Jainadin Dual Arena: Fireblasting as a Paladin!

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the madman welcome to Arena it's dual class Arena and it's gotten fixed from the previous iteration of dual class Arena where no class cards were showing up where you were pretty much going to get like 25 neutral cards and this one wasn't a bug but demon Hunters had no draftable cards uh now they do and they're kind of overpowered all right twitch has voted for me to play Paladin it is time to take a step did I mention there were no basic cards but there were no basic cards all right and twitch has selected Mage for second class I believe Rogue was the best choice here for secondary because um arena is all about Tempo and the dagger is quite good it's the best way to repeatedly deal one damage because uh with mage it's four men of deal two damage with Rogue only two Mana the Mage it is Paladin Mitch kind of a hot combination all right we start off with a class card and a good one exciting that's a really good teardrop if I could just win the game sync three Mana four three is best not entirely sure if I can ever heal it but a fireball it's a good efficient removal polymorph bore all right I guess oh we got some beef I'm a mage but using the hero power is pretty unlikely I think I'm gonna take the max this card can like be good against specific openers but I think too specific oh man I'm getting a lot of class cards this one's a good one here is also a great one oh stats show that seal of Champions is better though I I suppose it's probably still of Champions two two three not that impressive but it's a Mech could matter for mechwerper four five four or volcanic Drake which is often four but you have to set up a tree I think the vanilla 454 is better I almost pick Sorcerer's Apprentice here and got baited fortunately I did not that cause four Belcher another Fireball yeah I picked that over Scarlet Crusader but I think it is somewhat close and I think I'll pick shattered I might have like too many cards that rely on already having a card on the board that would be seal of Champions that's it so far I think I've just gotten offered a lot of them and haven't gotten taken that many I think you don't want to pick too many Force tank Maxes this one's probably good enough I yeah oh consec wow we're getting a lot of class cards here for uh reference by the way this particular draft is the second one that I've done uh with the dual class post fix the first Arena I got was absolute trash uh which makes the like so far this is amazing I'm getting amazing cards uh I got absolute trash the first time I ran this is a pretty good two drop [Music] but like I'm actually getting good cards here that's a decent teardrop that's I got Max hitting five five it's pretty big I think I'll get more two drops there's so many two drops to get offered hey the three drop can actually go with the injured blade Master combo gorilla A3 that's actually good in the previous Arena Mech was really strong because there were a decent amount of mechs and Mech Corporation uh no molten Giant silver hands fine Berserker is good with that Mage hero power and just good by default okay now that's trash um I guess I'll pick death Lord cards seem pretty small in this format another injured blade master I do have the Earthen ring Farsi I could pick horn for mage I don't have any secrets so this one's actually better because I could High Roll the Earth and ring there's no secrets I'd want to pick anyways If This Were early on I'd pick them Mage but I have the Synergy for the blade Master already uh strong wind night or lost Rider I think this is just better stats for the cost so I pick it juggler is cool [Music] slow Hammer of Wrath but all right Ginny of zephyrus five Mana four six stat line I actually have silver champions benching wrath is that good at all it'll have to do blizzard is that good probably good and the lord of the Arena all right this Arena was like way better than my first one uh we have one two three four five six two drops a good amount of three drops decent amount of four drops which can help you play a decent amount of fives and I got some finishers uh finishers being like force tank Max lord of the arena and two Fireballs so this looks like it's gonna be like all the decks in this format should be a value trade off your minions deck but I could burst a little bit at the end with the double Fireball on the hammer of Wrath no Zombie Chow no uh no Shredder but we did get shielded mini bot I'll probably win at least one game because I played the mini bot and they play a 3-2 and then I trade the mini bot and then I still have a 2-2 [Music] I do want to start off with the this won't work as is I have so many three drops right I actually have to Mulligan for the teardrop nice nice oh knife juggler into a death board that could be a tricky situation Tricky Tricky you used the coin which is a big place I think I'll just go for the sure kill Ed no of course not face then the gorilla bot hits my shattered seven Clerk and I'm super sad of course no death Lord things uh three four if your opponent used the coin to get a power play at you uh you play it a little safe because you already had an advantage ah do I trade both into that now I should just play this [Music] hmm pretty good especially when you account that the Sheep trading and wouldn't be the end of the world yeah it's kind of a pool that I have so much burn at the end the blizzard can be considered burn as well because you just freeze the board and then you hit the face so we got a few finishers between the avenging wrath the blizzard the hammer of Wrath and the two fireballs and even the consecration very amusing polymorph bore yes and if I feel particularly spicy Ginny of zafirs plus polymorph bore could be eight damage burst foreign [Applause] [Music] could possibly bump the question is do I start with shielded mini bot or snow Chugger it would be snow chugger in this case uh reason being if the opponent has a bad start they can fire blast and divine Shield then again maybe I want to start with the mini bot because the fire blast would be so bad but the problem is if I'm up against the 2-3 the shielded minibot isn't great against that and that's pretty good I can just trade into it in Fireball oh what's this mean playing fireblast obviously the mini bot is uh Stronger play fire blast goes for longer time honestly tough pick and has pretty big ramifications obviously the play is way better if they fire blast you never know that but there's always the chance so you kind of like work that into the percentages somehow I've been ready oh the turtle is here should I think play this while I have a Target yes but then I could finish it when you bought next turn possibly that Chomps the uh cleric okay right on time weapons ready it's kind of cool seeing the old cards like a waste of snapshot on fencreeper and it does change the arena meta a lot and it is cool how the uh how the offerings changed in dual class Arena to actually get as opposed to all being neutral Stone Commando it's a big price to pay to kill two two Health minions but that's it six Mana Cleese seven Mana cleave even oh weapons ready don't forget five eight ten and that's lethal oh gone first and I got the 2-3 into the shattered Sun that's a really strong start the 2-3 you're never sure if you're up against the two three or the 3-2 but with shattered Sun following up the 2-3 that's the best possible curve you beat the 3-2 and you beat the 2-3 and you beat the 2-3 really badly they always begin with two three and the plus one plus one oh tournament attendee I guess I fire blast I mean also not the end of the world oh guess I fire blast again pew pew maybe they'll run out of stuff they had to use their coin the opponent's done something similar to a chess Gambit sacrificed a bunch of material but a head-on tempo and I believe I am very fortunate shattered Sun clerk seems obvious but maybe the right answer is actually a flesh eating well and I think I'm supposed to hit the flesh eating ghoul and I play murloc tight under for the tempo we've got avenging wrath is back up next turn and then a bunch of murloc Associates maybe the ogre will miss if it swings for the goal oh it's like it's consecration foreign obligated to fire blast or avenging wrath by avenging wrath have seven to deal with these it's gonna be like a 50 50 on whether or not over breed dies I think I take the 50 50. uh what other play can I make nice nice but they get the first Tempo on turn six oh oh it's cleave well I mean that's pretty good it wasn't on one of my minions big problem Fireball Fireball got buff cards with the deathlord I hear it'd be good [Music] Prophet guide me [Applause] we must cleanse the sun well plus one plus one foreign those without eyes it's all good so good I was looking uh that was looking bad but made it through opponent shows the power of tempo and how using my hero power to like keep building out water and would have been too slow but fortunately it got there [Music] oh give me that Vinny butt I have to ask myself yet again shielded mini bot first for snow tiger or a knife juggler first because we have the tight on her It's gotta be knife juggler first then because you have the small chance of blowing out your opponent with Tide Hunter hits would be nice the 25 chance get him [Music] it's nice to win the game 25 of the time that's a little bit slow so it's good black black card that overloads by one as a Tempo race it's uh just playing the max amount of power for manage turn and then only once you're running out of cards do you stop and breathe for a moment [Music] hard to deal with this card in a world where dealing with pit Fighter the five minute five six is hard kind of cool to throw back into the past for the mayor Valley Town made more sense in the arena since trading for Value was nearly almost always right with no rush was definitely right during that small amount of time where it was neutral Stone Arena weapons ready I have to think about whether or not to break the Divine shield on the Azure drink before the opponent gets the chance to hero power off my Divine Shield probably finances avenging wrath could clear here but I think better just play the four and the three and then wait for more minions and then I better not use this because then the six two would be too strong of a trade on the other stuff yes I think it's good to just wait buffed fire Elemental yeah we got the blizzard into uh and it's definitely some listen to that and I think it's not fire blast this maybe it's fire blast this just to make it more likely both Dido is entering now it is Fire Blast that probably hmm I don't think it's a trade though Fireball ten seven Fireball you can just clear this stuff I should just clear this stuff for six and don't get a Mac but oh well it's got some good value currents thank you yikes the frost wolf stands ready foreign just couldn't deal with the big stuff too many big stuff even though I had some big stuff dealers with it wasn't enough foreign that's a very strong deck I didn't see a single weak card and I saw them many pretty good cards I did see one week cars iron for Grizzly always check for doomsayer you never know what a Triumph this is yours hmm definitely thought about keeping that a dream play a 2-3 and then my shattered Sun click actually my pure power would do that it's pretty interesting how in this Arena mode if you just like press this button on this turn you just lose [Music] okay coin diffused though I got the good trade lined up and that's a class that can't deal one damage I could go for the so there's a pessimistic and optimistic side because that thing could totally Miss uh so if I went this and did the trade I'm like guaranteed have gotten a pretty good trade we must cleanse the sun well I could even trade with the Imp which I hadn't thought about until exactly this moment [Music] why would I do that not a real reason smell like a leopard curve this is no place for Mortals even if the ogre had hit my face by mistake it wouldn't have been like a dream that's why I settled on doing what I did hmm I actually think instead of fire blast I should just plate for Tempo and play both of these yep it should be right lost tall starter hero power is the other option but this is good against that oh my God 's ogre please holy cow that card this guy's got some good cards oh crap oh I got the ogre Buster gotten rid of a lot of the answers that ton would have had for this surely this goes through and I get a massive advantage I don't think Titan face is good in here ogre kills the six six the pump would be a 10. yeah yeah that was good I should have taunted him first I had to look more broadly and that the opponent would have traded this anyways and then that trade might have been impossible big miss playing this nine damage threw away a pyro blast I don't would have ended up doing the same trades anyways although they would have copied the nine line so I think I accidentally lucked into the better play I think I wrapped first good luck really good result but raid happened right as I got always looking very good oh why did the opponents have so much big stuff the one Arena I had like I had no big stuff yikes [Music] wow it's unbelievable running into such a good deck this is actually supposed to be a really low power Arena mode uh according to my one sample size of Arena prior to this so very weird to have a faced off that kind of deck unlucky wow daring hero power no ability to deal one damage all right we got Big Vanilla coming through Big Bird okay that's a strong coin fly all right hmm [Music] Squire attend me ready sir good hit for me no trade you insist [Applause] too many things to heal okay solidly taken back on the board got some big minions say a kill with my spells these can take care of the small minutes should be easy [Music] ah oh yeah that's a lot of damage pushed through I was gonna triple trade I guess we'll just do this we can do the cool finisher oh foreign [Music] this is the if only I was going first hand um by coin it's coin mini bot and then hope they don't have a two three that's got to be correct I guess if they have a two three I use the fire blast [Music] though maybe it's possible I just play Knife juggler huh supposing I play mini bot and the opponent plays a 2-3 wow I guess here I just play Knife juggling hmm or is the two three Good Old River crocolisk dummy could have been good to secure the double Argus hit boy you're very risk averse to think like that we got a harvest School in our hand and it didn't look like the upon would be able to deal with this board quickly ready weapon ready daring punch that face even though his card is better than mine oh punish ER running out of Valley I think I'll actually go for the weaker play to get the buff the gates are open [Music] value foreign I think the priority is getting out the the slow stuff and then you have the spells to finish them off it's a bit of a aggressive line to not fire blast but let's go it's all about good stats for the cost [Music] it's an exceptionally large amount of burn hard to see that coming to my side someone called me oh where's evil foreign double fireballing it makes him less salty because he was like I was just about to stabilize here and I had buzzer and unleash sick combo light guide by hand foreign [Music] that is a little bit disappointing to consider that if I lose this game I'll have tied with the uh deck that was a really really bad Arena deck I had turned two pass which is terrible but the opponent had turned to hero power which is not that great either got my Earthen ring farsier Valley ago that's good can I get my genie of zephyrus seal of Champions stork that would be something but I have fun could work I think Ginny is best faith throws the way of course there's no place for Mortals foreign [Music] juggler tide Hunter here perhaps I think that's actually better and then furthermore I think it's better to fire blast second foreign [Music] okay I guess Bird plus ping is better shaped for this board in the circumstance that I did one damage to this and this I could have cleared that I basically had some random to it there were a few permutations and then like dealing I the goal is just to like deal two damage to minions and then I think not two to that one I think there was solid reason behind it but maybe could be convinced that maybe I was wrong perhaps foreign I didn't miss out on the murloc tidehunter polymorph sport combo it's a good way to quickly do damage I suppose I don't think defender of Argus might be right no I can just hear a power that I think it's a it's kind of bad no matter what but we'll just we'll take it easy and slow I suppose Max definitely considered blizzard fire blast but pretty sure tank is better yep tank give him another turn to fill don't worry thank you that's big enough that I gotta kill I guess we'll just do the easy enough poor blizz sure let me get back at the end of each player's turn that player draws until they have three cards interesting ready sir I get one so it's fine [Music] I don't have a slow turn will they trade off Jeeps I don't trade off there so I don't get lots of cards yep bye Jeeps [Music] why are people so anxious to avenge there that's that doesn't make sense let's see I think the one one doesn't yes it does actually gotta kill that the avenging should be good the next turn the key about these cards that deal like lots of random damage you gotta do them near last Imo that's the classic slow cards first fast cards second and ideally they have as few like bad cards on the board as possible wow we completely dodged that that's pretty good into the bridge hmm it should be out of big cards by now truth is my shield [Music] this is it for me we got double Fireball in here the rest of my deck is actually pretty trash so the goal is pretty much to set the opponent down to eventually almost six health on average I'll get the fireball that was the best non-fireball card actually this is probably a better card than Fireball at this point oh one Health oh eight seven dang there's no way that that's ever right all right oh I hate to see that it's all right this is now a wait for Fireball to save you mission I usually work alone the gates are open 25 chance to draw a fireball something needs about two draws ended I think [Music] only one drill oh okay Wanderer let's go well played easy game I'm really surprised that the decks I'm facing are this strong like there's losses and some of those wins he's been against Decks that were much stronger than the run that was just before this all right here I hope I just played mini Bond when that would be nice to have a easier game for once oh that had the potential if I just went [Music] it's tougher with this hand because there's no two drops in the hand so a lot of imperfect information are you sure the right answer is just the ten thousand it's not as good as I thought Faith reveals the way Tyler here repair I think it's a bunner oh what if I don't even no of course that's bad [Music] this is better than the ghoul it is up one one one huh Squire ready sir two three four five [Music] yes yes oh man these trades are so good for me I guess I just consecration clear yep pretty decent comments someone does have life tap so you gotta put on some pressure tap last oh huge toe tempo Squire attend me ready sir Mario order what order [Music] does this get Frozen it's time for a little blood it would die wait what's going on no no I I wanted to Ping this one you guys are setting order but I think uh maybe I did the better play than you guys thought of than someone thought of okay anyways where was I this guy's here for sure no maybe it doesn't okay let's go ghoul oh one day I'll be a real Knight thank you let's play not Trading gives me all the power Faith reveals I think I do not want to juggle the Berserker I should start with this uh do I do I want two four seven ten I I think I take a free roll actually we must cleanse the sun well uh okay more free roll two Max and play okay I forgot to Ping at the end oh well I'm just I'm just that lucky [Music] foreign violence I choose violence [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign Big Bird [Music] [Applause] turn four sadness magnetor Alpha okay sludge Belcher your magic shall not save me hmm there's actually more Total Health than this which might matter this is actually stronger than more ready sir the rare don't spend Max Mana because lord of the Arena seems as a bad card did you know what are those six Mana six five taunt is not very good [Music] wow if you insist [Applause] don't worry loves the cavalry's here we'll order all right oh okay oh what should I pick which one wow that one I remember back in the day someone won a tournament I think this needs old Shredder had a sneezled shredder in it Good Times this is a really strong card gotta kill it the gate solo oh you got me no ability to deal one damage but a hunter fueled by warlock life Taps scary advanced hunter deal 2 damage to own face nice I lose quickly can't coin two drop into pass I'll show them man scientist but the secrets aren't very good what thank you game losing mistake there are some like reasons to do it so I can't purely critique okay I get to get the part which can spin the Mana but it would be nice to be able to use that um I don't think I use it here no silly little part okay could be freezing trap probably the best trap what to do [Applause] oh I got the combo that looks like crazy you've gotten me convinced it's freezing which means I'm chilling for a while [Music] no place for Mortals I found the trigger for freezing trap let's wait a few turns oh don't worry loves the cavalry's here dang I think I have to still play around freezing trap right pretty sure I still have to play around that I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to use before we're chilling we're chilling relax relax plenty of time [Music] foreign whoops wow I should have pinged one of them oh maybe that's why I filled them now surely not there's snakes that would be something hide the tank from the slime so I could have avenging rest um I would put the opponent down to 10. hmm foreign [Applause] okay I put him down to six this should be lethal oh wait that is lethal all right take Tabor [Applause] that's one too many twos it actually might be too too many twos I think I'm so actually maybe it's the right amount of twos and then I just try to draw a three and then I go two two on four I think I'll keep it all if it's a two drop on three it's not the end of the world either it's not the best hand I could get but I could draw into something good I think uh two into two into two two was good enough ideally I get a three weapons ready oh yikes that's occurred trade trade we might have like some scary guy buffer yikes holy cow well we got blizzard I guess you're taking this one real slow I can get my Max inspiration that bone guard lieutenant look at him girl it's not easy to make it through muster for battle and 200 creepers got a fire blast again keep keep fire blasting I'm gonna play the card that's on tempo and the cards and always do blizzard ghoul it's actually a good combo need hmm I think Clockwork that is correct opponent's been playing just uh top tier card after top tier card which isn't a surprise it's just a question when they stop playing the top tier cards if you'll always play the top tier cards first and then at some point you run out and have to start playing the shameful cards the cards you wanna hide I am saving this together I think eventually there's gonna be a lot of totems I'm flying for that long again foreign you're supposed to show the bad cards at some point no fair on your head foreign I think I ran into some incredible decks think I'll have to reassess what my idea of averages this this deck that I have I believe it's above average foreign how many bad cards does this deck have it in it let's see how many cards would I qualify as a bad death Lord this deck only had two bad cards in it and I think this is above average I think you might have like uh sample size too the amount of bad cards you're gonna get did I only get 150 gold holy cow uh what are the arena that was bad sure three three cards then so like maybe an average deck would have five bad cards in it I'm guessing and then you know you got some cards that are borderline bad like lost horse rider I would call that bad but I wouldn't like put in the bad bucket it's bad but not that bad well that was really fun I really experience uh playing with all those classic cards faced off against some strong decks for weak power level Arena [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Trump
Views: 86,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, expansion, blizzard, tcg, ccg, card, trump, trumpsc, murder, castle, nathria, murder at castle nathria, infuse, arena, draft, pick, maw, order, disorder, law, miniset, mini-set, dual class, dual, class, dualclass, mage, paladin, fireblast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 2sec (4202 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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