Are The Loot But Drops Minecraft Random

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hello everybody and welcome back to another bit of Minecraft but the loot drops are random here is the seed if you wish to follow along and tell me what I've missed important things and um let's rock and roll make sure to like the video subscribe to CaptainSparklez 2. if you want to keep watching videos like this or follow on captainsparkles if you want to keep watching streams much like this one um can't use Minecraft in tiles no more oh I've forgotten to switch off of my uh thing oh yeah dude wait a minute wait yeah we're using the sick texture pack oh this texture Pack's gonna be available on Bedrock pretty soon which is going to be super duper awesome and stuff like that and um it doesn't have everything that the Bedrock pack will feature because Bedrock allows you to do some custom geometry and things like that when it comes to um you know models and things that can't be done in Java but yeah dude we're gonna be getting used to the new pack here as we see all the stuff that we're going to be unlocking let's go all right let's see I mean some of the things we're not going to recognize immediately is like what they actually are probably because I'm not entirely used to the resource pack but hopefully it'll be pretty slick and I'm not sure if there are any items that like the bamboo yeah for 1.20 it looks like that actually um isn't in there but oh my gosh the copper getting used to that is gonna be freaking gnarly but we can't break that yet because we gotta get some tools do I break the Beehive do I anger the bees do I make the bees sad I don't know I guess we'll find out all right what do we got here Mangrove pressure plate and boom and boom all right we got options here we can do the flower pot on its own we do the flower pot with the Birch in it and we can do the Birch on its own you okay cannot break you um be good I guess that's something and then you and then nope can't break you yet what about you lime carpet a little bit of a Vindicator drop right there so we can in theory get emeralds via Oakwood not a terrible deal all right we should get a rest what does grass give us it gives us oh this is like a it's a sheep drop so we get more more of the different copper variations and also lime oil which allows us so we can make beds out of grass which is cool and that goes to nothing I do have the dead end item on so we should get clocks if something is a full dead end that means we can silk touch grass or what comes out of grass as well as silk touching dirt and we should get some stuff I don't wanna I don't want to break the Beehive it feels bad bad it feels really rude to do something same with breaking the bees seems really quite rude mint blue jay thanks for 32 months whatever the tall grass we got some things that I cannot break yet we're gonna end up with a lot of things I can't break here aren't we oh you're right I could have made lime carpet I'm so sorry and the Sheep keeps Rock walking right into my fist what are you doing sheep at least have some survival instincts oh bamboo door look at this being really fancy this is new from the resource pack let's go give me some wood nope nothing ahmit wait what was again in order to get the lime wall you're right I could make the lime carpet and then we could do that and see what it gives wait we already did lime carpet what am I talking about bro what am I talking about so we gotta open up this obviously this does not fit in with the resource pack because this is a mod and stuff like that but anywho got a lot of totems uh just in case we're worried about dying a lot I should be careful on my food though because we don't have a lot to go off of here all right let us move over to Yonder and see what we have over here yeah yeah dude new resource pack it is called the official name is Magic and Beyond what is this what is this oh oh twisting Vines okay well here we can do does that do anything that drops a block of redstone wait wait I can break down into redstone dust and do that hey we get beds wait this is a really good way to okay what block is this I gotta hold on what blog is this some twisting Vines okay that's coarse dirt I'm like I'm not entirely sure I wasn't sure if it's puzzle or coarse dirt uh you know oh this is okay clearly this is podzol and this is coaster okay okay obviously Frick we can't break this until we get wait actually can you break an End Rod without a pickaxe you can oh twisting Vines warpers we gotta this is very like a nethery themed over here and stuff like that okay but we should I'm gonna hold on to the actually dude redstone blocks redstone blocks are like so big for us to okay this is not gonna drop very often but when it does it'll be good because we can have lots of beds lots and lots of beds on hand please give me the vines there we go yeah this is gonna be big bed energy I'm gonna just actually no I'll just hold that on for now and then warped roots oh I mean you know we could just do a little bit of um we'll just do a little bit of trading you know a little bit of trading for some uh for some ender pearls just you know just you know we could we could do a little bit of that if we wanted to do a little bit of trading for some ender pearls just throwing it out there no no you can't is this illegal to even consider at this very moment in time well I don't have any tools yet so I can't break that I can't do anything with a cold I need more coal um pretty fricked up dude pretty fricked up I mean if I get more emeralds though you know right I could uh is that from you is this and then if I get more oh I didn't get more emeralds for oh but I got food let's go hold on this is good this is good I can get food from this I can get big big food Yi big food potatoes bread uh bread is gonna be a better food source oh wait what am I doing why am I throwing away these I need to be able to plant these and stuff like that I could also make more snow blocks oh wait these could also be I could use them in order to break the um freaking thingama doohickers I could use them in order to break the thingama doohickers the end crystals in case I'm not able to get the stuff wait a minute what do we got over here what do we got over here at least try to find the pearls first if you insist oh yeah there's so many things I can't break yet all right let me do the other stuff real quick Crimson slabs Acacia wait why did I get the acacia buttons nothing Heckman dude the Crimson is like it's red red that's so cool looking that's so cool looking and then Cherry signs oh what are this oh oh look at the enchanted books and they're pretty fancy okay we got smithing templates I will keep if we find oh how four though of how four is pretty slick bro my whole inventory is just going to be completely consumed here oh my goodness gracious um oh dead Bush hold up hold up what is Deb Bush weather got copper I need tools man I need tools somebody help me out I have so many things I need to break what about spray sleeves nothing well nothing unless we get silk touch I guess um bruh okay hold on hold on hold on I is there any way no there's no way I can't even plant potatoes until I get some freaking wood in my inventory what is gonna give me okay Something's Gonna Give me wood here hold on I gotta search my blog no plank no just in case like there was something that isn't handing it to me or something like that um is this the resource pack that he uh spoiled in the fancy mapper yes precisely not exactly like spoiled but hold on I could uh I know at least there's a couple more things that I could do I could like plant right because this gave me a pot I think or something like that right so I could at least plant a couple things in pots and see if that gets me wood I'm just trying to get some additional possibilities out here you know corn flour is new nothing is breaking into anything why don't you break into things oh my God how am I ever gonna freaking how am I ever gonna be able to break blocks if I can't get anything that gives me wood this is a disaster are there any pumpkins nearby there's got to be pumpkins in here somewhere right there's got to be some freaking pumpkins nearby anyway wait there's stuff here right or or and there's we can get the vine we put the vine in the pot hold up hold up will you do this oh you can't put these in pots I thought you put these in pots is it just these that you can put in pots it's just those that you can put in oh that's a blaze rod okay well that was very early on God dang it why do the blaze rods always come so much why do they always come so much earlier than the end of pearls I've never now I'm never gonna find the Ender Pearls dude I'm never gonna find the Ender plus this is what blaze rods look like a little fancy little dangly thing on him okay well anyway or are you getting here yeah more Redstone okay more beds hooray hooray um yeah you're right let me get gravel or sand or something like that let me get gravel or set well actually what I need to do is I need to punch more puzzle don't I wait that's coarse dirt why am I doing that more puzzle slay a b but that is so mean to do at this point someone should make a statistic about like how often blaze rods show up before ender pearls it's got to be like a really really high percentage it really do be like that sometimes all the times mostly of the times um okay hey there's uh Birch Birch over here son of a birch maybe this will be the way to get ender pearls what are that green wool I could do a carpet from that blue wool whoa dude there's so many options right meow okay okay okay here we go so what we do is right we get like this and then we go and we break you there we go bada bing bada boom and then we go wait oh no but I also need to just get the blue wool on its own and then uh yeah okay so we do that and we do this and then we do all this okay cool sneak Wood please for the love of God why is nothing giving me wood oh my God man I do have everything marked on 100 drop rate so it's not giving me stuff it means that uh it's silk touch it's silk touch or bus uh what about that oh yeah we did that oh yeah and then the green was nothing right oh yeah is that I can't write that um okay goodbye farewell see you later the beds look pretty cool don't they now oh hey that's unusable wood it's everything goes to Copper I can't I can't okay I'm breaking the log yet though oh my God it's more seeds wait do we think that there's any chance that out of the Warped Vines like you could get something or the what was it that gave the ice box oh wait no hold on that was the End Rod just uh directly into Warped Roots right like do we think that there is any chance here that these could give a give wood from that particular chest the answer seems to be a resounding no which is weird it's like why would you have a villager chest that doesn't offer wood like who thought of this you thank goodness there we go it's Poppy time heck yeah alrighty now we're off now we're now we're going um I just need to find more poppies more PP poppies it is it is play time with poppies indeed okay we got some diorite all right I just I need to focus on poppies so that I can actually start to break some of the things that are in my inventory so I can clear things up so it doesn't just completely clog up um because one of these things is going to have to be a what should we call it it's going to have to be a crafting table the other one is not gonna be enough it's not good enough I need more I need more give me all the poppy there we go poppies poppies poppies poppies we're popping off yes sir yes sir oh look do crafting tables are fancy so fancy looking you love to see it all right anyway sticks kind of do be looking like the you know nature is one the kind of kind of things okay so what do we got to do here this is by okay this is dark oak so we need to save some right so we need to do a little bit of this and then we're gonna have one that we break there and the one that we turn into other stuff anyway pickaxe pickaxe pickaxe and then we have um are we gonna do an ax let's just let's just go through a lot of stuff right now in our inventory with the pickaxe and then it's all going to turn into copper and then it's going to be things that I can't actually break probably [Music] um until I get something better wait what are this prismarines dude they're looking so fancy look at that bro that's awesome look at that prismarine look at that yellow wool yeah I guess you're right ax for stripped wool true true and then we gotta do all of the different um dark oak things I should make a hoe I should make a hoe that's what I should do uh that's what I gotta do then we can get rid of some of these seeds and stuff like that um and go oh we can break this first off get a repeat I think so if it doesn't have oh yeah no that actually is retextured a little bit um if it doesn't have like texture though it looks very similar then stripped wool I would whatever bro whatever you know it's the it's the intent knowing that what I knowing what I said come on leather interesting interesting you know what I mean you're just calling me out to call me out I see how it is oh and then I need to do a man oh man okay hold on I'm gonna have to get more because I need to do a shovel so I can do a path block right all right all right there we go we gotta do that see where you go what is that a little Nuggie is that a bean block uh well not a bean block but a bean it's a bean we never end up doing anything with this I don't think what I could do is could do this I could craft it into a beam block that's what I'm gonna do I'm going to craft it into a bean block because it's an easy one to acquire there we go Bean blocking time can I BR I can't break this without a better pickaxe that's a big heck moment right there whoops okey-dokey you've even clipped stripped wool SMH money freaking head nothing nothing at all whoa dude the Anvil looking sick I don't want to put it down yet because I can use that in order to make I also can't break it yet but man anvils do be looking shiny and Chrome polished and the site gives us a name tag interesting oh we can do the Snowballs now though or the snow which gives us more oh dude the prismarine looks like fancy almost looks like chisel variants of diamond stuff you know pretty cool what are this what are this a note block oh look at you [Music] brown wool man I see if I got another one I can make carpet but I can't worry about it I can't worry about it dude Randal Luke texture pack looking crazy did you love to see it you love to see it terracotta we can still break you right what is that block of Quartz we have a block of courts in our inventory I thought zambi head oh look at that three-dimensionalness oh what do we got here wait wait wait wait what do we got what do we got diamonds look at the diamonds looking all fancy what was that a um was that a desert temple that might be desert temple bro I could make a uh like a diamond pickaxe right now let's go okay get out of here spider eyes diamond pickaxe here we here we go oh looky this looky this looking cool okay well we need to do another one of these also be gone I can make a bow or potentially a wob man you know what the great part about this is it's like not only are we looking for what we need in terms of loot drops and stuff but you also get to discover you also get to discover what everything looks like in the resource pack with me as we keep on finding new blocks Okay so bro I need to get like more poppies and to make a chest here because this is getting overwhelming now where are the poppies yeah God I didn't get there oh look at the shrooms fancy bro okay seriously though I need to find more poppies I need more it's the only source of wood that we're aware of at this moment and I want to find other things because I'm going to break the other things then it's going to drop other stuff and I'm gonna have to keep breaking I don't need the inventory space for it where the boppies at oh there's a poppy it's hiding behind the tree just not wish to be broken but it shall be wait where the where the frick did that door come from oh God oh God wait pumpkin seeds beetroot says I haven't planted any of this guys get rid of my one dark wait I have two I have two of these I'm just gonna have to do that and deal with and where do the warp I don't know where the warped door came from I don't know where that came from here we go here we go chest making a chest throwing things into the chest other than the things we know we're going to want to keep with us throwing things into the chest oh yeah don't worry sorry I'm getting I'm getting the bean block I'm gonna get the bean block I would never not get the bean block the bean block is very important to me there we go we got it oh look at the flowering azaleas all like fancy and flowering now oh an enchanty Gap will love to see that okay never use that I could make TNT now actually with the sand and the gun top how are you giving me black stone wall more bones all right hold on let me get another bed we're gonna need it in just a moment you know what's really good though is that we get to um even though we're gonna be like staying in one place for a little bit just sorting through everything that we've gotten and breaking it and stuff like that and crafting recipes and things like that um we are going to be able to have everything be interesting and look cool because we're discovering the resource pack heck yeah look at that TNT right there with the Galactic Alphabet look at that polish the diorite that honestly looked a bit like iron but now I can see that it's truly polished diorite and look at the apples you know if you can't decide whether you want a green apple or a red apple come on down to the magic and Beyond resource pack and get yourself green and red apples all in the same package it's pretty cool it's pretty awesome can I sleep now I can sleep now blow me to the ground for flowers oh yours I need to get a um I guess that is all the bones that we have I can do this actually yeah let's convert all of it and then we'll get a bone block out of it for for actual breaking but then you're so right about that if I just want some poppies I just want some poppies all I gotta do is that boom boom boom let's freaking go that's how we do it I could even keep this on me for later usage but we'll see how it all goes and and what's not all right let's get this or maybe I should admit a gold block oh no I couldn't make a gold block yet but boom cool block of bamboozle nothing okey-dokey what about the U sign cool where did that come from again I was a bone block uh so it's not really a great source of wood let's do we're gonna do that we're gonna do that we're gonna do that we're gonna do the old the old mechanism of doing the things nothing okay trick oh bricks bricks from Birch Every Which Way oh good we got a chest that I could have used but it's fine we'll break it instead I always forget whenever I end up making a chest I never actually break the chest after I'm done um Crimson stem looking looking fancy as much as I'd like to put it down I do feel like well a better luck if we do this instead we already did Crimson slab or did we do Crimson pressure plate am I being redundant here which would be most unfortunate do I want to do this in a pot around there I'm doing the pot oh my God oh my God we got all the options now when it comes to the woods oh boy here you go just a little sampling of the different kinds of wood in the resource pack oh block of bamboo could have been stripped and broken I don't know more though guys hold on hold on there's much to do okay that is actually the end of a loot that's the first end of a loot table that we've seen so far oh boy okay and then it is Spruce have we done I don't I think we have done the oh my goodness gracious here we go everybody here we go boom and boom all right we just keep on adding okay cool then it goes over to the Warped category and then it goes to the bamboo and it's a candle candle it's a base salt and then it's a cherry fence and then it's a beetroot which we can do and then it's oh no wait we don't have to care about that but we can do the seeds we can do the beetroot seeds and then we can get more anvils out of that but we already have fancy anvils so we don't need to oh hey everybody so it turns out beetroot seeds get us blocks of emeralds Isn't that cool I personally think that is a very very cool Discovery for just in case things go horribly wrong so it's just so cool that that is an option for us that we love to oh hello crafting table that's so awesome we're gonna need more of those as we go so why don't we just keep it like that um everyone's no you're not allowed to trade don't you dare don't you dare violate the oath that you never took ever uh hey we got a pot though yo we can we can do a little sorry I'm getting a little sidetracked from like that that and boom and then boom and then what do you do it's just like the salmon and yeah okay whatever and you and then more Crimson stuff oh hey you guys think do sniffer eggs drop anything double barrel damn thing with a sub chewy with 41 months and uh Samaya and L with five months first time seven let me just let it sit there for a little bit ew a black bed oh look at that dude look at that looks so cool looks so sick dude too bad it only gives us something unusable Brown glazed terracotta looking fancy looking fancy what do we get on our stream a lot of beehives there's got a lot of we should go to Granite we should go to Netherwood but I can't plant down yet do I keep it do I keep it I don't know if I keep it or not did I ever break the dark oak planks or any other dark oak stuff I don't think I did I don't think you know what I'm dumb about though dude totally forgot to turn on the Stars because we were playing other stuff in this instance that wasn't random they were kind of getting them away but but you know it's probably a good thing to do to keep track of now hey boom boom there you go nice good stuff good stuff more doors granac thank you for the sub much appreciated mate hey let's put this in a pot there we go what did we get polished Blackstone stairs and then nothing and then raw gold um I'm not gonna be able to make a bunch of those so I guess goodbye for now all right let me see let me see we've already done Brown mushroom oh I'm broke in a crafting table yet so hold on that's a good idea I haven't broken that okay wait wait wait we can do the other stuff here right because we're gonna do that and that and then you boom and boom Mangrove slab another word another rack on me and gone see you later not a thing all right um I'm getting closer and closer to the sniffer egg does that make me a bad person probably yeah probably but it must be done no honeycombbler I thought it was a magma block at first but here we are all right all right all right and more beds it's pretty cool it's not cool they may not just drop into anything potentially maybe there's a lot of no's happening in chat right now here's the thing would you prefer that I let it hatch all the way and then I see what it drops is that what you'd have preferred because I feel like you wouldn't have preferred that I feel like that would have been even worse situation to break the emerald block see where that goes doing it be crazy if like Emerald blocks actually went into ender pearls one of these days that'll happen Okay you what do we get dude wow this looks so fancy doesn't it okay hold on let me just get some more here oh frick oh frick I didn't know you could path yeah you path that oh that's freaked up oh it's lapis and redstone what is the drop for that I just wanted to make a block of it look at how fancy that looks that's so cool okay all right and goodbye the fanciness amounted to nothing have you ever do that it does nothing okay so cool so cool um oh it's cleric hero of the village gift God that is highly specific and I didn't even think of it that is a big smart observation though okay so let's do this let me get some more uh sticky booze and then I'm going to just make myself I caught myself I caught myself I would never make a wob not even once would a wob happen to your boy your boy would never wob never I don't know what you're talking about don't know what you're talking about what's a wob actually can someone explain please what do that that was more dark oak okay what do you know should I do I'm going to take these and I'm going to make it into carpet because I didn't think we've done that yet no we have not what is that dirt cool we've already done that that's great alrighty alrighty hold on okay so we've been working you haven't broken you haven't broken you haven't broken you not you not you and not you ended not you okay let's get through these and then maybe we'll be able to move to new places new New Horizons dang dude we gotta block another right I don't know where I uh oh hello what is that from oh is this a uh deep dark chest perhaps maybe Perhaps Perhaps um wait I don't I still have not run into iron outside of the raw iron which needs to be smelted up in order to get the iron blocks so I can't I can't make the smithing table and I can't therm my pickaxe into netherrite how am I supposed to live in these conditions okay goodbye goodbye and goodbye and we can make a call block hold on hold on hold on totally can do that I cannot operate in these oh right another right upgrade oh I totally forgot we're playing in Minecraft 1.20 things are different there things are different there you're super super right about that I can make a bookshelf actually you know real quick I could do this and do this a little bit of this a little bit of that I'm gonna keep coming up with new things for us to craft here we're we do be playing that mine and that craft okay goodbye dirt extremely looking lava-tastic okay goodbye goes to nothing all right Acacia slab it goes to piece of paper okay not very exciting and then you go to nothing good to know good to know all right a block of amethyst what do you do nothing honestly I like the closure that you get when it comes to you know just when you get that clock you just you just know all right we've already done that though so that's kind of poopy in the pants strip dark oak if we got more of that though I could obviously um I could make one of the wood I could make a stripped wood but anyway okay I haven't done that have we broken we already have broken that but we've not broken this okay very cool do we put it in pot I guess it's not a matter with this new block either way or regardless that is gone okay goodbye see you later I'm gonna convert all of this into that potentially just for now let's do the bookshelf looking pretty cool yum I love poisonous potatoes they're my favorite food in Minecraft and what was that from that was just dead Bush the wither skeletons go huh okay I mean we should be able to get a few more uh around here all right all right all right I think we can manage this okie dokie well let's see what it breaks into since we can easily get more of them lime concrete papou oh and then goes to another skelet skull cool cool bamboo planks mons folder moment did dragon into wither all in one could he do it I mean we haven't found any Soul Sand we can always always make it in the nether right can always do that hey we haven't actually broken dark oak log do I go along it's literally it's over there so I don't know if it's worth it's probably worth just turning this into more wood because we have dark oak logs over there unless I got more dark oak logs and then I made the wood out of it but I don't know okay we've already done that uh redstone block in the glow Berry I need to put this underneath something that is a what do I put it underneath I put it under you free some freaking Heckman right there there we go warped planks we've already done okay we're pretty much there like we've broken almost every well I mean we might as well get the netherwork because the Netherwood is going to have to happen at some point right okay block a coal so we're gonna have to get so oh my God we have just achieved millions of years of compression millions of years of compression have occurred with me mashing the coal together and then we crack open the exterior and reveal the beautiful brilliant Diamond inside of the middle incredible science at work okay how are we getting the call again because I'd like more of that it was oh warped Roots hey what do you know as it turns out the thing that gets us blaze rods also gets us diamonds that's so convenient that's so convenient man you love to see that's why though that's why it works is because you see the end rods um they go to the Warped roots and then the Warped Roots they either give us the blaze rods or they give us the coal that goes with the diamonds and what it takes is if you're not getting the blaze rods directly because you're not putting in the pot then what's happening is you're getting the heat that would have gone into the blazes that's now going into manufacturing the uh diamonds right from the coal so it all actually scientifically physically makes sense thank you it makes sense the issue now though is I need a lot of pots and the quickest way to get pots I believe was just oak wood right Spruce planks go to flower pot I think it was just Oak log wasn't it um Crimson playing here okay Crimson button but that was like a whole path it just I think Oak log yeah Oak log is gonna be the the quickest way to do this it really is would be nice if you know I could get some other resource that allows me to make I guess well yeah you know now what am I doing what am I done I should just yeah I should just make uh hold on hold on hold on I should make a diamond ax that will make my life better man the diamonds look so fancy they look so cool dude I wonder what netherride is going to look like I haven't actually seen what the netherite tools look like in this uh mud deck so it's gonna be pretty cool dude it's gonna be pretty cool okay where are my Oak at okie dokie I need there to be some Oak in this uh Birch Forest here hello is it literally just that one tree yeah yeah yeah yeah it's just you you're the only one you're my only hope I will I will strip the logs I swear I swear it's gonna happen don't you worry eventually it will happen but I also needed some levels so that I can apply a power to my bow then I also do need arrows to be fair but um yeah anyway no wait what am I doing wait I didn't need to do I didn't need to do this why am I doing that I didn't I didn't need the pots I didn't eat wait did I need the pots I didn't need the pots I was getting cold this way I'm so dumb I'm so dumb right now this is the dumbest thing well hey at least I'm getting blazes now we can get our Blaze count up and that that'll be fine okay we might as well it's part of what we need we'll just get as many blazes as we need what the frick am I doing um nine 10 blazes should be enough what am I doing bro I got no idea I I have no idea anymore [Applause] truth be told I am big dummy big big dummy we got a furnace in case we need that for anything I don't know um I don't need you don't need all well maybe the Snowballs just in case we don't get arrows or anything like that he forgor how could he foregoor like this the absolute fool okay well that's four more that's four more four gore blocks of coal order I haven't gone underground yet and broken just you know the basics the basic underground stuff to be fair okie dokie what do we got we've got a whopping four more diamonds how about we do this and we do a shovel and we'll call it good there you know the main thing that iron would be nice for is uh making a bucket where was the iron nuggies here oh what the frick wait pry how do you get how do you get uh freaking primed TNT to drop and it can go to a whole bunch of iron stuff what the frick I should actually look up if ender pearl has been a okay please excuse tell me how this works because I don't know how this works how do I stop the prime to TNT from doing what it do and yeah how do I do this what the heck dude what the heck uh okey-dokey okey dokey oh um yeah I got no idea on that break before but how do you break a prime TNT you can't it doesn't work that way like once the TNT is is doing the thing once it's flickering like you're doomed you can't stop it it's gonna explode so I actually have no idea how primed TNT can have a drop I have no idea at all um let's see all righty well um yeah I'd be cool because that's ender pearls right there but uh yeah holy heck yeah so okay 65 percent of the time Blazers come first for me and the other ender pearls so two to one basically I really do wonder why that is it is it's really weird because ender pearls you can get from multiple different ways blaze rods only one way and yet somehow I end up with those earlier it's very strange um anyway all right if anybody can figure out how you break Prime TNT feel free to let me know Amazon Prime TNT and otherwise okay so block of never I actually just break the thing for now and see where it goes because we don't oh wait no no no no no no no no no no because I can get the iron I can get the iron um sorry it was a it was dirt path it was dirt path I'll give me the nuggies and then I will be able to do what am I doing what am I doing there we go maybe I'll make like do I want to make multiple tables or anything in case we want to do this in the future yeah yeah let me just do it really quick you're right I still need the upgrade God dang it man I forget how Minecraft 1.20 works whatever I still do actually want to smell uh three so I can have a bucket okay all right at least we can do that so there and then what I'm going to use for fuel I guess I don't know one two there we go Minecraft 1.20 has ruined my plans um flint and steel if I want to Prime the TNT in order to try to break it like I don't I don't want to do this man I don't know how this is gonna work uh I got no idea anyway is there anything else in here not really we get the trims I think I could eat the other bread and that sort of stuff um iron ingot okie dokie boom and let's see wear some water just need a little bit of water is there a little river down here this looks like a place where you get a river but I guess not honestly I think we can start moving right we're gonna start going places let's break the furnace see what it gives us Phantom number oh that's cool looking see I've always thought that the Phantom membrane looked a bit a bit like honeycomb or something like that you know like a a weird kind of honeycomb this is actually like you know Wing wingy or something anyway um We're not gonna be using it so okay we've already broken oh yeah I just need to break the chest and see what happens here I'm not gonna know which is actually the thing that I'm getting though what did the chest hold up let me just see what did the chest drop the chest dropped nothing as it turns out cool [Laughter] good thing I didn't have to sift through all that stuff great great time oh frick pumpkin seeds oh God we'll get them from another source later I'm not gonna sift through all that stuff I'm not gonna do it I can't I can't bothered all right all right all right all right all right let's see let's see let's find some new blocks should I go underground I mean maybe that could be a good way to go about doing things Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps or we could try to find a new biome Phantom membrane looks like a patch of tissue are you saying like the one here or the vanilla Phantom membrane oh yeah uh snow layer gives wait have we broken a line bed yet no we have not brilliant um how are you getting so many Birch saplings bro I think I need to put these inside of a pot no have I put them in a pot yet no I think I have put it in a pot anywho I just need I need some levels I just need some levels so that I can frick I left my power four book I left my power four book God dang it God dang it God dang it God dang it God dang it I'm like why do I even have the angel on me from well yeah the book Frick God you know I don't really need leather boots necessarily that's a matter of convenience but the power four I do need God I hope I can find my way back look at the MCC skin so cool so awesome oh no oh no I'm gonna get lost in here and not be able to find my way oh I should do some of the mushroom blocks in the dark oak forest there it is there it is there's no despawn we should be good what's that is that the powerful ah there we go there's my pal four oh and get the pumpkin seeds while I'm here fine fine fine fine fine hair God thing pick up everything you'll need you I don't need weight do I need oh I don't need you I don't need you I don't I mean the bone meal could be helpful God my inventory just inevitably fills up like crazy it's just nothing I can do well goodbye and you wanted the pumpkin seeds you should have known that they weren't gonna give me anything man how could you not realize that that was how it was gonna go nothing organ banners okay okay well that white concrete papou hey we can turn it into concrete though uh light blue wool I haven't broken you yet again if anyone is um Wonder oh I should keep these I should keep these just in case we do find any Flint we need arrows or anything like that it's not the worst idea in the world we could Stack Up on feathers and stuff like that um you know this is an upcoming resource pack will be available under Captain Sparkles on Minecraft Bedrock when it comes out which I don't know exactly when that's going to be I'd say sometime in the next couple months or so it depends on how long it takes for them to review things and how long it takes to finalize and then submit and all that stuff so a lot of variables when it comes to submitting to Minecraft bedrock but and then I I don't know I can't make any promises on how it may or may not um end up on Java because that's obviously going to be dependent on the uh the folks at no name deck Mr mad spy Etc on how they want to approach it okay anyway uh we can do this plus some water we make it concrete now that we actually have a bucket right if I can find water um oh you didn't break that one what is it this hey did that just give us like never mind I don't need to do the water things white concrete powder white concrete cool composter cool and that is a redstone lamp ooh fancy looking if only we had some Redstone to put next to it wow now we get both variations of it how slick anyway okay bye-bye um all right I need to get water where is the oh wait did I ever do this I think I did that I didn't dude Luke Baron let's go boys oh we'll see your ass I do need water where is the oh I didn't do this did I activator excuse me seagrass and I guess we do we do some variations here two out of ten you guys were not impressed by that one sorry about that I'll do better next time I swear stripped Crimson I guess we got whoa that was fancy looking I want to see that again that was like glowing bro and we've already done that okay I want to see that one again do one more of that and then do you and you wait what hmm why did you give snowballs to me what oh I did it in a pot last time oh I'm smart I'm a big smirk dang look at it go pretty cool shiny wood I'm assuming that's kind of how it's interacting with the uh the Shader pack or something like that if I had to take a guess um Yee Yee okay I gotta oh yeah Brown mushroom we haven't done yet what they're you yellow candle pressure plate which we have already done but you that is a good salmon love it love it love it love it okay seriously I just need to find water and then I'll go underground or something like that I do not know why it does not wish to give me water all right come on dude come on I guess lilacs are new right Observers observer's looking fancy wait I gotta um hold up gotta get in bed from my big bed Supply there we go by the way make sure that you are following at uh slash Kevin Sparkles and other you know good stuff and things and what does that gun pop out we've already done that already done oh wait I could just break one of these there's that sugar cane now okay uh I can't put you down until we get water worked up this is fricked up can I not have in my inventory anymore do I really need the bone meal probably not do I really need the smithing table no I can conserve spaces you really need both of these when I'm probably going to eventually be making arrows I don't know do I have a thing that gives me Flint by the way no I have not discovered Flint yet I don't need you I don't need it I don't need it all right what are you what's on you white terracotta already done cauldron how can somebody travel this far and not find water it can't be this hard never strip the uh Oak I like I did ah tick tock on the clock the party did stop hey it's pupin pupin is the driving force behind this resource pack so it pretty cool wait are you telling me are you telling me that I could have gotten diamonds from Stone this entire time I could have just mined a few blocks underground gotten Stone and I could have gotten diamonds this entire time okay it's fine it's fine it's fine I'm not mad I'm not mad I'm not mad you're mad you're mad not me okay um yo now you get to see what diamond armor looks like which is awesome and super cool even though we could have seen it long long ago and yes we will make the diamond hoe that you have all so very much wanted oh man a pig coming over here looking like whoa look at him oh wow actually I wonder what the armor trimming looks like I wonder if the armor trimming is in Ah that's like a reason to actually do the armor trimming and Frick not have Let It Go and thrown it out and stuff oh man did I mess up that's gravel and okay that gives us some pots actually we could have a nice backlog of pots we just break a bunch of gravel you know [Applause] oh yeah yeah yeah armor in the Bedrock pack gonna be 3D yeah because there's fancy stuff ah Bedrock lets you do fancy stuff it is kind of a heartbreaker at the end of the day but it just is the way the cookie crumbles you know is the way it is yeah dude the warden oh my God the warden on BET this gives gravel this gives gravel this gives gravel oh my God it's an infinite Loop an infinite Loop do the warden though yeah the warden on Bedrock oh it's gonna be gnarly bro wait I just got another wither skeleton skull huh um let's see let's see I mean we yeah I should have gotten the other Wither Skeleton skulls and stuff like that um let's see let's see okay I need water everybody I need water yeah there's two possible ways to get this skulls one is like just wither skeleton skull dropping from itself and the other is from the actual like you know Wither Skeleton loot table so yeah okay I'm gonna get that later after I get this freaking water over here man um is that a ruin I think that's ruined portal over there I should probably get that okay now we can get rid of you okay why is the like full water bucket such a satisfying contrast of like the blue water and then the Silvery bucket it's so nice looking oh brick okay and seal that doesn't want him does not want to go that was an embarrassing show where's Marine crystals they look very fancy I was like wait diamonds 2.0 for a second okay we should do this though oh I see I see and it's very interesting yeah it's a very interesting hmm uh what do you know what do you know so it turns out that um yeah you can just get a lot of stuff if there's so many uh ways to get easy easy high amounts of loots um and stuff like that that I have managed to not find earlier on until now so hey what about you what are we getting diorite do we break diorite yet uh yes yes we already have okay what have we not broke I just need to get this all sanded or I'm gonna have to go into the nether you know okay what do we get what are we gonna oh did I strip the birch did not it's very cool oh wait hold on go through this whole thing again everything is turning into cauldrons and I don't know why let me get away from the cauldrons there and then you and then what do we got there there's Gates and then strip the oak which we've already done and it goes to nothing all right I can eat you what else can I eat I eat a great deal more I'm going wait I know that bone block did bone block went to something what did it go to after the bone block I forgot but it doesn't it's not how do I show what goes beyond when I don't remember what happened to beyond the bone block how do I when I know it was the bone block gave something but I don't remember what it was how do I show it the bone block gave oh I didn't break the diamond block though let me do that nothing we get nothing from the diamond block trade time the people don't want me to trade is the uh problem you see they don't want me dealing that they'd be very upset I'm sorry I need the levels from you Nate the people there's a few people chanting trade trade trade trade the problem is that if I were to do that there's even more people who are going to people tiki torch on me dude and that would be bad that would be very very bad you'd be okay with trading now hold on are we actually having an are we having a a chat in favor of trading moment is this for realsies is this really happening you vote trade please trade trade oh my God they actually are advocating for the trade no way okay you don't want me to slay the dog it's probably yeah it's because you guys don't are like okay he's gonna have to slay like dogs and bees and turtles and stuff if he wants to be comprehensive and try to find the Ender Pearls holy heck the poll is happening now for the trading whoa Yes Trade is winning 61 65 percent this is a unexpected development right here man real unexpected development hello Mr zambro got some copper everyday thank you for the levels wait wait wait okay hold on if I find some more I find some more bad guys like I don't get from here what do we get melon seeds oh another thing to plant hold on hold on hold on I'm gonna put a name Bill down how many how many levels how many levels is this for Frick uh no no no no no no no I can do this I can do this just from Cole right foreign I'm gonna get there yes trade is 175 to 25 this is a real paradigm shift in democracy the likes of which have truly never been witnessed before Oh my God democracy going crazy dude there we go level four huge Place huge place boom um the only bummer is like I haven't found Flint yet but I also haven't found I guess the problem is I haven't found Soul Sand so you know what here's the that's what we'll do is we got to figure out how to get like fight the Wither because we have the means to get the wither skeleton skull pretty easily other than the part where I forgot to go back and get the dead bushes and do more of those so maybe that's the compromise is that I can trade but I also have to fight the the Wither right you know oh right you have found ender pearls but you cannot there's no way to do them this is true this is true anyway let's see what this gives what was that did not give potatoes and um I'm just going to break the block another out we haven't found the smithing templates and stuff so long to break what did you give oh my goodness and it gave me something we've already done before gravel equals Wither Skull um what was it the thing in the pot did that guarantee oh hold on just a moment there was oh is the Potted yeah yeah I potted of bamboo hangs okay okay we can do that too we could do that too if I can find some gravel probably sooner than I can find a bunch of dead bushes [Music] I got you I got you [Applause] expand the Ender Pro path uh the ender pearl path is most definitely just currently at this very moment um primed TNT so it doesn't work so good for us unless we found it again but no Prime TNT man let's see boom and boom and boom that just exploded into a handful of things was that oh buried treasure map buried treasure is definitely sure to have some good stuff definitely bye bye and um let's see anything else I mean yeah wheat block could be a thing but uh hmm I'm gonna do this oh yeah I could just make the iron block though duh I'm doing some easy access stuff right here and then like if that doesn't pan out into anything then we can do some trade skis [Music] Frick I need water foreign very treasure end referrals yeah I'm sure I'm sure that buried treasure gets a cinder pearls under 100 percent it's definitely the way to go you want me you want me to go find some buried treasure okay hold on hold on ah frick I need to get more wood though um poppies anybody got some poppies around here I can make it so that we got poppies around here or not okay all right let's make a boat fine we'll go on a little we'll go on a quest for buried treasure because you never know right like we might find oh I should do iron block as well you might find freaking a village while you're out sailing the high seas right it could go that way okay leather that's not super good are we gonna need iron for anything anymore I don't think so if we need to get it back like we have other ways I think we're good I think we're good MLG water bucket and Gotti's so good I thought there was a boat out there in the water for a second I was really confused why didn't break the lapis I didn't break the kelp yet hold on Prime TNT to ender pearl two-step maybe second step is obtainable huh I don't know what that means I got no idea oh we done that I don't think we've done the red candle nope okay where are we going by the way we are going to the um Southwest over there uh oh yeah there was also that I think that was a ruined portal so like maybe it'd be a way to get to the nether possibly maybe oh iron bars yeah I forgot about making those um oh wait what it's a shipwreck plus is that a run portal I think it is yeah no that's Obby that's obvi right there it's the worst ruined portal I've ever seen in my entire life dude what's wrong with where's the portal it's a ruined portal that doesn't really it doesn't there's no portal uh strip to cheer you okay we got some more stuff we got some more things to do here all right Garrett's cool nope okie dokie oh do you think it's like an underwater ruin attached it no I think it's just like I'm pretty sure it's just a ruined portal that Acacia would all right there we go uh okay all I had a visitation button before we got a lot of uh different wood types that we can break as well as this stuff oh my God there's so many things one of these has got to be ender pearls here on this island right well I guess we'll have to find out in the next episode of whatever the combination permutation awards are in the title of this randomly Drops video so stick around for that and I'll see you then
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 21,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, random loot drops, data pack
Id: PQMDu31mFV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 39sec (4299 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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