Infographic Percentage Counter in Davinci Resolve

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hi everybody Jeremy here from video studio and today I'm going to share with you how to create a percentage Contour in DaVinci Resolve so if you're ready let's check it out [Music] all right so we are on the edit page and we're going to start by bringing a new Fusion composition in our timeline so we're gonna just drag that in and move over to Fusion once in Fusion the first thing I want to do is bring a new background node and then link the output of that background to the media out then I'm gonna bring a second background and Link the output of that background to my first one then we're gonna just select the background too and click on the ellipse mask here I'm gonna select my background too and I'm going to swap the color from a black to white so we can see the circle that we just created with the ellipse mask now I'm going to select the ellipse and here I'm going to link the width and the height so when I'm modifying those value they are still the same and they don't deform the circle so we're just going to link that together by right clicking on the width and here select expression and Link the width to the height now when we're moving the height as you can see the width is moving accordingly and will retain a perfect circle we're gonna make it 0.3 and then here we're gonna untick solid and we're gonna just raise the border with as for now let's do 0.005 now we're going to create a second Circle but we're going to just create it from the ellipse as an instance so I'm gonna just select ellipse copy it and then right next to it I'm simply going to right click and paste instance then I'm gonna bring a new background link that instance to the background and then link the background to the merge tool then here I'm going to change the color of the background from black to Green and we're gonna go back to the instance and here I want to an instance the border with by right clicking on it and then the instance it and then I'm gonna right click on the lens and I'm gonna de-instance it as well I've made a video more in depth about instance note that I will link in the description below if you want to just learn a bit more about it then we're just going to make our circle with a bit bigger so we're gonna switch from 0.005 to 0.015 as you can see if we adjusting the lens that's what's going to serve us or counter but we need to here modify the position so the Contour doesn't start from the right side right here but it starts from the top that will just be nicer so here I'm gonna switch to position to 0.25 here we go now it's just starting from the top now we're going to create a custom control that can allow us to display the percentage in the middle of the circle as numbers and to make sure that those numbers on screen match the length of the circle so we're gonna do that right now by clicking on the instance ellipse right clicking on it click edit control we're gonna rename that control percentage and then we're going to select here starter control and select the range from 0 to 100. and then here in page we're just going to select it in control so to make sure that it's appearing on the control page otherwise if you select user they will just create an extra user page right here if you check image that will appear in image so right now we just want to have it in control so it's easy to see let's click OK and as you can see that control has been created it's a custom slider that go from 0 to 100 but as you can see there is nothing linked to it yet we're gonna need to link that to the lens to make it Tech effect to do that first I'm just gonna rename my instance ellipse because we're gonna need to reference that name multiple time so here I'm just going to right click on it and I'm gonna just select rename and here we're just going to call it Circle now can just right click on the lens and select expression and we're going to leak the percentage and the lens together so I'm gonna just write a simple expression by writing Circle which is the name of the node where those parameters are in then Dot and then percentage which is the parameter that I want to link it with so percentage make sure to have everything written the exact same way the capital included otherwise it will not work because it's case sensitive then we're just gonna do slash 100 and as you can see if we're adjusting the value of the percentage it's adjusting the value that you can see on screen represented with circle if you're wondering why we did that instead of just doing it directly on the lens which would have worked perfectly fine as well it's because we're going to need to have those exact value that go up from 0 to 100 instead of having them going from 0 to 1 because that value is going to be pulled off to appear on screen right there in the text node so let's just bring a text node and let me show you right away how we're going to do that I'm going to link the output of the text to the merge and then here we're gonna just go back to the text right click on it and then here we're just going to select expression and then we're gonna write another expression right there first I'm going to do the exact same thing I've done before by linking this text with the slider so we can actually copy what we've done right there we can just copy Circle dot percentages which just locate the parameter and Link it to that parameter so let's go to text paste that Circle dot percentages but we're going to add a couple of things so we're just gonna enclose this in between parenthesis and as you can see now we have 100 being displayed but if we go back to Circle and we make some modification we have those modification appearing on screen but as you can see the number is not a rounded up so we have a DOT you know after it so we want to adjust that and make sure it's only going from one two three four five and that we don't have in between here with that three Etc to do that we're just gonna go back to text and just prior that we're gonna write floor so floor and then that's just gonna round that number up so now if we make some adjustment as you can see the value might be you know 47.6 but it has been rounded down or rounded up to 47. now to add the percentage we can just go back to our expression just write dot dot after it open quotation mark and then here percentage sign and then end the quotation mark and now we just have the percentage sign right after home number now let's just continue to stylize that I'm just gonna go over and change the font for monsterat increase the size a little bit and if we go back to Circle as you can see with percentage if we start to move it around it's just behaving accordingly where we have a display on the screen the percentage and this is proportional to the circle now for the animation you could just simply keyframe that and it will work perfectly fine and then just feel free to do some opacity and transform animation to make it pop in and out but if you want to be able to quickly and easily change the value because you want to reuse that title I'm just going to share with you how to do that so right here we're gonna right click on percentage and we're gonna just go with modify with and in curve then here we're going to go over to the modifier and I'm going to switch from transition to duration and here we're going to switch to curve linear to custom which is going to drop a point here on our curve and we're going to switch the in to 0.2 and then we're gonna put it out at 1. to smooth out animation I'm just gonna select my two point and hit s on my keyboard it helped created a bell curve at the top but here we're just gonna take that handle and create something more like a S curve at the bottom like that now if we play it as you can see it doesn't play properly we got it having some sort of bug between the 99 and 100. to fix that simply go to the third point and then just delete it for whatever reason that's creating a bug because there is a slight shift to be in value between those two but now when we delete that as you can see it's playing fine while doing that instead of keyframing well now we're able to change that value here in scale but we'll retain the animation so here I can modify it and put it to 62 percent and if we play it as you can see it just don't go to 100 it's up at 62. we can switch that for whatever value we want and it will retain the animation so that's the technique I will recommend instead of using keyframe if you plan on reviewing using that title over and over or even creating a macro that's just gonna make it easier to use because by dropping keyframe if you're not on the exact frame where you have the final value it will just mess up with animation so you always have to remember on which frame you drop it Etc so that's a bit of a hassle with this one that's just going to be very easy to switch that value so now let's just finish the animation to do that we're going to use a transform node and a brightness and contrast node to create the opacity animation so I'm going to select my merge and then here I'm going to bring a transform node and right after the transform node I'm going to bring a brightness and contrast note now we're going to go to frame 30 and I'm going to go to my brightness and contrast node activated to Alpha Channel and drop a keyframe on the gain at 1 and then go to frame 0 and bring the gain down to zero Now by doing that I realized that I didn't bring the alpha channel of my background down to zeros so I'm just gonna do the trainer by going to the background one and then here bringing the functional down to zero to have a full transparency and now we have an opacity Mission which is going to add a size animation to it which is going to go to transform and then here I'm going to go to frame 0 I'm going to drop a keyframe here on the size at one and then I'm going to go to frame 30 and then go to size and modify it to 0.8 now let's just smooth that animation by going to the spline editor and then here a quick tip to quickly find your keyframe in this plan you can just go over to settings and then here show only selected tool and I know that I just want to transform and the brightness and contrast I'm going to select those two and then here activate the transform click Zoom to fit select on my point and then hit s on our keyboard to smooth out that curve hit T to bring the easy in the knees out and bring the easy in up to 85. now that we have our title mostly done we can make some final adjustments right now I'm going to add some drop shadow and a glow so I'm gonna start by selecting here my brightness and contrast it's just based on my keyboard and I'm going to search for glow bring that in and then I'm gonna go to the background 3. it shifts based on my keyboard and this time I'm gonna search for the soft glow and bring that in in the software we're just gonna bring the game down a little bit right there and I'm happy with that and then here in the glow we're gonna just bring the glow down a little bit as well it just helps to make a title pop a little bit more now after the globe we can she's pressed on our keyboard and we can search for a drop shadow and then bring that in here I'm gonna reduce the Drop Distance and then you can just either increase or reduce the strands of that shadow also here instead of having a solid color we could choose to have a gradient so I'm going to go to my background three and here switch from solid color to gradient and then here we're going to select two colors so I'm gonna go to my color wheels and then I'm gonna select maybe blue and then cyan then you can just move those points around so I will just bring the blue up top and the Scion down there just so we add the change of color happening step by step so the beginning being blue and the end being cyan and that's pretty much it how this video was helpful please don't forget to like And subscribe let me know in the comment what kind of video you'd like to see next and see you next one bye speed up your workflow and create better videos using the pack available on our website including titles transition and templates to build only for DaVinci Resolve get started today by downloading all freestyle pack that contain over 150 elements Link in description below or at
Channel: Video Editor Studio
Views: 7,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve tutorial, motion graphics, davinci resolve motion graphics, davinci resolve title, davinci resolve template, davinci resolve title pack, Waqas Qazi, jamie fenn, JayAreTv, That Modern Dude, Skyline Motions, Billy Rybka, Chris' Tutorials, Casey Faris, CB Super, davinci resolve fusion, davinci resolve 18, Patrick Stirling, free pack, free title, free template
Id: WmCK6kAkkGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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