THE ARENA KING is Winning BIG! | Shaman Arena | Hearthstone

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the madman it's time for the king it's good to be the king and what a good king start here we got proto drake now i have uh started to figure out that pro drake is a card that you often lose the turn you play on unless you're playing for tempo so just keeping that in mind win rate's still very high on that card oh deathmatch pavilion that's uh that's just good though that's a pretty good you know crusher opponent card i feel like picking the more generally good card got a pearl test those are always good and good old shaman take shaman get all the good currents uh horror i will search i'm a little bit surprised this is actually rated that high best of the worst here steward i think having too many wriggling horror is bad missed runner really really strong card in arena haven't had the pleasure of playing this card yet but i've had to play it against me and shattered son whatever steward of scrolls i suppose this card's really good when you can actually get it to work and it does corrupt my pearl tusk but i think you choose the substitute second after you have this full damage stuff already now that's a good consistently good six whack an old hammer that card's overpowered so ridiculously good in arena wow look at all these good cars i consistently get steward this is a little bit sad i guess this uh does activate the pearl tusk maybe i get another pearl test because pearl test is just a good card and shaman gets all the good cards because the class as a whole is balanced that way anyways i think i have plenty of belly already so no need for a major scar with scorpion uh pearl tusk another one insane so good raider good to keep alive did you know this card actually apparently is seeing some playing constructed this is definitely not a bloodlust deck seems like a value deck the hog merchant this uh deck needs some early game the six drop is tempting in order to actually uh corrupt my five drops pearl task of which now i have two my commander is a good card i think because of that even though i still need fours i still pick commander and also the four drop is a little less good when i don't have the two drop in three drop to protect it from the smaller guys the real coaster all right that's a very welcome sight i need a good two drops and three drops and four drops emptying but no that's for sure on early game card oh wow stone sentinel yeah that card is so bad when i don't have elementals i really shouldn't it's actually possible that it's better to play falfin just for curve because i i hesitate on this fork lightning there's gonna be all these times where i'll have it in my hands just sitting there it's like i don't want to play this and i never play it whereas the fella finn navigator is really easy to play just played on four i'm just gonna pick this four four four [Music] nest shock derp and shine now that's a great card and thora i will probably be playing this as a two minute t3 all the time and i have to be okay with that purchase medic nice four jump do i have any spells that cost five or more no but it's still a four minute four or five time think that's better than guidance because i don't need value oh man another surf and shine portal also a sky stalker a serpent trying to back up my early game uh wriggling horror and vanguard yeah it's the only seven drop rupts a bunch of stuff i like it strong shaman deck it's got a bunch of valley it's got a bunch of late game the only fear is that there's not enough early game so i should definitely keep panthers in my mulligan and be willing to play them as two drops here now with this much value in the deck i'm just going to really cement it in my mind that i need to play for tempo make it to the late game and there's not very much ketchup in this deck i make it to late game and then we'll win most of our late game uh because our late game has much more tempo than the opponents generally here whoa two one drops yeah whatever these old bones just keep moving play suit that should upgrade probably it's actually pretty good against that thing was that the best totem i could have gone quite possibly i'm up one all right made it to the uh mid game and i'm not behind that should be an easy one basically i can either have a two one or a two two left over i guess a two two is better than the two or some other mix but i think this is a good setup um blessings building title makes me really not want to use the 3-1 but is there a way to not use the 3-1 i mean i can use the 3-2 in the scorpion i guess that's fine but also rusty raider looks pretty decent yeah that's also heals i guess it's okay i wanted to save this for a bigger health minion i could just not trade into that wait that actually might be even better yeah that's even better so where does the magic come from make my uh rusty radar work overtime i'm rewarded with her shock to northrend i'm not getting a lot of that not getting a lot of the late game of this back here not a long time your opponent left interesting do i want to go vial fiend into turn four queen out the mist runner i'll always have a target for the mist runner which is kind of cool i think that's actually decent i have a six eight attacker that works right valphine two three four yeah i've never you know actually thought about keeping these two cards together but looks good i think and then i can down play into the four drop we must cleanse the sun well i think i kept the mystery i guess but the real coaster is also looking pretty good here uh one two three four five which is the most i can summon oh my goodness you ruined me come from uh am i willing to take three five seven nine damage or shall i play the taunt now i don't play the tongue now i can just play the four four is the four or five really that much better than the four four i take the nine i go down to twelve but i can have the time later don't you go up when i'm as late as possible this card they would just clear it with the 3 2 and the 2 2. i think i play the slower curve first there's also some chance that this actually restores 5 health i get a feeling that the real coaster is gonna do some work work work i like comparing the railed coaster with the stormfight commander similar cards and what they do mine was a little bit better a little bit better a clear garden well at least this play great disgusting i just wanna go five plus two i suppose that was supposed to be his like i win card but instead he doesn't win hmm follow my lead the next turn i kind of want to play five plus four maybe raider is the way to go maybe steward of scrolls is the way i go oh my god i think i like raider because i have the healing phone just don't want to overload so i have to go five and a four what a lovely day that i killed the nyxia shocked that saying that's 4 5 9 11 health on the board wait i don't need the volcano like sometimes you just enter the turn with a plan in mind and then you don't pay attention to the card you drew the problem that frequently happens and i'm gonna watch that bias the battle is over oh you look so cool there gina uh agreed rita's not playing panthera going first i i told myself at the beginning play for tempo yeah i think this is really good here i can have an attacking 3-4 i'll play it it's so rare the times where i actually am that's a double play for tempo here and i probably follow up with totem horror yeah playing for tempo super important i think i play the four on four this can be a split up easier and it's not as clear where i need the plus ones this totem outcome is actually really important yeah spell damage would be really good the healing totem would also be really good the other two are pretty bad my glory all right good luck 50 50. nice not gonna see that soon with the set rotation this time will be gone if i had missed this totem i would have gone wriggling horror trade wow strong turn i definitely want to kill that so i should totem horror here that's pretty good one damage into the divine shield i need a good efficient card here deep spell something like that that's pretty good that's expected to do well against their cards it's just gonna be super expensive consecration but that's what i need here and three two or four power i might be at the part where i don't just play for tempo this is a it was actually a decent decision i think playing for tempos right here it's the classic i have the prayer drake in my hand if i don't play for 10 we're gonna die pay attention class i'm not sure which one i kill here i think it's a teacher yeah it's a teacher and then i play the six probably the freeze but three five it's like it kills my frost elemental i have a good way to kill it i have the four plus four damage it's not great but i'll do it i mean the 3-2 is very impactful here would this thing die ice is strong against fire right oh no the other way i will crush your delusions two elementals hopefully no uh no you know what here i want him to have as few draws as possible with solarium i think i will not kill her my glory in fact this makes it so solarian can't bump and die i'll make you do a little bit of work if you actually want to kill solariums hmm i think very sadly i trade the 5-2 in for the 3-2 yeah kind of sad it's fine i have a printer drink i have to test that one on the circus medic great test subject and vaporize is okay i guess even though it'd be a likely if i get mirror and a deed my dash i might trade could after all be rigged me hmm concerning but thank goodness i have an axe now the question is turn to axe return to totem you're paying oh that makes it really easy i see you are also in agreement that we play for tempo here hard to tell if that was a good use of og merchant or bad use of log merchant oh oh overload we'll call that turn four wow that's some tempo move over that's the king of tempo town don't actually have to play that card it looks really good but why not just use the axe right like dzog merch and steward instead a charming composition you have biology project in your deck you almost certainly have big cards so the hex is a great car to get hmm five two is a really good target to hit with burrowing scorpion but this game is meant to be played on a curve right i hope he draws a big card and gets a plus three plus three the hex nightmare curve says i should play 4-4 here though i think i should listen to kerf theory phrase curve theory no spell five or higher nice good info oh seven eight huh i hate to see that survival of the fittest disgusting discover a spell cast of random targets here comes the general do i dare not play penthouran ii here that would really be very good for tempo if i played panther and then i had a 3-4 next turn that's a big decision totem or panthara given what i drew i think i actually need more late games so i should go totem not a decision i make easily lightly i just pushed the totem well now i have a one in four chance of disaster but three and four chance of great success because three out of the four totems will kill the uh frazzled freshmen go riskless here it seems like big overkill to play whack and all here kind of want to just shattered son i think that is better here definitely don't want to whack that i'd rather just minion combat it up hmm terrible scorpion target but play a 5-2 still good your healing effects also give infected minions plus one health plus two health i have whoa yes i have lethal and i should definitely do it yeah but i'm hard then throw out the new axe i've got a huge i don't need the argent commander that oh but it activates pearl tusk well i don't need to use the divine shield yeah just send to the face we will hold the black temple record the pebble tuscan too my dreams okay that's really good turn two turn three fours at three play that on five that card's just so good i should keep it i think also i'm going second so card is better because i'll have more cards yes deal 4 damage to a random minion i'm just gonna let that roll out a good trade for him but that's fine i can coin out the four drop if i want not coining out the four drop means get a totem and i get a 1-1 i think this is one of the times where i'll play for value the circus medic is also better off uh dealing four damage in this case also it seems like the opponent has a lot of value so we might have to super play for valley currently getting one two four minions with the coast five minions with coast can only summon four but looks good here your deck by one wow it's naturally in your deck bolded deck choice hmm definitely wary of big aoe here coming up uh i'll play it but i'm aware that it could just get flame struck i guess i'll play it despite i thought about coining this because uh against flamestrike that still survives but the five one isn't really that useful also six drop corrupts the five drop but also a lot of shrugging all in all a bitcoin instead of just hero powering could use the coin for six plus five or a six plus four or something something not you definitely not willing to do that trade then i oh i'm on fire those are some good cards holy cow i thought primordial and arcane intellect there i didn't see the other two all right response response i can't play that proactively response proactive bad card kind of responsy could be better play this slow here yes that was the wriggling rusty into that and then play a steward i guess really understating my power oh wow [Music] here i suppose a charming composition ancestral spirit that's really strong on this one that's quite strong quite a few of my is pretty good got five here five here those are clearly understand for the cost that basically gets me entirely new five i think revolve is looking quite good here just don't get a doomsday or something like that and then claim the five drop oh oh i forgot it actually revolves his thing too probably should have done this in the wrong order in the other order or i should have done the circus medic incentive whatever what a world that i'm thinking about keeping the navigator in my opening hand on a world we live in theory of curve states i play the two into the vowel fiend into the navigator kinda good that his gets undormant first so i can attack into that with both of my guns the navigator does well against the 35 play the less good car than the groundskeeper since one health doesn't matter that much here hero powers and passes wow they break so easily feels like a man who's saving his coin for coin mind control feels a little despairing no it's coming the best i can do is uh pressure the coin also if i have ogre manser out on turn nine you can't coin mind control that well i probably played drake on eight because he can't coin mind control okay coin gone promising i definitely want to kill that [Music] this is a good card to kill it with gas combo oh ruin combo all right that's even worse nice is coming oh good he's dead oh my god i got it all wow how do i begin here i guess it depends okay good start good start i think this makes me not want to play serpent shrine because he can often kill it with the axe oh this is interesting the axe can kill both of those and then i can play the vowel fiend into an empty board that's actually quite good so the longer i delay playing minions the less chance that axe has to get valley that's the theory i'm going off of here in which case the fact that this opinion doesn't even come out right now is actually a benefit which is a interesting traveler i definitely want to save the scorpion for the 9-1 but i'm not having a target right now it's very good for me yeah i'll just play portal on the big thing i think um the longer i can keep his axe not doing anything the better it's really good to get that fiery war axe early but it's not as good if there's no targets for it oh my face has taunt now that's good i'm making him waste his charges good question mark i have a big tempo play three coin three next turn i'll overload for two i can play whack and hole or i can play wiggling your repair well um oh it's actually not bad when i go super safe here playing for the control game oh my god he managed to protect his 9-1 wait i forgot to save something for the 9-1 oh no now i feel pain [Music] oh this is gonna be exciting each draw an exciting time this will be quite the win if i win all i have to do is dodge the bomb for a while and you know have him hopefully run out of steam here that last turn where i did um portal portal it should have been portal hammer because hammer could have hit a 2 3 and then i would have saved the portal for 9 wood keeper something with dawn [Music] big throat well played most impressive a charming composition oh well i guess that makes me feel better darn i wanted my uh flawless run to pop one uh decent four drop no actually not a very good four drop wait i just realized something i lost with the god hand that's what makes it especially jarring right that was the handwriting the valfine and the wasn't that yeah and i didn't end up playing any of those cards everyone's a can winner the mana nice thank you i was definitely afraid the thank you was going to mean that he was going to play like two secrets or something in case it's mirror i would like to sandbag amazing i'm gonna play deathmatch here strong hit plus scorpid but i don't want to play scorpid wriggling horror is an excellent card to check for stuff play the wriggling hard then play the scorpid i think that's quite good amazing i wanted this to get buffed but wouldn't get pinged can't get away oh no oh my god why would you play vaporize on what okay oh i i'm done i guess you always check if it's free there's a free check i'm so dumb but i had like it was so unlikely to be i don't even composition i could get a two minute five two of stealth right now but i think this game will actually last long enough that this will work i'm gonna hold off it's a very anti-tempo oh that's right it wouldn't have stealth also that's not as good sweet we're like plus one plus one here for a good time a long time okay really low balled the same strike thing this game is meant to be played on a curve as echoing through my head right now amazing all right fast curve time that's large and i can't play this and just spirit it because uh polymorph spooks i think i will just play this though my colors that's me my protest to immediately [Music] spirit i think that's worth but i also could not play a spirit with it yeah let's be a little greedy since i got number two that's actually a tough call i have a lot of health but after i get hit i'll be at 11 00. it only has two cards left amazing i think i i'll take the insurance amazing i'm quite far ahead oh i did have me a polymorph traveler okay spell damage totem gets me earth shock that'd be good amazing amazing five to all minions i need to do 21 damage for lethal i 5 9 13 15 19 which is not lethal oh wait that is lethal wait oh amazing or 8 10 4 8 oh wow that's quite the lethal it's interesting no one in chat actually named what the lethal was and i doubt they thought about this one but the fact that people said lethal made me think about people [Applause] come back later please hmm disturbing i have been getting pretty good hands during the arena run so i was due for a bad starting hand but thankfully i am invincible option one coin whack option two totem with the intent to turn three whacking all in whack it would be basically coining a three drop into nothing though i don't think i should do this i think i hero power and pass then i save the coin for unknown purposes and if i get really lucky he decides not to kill the totem but no one over no one ever doesn't kill the totem here i think [Music] i thought i'm too spooky okay the real coaster is very good oh drew a spell so i only get four but four is still good that's not a huge coaster little coaster could have been bigger most of my deck is i think this is on average unlucky but you know whatever i got the card thing the card is lucky a nice pavilion actually not that it's fine it's a play okay perfect target for me decent target for frost elemental if that grows and becomes a five six how sad would i be not a guarantee that grows either play on a curve bubble hmm also five health mini net list all right the momentum is on my side so i can play prototype i can play proto-drake into that too hit it though you fall behind a lot on tempo if you opponent's hex but i have a reasonable alternative i don't think so play it and pray pray that my entire turn doesn't get taken down by hex are you ready for this oh no oh yes a charming composition the windshield is kind of tempting lightning bolt lightning bolt four plus four not bad guidance lots of value when fury gets things done now unnecessary though hold this lightning bolt you're full you've created gruel oh i'm trying to save gruel the embarrassment of trump trading yeah just our shock the earth totem i think no i'm willing to just give up eight damage i don't have to use earth shock so sorry rule i apologize it's okay girl was still standing strong finally you get your time in the spotlight this is 17 if i find two damage spell i'm good [Music] was my path the right one you can never be sure that the opponent has certain cards too oh my god what a three drop wow that's pretty good imagine this whole game is decided by my random three drop what's gonna happen you just got scammed that's interesting like when i think about it it's never been called scamming is it just because it's too far away from shaman feeling tunnel you're paying for my discretion i should have given more thought to trading the five three into the one one my reasoning for not was that it would be the target that he'd want to kill anyways so i should get five damage in based on the way he's pointing the arrow that was good for me but there were a lot of reasons to trade i got rewarded in that particular gonna case really hard to beat two five mana eight eights and then eight mana 88 gonna have to play inefficiently it seems because this is too good whoa all right that's pretty good wow i can go 5'4 here that's not great i guess i just played nice combo oh man that's a sick hand wait do i keep heart around 2x turn three pavilion turn four horror hero power that's quite good my greetings it is horror hero power that good it's two three worthless it's four five worth of stats it is because i feel so confident but i will get two minions it since the death match pavilion is likely going to have one thing left over at least although you know if he actually plays the 2-3 taunt right now that would be super bad for me it's a pretty good card for me to see buttons had a very good curve obviously that's one two three all premium cards they're shocks really good tempo hmm okay this next turn is the turn where i'd want to play the portal because i don't want to play it on six man that's a great target to portal we want to protect this thing from just getting pulled over i was gonna play portal it's good to play the portal here but then i don't play vanguard on seven playing vanguard on seven is really good so i think i can't play portal here even though it's a really good play now maybe i just don't play vanguard on seven because the portal is a good player here reading two and then yeah i will yeah be lost faculty is like at the healing saves the magma ranger where my trees oh you [Music] world trade man that is a terrifying thing to see in there okay the real coaster is really good as it's so good that i keep it in my opening hand when i have no early game i think it's a no but i actually think it's really close that's how good i think coaster is all right it's time to echo back to the beginning of the arena where i said play for tempo which means you play that as a two minute three two as much as i want to not do it [Music] i mean especially the opponent's going one drop coin one drop you just play that on two reporting for duty i hate to see not a three health result there possible that this corporate is so good that's the right player even though it's not on curve no i think the steward is better i think it's the stewart a chopping composition that's a good or shock we like our earth shocks against these uh 11-win paladins with their spikeridged steeds i think i play on curve here yeah i mean it rubs the other thing yes actually correct it definitely says a lot about how good scorpion is to consider playing it like two mana off curve it also says a lot about how good playing on curve is for me to you know play the six drop anyways [Music] eight three really good target for the three one but what can you do [Applause] or plus four here guess so i really want to um save your shock for that but we're out of time i have to kill the 5-1 yep wait there might be some sort of alternative here okay so there's two main plays here play number one frost ellie frost deli wriggling first shock it's better for curve let's meet next turn play five plus five that's gotta be better that plague further drake looks like a raid boss right now though when you're this low and are a little bit not behind but not ahead i could have an eight attack i could kill that drake and then just let it fall see what happens speak to me think that's the way to do it normally try not to kill drinks and then not kill the results but there is an alternative path at least 12 on the board i'm gonna go big risk here we go here we go in some way you know it there's less chances of winning if you try to kill the drake i guess oh dear no okay oh my god well i mean in the world do i kill the drink i definitely lose in this case too my face was better i think we actually have some some outs by some i mean no ouch i was thinking earth shock but they're not they're too high oh he's going face my god is there an outposition is the best top deck i could have gotten now is there an out wait guidance is actually enough oh my god that was actually really close there was a chance that was a mistake i must attack the minion i must attack the minion with thought oh no he's the slayer of kings and gods we're screwed okay going first that's good serpent shrine portal and hammer that's good val scene that's good all right easy gg you surprised me how unusual welcome random observation i've noticed that you don't get offered ooh is very often an arena in fact when i like rack my brain i haven't seen an ooze in arena forever totally willing to take nine damage at this stage in the game this thing doesn't care if it has two health or three health but therefore i wanted not to get buffed with the hammer oh wait wait i did want it to get buffed with the hammer because this was getting bluffed at this ah crap i could have guaranteed this gets i forgot the fact that i would be buffing it by two taking nine is the easy decision like deciding when to uh swing was the tough decision which i got wrong but at least i got the buff on the totem so i can just slide the one damage in oh i also got fortunate in that i believe i did the wrong play but since he had torrent it turned out to be the right play i think the spill damage shut him doesn't want to be buffed so therefore i should push buttons first oh interesting does that change anything no it doesn't the next turn is always six drop it's like basically hard removal [Music] is either freeze face or play argent and i don't like sending origin straight to face it actually might be right to freeze the murloc now because the ford the tutu is so good right now wow four plus four nothing relevant yields eight deals four deals four deals four even if i did roll deals five it wouldn't matter wow deals five it doesn't matter obviously this [Music] wow hmm what is my purpose hmm good to see weak cards like that i guess 241 267 yeah though it is a huge shame no no i can't no i'm not using removal on that that's ridiculous absurd that would be dumb we don't remove frame bots i think it's one five two two one four two two here wonder if this changes things it's still a control even though that could burst i'm just i know he didn't have tidal wave because that turn where he played the volcano immediately sent his 3-1 into my taunt totem i think that was a decent tidal wave board if i recall i think i don't press the totem button here because i need to play deathmatch pavilion i do really want to play death match pavilion so [Music] i don't think i want to take seven i guess it's totem death man no um no actually i just don't play deathmatch pavilion wow that's a game where i'm actually running out of value run out of value but still have chance to win i'd say even has strong chance to win a good sign wow this is gonna come down to the wire okay where i just went okay most impressive came down to the water [Music] nice [Music] you
Channel: Trump
Views: 234,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shaman, arena, draft, madness, darkmoon, faire, madness at the darkmoon faire, hearthstone, races, trump, trumpsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 47sec (5147 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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