do is tell God you're scared the second thing you do is set your face to the Lord and the third thing you do is mmm you gather the Saints together the Bible says the next thing Jehoshaphat did was ask God to help you see the certain Lord says it this way she says it is those who feel themselves sinful before God poor and helpless that Jesus loves to help I want to be in that number of people that Jesus loves to help hallelujah she says it is those who feel themselves sin fool before God poor hey you can check that box poor and helpless that Jesus what love still those are the ones who will appreciate his aid they have a longing desire she says to do the Masters work and knowing that the power is not of themselves they take hold of the mighty arm of God and by faith claim his promises because guess what she says jesus knows our every weakness he is agreed with all our infirmities and yet still loves to help us or if you get anything from this message today take that word home with you Jesus loves to help you've always loved helping your own children haven't you you've tried to help them learn to talk and walk and eat and live prepare for the challenges you knew they wouldn't meet as they grew older and even when they make mistakes the Father's heart is in your heart and you love to help your children what makes you don't understand that God loves to help his children he's not aren't you glad God is not we read by our calls for help can I tell you a secret no matter how generous somebody is there's something called donor fatigue if you call them too much and let the old folks used to say don't wear out your welcome are you listening to me today you can't wear out your welcome with God hallelujah God aren't you glad God is not we read by your calls for help he's not tired of your fears and tears he's not drained by your worries and concerns he doesn't lose patience with you because you call him too much you know somebody keeps calling your phone you will block that number but thank God you serve a God who loves to hell who loves to come to your rescue who loves to come to us with help in our time of need other people may weary of our cries but not God and so Jehoshaphat announced a day of prayer and fasting they came from all over the country to ask the Lord for protection brothers and sisters God's heart is touched when one person prays but his heart is moved when many pray so you so what am I saying you see there come more you you're not gonna be blessed if you've got too much pride because there come moments in your life when you need not just to pray but you need many to pray with you oh I didn't say that the Word of God says that James chapter five verse 14 the book of James chapter five verse 14 you know that Scripture is any sick among you send for the pastor huh it says let him call for the elders plural and let him pray over there let them pray over him there come moments in life when you just not just your prayer you need others to pray with you and for you let them anoint let them anoint you with oil and then look at 2nd chronicles chapter 20 verse 5 and Jehoshaphat stood in the congregation of Judah and Jerusalem in the house of the Lord before the new court what does that tell me that tells me I thank God you ought to thank God we ought to thank God for a master who is a praying man or praying woman he needs to know how to pray and move the hand of God and I love the prayer Jehoshaphat prayed it was a bold prayer it was an audacious prayer some might even say his prayer was presumptuous now let's look at verse 6 listen to the prayer of Jehoshaphat Jehoshaphat said in verse 6 God what I know about you you already know about yourself before we read there is in the English language a technique called a rhetorical question a rhetorical question is one that makes a point the other person already knows it is a question that does not require a direct answer so that's how Jehoshaphat spoke here in verse 6 he said O Lord God of our fathers art thou not God in heaven he's asking God a question God already knows the answer to art thou not God in heaven and rulers not thou over all the kingdoms of the heathen and in deine han is there not power and night so that none is able to withstand e Lord he said I am declaring what you already know you are the God of heaven and earth you know you rule over all nations and kingdoms you know all power is yours and there is no one who can stand up against you aren't you not our God who in front of our very eyes draw out the inhabitants of this land gave it to the descendants and seed of Abraham your friend forever oh I want to be a friend forever with johash aphaia was reminding god of what he did what God did on behalf of those who trusted him in the past and then look at verse eight Lord he said your people have built a temple here to worship you and verse nine because we believed that when troubles come whether through famine war sickness or calamity that if we come to your house somebody say come to your house if we just come to your house that's why it's important to come to church it's important to come to the house of God says if we just come to your house and stand in your presence if we look to you for help in our time of need and distress we believe that you would hear our prayers and save us and look at verse twelve o Lord our God will not judge them for we have no might against this great company that cometh against us neither know we what to do but our eyes are upon thee please Lord help us we're helpless against this huge army Lord this problem is to anybody saying Lord this problem is too big for me Lord we don't know what to do Lord our eyes are looking to you for help keep down not silent hold not thy peace brothers and sisters while they were still praying the Bible tells us that the Spirit of the Lord fell upon the Prophet jahaziel and he said listen up Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem how can he all Judah thus saith the Lord and miss look at verse 15 don't be afraid nor be discouraged because of this great multitude that has come before you for the battle for the babble is not yours but gods I'm gonna tell you where your enemy is but all I want you to do says God is watch some babbles God says all I want you to do is watch you will need to fight just watch take up your positions like you're gonna fight but just watch I don't want you to fight I just want you to watch I want you to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord watch me fear not neither be dismayed tomorrow you go out against them for the Lord will be with you and so early in the morning as they advance into the wilderness to do battle Jehoshaphat said to the people here o Judah believe in the Lord your God so shall ye be established in other words have faith in the Lord he will bring the victory now look at verse 8 18 verse 18 2nd chronicles chapter 20 Josephus fell on his knees bowed his head down to the ground and all Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem fell before the Lord worshiping the Lord and then I love this and then then and then the Levites of the children of the kohathites and all of the children of the croisé stood up before the battle they stood up and began - praise the Lord God of Israel with a loud voice on how the Levites organized themselves like my Deaconess is did today organize themselves into a choir and they marched ahead of the army singing praise be to the Lord give thanks his love is eternal his love never fails and then look at verse 22 it tells us that when the armies of Judah heard the hymns of praise and victory and the armies of Edom and adamant and moya they were thrown into confusion and they turned on each other and destroyed each other my god is bad my god is awesome you don't even have to fight your enemies he will turn your enemies on each other that's the kind of God you said suddenly Lord says doesn't what loi says she said if we did more praising if we praise God we were be engaged in now hope and courage and faith would increase if we praised him and she said would not this strengthen the hands of the valiant soldiers who today are standing in defense of truth now look at verse 22 second chronicles chapter 22 and when they began hallelujah God somebody's Amen when they began to sing and to praise the Lord praise the Lord set ambushment in when Judah came to what the watch town wilderness they looked into the multitude and behold there were dead bodies I'm explaining what the scripture said all of a sudden there were dead bodies fallen to the earth none escaped because they look at what the last three words they were what smitten did God's people didn't even need to fight because God had fought the battle for them and then look at verse 30 so under Jehoshaphat the kingdom of Judah was at peace because God gave them rest on all sides do you know why God why it says God gave them rest on all sides because everybody who heard how good God had been to his people said we are leaving those people alone don't mess with God's people God was the strength of Judah in this crisis and he is the strength of his people today we are not to trust in Princes or to set men in the place of God we are we are to remember that human beings we are fallible we are caring God is the one who has all the power he is our help and defense in every emergency our God his resources are limitless let me let me tell you know you know that quote the Lord has a thousand and one ways to provide for our one way every one way you think you're God you're God's imagination it's so limitless he you can only think of one way of solving a problem he's got a thousand and one ways to every one way you can think of that's what makes impossibilities conquerable to God when you realize that no scheme or plan you have can ever really solve your problems when you realize that the problem you have is bigger than you are and bigger than you can handle it is when you realize that only God can help that deliverance comes when you realize only God can help me in this matter my brother my sister you may be in that predicament today where all around you is danger all around you is ruin all around you facing you is bankruptcy and collapse all around you the enemies of your soul want to invade and destroy you I only ask you today to whom are you looking you are you're looking to your banker are you looking to your investments to whom are you looking for your help when Jehoshaphat the king his eyes away from his enemies and fixed his eyes on God his problem was answered his deliverance was assured when you know that God is with you it matters not how dark the night or how monumental the problem is that confronts you when you know God is with you it doesn't matter what anybody else says about you God's message to Jehoshaphat is still his message to us today stand still brother sister let me handle the situation when you feel like you want to panic I said when you feel like you want to panic and do something or maybe some of us say I got to do anything no no no God says stand still let me handle it God wants you to stop worrying and let him handle the situation and I know it's easier said than done somebody just don't worry yeah but you don't know what I'm going through but what I'm here to tell you it's easier said than done but nevertheless that's what you gotta do you can't worry how can I say this Johar sure won the battle remember without firing one shot and so can you there are times when God will tell you don't make any desperate moves there are times when God will tell you don't make any desperate moose stand still today can I preach my heart out today doing nothing with God is better than doing something without him when God says stand still doing nothing and waiting on God is better than saying I'm gonna run out and do something even if he's not with me because nothing you can do will really help your situation there are times when only God can do what is needed to be done when you need miracles you have to remember only God is in the miracle-working business and only God and God alone will be your help and strength when the pursuing Egyptians trapped the Israelites at the Red Sea you know what Moses said he said the same thing no need to fear stand still hallelujah god I'm gonna get excited all by myself see the salvation of the Lord the Lord will fight for you and he will you all you got to do oh let's come on let's look at it Exodus chapter 14 turn with me in the Bible Exodus chapter 14 verse 13 and 14 Exodus chapter 14 verses 13 and 14 and what is the Lord say there somebody read it for me today what does it say Exodus 14 verse 13 and 14 Moses said unto the people what stand still see the salvation of the Lord which he will show to you today for the Egyptians you shall see them no more forever hallelujah God so much a God alone can win the victory and it's only your faith that will teach you to stand back and let God have it let God do what only he can do faith will cease from struggling it will rest upon his night you see God's command to stand still is a call to have faith and this is the secret of victorious living our eyes turn to thee from whence cometh our help and our strain my brother my sister but maybe today you fully realize the difficulty of a situation that you are in and your first of all you're saying God I needed to be here today God how could you know so many times I preached it and the people come pastor how did you know today you realize the difficulty of the situation in and your humble prayer is Lord we have no might against this company neither do I know what to do but I'm gonna turn to you and I say to you today my brother my sister don't look upon the magnitude of the difficulty that you face your gullet can I can I can I just get happy by myself your God is never intimidated by any crisis he has never daunted by any danger he is never scared by any threat your God is never frightened by any menace your God is never apprehensive or overwhelmed he is never nervous your God can never be terrified he has never anxious she's never upset he's never unsettled he he doesn't panic my God doesn't panic you can't threaten my god you can't bully my god you can't coerce my god you can't look you can't cause my God to lose his composure our God has given us a spirit of love and power and you know God is on your side when you know he's on your side you can sing songs of victory I love this you can look at the enemy in his face and sing a song of praise and victory right in his face when God is on your side enemies who are allied together will begin fighting each other when God is on your side at the end of your trial you will be richer than the beginning of your trial let me say that one more time when God is on your side you are richer at the end of your trial than at the beginning God will give you a dim good he will add like it's a good end good here he'll add good to good and you'll give you a future you never dreamed of and there are two kinds of songs before I leave there are two kinds of songs sung by Jehoshaphat in the midst of this trial one was a hymn of praise the other was a hymn of deliverance you see in this life we all face trials we all face tribulations that means trouble will be on your left hand and before you know it trouble will be on your right hand sorrow will be all around you pain will be behind you sickness is in front of you yeah yes I just said it and it's the truth no matter how healthy you think you are sickness is in front of you but God says no need to fear I will sustain you I will keep you I will hold you I will carry you when you're drowning in life's difficulties I'll throw you a lifeline you'll feel like you're losing battles you never thought you'd have to fight some of us are fighting battles we never thought we'd have to fight when you find yourself not knowing what to do call on the name of the Lord because the battle is not yours it's God sometimes you might feel as if hell is all around you and destruction and ruin is at your door but I want you to know the battle is not yours the Lord will deliver you I want you to know there is power when you call on the name of God there is healing when you call on the name of the Lord is there anybody here today who needs God to deliver you from the grip of trouble from the grip of suffering the grip of pain the grip of difficulty the grip of financial troubles is anybody here today who needs God to deliver you from the grip of sorrow the grip of fear the grip of distress and stress you can do what your heart did call on the name of the Lord and sing a song of praise and the battle is not yours it's the laws when it seemed like there's no way out and all hope is gone - its Jehoshaphat did call on the name of God and don't just don't just don't just call on him in the time of truck call on him with everything's going great call on the love and everything is going great praise the Lord thank you Jesus and remember the battle is not yours oh my can I pray sit can I praise my God today he delivered Israel from the bonds of slavery he parted the Red Sea he turned bit of water into sweet water my God is an awesome God he reigns manna from heaven poured water from a rock caused caused the shoes and clothes of four million people to last for almost 40 years can you imagine a shoe on your feet lasting for thirty years that's what God will do for you regardless of your problems trust him regardless of your finances trust him regardless of your health trust him regardless of what you think trust him the Bible tells us we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us and he also says you are more than conquerors trust him let me tell you what's happening right now as you were praying for God's help because some some of you are shouting because you love church some when some people are shouting because they're going through an experience they know these are not just words God is speaking to somebody today who need some encouragement let me tell you can I tell you what's happening when you are praising and praying let me tell you what happens right now as you are praying did you know when you say hell the Holy Spirit interprets that one word I'm not sure you understand as you say god help me while you are saying God help me Jesus is looking into the eyes of his father and he's speaking your name and he's in he's interpreting asking the Father to do for you what you can't do for yourself so so so just know while you are praying Jesus is your advocate and angels are being dispatched to place a hedge of protection around you even as the devil is plotting and conniving and setting snares and traps to entangle you as you pray god help me my Bible tells me that you have an advocate and by the way by the way for those of you who may not know did you know that that phrase fear not fear not is in the Bible 62 times fear not that means there's a fear not for every second of every minute there's a fear not for every minute of every hour trust him fear will never conquer your enemy but trust will trust in God oh I got to quit today but I'm having a blessed time fear thou not for I am with thee be not dismayed for i am thick thank God I will help you anybody need God's help today so you can leave this church saying God is my help you're not cocky you're not arrogant you just confident don't be discouraged don't be dismayed don't get weary in well-doing God allows and I love this God allows the battles that you are fighting to come to your life not to show your weakness but to show his strength that is why your battles your battles are not really your battles because they have come not to show your weakness but his strength so that's why the Word of God says the battle is it's not about you to show your weakness it's about God to show his strength and he will never put you into the midst of a battle to prove your strength aren't you glad that nothing is too difficult for your God anybody has a battle to fight you need God to fight it for you I want you to step out of the aisle and come down to this altar we're gonna pray together before we close this service do you have a battle you need God to fight for you step out of there come down we're gonna pray do you have a battle do you have a battle do you have to fight for you Gregg is his faithfulness come to the altar I got a battle god I need you to fight it from me somebody's got a battle of addiction you can't beat that on your own God has to fight that battle for you you just need to stay in his presence keep your eyes on his face stay in the presence of God do you know something the devil can't get to you when you stay in his presence there's only when you kind of kind of slip out there was I got him I got her [Music] he'll fight your battles somebody's got an emotional battle Stu big for you you can't handle that sat next to a lady on on the way to the airport the shuttle from the rent-a-car place to the airport she sits down besides me and the first thing she said to me as she sat down beside me you know I'm bipolar lord have mercy but we had a beautiful conversation you can't beat that on your God has to fight that [Music] I wish I could tell you and one day I might be able to I've had some battles to fight and still do but I'm learning a Jehoshaphat [Music] tell God I'm scared turn my face to him I'm learning to just tell him I need your help and I got to remember he loves to help God is not grudging with his help he loves it the richest person in the world will tire of you but not God he loves to help and so I'm learning ask him to help and then I'm also learning when I ask God for help I gotta praise him even when it doesn't work out right away I need to just keep praising him like Jehoshaphat praise Him before the battle praise Him in the battle praise Him after the battle worship Him praise now I'm gonna pray for everybody who's come today let's borrow his father I thank you dear God for your presence in this church today thank you for your spirits healing presence among us today [Music] Lord it is so difficult for us to understand but everybody is in a battle everybody is in some kind of battle and you told us through your word to remember just trust me and remember I will fight for you the battle is not yours it's not your responsibility to win it the battle is not your responsibility to win it is not yours it's my responsibility to win this battle for you all I ask is that you stand still and see the salvation of the Lord it's my battle so as you walk out of here today encouraged and thanking God praising him when you see the spheres of the battle coming to what you just tell a lot there is Lord is your responsibility because I can't handle this by myself it's yours [Music] father I'm gonna ask something that I often ask occasionally and that is everybody here today whatever the battle is let them see in the next week this coming week a breakthrough [Music] whatever the battle is let them see this week a breakthrough a miracle let them know that you are still in charge and the battle is the Lord's not ours we're gonna we're gonna claim it by faith because we know you love to help we pray in the name of Jesus and I knew your God and somebody see somebody say Amen somebody say hallelujah and turn to that person next to you and say God loves to help God loves to help quietly go back to your seat [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Palm Bay Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Views: 13,713
Rating: 4.630435 out of 5
Keywords: Church Service, Prayer, Palm Bay
Id: oSthnibupA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 9sec (2949 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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