A Rollercoaster of Emotions! Derailed Coaster x3!

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[Music] the madman time for another arena it's a cool choice i haven't played a warlock arena yet let's go i don't know what's in the one maker bucket but there's got to be at least some good stuff in there right i know that the lackeys are in which means i could get the one cost lackey spell two damage to all mains except demons that's a premium card jar dealer bog beast both good uh bagabista i guess wasteland scorpid i guess firewolf alpha i guess the real coaster that's a premium last giant how cheap can this be i would expect to be able to play this as a seven mana 88 maybe six mana 18 i guess yeah what are these cards this card your lowest cost card wow synergy give your minions plus one plus one that's always terrible combos with a derailed coaster hey smug senior scorpion i don't want you just because i picked you once you don't have to keep showing up hey ray is dead oh shredder staff oh my locula these are all good cards hmm well so far every single card i have is a minion which means judge your staff is pretty good i'm a warlock which means raised that is less important combo's a flesh time but whatever i think uh judger staff is just a really good card especially a warlock big driver's staff man gang it's a strong card can build a nymph duck in arena washer is pretty good how many demons are there imp boss breather the real coaster again okay we're getting somewhere mosher again okay wait plus one attack for each empty control dymph king boss malcazar's imp it's definitely washer oh drain soul actually works with flush chat i forgot where's dead is not going to be very good since i have the double derailed coaster then let's pick drain sole and imps hey claw machine amalgam it's a demon human my deck is full of small things probably not the right deck for school spirits it's a very zooey deck could use taunt since i am warlock and the bar they're all pretty good uh on two i only have two proactive two drops so i really could use that i really could use a door if i only have two proactive four drops and the fire breather is more of a response card yes sneaky tough choice and flinger is quite bad in this deck i think i'll choose midway i mean it's never bad it's all of an archer at worst i mean can't go face but it doesn't matter this card because i actually have double minari monster i suppose penflinger i guess okay third derailed coaster very good wild library nerfed that's no good here amalgam not a really good four drop also demon duster great three drop stone born accuser well five three derailed coasters that seems quite good i have enough six if i have three derailed coaster though i really want to pick a minion i'm legitimately not picking shadows which i think is the better card because i want to pick a minion is where a joey wheeler deck sky talon it's a minion that's a spell like thing crooked cook interesting but may is good that's actually good too drunk sneaky delinquent oh wait draw two minions if they're both demons what are the chances i draw two demons no it's basically between 666 and 324. a little bit bigger it's fine 29 minions and three derailed coaster i mean the real coaster is a really good card so uh we're gonna have a lot of strong turn fives the card quality in this deck he got some hits he got some misses but three to world coaster and world coaster is a really good card [Music] oh what a draw can i get [Music] the dream as the mage plays their card that got buffed by plus two plus two and i trade the milk as i was in pin hmm opponent kept a lot of cards so they're definitely looking to play them and not use fire blast i think i'll tempo this oh rigged fair game would be too slow splitting image would be ridiculous unless they're gonna set up like a really good play so it's almost always explosive runes i feel i wouldn't want to get a mulgum explosive i guess i'll go one maker all right co-stars here from five and i've managed to tap twice oh god deathborn it's okay it's okay it's not turn six it's fine here for a good time not a long time not a long time not a long time not a long time okay do this wall i have a demon not a long time not a long time my compliments to the compliments oh it's interesting it's like where's my coasters oh do i not play anything because if i just hold this instead of a two one i get a one one is this hand lock tap tap co pass wamp wall let's let him get another spell you got this okay all right let's go coaster [Music] you got me so good there just kidding i think it's two three one yep no it should be six this is turn six for the roast my lord [Music] okay the thing i have to remember about this deck or this hand and deck is that every single card here in my hand is slow so the opponent does something big i have to other than penn flinger penflinger is the only fast card here otherwise i have to like set up so i always have to have a strong board holy crap that scott rush holy crap if i get the other derailed coaster that's a lot of damage no need to worry yeah you actually want to sacrifice that so my leg thresher doesn't poke that does that meh man i guess whatever oh no probably on purpose unfortunately i can't repeat the pen flinger not with this deck i don't want to play anything with six that's a lot of these i guess i just tap then play the smaller cards quadruple divine shield so strong good combo carving time plus moonfang where's my derailed coaster you damage all minions except demons i was about to infinitely play it but this one looks really good it's pretty good it's perfectly actually not entirely sure if i regret this yet i haven't decided if i regret this or not yet yeah the fact that the five two has to trade into the two two makes this uh quite a bit worse this sir uh in the middle is really bad for accounting um yes [Music] this all right pace car uh pace car hand here delinquent three three four four four five turn to yeti instead how about that huge swing that's the type of opening where the opponents complain a bit well i went second wow they have a constructed start uh tap were delinquent wait did i i meant to play the liquid yes wrong curve guess i'll still kill it because it exists whatever then we'll get into tap and play a card mode draw a card play card draw two cards play a card way better than the normal person drawing card play occurred [Music] okay quickly okay spell what is spell glorious oh my deck has no fast cards taunt is kind of fast i guess taunts as fast as this oh i mean the real coaster is really fast actually the real coaster fire breather drain soul ball machine amani warbear those are my fast cards all the fast cards only are a little bit fast other than claw machine bear wow impressive the exit is this way the culprit was not tidy you are not the boss of me oh boy magic is quickly i'd forgotten that that doesn't uh free up its own board space church well two big cards in my hand i suppose something up you don't pick the one get my tap advantage each turn we can do this take it home oh it had some weak cards in him it's good news i think i'll wait a turn on that two one and a three two three one in the three two three uh just play blog beast just play blog beast three six four eight two two soul warden flash giant west giants a good matchup against it this [Music] is might not need the combo because the opponent is running out of cards it's enough for my coaster to just sweep in sweep sweep maybe this plague of flames here or do i save plago flames for hard removal i should save it yeah i already can kill that pretty much no need to worry it's perfectly [Music] [Music] females ugh i feel so comfy being able to draw two cards a turn unlike you silly priest only one car to turn here phoebus [Music] oh you scum [Music] missed having big end game card though the real coaster is a strong enough card that i want to keep that not sure if i want to play midway maniac onto you probably depends on whether i draw a washer that might make me want to play midway maniac but also maybe not because uh as a rider i think the odds of being able to play derailed coaster on five in this deck are extremely high oh that makes me want to play this one mana slam the culprit was um option one have a one one he has a three four option two but slow this is a really good fire breather turn that's a demon too i guess i'll play it then oh no he might steal the world coaster pretty decent chance he does but i will tell you all right i think if he got a coaster this would be a turn to play it ball machine that's a good card i think i want to play the coaster when there's actually stuff i should probably just play four drop here it's not bound to play coaster here but could be better hmm i have a hard time spending all my money i just play coaster i like how it hesitates like ah full coaster board should i play coaster is so profitable that's the card i want to claw machine and then i think i tap because the button is good i'm using the warlock strength here definitely don't need the cards right now but we're storing them up do not lose these i have four mana and then tap giant where's my coaster coast i'll get it because i'm such an aggressive tapper okay let me consider the cards i have that are fast we have accuser that's fast we have a bear that's fast everything else is slow in this hand and we have the two costas in there costa good costa i think here i go five four one iconic of course for more value [Music] wow [Music] how much mana total is my hand 12 14 20 26 32 gotta remember that's about 39 42 43 the dragon if it costs 7's 50. i have like five full turns worth of value in my hand and as i draw at least five more turns over the stuff that's at least 10 more mana i have like max six turns um mid-six turns with this stuff so i should just be spending max man each turn here not a long time not a long time play the nine while i have the nine well it's not a uh immediate necessity i guess okay i have two cards that are big with taunt i have a bog beast with taunt the goal is to get control of the board and then get one of those cards and stick with ton i've got like three big taunts as the senior comes back i must choose oh yes uh one two three eight eight goes to five six bear goes to one three i guess insulin [Applause] [Music] wait why did i damage that i guess that's fine wait i shouldn't have damaged that i was like well i want that to be lower but i forgot that he had the buffing thing nope all right two three one one one one and brass kill drake reaper scythe obviously we gotta play taunt here i have two taunts that cost six so i only have so i have to play both twos pretty much alongside it is obviously the safest one and then it generates a ton for next very good then i hope i draw the real coaster i suppose [Music] got nine on the board oh it's got the accuser already that's 11 36 perfect wait a minute hmm cute [Music] [Music] okay i don't have that many four drops in the deck so i think i'll keep the four drop two drop or drop five drop wait that's my four drop [Music] for the roast my lord oh oh that's not good interesting i guess oh that's a tough board to deal with good luck [Music] i have so many minions in play that the real coaster isn't a good play you countered me didn't get that corrupted huh womp wait oh just drew it unlucky yeah it's not good to pass turn three in arena is pretty sweet the exit is this way impacting boss into bad minions is pretty sweet oh forensic duster on two is pretty sweet but i really want this here i think this was the dust him next turn the culprit was ah good they have a teardrop the exit is this okay i think about ways to activate this i have a fire breather direwolf alpha that's about it can either play amalgam here or i can play mosher amalgam is curve curve is justice [Music] oh nice i don't need idiot okay what deals for nice that does not deal for anymore the culprits were not tidy i never realized this that a monty ward there can't see we'll be fine it wasn't that big horse blinders that seems kind of mean [Music] it's an animal being forced to kill things and die um [Music] but look at it it's smiling i think it's happy what a delightful party staff scorpion all right i don't need to tap yet i guess that is a menacing scorpio remove or be greatly inconvenienced really is a frightening scorpion though how do you deal i have all these assistants too in case if italian has to keep playing around scorpion but scorpio is secretly never going to need to actually trade in anything what this where you followed i still have the imp and the soul warden in my deck you are not the boss of me wow free brilliant i didn't need it anyway i've assembled all the pieces of the combo i actually think i have a whistle no i have a level no i don't i'm like it's some one damage off anything oh wait maybe if i didn't spend that guy i don't know um oh wait i'm nowhere close to lethal oh it's because i was thinking about now what was i thinking about i don't know something something i was pretty close to lethal but it wasn't lethal add three random cards you discarded to your hand [Music] a shriek imp soul warden combo it's almost all assembled actually i'm good okay if i can kill that seven health i've got lethal i clearly can't do that okay is this lethal oh my god this could be a fantastic lethal i was thinking on a shriek soul warden shriek brain soul wait i i could have sworn like this was the buff card i meant to play the buff card no it's probably better to play the non-buffed current since he's solo open yourself is worser in warlock er the amp isn't the best card but it's okay to play that on turn three with the tap i guess it's interesting that i didn't even consider just replaying this it's because i have the coaster but it is very possible that playing delinquent was right there i'm just gonna slow down because we got coaster one two three four five six so i have the full board because of course i do [Music] [Music] again basically i get to choose to keep either three one one one one six one it's pretty good too bad for you i have coaster oh a dragon priest impressive how many coasters is too many in arena i'll give you a serious answer i think it would stop being a really good pick around five coasters that's not to say that you shouldn't pick more i'm just saying it would stop being a really good pick around then i think i'm gonna play coaster again and then he'll have had coaster played on five seven and eight and then he can complain no i think i wanna save like some form of fast removal this isn't really critical to remove i should play a taunt to protect the three two the exit is this way we'll be fine that's a seven damage here so i should actually try to remove this maybe just send the three two into a two two it's six damage [Music] make the opponent need to have one damage otherwise i would have gone faith make them have an answer you are not welcome here ah freezing trapper i've got a counter to that dude not a long time no sadness [Music] are you upset oh crap oh crap i'm out of answers oh no i played all my fast answers oh my god i have nothing [Music] and the cycle of life is yeah yeah key master alabaster oh my god he got one man how money were here the there journey not a long time that's a really strong key master alabaster i was about to say but he ran out of cards oh i'm going to need the tempo although there's a bunch of spells now which is possibly bad for my big board oh my god that was brutal foreign [Music] sacrifices journey [Music] no [Music] i need more derailed coasters didn't expect to lose this game okay i cannot get two damage on this i do not want that to die i guess i just hope that goes face [Music] let's see my deck is pretty bad come on we we have we haven't out plagued flames oh my god it's like a plan like a flames like a flames like flames like so you have an answer to a 99 hey no i have no answer to that card and terrible my god key master alabaster actually did it i guess i'll keep this a fun hand this place is scary [Music] is it time for the coaster where do i wait a turn here coaster deals six the opponent has six on the board that's pretty good hard to beat that yup hit it coaster number one and of course i have a really strong five drop to follow that's a pretty good card did i play protect three one back to work it's kind of interesting stone-born accuser and amani warbin are similar this is good on a low attack minion such as that i do want to attack because then i can attack and kill that i don't have to go fast this turn if i could play slow cards this would be a fine time to do it and i can play slow cards i will play the slow cards part of what may have possibly saved me against the priest player last game is if i had kept fast cards due to the lack of fast cards in this deck usually spells are fast cards i need to remember to keep fast cards that was a good car though some gloves on this is not what we stood for where's your whirlwind now oh big card quick check to make sure none of those are about okay okay we've got 15 puns in 19. i kind of feel like i should play four plus six yeah no tap this turn i sense blood i smell blood i'm just thinking about deathwing this card isn't as good as i thought it was because he kills actually a pretty good card to plan for after i'm getting boss yeah still mulligan what a delicious party where you followed [Music] trade declined [Music] kind of punished this is actually going to be one of my smaller coasters on five only four riders oh no i'll trade this away and then i'll get five riders if this is trading all your five runners i will trade that i will maybe i won't play coaster actually i can play good old fresher nelly hmm [Music] i guess to play around reckoning a only blog beast instead of the better card if he picked oh my young he's in for an unpleasant circle oh scuttlebutt all right coaster plus alpha this is actually my first coaster plus alpha that i'm it's very exciting to do that not a long time not a long time not a long time i actually could have done better i could have hit that thing before the event tricked triggered and then i would have taken a little bit less damage on this i didn't know for sure which one was getting buffed but i think no matter how i attacked the bog beast was getting in attack an autograph i suppose three writers but they are under the benefit of direwolf alpha so it's way better it kind of doubles the effectiveness of the writers a long time not a long time not a long time the cold oh yes yes yes murloc one drop okay um yes yes which card was in the opponent's starting hand he started with fatty guest which card is in your opponent's hand cold lights here random murloc the card is in your opponent's deck he's played dark iron dwarf he's played circus medic so it's claw machine [Applause] [Music] all right let's see ludacris valley that's right holmes and concede this is pretty interesting is it pass it might be past i think it's pass i think turn two is tap i think turn three is like actually staff tap maybe i'm just gonna pass have three one drops choose not to play any of them turn one brilliant that's a little too much i'll play this unfortunately since my opponent's your opponent looks like deck tracker bugged stag this card your lowest cost card give minions plus one pull okay stack three two great though can i get a murder calm in time these old bones just keep moving time [Music] okay maybe i'm trying to discard drain's soul that card's not that good [Music] this combo seems so potentially good especially if i have this impact [Music] probably best [Music] astounding unfortunate trade there i think i want the real coaster against unknown secret i think i should just play a big card and then played your world coaster next turn that should be freezing trap is pretty likely now so get the coaster up oh nice combo [Music] oh no need to worry [Music] you have to read this i need to make sure that uh owner doesn't have minions on board that's eight can't tap i want to save this but i suppose now i'll play it since it's near the end i should only kill this i don't think there's enough time to come that's a beast let me think after hitting this 11 14 13 6 11 14 13 oh definitely oh and i'm playing this too we've got the backup deal five hmm i actually should have traded now that i think about it and the punters don't care about beasts anymore never mind i was like oh left a beast up but yeah it's not scary anymore hunters and beasts aren't a thing no need to worry suss and flinger with the coin or card got my drilled coaster up my sleeve what is this card spell boo it'll be our little secret [Music] sadness the only thing to fix my sadness will be drilled coasters four minions in hand trying to get two more which i will i'm guaranteed to have six minions in hand if i tap here i guess we'll do that it's a funny guarantee [Music] passing turn three i had commented on i believe it was the paladin uh is a bad play maybe there's a demon hunter but my dad can overcome turn three pass oh [Music] i should kill that how annoyed will my opponent be and how should i do it three four five eight nine i can do it with coaster i can do a pen drain i think that one's more flexible so this should be used oh all right denying the two spells is big it's pretty unexpected that i could do that much burst damage have that kind of removal oh is it time for despair i'm feeling it i think it's time for despair welcomed [Music] rise to the challenge not a long time [Music] yeah actually i should have played bog beast magic is not a toy oh [Music] another huh i think i need the tempo here wait why did i play this card should have played this card ah a good explorer my plans definitely had me playing the ogre well the location was down i think i got thrown off by implying aldor peacekeeper my brain scrambled for a moment reporting for duty well at least it looks like the opponent doesn't have a spell don't want to play a big card in the grid oh that's that's a really good drill holy cow all of his plays this turn have to be judged against playing a dragon and deduce what kind of dragon it is if he doesn't play a dragon so i'm deducing it's not like one of those mega value nine dragons the chances of like an of deathwing have gone up no way around it then just play the big card the second biggest card interesting didn't use the great hall for that big of a card reporting for duty scorpio is a good good one they got the great for the roast my lord still one dragon in hand keeping an eye on that dragon hey one does not want to use that great huh i could use the health the only thing i can use this on is a morgan and midway maniac from the deck now reporting for duty um yeah that stopped the uh great hall onto a guy to give plus two plus two since these guys both have five health three one one which might be really important for that washer oh that hammer oh brutal hammer now we haven't turned left train soul who use drain salt no use forensic duster for sure the culprit was not tidy oh so sad can't play the three-minute card oh maybe fire breather think i'll go with them all go try to get that fire breather value later don't want to play the real coaster against a13 yeah but i guess i'll play the first one only five riders i'm crying and no trade we'll cut right to the chase i'm actually running out of stuff i guess i should play coaster not a long time i have a strong tempo advantage here [Music] run a tap because i have one more no i shouldn't have tapped i should have played a two drop i see no i guess i'm running out of stuff this is let's see tempo turn here or tap that one's got three cards left tap hold tap last i knew i wanted [Music] oh god cycle of hatred i like to play with fire sacrifices hmm opponents actually running out of stuff this only works might be able to stabilize oh jesus [Music] oh muck oh there's your gloves in paper no that's dead too at least that requires them to do math what a disappointing one i'm at um it was looking so good cycle of hatred but you know what cycle of hatred three derailed coasters it's similar we can't blame womp i was so close to stabilizing too well not backless i think i would have won with an extra few hp that's fun though stupid cycle i'm crying [Music] you
Channel: Trump
Views: 126,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, expansion, blizzard, tcg, ccg, card, trump, trumpsc, murder, castle, nathria, murder at castle nathria, infuse, arena, draft, pick, warlock, lifetap, tap, derailed, coaster, derailed coaster, minion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 1sec (5581 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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