10 Terrifying Horror Stories Animated (Compilation of January – June 2021)

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this will be my last transmission if you're hearing this please know that i did my best to save you all i've run out of food and there's just no cure to this plague when i die my body will be located at please burn the place to the ground and pour concrete on top of the remains there's no solution please do not open the door i'm so sorry for what we have created but as long as i die inside this building it means you all get to live in the beginning of 2012 i joined a group called sano project a bunch of scientists funded by an unknown prospector our goal was simple in concept only to produce a vaccine that would immunize people via aerosol droplets we'd been given a heap of different substances and pathogens to achieve the desired effect we'd be using mice for the experiment but due to the high risk of accidental contagion we were put into lockdown for the duration of the experiment which was only supposed to last six months food and supplies would be delivered using an isolated lift taking everything we needed underground into an airlock when we started there were six of us with professor jenkins in the lead he was an old and equally odd fellow but he was the top in his field there was no one more suited for the job and the five of us that worked under him greatly admired the man still outside of work hours he confined himself to his room with lab reports and an endless pile of books about exotic infectology honestly as much as i enjoyed working under such a great mind he scared me at times he seemed overly enthusiastic about the experiment part and less so about saving lives for the first five months work went on as normal we combined different pathogens and tried to create harmless fragments from their protein capsule aerosolizing them as a vaccine hoping the mice's bodies would absorb them it was an endless stream of disappointment as the poor animals kept dying then at the end of the six-month contract professor jenkins created something new entirely while it wasn't anything near what we wished he'd managed to invent something no one thought possible he'd mixed a strain of highly infectious virus with a bacteria it was a miracle with limitless harmful potential and it terrified us still his explanation somewhat lulled half the staff into a false sense of security his idea was that the right mix of pathogens he could invent a virus that integrated itself into the human genome which then started producing a new type of defense mechanism entirely something separate to the immune system to us it sounded like a ludicrous fever dream but the higher-ups were convinced by his ramble basically forcing us to stay under lockdown for another six months as we worked on professor jenkins new personal pet project we followed orders making countless hybrid pathogens all in the hopes that it might lead to a cure for all infections i repeatedly voiced my concerns but the rest were too afraid of reprisals to take my side then halfway into the second term the professor called me into his office he looked unbelievably tired as if he'd been awake for days i hadn't seen him much lately as he'd always confined himself to his office while he did grunt work i finally done it carl he said ecstatically a vaccine but we haven't even started the aerosolized trials yet i asked confused he chuckled you won't need trials not for this what are you talking about i thought you would get it carl have you even looked around the world lately we create cures for everything from basic infections to cancer and genetic mutations we keep people alive decades past their supposed lifespan and for what to finally destroy the planet to let our sheer numbers be the inevitable downfall of mankind he went to the door locking it before removing the key i felt adrenaline surged through my body and though i knew something horrible would come next i hadn't the faintest clue what i've created something that will save us all but i need someone to start it all someone younger healthier than myself with that he plunged a syringe into my neck before i could react i pulled it out as fast as i could but whatever its contents it had been injected into my bloodstream what the hell i started to say before the world went black before me as i was left unconscious i couldn't tell whether i had died or if i was just sleeping it all felt so quiet around me but also warm it was an odd sensation almost as if pressure was building up within me getting ready to explode then as if no time had passed at all i awoke once more lying on the cold floor of professor jenkins floor he was sitting behind his desk with labored breathing ah you're finally awake that means it has finally begun he struggled to get out between breaths i sat myself up and looked over at the professor his skin looked oddly red with flakes forming from ruptured blisters all over his body what did you do i gave you the cure the only thing that can destroy humanity my creation it'll save this planet from us his head started sinking as more blisters formed on his body on his arm chunks of flesh had rotted straight off he was infected with something the same thing he'd given me don't worry carl you're the only one that can withstand this disease that's why you're special because you'll be the one that is remembered as patient zero he passed out on his desk barely breathing then i heard knocks on the door as the rest of the crew were starting to get concerned no wait i tried to yell but it was too late they'd already barged in what the hell happened to the professor one of them asked as they went to check on him it was too late they'd already breathed the same air as us which meant they would be dead in a couple of hours at most only a minute after they touched him the first crewman started coughing violently then the second third and before the hour had passed they were all dying they called for help no one came because they didn't want to release the contagion i was the only healthy one which led the administration to believe that there might be a cure in my blood they demanded blood samples be taken from me but as the crew fell unconscious i had to make a decision if i let any sample escape this lap the pathogen would be out there so i did the only right thing i disabled the only entrance into the lab putting myself into eternal lockdown what are you doing carl one of the security guards said over the loudspeakers we're sending in a hazmat team to save your sorry ass open the damn door i can't you'll get infected he said no i won't i'm not going to die from this but everyone that gets near me will if i open this door i'll start the spread to the outside world there's no other way but then i heard him cough through the radio which is when it hit me that the professor had opened up the vents allowing the toxic air within to mix with theirs what the hell is happening to me the security guard said over the radio he was dead just like everyone else within the building listen you need to seal down the building no i i can't if you don't do it now everyone is going to die he left the radio and i could only pray that we weren't too late even the hazmat team was coughing their lungs out they'd been infected before they even came down here the only one immune was myself because i was the ultimate carrier i locked it down i i the security guard said over the radio with his last breath everyone died shortly after that with the building on permanent lockdown i was alone that was seven months ago since then i've been working on finding a cure for myself but i'm just not smart enough supplies have run out and as i'm typing this my vision has gone blurry with hunger and thirst i'm going to die soon but as long as the contagion remains within this building it will have been worth it the loudspeaker came on we are on lockdown until further notice lock your doors there is an imminent threat on the loose i was in a classroom all by myself i thought to myself where is everyone where is the teacher what danger could there possibly be i got up from my desk and went over to the door looking through the glass panel in the door i couldn't see anyone outside in the hallway i opened the door and walked out into the hallway it was dark and eerie looking i looked left and looked right in both directions the hallway didn't seem to end it went on for what seemed into an eternity and looked like a dark abyss i decided to turn right and started walking forward after walking about 10 feet there was another hallway it also seemed to go on for what seemed forever not wanting to change directions i decided to keep proceeding forward on the same hallway every 10 feet there were other hallways all intersecting the main hallway i was on what the hell is this i thought to myself i saw a shadow quickly dart across the main hallway i yelled who are you i ran to the spot it looked like he crossed over at i turned left and decided to pursue whoever this was the hallway was just like the others seemingly going on forever never ending for what my eyes could see after walking for about five minutes i saw red glowing eyes that stood out from the darkness i yelled who are you and what is this place i received no response from the man as i continued my trek forward the red eyes i saw faded into the darkness after five minutes of walking a classroom door appeared on the left side i peered into the glass there was a creepy guy at the front of the class dressed in a lab coat i figured this had to be the teacher all the desks were also filled with students the students looked to be older though probably in their mid to late 20s they were also wearing similar medical outfits as the teacher i knocked on the door the teacher stopped his lecture turned and looked at me he had a shocked look on his face next thing i knew he ran towards the door and locked it i pleaded to him let me in how do i get out of this place please help me he was expressionless gazing into my eyes i saw him back up from the door and reached for a telephone connected to the wall i banged on the door some more nothing no reaction i kept moving swiftly down the hallway after what seemed like an hour of walking another door appeared this time it was on the right side of the corridor i peered into the door this time the room looked like a bounce house a man in the middle was in a white straitjacket as soon as he saw me he ran towards the door he screamed help help me get out of here i tried to open the door it was locked even from the outside i yelled back i will go and get help we will get out of here i continued my endless walk down the hallway i thought to myself what the hell kind of school is this all of a sudden a voice yelled out behind me hey kid come here i turned around in front of me was what looked to be a doctor he was holding a syringe i yelled out who are you and what is this place he replied you are asking too many questions just stay there i'm coming over to you i ran in the other direction out of nowhere another doctor sidelined he pushed me to the ground a syringe plunged into my shoulder i awoke in a hospital bed restrained a doctor stood over me he said frank you forgot to take your morning meds again or did you forget to take them on purpose i asked where the hell am i i was just in school and it was on lockdown the school went on forever and i couldn't escape the building he replied school on lockdown that's a good one frank i haven't heard that one before you had the whole facility worried sick about you i replied you can't keep us trapped here forever you are a sick man he replied i will let you out when you start taking your meds again other than that i have to run to another patient oh by the way here is your pill he placed it in my mouth for me and gave me water i pretended to swallow the pill as soon as the doctor left the room i spit the water and pill out on the floor after about 10 minutes i closed my eyes and opened them i was now sitting in the same empty classroom as before the loudspeaker came on we are on lockdown until further notice lock your doors there is an imminent threat on the loose i thought to myself where is everyone where is the teacher what danger could there possibly be also it turns out that most of you guys who watch me aren't actually subscribed so if you like the content and want to support the channel go ahead and hit the bell it's free and you can always change your mind later [Music] i don't know how you'll receive this message but you need to wake up those were the words i found plastered on my television screen i was mere moments from drifting off to sleep my wife lay peacefully in my lap she had already fallen into a peaceful slumber as we watched an old gangster movie that had dragged on for a bit too long still the words alone were enough to jolt me back to attention they just lingered there on a plain black screen after a few seconds of staring the text changed please wake up screen said it was just past midnight which was an issue all on its own as i had work in the morning but on the other hand i wasn't entirely convinced i hadn't fallen asleep it might just have been an odd dream but then the text changed again wake up devin larson that wasn't my name nor was it the name of anyone i knew it was just a random bunch of letters thrown at my screen interrupting my leisure time i looked over at the time an old grandpa clock with hand-carved symbols i'd never been able to decipher it read 2 54 am meaning almost three hours had passed since the first message popped up on the television yet to me only a single moment had gone by by then panic had started to rise within my body i gently shook my wife trying to wake her up mary please look at this i almost begged she let out a quiet groan of resistance but didn't wake up as i stared at her peacefully lying there my mind started to drift back to our first date we'd met on the pier at the beach her hat had blown into the water and in a futile attempt at impressing her i dove in after it on my way back i slipped on the rocks and she laughed as i tried to get back up she thanked me and we had an ice cream cone together it was a perfect day almost unreal why that thought intruded my distressed mind i didn't know in a way it felt as if my mind was trying to repress what i'd just seen then i heard the sounds of men talking which snapped my attention back to the television which was playing a documentary of sorts i could just barely pay attention to what the men were talking about 100 000 people in a world full of lies all trying to find their way out the voice said had it all just been a dream had my tired mind partially drifted off to sleep causing me to hallucinate whatever the case i decided it was time for bed no sooner had the thought struck my mind before i found myself halfway up the stairs walking towards my bedroom i glanced down in my watch it read 3 42 am another hour had passed in the blink of an eye lars what are you doing up i heard mary say from the top of the stairs what what happened i asked i don't know i just woke up and you weren't there are you okay she asked i'm not sure i said as i shook my head to wake up i think i the words froze in my throat because as i looked up again my wife was gone the hallway at the top of the stairs was empty as if she'd never stood there mary i called out meekly no response i was just left alone in the darkness not knowing what had just happened i could feel the adrenaline and fear rush through my veins yet whether i was dreaming or not i still couldn't tell then i heard a loud static sound coming from the living room i turned around to see the television turning back on by itself that time there wasn't any text just a quiet muffled voice trying to break through the mess of staticky noise devin please wake up the voice said i walked with trepidant steps back to the living room trying to listen to the voice the world is alive you have to listen they're coming for you who are you talking about who are you i screamed at the television then my mind drifted back to the grandfather clock i couldn't put my finger on exactly what was bothering me about it but it just felt out of place as if it didn't really exist by then the static had turned incomprehensible whatever voice was hidden within it had long since vanished there i stood before an innocent clock that was scaring me half to death thinking back i couldn't explain where it had come from whether it had been in the house as we moved in or if it belonged to my wife it had just been an ever-present object never letting anyone pay too close attention to it i brushed my hand against it feeling its oddly smooth unnatural surface while it had looked like wood the feel of it told an entirely different story as i reached the face of the clock itself i felt a shock urge through my body within a second i'd been slammed towards the ground my body freezing in place as the world vanished around me for a moment i fell through an infinite black void feeling my body disintegrate with each passing second no sooner had every atom of my being been stripped from my own flesh before i was shocked back to life my eyes shot open but the world ahead was nothing but a blurry mess i was lying in some kind of fluid i realized that much but somehow i was still breathing i tried to move around but my body was too weak to form effective movement i just kind of floated in the solution confused and afraid then i noticed a tube dug into my throat it pumped air into my lungs and sucked it back out it was a sort of life support system making sure i didn't suffocate or drown i tried to scream but how could i with a piece of plastic shoved inside me i reached out my hand touching a glass container that was keeping me trapped inside the fluid a hand slammed against the glass on the other side accompanied by a voice devin it screamed before the world around me faded to black once more lars wake up i heard mary call out as i slowly faded back to the world i knew she'd called my name but it felt all too unfamiliar almost wrong what happened i asked i just found you lying on the floor are you okay the images i'd seen were still stuck in my mind as were the cryptic messages i'd heard the world is a lie kept repeating inside my head i then stared up at my perfect concerned wife i knew that she wasn't real nor were any of the experiences we'd had together my false image of reality had been shattered and i finally realized that i needed to wake up that i had a real life to get back to that's why i'm here now telling this story i figured out that among the 7 billion people on the planet only approximately 100 000 of us are real those of us who are will have gotten the same message i did in one way or another be it a text message a song or a youtube video shared by a channel specializing in animation if you are seeing this you need to wake up the world you live in is a lie please just wake up i fell in love with margot the first time i tried to kill her i placed a gun to the crease in her forehead and pulled the trigger did it work margo asked me clearly her response told me that it did not i opened my eyes and found the bullet had flattened against her skull margo had a condition one that i don't think any medical book known to man can possibly explain she was immortal of course before that moment i doubted her for three months she had insisted that she could not die and for three months i was sure i was talking to a crazy woman noose tried that knife all the time pills absolutely nothing worked when margot reached out to me i was admittedly baffled by the matter i don't want to tell you what my trade is but people don't seek me out because i sell kittens margot had found me in the deep recesses of the dark web and her message was desperate i'm seeking a way to end my life i have tried to do this alone but it seems impossible to do so i am willing to pay the person responsible for my death a sum of one hundred thousand dollars that can be changed into any currency they wish please contact me at margot53 gmail.com my first instinct was to assume that this was some kind of sting operation an attempt to lure me or one of my colleagues out so that we could be caught in the act and thrown in jail but for that amount of money it was too easy to say yes especially whenever margot made certain that my identity would be protected she provided me documents and money before even meeting me all of which was legal tender i had the opportunity to leave but this entire matter intrigued me to no end she had money apparently from the long life she had endured and she wired it to an account i had set up in the caymans even after that first attempt she insisted i should take it and run she didn't expect me to stick around and figure out her problems margot fascinated me though the moment that bullet fell to the floor i found myself asking 100 questions how long had she been like this her whole life how long was that margot claimed she had stopped counting after year 703. then i came to the question that probably mattered the most why did she want to die when you've lived as long as i have seen the things that i have seen witness the deaths of thousands kingdoms and nations rise and fall everything and i mean everything becomes meaningless you're powerless you lose everything that means being human death is the only thing you have any control over anymore and with that gone what can you accomplish in life she told me about how she had seen children die more times than i could count about events in history that no person living could ever get correctly i discovered as we connected that i was developing a liking for this woman she was the one thing in the world that was an anomaly a window into the soul of humanity so i made her a promise i would help her die we started small i bought a few firecrackers and had her try to set them off directly in her face she wasn't even mildly burnt then we moved to the tub i had her undress and start the water then i brought in the toaster i made certain the water was almost completely covering her body before dropping it in she came out of the tub a few minutes later this went on for almost the next five weeks each day a different test car accident nothing jumping from a building nothing stabbing her in the face the eyes again it all seemed pointless at one point i got her to drink poison and she acted a little sick but then the next day she admitted she was faking i'm sorry it's just i felt like you were going to give up soon margot answered whenever i asked her why she pretended i won't i can't this defies everything you can ever believe in it's beyond understanding i told her after that we developed a closer bond as we started looking into more extreme methods i managed to have her see one of my friends that works as an open heart surgeon in a shady clinic for abortions i recommended trying to put her in a coma and then taking out vital organs the propofol did the trick to knock her out but any instrument to cut her only bended and broke i suggested placing an explosion in a tube down her throat the surgeons got to work on preparing the device and then sliding it straight down her esophagus and into her stomach i lit the fuse and waited her body jumped and rumbled a bit but nothing more margo was a goddess every extreme we tried only resulted in more failures finally she admitted that she decided to accept her fate if i have to keep on living then so be it at least i will be happy knowing that i have tried all possibilities she said as we got back home i've wasted more of your time than ever necessary she added as she passed me a briefcase with well over two million dollars in it this is everything i have i want you to take it you've been so kind so patient she told me i tossed it aside and made love to her that night in the morning i told her i wasn't planning on leaving her that in the months we had spent together i grew to love her more than life itself more than death could ever separate us so we married we had a child i forgot my old life i made her smile again so did our son out of all the times i have been with anyone you have been my favorite he told me but still i could tell behind all of this her desire hadn't faded she was still curious sometimes when i came home i found dozens of pill bottles scattered across the floor other times she had ruined knives and caused house fires desperate to end her life she wasn't happy i could see that now she knew that no matter what one day we would be gone and she would still remain on our one year anniversary i surprised her and took her paragliding i told her it might be the solution she was looking for i made certain that she didn't have the equipment necessary to prevent her from experiencing the full brunt of the impact i love you she told me as our plane reached the proper altitude i promised her i would never tell our son and said my goodbyes then watched as she plummeted to the ground below once she was out of my line of vision i told the pilot to touch down and i ran to where she had hit the pavement she was standing there waiting for me with tears in her eyes this is torture i can't do this i can't why why is this happening she screamed i held her close and looked up at the heavens did god even have an answer for this i thought there was nothing else that could be done and i was certain that her depression would soon swallow me and our son whole i begged her to forget this dark dream so what if we die at least you have us now i shouted one day you don't know how many times i've heard that before she moaned angrily that was when i knew there was nothing i could say that would stop her from trying i worried for our safety my son and i i knew that in her attempts to take her own life she might hurt us even if she didn't mean to one time she came close to drowning him in the tub while trying to end herself another time it was a knife and he almost cut his finger off something had to be done i reached out to my colleagues from the old days when i was the one that was seeking to exploit suicidal cash cows i told them everything and asked for advice some took it as a joke but one man had a solution that i had never considered before take her out to sea and dump her with stone weights on her legs she may not die but she'll never bother you again i showed margot she said it was worth a try we got a babysitter and set out for the coast a few weeks after that as we moved toward the open ocean and i got things ready i asked her if she was sure this was what she wanted it's the only way right she said as she hugged my neck we said our goodbyes and i watched her sink into the darkness below i thought that was the end of it that margot was gone forever but then she came to my door again sobbing like an infant she was covered in wet sea grass and moss a tangled mess of barnacles covered her skin the current had swept her along and the ropes that had tied her down had eroded water had filled her lungs for days on end by all accounts she should have been dead margot felt everything now it's hopeless this is punishment i just know it she screamed i comforted her as our son watched on in wide-eyed confusion i told her that we would think of something but years went by and nothing came of it our son grew up and learned of his mother's condition and the sadness that crept into our lives because of it why does mom not want us why can't she just be happy yes it wasn't something i could explain margo isolated herself from us going on trips for days to find doctors or get high on drugs or even terrorists absolutely nothing seemed to work though then one day after dinner she tried to choke on some food and our son jumped up and tried to help her cough it up get away from me just get away she screamed as he performed the heimlich maneuver she slapped him across the face i stared in shock as she sobbed and ran off to our bedroom my son only stormed out angry and confused this had gone on too long i knew that if it continued her curse would destroy our lives altogether so i consulted the dark web again and looked into the mystic arts spells and tomes that no man dared read i found one that i felt would fit the bill and i bought it during a christmas sale when i showed margo she seemed hesitant to even give it a try but since it was the last resort she eventually conceded we placed the goat's blood around our bed in a circle like the ritual implied then chanted the phrase six times we walked around the bed counterclockwise then i took her hand and we both fell asleep when i woke up the next day i was staring at my wife and she at me but our souls had transferred into each other's bodies she was mortal and i was immune the spell had worked she reached into her drawer and pulled out a gun meekly passing it to me do it i'm ready she said i pressed it toward her skull closed my eyes and finished the job as the life drained from my body i caressed her forehead and watched her breathe her last she said two words thank you and then she was gone that was so long ago when i watched my only body fall into a grave when i explained to my son that now the curse was upon me he will be on his deathbed and i will only watch in horror as he slips away margot was right about this curse and it's one i carry now one that holds a further curse upon me for the spell said one thing that i never told margot that i could never go back to the way it had been or transfer again but now that i have seen through her eyes what the hell is like perhaps it is time that i start to explore this world and discover exactly what it means to die and maybe along the way i can learn to live there i lay frozen in bed as i had a hundred times before but it started out as a waking nightmare had become little more than a mild annoyance sleep paralysis always occurring as i awoke from a bad dream i darted my eyes around the dark room trying to figure out what time it was wondering if i should try to move my body or make a futile attempt to return to sleep then i felt the pressure build up within my chest as if someone was crushing it with their own weight i knew it to be a little more than my imagination so it didn't particularly scare me but it felt uncomfortable nonetheless but on that night in particular the sleep paralysis simply wouldn't fade i was trapped within my limp body unable to even call out for help as the words i produced merely formed whispers then i noticed something i hadn't seen before a strange shadow standing in the corner of my room i tried to figure out whether it came from a lamp casting a strange shadow but if that were the case why hadn't i seen it before then the shadow moved ever so slightly what had been a projection on the wall was then a figure standing in my room i felt adrenaline built up in my blood hallucinations weren't unheard of during episodes of sleep paralysis but i'd never experienced them myself i tried to wriggle my body around but it wouldn't respond the shadow took a step in my direction and mild fear had turned to mind shattering panic i forced as much air out of my lungs calling out for help next thing i know the lights turn on and my parents come rushing in to check on me eric what is going on my mother screamed my dad's standing next to her with a baseball bat i sat up in bed finally freed and observed the suddenly empty corner had it all been a dream i i i just had a bad dream i think i thought i saw something standing in the corner i said as i tried to catch my breath my bed was soaked and what i could only pray was sweat but in the grand scheme of what i just experienced it didn't really matter the nightmares are getting worse my mom asked i nodded they were always the same always the car crashed with my grandparents their blood splattered upon my face as i cried i had caused the accident not on purpose but i'd cried enough to distract them at the age of four i just didn't know any better there they lay bleeding out but still trying to comfort me because i was scared those were the images haunting me in my dreams each and every night those were the nightmares that forced my body to stop functioning my mom's side i think we need to schedule another appointment with dr burke i agreed he'd been able to help me through the trauma though only to a certain degree with his help i'd been able to get back in a car without having a mental breakdown i'd known him for the better part of my life and though i just turned 18 technically not within a scope of therapy i wouldn't have accepted help from anyone else hello eric it has been a while since we last saw each other how's it going he greeted me as i entered his office at that moment it seemed so childish he was a psychiatrist both for children and teenagers and though i technically fit within that realm i wanted to be treated as an adult still i sat down and talked to him going over the nightmares as i had so many times before back as a kid he'd mainly been treating my post-traumatic stress disorder with the idea that the nightmares would vanish alongside my anxiety he wasn't a particularly big fan of medications for kids so we've been working under the theory of cognitive behavioral theory despite all that the nightmares persisted i know i've told you we'd stay away from medications for as long as possible but now that you're an adult it might be time to take the next step i was skeptical but in the end i did trust the man what kind of drugs i asked just a mild anti-depressant if we can get your sleep under control i'm hoping the sleep paralysis will vanish alongside the nightmares i'll give them a shot i guess i said still not convinced the thing about ssris is that they might need some time to work typically you'll notice an improvement within a couple of weeks but until then you need to keep taking them as long as you're not experiencing any side effects of course he wrote me a prescription and sent me on my way a mild glimmer of hope had been ignited within me though it remained overshadowed by my lack of belief in medication but i knew he was an educated man with years of experience i diligently take my pills and pray for a good night's sleep that night i took my first pill and slipped into a deep sleep coincidentally not only would the antidepressant help with my nightmares but as a side effect it would make me tired which meant it kind of doubles a sleeping tablet i felt myself fade into a dreamless darkness it was a void where i was rid of any weight floating in nothing except for infinite peace i remained extraordinarily lucid throughout the experience never once forgetting the fact that i was indeed sleeping i just felt calm content with my own existence and so i would remain until my body finally landed back in bed and i opened my eyes i was paralyzed my mind frozen inside my useless body not that it bothered me too much though just having a peaceful moment of sleep was worth the paralysis i looked around the room as usual trying to figure out the time then i saw it again the shadow standing in the corner but it was closer than last time i could even make out its basic humanoid silhouette help i let out with merely a whisper but there was no one there to listen my parents were fast asleep and i was alone with the strange shadow that was moving just slightly closer than it had last time then i shot up in bed the room suddenly cleared of all malicious entities i could move but that time at least i hadn't screamed i peeked over at the time it had just passed three in the morning which meant i had a long night ahead of me despite the horrific experience with the creature i was content that the nightmares had vanished and if the medication still needed time to function i felt confident that the paralysis would be removed too how did you sleep my mom asked as i came down for breakfast i slept all right still had sleep paralysis saw some weird things but no nightmares that's great she exclaimed in joy why aren't you happy it's just that thing it was the same as last night i said a monster she asked i think so i'm not sure eric you know your mind can play tricks on you when you're tired hallucinations are normal with sleep paralysis we went over it all together i knew she was right but it felt all too real still i was almost excited to sleep so when nightfall washed away the blinding rays of sunlight i took my medication and headed back to bed once again i slipped into the empty void it was just me and my thoughts all the horrors of the world didn't matter as long as i could just stay in that blissful place just like last night i was free from the nightmares but once my body regained consciousness i paralyzed back in my bed i immediately glimpsed over at the corner and sure enough the creature was there closer than ever before the being that had once been a mere silhouette suddenly had more human features though twisted wrong it was unnaturally tall slim with twisted fingers containing far too many joints it took a step closer and i could hear its raspy voice and putrid breath fill the room i put every ounce of willpower into moving a finger then my arm with a few excruciatingly challenging movements i was finally able to sit up and with that the monster was gone it's just a hallucination i kept telling myself as i inspected the empty room it's still better than the nightmares so i diligently went on with the therapy and each night i'd slip into the same unconscious void drifting further and further into the darkness but no matter how far i sank i would always awake paralyzed with the creature getting closer each night before long i could feel its humid breath on my face and the sound of its creaking fingers stretch out as if trying to reach me its face was still shrouded in the darkness only its hands were close enough for me to make out any specific details the skin was charred with deep fissures that were actively bleeding drops falling onto the floor below his hand was just a few inches away from my face and its stench immediately assaulted my nostrils with that i shot up in bed and the creature had once again vanished but despite being safe my body remained in panic mode i jumped out of bed and pulled open each and every door curtains cupboards then i checked under the bed and as i kneeled down i felt something wet brush against my foot it was blood just a few drops of the putrid liquid that had poured out from the monster's hand it was all real i tried to tell my parents begged to visit my grandparents for just a couple of days to escape the entity but they refused they saw the blood but it didn't exactly look normal it was too thick and lumpy so they figured i'd just spilled something instead of helping they just booked me another appointment with dr burke i knew i sounded insane but it was real so i decided to stay awake until i could come up with a plan i didn't have any close enough friends i could sneak over to but of course that wasn't a permanent solution while the first day went fine i was still no closer to finding a plan and as the 72nd hour rolled around i drifted off to sleep sitting on a chair in the kitchen with a cup of poorly made coffee in my hand as always i drifted through the dreamless void before being shoved back into physical existence i was lying on the floor in the kitchen after having fallen off the chair i was paralyzed and the being was standing closer than ever before his face was finally visible and it was little more than a solid block of meat with sharp teeth sticking out here and there there were multiple small holes on its head each containing a tiny tendril that wriggled around like a trapped worm it whispered with a harsh broken voice that was last night and though i fear for my life i'm still dead tired i can't stay awake much longer even if i do i don't think it's enough to hold back the monster anymore by this time tomorrow i will be dead and once i'm gone the creature will just latch onto someone else so if you wake up paralyzed just keep your eyes closed pretend there's nothing there until it gets bored and leaves it's your only chance i was framed i don't know by who or how he did it but i am innocent i promise it was my senior year graduation day was quickly approaching my stress levels were high because i was in charge of designing the school's yearbook looking back i was dumb for accepting the task it was a lot more work than what i bargained for especially since i was a serial procrastinator i had two more weeks to finish the book luckily i only had two classes on fridays so most of my day could be spent working on the book this particular friday i am about to describe will haunt me for the rest of my life after my second class ended i booked it to the computer lab the room was pretty high tech you needed a key card to get into the room after scanning my keycard i sat down at one of the computers and got started i opened up the editing software as the program was loading my computer suddenly powered down i tried turning the computer back on but nothing happened just when i was about to switch computers the lights in the room went off i got up from my chair and decided to get an it guy to help me out i tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge i pushed my body weight into it but it was locked shut i thought this was bizarre because you only needed the key card to get in not out the door was always unlocked from the inside appeared out of the small rectangular window in the door there was no one class was in session so all the students and teachers were in their rooms in every classroom my school had these black landline phones they had quick dial functions for all the main offices i made my way over to the phone picked it up and placed it to my ear no dial tone well this is weird i thought to myself i pulled my cell phone out of my pocket i glanced down at my phone in the upper right hand corner it said no signal this was getting a little ridiculous i've always had perfect cellular signal at my school especially since there was a radio tower nearby now i was getting angry i had all this work to get done and couldn't do a single thing i can't even get out of the damn room or call anybody for help as time went on my anger turned to rage i banged on the wall hoping to get the attention of an adjacent class but nobody responded i sat myself down at the computer again the only thing i could do was wait for the period to be over and get the attention of a passerby in frustration i pressed the power button of the computer again nothing happened i sat there contemplating my next move all of a sudden all the computers in the lab turned on they didn't boot up like normal though a white screen popped up on every monitor then a logo appeared the image looked to be a diamond inside of a pitchfork i didn't know what to think was this a glitch it couldn't be this had to be a deliberate action by somebody maybe somebody hacked into the school system one by one computer started shutting off around me every computer monitor went dark besides the one right in front of me the white screen with the creepy logo still appeared on my screen randomly black text appeared below the logo please click to continue well i had nothing better going on intrigued i clicked on the logo a screen popped up it was a live video of me i slowly turned around behind me in the corner of the ceiling was a security camera a red light was blinking on it showing that it was recording i turned back and faced the screen i said aloud nice joke whoever you are then would look to be a live video of the front of the school loaded all of a sudden a man holding a gun entered into view as the man became clearer i realized it was me how how did you before i could finish speaking gunshots the gunshots corresponded to me on the video opening fire how the hell did you do this i asked more gunshots rang out the gunshots didn't seem entirely real it sounded as if they were coming over the pa system i could hear the yells and screams of students in nearby classrooms the loudspeaker sounded it was the principle code red code red active shooter on the premises i repeat there is a gunman on campus the live stream on my screen switched to a view of my room even though i was still seated in my chair the video showed me by the door i was pointing a rifle out of the rectangular window in the door the video froze an email screen popped up the image of me holding the gun by the door was sent as an email attachment the email recipient was the principal the subject said i am not going down without a fight i yelled at the screen who the hell are you and what do you want from me more gunshots ring out over the pa system stop this sick joke right now i screamed i got up from the computer and looked out the window across the way was the principal's office i could see him talking on the phone and pointing in my direction i whispered under my breath this is not good i went back over to the computer this time the screen was completely white then a creepy clown face popped up on the screen it was laughing uncontrollably the creepy laughs boomed over the loudspeaker in the room my heart was racing i thought to myself why is this happening to me the clown face disappeared now the screen went back to the front of the school swat cars pulled up faculty were pointing them in the direction of my room now the reality hit me they might actually kill me by mistake i hid under the desk i could hear the swat team getting closer and closer they were right in front of the door all of a sudden gunshots rang across the loudspeaker the swat team immediately returned fire pull its whiz to cross my head the door got kicked down flashbangs flew in and i became dates next thing i knew i was in an interrogation room i told them everything that happened they confiscated the computers and found nothing on them they were convinced i was the one who orchestrated the whole prank since there was no evidence i was never charged that didn't matter though all my classmates thought i planned the sick prank the whole ordeal trashed my reputation and my senior year was ruined school is in lockdown rumor has it that alexis is on a rampage and i know why this thing it has taken over alexis's body she has no control over herself alexis she is not capable of this she is the sweetest girl i need to put an end to this before she hurts more people it was the first day of my sophomore year in high school most of my class remained the same for the exception of a few transfer students while walking to my locker one student in particular caught my attention she was stunning beautiful blonde hair blue eyes basically everything i'd imagine in my dream girl she looked a bit on the older side so i thought she had to be a junior i tried to refocus on the task at hand i grabbed my books and headed to my next class which was photography it was in one of those computer labs with computers next to each other to my surprise the beautiful girl was in the photography class with me it was a small class with only 12 of us i only knew one guy out of the whole class since the class was an elective it also had juniors and seniors in it that i didn't recognize the teacher had us all stand up in front of the class and do the usual icebreaker routine one by one the teacher asked us our names where we were from and one cool fact about us i was the second to last to introduce myself my name is dylan freeze i am from michigan i can play the piano the last in line was this stunning girl she introduced herself my name is alexis i am originally from the united kingdom and moved to north carolina my fun fact is that my family moved out of north carolina because of a haunted house everyone in the class started laughing even the teacher couldn't contain himself the teacher said wow that's the best one i've heard all day the weird thing was alexis looked dead serious before alexis could interrupt him the teacher started talking okay class take your seats since this is a small class you can sit where you'd like alexis took her seat across the classroom i followed in close pursuit i had to know if she was just joking about the whole haunted house thing and of course i was really attracted to her after taking our seats the teacher instructed us to log into the computers and into our school email he announced click on your class go to assignments and click the top one you will be given a list of photos and you need to make notes about what is wrong with each one there is no right or wrong answer and this will not be graded feel free to work with a partner next to you i finally had the chance to talk to alexis hey i'm dylan well yeah dummy you said your name to the whole class and the introduction well if you're so good what was my fun fact well you can play the piano how good you can play remains to be seen maybe i can show you sometime that would be great actually a date it is then changing topics i wanted to ask you in all seriousness was your house really on it yes it was we moved into this like really old house in north carolina when we first got to the states it just had that you know heavy feeling the moment you stepped in at night i would hear things move around in demonic voices my parents heard them too one night i was asleep in my bed something jolted me awake when my eyes opened i saw this demon child hovering above me it was the scariest thing i ever saw in my life i blinked and it was gone my parents had similar experiences finally we couldn't take any more and sold the house now i'm here wow that is quite the story before i could ask alexis more stories the teacher interrupted ok class save your work we are going out into the courtyard to take some pictures i assume most of you have phones with cameras those that don't group up with someone that does we went outside the classroom into the courtyard the teacher continued okay now with your partner or group each take five different photos of each other please change up the camera angles and poses this is just a test run the school will issue us the good cameras tomorrow the class started socializing and taking photos i took out my phone okay alexis smile i said i held up the phone and snapped the photo i glanced down at the photo my heart fell through the floor right next to alexis was a demonic looking child it's long jet black hair covering most of its face is everything all right yeah everything is totally fine you know what the sun washed out the whole photo let's take a new one i quickly deleted the photo and held my phone up once again to take another photo i snapped the next photo i held my breath as i glanced back down on my phone the demon child was there again this time closer to alexis right up against her this has to be some sick joke i thought to myself this can't be real she must have messed with my phone is there something wrong no my phone is just glitching a bit let me reset it i quickly deleted the photo and restarted my phone okay let's try this again i said i picked up the phone again hesitant to even take the picture i pointed the phone at alexis before snapping the photo i glanced at the screen nothing was there i took the photo as soon as i took the photo alexis called i ran over to her are you okay i asked she slowly looked up at me and i felt my bone shiver it felt as if there was a demonic presence right in front of me get out leave me alone all of a sudden alexis's head went limp to one side and raised again hey what just happened i feel really light-headed i think you need to get some water and sit down the teacher finally said all right students time to get your things and move on to your next period we went back inside the classroom i gave alexis my water bottle she seemed completely fine now the whole situation freaked me out i arrived at my next class i wanted to erase that bizarre situation out of my mind what the hell happened back there it hit me like a ton of bricks the last photo i never looked at the last photo i pulled my phone out of my pocket i went to my photos app i tapped on the photo it was even worse than before the demon child looked like she was inside alexis like a spirit going inside of a body is this even real life before i could even think an announcement was made over the pa system lockdown lockdown code black code black the teacher mr blackwell immediately locked the classroom door he told us to hide under our desks most of the students did not take it seriously some even had their smartphones out playing games all of a sudden a loud yell came from outside the door help somebody help me mr blackwell peeked out the door his face lost all color he whispered under his breath oh my god i couldn't help myself i got up from under my desk and approached the door mr blackwell yelled get back under the desk what do you think you're doing i ignored him and looked out the glass window of the door in the hallway was alexis her back was turned to me she was holding onto a bloody kitchen knife as if sensing my presence she slowly turned around to face me she barely looked like her former self and looked more like the devil child in the pictures on the ground was the principal mr white alexis had these crazed eyes and a devilish smile i had this intense feeling that i needed to stop this i unlocked the door and sprinted at alexis i tackled her the knife flew out of her hands the injured principal got up and ran away alexis snap out of it i yelled i need to kill alexis you are not a killer you need to fight whatever is inside of you for a brief second alexa seem to relax and talk normal where am i oh my gosh why why i said bloods all over my hands alexis you need to listen to me there is an entity inside of you you need to fight it with all your power and strength what have i done get out of my body whatever you are all of a sudden alexis closed her eyes and passed out the police came and i told them everything i still had the last picture i took of her with the demon child but they weren't interested alexis was admitted to a mental health facility and that was the last i heard about it the school brushed everything under the rug and most students never knew what actually happened that day we were just chilling in front of the television idly watching the colorful images without thinking too much about its actual content that had always been our usual routine to get home not speak and just turn our brains off for the evening but on that night in particular all of our phones went off within 15 seconds of each other we all jumped to attention and confusion checking our phones simultaneously all it had been was a simple message but one carrying a crystal clear meaning emergency alert this is a message to the citizens of newport do not leave your homes stay inside and don't open the door to anyone not even your own family or friends this is not a test stay inside turn off the lights [Music] our minds raced but none of us were able to speak a single word i looked over at my dad who put on his glasses to make sure he read the message correctly my mother seemed worried her eyes filled to the brim with panic what is this my dad finally asked while the message was clear it didn't really explain the situation it was the first and only emergency alert we'd ever received in our small town apart from the occasional test message it was real something dangerous was on its way and we hadn't the faintest idea what i went over to the window only to see each and every one of our neighbors begin to turn the lights off within a couple of minutes the entire neighborhood had turned dark leaving us confused in a haze of ignorance i'm calling the police dad said as he dialed the number it started to ring and dad put the phone on speaker but instead of a person picking up he just received an automated message we're experiencing heavy call volumes at this time please do not hang up you will be redirected to one of our dispatchers shortly what is going on mom asked i don't know this is dad said before trailing off i still stood by the window watching the empty neighborhood wondering if anyone would defy the message and go outside in the meantime dad was trying to call the police again after the third attempt he tried to reach his co-worker instead who lived further downtown hey david did you get the same message as us dad asked yeah it's bizarre most people are staying inside though a few went out on the street to mess around those idiots they seem fine but i don't know wait what's that dad waited patiently as david went silent on the other end of the line i think the military is out on the street but they look odd they're all wearing gas masks but they have three eyes i don't even know what kind of weapons they're carrying can you take a picture and send it to us i'll try hold on a few seconds passed and another beep could be heard from my dad's phone signifying that we'd received a picture my dad quickly opened it but what greeted us was little more than a tangled mess of colors from a clearly corrupt photograph david the picture isn't showing up try again yeah it doesn't work the camera won't save the pictures correctly allowed screech took over the line shoving us all to the ground as we held our hands tightly over our ears though it came from the phone it was an impossible sound that should have blown the speakers to smithereens in a second once the sound had subsided we could still hear someone frantically breathing on the other end david what happened they killed killed them all they shot them with these weapons just shredded them to pieces all that that's is is he stuttered david you need to hide dad yelled but they're they're just standing there it's like they're frozen in place i don't understand why are they doing this why are they his words froze in his throat oh my god they saw me they're coming towards me there then the line fell dead dad tried to call david back but no one responded our house felt dead silent only interrupted by the intermittent beeps produced by the calling phone my mom wandered nervously around the house and i just stared at the window paranoid that something might break through the door he's gone david pick up the damn phone dad mumbled to himself that's when i saw them walking down the street they weren't moving normally and their steps were too quick each movement snapping into place they were wearing strange uniforms that might have looked like military uniforms in the dark but once they got closer it was clear they weren't even human one of the neighbor's doors shut open and the johnsons came running towards the military thinking they were finally safe but no sooner had they been spotted by the marching creatures before they lifted their weapons the same screech filled the neighborhood almost knocking me to the ground as the air literally started to vibrate the family screamed in agony for a moment but within seconds their bodies just started disintegrating until all that was left was a pile of flesh that resembled minced meat i wanted to scream but before i got the chance my dad put his hand over my mouth do you want to die keep your mouth shut he whispered just that mere sound briefly turned the creature's attention in our direction but once we fell silent they just stopped there they stood as if frozen in time for minutes all we could do was stare at them in shock then one of the neighbor's automatic lights turned on triggered by the cat returning home the same second the creatures all turned to the house raising their weapons and firing as the loud sound rang through the house my dad grabbed me and my mom we were taking the opportunity to flee to the basement where we prayed we might be safe at least for a while we never even saw what happened to the neighbor's house we just heard the screams of agony as they all fell to pieces now we're just hiding down here without food without water we've tried to call for help but no one is picking up whether it's because they're dead or hiding we don't know so i'm sending this a hopeless call for help if anyone out there receives this please save us we don't have much time left it happened as the bell rang finally signaling a long-awaited recess but as we got to our feet another message played over the speaker [Music] hardly a soul taking the message seriously whatever drill we assumed the school was putting us through none of us were having it only then did i glance outside to see three armored military vehicles approaching the school at high speeds within a minute dozens of soldiers poured out with heavy equipment and metal plates running up to our windows one by one they started boarding them up drilling the plates in front of our windows making any thought of escape impossible what's happening leo asked from the back of the class the teacher didn't answer he looked just as confused as the rest of us he went to his desk and pulled out a phone calling the principal but he didn't answer we're just going to stay here all right let them deal with the situation then we can leave i dug my mobile phone out from my bag only to find that i didn't have any signal while the school always had crappy service i'd never been left without the possibility to call out whatever the soldiers had done it had blocked off our only means of contacting the outside world i can't call anyone i said holding up my phone the other students even mr morgans pulled out their phones each of them with the same result everybody keep calm it'll be all right mr morgan said unconvincingly we just need to wait here for them to help his words were interrupted by frantic screaming coming from the hallway and heavy footsteps running just outside the door we all sat in silence listening intently to the commotion going on outside then one by one the screams were silenced replaced by distant gurgles by then some of my classmates had started crying while others sat frozen in fear [ __ ] this [ __ ] i'm leaving one of the students said it was jack the class ass hat he'd always been a daredevil claiming nothing could scare him but even for him this was ridiculous beyond belief he ran for the door pulled it open and started running down the hall mr morgan's was too slow to stop him he just rushed over to pull the door closed we all sat back ready for another bout of screams but they never came by all means it seemed like jack had made it to safety but how he'd possibly leave the school we didn't know he made it leo called from the back i don't know it sounds like he's fine another one chimed in as the news of his escape hit us more of the students started feeling confident we could get out with him whatever the military had blocked the school for it wasn't to keep us safe so staying in one place might end up getting us all killed while mr morgan's demanded we stay back he couldn't fight us all so a group consisting of four students including myself decided to leave leo took the lead sticking his head outside the door and signaling that it was all clear we ducked into the hallway in silence making sure it was empty the place was eerily quiet a stark contrast to both its usual self and the screaming we'd heard moments earlier we unanimously decided to head in the opposite direction of the sound which also went towards the main exit while we all figured the main exit was blocked we were hoping one of the ventilation shafts had been forgotten and the only vent entrance we knew about was situated near the main doors if jack had made it outside that would be the only way as we walked down the hall the light suddenly went out it appeared that the electricity had been cut because even the ventilation system fell silent meaning the whole building had lost power the only light we had then came from our mobile phones but it hardly provided any comfort then i slipped and hit my head on the ground it hurt and as i went to rub the back of my head it felt wet at first i was worried i might have cracked my head open but then i realized that my entire back was wet leo shined his flashlight at my back immediately gasped as he realized i was covered in blood the only issue was it didn't belong to me the entire hallway was covered in blood the floor the walls and the ceiling maybe we should turn back lee said no we need to get out tyler argued back we kept going slowly moving forward in silence until we finally saw the exit as suspected the doors had been sealed shut by the same metal plates but next to the door stood a ladder leading up to the vent probably the one jack had used to escape tyler rushed to the front and started ascending the ladder as he got to the vent he froze in place jack he said quietly he's in there i asked yeah but he's not moving then tyler started tugging on jack's legs and tumbled back as he pulled half his body out of the vent falling onto the ground and knocking himself out for a moment jack was dead which meant that the monster had either climbed inside the vents or there were several of them we we should go back to the classroom and wait for help elise suggested as she stared at what was left of jack none of us could disagree so we got tyler back on his feet and started quietly walking back praying not to garner the attention of whatever monstrosity had been unleashed within our school when we finally got back we found the door to our classroom broken and smashed to pieces we stood frozen outside until i finally got the guts to check inside holding the other back to protect them from what i knew was coming the entire room was smeared with blood with chunks of flesh lying on the floor every single person in the classroom had been killed torn to shreds by an unknown entity had we not left to look for a way out we'd all be dead too what are we going to do police asked i don't know we just have to keep looking for a way out we can't stay here we turned to walk in the opposite direction hoping to find shelter or maybe even an escape through the basement but as we turned to run we heard a bizarre sound shatter the silence around us what was that tyler asked with a shaky voice it was the thing it has to be the darkness felt more overwhelming than ever but we had to keep going we ran through the halls occasionally coming across streaks of blood as we turned a corner we heard elise scream for her life no help me she'd been snatched by a mangled appendage that wrapped itself around her leg it stretched endlessly far into the darkness belonging to a being that was too far away to see we tried to grab onto her but she was slipping away too fast we could hear the bone within her leg get crushed to pieces as she slipped away from our grasp elise tyler yelled as he started to run out leo tried to follow but i pulled him back don't do it you can't help her tyler leo yelled hoping to bring him back to us it was too late he too got entangled in the many dark appendages his body being crushed almost instantly under the pressure they were dead and there was nothing me and leo could do about it so we kept running turning around corners blindly in an aimless attempt at escape we'd gotten lost in the vast hallways of the school and there were no obvious ways out at least we came to another set of doors that led out into freedom but they were locked defeated i just collapsed onto the ground but leah wasn't ready to give up he kept hammering on the boarded up windows and in the distance we could hear the monster come closer within minutes he'd be dead then as he hammered for the last time the metal panel suddenly vanished letting light in for the first time the doors blew open and a team of heavily armed soldiers came running into the building they threw something i could only describe as military-grade molotovs before one of them turned to us is there anyone else left no no they they're all dead i stuttered with that they pulled us out and sealed the doors back up that was pretty much it they loaded us into a vehicle and drove us to an isolated field hospital set up inside some warehouse once they'd confirmed we didn't carry any strange infections we were put through a series of interviews but nothing came of it because the school was gone the next day burned to the ground and removed as if it never existed and the hundreds of deaths were claimed to be caused by a crazy fire all of it got brushed under the rug but i can't hide the truth anymore even if they kill me i need to get this story out people deserve to know i violently gasped for air as i was jolted back to consciousness my neck ached and my mouth felt like sandpaper from the unnaturally dry air around me at first everything was blurry a curse brought upon me by genetically poor eyesight i fumbled around for my glasses only to accidentally step on them as i tried to get to my feet to my luck they didn't break blow i croaked out as i put the glasses on that's when i realized i was in a classroom but not just any random one it was the place i'd suffered through countless math lessons throughout my short tenure at high school is there anyone there i asked again i tried to figure out what had happened prior to my strange slumber but my memory remained hazy it felt as if i'd slept for days snatched out for my day-to-day life to be thrust into some kind of bizarre nightmare the door that led into the hallway stood slightly open allowing flickering light to slip in from the other side i carefully walked over fear rising through my body without any reasonable explanation as i put my hand on the door handle it just shot open i fell to the ground letting out a quick yelp as a dark figure towered above me greg the voice said it was brian one of my closest friends from early childhood just the sight of him gave me a brief moment of relief the lonely surrounding suddenly seemed less threatening he reached out a hand and pulled me to my feet what are you doing here what's going on i asked we just woke up around the school something's wrong he said with a trembling voice what is he just stared over my shoulder towards the closed windows the blinds were blocking out what little light could possibly exist on the outside but that wasn't the reason why brian seemed worried oh no we're too late he said i turned around to see a strange black fog seeping in through the curtains forming a thick layer along the floor it moved slowly towards us bringing with it a sense of impending doom as it passed the desks on the ground the metal seemed to rust the wood rotted before our eyes and the paint immediately peeled off it was as if the fog was aging everything rapidly spinning time forward unhinged from the rest of reality what the i tried to get out before brian grabbed my arm and pulled me into the hallway shutting the door behind him we have to get back to the principal's office that's where the rest of the students are he said the rest of the students i asked about a dozen of us woke up here we've been looking for a way out while we searched for others but every exit is covered by that [ __ ] fog what is the fog i asked i i don't know but you'll die if it touches you only light keeps it away with that he handed me a flashlight don't use it until you absolutely have to the fog eats off the battery quicker than you can run through it doug already tried he's he trailed off he ushered me along before i could ask any further questions truth be told i was too confused and panicked to dig into what exactly was going on my main priority was to get out of there only then i could figure out exactly how i'd been trapped inside my own school we crossed an intersecting hallway i took a brief pause to glance into each of the branching off parts there were walls of darkness blocking off each way funneling us towards the principal's office the fog itself was dangling around a flickering light seeming to feed off its warmth for each passing second the light grew dimmer before darkening completely then it started seeping towards the hallway come on we don't have much time brian yelled but we were too late the bulb at the end of our destination shattered into a million pieces causing glass to rain down onto the floor a flicker of light was all that remained before the fog overtook the path ahead the door to the principal's office was just visible around the corner but without the light it quickly got consumed by the fog no brian screamed in defeat on the other side of the door we could hear a few panicked screams at first they were filled with agony but as their flesh was stripped off the student's bone by the rapid passage of time itself the screams turned to dry groans the voices that cried out were aging fading away in the vast darkness we turned around and ran in the opposite direction just barely able to avoid the fog eating up the intersection with each and every path gone we had no choice but to return to the mathematics classroom the paint on the walls was peeling the pictures had long since faded leaving little rotten husks of frames that used to carry school memories then we passed the classroom which was filled to the brim with black fog that got pushed out under the edge of the door we didn't stop we just kept running in the general direction of the cafeteria praying to find refuge oh my god there's someone out there a voice called out from the cafeteria but it didn't matter because a wall of black fog was blocking our way though not as thick as the rest of them it would kill us unless we kept the darkness at bay our flashlights won't work we have to try i told brian he stared at me for a moment before realizing the hopelessness of our situation he nodded in hesitated agreement as the other students were calling us from the other side telling us to hurry up then we turned our flashlights on an action that immediately started pulling the fog towards us it swirled around the light heating it up at the same time the most minute gap formed in the wall of darkness just large enough for us to pass through that time we didn't hesitate we rushed into the darkness praying it wouldn't consume us then i heard a shattering sound as brian's flashlight got crushed beneath the pressure of the fog no sooner had the light flickered out than the fog wrapped around him he let out a scream as his skin started to dry out his face formed wrinkles and his back arched as if the vertebrae within had collapsed within the span of three seconds he had died from what could only be excruciating pain and unnatural old age i dove through feeling glass shards hit my face as my own flashlight shattered the fog reached out for me but one of the other students snatched me away just in time to save my life brian i cried out in disbelief but it was too late three students greeted me on the other side two guys and a girl all of them seniors i'd only known in passing they looked emaciated starved as if they'd been there for weeks i can't believe you made it the girl said yet her voice wasn't filled with amazement but rather apathy she seemed older than i remember her she must have noticed me staring because she put on a clearly fake smile and brushed her greying hair away yeah i've had better days she joked without a hint of emotion in her voice this place eats you up even if you're not touching the fog just being near it will eventually kill you how long have you been here i asked still in shock from watching my friend die months the girl said how how the hell did you survive i went on cafeteria food the fog wasn't very big at first just blocking the exits there were so many of us but now she trailed off why hasn't anyone come for us we heard voices through the fog at first but but what i asked we haven't heard from the outside world in weeks that's if it's even out she was cut off by the fog leaking cafeteria the doors aged enough to just break under its pressure oh god one of the guys let out this is it the fog washed in over the students they didn't even try to fight it anymore they'd given up weeks ago just waiting to die but i wasn't ready yet i crawled on my back away from the incoming wave of darkness the girl let out a final sigh as her lungs got too dried out to hold in any air despite the obvious agony she almost sounded relieved to finally be free within a few seconds i was surrounded meaning any chance of survival was a hopeless fever dream i curled up into a ball still not ready to accept my feet i could feel my skin dry out and wrinkle up as the fog neared but just as i thought my time on this planet had come to an end i saw an infinitely bright light penetrate the darkness the light wasn't like anything i'd ever seen before it was pale blue almost turquoise unlike the rest of the lights the vog seemed repelled by it disintegrating into nothing another beam of light shot through the fog then a third and a fourth before long the entire cafeteria was lit up a bunch of uniformed men stormed in killing the darkness before dragging my weak body outside then i just blacked out i spent the next month in the hospital parts of my body have aged 30 years while others remain untouched no one can explain what happened inside the school no is there any way to find out the building has long since been demolished covered up to pretend nothing ever happened there i'm not sure what haunts me the most the fact that my friends are all dead or that most of them were mere minutes away from survival i'm so sorry thanks for watching and don't forget to check out the dr no sleep podcast available on spotify apple podcasts and many more there you will find a plethora of bone-chilling horror stories to listen to also be sure to subscribe and turn notifications on to stay tuned for new videos
Channel: Dr. NoSleep
Views: 284,081
Rating: 4.9006176 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. NoSleep, dr nosleep, doctor nosleep, scary stories animated, horror stories animated, animated horror stories, scary animated stories, dr no sleep, animated stories, scary animations, scary stories, horror stories, nosleep, dr nosleep animations, dark web horror stories, dark web horror stories animated, dr. no sleep, dr no sleep horror stories, Horror story compilation, horror story compilations, horror stories compilation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 38sec (5018 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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