Minecraft But Oh No My Loot Is Randomized #1

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hey everybody so uh about that intervention for random crafting yep not listening to it let's go again let's go again um no intervention in here let's bring in the new one that we've just generated i did realize that it always does actually generate a new seed it just always seems to start with like 165 for whatever reason but if you refresh the website that i always have linked in the description it does change the seed every time so i don't need to manually adjust it like i was previously it just slightly adjusts some of the trailing numbers so i was a little worried because i always saw like one six and i was like is it actually changing it or not anyway i will say for those of you intervention people this probably will be the last random crafting for a little bit or randomly this is random loot drop sorry random loot drops on this one um because 1.19 is coming out on on what is it tuesday i think and we will be doing all advancements 1.19 so here we are birch fence the first one with oak leaves oh god one second yeah yeah yeah 1.19 all advancements because again i had a call with my my man's at youtube and he was basically like um yeah you you know what you should do is um is consider not doing that as a series on the main channel because it'll perform terribly so that's what you should consider is not that and i was like oh okay well i guess i'll just guess i'll just do it on uh on on um twitch and and kevin sparkles too then okay sounds good sounds good sounds great blue concrete okay so oh boy we're gonna have a lot of things that we're gonna have to like redo once i'm able to get a pickaxe and other things like that okay i'll cry repeater it goes to nothing or maybe it doesn't go to nothing but i just don't know is that oh is that it goes to nothing or maybe again maybe it doesn't go to nothing and i just have to keep breaking it and then it'll go to something or maybe maybe it doesn't and then and also once we get a pot i'm gonna have to okay that's really doesn't seem to be going to nothing are you gonna continue to go to nothing though just checking just checking you seem to be continuing to go to nothing all right cool um what do we have over in that direction okay let me just wait a sec gotta kill this pig pig pig pig but then i won't get any bacon from it right sorry this is nothing personal though you see what you offer oh okay nether wart block interesting at least you can fist punch it oh torch fist punch and nothing frick okay hey there's some options snow i think i need a shovel um what about grass cool can't break that okay cool can't break there's so many things that i cannot break until i get a pickaxe is this gonna be one of those situations where it's exceedingly difficult for me to get a pickaxe whereas i've had other ones like i might as well just throw everything out because i don't even remember where it comes from um so i'm just just gonna go ahead and oh god i don't even know where to get food maybe i should walk places bro by the way if you're watching this on youtube make sure that you uh hit that like button to help us get to our target goal uh we're gonna go actually really ambitious this time of 62.2 likes on this video and that would absolutely be popping off i'm not going to punch a bee with my fist not yet at least but i will break the hive because i am a monster and you never know oh mossy cobblestone stairs sorry guys i'm terrible but at least none of the bees were in the hive at the time of its destruction i want to wait until i have a weapon before i slay the bee it's terrible though i don't want to be that way but here we are i just uh oh i can get the spruce though i don't think i can get snow layers to drop whatever they do without having a shovel first so that's not going to be great um that's a lot of mobs in there also guys enjoy enjoy the gamma while it lasts because come tuesday it's gone no more gamma for us rip in pieces can't adjust that options.txt with values outside of the normal range and it's very sad it's a very sad day indeed dude no longer it's like man all i want to do i just want you guys to be able to see i just want you yeah see that's not gonna work until i get a shovel yeah no that's fricked it's all totally fricked it's completely fricked well i guess let me try the spruce tree hopefully not um sink into uh powdered snow while we're on our way oh god anyway also make sure you're following it twitch.tv captainsparklez and um you know hit the bell turn on any notifications all that stuff and get ready for 1.19 all advancements happening soon starting uh i guess it'll be probably on tuesday because i think that's when 1.19 fully releases i'm sure that the pre-releases were probably just as fine to like start it up with but yeah i figured i'd do it on on the main 1.19 version because why not uh so minecraft looks weird without shadows um yeah admittedly i kind of cranked the gamma way up i think honestly whenever i like do copy paste of options.txt and i load earlier versions of my oh we got a village let's go dude um when i load earlier versions of minecraft um and then come back into like 1.18 it always like it messes with the settings a little bit in options.txt and sometimes it makes the gamma go like really really wonky even though i haven't actually set it to be that way so yeah cool you should get an amungus morbius texture pack it's very nice yeah yeah so that cool i'm no i'm sure people will love that will love the morbing sign yes they will yes they will okay oh yo we got path blocks we have fences we did we did the torches we've got um okay cool let's see what this is this is stripped oak right and it gives us a birch a sibling this is just standard fence and it gives us uh something we can't just a lot of things that we can't actually break yet cool at least we'll be able to sleep here can't break that can't break that how about you how about we gotta break more than one more than one you never know dude you never know anymore at this point okay that's nothing that's nothing um torches were just checking that broke four torches when i broke the other one so probably not although let me just double check here i guess i could just do this and then get that and then get another one of the wool and then do then i'll have two of these if when i do get a pickaxe so there will be that uh okay oh okay all righty then all righty then everybody's gonna trick the mods folder check the mods folder check the box folder check the mods folder i showed you the seed at the beginning i showed you the seat at the beginning of the stream i as i always do i go on the site i go on the website and i just let it give me the seat i don't even change the numbers anymore because again i didn't know for a little bit that it actually does shift the stuff until i refresh the page a few times i just go on the website and i i i just let it give me what it gives me and there was this that was this dude the site is a setup at this point he watches these videos and he's like you know what i want to make a mr captain sparkle's job a little bit easier okay i like the man's i like the man's and i want him to have a a nice time doing this i want him to keep coming back to the website i don't want him to abandon the website i want him to keep using it so therefore we're going to make oh yo that's kind of cool though i just need some sticks okay well this is good because if i can find a if i can find dead bushes then we are in fact popping off so that's cool let's break the other stuff captain sparkles destroyer of floors oh my god [Laughter] uh they've got stop stop giving me this they think i'm cheating they think i'm cheating stop why is it doing this now they all now they think i'm a dirty cheater oh my god i can't believe they've done me like this dude what the heck well i don't have i don't have an ax so okay well now i can break all the things holy crap i can break everything now it's freaking efficiency for you kidding me i got a shovel i could do snow what about the green glazed terracotta okay that now i have so many things that i can break though oh arrows yo that was green that was a green glaze terracotta giving me arrows and that was so hold on it was stripped spruce to arrows essentially through a long roundabout path um what about the mossy boy oh key okay well that's a that's a lot of helmets and food for that matter okay okay also what did we get from the door hey guys i'm gonna need to find more redstone that would be cool that would be very cool if i could find oh what the frick is that a loyalty three mending what doors what the what the door is that oh hi gold that could help for the sake of stuff and and things and making golden apples i suppose jiminy christmas bro what the frick is happening so yeah i was oak stairs but i would need i would need wood is the problem so i need to find other oak stairs inside of other houses and things like that hey guys so you know if i wanted to right now i could just get the emeralds but no but i need a lot of mossy stuff so okay prismarine bricks what did that lead us to candle gray wool oh cool the people are gonna stop believing me here they're gonna stop believing me stop stop giving me this amazing loot otherwise i am going to be no longer believed i've been absolutely balls here oh wait cactus and oh that's blacksmith chest cactus goes to blacksmith chest huh i could go to the nether now if i wanted to that's pretty cool um okay hold on cactus to smith chess redstone to end the city oh my god oh my god okay uh allow me to slep i must slep really quick oh hey guys i'm gonna take your stairs your seats actually really quickly oh yeah from the roof dude from the roof forgot about that yeah but i'm gonna take their chairs and it's gonna be great then we're gonna wait no that's why are you giving me lapis i need redstone not lapis that's disgusting okay yeah there's a lot of stairs on the roof though there's a lot of stairs on the roof uh let's see gunpowder yep let me just do this until i managed to get it actually if i can just find a crafting table um then i could just make an axe cause i already have diamonds but oh yeah yeah true the string is breakable you're not wrong you're not wrong you know what i wonder if there's a crafting table in this village also if i could find wood it'd be pretty cool because then i could just make a crafting table stop giving me lapis bro it is only giving me lapis um let me go oh yeah what about these stairs lever some iron okay we've already done poppy have we done you i don't even remember what that was from i remember what that was from yeah let me see if i can get an axe real quick let me see if i can get an x if there is a crafting table in here perhaps please stop saying it like that it means p in french do not wish for me to discuss lapis yeah it also it also it means in english that's true it does it's not it's not restricted to one particular language we we are all about that pissy quality here [Applause] now we're back to that all right um uh okay all right all right all right well let me see see you guys god i just if one of you had a crafting table it would be big plays what about oxide daisy a little basalt little bay salt up in here a little salt bay oh yeah let me do oh you know i'll break a string but i would also like to be able to make [Music] i a also like to be able to make a bow it'd be super cool there we go there we go oh frick but also wait i should have just checked the rest of the village because what if it has a what did that start as hold on what did that start as that got me to the birch wood that i can i was able to use for the other stuff because i want that that's what i want in my life right now i can break these though let me just see do they give anything oh right that was the oxide daisy right right right right roy indeed roy already then hmm my tone oh it was string oh god okay well here we go oh yeah i was bamboo in the pot going to that and we punched that yeah yeah yeah well r.i.p to having string but here we go and there we are okay cool and now we can do the thing uh let me just double check double check before we're done here that in fact i don't need to do anything else ooh what do we have with this nothing captain sparkles destroyers at your service uh destroy your furnace at your service give me a sign oh hi cara thank you for rating hello everybody we are doing a oh that's great i didn't need to use my other piece of string how exciting i'm going to turn this into more planks that i can use in order to make sticks and stuff like that okay cool i'm going to do i'm going to do this and then i'm going to do this then we're going to make an x then we're going to be captain sparkle's destroyer of roofs and tables and chairs and everything like that um cool cool cool let's do that right god stop it just i just does not want to give me what i seek wants to give me what i don't seek and that's frustrating there we go stop giving me stop giving me that there we go thank you thank you so now it's stuck up there whatever you know what i got five here watch this let's go do we get anything good anything good anything good respiration aqua affinity prop four curses vanishing prop 4 prop 3 efficiency 3 um nothing is beating our current pickaxe a little sad little sad actually kind of not great none of this stuff is great can i get a chest plate can i get a helmet whatever this is better at least um i'm just going to have to do more i suppose let me get rid of well i'll collect more of this then i can make a block out of it and stuff like that oh wait wait i could also do hmm i could also do a snow layer right never mind i could also not do a snow layer that was incorrect i was just dumb can't do that let me eat that then um i could beat roots or i could just get up on some roofs and and it'll be better that way let me just get on top of some roofs real quick just gonna use the obby wait you know what i could break aubie ah here we go captain sparkles destroyer of roof strikes again why is it so much more redstone it's kind of annoying kind of annoying hold on let me get this side of the roof it's okay guys this is for safety because this way if you're working on your roof you actually have a lot um like bigger area on which to stand and it's safer for for when you're working on your roof because you're not gonna you're not as likely to slip off like stairs low surface area on each of the steps this a lot of surface area on each of the steps so you're actually able to do um a lot more safety you know i'm really helping everybody out here i'm just i'm the savior of the this is the real hero of the village improving the building code so that there's no accidents okay because every now and again you get a leak you gotta go up on your roof fix it and i don't want any villagers falling off that'd be terrible that'd be a lawsuit waiting to happen as well for whatever company constructed these houses this is much better now i guess there is one drawback which means which is that like there's not an overhang anymore so when it's raining um you will get dripped on like the instant you walk out your door and stuff like that but it's okay it's all good it's not a big deal it's not a big deal at all all right let's get the ones over here and i feel like this is enough uh it's probably enough um and city loot chess yeah you think i think it might be dude i think it might be all right here we go we're just going to do it all in one area here it's time it is time not bad hold on that's pretty cool i mean that's pretty cool let's be honest dude that's pretty thumbnail-able we got some thumbnail-able action going on here dude some thumbnail little action okay so there's probably some good stuff in here like um yeah fire aspect looting is is good pro two unbreaky not bad let's get rid of that let's get rid of that oh feather following four part three that's gonna be an improvement there pro two get out oh straight up prop four that's hard oh god that's hard to know i'm gonna go for that pro three unbreaking mending oh that's an improvement that's even better dude efficiency three is not gonna cut it not gonna cut it fire pro not gonna cut it how about you know what would be great is like a a chest plate i swear if we did like no chest plates through that entire thing that's gonna be really not cool ooh we got a silk touch efficiency five that's so nice so very nice um sharp four no oh efficiency five unbreaking three what do you know dude a mendy shovel sure oh but it oh that's even better that's just oh my god dude look at this loot look at this loot it's just huge loot depth strider 3 on break e3 prot 4. give me that feather falling 4 is is useful though so oh get rid of that why are there no chest plates somebody want to help me with that um efficiency five mindy silk touch unbreaky though stuff dude that's tough a lot of good stuff there hey prop 4 on the chest plate love to see it fire aspect knockback kinda gross kind of icky knockback two sharpness five mendy oh god you're too good to me you're too good to me you really are let's just hope i don't accidentally throw something into the pile over there that i actually want to keep otherwise i'm never going to retrieve it i don't think i need you and goodbye and bye and see you later oh what's it going to be oh it's just not there for me dude just not there sharpness 4 yeah we already got sharp 5. it doesn't get much better than that fire pro aqua yeah no it's not going to do it it's not going to do it how much more stuff to oh my god there's still so much more stuff holy crap um prop 4 on break e3 mending add the mending ah you're too kind oh that's prop three but we've got a straight up prop four that's hard to it's hard to decide dude silked oh silky boy you want the silky boy silky boy efficiency yeah we'll do that we'll do that sorry silk silk beats it and then okay goodbye pro 3 versus prop 4 smite 3 no it's almost sleepy time let's hope the village doesn't get overrun that'll be a very sad time especially for mending i'm breaking three very fortune um i don't think we need it do we need maybe we no we're fine we're fine prop 3 and break e3 now all i dude all i need is an anvil it's a good thing i threw out all that iron over there what an idiot what an idiot why did i throw out all the iron god dang it um some dime oh look at that some emeralds right there dude some emeralds mindy prop four um oh silk touch well we got a silk touch there okay all right we got through it all oh yeah you're right i don't really have levels it's true it's true okay yo um ideas first this is my bed now god that was mega insane absolute insanity now the question is do i try to get more emeralds and i didn't like trade trade up here and then just go for it or do we try to find some ender pearls the old-fashioned way that's what i don't know let's get some gapples up here cool find the pearls find the pearls um [Music] oh yeah why do i have these ew get this out of here disgusting disgust i don't need this i do not need this do i need the prop 4 helmet i mean i'm probably okay probably okay get that out of there oh i'd love an anvil though i'd love to be able to combine some of these even though it's completely unnecessary and i'm never going to need it at all or anything like that um i could have traded the gold mendy unbreaky no i don't need it the silk touch could be good though i like the silk touch i'm into that efficiency five unbreaking silk touch yeah that's kind of huge it's kind of huge get that out of there and then anything else mossy cobble stairs did that before right oh that's a cartographer's table cool pumpkin seeds you know what let me go over here are you guys having a moment there it's so cute hey all right here we go here we go here we go a sign cool give me a sign yeah we can just still touch everything actually this is crazy it's crazy i can just still i can still touch everything now all the way through huge maneuvers huge place it's amazing i mean some of it's going to take longer when it's wood and whatnot yo pods will see we're putting that silk touch to use we're putting that silk touch to use oh look at that silky silky silky all the way through oh my god we just get to keep we just get to keep going when it's still touch we just get to keep going all the way we got that we got that oh another silky you love to see it you love to see it dude we're having so well okay um that'll just have to hit up when we get to the water anyway yeah i don't know why why did i toss out the iron when i could have just gone and made a bucket i cut it like there's so much stuff i could have done i'm done i'm an idiot i kind of want to see if this is the iron still there is iron still in there it's still in there somewhere yeah it's right there it's right there okay i'm gonna get it i'm gonna get it i'm gonna get it i'm gonna get it i'm gonna get it i just wanna just iron yeah there we go we got the iron whoo that was quick that was quick love to see it you'll love to see it okay we like that we like that potentially get that out of there um get that out of there get that out of there and then we were on this track bro silk touch is so huge come on okay so let's go make a bucket we'll make an anvil to carry along with us so that when i do get levels i'll give you one reason to trade with the villagers though we get a ton of levels bro we get a ton of levels anyway bucket always a good thing always a good thing and then anvil one two three let's do a fourth and we'll break a block of iron got an anvil for later and now we can also yeah let's break a block of gold and a block of iron and a block of lapis watch me get demonetized eventually for saying lapis be sad about that one oh write grindstone stuff and get levels that way yeah oh man i should have i should have brought i should have brought a lot of stuff over here oh boy um well i got a few i refuted hold on hold on um let me see what can i what can i offload what can i offload here really quick i'm just gonna get rid of that i'm gonna get rid of the fish gonna get rid of that i forgot dude i forgot about bringing oh it's gonna despawn any second break the crafting table not yet dude not yet you're crazy um oh yeah this boy this boy [Music] oh yeah these boys oh hi what no hello level eight um okay okay oh yeah chest my inventory oh genius genius genius let's go let's go let's do that let's do that okay cool cool oh god is it still gonna be on the ground i don't know oh boy oh boy gotta go fast gotta go fast gotta go fast there's still some there's still stuff handful not very many r.i.p to most of that stuff dang it it's fine we'll get some levels though we're good hopefully enough to do a little a couple combinations here and there actually i should have uh i could optimize this a little bit better by doing some levels and not all of them at a time uh there's a lot more there's still a lot more steps around the village here if we need to do it i honestly i i don't know why whenever i end up getting end city loot it's completely unnecessary for me to gear out this hard it's just it is 100 entirely unnecessary and yet i always find myself just being like yo i'm going to do it i'm going to do that that sounds good oh only four levels let's go max that out and then let's get some feather falling on this boy here how many 22 versus 12. ooh that's going to eat into it though that's going to eat into it um okay hold on hold on that's prop 4 on top of this man's here that's four levels and then we'll do that and then all i have to do is you know what i'm just going to break a couple more stairs break a couple more stairs and we'll be good it'll be it'll be fine it's going to be awesome just you wait and see do i have any blocks in order to build up not entirely okay we got a hardcore parkour hardcore parkour up here um hold on wait is there oh yeah yeah yeah we haven't even we didn't even follow this path yet we hadn't even followed this path all the way through up we go up we go true i should craft a shield give me a moment give me a moment okay oh wow i didn't even realize you guys have crawl space up here that's so cool all right dope ferns and pots let's just follow this really actually i haven't done a pot on its own we'll do one with a fern one like that and then one with a pot there we go see we tackle everything and we do it with silk touch at that a fish cool nothing and boom hey to be fair i still touched that so gave us maximum chance of interesting things yeah yeah randomly drops we randomly drops right now indeed indeed indeed let me throw these over here okay all right and now we can just do this right here easy oh wait prop four unbreak e3 mending that's a it's an improvement right there and then respiration three prop four aqua affinity mending well it kind of takes care of it doesn't it although we're trying to oh no no we were trying to get nope nope that we're just trying to get feather following but that yep that kind of kind of takes care of it doesn't it well anyway no i'm breaking i can combine i can combine just watch just you watch and wait and see okay we wanted feather falling um so we'll do that this was 12 right 12. oops need to do one more and then i can combine these two 25 or 15 god it's so expensive it has mending i don't care about unbreaking it's fine dude it's fine we're good that's it that's it that's it we've we've done it we've gone and we've only gone and done it everything else we can use her levels smite for looting three uh i think we'll do let's just stick to the dragon let's just stick to the dragon we're we're so strong we're so strong here we'll just stick to the dragon and everything else can be a big big editis okay cool now the only thing that would be better is if we found a way to get ourselves some netherrite but anyway it's fine all right get rid of all that stuff and get rid of this and cool and cool and great all right all right cool cool cool yeah that's good that's pretty good so i'm feeling i'm feeling confident you know i'm feeling pretty confident about where we're at and um i'll do my wait do we even like is there any reason to not use a silk touch i don't think there's any reason not to use silk touch on anything so i think i can just delete i can get rid of that one i don't need it i don't need it and then we got that um see i can leave it i'm just trying to optimize my inventory you know keep what i need to keep and leave what i need what i can leave bring that i could craft a shield if i wanted to never mind i could not craft a shield even if i wanted to but let's break the lapis okay just cobblestone wait and there's so much cobblestone around here so that doesn't matter how about the gold block that goes to blue wool oh good all the different variations there's always fun oh and then all the different variations there's always fun and that and then we get to a poppy which i don't really care about too much hold on let me do let's just make a bone meal blah our bone block see where that leads oh good amount of bread cool nice okay so that's kind of the end of that path and then a diamond block let's try to actually let me sleep really quick before this village becomes overrun [Music] gotta find those shulker shells you see the problem with choker boxes and random blue drops is they don't drop themselves so it doesn't work super well what we could use finding is a reliable source of wool which i think we found a couple so far i just i haven't written them down i always forget to write down the the wool sources but they're good they're good to keep track of because yeah they're good but anyway that's great okay let's go make a hoe yeah you want me to make a hole all right i can do that i can actually no hold on hold on sorry i got i didn't do diamond block let me do diamond block see where that goes nothing cool even with silk touch it's nothing but we can try one more just in case just in case it's ender pearls or something like that it's not ender pearls it doesn't look like or it could be ender pearls it's also it's a possibility let's do one more just in case it's ender pearls just gonna keep just just in case you never know dude you never know could be intervals it's not ender pearls okay it doesn't look like it's enderproof and let me ease out a stack there okay i can plant the pumpkin seeds i can plant the beetroot seeds i don't think i've broken this one let's do a silky touch all right strip dark oak i totally don't remember where this started this whole chain so um it's good it's a lot of wood stuff epic face thank you for that wait he just looked gobbling me so hard dude he stole everything [Laughter] he stole everything no there was emeralds in there and stuff too he just he grabbed it all he yoinked it all mine now all right cool thanks man look at that paint in the glass let's go yeah i guess he was like you know what you've stolen basically everything from me in my house but he's the cleric dude he's just the cleric what a guy what a guy oh huh cool was that that that was huh all right we did it guys we did it that was just the wha what what path was that all the way through another another block of no what the frick wait what it's got another block another right huh how the frick did that just okay hey guys gotta need a smithing table really quick um well cool oh good goes into like every variety of everything um that was a wait that was a mutton was that wait just just sheep it's just like sheep it was not just sheep there's no chance it was just sheep slimy balls okay i mean what it was a particular kind of sheep probably well there we go oh so that goes to a different kind of wool i need uh i just need a few wood what was my best source of wood not you yeah i don't i don't have a good source of wood um to be fair i don't know if i've even broken stone yet cool thanks uh bedrock cool cool bedrock good it's awesome it's great it's great progress oh okay stone does nothing that's insightful super duper um what about okay what about you you don't do anything shrimp sheep oh okay wait was that hold on did you did you just come from that oh actually i have some i have the ability to do the thing hold on i have some wood on me i can make the uh table and i can turn everything into what i need it just right now i can do it here okay cool i forgot where that came from but um yeah big plays big place there we go smithing table done we've got our the only thing that i need now is i just need to have a bow [Music] we've gone and done it we've gone and done it all right that's pretty cool that's exciting i i feel like we've done a great we've done great work here we've done really great work here oh frick i didn't do the hoe you're right you're right let me make another ride ho you guys that's a sh oh no no no no no no frick what ah frick i need a i need a i need a wood or a stick i need a stick frick there they are oh how could i forget to take my sticks with me it's embarrassing dude the ticket to the nether right hoe there we go got it minecraft all advancements let's play come on dude we're tackling it here all righty then what shall we do next um so we still need ender pearls and you guys seem to want me to actually do some trading up so oh god i guess this means that what i have to do is i have to actually break some of the things i've already broken and um try to yeah get get the get the things from that that that yeah okay gotta find ender pearls god we're not even an hour in and we've already got ourselves a full oh hey fletching table uh you know what i'm gonna you guys not not oh cauldron nice nuggies let's go you guys are not gonna be that anymore instead you were going to be the means to a bow for me cool thing or and arrows i should say in case we don't get infinity or something like that you don't mind thank you um actually i really should have done this to where i was getting emeralds through trading but it's fine it's okay i just need a bow so i need you to all right there we go cool level up and give me a level up and give me a bow there we go got it i'm gonna i'm gonna try to find him i'm going to try but i might end up back to another village at some point or this one potentially where's this one negative 246.65 cool there's a chance there's a chance you're telling me there's a chance i'm gonna end up back here um wait do full carrots you okay that's just tough that's tough um what about pumpkin seeds and beetroots we'll do those oh okay so pumpkin seeds do that get out of here oh we hadn't done that before okay not ender pearls what about you guys oh all right fair enough also let me just get that really quick and um what about you could be good in case you want to smelt anything um that is just okay you know i'm gonna need you know what i should do i should break all of the uh what is that right there snow block i should break all the mossy cobble around here so i can stock up on food a bit or i could buy bread where's my where's my farmer mans you guys are chilling um never mind not from you hold on i can break this though have i done tilled soil you're right i haven't that's so smart nothing okay i might be able to swap your oh frick right that doesn't i've undid your i've just unemployed you and got nothing out i forgot i was like let me just go and break that and i'll replace it and then we'll be good well that's hey more more wood for us more wood for us um good good good good good good okay so mossy cobble mossy cobble mossy cobble there's bread there's bread to be found here there's bread and many emeralds actually let's go oh deep sleep the cobble go to deep sleep is that just cobbled it with a deep slate let's see what it let's see what it gives let's see what he get nothing okay frick it happens once a couple muskie gobble mossy there's one there's one let's go we like that i have to do that nope nothing i don't know where that came from watch this lead to something important and i don't i won't know where it came from nothing okay cool take an on silt touch pickaxe with me in case i don't think that there's anything that a non-silk touch pickaxe would fetch me is there that that hasn't already like is there any reason to use non-silk touch spread and iron i really like i suppose you had to get the drop from an ore but we've gotten pretty much every ore drop that we would need so far so i i don't think that that really comes into play oh i didn't do beetroot oops hold on oh okay this is a lime block huh um i could do the thing where i just go through this and then do every single variation of the copper that i possibly can based on this all right here we go here we go and we begin down the path of copper pain okay so oh that's all magma block um dark oak wood but i'll just break it emerald okay nothing so that see in that case it got me the ore instead of getting me just lappies i mean little piss sorry um so i guess that is a thing there and let's do you oh never mind you were fully done just one more but i still i don't think that that would hurt us in any way you know all right so there was one two on this one that yielded nothing and i just want to be sure one two i just wanted to be absolutely certain that that wasn't gonna give me something else you know that is a lot of bread right there between the torch and the thing or it was just a bazillion bread in that case um okay cool great we're popping off we're popping up everything is everything is amazing did we done this one yet no that gets us a lot of coal way more than that one so but i can break this instead and get more wood variations and stuff like that i did every every single type of copper the world could ever want in life and that gets us wait we've done this before right i'm pretty sure that leads us back to grass or purple stained glass and nothing um but this gets us more coal which we can keep in favor of that just trying to clear up the inventory i feel like inventory management is just it's the biggest thing about the entirety of this whole deal wait oh my god there's another house down there oh okay good tropical fish cool great um oh you know what we can do is we can do that we can strip it we hadn't done that yet uh pretty sure okay well then you know if we ever feel like trading with the villagers wow okay that's so nice that's so cool that's so great ah got it so not that we need any more um but that would have been a better way to get redstone that would have been a way better way to get redstone okay cool i wasted a decent amount of time um messing with people's rooftops and here we are completely unnecessary okay that's a good wood source right there okay so stripped oak to uh wood eventually cool great awesome dude that's awesome and now we have a an actual wood source to where i don't remember if i'd broken one of these before but now i'm gonna now i'm gonna oh yeah we did we did right but that's uh i could do that though instead see where this goes for us and then wait a minute is this an infinite loop of wood yes yes it is that's an infinite loop of wood uh interesting that's inter as an infinite loop of wood cool oh that's a lot of wood from those things we haven't done okay we're getting a lot a lot of wood that i've just managed to accomplish from all of this stuff here yep okay uh dark oak we hadn't done jungle we hadn't done got a lot of oak planks uh a starter chest yeah wow cool i think we're good on wood for a bit huh i think we're good on wood for a little bit mm-hmm mm-hmm yes i'm i'm cheating i'm cheating wood i needed wood so i thought that i would cheat wait what the frick did i leave my where did i put my gapples did i leave my gapples in the blacksmith's house like an idiot hold on before i leave here what a dum-dum it's gonna be so much harder to complete all the advancements in minecraft when i don't have the ability to have these random loot drops there we go god how could i leave you behind i'm so sorry my poor little gap was just sitting there wondering what they did why they wouldn't be coming with me actually i don't need that no wait uh yeah it's good a stripped six-sided netherwood oh okay for another right i mean we don't really need any more netherrite to be fair but all right we got that we got that and then you can use the other stuff and then we can do that get more wood that way um cool cool cool let me do dark oak i might as well still touch i keep forgetting the silk touch easy peasy wait have we done this one now all i need is a reliable source wait no i've definitely done this all we need is a reliable source of wool which i haven't been paying attention to but here we are watermelon nice dude and beetroot not a big deal six-sided uh wood is craftable yes i just i don't need it it's all mighty birdman thank you for the tier three at 30 months that's a lot of months man that's a lot of months right there dude all right one more joke why was the student's report card wet because it was below sea level that's a funny one dude that is a funny one all right let's just compact some of those right there and um i think we're good on that just oak right there is probably fine put the totem in the offhand until we actually you know what i could make a shield now i can make a shield let me make a shield cool and then um we just get a little bit more wood from these and then we'll be good oh that's acacia i could break oh yeah i could also convert those because i haven't done that yet i've done the spruce wood acacia i haven't really encountered yet get rid of that i don't think i need this many arrows that's kind of overkill probably and we can make more gapples great and i can do jungle wood yeah dude there we go plus that cool bookshelves wait we did that we did a bookshelf okay and dark oak goes to right that goes to that and then the infinite loop right right the whole infinite loop situation cool cool um yeah all right i think we're good i think we're good i think we're good oh unless i want to do slabs and stuff like just let me just continue to explore the world a little bit and also do this and i'm pretty sure we did this already oh we've done that you might want to keep the dark oak for infinite wood you think you think i should do that you guys should do that all right all right if you insist if you insist okay okay cool um great yeah yeah i think we're good i just want to move i feel like we've stayed in the same place for way too long and we gotta we gotta adventure we gotta do some new things we have more things to discover chickens i haven't slain a chicken yet let me do that okay it's more of these it's more of these okay well that's a good wood source chickens chickens for wood cool ah okay chickens chickens wool chickens get us to wool and back to another totem so this is good this is good now we'll be able to sleep and stuff oh have i broken the crafting table i haven't i haven't i haven't i haven't um true let me do that okay cool so chicken two wool crafting table to nether right and well um cool stuff even though we don't really have a use for netherride at this point but that's great and let's see all right that's good more wood good good good good what else what else have we got to check out and try around here had i done the dirt i can't remember if i've done the dirt yet yeah yeah i had done that one i had done that it's going well it's going great for us just use netherite as a building block yeah for sure it's a good idea oh man okay we could try the iron for sure it did we could try the coal i just want you all to know i just want you all to know that right now right this very moment i could i could go oh that gets well we know it comes from oak stairs i could go to the village and i could trade us um all the way to oh cool that's that's great could it could use that for levels and stuff i could trade us all the way to having the ender pearls i could do that i could do that but it seems like you wish for me not to you want me to find them and that could simply extend our this series for a super long amount of time but here we are okay let's slice some mobs actually you know rather than sleeping done absolutely ruins you guys just want to savor the final random crafting before 1.19 all advancement starts i see you i see you god the amount dude it's just crazy how much further okay i'm gonna toss that for now it's uh it's crazy like how much further you get when you have silk touch available [Music] pink to pink um wow jordan's circle is back back again they're determined oh we got a shulky shell right there but it doesn't do anything for us and random loot drops although i could hold on to it in case we get another one um [Music] i don't know man it's it's the same person and they're just really determined to always do that and so they oh you've poisoned me you actual trash but you know what they're paying they're paying for the privilege of being removed so i you know i i can't i can't fault them hello i'd like to hello i'd like to plant a seed please hello did i suddenly become playing in adventure mode i'd like to plant a seed oh right it's dark i forgot about the whole my gamma's way way up true yeah that's a that's a thing forgot all about it okay we'll do it in the morning [Applause] it's um you you forget about how dark it is when you have gamma way up okay zombie time and you drop nothing oh you drop a what is it a green concrete powder you both did that's so cool that's so awesome i can do one like this wait we already did that didn't we yeah we already did that because that's what dropped some grass and then we can do this oh glass and a saddle all right anything else down here a lot of things down here nice once again make sure you're following it twitch.tv slash captain sparkles if you haven't done that already um because it's super duper and you wouldn't want to miss the amazing things that we stream here like random crafting too often for for people's tastes sometimes and 1.19 all advancements let's play how nifty all right andesite and decide oh andesite's just a nice source of wood andesite to infinite wood cool easy we've done the iron block yes and yes follow on tick tock and instagram i don't know man i between tik tok and instagram i'm i'm almost positive that if one were to hit a million followers it would be tick-tock first even though tick-tock is well behind i don't know dude tick-tock in this algorithm is just absolutely gnarly but you know it can can tick-tock's algorithm make everyone win is that possible is it possible that like tick tock's algorithm just gets views for everything or are there some is it possible to have an account on tick tock that's kind of like my main channel which doesn't do well and you know do some people do really well in others like they were doing well and then someone else comes around and just usurps them or something like that you know that's what i want to know that's what i want to know i should have left that water there because now i'm kind of stuck in here share more shorts to tick-tock no see tick-tock is it's a different approach than the is this trapped okay there we go it's different approach to the youtube shorts channel it's more of like um it's more of things that are that are they can't really go on youtube because of the whole music component to them um so that's that's what i aim for more on on tick tock occasionally okay bat that that come back here frick got him nothing okay so that's that's the idea with that oh smoker action okay um [Music] and shadow banning happens on tick tock oh no dude i want to get shadow banned sometimes people just drop off the for you page really that's terrifying bro that's terrifying can you imagine being like an absolute unit on tick tock and then all of a sudden you find yourself like just not an absolute unit anymore can you imagine having a youtube experience happen to you on tick tock um okay we've done those before his cool cave and anything new over here i actually went on a skeleton yet hey did you guys know that there's a new main channel video oh cool that's that's great we can break that and see what happens you know there's a new main channel video um we did a random crafting on the main channel and the people who did watch it they seemed to like it quite a bit you know it was pretty it was pretty well received from those who did watch it now not everybody watched it not many people watched it but um of those who did it was pretty swick and well received all right um other than going to deep slate i think we've done most of the stuff around here for the most part should i head down to deep sleep that's the question should i do that hmm uh hmm let's go back up let's go back up hmm was it one out of ten no no it's a four out of ten it's four out of ten dude at least it wasn't 10 out of 10 could be worse so the the thing is when it comes to like youtube and it telling you if your video is like 1 out of 10 all the way to 10 out of 10 if your videos regularly are below 5 out of 10 it means that as a whole your channel is is like declining and shrinking on the other hand if your videos average 4 out of 10 and above it means your channel is growing if you can consistently do that if it all averages out to 5 out of 10 then it means you're just kind of staying the same so um yeah it's kind of it's kind of how you can view it and wait had i done i'm pretty sure i'd done lime terracotta yeah that was that one but yeah don't view the videos for me view them for my night purge highlights or actually sorry alex who doesn't want me to have him referred to as my knight purge highlights i must remember alex it's alex it's alex alex it's alex um yeah let me slay a cow and there's another village over here i can kill a horse and i can also sleep and break in beds and stuff like that um what about zero out of ten well that's not really possible unless your video is simply deleted or imaginary is it now [Music] okay that is more wheat i couldn't make more bread if i wanted to did it yes what the frick [Music] yes i will make a couple more breads to replenish my supply and then also wait until it's light so that i can get seeds planted probably break seeds that are already over here um all right cool hey by the way everybody i feel like uh we should wrap up this episode while we're about the one hour mark um and hearing great great horse noises so uh yeah make sure that you're sub to captain sparkles to the bell turn on notifications check the playlist in the description you've missed any episodes of this or past random loot drop series and um yeah subway captain sparkles two follow twitch.tv slash captain sparkles and hey i plugged my camera back i plugged the camera back in oh i forgot to do the tall grass or the tall tall grass that was really dumb also there's peonies over there frick i need to do that too oh well we'll get to in the next episode but keep in mind that the new quality content night call drop is happening this uh this thursday uh at qualitycontent.com now i can get you a better view of the rear graphic on this thing because it's pretty sweet i happen to think all right so that is it and um all right see you in the next episode
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 79,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, random loot drops, data pack
Id: NdMF2n9iAx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 38sec (3998 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 06 2022
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