My Infinitely Respawning Wall of Greyboughs is INDESTRUCTIBLE!

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oh no you did it just kidding so what you're saying is i am indestructible [Music] welcome to duels i've actually just played two decks uh and it turns out that the decks that i was playing were very high variance decks for sometimes get the perfect treasures and then you win and then sometimes you know and then you lose horribly well this next one is going to be one that's apparently fairly consistent at least star seeker plus death rattles so i got druidic teaching restore two health then draw a card if the target is at full health and we have adara so one of the recent changes to duels of course with boars being nerfed we have guff getting removed duel started it first doesn't that uh warm your heart you standard players so i don't i will craft um what is it xyrella and cecily for the deck and i think i probably have some sort of free legendary to collect let's see no we're packed back back [Applause] back random epic wild spirits i wonder if i didn't have two of those i might not have find them that's cool random legendary especially [Applause] what am i recording this yes cecily plus cyrella pretty sweet so this is actually a deck that is not very common on the hearthstone top decks but fortunately trumpfeborators has a secret assistant got a viewer chakusami who says this deck is very consistent and it doesn't require high rules it's got just value minions hedge maze it's a death rattle druid list but not only druids you also have all the best priest death battles of which there are quite a few such as amulet of undying light shower elemental mida you got xyrella meets cecily look at this value apparently the goal of this deck is just to have grebo get copied and then you win the game because a lot of duels decks are based off of minion v minion combat so while that's overpowered to have a deck that doesn't rely on the passives that you get to just be good you know what else is overpowered a thank you to weeble for sponsoring this video they're offering an 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get free money use the link below sign up for a weibo account [Music] the league of explorers cannot fail yeah fitting deck for me value deck oh we can actually just draw the card sweet now the bores were addressed because now the boar bucket has angry chickens in it instead of ellenborn that is not a joke i know it sounds like a joke so i have to like say it's not a joke all right so dream is kodo sticks and then i can actually have grebo get activated oh that's actually very possible i'm sorry you can't freeze the maze oh [Music] oh didn't play the one that cost zero little interesting [Music] i can just survive to seven which looks easy [Music] wow unlucky i'm undead okay i gotta save that last charge for grabo all right apparently this mage secret can be quite a lot of different secrets good enough to run in the main deck uh opponent's clearly running off script here at the non you know non-best deck but what secret would make most sense in a dragon [Music] looks like a minion based deck so i don't think it's based off of getting attacked oasis ally there's a frost deck okay that makes sense so a frost spell that would be a waste of salad also did i spook you [Music] what a delightful part [Music] the flavor of this deck appears to be neutral minions that cost 3 or less plus frost let's see that got back the ice barrier cone of cold and snap freeze give a random friendly minion deathrattle summon greybo grebo can give itself the death rattle i did not know that guess i'll play it no ideally it goes on beetle maybe but if it ends up here it's fine all right we have a double summoned grave though i am low on cards and then zyrella triggers give a random friendly minion deathrattle summoned greybah that sounds pretty good it looks like this is a deck that is based off of defensive freeze spells and minions so they can't make it past great though so they're just gonna be said shuffle all enemy minions into your deck well we win we have this on lockdown easy peasy i guess i'll just play the expensive cards oh danatrius it's okay not very many minions have died i think as long as we have a big board also but i want a dar in order to uh game the two cards into my deck i certainly want to have this die though [Music] wait i've never actually played the amulet like with just continuously trading itself in the last card in the deck that seems fun rest easy [Applause] this is like my favorite deck it's the deck that just doesn't die because you have infinite regenerating time and while passes can help it i guess the base of it is pretty solid it's just always good your taunt minions have plus three attack during your opponent's turn that's kind of fun all right we'll huddle oh death rattle bucket yep legionnaire huge owl i'm less excited oh oh this is oh my god secret death battle package wait this is like the actual there's bad death throttle package and good death rattle package whenever you freeze an enemy gain one armor oh well it's kind of the same as the last game but freeze can't possibly be that aggressive my deck is strong the later it goes you got the value version with the arctic armor so i win because out valley very good this is another one of the consistent decks that um has a few passives that are good for it and this guy went to the value sustained version but you can get offered the damage the treasure guard so i don't think i want to risk playing graybo when it could die with nothing on the board uh therefore i can either draw a card i must or i cannot draw a curd but not dry occurred has more board presence i don't think i need to draw a curve it feels weird valuing two health on a minion more than a card for me but we got value for days i imagine that the way that that deck would now their frost deck do they not run anything that's not frost they must not right oh but they have frozen touch still which deals six play this oh wow six damage to all enemy minions okay oh no my card was so big [Music] haha you fool i have so many more big cards no infinite arcane discover a card from your destroyed deck each turn that's fine the one with grey bone before they're only running the frost spells so there's uh nothing bad that can actually happen to my minions because frost well i mean other than being frozen oh and they'll eventually get me in fatigue i suppose oh you teased it looked like you were gonna kill the rubbler it's kind of funny i think uh eventually they're going to run out of freeze i should be putting cars out to the location that's true nope they're already running out so just to check using the hedge maze on this is way better right because you get both death rattles seems good well looks like we'll just be big chilling until he doesn't get blizzard and we're frost nova big chill big shoe you should have stayed on there [Music] oh rest easy [Music] oh no you can never cut past the death bows rainbows oh no i found a few treasures [Music] that looks like it's kind of fun too very despairing i like how i can respect that deck it's like oh gosh that's about how i would do it too i didn't want to heal since i would draw a card oh how's how good is zephyrus what did you what is the perfect card the perfect card is mind control okay someone grabber i think i wanted these to die first before getting the xyrella fear not tree out of my walls ah things are getting gross oh one control again very good oh all right so i imagine i want to kill the i shard first is that order good give a random friendly minion death problem then someone grabbed i think it'll go in that order out of my walls you stole the wrong minion oh this one has two fear not fear forgot the trade amulet trees you're blocking on the right you can't keep getting away with it [Music] out of my wants trees fear not [Music] i thought i could get him into a position where the um where he wouldn't have a guy on the board but i guess that's impossible once you have two of those death rattles only the eight mana version what's the perfect card now shadow word i guess we eventually win by using that five times is that the plant [Music] hello and down only three of these i grow short of carbs is that's pretty unlucky where's the trees oh pretty lucky hmm i actually lose this actually i don't know fear not fear not did i spook you [Music] oh he discovers twice now oh my goodness arrived am i the one on opium do i have a chance oh he actually killed me impressive okay you played too many non-grey bow minions i think i don't understand how to like so if you play fewer you're better oh it's because they don't have taunt is that why anyways i think loyal sidekick is strong it's definitely not assistant and real gift is eh i'll go sidekick okay we got top deathrattle taunt deathrattle and taunt that's pretty good that might be a tad better play a legendary reduce the cost of random card by two either a whiff or legendary priest don't keep your thoughts to yourself madness reverberations well now that i'm more informed i know hedge maze on grabo is a great play very high variance if they remove the grave oh you're sad but a spell on your opponent's deck wait they got one oh amulet wait that's actually very good for them i think i actually want to kill off plated b no wait let me get the other grey bow immediately yeah that's better if it lands on the gravel that's great i don't have to kill this okay i guess two's enough we're infinite you're barking on the wrong tree it's definitely impossible though i don't understand how to most efficiently cycle the gray bow yeah seems straightforward enough you have them die while they're next to each other or something something oh crap oh wait almost like i planned it that way i didn't find it that way but it worked out well i also hadn't realized how good it is to just trigger this early those we love are never truly lost there it was thinking there was a particular timing to do it but the timing is now [Music] those we love are never truly looked mommy magic mommy magic what well definitely death after a friendly death rattle minion dies triggered the death rattle of a friendly minion that's pretty good give a minion reborn destroy a friendly minion then return to life summon a random friendly minion hey that's not bad explorers cannot fail whoa oops all spells oh this is the deck that i tried to high roll with but i did not get oops all spells also after you play legendary minion at a random legendary mid into your hand well that is now useless okay the good news is since i just played that deck and i failed horribly with it i know what it's trying to do that must be evasion how did double cross not trigger i guess must have picked a secret bucket interesting um rogue secret what else could it be just invasion that early okay that opponent is gonna try to get me with that magical torch that is surprisingly a great result for me the queen's [Music] okay this is a super threatening card should i activate my hedge maze on it i don't think i've had any minions die so psychopomp will summon this which is really good another kidnap do we really think it's kidnapped again i guess i could play light shower elemental to be on the safe side there's no way it's kidnapped again how many let me think about the opening spell camp foreshadows yoink yeah this one's definitely draw two i need to play this so i can start getting backhoe [Music] i don't know about using this here it wasn't a very critical death rattle to copy i could have used on the fast heel but mita is so good fear not we're getting back passive health income here this is good the opponent sure has a lot more survivability than when i ran that deck [Music] not evasion another kidnap the stakes are high oh no this one's this one's to draw two i actually think i shouldn't trigger it just chill it's the first time ever that double cross hasn't been triggered on purpose oh he's playing the vanish bird version oh my god [Music] wait can i win oh no parrot all spells okay [Music] captain's starting hand oh that's definitely possible you are safe now purposely not healing deny them two cards that's probably more important [Music] i got the king's band stuff hmm all right well now i think drawing them too is more fun kind of fun i think i am definitely still trying to dodge double cross so i can forge fiend for eight or i can just play this for eight and also heal for two i think this is better oh i can actually elemental and then reclaimer yeah that's even better that heals a lot forge fiend is better for the xyrilla top thing this is better now i hear you though i can wait on this i suppose it's not like i'm gonna die next turn unless i could conceivably die 10 plus all right foreign [Music] okay i think not drawing them two really could make them whiff on this turn this is the turn where i play forge feed and then just pass i can't believe it double cross hasn't triggered hmm here's a treasure started your turn at a random mage spell to your hand would i ever have too much value i think that's really good stuff another angle of value i'm only considering taking the middle bucket because twig is banned and we have staff it's very rare that you would actually consider a bucket over no more please i am aware of how good normal fleas is but banned card then the card it's been then we actually have a weapon all right let's go for it twig are you trying to stain my perfect record the league of explorers cannot fail i don't know if death dead ringer is a good keep like one of my only players but i could hire a better card keep it but very unexciting hoop three legendary invitations rush minion doubled hmm all right i'm going first no trust me trying to go for the opponent makes a mistake kill the left so the right triggers i'm short on time all right the intel i'm getting here is demon hunters you got a token deck and ironically demon hunter sucks and card drawn this minute holy turn to zero cost legendary that seems really strong okay let's play i get to actually draw a deathrattle menu nice teamwork the ramp on four seems kind of good but i mean it is just it's right to ramp on four okay that toad's actually useful makes it a lot harder for uh rave to whiff oh this is getting invited no merry-go-rounds please that set isn't in here is it dark moon fair i don't think so the flower oh also invitations can't be neutral yes of course and darkmoon faire is in the set okay so the goal is to kill this and then that would make this death throttle trigger give a random friendly minion deathrattle summon gravel so that wouldn't work right no that would work because this is a random friendly minion death rattle someone grabo will go off if this dies or if anything does uh this is the thing with rush that seems good what a delightful parties that's like one of the most obvious things to miss the fact that grabo can give grey bow to itself because well that's how it works wild prices oh no you killed the thing that gives great rainbow [Music] guaranteed as opposed to possibly lifting oh no [Music] despair y'all oh no we want that one to get activated so we want to kill one of the ones on the left come on right one trigger e no which one triggered the right one triggered sweet what do i do now just pass is that how we fly yes pass i'm assuming you mean it doesn't matter but is that actually just the best play it's just the best play as dumb as it sounds okay i i believe it it seems like any play that's not grebo would make my um would make my board worse so for that reason we don't do anything so this is what i got wrong when i game two it seems too many non-graveyard cards [Music] [Music] oh no you've done that just kidding [Music] oh man if i only got the blade instead the book is too much value blah blah blah holy book when your opponent steals grey bow [Music] book i guess bound to be something that i want to kill and or make at the same time uh insight mind games now that's a card i haven't seen in some time group learning because obviously the group decided that mind game was a great card duh three death rattle to the left that's rattle let's go sprite into psycho pump that's kind of interesting i think i like that sure that's almost as good as guff kind of [Music] sort of your star game draw a weapon your hero has plus two attack on their turn aggressive [Music] so one interesting question is do i play tote of the wild because it'll be in the deadpool and the answer is probably now i just kill myself hey buff bash coin bash face i warn you i have studied for this fight there's a really good matchup for me nearly impossible for the sprite to not go wrong here to not go right did not go right ah double negatives almost impossible for this not to go right oh wow this is actually glowing that's amazing oh wrapping me ahead of time didn't expect to go up to eight mana and that lets me slip in a toe to the wall oh [Music] rest easy you [Music] hmm what a delightful for me to have multiple death rattles out at the same time um these aren't really the best death battles to have out at the same time but what can you do triggers the volatile skelly triggers the volatile skelly again cute and now i'll heal for six when i play elemental and then trade in that oh oh will shuffle up is that better would i rather shuffle a fragment or i'd rather heal for eight i think i'd rather heal for it or would i rather uh summon a random three cost beast play the highest cost card i guess alexis mana why not got a job for me this is kind of neat this will uh border no armor shuffles a fragment in puts me at fuel reborn hmm i want the bombs to blow me up now so i can heal bomb bomb no bomb unlucky i mean i can self heal to maybe get a bomb that's actually probably good bomb bomb ball draw last bomb bomb oh a drop put on the top pick what are the warrior treasures i should know this but is it an e-draw i've played the warrior once i should know this more arc makes sense as any drop that gains armor i think their treasure is like a five or six drop i must not can't remember what it does also my memory is escaping me here bomb please give me a bomb oh that's good oh that's right it's the bomb man it's a six drop holy crap how many midas did i just get three four that's a rough matchup for the bomb deck oh five okay i am so grateful for that rest easy child we need some bombs so i can actually heal all right what do we got here we have two death rattles but we don't have holy and shadow spells really we have bad cards and we have no more please you almost always pick no more please unless you get like a band card or something something you couldn't normally put into your deck oh twig the mirror maybe the mirror i think this isn't a big enough deal to keep i'm just going for the hyrule now since i have the twig i should try to mulligan aggressively for the staff it's like will these really matter that much i don't think so the opponent's taken the same controlly uh heal slow thing i think i can just uh heal one too crystal gem and is it reborn it's reborn oh man it's the it's probably the mirror it's looking very mirroring got the grim bow and we have the xyrella it's actually a little bit of a tough question overgrowth or twig on four i think the answer is over growth on four yeah the opponents actually got too many cards i cannot hold any more cards oh i got my hedgerows with the oracle oh that's that's gross i think i try to build up a little bit of a board before going for the uh what a delightful part though [Music] i have a few ways to potentially break a grey bow that would be if i destroy the random enemy minions which don't have the grey bow buff on them and then i kill grey bow i could perhaps work because just as a sanity check if grebo has summoned grey bow on him and he summons griba he doesn't put the death rattle of summon grebo on the new grey bow right right right anyways i think i play grebo here or possibly because the situation is already so dire for him i don't play grebo i think kira actually don't play great about his play ascend runner does this is the this is the board you would answer with adara if you had it so my goal is basically not to get great bow a dart if you have a dart you definitely play it here i believe noah dara this is a good time to now play grebo when i will be trading off a few things that will activate grebo potentially and i want as many things to die as possible i can activate gravo only two of the things can die so i guess this thing and the other thing oh [Music] in the light okay there is some small possibility that they would have uh sandbagged their adara for this turn so i guess i will hold off on committing more stuff stone legion to me yikes yikes okay well the problem is if this trades grebo gets activated twice oh okay now we're just getting too great though that's good oh [Music] since i don't have lethal we want to stack more gravo so we want to have the thing with the least amount of rainbow triggers to die which would be this one that i can trigger the ones with more gravel oh but i i wanted the opponent to suffer death charger actually is a uh death rattle why why is this still so bad i don't understand okay so party portal there are no spells in this deck i guess now we're building for the old alarm blade okay yes there's holy book okay leopard amulet void innervate meyer keeper omu no more please is 4 mana 88 good enough to keep i guess or mana eight eight eleven eight when it's not my turn i don't know after you destroy an enemy minion with a spell summon a house skeleton i can't remember how that got nerfed but that was one of the ones that got unnerved used to trigger on friendly minions was that that big a deal infinite with the file wait that sounds ludicrous are we really going to do this what their treasure defeated my treasure impossible that treasure isn't even good [Music] wait a second you're a lot more like whenever your opponent draws a card at a coffee to your hand over growth you're not murloc holmes kind of suss what a delightful pot all right do i want to summon a two-two copy of another minion in my deck no i've got better uses [Music] okay cool if i play a minion with death rattle when this trades i will now get that death rattle um could just heal kind of boring could deal three damage to all minions man i guess i'll just heal due to the lack of anything else very unexciting very sad wrench caliber that's a card i haven't seen in some time i forgot that i would draw two hopefully we don't burn hopefully we burn bomb i cannot hold anymore this could uh wipe the opponent's board that's kind of useful i guess there's a lot of possible secrets gonna be hard to like find them all that secret might make him play around a bunch of stuff maybe he actually smacks me and i gained more order wait no no order that would have killed the skeleton hmm okay i got the rainbow wait wait the opponent's got a surly mob the surly mob can destroy two random enemies which would actually no that would be fun because we have one grey bow being summoned and then there's a question of like i guess i should spread out the i should also i could draw a card instead of healing myself i think healing myself is better right so i wanted to spread out the uh give a random friendly minion so it could have gone another one i don't think i wanted both to be on this one uh spreading them out is probably better for you okay zyrella is looking like it'll be pretty good uh let me think about what all it activates game three armor uh deal three damage to all minions destroy a random minion summon some grey bows give give a few grey bow something something something someone grabbed someone grebo number one two two ill six he'll eight something something bomb so i would want this to die first i would want to trade because this gets my grebo summoned killing this would summon two grey bows then killing that with yes i think that's good tree what what what what why me why so much also hurry up hurry up ah he'll kill come on well i sure hope that uh that five doesn't cost me the game that was your last yeah i'll just keep my handful that's fine at the start of your turn at a random mage spell okay so i can actually have nine cards in my hand and still generate a random mage spell each turn out of my clothes wait how's the bomb deck supposed to ever win if i just don't draw bombs oh that's very disappointing oh they're almost out of cards okay let's see nine bombs and duck looks like one third of the deck is bombs do i just take it slow here i think i'd take it slow for a little bit we are now playing minesweeper stand aside the flowers i hate that each time i draw a non-bomb i look super dumb that would be results oriented probably stand aside so we'll keep some cards that i could play if i really wanted to this is the best proactive play here i think fun fun fact the opponent has played all four types of shields my spare actually triggers amazing oh that's his like went out to make me draw cards but didn't get me to get the bomb but i do have to keep a card available so i can actually out produce the opponent i think honestly kind of a tough turn i really have so much time to like think about my turn that i should you know think about my turn though that was just a trickier turn because of the cold light oracle okay this is a unique opportunity to get a death rattle effect off i have no i of course just have useless mage spells though this is probably the proper time to play volcano man see i guess on this thing a pop me a volcano nancy it's like fire sale except it's cheaper and more situational dead ringer will always get me like a refill that's not bad oh but then does that work no it'll die the same turn will that work it dies deal 3 damage all other minions draw a death rattle i think it does they die at the same time but this one this is game losing if i'm wrong that should work oh thank goodness if i get another siphon off i can use the uh pyroblast the same turn that i heal that pyro here instead denies a bomb not that it matters i feel like i should use my hero power each turn do i have any useful things to play man i bind no koda koda's occur voice's sound is occurring [Applause] they're all kind of cursed [Music] yeah this is interesting archmage staff is making it so that i actually generate advantage otherwise normally i just have to sit here doing nothing flesh fails now we're starting to look smart feel my pain three in a row at any point he can still play a you know draw make your opponent draw a card card so life to me is still good i'm 37 so i'd have to draw like eight bombs in a row not very likely feel my pain but yes we're gaining which is very good [Music] pink oh nope not triggering my ice barrier huh what a pain well yes the wand of disintegration i guess is one of the ways to remove my main way of winning but i can still win you fool silence and destroy all minions is the last version of it so pretty interesting checkmate for sure eventual win guaranteed but just takes some time but we're starting to get in the groove of things and moving it out of the fast pace so pyroblast target [Music] and i guess void spike target and we'll we'll play it super safe from here on out not even drop a curve negative death rattle death rattle minions you play cost three less but die at the end of your turn that's a good death rattle is it not sure oh hydro knocks detected yeah that's a good um in case my what should i call in case my grey bow broke what's this pretty sure i've seen it before just don't recognize the things by icon yet all right three legendary invitations in the deck they have turned some in a 3-6 water elemental if you've cast a frost spell draw a neutral meaning that costs 3 or less it costs 0. all right we made it past the rush face of the game trust me i think this is stronger way early game we're up against frost rushy shaman by rushi i mean that looks like an aggro hero power [Music] windshield shark well hopefully they don't have an answer to four mana 99 [Music] foolish creature now you freeze well didn't destroy my death rather minion give each other synergy um i can either cash this in for a card right now i can i think i should cash it in for a card i'm not going to have more hp after all just thinking about which one of these to cache it again oh interesting i wonder if that'll be relevant imagine overgrowth and quest priest that would be pretty insane and standard that'd be a good four drop wow incredible okay next turns the four plus four please i want to go double thick they trigger each other but i don't think that's as important as playing four mana nine nine ugh i'd usually want this to do something better but let me think what's going on so far kill four draw a card game three armor i don't really have another play i would usually play this for more value but the opponent's more value tempo oriented yeah i guess there's only six on the board all right i will tempo this one though that's the happy medium all right it was just good to get one of them on the board because then i'll get an eight eight friends i guess i'll keep the healthy one i don't know keep the healthy one low so i can trade it then activate the other thing give a minion reborn the culprit was not tiny oh which one do i want to give reborn probably this one because we're already getting a grey bow trigger this is a lot of power if i put on this thing this might have been better than i thought call upon the power of all four elements allied shamans out of my my woes my hero power and pass should i kill this one oh that's that's not bad we got like double redundancy in case the opponent has mass silence plus clear whoa you got to call upon the elements of all four elements again cool you're so cool oh unfreezes a turn early ah despair silence and destroy a minion again someone random legendary transform all minions into random ones uh i think we're a holy book kind of guy i already have one i haven't even casted a single time but they're all pretty irrelevant so obviously we're not underlings uh we're not really group learning earthen scales fail rage and spellstone is the least bad here we go all right we're up against oh darius darius fire cannons give your minions plus one attack two mana one extra mana crystal after you play a rush minion summon a copy so it's just a rush warrior except darius uh do i start off by drawing a card or just playing plated beetle i think we want card well i think this is like the last time i'm not too young to fight oh that is that is quite bad for me good thing we have lesser jasper's spellstone otherwise he'd be super screwed so you know besides druid uh being a good standard choice rush warrior is pretty solid too or rush anything it's okay we got our treasure we got this normally with mummy magic oh yes my back it's all right we're surviving we're living give your minions plus one attack okay okay not bad not bad close one no more please the league of explorers cannot fail one of my friends just started spectating i told him good job i should tell him right now you chose a very good target to spectate i'll win in no time what uh what do we got here sparking friendly russian minion deal one damage to jason enemy minions rush did you have two patches that's pretty good it's whatever three one ones on turn one you can almost do that in standard whatever unlucky started with patches in him oh thank goodness no rakara holy cow imagine a car right there i would be wrecked hard wrecked hard yeah strong a very strong turn four coming in i mean we might just win when i play graybar we also might not win we'll see hmm the nice thing is emulative undying can just be three mana summon grey bow wait no or sprite 50 50. that okay we got rid of grey bow but i had to temper that out now we have a very important 50 50. good luck unlucky i missed the two and three it's gonna be five one and then two spare mana i think i need to tempo out the uh destroy a random enemy yup something temple yeah call the law okay i hover closed the law too ha ha hold the lower light my my caldera is a tiny bit broken almost a little bit rip called ah incredible okay well we learned that rush is also a very very good archetype but i hope this has opened up your idea your minds to another potentially good archetype freeze mage was that enough yes freeze mage that's that was also another just very solid option all right well love wand eight wins good job it had some good overpowered showings [Music] you
Channel: Trump
Views: 162,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: voyage, sunken, city, voyage to the sunken city, hearthstone, expansion, blizzard, tcg, ccg, card, trump, trumpsc, throne, tides, throne of tides, draft, duels, brann, sword, thousand, truths, deathrattle, druid, greybough, reborn, respawn, mummy, magic
Id: cnZ6DZ4tZNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 54sec (6354 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2022
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