The Lord, Mighty in Battle

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The following message by Alistair Begg is  made available by Truth For Life  for   more information visit  us online at  I invite you to turn with me  to 2 Samuel and to chapter 5,   and we’re going to read from the seventeenth  verse to the end of the chapter. Second Samuel   and chapter 5 and reading  from the seventeenth verse.  “When the Philistines heard that David  had been anointed king over Israel, all   the Philistines went up to search for David. But  David heard of it and went down to the stronghold.   Now the Philistines had come and spread out in the  Valley of Rephaim. And David inquired of the LORD,   ‘Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will  you give them into my hand?’ And the LORD said   to David, ‘Go up, for I will certainly give the  Philistines into your hand.’ And David came to   Baal-perazim, and David defeated them there. And  he said, ‘The LORD has broken through my enemies   before me like a breaking flood.’ Therefore  the name of that place is called Baal-perazim.   And the Philistines left their idols there,  and David and his men carried them away.  “And the Philistines came up yet again  and spread out in the Valley of Rephaim.   And when David inquired of the  LORD, he said, ‘You shall not go up;   go around to their rear, and come against  them opposite the balsam trees. And when   you hear the sound of marching in the tops  of the balsam trees, then rouse yourself,   for then the LORD has gone out before you  to strike down the army of the Philistines.’   And David did as the LORD commanded him, and  struck down the Philistines from Geba to Gezer.”  Thanks be to God for his Word. And we bow and pray:  Your Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our  path. We pray now that the light of your Word will   shine by the Holy Spirit into our lives,  illumining our understanding and showing us   Christ and enabling us to bow before him as our  Lord and King. For we pray in his name. Amen.  Those of you who enjoyed  Shakespeare at school will   probably, like me, only remember a  very few of the quotes that we were   called to recall or to be able to explain. And if  you did Julius Caesar, then at least you know that   “there is a tide in the affairs of men which,  taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.”   You know that Brutus said to his comrades,  seeking to engage them in this military endeavor,   that if you miss the tide, then the voyage of your  life will be bound in shallows and in miseries.   It’s quite a dramatic statement: “There is a  tide…” There is a moment. There is a current. If   you catch the swell, you can benefit from it. If  you miss it, then there is significance to that.  Now, that phrase was in my mind as I came to this  passage, because what we have here in the record   of these two battles is actually a defining  moment in the whole story of David’s kingship.   Indeed, either of the commanders could have  taken up that quote from Brutus in Julius Caesar   and said to their troops, “Now this is absolutely  crucial. It is important that we win this battle.”   It was an important battle not  only for the people who fought it,   but it was an important battle for  the generations that would follow.  And so, when you’re reading Isaiah the prophet  sometime, you will come, around the twenty-eighth   chapter, to a section where he actually alludes  to what we have described here in 2 Samuel.   And he says, you know, “God will rise up, as  in Mount Perazim. God will show himself strong,   as in the valley of Gibeah.” And what Isaiah  recognized was that although those events   were two hundred years in the past, they had so  embedded themselves in the minds of the people   of God that they could be referred to even as  a passing reference, in much the same way that   the Battle of Dunkirk or the Battle of Britain  or the Normandy landings are part and parcel   of contemporary conversation, alluded to at  various points along the way because everybody   recognizes that was a decisive, defining moment. And so, what we have here in the end of chapter 5   is just such a moment. At this point, the  Philistines represent a threat. By the end,   they won’t. And by the end,  David will be firmly established.  Now, we come to this having endeavored  to deal with the previous verses.   And let me just remind you that we have seen how  David—and you can see, if your text is open—how   David was “established,” in verse 12, as the  “king over Israel”; in that same verse, how   God’s kingdom through David was “exalted”; and  how David in turn then came to be recognized—came   to be, if you like, internationally recognized,  as the king of Tyre, out on the coastline there,   came to him to offer his congratulations, to  offer his services, to offer his resources.  So you have this picture, then, of David:  established, exalted, recognized. Now he   has moved from being a cave dweller to being  someone who lives in the house of the king,   thereby raising the question for himself  and for all: We’ve seen that he can live   as a kind of renegade in a cave, but how  will he do living as a king in a palace?   It’s reminiscent, isn’t it, of what Paul  says: “I have learned both how to abound,   and I have learned how to be abased. I have  learned in all things to be contented.”  Now, as we continue this story, we say,  “Well, I wonder how David is going to do.”   Because now he has affluence. Now he has the  potential for self-sufficiency. Therefore,   he is vulnerable. Vulnerable. In fact, I decided  that, just to keep the run of the words going,   I would say that not only do we see him  established and exalted and recognized,   but we see him compromised. And those of you who  were present last Sunday evening will recall how   I said that the fact that he took to himself these  concubines and these wives was not a good thing.   It was not a good sign. You see, because David  knew what the command of God was in relationship   to the person who would become the king. And you  can follow this up in the book of Deuteronomy. It   is clearly there in Deuteronomy 17. And God says  through his servant, “The king shall not acquire   for himself many wives, lest his heart turn away.” Now, here’s a question: Didn’t David know this?   Of course he knew it! So what  does he think he’s doing?   Has he now found himself in the position that  others find themselves in, where they begin to say   to themselves, “I know the rule, but I don’t think  it applies to me; I think it applies to everybody   else”? And what he’s actually done here is he  has succumbed to the cultural mores of his time   rather than submitted to the law of God. Now, you say, “Well, I thought David is our great   hero?” No, he’s not our great hero. You’ve gotta  be careful of heroes. You’ve gotta be careful of   heroes both in the Bible… There’s only really one  hero in the Bible, and that is God himself. You’ve   certainly gotta be careful of heroes who represent  to you anything by way of the role of whether   it is pastor or elder or leader or whatever it  might be. Because everyone is sinful. Everyone   has feet of clay. Everyone will at some point  eventually let you down. You can guarantee it.  And so, there is a warning, there is an inherent  warning in this. And some of us recoil from this,   because we think, “You’re not allowed to say  anything bad about David, because this is…   David is the king!” No, David is capable of  acts of phenomenal bravery and at the same time   of stupidity. Because what these marriages are  doing—and we’ll find this if we ever live long   enough to continue the story—what these marriages  are actually doing is paving the way for rivalry,   chaos in the family, and actually, ultimately for  civil war. So in other words, that the temptation,   the allure, the possibility of building a dynasty  for himself… “Hey, I’m the king. This is what   kings do.” “Yeah, but what about the law of God?”  “Don’t worry about the law of God right now.   This is what I want to do.” Well, guess what?  You will pay the price. “God is not mocked.   Whatsoever a man sows, that he also reaps.” Now, what does this mean? It means at least this:   that by this point in the story, all of us  ought to be absolutely clear that God’s kingdom   is ultimately safe only in the hands of “great  David’s greater Son” —that God’s kingdom is   ultimately only safe in the hands of Jesus, who  is the King; Jesus, who was able to say, “I always   do what pleases the Father.” Always, without  exception—unlike David, who foreshadows him.  Now, with all that said—and heeding the inherent  warning that is contained in it, I hope—we   actually now have David at his best. We have  the spotlight shining on him, and he’s doing a   tremendous job fighting the Philistines. Because,  after all, that was the divine mandate that had   been prepared for him. When Abner had gone to  the elders, he had said to them, “You know,   this is God’s plan for David, this is why you  ought to join his army, this is why we ought   to be united under his rule: because ‘by the  hand of my servant’”—this is 3:18—“‘by the hand   of my servant David I will save my people  Israel from the hand of the Philistines.’”   And so Abner says, “So it only makes sense  that you folks who are in the South and all   who are in the North should be united under the  kingdom of David himself, because after all,   the Philistines have been a complete, utter  disaster and nuisance to us for such a long time.”   Incidentally, if we were to backtrack on that,  you can see, all the way into the book of Genesis,   how when God gives a command and says to destroy  something or get rid of something and people say,   “No, I don’t want to, I just want to keep a  little bit of it, I want to keep some of them   over there, just a little part,” and so on, the  inevitable impact of that eventually comes home.  And that’s exactly what we have here. That’s why  these people, the Philistines… We tend to think   of the Philistines as sort of crass, people who  wouldn’t go to the Cleveland Symphony or something   like that. But no. The Philistines were at the  very forefront of things at this point in history.   They were the ones who, in terms of their  military prowess and in their organization   and everything else, they were the force to  be reckoned with. And David understands this.   And therefore, they must be dealt with. Now, what you have in the balance of the passage   is two attempts by the Philistines to crush the  kingdom in its infancy. To crush the kingdom in   its infancy. It makes perfect sense, doesn’t  it? Once they hear of what has taken place,   they say, “Well, the best thing we can do is  go and deal with it.” It’s the story, actually,   throughout the Bible. It’s why we read in Psalm  2: the kings of the earth unite against the Lord’s   King, whom he sets in Zion —all the way through  Scripture. That’s why when you come to the advent   series and when you come into the birth  of Jesus, what do you find? That one of   the kings of the earth takes his stand against  the Lord’s Anointed. He says to the wise men,   he says, “Listen, if you could go and find him  and come back and bring me news of him, I would   really be interested, you know, to meet him and  so on.” But in actual fact, what is Herod doing?   In his fury, he then calls for the slaughter of  the innocents, for male children in the region   under the age of two. What is happening there?  The same thing that is happening here, you see:   that the kings of the earth take their stand  against the Lord’s Anointed. David is the   Lord’s anointed. The Philistines say,  “Let’s go and take him out right now.”  The First Battle Now,   rather than try and come up with some clever  points here, let’s just follow the camera,   as it were, as it swings back and forth  between David and the Philistines.  First of all, the camera is on the Philistines  here in verse 17: “When the Philistines heard…”   When they heard. Well, what was it that they  heard? Well, they heard, essentially, the third   verse of the chapter: that King David had made a  covenant with the elders of Israel at Hebron, and   that he had been anointed as the king over all of  Israel. And that news had reached the Philistines.  Incidentally, the Philistines are nowhere  in these first five chapters, are they?   So, they haven’t been on vacation. They must  have been doing whatever they were doing. But   the narrator has not included anything about  the Philistines. And here they come again:   “[But] when the Philistines heard … [they]  went up to search.” They “went up to search.”   “All the Philistines went up to search.”  The little “all” is important. They went en   masse. They were a significant force. They all  went up to search, and then, if you look down,   it says that they then, in verse 18, they came and  they “spread out in the valley of the Rephaim.”  Now, that little phrase there, “and [they] spread  out,” is just making the point that there was a   great, vast army of them. There wasn’t just  a handful of people. This was not the kind   of search party that you might send out just for  an individual. No, this was a display of force:   “What we’re going to do is we will establish  ourselves. We will spread out across the valley   of the Rephaim.” The Rephaim were the giants.  Therefore, they spread out in the valley of the   giants. David knew about giants. He had dealt  with one of the Philistine giants, as you know.  He also knew that they had made a complete mess  of Saul’s army. They had defeated Saul’s army.   We read that back at the end of the first  book. So he knew what they had done and what   they were capable of. But at the same time,  they knew him and what he was capable of.   Because remember, he had actually gone over to  the Philistines. I hope we haven’t forgotten   that already. Remember, strangely, we said,  that he went over and he joined Achish,   and Achish said, “Why don’t you have Ziklag?” So  he had his own little place and his own territory,   and he went out, and he made these raids on  people. And when he came back, Achish said, “What   were you doing today?” He says, “Oh, I was dealing  with your enemies.” Achish might have said, “Why   do you never bring any of them back?” The narrator  tells us why he didn’t bring any of them back:   he had them all killed! Because if he brought  any of them back, then those people would tell   him exactly what was going on, which was that  he was not actually killing any of his own   people. He wasn’t dealing with Israel. He was  dealing with the enemies of the Philistines,   but he was not dealing with his own people. And that, you remember, led to the great   compromise where the battle is going to have  to go. He’s gonna have to be on the side of   the Philistines. He gets bailed out by the fact  that some of the people who are the commanders of   the forces came to Achish and said, “You can’t  have this guy in our team, because after all,   he may turn around and use this as a rear-guard  action and slaughter the whole lot of us.”   And, of course, he’s dispatched at that point. Well, the Philistines heard,   and the Philistines searched, and the Philistines  spread out. Now the camera turns to David:   “But David heard of it.” “David heard of it.” So  they heard he was made the king, he’s now being   told that they have spread out in the valley of  the Rephaim, and David then “went down to the   stronghold.” Where that stronghold is we’re not  told; therefore, we won’t spend time speculating.  It’s interesting that he “went down to the  stronghold.” We had looked at this Millo   in our study, I think, last Sunday evening,  the possibility of what it might represent.   What it represented was safety. I actually first  of all wrote down, “And the Philistines went up to   search, and David went down to hide.” And then I  thought, “No, I don’t think it’s fair that he went   down to hide. I don’t think he was necessarily  hiding. But he was phenomenally sensible, wasn’t   he?” He could have started immediately on, you  know, “I’m the king. I’m the king of the castle.   These Philistines, these dirty wee rascals,  these folks, I’ll take care of them.” No! No.  Trust in the Lord with all your heart,  and do not rely on your own insight.  In all your ways acknowledge him,  and he will direct your paths.  That was David’s boy that wrote that.  So David is eminently sensible here. One of the  things that it is important for us as pilgrims   along the journey to remember is that common  sense is really pretty helpful. Especially   the greater its absence, the more wonderful it is  when we discover it. And so that’s what he did. He   “went down.” His response was a sensible response,  and his response was a submissive response.   He “went down to the stronghold,” and  then, notice, he “inquired of the LORD.”   “Inquired of the LORD.” And his inquiry  was straightforward: “Shall I …? Will   you …?” “Shall I go up against the Philistines?”  And secondly, “Will you give them into my hand?”   So we don’t have a king here who’s  just blustering ahead. He goes to   the stronghold. He inquires of the Lord. And the Lord’s reply is straightforward,   there in 19b: “And the LORD said to  David, ‘Go up’”—that’s the command—“‘for   I will certainly give the Philistines into your  hand’”—that is the promise. So God gives him   a command to obey, and he gives him a promise  to trust. You say, “Oh, maybe that’s why we just   sang that hymn.” That’s exactly why we sang that  hymn! A command to obey and a promise to trust.  And what happens? In taking the Lord at his word,  “David defeated them there”: “And David came to   Baal-perazim, and David defeated them there.” Now, as a result of that, the place got its name:   “‘The LORD has broken through my enemies  before me like a breaking flood.’   Therefore the name of that  place is called Baal-perazim.”   It wasn’t called Baal-perazim when he  went there. It was called Baal-perazim   after he had done what he did. Because  Baal-perazim means “Lord of the breakthrough.”   So, in other words, he inquires of the  Lord; he gets a clear command from the Lord,   a promise from the Lord; on the strength of  that, he goes forward; the Lord breaks through;   and David essentially says, or someone says to  him, “You know, we’ve got to call this place   the ‘Lord of the breakthrough’ place.” Because  what had happened was he discovered that the Lord,   in the way that a huge flood may come  through and drive everything in its wake,   God had come in that way—a torrent of  water breaking everything in its path.   God streams out, as it were, on behalf  of his people. Ralph Davis puts it in   his own inimitable style when he says, “Yahweh  levels the opposition, and David names the site   Smasherton.” Smasherton. That is pretty  good! “And he called the name of the place   Smasherton.” Well, that drives it home,  doesn’t it? He absolutely smashed them.  You see, what had happened is an incredible  reversal. You say, “What’s the reversal?” Well,   remember how the book ended in chapter 31, where  the Philistines were fighting against Israel,   and “Israel fled before the Philistines and  [lay] slain on [the mountain of] Gilboa.”   And as you read through that, you remember that  the Philistines absolutely decimated them. And   at the end of that, Saul was decapitated, and  the messengers were sent through the land—I   hope you remember this—they were sent through the  land to carry the good news of what had happened   to the place of their idols. I’m just looking  for this. It’s in verse 9, 31:9 of 1 Samuel:   “So they cut off his head,” they “stripped off  his armor,” they “sent messengers throughout the   land of the Philistines, to carry the good news  to the house of their idols and to the people.”  Now, if you look back at where we are: “‘The  LORD has broken through my enemies before   me like a … flood.’ Therefore the name … is …  Baal-perazim.” And then look at this picture,   verse 21: “And the Philistines left their  idols there, and David and his men carried   them away.” Now, we can’t keep backtracking  all the time, but you ought at least make   a note in your head that says, “Now, wait a  minute. We’ve seen this from the beginning,   haven’t we?” Yes, we have. Do you remember when  they captured the ark? And when we get to 6,   the ark will be back. But when they captured  the ark, they thought, “If we have the ark,   we’ve got their god. Because they’ve got God in a  box.” And you remember what happened with Dagon,   and how Dagon falls on his face, and they prop  him up, and he falls on his face again. And   eventually somebody says, “You know, we’ve gotta  get rid of this ark. This ark is killing us!”   The ark, if you like, was consuming them.  And now here is this great reversal,   and now the idols of the Philistines are consumed   by David and his forces. And they lie there  as a silent testimony to their futility.  All the idols that man creates, that we create  for ourselves, they are all self-depleting.   They make promises, but they can’t  satisfy—whatever our idol of choice is.   My own significance: “How significant are you?”  “Not as significant as I would like to be,   but more significant than her, a little  more than him.” So you die as a result   of your insignificance in your search  for significance. Whatever the idol is,   it is an absolute folly. The idols of every  age promise, but they can’t satisfy. Isaiah   classically, when he speaks of this in the middle  of his book, he gives us this amazing picture   about the peoples making idols for themselves,  and he says, “They lift it to their shoulders,   [and] they carry it, [and] they set  it in its place, and it stands there;   it cannot move from its place. If one cries to it,  it does not answer or save him from his trouble.”  You say, “Is this possible, that people  would do such things?” Do you have a mirror?   This is what we all do! This is what  we are by nature! We do not worship God   with all our hearts and soul and mind  and strength. We worship ourselves.   The reason that we want to take arms against God’s  Anointed is because it interferes with our lives.   So it’s better if you can have one or two  little idols that will be submissive to us,   that we can carry around. We can take them  on vacation. It’s pathetic! But it’s real.  They took these idols into battle because  they thought that they would protect them.   And look at them, scattered, and the  idols are there, “and David and his men…”   Yeah. That must have been a great moment for  David: “Why don’t you pick all these things up?   We’re gonna burn them, fellas. We’ll just burn  them.” You say, “Well, did you make that up?”   No. Chronicles tells us that they burned them—1  Chronicles 14. So he said, “We’re gonna gather   this stuff up, and we will destroy it.” The Second Battle  Well, that’s how battle one ends, and then,  secondly and briefly, battle two then ensues.   “If at first you don’t succeed…”  And so “the Philistines came up   yet again,” and they “spread  out in the Valley of Rephaim.”  So, here we are, so far on the same track. They  come up. They establish themselves in the valley.   David does not presume upon victory based on  his previous success. Once again, he inquires   of the Lord. I think it’s safe to assume that he  asks the same two questions: “Shall I go up? Will   you deliver them into my hand?” And this time he  gets a different answer: “No, you shall not go up.   Instead, go around. Take up a position near  to the balsam trees, and await my signal.”  Now, just in passing, let’s notice, those of us  who are of the kind of approach to life that says,   “If it worked once, it’ll work again. If it  was right then, it’s gotta be right now. Play   it again, Sam. It worked last time. There’s  no need for discussion, no need for inquiry.   Let’s just go. We asked him before. We don’t  need to keep asking.” Mm, I don’t think so. No.   Because if he had just stumbled ahead, he would  have found himself in a far different position.   There’s no value in him just repeating that  simply because it was God’s purpose before.  You see, in the outworking of the plan of  God for his kingdom, you know, there are   places where repetition is essential, but there  are other places where tradition will kill you.   And I’ve been saying this very much to our  church leadership, with the constant quest   on each of our parts to try and get things “back  the way they were.” I say, “Well, wait a minute.   What if ‘back the way they were’ is  not the place we’re supposed to be?   What if up there, where we’ve never  been, is where we’re supposed to be?”   “No, no, no. It was working so well.  Consider it. Play it again, Sam.”  “Shall I go up?” “No, don’t go up.   Go around. Surprise attack.” He doesn’t trust  his own experience. He seeks fresh guidance:   “Lord, I need you. … Every hour I need you.” And the signal, the sign, is there in verse 24:   “And when you hear the sound of marching  in the tops of the balsam trees…”   “The sound of marching in  the tops of the … trees.”   Well… Have you ever heard marching in  the tops of trees? I’ve heard rustling,   rustling in the tops of trees. But if he says,  “And whenever you hear rustling in the tops of   trees,” I said, well, I mean, “You’d be  hearing rustling in the tops of trees   sort of willy-nilly.” So I take it that there’s  something far more significant than that.  No, the sound of the marching in the  trees is gonna be an unusual sound.   It’s gonna be an unmistakable sound.  It’s going to be an undeniable sound.   In the same way that when David says, “And  the Lord broke through; like a mighty torrent,   he decimated them, and we played catch-up to  that, and we were able to put paid to their great   protest and aggravation,” now their anticipation  is that somehow or another that the Lord will come   rushing through and will go before them. And  they’re going to anticipate that. They’re going   to wait for that. Because he is the Lord, the  God of Hosts. He’s the God of heaven’s armies.  Essentially, Yahweh styles himself as the Great  Warrior. The Great Warrior. One of the problems   in our day is that the pictures of God, if  you take it even just in the world of art…   I know very little about art, which is in a  category alongside a lot of other things that   I know very little about. But in The Times, they  show art on a weekly basis, and so I can see,   you know, what is in the museum or whatever it  might be. And one of the things that I’ve noticed,   and I wonder if you have too, is that the  pictures of God, the art in relationship to God   a generation back, two generations back, two  hundred years back, three hundred years back,   God is depicted as mighty. God is depicted as  fearful. God is depicted as someone with whom   we have to deal. God is up there at the very  top of the chapel or right up in the roof.  If there is any depiction of God now in  twenty-first-century Western Europe or America,   he has definitely been brought down. No, he is a  manageable God. He’s just a little kind of God.   He’s a nice God. He’s not someone you  need to fear, not somebody at all.   Oh, that’s not right! Psalm 24:  “Open the gates! Open the gates,   that the king might enter!” And the antiphonal  response of the choir is “Who is this king?” And   the reply comes back, “He is the Lord,  mighty in battle.” “Mighty in battle.”  Makes me think of, you know… What do we call  that thing in the summertime with our children,   where we have that thing? Yeah, whatever it is.  Everybody comes here for a week and causes chaos.   Whatever that is. (And wonderful chaos!) And  it’s in that kind of context that you have   these amazing pictures locked in your mind of tiny  little children standing in the Thursday evening   event, going like, “Our God is so big, so strong  and so mighty, there’s nothing that he cannot do.”   And they do it like this, and their arms like  mine, pathetic—like, just tiny little arms:   “The rivers are his, the mountains are his.”  This is what’s happening here.   David is the Lord’s anointed, but Yahweh  is the one who is mighty in battle.   The fact that he came in this way did not leave  David with nothing to do. No! “He will go out   before you and strike down the army of the  Philistines.” It’s quite remarkable, isn’t it?   Because what was it that the people said to David  when they made him the king? They said, you know,   “In time past, when Saul was king, it was you who  led out and brought in Israel. It was you. You’re   the man, David. You’re the man.” And here David is  realizing, “I may be the man of God’s appointing,   but it is the Lord who is the Mighty Warrior.  He is the one strong in battle. He is the one   who sets his king on a holy hill in Zion.” And so he “did as the LORD commanded him,”   and he “struck down the Philistines,”  and the tables were decisively turned,   so much so that from that time on, as you  read through the remainder of the story, the   Philistines cease to be a serious threat. They  continue to show up, they continue to cause a   wee bit of trouble, but it’s over. “Rejoice, for the Lord Is King!”  “Well,” you say, “we must stop.” I agree entirely. At this point, as we conclude chapter 5 and take   maybe two or three weeks off from  Samuel to try and catch our breath,   it’s a good time to remind ourselves of our  theme verse. You say, “There is one?” Well,   in my mind at least, that’s Romans 15:4.  When we began 1 Samuel and we said,   “Are we really going to study something that took  place three millennia ago?” we reminded ourselves   what Paul writes: “For whatever was written in  former days was written for our instruction, that   through endurance and through the encouragement  of the Scriptures we might have hope.”  So all that is happening in the then of David’s  day, as the enemies of God’s king oppose him,   has happened all the way along since.  And the victory of David over the forces   of opposition simply foreshadows the  victory of Jesus the King at the cross,   where he disarms the rulers and the  authorities, putting them to open shame.   That King, the Ascended One, then  pours out his Spirit upon his people.   And for them on that day, it was not the sound  of marching in the balsam trees that they were to   wait upon. No! But in the same way as David and  his troops were commanded to await the signal,   so, we will remember, God’s people—the apostles  and those who were gathered with them—before they   went out onto the streets of Jerusalem,  they were to wait. And then there came,   remember, the sound of a great “mighty  rushing wind.” God goes out before them.  And then, in a waft of the supernatural,  they go out onto the streets of Jerusalem.   And before they’ve hardly got into their stride,  they are opposed: “What are you doing out here   on the streets of Jerusalem with this story of  this King Jesus? We’ll put you in jail for that,   you know. We’ll get rid of you. We  have no interest in this at all.”   And so Peter and John are released in chapter  4 of the Acts. And fascinatingly, “When they   were released, they went to their friends,”  they told them. When their friends heard it,   “they lifted [up] their voices … to God and [they]  said, ‘Sovereign Lord, who made the heaven and the   earth and the sea and everything in them’”—in  other words, “We know who you are: you’re the   God of the creation, you’re the God, mighty in  battle”—“‘[it was] through the mouth of [your]   father David, your servant, [that you] said by  the Holy Spirit’”—now we’re quoting Psalm 2—“‘“Why   did the Gentiles rage, and the peoples plot in  vain? [And] the kings of the earth set themselves,   and the rulers were gathered together, against the  Lord and against his Anointed.”’” And the apostles   say, “‘[But listen,] truly in this city there were  gathered together against your holy servant Jesus,   whom you anointed, both Herod … Pontius Pilate,  along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel,   [but they were only going to do what] your hand  and your plan had predestined to take place.’”  Think of Jerusalem today.   The significance of Jerusalem is actually because  of what we’re reading here. The significance of   Jerusalem is not because Jerusalem is so very  special. It was David that made it special. It   is God that made it special: “And [he] called  it the city of David.” And there’s not a day   passes in our twenty-first-century world of vast  communications when Jerusalem is not in the news,   for one reason or another. If there was ever a  place where an absolute bloodbath would break out,   Jerusalem’s perfect. Because there you have  Islam, there you have Judaism, there you have   Christianity, all gathered in the one place. “Ah,” you say, “so that’s what it’s about.” No,   it’s not what it’s about. It’s about  the new Jerusalem and the ascended King.   Because when you think about it, the Bible  makes it very clear to us that one day at   the name of Jesus every knee will bow, every  tongue confess that he is the Lord’s Anointed.   “He was despised and rejected.” He’s  opposed today. Religion’s not opposed today.   Even Christianity is not opposed today. Jesus  is opposed today. Try it in your office.   Try it in your school. Don’t say, “I believe in  the tenets of Christianity.” Big deal! Tell them   that you have bowed before Jesus, that he is your  King, and that one day there will be no refuge   from him save the refuge that is to be  found in him. That, again, is Psalm 2.  Remember that unlike Islam, this is not  a physical battle for the Christian.   “The weapons of our warfare” are not swords  and guns and uniforms. We “have divine power   to [bring down] strongholds.” “We  wrestle not against flesh and blood.”   But we are called to a battle.  And in the Second World War—it   was done seven years before I showed up,  but there was still rationing when I was   born—in the Second World War, when people  used to say, “You know, isn’t that a shame   you can’t get a dozen eggs for the life of  you?” the response was always the same: “Hey,   don’t you know there’s a war on?” “Don’t you  know there’s a war on?” You say, “Oh yeah, that’s   right.” Well, the fact that we’re in a battle  changes perspective dramatically, doesn’t it?  Now, you would be disappointed if I didn’t have a  final little song from my childhood to wrap this   up here in chapter 5. I know that, because  you tell me. Some of you know this song. I   won’t sing it for you, out of kindness. And we do  have a closing song, but it will not be this one.   Do you remember the song? Sound the battle cry!  See, the foe is nigh, Raise the standard high  For the Lord. Gird your armor on;  Stand firm, every one;  Rest your cause upon His Holy Word. Rouse, then, soldiers, rally round the banner! Ready, steady, pass the word along;  Onward, forward, shout aloud hosanna! Christ is captain of the mighty throng.  And again, we used to sing that—The same kind  of voice that I just used before, you know:   “Rouse, then, soldiers, rally around the banner.”  What did I know at the age of six or seven of   banners and soldiers and anything? I know now,  at sixty-eight, that I’m in a battle royale,   and so are you. And if you forget that, you’ve  forgotten a fundamental premise that undergirds   everything that we’re considering in the story of  King David: King Jesus, despised, rejected by men,   opposed by the kings and rulers of the earth,  has been set on God’s holy hill. And therefore,   to the people of God the exhortation  comes: “Rejoice, for the Lord is King!” This message was brought to you from Truth For  Life where the learning is for living to learn   more about truth for life with Alistair  Begg visit us online at
Channel: Alistair Begg
Views: 7,562
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Keywords: Biblical Figures, Dependence on God, Idolatry, Kingdom of God, Victory
Id: N3r0WiubDHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 39sec (2679 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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