The Are Random Loot Minecraft Drops But (#1)

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hello everybody and welcome back to Minecraft 1.20 Rando Ludo here is the seed if you wish to follow along on the site and let's get it started make sure to like the video subscribe to Kevin Sparkles to follow on slash captainsparkles if you want to catch Randall Ludo live and we are off to the races oh I'm playing with shaders this time oh my God it's so pretty look at us go look at us go oh wait actually I think I need to do I need to go to the settings and I need to like turn stuff back on I need to turn the stuff back on all right oh what is uh enable all undiscovered oh we probably don't want to do that randomized world and entity colors does that work oh god oh geez with the shaders too oh my God thank you Mr Norton for this one the problem here is like if I oh okay I forgot the clock is the uh the end of the loot table item how are we feeling about this one huh how are we feeling about this do I keep it this way do I switch it back if I go into another world and try to replay mod for the thumbnail or something like that I'm gonna just it's gonna it's gonna be uh I'm gonna be unable to recreate what's happening here please please go back please go back I can't handle this oh every leaf is is different oh hey we got one of the uh torch flower seeds can I can I plant that hello Mr Frog oh God am I gonna have to slay a frog I'm gonna have to slay a sheep I want to slay a frog oh no before I leave the swamp I'm gonna have to remove a frog I'm gonna have to break one hey that's nice turns out that a um yeah there we go okay well we're gonna yeah I'm just gonna do this um but I need to find more dead sticks that's gonna be the play that's gonna be the play Let's go that's gonna be huge all of the Dead stick okay this is this is perhaps a little bit too much this is perhaps a little bit too much and then we're going we're going back we're going back all right it's uh here's the thing you can't do too much at once otherwise people get really intimidated okay like if you do Randol Ludo cool right if you want to just do Rando colors cool but you throw it all together and all of a sudden people like this is a little too much for me I don't know I'm gonna handle this whole situation that you have going on here oh I don't like this one thing at a time that keep it keep it simple stupid kiss the acronym um I am gonna have to go break a frog though before we go anyway if you're new to this once again we're just uh trying to go through the randoluto until we find um blaze rods and possibly ender pearls maybe ender pearls we'll see if we find Ender Pearls we'll see if it happens you know you never know you never it may happen it also may not happen but well we'll see let's let's break some of this stuff dude let's break this this stuff down at least we can do this with the uh wooden pickaxe um oh yeah and then I should also probably make an ax so you can just strip some wood real quick give us some other stuff torch flower seeds do I need I um yeah I'm gonna need a hoe but then I can plant those too sure what no not not really standard for our starting approach here but you know what Minecraft 1.20 calls for some non-standard operation actually really kind of interesting that the torch flower seeds go to a sniffer egg well goodbye no just immediate no don't break the sniffer don't do it and it goes back into another seed huh you're never coming back to Capcom ever again oh if you missed uh if you weren't in the streams you're watching this on YouTube Capcom is um it's it's uh the alternative to twitchcon where you don't have to leave your house and all the cool people are going to it all the cool people every single one of them and um I'm so glad that you could tune into the Capcom replay you know wait block a bamboo and then we could like do the you turn it into the play oh my god dude bamboo plane this is so cool this is so awesome there's so many things that we can do with this now dude including pick up the paper that I previously had wait okay hold on Let's do let's get a shovel so I can I can handle the grass path you know that'll be pretty cool by the way make sure you check out the new quality content drop at we got some cool stuff the only reason I'm not wearing the super cool like uh sleeveless hoodie and stuff like that is because if I do that it's got a lot of green on it and it's gonna chroma key out really badly to where I'm just gonna look like chunks of my body are missing which some people might actually find cool um but other people might be like what the frick is happening right now so yeah anyway let's get some of this stuff going yeah I will actually it's called The Glitch drop and I will actually start glitching it'll be great okay I got a lot of uh Here Comes Here Comes the part where I just I end up staying in one place for a very long time it's always oh it's so cool when the thing glows because the shaders man we were playing Rando Ludo without shaders for like a bit weren't we and now that we have it back it's kind of like what was I doing without it why didn't I have that okay anyway we got a lot going on here did I um I didn't put down the oak wood directly either a lot of blocks to break a lot of blocks to break let's get cranking let's get cranking those Hogs um or blocks or you know whatever that's a zombie drop right there okay so not that big I could have carpeted that one but anyway oh that's like my first food source though um okay brown bed we can do a break on one and then oh oh hey would you look at that that's kind of cool it's a silk touch it must be a silk touch because I think you can break that with a with a wooden I'm pretty sure you'd be able to by the way everybody if you know per chance you had been can we we can't do this without Stone can't we I think we need stone for that if you had been holding out on um coming into the stream for a while because you're like jardon is terrible he has added no new emotes in recent times what a freaking loser um or does this work with I never actually remember well guess what oh that actually worked let's go and guess what everybody um we now I have added Jessa as a mod on BT TV which means that there are emotes more emotes from BT TV and this means that there is so many cool new things to to be able to do if you come over and watch the stream live it's like why wouldn't you now want to watch the stream live when there's so many cool things that are cool and new and awesome new like like the cherry wood which is very new and very cool and awesome and stuff like that still not using it oh okay well like you don't have to hey look we got a supply of emeralds everybody I'm sure you're all thrilled to um have found that we all love our Emerald supplies by the way can I do that grass path nothing or silk touch I suppose um don't we have I'm pretty sure don't we have monkey steer I'm pretty sure we've got some monkey steer in here um yeah so that like when I'm when I'm monkey steering for the um you know parkour on the racing simulator then we can monkey steer and it's like whoa that's so cool isn't it that's so cool I think so make sure that you come over here to cabin Sparkles if if that wasn't a compelling enough pitch then I guess I will never be compelling enough so you know we're ready for powdered snow now though that's that's for sure oh wow there's a pepis line that's pretty dope I did not know about that one all right let's do that let's do that get all those going yay we got some a dedication going like that let's go pretty big what was that so that was um freaking some of the Crimson making its way into the acacia crazy dropper that is gonna take a better pickaxe to do stuff oh hey and then we get into the bamboo planks which we already have pretty cool and doodle and daylight detector and calcite and basalt all right there we go and we got there a little bit of food a little bit of food needs it needs a bit of a cooking um but what can you do and then this will break directly and that gives us a rabbit's foot poor rabbit and then that we must we already get that or is that just the same drop and then that we already did right all right we've already done that and then this oh wow that's infinite wood it's kind of cool we got infinite wood huh so I can just do this right and just do this you just do this all the way and then infinite wood that's like the most direct infinite wood root that I I think I've ever seen in a in a randocrafto or randoluto excuse me Ryan Atlas thanks for the tier two at 16 months and wish light Sands 31 months big number go bigger it it do huge Maneuvers huge Maneuvers dude this is so cool now I'm gonna get like so much wood look at this look at this look at that look at that anyway all right let's see what happens from there probably not much is gonna happen there all right here we got that and that goes to ah bamboo button cool did we already do that I think we already did that and then you go to a comparator on the look of red nether brick it's so cool dude I already did that so I guess we just use it as like future wood or something like that see and then I could do this and then when you do this and now you do it again and then we double the amount of wood that we have for posterity it's so cool and then if I did this over again then I would have like 48 wood 49 with the existing one in our inventory and then what I can do is I can also strip it what do we get there I could maybe see if I can uh no it's just a witch drop I'm never gonna actually get the rest of the glowstone for that am I no and whatever all right we are pretty good it's a shame we haven't been able to find anything like iron so that I can find it with a wood and do other stuff with that oh wait wait wait wait wait I can do this right I could do this and I'm gonna take one of these and I could strip it there we go what is that terracotta Redstone oh you want me to do a redstone Torchy poo I could do smart smart big smart big smart I always forget about things like that and then not gonna be able to do much with with that not until we get Soul Sand so I'm gonna assume not not worry about that occupying my inventory oh right see then everybody that's a that's a good addition to our collection yes that's a very good addition to our collection so where did that come from all right what are they so that was pink concrete uh going to that so pink was it okay so hold on is the oak okay so it was the oak wood strip oak wood gotta got it got it got it easy easy easy let's let's just yeah just do a little bit of this oh block another word um that's true and it's true maybe maybe it's true I don't know for sure if it's true but rip you could use some iron so that uh uh oh wait a minute I've heard of all my wood down one second uh there we go there we go everything is spinning I could also just take these and and continue the Poetry with them all right all right hey by the way has anybody um anybody else like uh you know joined to the joined that threads thing I'm gonna do here I guess it's only USA for now or maybe not just USA but not Europe because they're harvesting too much data and you know it's like what new are they going to learn about me you know nothing nothing sacred for me but uh anyway you know you're already following me let's go dude that's so big that's so big we love we love new social media platform followings so so awesome so awesome and and so cool are you gonna give me some maybe some diamonds yeah that's what I like to see there we go there's the diamonds that we're looking for what else do we loyalty three uh poopy punch one kind of poopy hey there we go now we can start making other tools let's go huge plays all right and then what do we want to do here probably yeah let's just go iron X maybe iron swordski uh uh hold on a minute I really should have um just done some of the infinite wood duplication that might not have been the the worst idea in the world at the moment wait oh is this that got me some Redstone sometimes it gets me some sticks I guess that works hold on let me just get some more really quick you hope that I never get blaze rods because I broke the sniffer egg man it's freaking diabolical dude that's freaking diabolical okay hold on let me just infinite wood up real quick okay I have like a lot of stuff that I need to break as well oh my God you want me to just make just go out the gate and make the diamond dough yeah that's what you want um okay here's what I'm gonna do though I'm gonna just I'm gonna just uh now that we have an iron ax I can accumulate fast I can accumulate it can do wood doubling extremely quickly okay here here's the thing though about the the new threads thing though that I'm kind of like okay guys how about we how about we don't you know make it so that the entire application is 100 because like already we see that there's this like for you thing on Twitter right and I'm like Frick that Frick that I don't want this I don't want this the post from there the posts on the for you page on Twitter are designed to be things that make you angry right it's it's actually the worst it's actually just the worst okay let's not let's not have a repeat of that let's let's make it so that the people you're following are the people whose Stuff shows up because like right now it's granted I don't really follow very many people because I'm like who should I follow how do I choose who the first person is that I should follow on there um but let's make it so that it's not that let's take that and then not do it you know that seems like a that seems like a good way to go about doing it is like take that and then don't do it so hopefully they'll take that to heart probably expecting too much but um you like a website yeah you know I would too God it's you know what's great being able to use your desktop PC I this is one of my biggest complaints about the the modern world is that everything is like phone only something that clearly would be very beneficial to have a desktop application for where you have a physical keyboard right where you have a like oh does tick tock have an S level you can't do anything on tick tock on on your PC right at least Instagram in the last few years made it so you can actually do stuff on your PC you can put photos up it's not fully functional it's a little bit Nerf but it actually like has the ability to do some stuff um I haven't looked into Tick Tock enough maybe you can't do stuff from your desktop but still it's like it's always a slightly handicapped version of the experience and it's annoying no no I know you can watch tick tocks from your desktop that's not what I'm saying I'm saying being able to like upload being able to make your own stuff from your PC not not from a consumptions although threads doesn't even have the consumption side of things forget about actually being able to like you know do the do the posting side of stuff although it's so it's slightly different like the the lines between Creator and and like consumer on a something like a Twitter or threads is very different everyone's kind of you know doing similar exchanges whereas on like a tick tock or an Instagram there are people who really just like are just viewing and then there are people who are uploading and stuff like that so there's a bit of a difference in between the clients uh that go there but uh I just I just hate the amplification of everything like let me let me do things on my PC let me have the exact same functionality please it can't be that difficult in fact it's probably more difficult for things to be as functional on a on a mobile than it is on a PC you're not developing this on a phone we know a bunch of people sat at their desks in Facebook HQ on their phones no they're working from a PC it's easier for you to build something for a PC you don't even have to switch to another you know device in order to final test something even though they already have like emulators in the software on their PC so you're like using your phone your PC in order to pretend to be a phone in order to do the stuff that you're freaking doing oh man it frustrates me bro it frustrates me it's annoying we've already done this ripped Oak so we can just use this for uh sorts of planks I think I'm I'm I am making progress so much slower by the way just because I'm completely consumed with my um ranting at the moment but anyway you uh get the idea oh let's try to use a shovel to tip my shovel um I'm progressing slowly let me sleep God dang is rant with Kappa panel at Capcom yes that's that's why I'm doing it here this is um this is part of the it's part of the the current segment that we're doing is the um is Captain rentals so yeah yeah I just forgot to announce it before before it started you know all right one of these I will actually uh concretify the powder so yes welcome to the rants panel also dude holy frick I don't normally get into politics but I'm gonna be honest there is a there is a bill that is going through its past the California Senate it has to go through the state house and is kind of Epic okay I don't know how we just I don't know how we just went to like me being annoyed at freaking you know apps for all being uh all being just mobile based instead of having a browser client but okay here's here's what it is here's what it is it is going to outlaw the ability to tack on fees at restaurants I'm like oh my God this is the best news that I have ever freaking heard this is amazing oh my goodness bro I'm so stoked I hope this thing goes through I hope this thing goes through dude I'm sorry but no just just up if you just up your menu prices I'm sorry I'm not about this I'm not about this freaking maybe I'm gonna offend someone here who's like in the restaurant industry I don't know why I'm sleeping it's done it just looked a little bit like dusk because it was done and stuff like that but bro huh I'm I'm sorry but why do you need to add like you know hey here here is what you expected to pay on your bill you get the bill and then and then in the end it's like uh also we've added uh uh you know ten percent to your bill just just because just because we just thought we would you know we just thought we'd just thought we'd add 10 to your bill right you chill with that right but then we but then you got it but then you're expected to tip on top of it and then the the best part is always they do the suggested tips like that it like include the amount um that that was included in the uh what should we call it like like the added fee you get the added fee and then they charge tax on top of the added fee and then they do the suggested tip amounts on the bill that are based on the total including the fee and the tax and you're like okay cool cool also I mean I'm sure you've all noticed like these days suggested tip amounts are just freaking like it's oh it's like it starts at like 20 sometimes it goes up to like 30 percent I've seen it I've seen 20 25 and 30 before and I'm just like yeah anyway anyway it's fun times anyway it's fun it's fun times fun times out here um I would like to get more diamonds that would be pretty cool let's make an iron hoe at least sorry I'm like I'm so sidetracked by this all right hey punch you what's up mate tuning into Minecraft again are we I get a diamond pickaxe but I I have to keep going until I actually get diamond I guess suggested 30 yeah my my favorite thing now is like I um I haven't seen it myself yet but it's probably because I don't travel very much but it does seem like I there are a lot of photos happening at airport like uh self-serve stuff and it'll be like do you want to add a tip what why why would anyone do that why in a million years would anyone tip at an airport unmanned self checkout kiosk you don't even have the guilt trip effect right because the guilt trip effect it's powerful it can be powerful like if you're standing at the cashier and the cashier is looking at you you know and and as you as the screen prompts you like oh would you like to leave a tip and and you're like oh God it's just so it's like really no I wouldn't like to do that but you're watching me and now I feel like super self-conscious and stuff like that so it's like a powerful effect but at a freaking self-checkout kiosk like why why would I ever I don't what what reason could I ever freaking have to to do this I don't I don't I I don't know how does I guess they're just like we don't have anything to lose by asking people this I guess so they're just like yeah why not so heck yeah you know the the companies that are providing the machines right they're PR did I never break just the straight up Oak log that's impressive how did I not do that I did stripped before I did just Oak log straight up look at me look at me doing great things yeah but those companies like get a cut and so of course they wanna they want to see tips coming through so they're gonna like try to pitch it to these companies like hey don't you want to potentially have a more lucrative source of a crafting tables additional Revenue well then add tips on your self-checking kiosk freaking machine thing like okay can't wait until gas stations start to prompt you for we hope you've enjoyed your experience whiffing some fumes filling your car would you like to leave a tip on top of your already double gas price from what it was like three years ago would you like would you like to help uh oh frick why did I do that would you like to help boost the earnings of of oil companies please leave a tip at our at our gas station all right we need it yeah here's a tip Frick off yeah I feel like there's there's probably some uh some International peeps watching this who are just like what is this like this big of a thing what do you want about bro this doesn't exist where I'm from and I'm like you know what I envy you I envy you it's a it's a good system you have set up to where you uh needn't worry about this sort of thing um honestly I wonder I wonder if because of the practice of like incorporating it into automated machines and stuff like that I wonder if it gets to the point where it does start to spread because businesses will see like oh we have nothing to lose right by if it's if it's kind of an unmanned situation or Nothing to Lose by trying to like get tips right it just goes to our bottom line and if they say no they say no like whatever so I feel like that's something that could actually spread oh there we go there's the diamonds we're looking for huge plays huge plays hey we're up to eight diamonds all right perfect perfect that's a lot of redstone if we want so yo I got a mending book that's what I need over in hardcore man okay uh wait hold on did I throw like the seeds and stuff into this chest um oh not all of them oh God I needed to throw everything into here that I need to break so like the melon seeds and stuff pumpkin seeds and whatnot um okay beetroot oh he didn't put the beetroot in there gotta put the melon seeds in there and I think everything that has a star basically except the stuff that's already in there all right let's get breaking some of the like rails and stuff like that dude all right anime angel thank you for 34 months just had Korean Barbecue on the five for my Korean Barbecue on the five for my sister b day don't know what that means exactly but hopefully it was good it's surprising for sure when you don't know um it's pretty good though dude it's pretty good and uh row number 56 months BAC said I could eat your mono when they're done crafting and I have my fork and knife and fork at the ready you're right it's it would be a pretty hefty consumption I'm glad you have two forks for it I got multiple Forks to give pretty good um yeah I'll let you know and I'll let you know when it's in and uh you can start the feast it's like uh it's like you know in those anti-piracy commercials they would be like you wouldn't download a car yeah but I would eat it you know oh wait it's oxidizing wait that's super cool it's like actually turning into more blocks for me to break that's so big dude that's so big okay all right cool punju wants a McLaren F1 dang man's got some uh High highbrow Taste up in here some very high brow taste I wish you luck in your endeavors okay let's make some diamond stuff here champagne tastes a little more expensive than than any champagne I don't think any Champagnes of even World Records probably haven't hit like 20 million dollars so yeah you know it's just like there comes a point where it's just maybe it's going to be controversial but like I just can't Envision that the Driving Experience in a McLaren F1 is you know let's say let's say like 20 to well even when they were selling for 20 million you get a career GT for like 500 couldn't be like 40 times more than a Carrera GT or something like that I just can't I just can't imagine you know controversial take controversial take I know but it's just hard it's hard to see how that could be the case is all seat in the middle I'm gonna have a seat in the middle for much cheaper too in the mono man you know could it be could be like 40 40 times better than I'm than I'm than a mono could be a 40 times better Driving Experience I just like yeah you could drive it in the rain a little bit better to be fair but also who's out driving their McLaren F1 in the rain um you know I I guess that's a that's a thing but anyway that's just it becomes like obviously you know at that point you're buying it because it's a it's a piece of art and history right you're not buying it because you actually think oh yeah this is gonna be 40 times better to drive than another car so it's like not obviously it's not the logic that's not the rationale but you know it's expensive it's a very expensive you know yeah also yeah can't get your can't get your McLaren F1 molded for your butt exactly exactly that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about dude yeah plus one for the mono plus one for the mono Also let's do this now that we have diamond pickaxe I wonder if I could get silk touch if I like kept going enough on the uh on the mine cart and stuff like that here he goes again bro my my car is supposedly being assembled like right now it is in the United States and it is being assembled so you know pretty cool I'm waiting on updates waiting on updates really waiting on updates please tell me an update I got an update last week and I'm like when's it done when's it done is it almost done yet Loop collector oh man I usually get that way way sooner than I just did someone in the last Rando Ludo they were like I can't believe that you got hanging signs and you broke them all individually uh you're ridiculous so here we go that attached to the leaves I'm very dumb also that didn't even break into anything I meant to do it so it was like sticking off into the air and I broke one and they all broke but oops anyway not my proudest moment not my proudest moment um oh Aero Supply oh they're gonna be like a bunch of actually maybe it's just nor we get some normal arrows out of this might be good I'll help us out on our journey there we go and he just like normal heroes in here yes perfect good bro can I like okay hit myself with a strength arrow and like I mean I can't I know I can yo wait I could hit myself with like Fire Res it'd be kind of cool they hit myself with an air of water breathing don't want to shoot those they might heal some zombies and stuff like that hit myself with an error of region anyway whatever I don't need all those I don't need all that I'm just gonna I'm just gonna eat them how much am I Really Gonna end up shooting myself for extra strength or something probably not uh all right let's get some other stuff here we've broken the glowberries I need to put them on something solid don't I all right if you say so Blast Furnace but your beds do more damage with strength do beds actually do more damage with strength they don't do more damage with strength there's no way that's that's that's bait that's a lie no they don't why would somebody just go on the internet and tell lies I can't believe this all right here we go ah put it in the pot oh okay nothing God I could put that into a pot too Frick whatever all right no I missed the pot oh my God I break the pot on the sound earlier so yeah it just goes to nothing oh I could save it for something else that was dumb how did I just miss how did I just miss oof okay uh let's do this one this one dark oak should we do this this episode is going to end up being mostly staying in one place yeah oh okay I could break the string or you can make a bow I want to make a bow and then hopefully we'll get string again watch a string be like blaze rods or something like that and I just [Music] [Laughter] oh this is the ah I didn't do it in the last one uh he put a custom advancement in for the LOB I would also just like to point out even though it was put in as a purple big advancement I got no levels from that one I got I was like okay look on the bright side I got levels it was a purple one nope no levels I got no levels congratulations we forgot how to make a bow uh God dang I'm wrecked I'm thoroughly fricked Mr Norton wasn't even here to see it how sad how sad for you dang it okay do we have any more that we haven't broken yet yeah oh yeah we got some rails here we're going off the rails we're uh this whole thing is going off the rails I'm just standing still ugh oh hey freaking dude freaking heck I could if I got levels for making a wob now I could have combined with the enchantment table gosh dang it dang it wait what did I just break in order to get the freaking enchantment table again enchant is the oh is the stripped Oak quiz goes to the lapis I mean sorry why did I say it's because I'm flustered man caught me some slack I'll see where it goes to oh hey there's the Soul Sand that I can plant the nether Ward on hmm can I get the nether Ward again do this to make this happen well that's fricked that's fricked I don't need well actually wait I could do I could do more red so now whatever make a block um this does mean if I found the Wither Skeleton skulls I could do it I could do it mate rails rails rails is it gonna be night time yet can I sleep through this God dang dude hold on there's no more carrots whatever I'm just gonna do this another bed it's gone now no more beds beds are gone we don't get any oh hey that's another source of wood that's pretty swicking cool got a lot of all the different kinds of wood oh I haven't even broken The Acacia though hold on we did the sub Acacia stuff well not the not not all of it right not all of this stuff but you know oh anyway let me just do this do it again so we can put it in a pot yeah yeah I guess we will that's the wrong kind of sampling you seem confused Acacia what are you doing all right all right all right so let's see you got that and let me do one on the ground and one like this and then um one of these days I swear we'll actually move yo we got some dude I actually I need to find this okay I need to find this in a stream that I'm gonna be doing after MCC after MCC I'm doing a sponsored uh Rando Ludo for Pringles suspicious stew and I'm like I need to find suspicious stew in the Rando loot tables so I can eat it alongside eating the Pringles suspicious stew crisps you know oh man dude um I'm hoping that the YouTube video will be up before that because it has the um the initial the initial pasting the first time tasting of the suspicious stew that's right that's right I have had I've consumed this IRL all right I have consumed it IRL bro I have so many I have so many in my house so many so many Pringles in my house right now um yeah yeah we going through them all right oh back to more junkie wood I guess I can just break that one normally and give away you know I don't think that I am actually uh I think that would not legally be allowed with the campaign I'm gonna I'm gonna be honest with you don't don't think I would just uh I don't think I would get the blessing to go around and be sending food to people as part of the part of the campaign so there's a you know there's a lot of um there's a lot of stuff a lot of like you know policies and things like that when it comes to food and and food safety so there's definitely some particulars there for sure okay I haven't broken you yet have I guys I swear one of these days I'm actually I'm actually gonna move go somewhere I still haven't broken Stone yet either oh God how much more is there to do how much more is there to do I have another pumpkin seeds and then okay oh let me do that yay more cherry more Super Kawaii and I haven't done the activator rail either oh my goodness gracious oh nothing there we haven't found the clock too many times which means there is a lot of stuff on that silk touch what is a spruce log uh I think we've done all the spruce sub stuff so that and do that nope not good Coco oh god um hold on junkie how are we getting junkie again as a hay bale okay easy enough what the frick what the what the freak what what was this it was right hay bale what oh you get different colors of candles oh my God you get different colors of candles because I got a red candle but it was a brown candle before what drops different colors of candles that's new I think I've actually seen that I haven't done railed yet okay rail does nothing and then activator sorry I'm um okay okay here we go we can do we can do different options here well I'm sure we'll find junkie again so we can keep that on us okay run the home stretch here we're on the home stretch we can do that all right and then I can just find a dark a dark place put that down Ah that's a lot of wool you know if I want to break some wool and or make some beds that is also an option which is very cool make a brown bed or make carpet okay you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna set off on a journey here instead of just sticking around for forever hold on let me just do this really quick oh God that's a lot of stuff guys we got a diamond hoe at least I'm sure you're all very excited about that more string good good I've already broken a bone block so we're good there um string I can break on its own nothing else anything else take the mending book and take some iron and um okay we're off on our elbow meal mushroom we'll worry about it another time I want to actually move I want to go somewhere other than here right now I just wanna I really want to find something new I can mine into the stone hello oh actually I do need to slay a frog before I leave here don't I sorry Pig here we go we were on the move for approximately like two seconds and then uh we were no longer on the move but two seconds is better than no seconds you know it's progress and we've already done this before haven't we yeah okay bye-bye uh hold on before we go I'm so sorry I guys this is a big it's a big sad Pepe the Frog moment not really big sad puppy the Frog I'm sorry about this too sheep I'm really sorry about this but it's like you know I gotta I gotta do it because maybe you're the answer maybe you're the Q you've already seen C pickles sorry sorry sheep um how about you I hadn't done that before Loop Baron there we go now we're making good progress if you are sensitive to this sort of thing make sure to look away that's the wrong stuff there actually sheep leather is probably a thing I'm not I don't know enough to argue um where are the frogs it's okay frogs run run if you're here run away do not be present save yourselves if I see you I have to do this but if you're just not here then I don't have to I'm broken sand yet either have I sand is so bright oh squid if I had just broken so I had just broken sand earlier on oh my God I could have had it all I could have had it all oh man why did I go through why did I go through what I did before when I kind of had all the emeralds and the Diamonds in the world could have had it all rolling in the sand it was coarse and rough and God everywhere in my eyes in my crack but I got lots of trash treasure it was pretty cool is this the new Minecraft parody yeah it is the it's the yeah the Capcom after party dude featuring world renowned musical guest Adele cover band Captain conkles himself foreign the worst moment of your life you've lived a privileged life let me tell you if the worst one is watching me sing while acquiring diamonds man I want to have that life dude let me have it dude um anyway organic potato Thief thank you for the nine months Jerry's life and Jerry is love I agree dude I agree wholeheartedly Skyler Kingston 38 months um oh dear Cavs has been 38 months since I was gifted and then resubbed how's your day been it's been pretty good it's been pretty good BT TV sing has been added to chat I'm going back over to the bed so I can sleep through the night uh and stuff like that but yeah we're about to get mad loot um Ronan you don't get to eat the mono anymore so uh how do you feel now your privilege has been revoked um akiru thank you for the 18 months butcher Kai with a sub lose the Android with 11 months very slick and let's get ourselves some treasure here dude no it's too late it's too late you could have praised the singing you could have offered me a record deal instead you said mean things and now you don't get to eat the car we must live with the consequences of our actions I teach valuable lessons here thank you thank you for saying I make the best music all right here we go here we go all right let's break TNT too oh you diamond block probably oh there I didn't even do iron block before Oh my God I can do gold Block Emerald block iron block diamond block block block block block game so much for traveling everybody who needs to travel when you can not do that you know who needs to travel when you cannot do any of that all right there we go there we go I'm gonna as well is this like it's cooked better than bread I love bread though oh I need to eat this suspicious stew dude whatever we can get this anytime anytime anytime at all right got that we got this we got this and then I'm gonna make myself set a diamond armor heck yeah dude heck yeah and then oh yeah emerald block too and I'm gonna go back to the beach because the beach is actually like a new location and I'm Gonna Keep the emeralds on me because you never know when you're gonna have to uh you know some emeralds right you know just you never know when the emeralds are gonna I have never had to actually use this I'm eating I'm just eating an enchanted gapple because I'm clearing out inventory space and like I'll keep it through the end and then when will I ever use it and then it goes to waste so you know what it's time to actually put the thing to use no Trading yeah but but but trading might be allowed but have we ever thought about trading being allowed if we ever thought about that because I think we should think about that I think I think trading is like it's it stimulates the Villager economy and without it what are the villagers gonna do how are they going to sustain their economy without me the economy will crash I am single-handedly responsible for sustaining the Minecraft economies okay because they sure aren't trading between themselves right they don't know how to do that they have no idea all right and get rid of all that it's time for it's time to line them up I'm gonna line them up I don't know why I didn't craft the diamond armor first but it's okay because we have lots of wood you know what I don't get cover me with diamonds happens it's triggered when you just craft a piece of diamond armor cover me in debris is you gotta go all the way you have to have every piece on you like why do they make it so you know so much easier with the diamonds than the netherite why do they make it so much easier anyway okay bye-bye nothing from Diamond dough we got our money back there a little bit a little money back guarantee and no trading trading is banned man Chad is I I will say it's very Africa I didn't want to do that I wanted to put that on the freaking wait oh Spruce log that's cool Spruce and berries we can do oh that goes back to the iron um oh we could take the spruce and we could do some stuff with that you know did I turn on 100 drop rate I did I actually remembered this time everybody I am good at video gaming all the time not just sometimes all the time oh I've done those before picture pod is that does that go on this I never remember I think it does yeah yeah just give me all the all the kinds of leaves and stuff what a cool chest that was um except the junkie button we had broken before broken that I haven't broken Tall Grass oh this is kind of embarrassing oops all right we can get every kind of variation here whatever I know I said I was gonna move at some point but then I didn't oh hey it's uh emeralds that's pretty cool dude I just gotta I just got emeralds from um Tallgrass I don't think I need the uh I don't need to keep this in inventory slot we don't need to worry about at the moment uh the results the poll democracy says no Trading yeah but it's no trading yet the operative word there being right trading could still happen at some point it could still happen at some point and we like to leave our options open it's unwise to not leave options open is there a freaking is there a freaking like tiki torch angry Pepe oh my god oh my god dude that's sorry peepo peepo not Pepe jeez peepo Riot okay I miss people head why did people had have to go why does why does Pete have to be so opposed to people head it was it was such a great time while it lasted and now and now he just he's like no no more farewell people had what are we getting here trap doors what are we getting here freaking get freak you up hold on let me get a squid while we're here I see the turtles guys I see the turtles people head is people dead is there people dead emote break the turtle democracy can decide all right why don't we get here we got some of this what else do we cocoa beans and let's just find we'll break the bowl and stuff too let's try to just hold off staying still but it's like I haven't broken this stuff before so you know I want to keep some for beds you know although no this one I don't have more so it is what it is but yep okay Yee oh bamboo this is actually good to have multiple right because I can do like I do the one and then the two I do the one and then the and then the two I can do that I can do that and that does nothing that's so awesome hold on we'll get back to that and then I can do this and then I do I've already done warp button frick what was that from oh God the frog is marching I'm sorry I said I had to do it I told the frogs to run I gave them ample warning I gave them ample warning it's gone from happy to sad all in one what if what if the frog is the ender pearl the Frog might be the ender pearl I'm sorry oh God it's a it's a sponge foreign sorry I'm sorry everybody I hope it doesn't dead end I hope it's something good I hope it's like and end City loot or something and we can all learn to forgive and forget well not really forget because then I have to slay more frogs but hey Okay so it's a long path here it's a long path hey they go to bed it gave us a way to oh give us poisonous potatoes at the end of the day okay maybe not the best end of the path but it did give us beds he give us Beds which is important time for some sassy stew five seconds and night vision nice [Music] I mean Knights okay wait there's more there's more but wait there's more you love this Arc of me you love it when I'm slaying the frogs oh no biggest bird nerd with uh 200 bits just wanted to say I know you've been murdering parrots in my absence but I'm watching live tonight so you best not kill any more of my friends yeah dang I don't think I have so far tonight I don't even think I've slain a chicken yet but anyway uh what about this some bone meal and uh puffer fish I could eat a puffer fish and that would really freak me up if you guys wanted me to get revenge on me myself you know is this the same it's all the same huh guys all that's left is yeah freaking just ender pearls surely we can surely we can find some of those right surely we can find them and not have to trade for them no uh-uh oh yeah when when's CAT pack I should I should check CAT pack and see if it's been updated to 1.20 we've been missing that in our lives haven't we we really have been alrighty well you know what I think I think it's time to Mosey we can actually we can actually start moving places and going and exploring and seeing the world and stuff like that so thank you all for tuning in to the first part of our randoluto 1.20 um make sure to like the video yeah I'll let the Mind Stone next time make sure to like the video subscribe to Kevin Sparkles too follow cabin Sparkles and um I'll see you guys all in the next episode where we'll find out what this props
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 34,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, random loot drops, data pack
Id: ia1VbP44J3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 21sec (3861 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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