The Draft Offered 3 OLD GODS?! Glorious! | Shaman Arena | Hearthstone

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oh third when there's another old god no the madman would you believe this whole time of playing arena i actually haven't gotten offered shaman a single time it's the highest win rate right now probably because the card offerings have gotten buffed so i'm looking forward to seeing just how crazy the shaman cards be mod cool didn't know circus medic was so good in shaman i don't trust the stats rune dagger would be an interesting card to like start the spell damage stuff off and disguise wonder though this is always solid rune dagger is a little bit hit or miss let me describe nice you'll notice that all the uh win percentages are higher for the shaman cards because shaman just wins more because there are overall better cards in their deck interesting statistic do i pick the two mana 3 2 where do i pick the 5 mana kind of 6 6 5 card to corrupt the 4 card is pretty good also i've found that i typically don't get very many 5s and there is a really good 4 card decryption shaman that would be dunk tank mega swipe oh my god it's grand totem eyesore no actually nazar though a little hex oh arcane golem what are you doing in a shaman bucket i feel like this is the weakest card i'll get this run hopefully good old whacking all hammer that thing is a monster like a tidal wave and you're like expecting that to do great things but whack and little hammer that thing does work five to activate the floors is pretty good wait oh my god summon your oh no that doesn't work that doesn't work a lot of weapons in here the claw elemental still good after all these years in aruna oh i am now pretty certain that you do actually get offered old gods more often in arena i don't have very many cars that this actually activates but uh i'll have to mentally note to save oh my god i could dunk tank i could dunk the whole opponent's board that's pretty sick oh i had a storm you hate to see that when you're the opponent hate to see that oh third one there's another old god fist plus eye of the storm actually i have a lot of weapons in my deck don't i but the fist is less good i don't think joshua poor guide sure [Music] spawn a little scorpion i need to bring this curve on down good old scorpid good old portal your standard good shaman picks good old diligent note taker form strike should be really good in arena it is it didn't end up getting very many death rattles offered oh claw machine's a death rattle i probably picked that without thinking about it anyways that's a good death row meh four drop but i'll take it i have a lot of force that makes dark mean statue especially good five drop i don't have that many cards i would play on three it's feral spirit [Music] hammer of twilight to end it up sure three legendaries but that's not necessarily a good thing in fact i would say that's probably a bad thing i can't deny that i got uh pretty good quality cards but i think the curve didn't come together here it was a terribly small amount of early game can i come back though weapons are generally comeback catch-up cards i have the combo i hadn't really thought about this but kel'thuzad only has i think two cards that can activate them therm strike and dunk tank ellen serpent shrine portal probably totem spirit axe totem uh axe totem scorpid though this works that stormforged dax might be the best card in this deck given that it is one of the only two drops slow temper turned by him play the two then i can play the four next turn followed up with a six this particular curve ended up being really good but i have to expect poor curves in the [Music] future a charming composition like there's three interesting plays here one is fire elemental one is scorpio totem want to just play sky stalker play the slow cards first i think okay made it to the uh kel'thuzad storm strike turn for the kind of mind control it's initiation six minions in the hand and i know one of the cards was bog beam and one is the coin so it's a grip of minions oh what's on nine oh my god if i kill that i get it that's actually quite good to control life we must wield the power of [Music] mean i think i did end up getting just enough spells to make uh kel'thuzad pretty solid back to back valley value turns interesting question is it better to go second in a deck with a questionable mana curve so that you can fill in the mana or is it better to go first so you can get to the big stuff faster hmm in this case this is a really good second hand why not the hammer play the feral spirit i think i'm willing to just play kel'thuzad as a 5 mana 4 6. hopefully i get something better but i actually don't want to uh swing the weapon here because whatever gets buffed to attack better to wait if i know that someday he'll have gath prime maybe i salute kel'thuzad or exactly car gas prime hmm attack first or second attack first that is a three attack guy i'll save a bunch of health the totem takes one more damage so i prevent taking four damage that's probably better i should weapon first i have a lot of weapons in my uh deck so the health i'm at is actually kind of important i suppose the dunk tank plus the headmaster kelty zod that's a power play i don't think i'm going to need the extra spells here seems very unlikely because i'm saving this for kel'thuzad and then i have that uh yeah i'll just play a four nine decent card that's interesting question do i want to save the totem or do i just want a totem presence right now also do i want to trade the 6'5 into the one one i think the answer is yes to both questions i value me having an extra 1-1 over him having six health the game plan is to out value well that's a good one oh such a good draw be careful with that i want more totemic right value wait this is gonna be such a good turn yeah i think the one that it would be most impactful on would be the uh taunt totem not that that taunt totem actually does anything right now oh value incoming wait no oh no do i win oh no no i need this value i guess i'll win not whacking though such a monster you know what i'm reminded by when i see this uh thrall picture the slime isakai anime it's back the big dogger these old bones just keep moving oh that looks like a perfect answer but i used two cards to deal with my card that had killed a card already and the totem that means and then you got a through two so basically he played a blood fin raptor and then he's down occurred on top of that hmm i feel like the weapon would be overcome doing i do have enough to kill both of those at least i guess which i believe i should do yeah turn 5 12 12 that's quite a swing it amazes me that i was able to deal with that on curve hmm blowing cards i definitely want to kill this but killing that basically negates one of my own cards but boy that gets out of control if i don't deal with it as a very slow tempo turn on my turn but when this uh death rattles i guess i catch up a little slow turn on his side no that will not happen oh i like that titleist magic is not a toy do not lose [Laughter] regret hmm fine i guess could heal for 15. could also heal for 18 yeah press the button first which could also make me heal for a lot more uh he's got one card left that's probably the better play ah he'll have two cards it's still good [Music] the classic arena craziness i don't remember if i've ever had the uh joy of casting this spell so i try to discover a awesome card with kel'thuzad uh awesome card in conjunction with kel'thuzad um i do this for you kel'thuzad for you i would say it paid off but it didn't but next turn hoping to get that taunt totem wasn't that big i haven't actually drawn a single old god yet but we'll get there and that old god will get me a smug senior back and it'll be glorious oh that not bad overload three play the spectral senior next turn yourself see all right what all this deathrattle has done wonder no smug senior is that it i don't have the sky stalker so i guess there's not very many in this deck no yeah claw machine but i didn't get [Applause] that this has been a powerful match a lot of powerful effects on both sides one off right yep choice number one kill this he has six seven eight choice number two killed these two he has eight also obviously played taunt i have like the biggest valley revolve getting lined up that ten mana five one no uh oh this hand it turned so good as i drew wagonal give this hand a hand and a feral in a hammer of twilight [Music] did he uh miss the draw with the cage match boy i would have liked a cage match custodian in my deck oh oh i'm sad for him oh i still respect the card enough to kill it it's probably better when you're behind will be fine it wasn't that big it's tough my board is just growing on itself hmm [Music] three help everything on my opponent's side has taunt i have to kill the spell damage and then don't leave the totem alive yeah that makes sense okay death rattle in the poll that's the next death rattle i should really play it next turn then noth has some pretty good value wow nice brook strong play ready sir oh i actually got another death rattle a better one so my death rattle will come back with rush so that i'll kill that but unfortunately i need to waste damage on this thing rage that's in your deck there is little time [Music] um zappa it's a way to kill the happy ogre no my cards are good stats for the cost oh survived that is a spell hmm wait no wait yes okay okay i'm not gonna lie chad i definitely would have missed that thank goodness for chat no it's like these are such good four drops but i need to dig for the three drops i think cards that are better whack-a-noll serpent shrine marsh spawn barrel spirit storm four jacks diligent note taker tour guide that's enough and i have a lot of fours i can also get which aren't as good as scorpid but r4 is at least yes yes like you senjin this is more like what i thought my uh early game would be totem totem i would have hoped not to totem on turn three yeah that's good it's very strange for him to just do that not have an immediate follow-up plan wow that's very weird they even have the healing okay did he change plans midway [Music] originally he was gonna dream life i see but then he thought he could get more value a forbidden ritual that's not bad thoughts and actually i think that is pretty bad thoughts this guy's gonna make healing totem look over a parent well i guess i could always make the trade myself hmm the interesting thing is by doing all those trades you let me go face i definitely would have used senjin to kill one of them [Music] [Music] fine so much small aoe so much small damage bunk did not expect this stack to do so much damage to face with weapons i think i hit him twice with the hammer of twilight the first time and then i'm gonna hit him twice with the hammer required the second time and 16 damage there's the whacking though for six more definitely thought about double scorpid i will simply single scorpion why is this deck sending so much down to the face because there's nothing on the board funk poke sting zap i'm like thinking that's a slow hand but i probably prefer to go second here right yes second is good if you draw multiple cards at the same mana cost basically in short ah my hero power is actually better than yours neuter is really good to send claw machine into but that thing is way too early not the aberrant berserker not just holding the weapon um i hate that play if you have no minions then i can't get damaged adjacent i really do not want to trade a 5-2 into a 3-2 there's got to be some path here i don't see one blah hate to see it that's an upgrade probably where's my health points at basically you've gone even the whole time but the daring has been hitting me and i have been hitting the enemies wow oh this is a game where i was just too slow he played sword eater didn't even use sword eater to the best of his ability and then i lost to be fair my first play was apparent berserker which is not really that inspiring a play but still i cry nonetheless [Music] nice hand only would be beat by 10 10 10. oh oh this is why uh people actually voted low on the deck uh oh oh boy okay so sad wow sometimes you're the tricker sometimes you're the tricky just gotta ping that yup yes the crawl would find that a decent target dark iron dwarf that's the card i got it would ironically kill that which is always fun yeah the claw there's no good other play there's so many players to consider so few actually good ones i definitely am going to be the control player here so trade trade trade you fight that would put the murloc into a range [Music] that's a good hex target i'm not lonely soon my mom soon i'm on the uh i wouldn't turn so it's like one of those rts missions where you just have to hold out for a certain number of turns like that's also a hearthstone mission the 5 3 is pretty good against the two five then i'll play the slow six drop this darkmoon statue is burning a hole in my pocket oh never a good time to play basically it's the idea of control decks right uh he's trying to drag it out not trying to win i wouldn't want to come when you played the eye of the storm and with the ashraj and you're not very far behind i guess the ashraj comes before the eye because i'm this safe first you deal with the yashiraj then you have to deal with the eye of the storm good luck [Music] oh i can't play i have the storm against the secret can i this is a test yeah i mean that's really scary he has one card left i actually think the far side's the best the other one is like ridiculously wooden more you yeah that trick totem really had a lot of variance on it it could have easily been a very hard game but trick totem just decided to go poof unlucky i feel like i'm playing into whatever he has planned but all right you got me i hope you like my invention extra spell can't resist hmm up against the paladin they usually play blessing of authority and then i lose does not mean i should get hex but i have the spare mana right now it's kind of like a two mana game you get to use the mana that you would have lost this turn and then you already have a decent spell damage card in your hand i got a good feeling me too uh we want this to die i believe bosch prime it's a spell jar i do have a number of spells in the deck for my glory if i want that to die i should taste myself oh i hadn't realized that uh that was a death rattle for nazareth i wouldn't every game where i get whacking all hammer i think it's uh very strongly correlated to winning ready sir one for you and one for nice do i have lethal that's lethal dang thank you 11 quick math all right let's forget about all this [Music] okay this is the dreamy i get the whack-a-noll hammer on turn two and the marsh spawn on turn three that's probably one of the strongest openings this i could get just need to uh draw the whack-a-mole hammer just to draw it hmm i suppose no idea when i'm ever gonna get that marsh spawn though someday hmm there is no point to any of the attacking weird just pass i guess very aggressive duck okay overload to an external four mana definitely need to play for the temps here it's to dodge the four damage what about feral spirit that doesn't actually dodge the damage but feral spirit in the fire i can't do that it does seem like a very aggressive deck but the nightmare of hexing this and then having something bigger show up next turn i guess i can feral plus hex dunk tank hex thunk tank feral spirit what can i afford to go fire elemental here i go fire elemental nah don't think i can hold this ah nightmare but i am really close to killing him with these dunk tanks i'm one off unless i've actually have a one in four chance of winning no i could also get the top totem which may or may not be a win oh boy oh boy easy game okay okay i'll take that don't i think dunk tanking now is strictly worse because i might need to dunk at a not strictly worse but it's usually worse i think all right got the whack hey i gave myself a 25 chance to win that's not bad [Music] man mine is bigger than yours [Music] hmm that's a nice card well what if i don't play any minions are you ready for this [Music] i got a good feeling ugh didn't actually matter which one he attacked i could play such a tempo heavy terrible play right now oh i think i'll play for valley [Music] that's quite a good answer i'm also noting to myself that if possible and this hasn't come up in quite a while if possible headmaster kel'thuzad dunk tank combo is still really good huge swing potentially [Music] well kel'thuzad would be so is pretty good right now though genuinely it's a tough pick because i don't know if totally will ever be relevant again i do have a lot of weapons some healing might be good it looks like the obvious pick but it's definitely impossible that sometimes the title wave will end up being useless i forgot the totem first might have missed the damage it's time killing totem valley so i've got the sky stalker in the deadpool i've got the tidal wave so i can wait quite a while it couldn't be just pass right now could it be even attack i mean just totem i see two realistic plays here one is pass the other isn't his off it's one of those two it's pretty extreme of a difference there's arguments to be made on either side i guess the mage grab can be counted on to provide enough value i also still have yasharaj in the deck and i have this storm yeah it's probably more right given how much how many tens i have in the deck hey you forgot to take my nails off hey bug also that's kind of an insane revolve i mean he revolved a 5 mana 3-1 but he also revolved my 10-minute card i think i'd just play this and pass oh oh that's pretty rough would you repeat that i should have hit him with the axe i would put two turret lethal on them wait no i already have two turn lethal maybe should have hit the tone three minor one for one i just wanted to play this on the base form i've never done that before hmm when feral into marsh spawn is not even close to working oh i can clean my four drop into a four drop ah oh my god the tempeh all the wack and all i'm saved oh that's a lot of pressure got a whack with whacking all early it's give and take is it gold the more oops is the most generally decent card they're all good in different situations are you gonna go for value nay or yes yay rather yay value i do not want to send my 6-3 into the 3-4 then don't yeah [Laughter] it doesn't really matter that he took far more damage but small misplay okay i can't do anything with seven mana next turn so reloading seems fine and then i think i blast that thing for no one i don't think i need to protect my face also the 5'4 yeah yeah it's too early to chump block well that would have been really good going in the shield master plus face awesome what that disgusting [Music] you
Channel: Trump
Views: 174,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yoggsaron, yshaarj, nzoth, old god, madness, darkmoon, faire, arena, draft, madness at the darkmoon faire, hearthstone, trump, trumpsc
Id: JVjAovbw-j0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 11sec (3911 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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