SCP-4434 - Anglerfish (SCP Animation)

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There are no streetlights on this stretch of  the old, narrow road, which runs through a rural   part of West Virginia. A car has gone off the  road into a ditch and needs to be pulled out.   A common task for this tow truck driver and  he’s often in the area doing similar jobs,   though he’s never been on this particular  road and he has to keep his eyes peeled for   any signs or other markers that might give  him an idea of how close he is to his turn. He spots something up ahead, but as he gets  closer he sees that it isn’t a road sign,   it’s a billboard. As he passes by he can make  out the weathered lettering advertising a diner   twenty miles down the road that’s probably  been closed for at least as many years.   As he continues driving he sees  more dilapidated billboards,   advertising other long since shuttered  businesses like gas stations and autobody shops. But then he sees one on the road ahead  of him that’s nothing like the others.   This one doesn’t look old at all. In fact  it looks quite new. He drives by and has   to question if he saw it correctly. It seemed  like all it said was “Get Away” over and over   and then the name of a road. Is that an  invitation? Or a warning? It wasn’t even clear   what kind of business it might be advertising. He continues driving, but he can’t quit thinking   about that strange sign. He even feels compelled  to turn around so he can get another look at it,   but there’s no need, because as he rounds a  curve there’s another of the same sign. This   time he slows down as he passes to get a better  look and he was right, it just says “Get Away”   multiple times with the name of a road. Wagriwa  Road. Must be Native American or something. Now he really can’t get the billboard  out of his mind. What does it mean?   What is it advertising? And why is there  a third one of them just ahead of him?! He pulls his truck to the side of the road,  stopping with his headlights illuminating   the sign. He gets out of the truck and stands  in front of the billboard. It’s just the same   as the others. Get away written over and  over. Wagriwa Road. He can see now that   the background of the sign is a picture of  some trees on a gray, cloudy winter day.   He also notices for the first time that  there’s another line at the bottom.   Find what you are looking for. What does  it mean? Find what you’re looking for on   Wagriwa Road? Where even is that? There’s  no directions. No address. No phone number. He takes a step back from the sign and looks up  and down the darkened road. What is he doing out   here on the side of the road? Someone is stranded  in a ditch waiting for him and he’s staring at a   billboard? He gets back into the truck, puts it  in gear, and drives away. As he continues down   the tree lined rural road though, he inevitably  finds his thoughts turning back to the signs.   Get away. But find what you’re looking for? It  doesn’t make any sense. Or are you supposed to   get away to Wagriwa Road? Who would put these  up? And why do they look so new? Everything else   out here looks like it’s for a business that  shut down years ago? What are they trying to - He suddenly slams on his brakes and comes to  a screeching stop in the middle of the road.   His eyes are locked on what’s in front  of him. His headlights aren’t lighting   up another billboard though, this time  it is a worn road sign... Wagriwa Road. He can’t help it. He has to  know what’s down this road.   He has to know what these signs are about. The  stuck driver can wait a few minutes longer. He turns his truck onto the narrow gravel road  and drives for a few hundred yards, following it   around a couple of bends as it winds through the  trees, until it abruptly ends. There’s nothing   out here, no buildings, no signs, just what looks  to be a dirt path leading deeper into the woods. The tow truck driver switches off the ignition  and the road is plunged into darkness.   He reaches under his seat and takes out a  flashlight before getting out of the truck.   He shines the light into the woods  surrounding him but there’s nothing to see…   no wait, there is something, and it’s  coming down the path out of the trees. “Phil? Phil is that you?” The figure that  stepped out of the woods is talking to him.   He shines his flashlight at them and they raise  a hand to shade their eyes from the light. “Sharon?! What are you doing out here?”  It’s Sharon, the tow truck driver’s ex-wife,   but he thought she’d moved to Colorado  after she remarried, why would she be here?   And what was she doing emerging from the woods? “Phil, come here. I need to show you something.” He hesitates for just a moment, but then  finds that he’s walking towards his ex-wife.   Before he can reach her she turns and starts  walking down the path back into the woods   and he follows. He walks just behind her, his  flashlight illuminating the path in front of them. He thinks he hears a rustling  coming from the woods next to him   and searches the trees with his  flashlight but doesn’t see anything. “Come on, it’s just a little further,” she says. “Where are we going? What’s  just a little further?” “What you are looking for.” The woods suddenly open up and he finds that  they are standing in a clearing. She stops   walking and he pauses next to her. He opens  his mouth to speak but she quickly shushes him. “Quiet, they’re almost here.” The tow truck driver looks around but  he doesn’t see anything, just the faint   outline of trees that are barely visible  on this moonless night. But then he watches   as several creatures begin to emerge out of  the woods into the clearing. They’re… deer? He watches as just a few  come towards him at first,   but then he notices that they have completely  surrounded him. There must be over twenty.  “Turn off your light” she tells him. He obeys and in the darkness he can see now that  there is something special about these deer. Their   eyes are glowing with a pale white light. One  of the smaller deer steps forward and cautiously   approaches him. He squats down and holds his  hand out, showing it that he means it no harm. The deer looks back nervously at a larger  one that he thinks must be its mother.   It looks like it nods in approval,  and the smaller deer moves closer.   He can clearly see its big, beautiful  doe eyes glow brightly in the dark.   “You’re okay” he says, and leans forward  to give it a reassuring pet when -  Following the mysterious  disappearances of multiple   people in an area of West Virginia  near the town of Harpers Ferry,   the SCP Foundation soon became interested in  a particular stretch of road where it appeared   that many of those who had gone missing  had traveled just prior to their vanishing. Agents were dispatched to the area and immediately  detected high levels of thaumaturgic energy,   with the epicenter appearing to be on a plot  of privately owned land. Investigation of local   records revealed that the land was owned by a  man named Richard Redkinne. The Foundation staff   contacted Mr. Redkinne under the guise of being  federal agents investigating a crime that had   been committed on the property while he was away. Mr. Redkinne happily cooperated with the agents,   explaining to them that had never experienced  any abnormal events on the property while he was   living there, but that he had not resided on the  land for some time. Strangely he claimed to not   know the road as Wagriwa Road, insisting that as  far as he knew it had never had an official name,   being nothing more than a long  driveway out to his property. When asked if he could remember anything  else abnormal about the location,   he told the agents no, but that his daughter  had written many fictional stories about strange   happenings on the land, and perhaps those had  somehow turned into rumors and then urban legends,   though that was a long time ago. When the agents  requested to meet with the daughter he explained   that it was impossible, she had drowned many  years prior in the nearby Shenandoah River. The agents again examined the local records  and found that Mr. Redkinne wasn’t lying,   his daughter really had passed away  and her body was found in the river.   The timing of this accident  was quite coincidental though,   as it had occurred exactly one week before the  first missing person in the area was reported. Quickly realizing that something was  not quite right with this piece of land,   the SCP Foundation authorized the purchase from  Mr. Redknine, who was more than happy to sell,   and a research outpost was constructed to  further investigate the anomalous events   which had collectively been dubbed SCP-4434.  While exploring the surrounding area,   they soon found what so many others had before  - the bizarre billboards imploring one to both   “get away” as well as come to Wagriwa  Road to “find what you are looking for.” The signs, which were designated as SCP-4434-A,  were found on roads across the West Virgina,   Maryland, Virginia tri-state area, but  their locations would often change,   with the billboards only manifesting for  short amounts of time before vanishing and   reappearing elsewhere. Bizarrely, when attempts  were made to photograph or videotape the signs,   the resulting footage would  show only a blank, white sign. The Foundation knew that they needed to  investigate further, and several experiments   were authorized to find just what was happening  on the land at the end of the mysterious road. A   D-Class personnel, D-84021, was given a radio and  implanted with GPS locators in his neck, torso,   and thigh, and sent down the road with orders  to report back on what they experienced, though   unlike the people who had gone missing, he was not  shown the billboard prior to entering the area. The D-Class walked to the end of the road where he  reported that a creature was emerging from a path   leading into the woods. He soon exclaimed  that the creature was a dog that he used   to own. The researchers monitoring the test  were confused, since the dog had apparently   been deceased for some time, and yet here it  was standing in front of him. Although the   D-Class had seemed hesitant at the start of  the mission, once he saw his childhood dog,   all of his fears were set aside and he  willingly followed it deeper into the forest. After 90 seconds, the D-Class reported that he had  entered a clearing and was being surrounded by a   group of deer. The reports stopped soon after and  were replaced by the sound of screams as D-84021   was attacked and apparently consumed by the  deer. Two of the three GPS trackers remained   active for the next forty minutes, and SCP  researchers followed their path as they moved   to the middle of the clearing and then appeared  to enter into a sinkhole or cave of some sort,   where they traveled slowly in a winding  pattern downward until contact was lost. Following this test, the Foundation  researchers suspected that the   creature that would emerge from the woods,  which had been designated as SCP-4434-B,   was able to change forms into one that would  be trusted by those who entered the 4434 area.   The deer, on the other hand, seemed  to always maintain their appearance,   and the whole group was designated as  SCP-4434-C. The tests were far from over though. For the next, two D-Classes were sent into  SCP-4434 in order to see what form 4434-B would   take when more than one person was present. Just  like before, an entity emerged from the woods,   but this time it took the form of a young man  in a suit who immediately offered to clear any   and all debts the D-Classes held as well as  expunging their criminal records, freeing   them from their life as test subjects. All they  would need to do is follow him into the woods. The agents monitoring the test ordered the  D-Classes not to follow the man, but they   were ignored, and the researchers listened as  they instead began conversing with SCP-4434-B,   seeming to be quite interested in his offer.  They soon followed him into the woods,   and just over two minutes later, they too  were attacked and consumed by SCP-4434-C.   It appeared now that once someone  entered the SCP-4434 area,   they were all but helpless to resist  the compulsive effects of SCP-4434-B. The Foundation researchers wanted to  test the limits of SCP-4434’s power,   and so they then came up with a rather  creative procedure for the next test.   Another D-Class personnel was sent down the  road, but this one was wearing a body harness   that was connected to a pulley system,  as well as being equipped with a camera.   He was ordered to wait at the edge of the  SCP-4434 area until the 4434-B entity appeared. The entity soon emerged, taking the form of a  middle aged woman. As soon as the D Class was seen   conversing with the entity and agreed to follow  it, the pulley was engaged in order to forcibly   pull him out of the area. This was followed by an  entirely unexpected event. The middle aged woman   quickly produced a knife, and with a supernatural  speed, severed the rope on the pulley system.   The now freed D-Class stood up, followed the  woman into the woods, and was consumed soon after. The researchers were growing frustrated with their  lack of advancement in understanding the anomaly,   and so for the fourth test, they decided to take  quite extreme measures. A drone was used to fly   over the area, which identified the mouth of the  cave that the GPS trackers had been taken into.   It was a three and a half  meter wide hole in the ground,   too dark to see anything past the entrance,  and the drone installed an anchor point in   the ground at the mouth of the hole  before flying in to explore further,   but the signal was almost immediately  lost. Progress had been made though. Yet another D-Class was selected, this  time one who had climbing experience.   D-84041 was warned in advance that the SCP-4434-B  entity would appear to her and would have a   compulsive affect, and that she was to ignore  them no matter what form they took and instead   proceed as quickly as possible to the cave,  which had been designated as SCP-4434-D. D-84041 was taken to the road, and she  immediately began running down the path   into the woods. She was able to reach the mouth  of the cave without seeing any anomalous entities,   neither 4434-B nor the carnivorous deer. She  quickly attached the rope she had brought   to the anchor that was installed by the  drone and began rappelling into the hole. As she descended down, she described a normal,  rocky cave, one that grew wetter the further   down she went. Surprisingly, she soon reached  the bottom, where she found a spherical room,   roughly eight meters across, but this was not  anything like the entrance to the cave. The   floor of this room wasn’t made of rock or dirt,  it was more like flesh, and it appeared… to be   breathing. And there was something else down there  too, a folded piece of paper with writing on it. The D-Class was ordered to pick up the  paper, take a sample of the cave floor,   and exit the area as soon as possible, as there  was no way to predict if the SCP-4434-B and C   entities, or something worse, would soon  appear. After taking a sample she began   climbing out of the cave. When she emerged there  were still no signs of any anomalous creatures   but she quickly made her way down the  road and out of the SCP-4434 area. When she reached the waiting Agents at the edge  of the area, D-84041 handed them the sample and   the paper that she found but then stopped and  turned around. There on the ground roughly   five meters away was a plate of food. Without any  hesitation she walked back into the SCP-4434 area,   picked up the plate, and walked back  into the woods. She was never seen again.   It was now clear that 4434-B could take  forms other than just humanoids and animals. As the objects that the D-Class had managed  to get out of SCP-4434 were analyzed,   the area’s former owner, Richard Redkinne,  was again questioned by Foundation agents.   They asked him if there was anything that he  failed to mention in their previous interview   and he told them that there was one thing  that he preferred not to normally discuss.   Just before his daughter’s death, in addition  to her fascination with writing and coming up   with stories, she had become obsessed with the  occult. When they asked him about the paper   they had found within SCP-4434-D, he told them  that it was very likely that she had written it. The SCP Foundation now understood why they had  detected so many thaumaturgic particles in the   area, which is the residual energy left over  from a particular form of ritualistic practice   that is more commonly known  as “magic” or “witchcraft.” The contents of the paper found in the cave  seem to add additional weight to the theory   that his daughter may have been involved in a  ritual that led to the creation of SCP-4434,   because written on the single  page is a poem which reads: The forest is a sea; the wind is the waves and the water is the leaves. The streams become undercurrents, the birds become fish,  and coral finds its home as fungus, growths sprouting as I wish. The ground is the shore, pulling me by the feet,  dragging me down and pulling me back Back and forth on repeat. I dove down past the light  down where I couldn't breathe, and found nature looking for a fight. Yes, the forest is a sea, but I've made it barely big enough for me.  The forest is a sea, so now something's bound to come eat. Things only became more mysterious though  when Foundation researchers performed a DNA   test on the sample taken from the bottom of the  SCP-4434-D cave. What they found was that it was,   just as D-84041 had described, a flesh-like  substance. And that it was a 78.9% match   to Melanocetus johnsoni, better  known as the Deep Sea Anglerfish. And there was one final discovery to be made  as well. Linguistic teams within the Foundation   investigated the name of the road that  had appeared on the SCP-4434-A billboards   and discovered that the word was very similar  to the Native American Tutelo tribe word   wágriwa, which roughly translates  to the phrase… I have come back. Now you should come back as well,   by subscribing and turning on notifications  to make sure you don’t miss a single anomaly,   like SCP-054, the Water Nymph, another  strange and perhaps misunderstood creature,   as we delve further and further into the  SCP Foundation’s classified archives.
Channel: Dr Bob
Views: 406,470
Rating: 4.9556355 out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, DrBob, Dr Bob, anomaly, anomalies, SCPs, anom, anoms, scp wiki, scp animated, scp explained, scp-4434, scp 4434, scp4434, scp hole, scp witch, witch, witchcraft, scp witchcraft, scp anglerfish, anglerfish, scp foundation, scp, scp animation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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