Suspiciously Randomized Minecraft with Pringles #1

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hello everybody and welcome to suspiciously randomized Minecraft hashtag sponsored by Pringles which I can't show you the canister until I switch so we're not chroma keying the green so this is brought to you by the new Pringles Minecraft suspicious stew flavor that uh has availability hopefully at a store near you if you check the link in the description of either the stream in the chat or the YouTube video description wherever you're watching this you can um you know check them out I feel like we should start off the Stream by just like having one you know let's let's get into things with one crisp to begin with all right there's also main Channel video if you want to catch that let's go um it's hard to like say exactly what they taste like they taste like suspicious stew predictable answer um okay let's add the uh let's add the random data pack in and um all right here we go here's the seed if you want to follow along and stuff and let's rock and roll with suspiciously randomized Minecraft I do hope that we can find ourselves some suspicious stew from the like uh ice village chest drop that would be ideal and also obviously if we are able to find the it can be a lot of finger licking here obviously if we're able to find you know mushrooms and stuff like that mushrooms and flowers we will make some suspicious stew as well so all right let's begin everybody nothing do I have by the way do I need to turn on the uh different settings there we go much better much better all right here we go here we go what we got what we got like blue concrete powder there is no way this is just well folks I guess we're not trading today are we um this is It's Pringles did this Pringle when Pringles is present here and Pringles is present we win everybody wins uh okay yeah mods folder moment not actually the mods folder it's the data pack folder moment I should do sponsored um random craft streams more often I feel like I thought we could use some shaders here okay so I should just uh should just start breaking a bit of grass huh out of all the things like it goes from grass breakable with fist to concrete powder breakable with Fest to um sweet Victory Sweet Victory all around make sure to like the video and uh subscribe to the channel follow cabin Sparkles and of course grab yourself some Pringles Minecraft suspicious stew flavor for all of the good luck that you could ever hope for in randomized Minecraft data packs that are pretty cool and awesome here we go here we go like the only way that that could have been even better is if it was just straight up grass into ender pearls remember that one time that I'm pretty sure we had either dirt or grass was in City loot so this is great dude it's so rare that we get the ender pearls before we get to the blaze rods so this is awesome man this is a truly coming up Jordy all right here we go here we go here we go now watch it take ages for us to find the blazes that'll be the only like downside I only get a few of these you know you can make a bed run this perhaps okay now we just have to hope that we are able to find the Oh I thought it was I was like like light blue wait a minute oh yeah yeah that's wait a minute is that uh what What's the what's is that no that's not a piglet in trade it wouldn't really matter anyway we're already Avenger pearls but okay can't break that without getting ourselves um some tools and stuff nope nope nothing from that I think I might have not checked the uh the thing that makes a clock drop when you get to the end of a loot table so there is a chance that we may not oh did I do dirt I might not under it yet there is a chance that we're not actually going to know but I was also thinking like it doesn't really make too much of a difference in our play style all right what do we got crimson's laborerskis dude yeah yeah we'll get Birch leaves we'll do all the Birch stuff as well some sea pickles and quite a pickle here oops oh cherry wood okay Birch leaves are a source of us getting wood let's go would you look at that what about this one about this one this one we got ourselves okay I'm gonna need some tools in order to get this going but we're going to be able to convert the Cherry into its sub components here and then we'll get we're going to break that and then we're gonna break that God I love cherry wood it's just the coolest thing ever almost as cool as Minecraft suspicious two flavored Pringles almost almost as close I mean I think the Pringles have an edge but you know all right let's convert all this let's get crafting table let's get some of these let's get some ideas and let's get some of maybe an ax just to make things like a little bit faster and okay cool Google what are we gonna get what are we gonna get more wood more wood okay so what are we we're gonna do that I'm gonna do that and we're gonna do we're just gonna line them all up dude we're just gonna line them all up you know there is one thing A variation that I was kind of interested in doing at some point where I try random Minecraft but I can't actually craft things like I have to just do I have to do I find stuff I break it all the way through and that's it I can't just go and like craft all the subcategories and that gets me like just every type of just every type of of wood we could ever want oh my god dude well here we go Birch and then just getting all the woods just laying them out easy peasy yep wood goes to Wood goes to Wood goes to Wood you look at that all right let's keep it going let's keep it going um and then we do that and then we go do little oh wait I can't remember can I do this I don't think I can do this without Stone can I do this without Stone I can also better acts huge dubs biggest of plays gigantic Maneuvers and then okay I just need to be able to I made to make a hoe in order to plant that down what we got there I think can we do that with the I never remember what I can and cannot break with that might not have been one anyway nothing there what do we got there awesome gravel knowing I'm gonna be able to find more of that oh look at us look at us okay so that gravel will just get us food so that's nice slime block let's go let's go I'm gonna still break that with wood I think that was still viable this we can't break without more here we can break this or can't we break it now I'm second guessing myself like if it doesn't drop something I'm wondering wait can I not actually do that right rail I could save one and see if I get a pot later on you know also we could do this wait wait is that a possible suspicious stew hold on was that a possible suspicious stew right there wait wait wait wait wait is Crimson button which was from the crimps which from script how do we get the strip Crimson hold on those sea pickles Okay C pickles which came from the Birch leaves to the crimson's lab of the sea pickles hold on just a minute here hold on just a minute we may have just gotten ourselves some suspicious stew two munch on oh my God it's freaking Destiny let's go here's all you need all you need in your life is just you just get Pringles to come into your stream and then you're guaranteed to find some suspicious stew on the loot table all right as well as again what was again hold up hold up hold up we gotta get it from the next drop gotta get it from the next drop uh and then there's uh is that okay so it's just straight up this right right yeah and then okay wait hold on it was um wait wait wait wait wait wait wait and then it was oh yeah Crimson button okay Crimson buttons oh we haven't broken this yet so hold on let's just do another one and we get some more stuff that we gotta do anyway so we take one of these and we turn it into all the all the buttons oh we're also gonna have to make snow but anyway okay all the buttons okay yeah it's good this is good come on come on come on here we go suspicious deal where's my suspicious too where's my suspicious is it there it is we did it we got this is actually more important than finding the blaze rods honestly way more important than finding the blaze rods like significantly more important I think we won that was the objective is to get some chroma keyed uh suspicious too one second let's let's uh shift wait wait okay I gotta grab it out okay hold on okay we gotta grab it out and then wait for it I gotta synchronize I gotta synchronize okay we gotta eat it simultaneously oh wait hold on switch back to the game okay here we go is that a world first I gotta do it hold on I'm gonna do one more oh God I don't have a bed right now I'm gonna It's Gonna Hurt wait I can get a bed I can get a bed wait what was it wait give me uh you give me hold on I already got that ready and then so I don't get unalived when it becomes night time why am I doing this instead of just that okay I'm gonna do this wait wait wait wait wait and then we're gonna do one more I like this is too monumentals occasion not to savor it like twice okay way too Monumental let's get the better ready okay can I sleep yet I can't sleep yet but okay okay yeah it was night vision I know I have an accident hold on I'm getting another one getting another one this is more synchronized eating more synchronized munching here we go in three two one um that's some good stuff some good stuff I do see someone who left a comment on the video yesterday I was like I can't I can't you're there's too much finger licking here I'm like what am I supposed to do I gotta keep the thingies clean for the components and also get every bit of flavor all right I just want to sleep it's about to be nighttime the shaders always make it seem like it's nighttime early all right so we got some snow we got some snow and then let me just get a shovel I guess for this one second um do we have wood yes a nice I wish that like it would wouldn't it be cool if it made a corresponding color tool like you got a cherry shovel or something I think that would be just so awesome but you know whatever okay hang on that's pretty cool floating trees hanging signs all the same really there we go now we can sleep all right you know up hanging sign goes to hang sign let's go to Green terracotta you can still break that with wood I believe goes to glazed terracotta goes to magenta Banner goes to Candle goes two more candles oh goes to lots of air oh this is good oh this is real good bro almost a stack of arrows right there out the gate absolutely gigantic massive plays also it's this let's get that and then go to some of this okay um let's see let's see what else do we have to break in here uh oh yeah let's get the snow okay nothing from this uh we do snow layers real quick smell layer skis you know it's actually a good way for us to just get like a lot of wood and stuff um oh I haven't broken the ice yet it's a great way to break the ice everybody oh or not maybe just doesn't drop anything I think it just doesn't drop anything um okay so what do we got let me eat all of this goodbye goodbye some of that I just need to get a oh wait no I guess actually you know we'll be able to make a bow at some point I'm sure I'm keeping one suspicious stew kind of in the bag you know grab that see where that went before there we go a little Birch log seat wait do we um what is uh do we do I'm pretty sure we kind of like did everything from Birch didn't we is there anything oh I could make a birch slab right you can try that that's new or I could have made a I couldn't wait I did that or did I do that already we got withered rose again ah heck oh heck I should have made a fence anyway stripped Acacia we haven't done all the acacia variety so I can do that uh do that boom um you I could do I guess I could do a slab hold on I really could use finding like some stone or something so I can just get a slightly better tool right but here we are okay let's do that got a lot of stuff this is gonna be a lot of stuff huge amount of stuff gigantic amount of stuff we're gonna make it we're gonna find everything we're gonna find the blaze rods in like two seconds or we're gonna find something that I can't place down like that yeah I haven't broken the crafting table yet you're right you're right I could try I could try at some point but hold on oh what is projectile prop a little bit of Mendy pretty cool little efficiency too a little efficiency five wow that's gonna break those uh word blocks from real fast faster than anyone has ever broken them ever before that's like a gold pressure plate I don't need you right now okay okay let's keep it going keep going keep it going I break you just rock hard okay what about you a bit of this break you yet did not junkie plank I could do junkie button next guy I have gotten so many different wood things yeah nah nah beard treasure map if we want to is there one nearby oh wow there actually is one nearby okay Cherry stairs and from those all right is there anything else we haven't done that I've done that oh iron weight and pressure plate let's go let's go anything good from there hey we can make a bone block oh armor trim we're gonna be popping off we're gonna be popping off we're gonna be looking fly in the end if we're able to get there love trims love trims so cool bone block let's go what do we got from you nothing nothing at all unbelievable all right I need to throw some stuff do I need the gun I could make TNT if I can get some sand um let me get okay so rotten flesh can go bye-bye I just need to find some iron right I just need to find some iron or something like that and that'll make my life 10 times easier okay maybe let's just keep um moving right let's keep moving let's keep moving I'm pregnant people know I got this i got this there we go nothing nothing it doesn't give anything did I do that before string we didn't do that now I can I can't make a buff ah hold on hold on where did the string come from the string came from the Birch how did I get the Birch in the first place there were like multiple ways of getting Birch I'm pretty sure I don't remember where they all were uh I think this one this one's pretty easy because we were able to get Crimson from the I'm pretty sure we get Crimson from here right right just break this let me get Crimson yeah there we go and then it was use this and do the oh it's a long path we do that oh and then we craft and we get the Birch okay okay I want this right I did this okay and that gets me the birch and then I can I just actually I just need one more and then oh even broken this yet okay do that and then we do this and then get merch buttons oh wait I had another battery my inventory I added the whole time I'm an idiot okay anyway we string we haven't broken that yet and that goes to Crimson sign goes to exposed copper can I don't think I don't think uh I don't think I could break it with the golden pig and it's just the efficiency and the gold made it go like really fast but I actually don't think that that was viable rip all right it's cool it's cool everything's good everything's good let's go there and then let's go he didn't do the LOB my streamer is learning my streamer doesn't make mistakes my streamer only makes bows not why I didn't do this only bows never wobs what's a wob never heard of it all we have in our inventory now is copper that I can't break okay don't need I don't need I guess I could make sand maybe if I ever get sand um okay let's go let's go let's go okay everybody we're rooming we're rooming I don't think there's anything here other than oh wait wait did I oh yeah yeah I didn't I didn't actually do a string wait wait wait wait wait did I throw a string on my way it's a bonus string ah there it is there it is I need to actually like break the string that was really dumb of me to do all that and not actually break the string directly what a fool what a fool you my inventory is comprised of entirely just copper blocks that I cannot break until I get something that I can craft stone with let me get some more wool so I can make more beds it's always been it's it was always copper it's all copper always has been I can't get my mean phrasing correctly anyway you just slayed account I got its bones that is a very this is a very sad thing do I do this do I um people are going to be very disappointed I wonder what Pringles thinks about that sort of situation oh what is that was just a ton of stuff right there how do they give me like multiple things why is it all copper tame the puppy with the bones I did this why am I getting copper I'm like actually kind of confused about the copper thing why am I getting a lot of copper with that oof my inventory is filling up big I just want to get like more pots real quick foreign flower pot we need to break flower pot with wither Rose we need to break flower pot with Okay show we need to do Acacia and then I suppose I could actually grow in acacia's not like I don't know man I don't know hey boop it's always fish it's always been fish all along cold purple wool I'm broken purple wool brick skis chiseled stone brick skis um I'm just gonna break it straight up oh wait block bamboo that gives okay they gives you the uh I could turn it into no I'm just gonna I'll just do the bamboo straight up rather than trying why did I place that down that was so dumb that was so dumb that was so dumb I'm so sorry that was so dumb of me to do rip did I strip I can't remember okay we move we move we move let's go oh wait there's snow and there's uh there's spruce trees up there as well so yeah a little bit a little bit of new stuff skis to go grab here we go here we go and we got sand and gravel and kelp and stuff down at the beach we'll hit that up after oh flowers bro flowers all day long let's go and also wait wait wait wait wait the dandelions and the lions are gonna give us um wool to make a bet I'm gonna have to make a bed in just just a second I'm like at least 50 feet away from my previous crafting table so I might as well make a new one it's very good idea all right new bed no bed here we go everybody I sleep now all right here's skeleton don't do it buddy don't do it I mean you're not my buddy pal nothing hecknit dude what the heck man okay is there anything else anything I think we're I think we're going I think we're moving I think we're grooving everything on our inventory that a can break has breaked I honestly just can't believe I just cannot believe that we're at this place I haven't gotten any iron or any stone nothing I can use to make a better tool that can actually break any of the any of the stuff I carumba oh oh oh okay hold on we man grooving we grooving men I know I got the pearls I know I got the pearls I should I should be happy I should be happy with what I got and not be super duper unhappy with being in a great place right now where I can eat suspicious stew anytime anytime I want as a privileged position to be in chop the corner out of that block yo Pottery it's not a creeper on man Shard oh man that's so sad that's so sad are we here where we've already been iron let's go who's the path what was the path okay that was was that a gray Banner hold on iron we got iron that was a long path though it started with the yellow glazed terracotta which came from okay came from the mangrove and the mangrove came from they all came from the coal all right all came from the coal I see oh wait wait I got a couple poppies so what I can do is I can do boom boom and we do boom boom and then poppy boom there we go now that's cooking with gas let's go they're kind of bed okay I can keep this with me for a moment right and then hold on there that's coal I don't think I need all this and that oh wait I still have more of the somewhere the stuff to break too my poor gold pick wait actually before yeah before my gold pickaxe goes bye-bye let me let me let me do the call let me do the coal do we have any more coal down here is that a single a single Colvin how does this happen no nothing okay okay let's go hold on hold on uh I gotta find more coal is there more coal up up high up in the mountains also Papas no I'll be careful there's Papa snow anything just drop any oh it does drop things oh balls oh no oh no oh say oh God oh my God help help help help it's not good not good I want to be here I don't want to be here I don't like this oh there's so much powdered snow oh it's so dark oh help me oh help me oh geez that goes to dirt really you go to dirt I don't need to I need to build my way out of here oh no wait wait wait wait wait wait I have four four leather I have four leather I can I can salvage this actually I am legendary here we go oh my goodness look at him look at him look at him go and he can just walk no problem light as a rabbit let's go and then we save some um let me save some Hello sheep oh I haven't broken a sheep yet here we go let's see we got here let's see we got here oh a new bed wait I can get beds for days from just Spruce Wood this is huge okay wait let's see here I've got warped Hi-Fi hold on I can do this I can do that and then I can do wait I can do that and then I'm gonna do that and then I'm gonna do that and then I can do stripped dark oak which I could convert into other stuff maybe there is part of me that wants to just like do more of the exploration and breaking things in rather than crafting but I don't know I don't know I don't know anyway like you uh wait we were gonna can I make the I didn't make the Warped okay I can do that oh wait I already did dang it I already did this one wait why am I not focusing on the iron sorry I'm not focusing on the iron I need to do the iron uh okay okay and then wait we already did Soul soil oh wait the soul soil got us to more iron this works oh this works big dude this works big right I'm pretty sure I did not wait was it sold there we go okay um and now yeah let's hit it with the pickaxe wait let me just go use my crafting table over there okay let me make the iron pickaxe I'm going back where did I where did I put this I might oh there it was wait I thought I had a crafting table maybe I'm just dumb maybe I'm just dumb I might just be dumb looks like I might it looks like that might just be the case okay cool let's just do this and make ourselves a pickaxe should help a bit this should help a bit then we can get all of this copper out of my inventory after all of this time maybe one of these and then maybe you want to these wait wait wait wait wait wait we can get more we can get more we get more boom boom boom I left it in the snow oh that's not very nice of me okay here we go that and we got eight of these this is gonna be a lot of a lot of waxing all right and then was that it that's pretty much it I think here we go it has all come back it all comes back or it wasn't the orange the orange got us back and now we're gonna get more iron oh let's go let's go that's so big for us another bit of iron that hits the spot that hits the spot and you and then I'm gonna put it in the pot because we can find orchids on the ground in Darius biome so I feel like that's the it's a better play to do that Boo and then Cherry slabs oh I didn't do cherry slabs even though we got lots of cherry wood that's big that's real big I would put it in the pot but I don't have a pot on me right now um here nothing wait we did this before didn't we we did we did okay there and wait cool that's everything [Music] um what's your pause I already did that come on come on come on come on let's catch me off guard every single time man and it all goes back to Acacia sapling okay um let's see let's see oh we hadn't done this one yet there we go ax exposed copper come on show me something new show me something big cyan concrete powder Mangrove roots show me the blaze rods is it really gonna start raining on me this is so sad everybody this is so sad no that's for days okay I can just break a bed sleep in a bed oh that's uh that's something right there that's a bit of um it's a bit of uh buried treasure right there okay goodbye gunpowder goodbye cooked salmon we have some iron on our hands well it's too bad that we can already um too bad we can already get ender pearls because this would have allowed us to trade for them much to people's dismay but here we are I might as well get you know full iron armor and stuff like that and then some diamond tools all right what are we up to eight diamonds good good good good very good probably okay so we can do the blocks okay Iron Block Emerald block full armor gonna be huge gonna be big I feel like we're not gonna get the end stuff to be able to do that um let's see you get rid of you get ready you get rid of you gotta make some inventory space and here we go diamond sword diamond pickaxe diamond ax and then full iron armor and then iron block cool cool are we gonna be in powder snow oh wait I don't know I don't think we did the spruce so are the sorry the spruce leaves I don't think we did do that get rid of you okay iron block and emerald block there we go and then I think that will basically cover we'll keep some more for like an anvil just in case a gold block 2 gold block hold on there they're big plays and that will do I think you know what it is about time that we have another suspicious stew in our lives all right seems like a good time for that we've survived a rainstorm it's clear again and [Music] um let's let's have a bit thanks again to Pringles for sponsoring with their new Minecraft suspicious stew flavor chroma chroma keyed oopsie daisies but man it looks it looks kind of cool seeing like you could put a rainbow in the background and stuff like that all right oh yeah bucket would be good that's a good idea all right here we go here we go synchronized eating three two one mm-hmm nice there's literally a rainbow on the screen I could have okay okay here we go here we go hold on I'm gonna get it lined up I'm gonna get it lined up with me here we go rainbow oh no it faded I'm so sorry guys I missed the mark that's my fault that's my fault right there oh no okay okay let's do a break I'll just break a few of these and then we'll be good and then everything will be great I'm gonna keep that just in case we need to do something else okay Block Emerald and block of iron and then we'll see where this leads us another bed all the bed colors we're gonna get the full rainbow nothing and seeds and seagrass I can't I need to get to water to break that okay so let me go before before um we get two sidetracked let me go get the I don't think we broke the spruce leaves right so let me break the spruce leaves be done with the powdered snow I could put my boots away and be go okay we might as well get a few of these we might as well get a few of these and we already did this snow later whichever one I didn't do TNT either Kaboom oh just rotten just various various skins from that where are your skins the various variations okay wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute um just a minute here just a minute I um think I think we got something I think we got something there I don't know why those enchantments were not good but I think we had something from that one uh which how which one was that again which one was that uh or can't flower I have a pot on me though dude oh no it's the different kinds of this all the different kinds hold on hold on we gotta get geared up bro we gotta get mad geared up oh I never broke those oh yeah yeah there's a lot of like there's a lot of stuff what's that was that from the TNT that wasn't for the TNT what was that from again uh let me see diamond oh it was from the leaves it was from the leaves came from the leaves okay just leaves and then into the stairs and then that was that it just leaves you to the stairs I think it was just straight up like you break this and you just get the candles and you're that and that's it right it just leaves to are we we're gonna be here a little bit you know I was thinking we'd just come up here and then we'd be good but it turns out that's not the case it turns out we're gonna turns out we're gonna be hanging out here for a moment just just a little bit of a moment yep just a second we might be able to get some silk touch while we're out here which would be quite nice hey yep that's what I'm talking about there's that efficiency and silk touch Omega oh my goodness oh my goodness end City loot acquired let's go let's go unbreaky three efficiency four upgrades all around oh my goodness give me some leggings here give me some leggings folks show me the money this might call for another Pringles suspicious stew crisp wow that is a big boy but it's not so touching It's gotta be it's Gotta Be silk touch fire armor we could Spire armor if we wanted to uh prop four It's gotta be Diamond It's gotta be Diamond come on guys where's the diamond we haven't broken yet there's so much stuff there's all the stuff and all the things okay oh my gosh did I see you did I see what you were offering prop 4 on breaking three so big so big oh yeah diamond block you're so right make another crafting table guys as you well know it's like I have to do this obviously in order to be able to beat the dragon there's no other way that I can beat the dragon like this is essential absolutely essential in order to oh but now we're silk touching now we're still touching come on come on let's go we still touch all the way the loot tables are infinite now the loot tables never stop the loot table simply cannot stop now hold on just oh it's so easy it's only like you know it splits into candles it splits into candles of force like every single block just multiplies by four you didn't see all day long okay boots I need boots I need diamond boots you know what we're looking for here you know what we need ooh silk touch on the shovel yes please I mean I could combine but ooh prop 4 and Breaky that might be even better okay diamond boots or a sharp uh sharp sword would also be very nice where's my Sharp sword where are my diamond boots where is my where are my diamond leggings where's my Sharp sword what's happening why aren't we getting what I need okay I can't Frost walk I can't Frost walk I'm sorry I'm I'm sorry there we go those are the boots that we're looking for I'm about to fall into the powdered snow now that I've thrown out my nose dumb I should have waited I've made a terrible mistake I'm never going to be able to retrieve those inside the just clump of stuff I'm gonna I'm gonna get sucked under all of the end City loot in the world cannot prepare me for Staying Alive underneath the frozen snow just need some blanket bro there's no leggings showing no leggings what is this be good sword be good sword be the best better sword than what I have but you're not the best you're not the very best we do not accept anything less than Perfection which is why this stream is sponsored by Pringles suspicious to there we go because we accept nothing less than Perfection there we that's good that's good now we got the goods now we got the gear that's what I'm talking about let's go let's go [Music] full prop 4 all the way across the board Can't Stop can't stop huge Maneuvers okay we gotta we gotta thread the needle through here without picking up everything and then you can just stick with the golden hoe okay wait wait wait wait wait it's gonna be pow pow over here oh gosh oh no I'm on the home stretch hey hold on I got Azalea we got potted Azalea we gotta do them both we gotta silk touch them too it's very important it's very important everything I'm gonna silk touch everything where's the speed run timer we usually do not speed run time needs necessarily but it's a thought it's a thought hey is that just almost like went into itself what okay bit silly right there come on man come on please show me the blazes now that we got silk touch we should be able to go through everything like incredibly super duper wait I've been here before I've been here before that's just gonna give us iron which we don't need at this point okay goodbye let's do this and this break you boom yeah sometimes we loop back into something it takes me a minute to realize okay quartz is so much better that we can then break the ore instead of having to go through the other stuff okay round mushroom on the ground I mean the brown Mushroom in the pot if you love to see it you love to be able to get the variations right there we go I got dude like that and like that and we can do that let me do this not yet hold on knew that nope never mind it's not letting us do it's not dark enough apparently be dark I don't know why I was using silk touch on things that I'm already very familiar with wait wait wait wait ah shoot I've just remembered I've just remembered I'm a fool and there's beds I have beds whatever I can make more beds out of this it's fine there we go there we go I keep unnecessarily making new crafting tables and new beds and I don't need to be doing this I don't need to be doing this but I also like now that I have all this gear like I could just survive the night instead all right hold on hold on hold on now that we're looking good this is a good time to celebrate with another suspicious Stu Pringle Pringles crisp here we go oh has there been already in my inventory oh there was that's so smart of me to do well here we go one sec one sec um Little Valley keep the seal on it's because it retains The Branding you know if I keep the red seal on the top then we get to look we get to look right at the mains all right um I'm bringing this yep I'm gonna put it in here I'm gonna I'm gonna put it in here we might find a flower Force better to put it in the pot you know loot Baron oh wait why did I do that that was dumb I should well no it's fine because it did not drop anything but I need to I need to be silk touching I need to be self-touching in fact I should like go through the things oh strepto wait I don't think I've done I don't think I've done I haven't done like Oak planks and stuff last time I did it I I just passed that over I gotta do this I gotta do this I gotta remember what gave me that so I can break that again anyway we still touch all the way through more beds more beds more beds all the beds every bed oh more Coral oh just bread no come on I'm better than that oh we win that's it everybody we got NCD we got the dragon egg we got suspicious too I mean really is there anything more to do I think we kind of just I think that's just GG he's all around oh wait I just realized though actually I haven't done that haven't the broken that one yet let's put it in the pot uh see what Pippins glow ink sack ew get it out of my inventory no no thank you be gone farewell all right hold on hold on did I eat all the iron that I had I can't make a smithing table oopsie daisies I might have wanted that I don't think I need to do anything else with the gold I'm gonna make gamble I don't think any gaples this be let's be realistic all right we're gonna go we're gonna go a lot of some room can I get that oh God no oh God geez oh oh no wait this is actually not cool this is not cool stop I'm freezing no get out get out get out get out get out stop it stop this I hate it to think I did away to think I did away with my uh slippers oh no this is the worst this is not good everybody this is not good he's out okay hold on hold on hold on there was like a couple of beds though that I haven't gotten yet and I kind of want to get them got it got it okay we got wait oh Beacon double Beacon double bacon energy as much as I'd like to break it with my fist because we have silk touch it's definitely better to break it with silk touch just in case even though it didn't really actually materialize anything wait we already got Cobble slabs okay that doesn't go to anything new what about the U H oh and then we never did these oh man dude oh dude man hold on wait wait y'all got any dirt actually I didn't need to do that okay I haven't done this one I don't think yep that's an anvil cool one of these days I swear we're gonna get a we're gonna get blaze rods it's gonna happen I swear dude [Music] plant the potato why am I doing that I already did that I already did that it's arrows and Bones little Skelly drop okay we've done you what about you what are you what are you what are you already done you commit you're new right yeah you're new let's go you're gonna be good I can feel it I can feel it orange means blaze rods dude orange means blaze rods wait we've already broken Stone but maybe it's gonna be new when we still touch just kidding it's not new we silk touch it's not even close to New and we silk touch it's just not you you were supposed to be the chosen one I'm moving I'm moving I'm moving we're moving along we're keeping it rolling everybody to the ocean let's get some sand let's get some gravel let's get some kelp let's get all of the things all of the things at once already done you right and water breathing could help that's good keep it going keep it going keep it going okay we haven't been clay before that's new it's so pretty turns out all I needed in order to get stone is silk touch from end City Loot and that'll do it how how nice oh okay crying Orbee I do not believe that a saddled a pig counts as a different thing than a non-saddled pig sadly okay sand we have not done it's taken us this long to get around to doing sand so here we go and there and hold on we gotta use silk touch always silk touching always be silking wait I never did a wait I don't think I still oh heck the this was the one where I didn't well it's fine you know this time around I can use that and make slabs so we'll get back to that we'll get back to that nothing okay so that was all we got there okay how about you I can never remember like if I use silk touch to break something like a like a squid does that give me the silk touch drop I don't even know what that gave me did that give me something did that give me like gray stained glass paint or something in my inventory and I can't see it what did he drop he dropped something why did he drop something I can't tell nothing oh enchantment symbol too bad we don't really oh wait oh cocoa beans the yummy cocoa beans I'm dumb that is like such fortuitous Destiny right there the likes of which I've never seen before that was crazy that was crazy let's go paint glass stain done you I've already done we never broke the yellow bed did we that is a lot of a new block skis for us we never did do a torch did we huh cool cool um we doing there hopefully it was a good choice hopefully it leads us to the blaze rod rail it has not oh wait I haven't broken wait I'm broken you out I think I broke you in the oh my gosh wait a minute and that let me get this let me get this I need to put the other one in the pot okay great it's a lot of variations it's a lot of variations boys one of these times one of these times it's gonna be it's gonna be what we're looking for but as of now I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For wait all right so did I do so I did that I feel like you know the silk touch star would be cool if I knew that it was highlighting something that I and it has this little touch drop that previously didn't but at the same time I guess that would kind of be like a giveaway but yeah I don't know what the best way to handle that would be do we already we already did work slabs I'm pretty never mind we did not all right we got a few things we got a few things to break we got you we got you maybe I'll even let it go to night time because we are quite in a good place with gear you know wait is that oh all right back to what we already have um and then we also have torchies so that's good I was keeping the books on me in case I want to make like a a bookshelf maybe oh Quick Charge hmm I don't even know where I got that from oh that must have been from the minecart loot yeah yeah yeah yeah let's get that down anything else that we need to put down I think that's it yeah we did a gold pressure plate earlier I'm pretty sure yeah as you can see keep getting that I like I'm just I don't have the stuff to put it on wait hold on I got ideas I got ideas do that and then we do that and then we can do obviously two different types of bambooskis oh just brand new Anvil nice nothing uh what was that what was that yo Diamond hoe I guess slightly slight improvement over what we already got um Spruce fence redstone block we hadn't done that yet my inventory is getting so clogged goodbye to you um goodbye to you goodbye to you farewell nope do we do orange candles we haven't guys someday we're gonna get there I swear it's gonna happen someday we're gonna make it I still have another peony have I knew I have not I'm just stoked that we have silk touch like relatively early on so that there it's unlikely that we will miss whatever goes into blaze rods probably once we get whatever the right thing is we'll we'll get into it all right let's let's sleep it off break the orange bed break the other bed can you put Coral fans in pots I don't think so I think so dude also what do I know not much uh Spruce sapling I never know dude I never know if I should put it in a pot or not make sure to like the video if you're watching on YouTube make sure to oh follow cabin sparkles check out our sponsor Pringles via the link in the description of the stream of the YouTube video to oh look at that snag yourself some Pringles suspicious stew flavor and thanks to them for sponsoring this session of course pretty cool stuff Birch leaves did I wrestle touch those I don't think I did and I don't think it's going to make much of a difference um either way because I think these Trace pretty far I think they traced that pretty far it does give us more wood though okay what can we keep doing what can we keep doing we've um broke it we'll break this like the next night I don't really need the emeralds do I because we already like we don't need a trade so Yi you enjoy the Pringles taste test video thank you if you missed it on the main Channel we got a uh Pringles taste test video with 13 different flavors I try to identify what the suspicious stew flavor is I won't spoil it I hadn't I hadn't tried the flavor before filming that video so that was the that was the first to try um okay dark oak mushrooms that is new give that a little look ski over there give that a little looks key remember the copper oh that's nice oh that's nice that's very nice we like this for us let me grab some more wood here it was happy it seemed like a lot of people really did enjoy the video it's pretty cool see pickles go squelch all right is good oh I love this let me just put like armor Trim in there some extra wood the books things I've kind of been sitting on we've already broken seagrass now so we probably don't need that we can set the ender pearls in there for future usage and got spare wood um I don't think we've done slabs so let me just do that really quick oh nothing like a clean inventory man it feels good oh wait why did I do that oh it's okay silk touch wouldn't help anyway crab shots I could just make a chest and break that oh why is it always that I like forget to just make a chest in order to break I kind of a tendency of of doing that or like not not doing that let me just break a chest man I can't believe we haven't found blaze rods yet usually uh it's always this way right like the one time the one time that we end up finding ender pearls like really really early on is just like uh you know what I'm gonna make it take a bit more time to find the blazes you know can't we can make it that easy on you that would just be silly I'm broken fire yet I'm gonna break some fire dude I gotta break some fire now let's see um what do we oh just kidding the fire has broken itself broken itself into a lot of uh Coral piece oh fire Court get it dude because it came from fire that's why it's called fire coral and it's dead because the fire Used to Be Alive Now the fire is dead and so it's dead fire Coral exactly exactly dude everyone's like okay har har har hearty hearty heart you're not that funny jardune you're not that funny but good try oh frick hey oh diamonds are going underground oh what happens dude my jokes are fire and don't you dare say otherwise all right dude I'm funny that is the nicest thing so man it Loops back around to the oh sapling wait what the heck it Loops back around bro we're at quad armor Trends let's go this is four different armor trims we have enough we have enough to do full awesomeness everything foreign look at this look at this we have so many arrows it is incredible I thought I'd done I thought I'd not download oh yeah I did do loads down okay goodbye I just it's a good time it's a good time for a bit of inventory clearing I don't think we ever broke the cold block because it was early before we actually had everything that we needed in order to break it and then I think I just left it behind so ah bad job me bad job wouldn't it be crazy if shulker boxes like dropped different things depending upon what you had inside them like that was NBT data dependent all right chicken I'm sorry about this bud but I gotta see what's going on with you oh don't need that okay okay here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go dude even Pringles is giving me the D colon oh my goodness not you too not you two wait did I already do that I don't think I did the standard one foreign I almost messed that one up by not silking almost didn't silk it oh my God every candle it multiplies every candle multiplies into more candles it's all arrows all arrows and candles always has been dark oak leaves here we go here we go here we go would it give junkie hanging no not okay not going to help okay we gotta do the sharumi blocks I guess you know I'm gonna have to head on the ground oh I've broken a lot of stuff and I bet we're gonna have a lot of redundant things that we're gonna be breaking once I head underground but what can you do what can you do right broken morph button 100 we've broken that um Brown streaming definitely done that before okay red tree me nothing okay hello Pig I apologize for this but you know I just can't remember if silk touching does anything I wanna I wanna slay a mob and get a silk touch drop from it just to like confirm that in fact it is something that works that way we don't like want two slave mods it's not like my goal but you know you get the idea wait did I get flower I don't think I got flowering before yeah that's new this is the way that I'm able to break a b Nest without actually having to mess with any bees is when I just get the drop so I hope that you are all proud of me for that strip to chair you that's new [Music] I still am I still have broken into site yet how did I how did I manage to avoid that that was silly that was very silly you know um let's see let's see wait did I I think I made I made the dark oak stuff okay I've been through all that I'm pretty sure I did the dark oak like sub categories and stuff oh man okay is there anything else to check out above ground before we start working our way underneath and seeing if we can find the blaze rods um dark oak we have we have done the dark oak yeah you know what I could do I could just get four of these right and then I could just I could make the uh the wood out of it right do a little dark oak wood skis right right I could do that and like strip one yeah exactly see new stuff new stuff nothing well at least we know there's nothing to it and then that is oh we got a fishing rod uh I could do let's do this hold on let's sleep then we can break the bed go fishing honestly be kind of cool if blaze rods came from fishing one of these times I'd be done with that one we've done this haven't we 've done this that is big sad I cannot believe this okay what do we have from this I've already done that okay it's fishing simulator time before we go underground you know okay I don't think I've broken a dandelion either hmm hmm did I break the Sheep remember I'll get a lot of bamboo and actually start making like the other bamboo stuff maybe it's a thought possibly man we need some luck we started strong on the Lock And now when it comes to getting the blaze rods it is fading on us that's kind of cool it's kind of a cool little loot right there too bad it was just more of the dark oak which we already had that's crazy like fishing out a chest uh like you just get that clump of items you know it's kind of awesome though um I'm pretty sure it always stays the same like it doesn't it doesn't give you like new I don't think it ever changes between like the treasure and the standard fishing loot when you fish multiple times I'm pretty sure I think it's just different when it comes to random Loop drops maybe I've just never gotten lucky on my fishing time to have it give me something else uh uh cool morum more armor trim this is a Pillager Outpost then cool cool let's just let's just see what else we can get we might be able to get like a cool crossbow here maybe we get like an enchanted crossbow I'm down for that give me that piercing for quick draw three and we will pop off like earlier when I was on MCC Island I was using the crossbow I forgot like just how slow it is to load a crossbow when you don't have Quick Draw oh my goodness I was just getting like wrecked trying to reload my crossbow and I pull it back for like a second and then undo ready to fire and be like oh it didn't load I'm doomed that's great you any of them crossbows does this just not have crossbows in it am I just wrong I might just be wrong hmm let's find out yeah different color sheep they do drop different items one more try one more try one more try we're going with that sick crossbow dude [Music] hey we got a crossbow but uh no enchantments sad all that fishing has me a little bit exhausted it's probably a good time for me to eat another piece from our sponsor of the Minecraft suspicious stew flavored Pringles mm-hmm there we go everybody delicious stuff there we go that is that is that new that's not new that's not new it's not new ah ah be gone be gone be gone farewell not bad to have some extra wood just in case we need it and um I guess we can put the uh armor trims into there figure out what to do with them later I could Diamond trim my diamond armor would be the most visible thing we've ever seen okay everybody okie dokie let's see if we can find a big open cave hop in maybe find some new good songs oh wait you know what I haven't done I have not made a bucket might be a good idea just to have a little bit of water to descend on for different places and things you know be the worst okay okay boys does this lead anywhere that doesn't really look like it leads anywhere where are my blaze rods I haven't broken sugar cane yet you know what I should probably do that have I gotten this far I'm Decked Out full in City loot I'm broken a piece of sugarcane yet crazy and I do hope that I don't run out of durability in my pickaxe that would be very sad oh the glowstone skis okay come on come on come on nothing chicken you were supposed to be good luck you're supposed to be good oh here we go here we go here we go is this uh pretty like underwater but I don't know like we could try it out and see did we break I'm pretty sure we've already broken die right oh my god dude even when I do actually have the ability to go to the stronghold and stuff like that oh man there's gonna be so much junk filling up my inventory having to mine through Stone um licking this is glow licking but you know what else is licking Pringles because they are Finger Licking Good [Music] um I'm gonna need this one okay yeah we'll try to find a nod underwater cave I feel like that's just a better bet for us we did that already give me new things please I beg of you I'll be here all week folks I'll be here all week appreciate you I appreciate you all that must be new that's new oh wait that's just like standard ice we've already done that have we no but no it gives new things now because we never mind okay dirt just dirt okay what what can we find what did what is it that we need in order to find what we are going to need in order to win okay all right I think I'm actually gonna need to go get some more water in just a second they are good let this continue we are looking for a cave everybody we are looking for a cave we must find said cave in order to be successful here I must have already done this right no wait where did that come from where did the jungi dubs only dubs only where do I get that from wait I thought I already broke that why is it saying I didn't do that before because we'd already seen that drop spider eye plus the string strange indeed very strange I wonder if there's anything that like we've run into so far that now if I silk touched it we would get a different outcome um no caves in this biome either what is this for oh wait you know what that oh no grass is just a silly Billy have I broken Tall Grass yet I don't think I have I'm pretty sure that I ever run into a tall grass how do I know you're taller us at this point it's kind of strange uh you guys got any tall grass around here somewhere anybody but is the world's biggest dark oak forest where's the where's the Mansion yo hey I don't think I've broken a spider yet though yeah that rings a bell y sensor green bed okay Netherrack and Inter oh because like I only hit one of them with the silk and the other one broke normally that's interesting how that works oh Minecraft 1.20 anybody it's pretty block those are cool oh no nothing there we have not run into one of those yet that was a first um Lush cave under here nope and we've already done that before block records yo now I found the dragon head and City loot the dragon egg I haven't found blazes guys this is so sad this is so sad how are we gonna make this work do I have another bedroom I'm probably just gonna go oh hey there's that lushka hey that's gonna work for ish whale [Music] uh oh I oh God I just I feel like I can't I can't do that I just feel like I can't I can't do that can I that's it's illegal yeah Azure can you imagine if an axolotl was like uh can you even imagine like wow sad of a day it would be for us here hey man let's just let's just say no well let's just say no to attacking me all right let's all of us all of us let's just say no to attacking me this is an unnecessary there's Tall Grass there's that tall grass I've been looking for foreign we got some new things oh boy so cute though he's squeaking he's just a little squeaky guy oh Oakleys we never did oh my gosh oh my gosh I never did that what am I doing oh we also haven't done kelp yet can I just can I just yeah there we go you just placed the kelp down there nice very very choice okay actually hey Pringles do I do I do bad things do I do oh wait I haven't done that with silk touch do I do mean things or do I spare the Axolotl this is up to Pringles I haven't broken Pringles says spare the Axolotl it has been decided I will not be sparing this creeper though you yeah God you little rascal I thought of this stripped Oak you know what I could do though you know I could do it wait I can never remember can I combine four of these mans that are already stripped yeah I can it'll go into the script oh so that's new that's a new one for us man I'm pretty sure I already did that yeah wait I didn't put that in a pot though right wait can I put a berry in a pot no way whatever I'm gonna find something I can put in the pot but anywho nothing nothing that whoa pink candle goes to Pink terracotta never tell me the odds never tell anyone 's everything somehow ends up going back to Cherry and I'm okay with that I'm on more pink and then back to that okay so we've already done a redstone block so all right what else what else we didn't do double talk oh that was where the drip Stone came in how would I never found double Tall Grass that's crazy okay what do we have what do we have do we do all the that might be something new there was that nothing nothing at all but we didn't break Moss right or the Moss doesn't drop anything like that that everything everything has been broken I've done it all oh what is new what's new what is what can I do this is such a crazy cave though it's kind of Awesome we've not gone to another I haven't found Avi so I could just do you know portal and stuff like that I know I did do flare gosh dang it I wanted to uh slay the creeper oh never mind I've already done that I just had the creeper like walk around and blow everything up so that I can figure out what it is that I haven't picked up from just the Carnage of the creeper you break this um Spore blossom Spore blossom oh you got it that could be on a pot wait I both do we have another sport loss and yes we do yes we do put one on the pot one on the ground no you dare try to shoot me is very mean of you to do I'm gonna use my arrows I have arrows too all right yeah that's what I thought bud that's what I thought not so tough now are we where is that pot right there that might actually be a stronghold chess but it's too bad we don't really care about it at the moment that new oh that's where that stuff oh we hadn't found deep iron yet I don't think always back to Redstone always but you know what though we could Bean block we can do bean block here we go Bean block it's Bean block time please man show me the blaze rods oh man I'm probably gonna have to head to the nether or something for this what is that what is that is it like a blacksmith chest or something if only if only there existed alternative means of getting blaze rods like with ender pearls right you got so many ways that you can get it whether it's with trades Enderman directly inside of a stronghold chest but not when it comes to the blazes a redstone torch hmm I'm thinking I'm thinking we did that one right yeah we already did that one uh where's Redstone I know that we had it at some point I know we had a bunch of ways of getting it I know it might be on the ground next to a Creeper explosion potentially probably despawned at this point though and oh no there you are hey mate I would like it if I could just take you down flawlessly without issue you know like this and see what you just dropped called that does make sense we've devised the power source of the creepers explosion as it turns out it uses coal in order to ignite truly revolutionary science and technology and discoveries happening here that's why you tune into these streams for Science and Mathematics and stuff like that coal gun powder they're kind of interchangeable you know okay one of your randomizers wanted you to get it oh hero The Village gift that is extremely rough I have been fortunate enough that that hasn't happened to me yet but maybe maybe it's happening right now can you imagine that right now in this world it's a hero of the village gift that would just be something come come here I'm like a cat trying to hit a laser pointer not anymore I need to call for the call block oh you know what you're so right about that this is messed up man well I don't know maybe I try to find a portal or something like that or it's an axolotl drop Pringles has already spoken if it is an axolotl drop we're just not winning because I cannot I would that would probably violate our contract if they were like spare the Axolotl and then I didn't they'd be like well buckle up Buckaroo you just performed an illegal maneuver um let's think what else is there as an option it's kind of cool how the mushroom almost looks like it's growing underneath inside of the Lush cave biome oh straight to jail wow says Pringles straight to jail they don't mess around oh God dang it okay you leave me alone hey guys what what else do we have here in the world's biggest dark oak forest Minecraft not large biomes mode I swear definitely isn't oh my goodness gracious also I forgot to mention this whole time like if you're wondering what my skin is it's MCC skin we just came from MCC Cobalt captains so that is why I do be looking like this if there is anything wait I never I just realized I've had a silk touchstar sitting in here for ages and a lot of good that did right there a lot of good that did I ever so touch this I thought I did yeah I thought I'd still touched this all the way down like that this turned into maybe let me just check let me just check what if like we follow this all the way down I didn't silk touch the Birch log apparently which does make sense that would have been early on what if it goes into something there's more to the path there's more to the path oh there's not more to the path there isn't more to the bath as it turns out there's definitely not more to the path God dang it you know what I could do though did we ever do like Birch wood I don't know if we ever did birch wood right that was from that's from there is that from this without doing the uh silk touch skis right I don't think that was wait was it so touch necessary I'm gonna do this four times I carumba but hey no I think we'd get birch wood strip birch wood so it's it's a couple new blocks and other than going to the Netherlands like why am I doing this I don't need to I do not need to be silk touching you I need to do this for Oak too Oak Spruce it's like all the above this is new yeah that's new and it's new skis right there and then silk touchy silk touchy let's go and then it goes to light stained glass why are you always go to rock hard I don't understand why is this always go to Rock Hall dude oh and then Crimson sign we haven't done that is that dry sponge oh dry sponge you haven't done that haven't done that new and then gunpowder why does it always end in things I've already done um I'll tell you what Birch planks is that new I don't remember I didn't remember I could also like start making the oh we already did that I didn't mean to click I meant to use the planks to freaking oh hold on okay here's the deal maybe we just start doing like a few little sub extra type things here you know just to see where they lead like doing the fences and stuff like that oh there wait wait wait wait wait wait strip jungle wood had we done I think yeah we haven't done a lot of that stuff hold on and we're just going to stand on top of these leaves here just work for a little bit oh I did do all that okay no no but I probably haven't done slabs okay we're adding a little bit extra to our repertoire here you know dang it we've already had composter maybe maybe that's new that's new yeah dude uh yeah with the addition of cherry and bamboo there there are so many types of wood it's just crazy I can't put you down Moss carpet already have it already done okay I want to see let me look for logs and see if there's any others that we can make like wood out of we've already done dark oak I'm pretty sure just did Birch eat a mangrove we could do do some mangroves ski stuff um Spruce log from Deep Redstone I remember that's a whole that's a whole thing um and then Bruce law Spruce law goes to Spruce strip and then but anyway yeah let's uh here what else can we do well we can just make some like just make some more sticks and then we can do do we have SLA have we done slabs we have done slabs we could do fence and we can do fence gates apparently we've done that okay I haven't done fence gate what about you this will do it eventually on the door oh my God door as well oh this is gonna be crazy this is gonna be a lot of things everybody a lot of stuff Happening Here um oh yeah you should do composter okay hold on hold on I never remember it's just it's just a bunch of slabs why did I throw it all the slabs I don't know why I threw out all the slabs that was kind of silly of me to do let's just make a composter good plan all around solid plan all around okay furnace is kind of cool redstone repeater you just have to put it on top of the crafting table because nothing can go on leaves I've picked the worst place to do this pigs again okay that ends that end to our story everybody uh we've already done that wait did I not do cherry pressure plate there's no way I didn't do cherries pressure plate there's no way there's no way oh deep Emerald kind of cool oh man that would have been even more suspicious too that we could have gotten there from the deep emeralds if I went into uh Extreme Hills and then went underground be more suspic natural suspicious stew I definitely did cherry yeah I did all that stuff for sure for sure oh trapdoor it's true that's true that's true all right there's so many wood items dude there are so many wood items how am I ever going to do how am I ever gonna get through all of them brand haircut and stone wall TNT we're just running into things that we've already seen uh uh we've done that wait but maybe maybe I haven't done that and maybe that's new it's not new spoiler alert wait but no I haven't still touched it maybe it's maybe it's new if I silk touch I could put that in a pot and I think it would actually be new I don't think I've done you in a pot yeah honey Block's new and that is just another arrow to add to the pile oh my goodness dude one of these days one of these days I swear we're gonna get there we're gonna find it oh man okay what else do we have let's think so we've done a lot of dark oak we've done a lot of cherry let's see Birch we didn't do everything Birch but let's um find out okay we want to get Spruce Spruce came from Deep Redstone but deep Redstone came from I know something else we didn't just directly mine sleigh Redstone right or maybe we did just directly mine deep slate redstone I think we we did okay fair enough we did just directly mine it is there another okay so there's only deep slight Redstone going to that oh wait crimson nyliam goes to it how do I get Crimson Ilium um apparently I don't is the answer um okay hmm well we can just keep moving let me make a boat I have not done that yet I'll make a nice Cherry boat a very pretty cherry boat and set sail emerald block we have done most things we have done okay what about a birch oh we know how to get Birch from the sea pickles give us Birch so we could do that that's just from the oak leaves I think are the Birch leaves or something like that uh we've done Blast Furnace maybe even running a smoker yet um oh yeah they're any fish I could break the fish wait wait I don't think I've done a full thing of uh kelp right let's see you that's new loot dude what is that five bro I'm over 500 loot tables which is more than half of what is available in the game and we haven't found the Blazer oh there's the End Stone that I could have used to do all the I carumba oh there's the hobby oh oh but I don't even flip now so kelp can get us to Avi let me just break the Obby no okay wait was it this magenta wait we already did that oh yeah we did that before all right I got a bed we can sleep maybe it's another time I'm trying to think like what how what is in the nether that we haven't broken I think we've gotten Soul Sand we've gotten so many things that are in the nether I'm like what are we gonna get what isn't it I guess there's some like Bastion and Fortress stuff if we wanna try for that and get wrecked our little blue fire true penguins rip Rippy dippy um I'm craving another Pringles Minecraft suspicious do right now mm-hmm thank you Pringles for sponsoring this stream and YouTube video we'd love to see it I can't do it to the dolphin I can't do it to the dolphin can I well okay so if I got a bunch of the white carpets I can just like I can have a portal on hand right the dolphin wants to play around with the carpets Supreme makes you hungry will you check the links in the description of the Stream or the chat or the YouTube video and um you can snag yourself some Pringles Minecraft suspicious do you know break the dolphin I feel like Pringles wouldn't approve that either so I may have to take a pass I gotta play by the rules it was without rules what even are we remember they said straight to jail it'd be a really bad look for me for potential sponsorships if if I got sent to jail by a sponsor you know so I I do gotta like I do gotta listen here mm-hmm and the dolphin even followed me see I I couldn't I couldn't do that I couldn't do that to my boy foreign what is this heartlessness man this is gonna be something this is gonna be it I just know it yeah the bamboo door more wood variations let's go so big um did we do oh yeah I'm pretty sure we did that in the pot oh yeah we did all this oh my goodness wait but apparently I didn't touch it I did all this I did all of these things every single one I should have gone full concrete with it oh hey wait wait wait wait I could do okay this is stripped Oakwood oh so we have done that before have we done have we done Oakwood wood I don't know anyway we've done so we've done that in full I could like pile that up so that we if we get more I can do I know we've done Oak slabs before I know we've done Oak slabs right but wait let me just get some more if I get some more then perhaps I will be able to do more stuff with just all right wait what was it again was it you which one was it again was you in a pot is you in a pot right I could yeah yeah I have an idea though I can throw this in the Water right see where this goes um garsh thank you oh my gosh thank you for reading thank you for eating meat could be it this could be this is it this Blaze around right here there's blaze rods that's not it's beans but beans beans becomes blaze rods no it's an Ender Chest that drop itself nope goes into stronger there's blaze rods no it's not blaze rods dang it wait did I not do like string with silk touch before or something did I and maybe I didn't still touch this wait wait wait hold on hold on maybe I never stripped this either on top of it which would be like a whole nother thing that might be new thank you oh that's new let's go really super new I'm like that's not new at all that's not new that just went back to exactly the same thing man if I run out of the durability on my diamond pickaxe with silk touch it's gonna be a rough life done it been there done that ah Bridget says Pringles is here with excited typos I mean it's Bridget we are officially officially sponsored this is serious business very very serious business that's my my PC not yours just so you know man okay okay okay um I am laterally about to drive to to Walmart right now and look for these guys if you wanna if you want to look for any guys just you know you're looking you're looking for These Guys these are the guys speaking of I should probably have one of these guys right now mm-hmm bridges are doing it right now man this is uh there's a successful promotion at work I actually saw after the main channel YouTube video went up a few people have tweeted at me like yo no I had to I had to go grab some I had to pick some up there was no way there was no way I could just watch you eating all of those sprinkles and then not have some myself it was it was necessary this is my Survival Island I'm not really I'm not thriving too good here folks I'm really not throw oh no it's a b oh no am I gonna have to do it um okay sorry sorry I hope I don't I hope Pringles doesn't send me to jail I really hope what is that um Spruce log hey I feel like I could like oh God I'm gonna have to get some more bees and then and then I can like did I do the oh I haven't done any of the spruce yet I've done any of the spruce oh my goodness none of it none of it at all wait how did I get wait it said that I got spruce log from so that I got stripped Spruce log from Spruce and I never did any Spruce anything how did I manage or not manage this that doesn't make any sense how have I skipped this oh my goodness black concrete powder I mean that could fork in a couple different directions here I'm sorry I'm sorry Pringles I'm sorry it's just I had to do it I had to do it I could maybe it proves profitable I don't know is that oh man okay one of these goes in the water oh I got like a spruce oh is it that I got the sapling oh maybe that was what it was I'll throw the other one into the ocean we you farewell uh okay other screws other Spruce stuff see this is more stuff that we would have gotten if we were in another um I can run into that in the wild so put in the pot then we get Oak slabs oh we've already done it I can go in a pot oh that would be new that'll be new that'll be big that'll be huge I guess we're just breaking it normal is that new that's new let's go okay that's fine here we'll uh we'll pow-pow it we will papow oh there's Cod Emerald over what is that was the craziest breakage I've ever seen in my entire life I don't know what just happened come hither oh cotton salmon got him and then wait wait wait where's the salmon I swear I saw some salmon maybe I just embed it on fish blinds Bridges going to get Pringles surely she will be coming back uh blue concrete pow pow oh man this could go so many different ways if I do did I do this did I solidify this oh yeah I did I did we already did that and it wasn't really anything good okay uh what can we do what can we do what can we do let's think let's think here find some more bees get some more Spruce skis out here alternatively what could we have we done oak door I don't know if we've done oak door oh we didn't do dark oak door either hold up hold up also what I think it's oak leaves give the wool right everything here is birch there is no Oak always has been uh it's fine it's fine making a door oh we've done that apparently dang it we done this we haven't done that okay this is new hmm it's too bad we've already done the diamonds and now we're gonna have to throw it out rip in pieces bro I'm gonna have to go back and find like I'm gonna actually have to go and find another Spruce area so that I can get a more end City loot because we're gonna run out excuse me it's probably gonna happen oh crap door did we do oh trap door yep yep it's been done it's been done oh man I've done a lot of I've done a lot of stuff stats 527 out of 920 57 of blocks oh entities though is quite low and I guess blaze rods would count as an entity wouldn't they so perhaps not as far along as we'd hoped but dang that is a lot of blocks bro a whole lot of block skis you're I mean hey we still run into a village I don't know why but maybe villagers do drop blaze rods it's not been the ver it's it's happened before it wouldn't be the first time I don't know how I don't know how Pringles would feel about that one but I do kind of want to like find a village wouldn't be the worst oh scaffolding yeah yeah that's true we haven't found a junkie yet is that a mega tiger over there I think that's some Mega tiger yeah maybe I need to stop sleeping like what oh oh room portal room portal what if it's Phantoms can you imagine if it was Phantoms the oof that we would be feeling okay that's new probably new it's not new just kidding that's not new that's new though okay cool cool before I drown thank you there's some new stuff in mega tiger we can get like Ferns and I think we've done Mossy Cobble but ferns ferns is new podzol there's new stuff here that oh that's not another stuff that's free it's not going to help me at all right it's time to not sleep in case it's Phantoms and then we can just cry ourselves to not sleep puzzle Jen rose bush uh sticky poos lapis who's already done nope nope nope already done that wait here's this Birch sampling do I put it that was magma block so I could do Birch sampling in and out of pot if I just go back down there I could do scaffolding from oh wait I need more bamboo for that hold on to the bamboo yeah why did it say like this gave me Spruce or something like that because it definitely doesn't that's kind of weird or is it this kind of weird anyway oh double tall double tall guys leave me alone I just need to this freaking guy oh god dude leave me alone oh well that's new oh my God I'm gonna sleep I can't I can't I can't I can't I'm sorry if it's Phantoms but I can't I know I could make a shield but whatever that's new wait try hanging sign that's new this is big and then the gray wolf that's also big and then we also got that what is that oh that's where the gray wolf came from that does make a great deal of sense for us if it's Phantoms this this may last multiple stream sessions this may this may be a follow-up hey you know what but the beauty of if this becomes a follow-up is I could then eat even more Pringles suspicious still because that's a sampling right there um you know so kind of there is a beauty to that what if it's with so wither fortunately does not it does not have a a fancy drop we're we're safe we're safe I could do cactus in a pot we did all the oh we've probably even done the slabs here though I bet let's do this I can never get enough crafting tables in our lives do we ever oh we did do this Labs dang it ah no um done that done a lot of uh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait is there enough for uh yeah I can make a call block I don't think I ever broke that wait what if oh my God can you imagine if it is this I will dot oh it's not it's not we can save that for later though that would have been that would have been true sagginess Bridget is giving us live updates of the Pringles hunt let's go this is very exciting I hope they have suspicious do you're right I could turn this into die and then I could use it to dye a sheep before I dye the Sheep um Hmm got any more of that in City Loop do we want it do we want it anything new around here anything new to get away is it different when we I don't think it's different when we do that it's just Oak right yeah it's Oak is there anything more that we needed to do in the oak Department I just like maybe fences or something like that Maybe no we've done that I caremba I carumba there we go that's new though that's new yes that's new but I'm gonna have to do more I have to get all of the variations [Applause] gold block oh we already did that what am I doing yeah new bed that'll be helpful for future it's new it's new spooky scary oh my goodness gracious oh my goodness gracious we ought to get wait was that was that guaranteed with her Skelly drop wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I know you've done that before wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this wasn't that one it was this one is this one and then it goes it was that guaranteed was that guaranteed because that looked like just normal Wither Skeleton drop hold on hold on is it actually that the Nether Bricks give us Wither Skeleton because that's kind of fit oh my goodness it is well everybody it appears we uh might be fighting the Wither today might be fighting the Wither today okay you know what this is a good it's a good way to do this this is a good way to do this all right here's what we do we fight the Wither we finale this session and then we resume next time on the hunt wow huh that's that's an interesting poll it's an interesting poll from the Wither huh we can upgrade another right even if we wanted to fascinating that's pretty fascinating right there huh pretty cool did we ever do courts yeah we've we've done it apparently but I bet we haven't done uh like quartz pillars you know but that's new oh it's new indeed okay so I just have to re- re-figure out where it was that we got oops I threw the bamboo I shouldn't done that I gotta re-figure out where we got the Soul Sand from the soul soiler what have you okay well anyway yeah let's do this let's get Soul soil um Soul soy wait Redstone order of the Soul Sand does it oh maybe it's like piglet or something anyway dark oak planks goes oh well freaking easy dude easy dark oak plan oh my God it's long dark oak nope just Darko plank straight Soul soil okay that's pretty straightforward well well well everybody we may not have beaten the dragon but I gotta do a little I gotta charge up really quick okay I gotta charge up hold on here we go Pringle is gonna fuel us for this fight mm-hmm [Music] Bridget you haven't found a suspicious do yet oh no it's gonna happen I believe I am a believer here we go what else can I just drop here man what else can I just drop here and make some room I don't need that I don't need that we'll keep the smithing template in case we want to go nether right okay now I don't have I don't have any means of like recovering myself right but let's just hope for the best hope for the best here okay we're gonna go down okay we don't need to we don't need to go super deep maybe we'll just like my inventory is going to be demolished oh not into an aqua ravine it could be the end of my inventory here end of my ah why why are you doing this it's going to be like lava in this direction or something then new recipes unlocked wait oh I got the tide armor bro ah this is the worst this is the worst place that I've ever tried to go to find you know what's interesting you go into the you go into The Nether and um you put a sponge down and it's like immediately converted you put a sponge down next to Lava it doesn't it doesn't change anything it just stays dry or stays wet how does that work how does that work nobody knows nobody knows I have a really bad feeling that I'm kind of just like my I'm probably gonna just try to use the sword mostly for this also man I'm I do be using this I do be using this and you know if I die here if I die here it's not gonna be good because I will curse Advantage my beautiful pickaxe which is the only the only chance of success that we really have here at least we're gonna we're gonna buy on the house brace right so hi everybody The Time Is Here the time is now let me get some torches down and hope that our path here is long enough because if it's not then I end up in lava so fingers crossed really here all right everybody we don't have good power on our bows so foreign away we go away we go and just in case come on come on it's not how I format the thumbnails for this usually but uh okay I think honestly I just like probably probably go for the sword hits at this point I think [Music] I hope that's not the light from the lava because it wouldn't be great I didn't think it is we did it I didn't get withered again I didn't even get withered again let's go let's go bro all right everybody let's spawn with the Roses oh we've we've encountered with the roses in every possible way no Withers actually just stick to their uh Jiminy did those guys like actually just just straight up like came out of nowhere I've never seen creepers approach that quickly in my life and I panicked and I dropped my sword instead of running away so I'm unarmed it's a good thing we're around uh good thing we're on some spruce trees huh yeah thanks for tuning in everybody we'll figure out the blaze rods next time thanks to Pringles for sponsoring this stream with the suspicious stew crisps um I'm trying to hang out in the chat and stuff like that grab yourself some um in a store near You by checking out the link in the description of the stream YouTube video chat wherever you're watching this and um yeah I was real tasty you'll love to see it you'll love to taste it you really do and on that note I'll see you in the next episode
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 59,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, random loot drops, data pack
Id: XBp0va7757c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 47sec (7607 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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