I Survived 100 Days in the Aether in Minecraft Hardcore

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if you've been playing Minecraft for a long time this image probably hurts but I have news for you now it's real yes the Aether has been updated and I'm going to survive 100 days in this adventure taking on all of the different bosses exploring everything that this Dimension has to offer and getting into some trouble along the way come back come back why is the pig running and I'm gonna be honest this is probably the most cracked hundred days I've ever recorded So if you want to discuss it with my community come join my Discord we have an awesome Community there with some really big things coming soon so I don't want you to miss out but let's get started with my adventure through the skies day one I spawned on the side of a Snowy Mountain at the top of this Dimension but barely scratching the bottom of the places that I would go in time quick little trip over I consumed the tree converted that into a pickaxe converted that into stone into a little bit of coal and iron and then saw some ghosts just chilling around with bows something tells me I probably shouldn't head that direction right away but as I headed out to go get a little bit of wool and food sorry my sheepy friends my luck kicked in immediately okay I know what you're thinking I know what you're thinking I know what you're thinking foreign my editor is never going to believe this get in the boat I don't know how this keeps happening but it's very much on brand so with a pink sheep secured I killed some absolutely massive rabbits I would explicitly need rabbit hide made myself a little bit of snack and a sleeping bag and camped out under the stars day two I made a mark on the map star but know where this sheep was for later and then headed out finding some holes of the world which we will fix in just a little bit and looting an abandoned nether portal which had some basic armor golden apples and a little bit of food nearby was a villager's home who had some pretty cracked trades but nothing I could get to this early in the game but that didn't stop me from a little bit of breaking and entering and robbery I'm sorry you know I'm just I'm the main character here but I found my way towards the ocean seeing fish flopping in the distance grabbing a little bit of coal so I can be able to make some torches and secure a space and then continued running around I made my way pulling back through another mountain range finding some emeralds in the distance those would definitely come in handy or I slept on the side of the mountain and had a dream of this server's sponsor stride gaming stride is a brand new Minecraft server network with its own full SMP creative building competitions with cash prizes every week but they're starting to get into mini games including their latest release clumsy crew which is their take on Fall Guys and I played with some members of my community and it got hectic now life has ended so fast they're backed by an Esports company which means they don't need you to pay to win to keep their server running and with weekly content and updates there's always going to be something new so why not add them into your server rotation and join them at mc.stride.gg and let them know that I sent you but as I woke up from that nap it was time to hit the beach and do something about my grumbling stomach I did a little bit of ax fishing to shore up my food reserves cooking that on a campfire because coal is extremely limited right now but I had gotten this magical green dust and this is one of the cool core mods of this pack this is inferium using this I can grow anything really from growing trees from Essence to making diamonds or emeralds and some really OP armor and weapons this is going to be the main way we're going to survive and thrive in this hundred days so have you heard of gardening but all of that is more for the mid game we're still in the Primitive era right now I made my way over the hill with a bit more food seeing some Black Sails in the distance and Yar there be Pirates there's spawners in the water too so I can't just attack the boat from underneath I had to be pretty careful here and it got hairy pretty quick oh you've got to be kidding me oh there's enough there's three three with tridents right there we need to go get the stuff for a shield I went and I checked and I didn't have enough iron so I slept on the coast right here thinking I would take on the ship the following morning the problem was the murder Dolphins who were chasing me and they they were scary on second thought um maybe we come back here later the whale killed it but I kind of I kind of don't want to risk it so I headed out running around to yet another boat this one a little bit more positively populated finding a few fishermen who were more than willing to allow me to take one of their rods and get myself a little bit more of a snack I fished throughout the day fixed the little bit of water that was stuck in their boat and slept here the next morning I guess they thought I had claimed the boat now Now where's he going oh no they've Abandoned Ship so I headed back over onto land and bullied a few moo blooms into becoming a little bit more normal cows I made my way over yet another mountain range the spawn is very snow-capped going and killing a few flying fish to make myself some little water Yeet boots I don't have a better name for these but the swimming animation that they cause is absolutely ridiculous you probably recognize it from Steve back in the last scenario I saw another nether portal grabbing a few golden axes and the blocks from up top thinking that maybe I can try casting a portal here but there wasn't any lava yes I am trying to speedrun to the nether so we can get to our actual proper Dimension but as I kept swimming along I saw yet another ship this one potentially crewed by something dangerous so I slept on the coast going into day six where there was a little bit of lava nearby and I tried making up portal then kind of biffed it so all right I'm embarrassed I headed over towards the ship hearing the of some pillagers knowing that this could potentially be a little bit dangerous I dug into the bottom of the ship breaking a spawner but not before one Vindicator spawned hitting me for almost my entire Health in a single go that that caused some stress but I made my way into the belly of the ship using a fishing rod to try to pull the mobs up on the deck into a position where I could go ahead and stab them in the ankles I used a little bit of iron to make myself pants and a helmet so I'd be a little bit safer and a shield that I could block the different crossbow bolts but it was still doing some decent damage and I'd have to jump into the water occasionally to avoid from getting pin cushioned on all sides it was a tedious game of whack-a-mole and I'm the mole this time but moles can also dig so I broke the floor underneath several of the different archers not sure why they weren't running to try to Corner me they stood pretty still which allowed me to create an opening making my way up to the deck blocking Arrows with my shield and axing them in the face to clear the deck and claim this ship for myself I am the pirate now I put down a few furnaces and the campfire cooking up different foods and everything else that I would need to be able to survive for a little bit longer when a blue moon Rose and I'm starting to feel a little bit luckier but my pockets are already very full so I dumped a lot of what I had found up until this point into the barrels on the side of the ship made myself a little rowboat to be able to head off and I was going to sail back to land before I saw a few skeletal swordfish patrolling in the water around me and no that looks like death so the next morning I realized oh wait they're in water you doofus they're not gonna burn or despawn so all right we're a little stuck here so I ran to the other side of the boat using the Flying Fish boots to just hopefully outpace them flying my way on to land from there I saw a few villagers and a floating Iron Golem in the distance and I'm thinking okay there has to be something wrong with this mod pack and I did figure it out if you have shaders make sure you have biome blending set to zero blocks and poof everything worked no more holes in the world at least not until later when it gets corrupted but I made my way into this Castle ruin it is overgrown the walls are falling down and covered in Moss but there's a few standout villagers still surviving here and a single Golem trapped in the center of the structure and there's some decent loot up on the treasure chests on the upper half of it but this is looking like a place that desperately needs some TLC to be able to get it up to its former glory and I'm thinking that might be a good mission for me I used the nearby lava pool though to cast a quick portal being a little bit careful I'm not quite good at speedrunning or speed portals yet I'll make it work though one step at a time but I lit it and within a single week I was off to the nether the fastest I've ever done it in one of these hundred days I immediately spawned in with a fortress surrounding me and this thing is way bigger and more dangerous than what you know in vanilla it also had my first diamond just sitting in the chest so that feels good I made my way around the bridges fighting off any mobs that were attacking me while I will need stuff from this Fortress and I will get it later the main thing I'm looking right now is a very low hanging cluster of Glowstone I did find a black stone pyramid in the Warped Forest that was nearby digging my way in and knowing that it's trapped I headed under popped all of the TNT and then grabbed a decent bit of loot from in the chests including some swords with looting that would definitely come in handy as it rolled over to the next day I did find a warped version of a jungle temple where after breaking the spawner inside I found a ton of really good loot and some harming arrows from all of the dispensers and that is probably the biggest pull from here this immediately made me very dangerous at range I I already had a bow so I'm feeling pretty safe for being in the Nether on day eight I made my way across a few areas where the nether narrowed getting to a cluster of Glowstone that was relatively low breaking all of that and throwing it in my pocket because it would be essential for the next step of my journey I also grabbed this Solium ore which gave me soul dust which is a whole nother thing from the mystical agriculture mod which we will get into but I grabbed all of the glowstone that I could throwing a little bit of the gold that I had to some nearby piglet friends to see if I could trade for leather or a few other just useful scraps right away but my pockets are so immensely full that even if I got anything good right now it's not actually going to be able to be carried so I made my way back towards the portal and then warped back to the Overworld thinking since it's raining any port in the storm right I set up camp underneath the small area that was covered from the rain just throwing down a few chests and dumping my pockets into it and fighting the fact that I can't shoot seagulls they're somehow immune to arrows that feels overpowered but I made myself a clock thinking that I could potentially store it in one of the different Bobble slots that's a no-go so I jumped into a bed going into day nine I started the day with just cleaning up the castle a little bit more including finding a ton of squid ink floating in the ocean around it just casually drowning a little bit there were a few more massive rabbits around who I was able to kill for more rabbit hide which I was able to convert into a backpack or at least I would if I had iron so I dove underwater seeing a sunken ship and a trident drowned in the distance and luck continued to be on my side yes Trident the chests were pretty great too with a lot of emeralds iron and Lapis inside and once I got back to the castle I was actually able to make the backpack proper but on day 10 it's time to get started into farming this would be huge for me in the long run I did quite a bit of research into the mod itself before making my first few inferium seeds and this is gonna be the main way that we're gonna make progress here I planted everything I could down both the magical and non-magical crops scarfing down whatever was in this bowl oh that was probably not good for me before using it to make a watering can and this is like bone meal on steroids the only problem is it only affects one block at a time after A Hard Day's Work I jumped into the bed with the Villagers wanting to cuddle up with me going into day 11 where I used some of the Imperium to make the Farmland that I was growing the infurium on a little bit better very much an exponential growth sort of system but I crafted all of the glowstone dust up into blocks heading up to the second tier of the castle and built it into a portal frame now here is where if anybody's been playing Minecraft for a while you would think it's about to go horribly wrong but no it real I mean you already knew I was going to The Ether it was in the thumbnail on the title but getting here this early feels like a pretty big win and I noticed that I was given a book of lore which allowed me to basically cast identify on any of the items that I found here in the Aether which is really good to learn this mod pretty quickly but I have some other mods installed which expand this Dimension even further and these clouds firing little balls that didn't damage me had me wondering which one they were from but then they pushed me and I realized that's probably the actual threat here I've been given a parachute by the mod so that meant I was a little bit safer but I pushed one of the flying pigs through the portal back towards home thinking I'm gonna have an amazing Mount once I return back to Earth the only thing about this is that my diamond tools seem to work horribly inefficiently in this Dimension maybe it's the altitude the stones just made out of something even tougher but breaking a single ore took quite a bit of work thankfully mobs still seem to die after being stabbed by a sword just a couple times I headed back through the portal to the Overworld and seeing it be day up in the sky and dark down here reminded me that things were gonna get weird but after a quick nap going into day 12 it's only gonna get weirder and considering the fact that we traveled Dimensions having a little bit of safe respite at home makes sense so I spent this entire day just fixing up the walls plugging all of the random little holes making sure that everything would be a little bit safer and upgrading more of the gardening space outside once more inferium grew so I'd be able to ramp up inferior in production even faster this is the early game grind that will make things later go so much better going in today lucky number 13 and we have a little bit more work to do in the Overworld before we can continue I found a nearby Village just over the horizon so I swam over seeing whatever food and other things that they had in the chests that are mine now and unlocking a Way Stone that was right here there was also so some Arctic looking hoglands that I wasn't sure if they were froze or friends thankfully they were kind but when I saw a nether portal nearby this run is absolutely cracked no oh no this is such a good run this is the god tier run oh no okay okay that's honestly that's they're really good too oh my God but I returned back to the base banked what little I had looted from the village and then just started digging straight down figuring that I could get into a cave or something else around here and oh boy yes I did digging my way into a zombie dungeon and a spawner that would be useful thankfully I attacked this one from the top not the bottom so I was able to clear that meant they weren't able to kill me but that dungeon had just on the other side of one of the walls a huge overgrown mine shaft and get used to this space we're gonna visit it just a couple times because I need some things called Prosperity shards to be able to continue progressing in the mystical agriculture mod now there's more spawners here there's tons of chests tons of Loot and tons of legs on the centipedes that are off in the distance but these right here what some people might think is Discount diamond ore and if you know that Meme from my channel you are a true OG but I was able to get everything using a water bucket to just climb my way back up to the surface gravity be damned making my way into day 14 where I'm constantly fighting with the seagulls I planted all the crops that I collected harvested the inferium and then started researching into the inferium ingots but I still needed some diamonds to be able to make more progress so back down into the mines this time with a lot more torches in my pocket so I could secure a foothold I found yet another spawner having all three of the dungeons right here close by continuing to dig along finding yet another more Prosperity ore which was really starting to bait me thinking that it was Diamond again and fought off some children and adults who were all looking for my autograph my sword unfortunately broke as I was working and continuing to mining through for basically the entire day so I switched to ax PVP dealt with creepers to do some bonus Mining and mined up some diamonds which I would need to be able to continue to my next step I actually want to grow diamonds a little bit later if I I can manage it one of my main goals for this run so only a few right now is basically Angel Investing I made my way back up to the surface finding a visitor at my castle and one of the challenges is to pick their backpack but I don't exactly know how to do it I kept trying to access it from behind which only seemed to upset their llamas who just mystically fell asleep at that point but somehow I wasn't successful I used the diamond to craft up some mystical fertilizer and then use that with the inferium to make an inferium watering can which covers a larger area and allows me to work on multiple crops at once unfortunately it looks like some birds had stolen all of the pumpkin and melon seeds that I had planted don't know what I'm gonna have to do about that but after another long day farming it was time for bed day 15 and we're off to the Aether it's time to really explore this thing in Earnest I'm working my way across the floating island trying my best not to fall because I will fall into the Overworld and then go Chris Splat when I found this dungeon embedded down into the ground with the chest just sitting there and there's some pretty decent loot inside including a xanite pickaxe which is gonna come in very clutch but some of the chests also have teeth in a way that is not dissimilar to other fantasy mod packs I've played before there's also little glowing runic cubes that explode the worst properties of both slimes and creepers just smushed into one I made my way through a couple different rooms getting a bunch of xanite gear and other Treasures before seeing a giant Cube on a pedestal at one end of it saying that perhaps I should attack it with a pickaxe now some of you who are watching might know better but this was a very intense boss fight I'm in half iron armor right now I have an unenchanted diamond pickaxe I am feeling like I am pretty in danger right here but oh boy oh boy this is hard the thing that I did figure out eventually though was that it only moves in straight lines so as long as I maintained a diagonal orientation to it the slider could never come and Bop me the biggest danger was getting bopped over into one of the walls taking both impact and smooshing damage at one point in time I actually got whacked down to half a heart and this run was almost dead at day 15. I did expend a good chunk of my food and then all of my golden apples when I got the boss into an enraged State at the very end and with very little recovery and this thing constantly tackling me I was very thankful I had found that God Apple the portal because I had to eat it here in order to survive even with that on board I was still not at full health when I killed it I was so relieved oh oh my God I broke so much armor I ate my God Apple and that's the is that the first boss or did I just somehow stumble into like end game territory bronze key ooh okay Hammer of King B dogs okay this is cool all right slot cape zaynite gloves Sentry boots yo and then lightning knife oh that's so did I waste all of those oh you literally can't make them oh figure out what that stuff does later okay we need to go home to see what gives us that because that's good we know this does something what does that do okay hold on hold on hold on shoots heavy projectiles it said actually help this Hammer heavy projectiles seagull okay so I used all live vo for day 17 because I was just a giddy little child getting new toys to play with going into day 18 where it was time to figure out what I had to do I spent a little bit of time smelting up some Stone to be able to make the different plinths and Altar for mystical agriculture this will allow me to get a little bit further along and start making higher tier seeds that could allow me to make and craft different plants that will grow different things and I can work the way all the way up to Diamonds if I'm really careful the only problem is that takes a heck of a lot of dust to be able to actually get that high but the first step is making Prosperity seeds and then I plopped down the center altar which highlighted where I needed to put all the plants by the way that is an awesome feature whoever developed that chef's kiss that's wonderful but my first thought as far as the first seed I should craft should be Iron because I don't have an iron farm and running out of that would put me at a severe disadvantage so I checked it out and I started planting down inferium seeing how how I can make even more seeds and then trying to figure out how I can make higher tear dust which I needed an infusion Crystal for I made that and then I start combining the infurium into prodentium and then it goes and it goes and it goes through different colors so day 19 I use that prudentium instead of prepping that for higher tier dust I invested that into the Farmland itself which allowed the plants to grow a little bit faster and I'm playing around the hammer which absolutely eats things when you hit it with the projectile I'm having a lot of fun I made even more infurium farmland and I set up an altar from the aether mod which would allow me to repair and enchant things by burning those yellow crystals that I had found so I'm able to use that to repair my pickaxe instead of having to wait for mending very very useful the only problem is it only works on vanilla and ether stuff nothing from other mods the next day though we're covering multiple different forms of magic I have whatever the Aether magic is we have the infusion and now we need good old-fashioned runes I headed out to kill any cows that I could find relatively close to the base in order to harvest more leather horses horses die too they drop leather everything must go I'm able to use my flying fish boots to be able to cover a lot of ground very quickly across the lakes and oceans that are surrounding the little continents right here and I found some infurium Essence just sitting in the stone so that's definitely gonna be useful as well there's another little ruined structure where I was a little jumpy it was late at night and this villager just ran up on me officer I'm completely innocent here before grabbing a little bit of gunpowder and other things from their structure they ran away from me so weird I started swimming along seeing another Pillager ship which looked like a little big and a little more than I was ready for right now before ending up back at my continent and look at the Little Pigs so adorable but I used the leads on sheep and cows to be able to lead them back towards home sleeping in the middle of the field and spending the time leading them all back towards their brand new forever home on the morning of day 21. I made some quick little pens to throw the animals in there right now splitting them up and starting breeding getting the parrots and the bats oh wait this isn't an AAA video for heading back over towards the farm upgrading more to prudentium and now I'm feeling a little bit better I'm harvesting sugarcane for paper while gardening that as best as I can noting that if I upgraded the watering can again it would go to a 5x5 area but I need the actual dust for iron seeds before I can invest in a better watering can kind of bottlenecked right now but that will open up in time the next morning I looked into what I could make as far as better tools to make the dust harvesting go a little bit smoother but I also worked on some Aesthetics putting down some wood in the area to make the infusion pedestals just look a little bit better getting all the way up to Diamond is going to take a while so I looked at other ways to be able to get it from different structures or treasure chests shipwrecks looked promising given the amount of water around me but I did head down briefly to look in the mine shaft because these little Cobblestone caps on the ends each one can be filled with a high number of a random ore there's a few that are iron or cold diamond is possible but rare it was still worth a shot though but as I was working another Blue Moon Rose which meant I would feel lucky so I thought why don't I use that and go open chests the luck value meaning I'm gonna get higher tier roles on any shipwrecks that I happen to find which makes me think I'm more likely to find diamonds so I swam through the night getting a bunch of emeralds getting a bunch of iron a treasure map at one point in time which did lead to three diamonds which was great and a whole lot more iron than I needed at the moment so I just kept swimming around this was my strategy and it was working I thought I could tackle another Trident drown but didn't get anything there but I did swim up on another ship this one populated with skeletons and they were taking a lot of ax crits to kill so it told me that I needed to be very careful about this one tunneling my way through the lower levels to be able to get to my first chest and the different spawners blocking that off there's a ton of coal and gunpowder all the things that I could use to power my industry but none of the treasures that I was looking for at least not down here so I climbed up a nearby Iceberg and then jumped into the back of the ship taking on what I can only assume is the captain who had pearls and books just sitting in their Treasure Chest which is gonna be awesome for me there's also some Enchanted armor which is going to come in very very handy and I dug directly above my own head to get yet another Treasure Chest right above me but when I jump back in the water the amount of tentacles that were there was more than enough to tell me it was time to leave so I did my bouncy goofy fly fish swim all the way back to the Village noticing a bounty board here that I had missed earlier now these are basically little mini quests that you can complete to be able to earn treasure reputation with the village and emeralds all of which I desperately wanted but unfortunately they reset on real world time and I had grabbed a few not realizing they expired seconds after I'd have to come back so I'd have a reasonable amount of time to do it the next morning I started the day with a whole lot of inventory organization and optimization because when I don't do this y'all get angry you get so angry but the fact that the backpack is only one row of items is really limiting my Mobility here my treasure chest is pretty full but I can't really put all of it to use I was able to get all of the Dust up to the orange level which I think was tridentium or something like that I'll I definitely won't look it up in the notes because when I mispronounce things it's total comment bait and you all always fall for it but I did craft up my first set of iron seeds which is gonna help me a lot but just before I hit the button to actually make those seeds I had a bit of a second guessing myself I had well over a stack and a half of iron right now and I'm halfway up to the next possible tier why don't I go for diamond seeds instead and just really go all out but in order to do that I need a lot more inferium and unless I want 100 days of standing perfectly still I need a way to Auto Harvest these crops so I was able to invest most of the diamonds I had to make a harvester this should operate in a three by three area in front of it and auto Harvest everything it's including and especially the inferium seeds all I need is a little bit of coal to power it and now this always runs I took all of the red dust that I had made reinvested it back down into even higher tier Farmland because yes we're gonna go Whole Hog We're not gonna go for iron we're gonna make diamond seeds at the end of this thing and that's just going to be amazing day 25 it's time for everyone's favorite gag of these hundred days where I mine obsidian for the first time but it's not for an enchanting table only I also used it to make myself a chunk loader which will keep the base rendered 100 of the time which will let the inferium go ham I set up a little bit of obsidian to grow that in obsidian seeds and crafted and placed down some growth accelerators which will increase the speed of the crops directly above them this means that the Farms are going to be going even faster and it's this exponential growth where things just continue to get better and better a super moon Rose which said that slimes would start spawning randomly and I looked around and no slimes I'm assuming they're all there's some cave nearby which is consuming almost every mob spawn I'm gonna take advantage of that and just be very happy I worked over towards the village broke and replaced the way Stone so it would actually be called Village I don't care what they called themselves before checked out the bounty board and saw a couple things that I could do relatively quickly I had some emeralds in my backpack so I was able to turn in a few of those quests to start building on my reputation with Village and then saw a couple others which I could do relatively easy some fishing and some chess boats yeah I can cash that in I ran back towards the base and did eventually see a slime on the coast using the hammer to be able to break that just so I could get a few slime balls in case it was necessary for any recipes but honestly this Hammer is so much fun and just throwing things around the battlefield I took advantage of this more nights than I would care to admit to just Yeet monsters while I was out here gardening Day 26 I crafted up the obsidian seeds which meant I would no longer have to make any obsidian mining puns for the rest of the video and Infused my sword into an inferium sword which would allow me to start moving it down the upgrade track here which would just make this thing overpowered by the end of the video from there I headed back to the Aether wanting to do a bit more exploring and see what else I could find here I found a lime sheep which made me think is that this Dimensions pink sheep but no okay I saw a large Coliseum structure often in the distance and figured that was the next place I should go finding another silver dungeon where I used the hammer to just bully the mimics inside for a little while unfortunately I didn't have any blocks or any way to easily make my way over towards that structure and also unfortunately I touched some purple drink which got me very very drunk and then I got kidnapped by a slime day 27 though I collected a little bit of dirt and used that to bridge over towards the clouds surrounding this Giant floating Temple inside I saw a bunch of winged Valkyries who were asking me if I wanted to fight and I was feeling a little nervous that probably wasn't the good play I looted the chests that were around here thankfully only about half of them were mimics and I was very careful to try to not fight any of the Valkyries because I didn't know if they would just mess me up I made my way towards a large throne room in the back where the valkyrie Queen here said that I needed to kill 10 of her lieutenants in order to be worthy enough to fight her and the hammer didn't make this pretty easy as long as they didn't hit me the problem was when they did hit me they were chunking me for over half of my health so I had to be very careful I took advantage of the empty space directly in front of the structure where I could fight a little bit more openly since they would teleport around occasionally but with only seven medals and thinking I should probably play it safe I plopped down a Way Stone to allow me to warp home and get some sleep the next day I harvested all the inferium and then crafted up a dart shooter which is the aether's version of a bow and arrow with this I could fire the darts but it just goes so much harder than a bow I did at one point eat a valkyrie down where potentially is teleported to the Overworld I don't really want to have to worry about that but I was able to while making sure to maintain my distance get the 10 medals that I would need although I was at half health for most of that fight which made me think that that was probably not safe to take on that boss just yet I'm going gonna need to upgrade to full diamond armor or better for me to be able to do that or else I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get obliterated and by better I knew that I could make inferium infused armor which would have even more defensive capabilities so I started combining those dust knowing I'm gonna have to go get more diamonds I headed off to the Aether throwing a saddle on a flying pig and just having genuinely way too much fun with that but as I went out to continue to explore to see what loot I could find the luck is good with this run [Music] okay hello okay hold on okay can I get him in a boat no way did this just happening okay they can be about get down here so it's not the lime sheep it's just the pink sheep the pink sheep is the pink sheep of the Aether dimension get in the boat [Music] yes I'm gonna do something that's potentially stupid but first I need my saddle back okay I'm sorry Pig I have a parachute there's only one way down to the surface and this is it we should be lucky oh my God oh okay I have to go back for the other one too but this is oh this is too perfect come here you it's meant to be [Music] oh okay the next day I headed back to the ether two pink sheeps in 30 days that is absolutely Bonkers but I'm trying to find more jadeite wherever I can it's on par with diamond and until I can make diamond seeds or go mining in the Overworld that is hopefully potentially a little bit easier to find or at least into the dimension that the video is actually about I'm marking off different POI looking around on the bottoms and the sides of islands to see if I can find any of this one specific ore which gives me some pretty decent defense the only problem is it's fragile and without Unbreaking enchantments it breaks relatively easily so I'm running around grabbing a bunch of it which was more than enough for a chest plate that's definitely going to come in handy for the actual fight itself but I did fall at one point Landing in the water right next to my castle I warped right back over thinking okay I need to go get that saddle off of the pig because Saddles are extremely rare but it turns out the ether actually makes a crafting recipe for sandals so yeah I'm actually doing okay here day 31 is all farming genuinely I spent a little bit of time making a seed reprocessor and then immediately upgraded that to the second tier converting a lot of my inferium into prudentium and then the higher tiers so that I can be converting extra seeds into more dust and I farmed I farmed literally all day day 32 I'm doing just a little bit more exploring around the Aether just trying to see what I can find on the central Islands not having to worry about flying around on a pig when I fell off and landed in the water on the opposite side of my base seeing an underwater pyramid here so I mined down into it grabbing a decent bit of treasure from the different stuff around here I mean that's just a nice bonus find right I headed back to the ether for what I originally intended to do sailing off in another Direction finding this large fountain at one point with a little lake with a structure inside of it I like the look of it it's pretty cool but I headed back over to the Overworld and and flying with the pig in the Overworld is just so cool this is genuinely I think one of the coolest things I've ever done I'm just flying on a pig who needs an elytra I got my friend here but since I'm here in the Overworld and I basically use the Aether kind of similar to The Nether honestly I'm flying back towards spawn because now that we have a sky pink sheep at our home we're gonna need to get our other pink sheep friend back home as well but now that I was fully geared armed and armored it made sense to go take on that structure that I had seen all the way back on day one turned out the ghosts here were skeletons which was a bit of a problem because as I said my armor is rather fragile so the bow hits chewed through its durability relatively quickly I did find some sharpness Enchanted iron swords but a map with a big x on it was one of the most interesting things that I had found I didn't know was at the other end but it was something that I was definitely gonna go find I have more Saddles so I'm just gonna leave you here you though time for you to come with me but now it's time to bring the pink sheep across two Dimensions back to each other I leaded them all the way off to the water got them into a boat and then just sailed through the night the whales were freaking me out though and I was concerned that one of them was just gonna try to eat both of us thankfully though they were friendly and I think they might share the dolphin AI but we're not gonna get too into that as I made my way to the base slept so it would be morning and on day 34 I brought the family together look at that a nice big happy family reunion yes some things just some things just are constant including the arrow that's in my eye oh no it's it's only stabbing me in the shoulder it's fine I use the altar to repair the jadeite chest plate unfortunately I had lost the helmet when it broke back at the ghost house but unfortunately my Sentry boots couldn't be repaired in the altar meaning that I was only going to be fall proof for a limited amount of time I upgraded the last little bit of the Farmland patch looted through all of my chests and then just called it a day there day 35 though we are still desperate for diamonds and since I really don't want to do a massive mining Montage at this point I was feeling like I wanted to take on a structure and you know what has a bunch of diamonds in it fortresses especially this upgraded Fortress that is part of this mod pack so using my inferium tools and armor and just taking on the different parts of the structure I'm looting all of the individual chests just making my way across all of the bridges and finding some okay stuff it's a lot of Flint a lot of coal a lot of armor but netherwort and gold always a plus wither skeletons abounding and some fire protection here and there you know honestly if this was it that would be kind of boring but it wasn't see the thing I didn't know is that I went down this massive staircase embedded into one of the legs of the Fortress and it just kept going down down down and there's an entire lower level to this version of The Fortress structure now it's filled with obsidian and crying obsidian structures constructs look like they're trying to be forged into something also rooms that were filled with experiments and research altars to dead Gods all sorts of things but there's a lot of loot in here a lot of diamonds and a lot of traps but the library is also filled with enchanted books some of which are Super useful for me there was a couple flame books in here which would come in handy after stuffing my pockets and getting a decent bit of what I was looking for seven diamonds is nothing to sneeze at I made my way up and finally found the blaze spawner which allowed me to get some blaze rods as well and if I felt so inclined take on the end of the game but at least be prepared for some potion brewing utilizing those Sentry boots to their fullest potential I'm just yeeding myself off of structures and then down towards the portal morphing back home taking advantage of the chunk loader and using a watering can in the rain don't question why the rain itself doesn't make things grow especially the It's Magic watering can okay and that allowed me to upgrade my sword to its third tier which does a 13 attack damage that's pretty dope day 37 I was actually out of wood and the closest tree from the Overworld that would give me normal sticks was on the other side of this little lake so I was just thinking you know what I'm not having this I chopped down all the tree that I could made some Prosperity seeds and then made some wood seeds which sounds like they would just speed tree seeds but they're not they grow wood Essence instead which you can use to craft logs I also took the other half of the obsidian I had mined earlier and with a combination of the wood that I had harvested and wood that I could craft from the seeds made a full enchanting setup that took a good chunk of the day but honestly it was a worthwhile investment in my progress because that wood Essence immediately paid off the next day making 16 logs from just three that is awesome and allowed me to complete the enchanting setup fully getting to level 30 in chance my first pickaxe roll would be Fortune which is a great way to get started and the fact that it came with efficiency and Unbreaking that's honestly just a bonus I've created my sword with sharpness so now it's doing over 15 attack damage per hit and I redid the decorating you might have noticed I undid it earlier because we're not going to talk about the fact that this structure is even and that circle is odd and I can't actually accurately Center it we're just gonna pretend that that doesn't exist okay okay great I don't want to see any comments about how it was off center but I did the best I could given the fact that well the thing that we won't talk about was happening and a harvest moon Rose later that night thankfully Harvest moons also apply to the inferium crops so I did spend the entire night gardening getting a ton of different wood Essence and inferium and upsetting a few Enderman by making eye contact but I can print them out in two hits with this sword it's honestly kind of overpowered and we're just barely getting started I started day 38 by doing some trick shots with that new sword and it is working very well crafting up a lot of the wood Essence into over two and a half stacks worth of spruce logs you can actually make all the different Woods by depending on which shape you craft the wood Essence into which is going to be wonderful because I want to repair the second floor of this hassle do you get it up to its former glory if this is where I'm gonna live I want it to look good I spent all day just improving and renovating the base making it look a little bit more worthwhile and we're not going to talk about how that infusion pedestal doesn't actually go centered in the thing we'll move it later but after I threw down all the lanterns and took a quick nap all of my villager friends are a little bit better and it's time to teach one some magic I got them stuck in a hole and then while standing on the lectern kept breaking and placing it until I got the enchant which I wanted and you know what it is we're looking for mending here I was able to get that locked in after not too much time but it is rather on the expensive side so I did trade in some paper just to lock in the enchantments right away and I headed over to the Village to see if there was any quests that I could take on that could earn me a quick Buck unfortunately not but I did take one that would allow me to increase my reputation with the village a bit more and then Minecraft crashed for a while but it's it's okay everything's fine don't worry about that but I set off swimming through the ocean nearby looting what I would assume is a drown spawner underneath the water and a nearby portal grabbing some obsidian and gold before sleeping right next to it on day 40 and I can't believe we're two-fifths of the way through this thing already I made Coast on a Pillager Camp the purple tents reminding me from the end of the dawncraft hundred days that this would be a very shooty kind of place to be the thing that I think though is my inferium armor makes me a little bit harder to detect you'll notice that mobs aren't eggrolling on me as immediately and it sometimes requires me attacking them first which is definitely a plus going into a very busy space like this that was out of a firing line I would set them all up so that they'd end up shooting each other and then just clean up the stragglers Looting all of the chests as I went right nearby to that Pillager Camp was a village where I immediately ran and installed everything that wasn't nailed down am I the Pillager now but I followed map that I had found in one of the chests which led back to the Pillager ship I had seen some 20 odd days earlier and there was some decent stuff in here once again the crew was rooted in place on the actual bow of the ship so I was able to sit inside the Captain's Quarters and just continue sniping from there I'd occasionally have to jump off and reset but using a shield and working my way from one end of the boat to the other I did eventually clear it at the cost of my chest plate and my helmet as well but it's okay the loot that was inside of here was gonna definitely help me get upgraded the only problem was I need to get out of here alive so I waited until the morning to just do my little bouncing on the surface of the water flying fish Dance all the way back over to the village where I turned in a few of the quests checked for some new ones and didn't find anything going home and crafting up a lot of the diamonds into armor making myself and enchanting a diamond helmet I threw down a few of the pirate ships and made up some more of the infurium Dust upgrading that several times to get my first Blue Dust which would allow me to get towards crafting diamond seeds but on day the meaning of life I need some resources from the nether for me to be able to actually take this on any further so I headed to the portal making my way over the basalt Deltas seeing a flaming cow they're just chilling out we're friends and the Enderman I saw were immediately stabbed and turned into pearls and he Soul Sand that I found was what I was actually here to collect and the withered dogs that was that was sad to kill those I did see a Bastion in the distance and feeling powerful and enraged use the one ender pearl that I had gotten so far to Pearl in stab the Piglet and brute in the throat and then immediately loot the chests on the top of the structure there were a few diamond tools there which was awesome I was lacking in a few of those and some other goodies as well I ran my way back out since I could just jump off with the Sentry boots trapping a pickling inside of a hole and just throwing them a bunch of gold getting hot tourist destinations which is nice but I let them cook for a little while getting a bunch of different odds and ends from the bartering before running back to the portal and warping back home day 43 I Enchanted up the shovel and a couple books just to get some different enchants anything that could potentially be useful and then spent a little bit more time to improve the overall orientation of the center of the structure I also figure at this point since I've been living at the base for some time it's time to demossify the area I converted a lot of the Moss blocks into the chiseled Sky Stone and the runic Sky Stone so this would look like a structure that was partially from the Aether but I'm still pretty Diamond poor so I headed down into the mine shaft itself continuing to explore around digging into a large geode which started leading into a pretty decent sized Cave System there's a lot of inferium and ores in the actual mine shaft itself too so I'm just grabbing anything that could potentially be useful but as I started breaking out into other areas a blood blood moon Rose and it actually started getting a little hairy I found this skulk Outpost at one point in time which had a spawner inside which honestly feels like cheating those two don't go together but I was able to take out the skeletons and found some diamonds just hovering around oh actually it's worth noting at some point in time I fixed backpacks I thought that there would be some way to upgrade them but instead it was all config based so I changed the backpacks to be three rows that'll be in the mod pack which you can get download link is in the description by the way so I figured that was a nice Fair balance you can change it and I'll show you how there will be a video on my second channel on how to do that but even with that extra storage base my pockets are starting to get a little full here but that didn't stop me it was my first big caving session of the full hundred days so I wanted to keep going I'm grabbing any Prosperity shards diamonds that I could find the inferium dust though mining that out is honestly since I'm still very early game in the farm aspect doing really well to supercharge me I did make my way into a massive cave system that was filled with Mobs that I think confirmed my idea that all of the mobs were spawning underground instead of up on the surface there was another one of those skulk outposts that I had find this one filled with spiders as if my two fears didn't need to get any closer together but I was getting a ton of loot here and this made me feel like I was making good progress why does it ticked over to day 45 my pockets were fully full so I just mined straight upwards breaking my way out into the surface and then going back harvesting the crops cooking up some potatoes since I was completely out of food once again and then just dumping my pockets out I made a full set of full diamond armor and then just started upgrading all of the Dust getting into multiple of the blue dust that I would need for my first piece of supreme and this is where I realized how expensive some of this stuff was okay so we were mining for three days and we picked up almost all the infurium we could find and it made two two supremium which is only halfway to be able to make a diamond seed this is intense I mean come on think about it we're gonna be able to grow diamonds on a plant which honestly feels super powerful but we're only halfway there there's still more work which honestly I can respect I used a bit more of the inferium to upgrade my diamond chest plate to inferium which then allowed me to make a set of diamond pants enchant that and as I was taking a quick nap going to day 46 upgrade the pants to inferium as well and now I'm half in green half in blue with a pair of Angel boots on and this is the weirdest combination of armors but I'm actually here for it I was able to combine up more dust to make one more Supreme so I'm very close to there and then I use the altar to enchant a bunch of the darts by cooking more of the ambrosium and if I'm mispronouncing these just hit me up in the comments and boost that engagement and I I suck at reading words sometimes and on the morning of day 47 all of my work finally came to its culmination yes [Music] we can craft diamond seeds now we can grow diamonds now that lets us grow diamonds yes let's get these Enchanted up since I can now grow and craft diamonds I crafted up a few which allowed me to craft some Prosperity gemstones which allowed me to make the inferium to fully upgrade my armor set and now now I'm ready to take on a whole new level of challenge full set of green let's go that challenge includes forgetting to record the very beginning of day 48 but we're off to the Aether and we're mining I'm looking for the different ores that are available in this Dimension to see what I can make as far as cool unique weapons and armor mainly weapons because my inferium armor is what I'm going to depend on for the rest of this hundred days I found a Continuum orb which is very interesting we'll get to that later but I'm mainly looking for gravitite it says that you can make this into a sword that if you hit mobs they fly up into the sky which feels like a really useful thing I found more zanite but no gravitite and I went strip mining through the bottom of this map and the bottom of this sky island for quite some time found a lot of everything except the one ore that I was looking for the next day when I returned to the Aether to continue my mining search well I'm just gonna cut to the live vo for a bit oh wait first off there's a pink sheep over there no shot okay hold on I think I see a pink sheep but is this it is this silly please be it yes okay did I see what I think I saw hello I have to get you home let's hope it's somewhere good okay this is easy I cannot believe this I cannot believe why are they chasing me please don't tell me they're aggressive please don't tell me you're aggressive come on you that's right you float you're a balloon three I love it three pink sheep in a hundred days across two Dimensions who knew but that was a sign of good luck so I cooked up well Enchanted I'm not exactly sure the verb I should use for the altar but use that to enchant some gravitite and make a gravitite sword and this would come in so clutch so I got it Enchanted and ready to go and at the halfway point I'm gonna spend the whole day just showing you my excitement hello it's a yeet sword oh this is gonna be fun okay now I see where everybody was recommending it okay so maybe you just like stun lock her or something I don't know are you ready for a fight I think we're ready for a fight it was time for a fight the next boss something that I had seen multiple parts of the wiki say is the most dangerous part of the entire mod the valkyrie Queen would face my blade thankfully the enchanted mystical sword was chunking the boss for a decent bit of damage the problem I had though was she is Relentless in her approach my armor is doing a decent bit to hold the damage off and I'm using a shield to catch whatever hits I can but once she started summoning little balls that summoned lightning and were shocking me I'm down below half health and she is just constantly attacking giving very few chances to actually heal and it was looking pretty bad until the gravitite sword came in clutch [Music] oh my God [Applause] oh my God that was so close I do not even want to think about how much how bad that could have been here we go was it worth it oh maybe two holy swords a valkyrie helmets and a lightning sword please tell me you shoot lightning oh oh get me out of here I am so done that was too much I didn't even use the I mean yeah I guess I use the gravity sword to put her up on the light posts so I could get time to eat but she like the videos did not did not do that Justice that was terrifying and with some newfound respect for the dangers of this Dimension I warped home and the next day with the boss killed it's back to farming just a little bit more you'll get to enjoy it in this pack this is honestly kind of addictive and makes me want to potentially try a sturdy Valley hundred days at some point would you all watch that let me know in the comments but I made some growth accelerators which would make the Imperium crops grow a little bit faster accelerating it you might say which allowed me to grow diamonds at a pretty good clip there were also zombies attacking the castle which I did have to defend the Vagabonds and other villagers who were chilling around here but I'm not only growing rare and precious gemstones there's also potatoes but just as it rolled over with a little new day prompt in the corner I upgraded my helmet to prudentium getting myself into the second tier and heading out on another adventure since my armor was way better now I figured I should go over to the pirate ship with those murder dolphins that I was very scared of all the way back on day four those things could have chunked me for all of my health back then and now I mean they still hit for about half I dove down into the underwater pyramid that was directly underneath the pirate ship and got the advancement for one in Rome which let me know that there was a zombie Crypt down here as well which could potentially have God apples and other loot so I spent a good portion of this day just running around and seeing what I could find a bunch of golden apples a bunch of diamonds a bunch of baby children who wanted to eat my ankles but realistically it went pretty well I alluded that into the morning of the next day getting up into the underwater temple itself and then getting into the ship proper and the skeletons here actually hurt pretty decently the ones with bows stay perfectly still as do the other Pirates and a few of these other different structures but the ones with the swords and the feathers on their head they they can do some damage once I was into the Captain's Room I realized that there was going to be a lot more gold and other Treasures here and this was similar to the ship that I had attacked over in the Frozen area previously so I was able to get more eyes vendor and books and just had a fun time kiting my way around and filling my pockets to the brim the next day was pretty simple return home via the funky flying mechanics and just looking ridiculous as I go and combined all the dust that was in the loaded chunks to get that up to a higher level get some different Prosperity gemstones and upgrade the rest of my armor to prudentium day 56 with all of the diamonds that I've been making I cracked myself up a diamond ax and got that enchanted with some silk touch which would just always be useful I can't believe it took me this long to get that I headed off to the Aether and started flying around on a pig just seeing what I could see where a slime attempted to kidnap me and that caused my pig to just start flying off in a straight line come back [Music] oh no [Music] why is the pig running boots on right okay good [Laughter] that one's so horribly wrong but I figured since I was in the Overworld and pretty far from home I checked on the map that I had found some dozens of days ago and I was actually a little bit closer in the Morning Light I saw a castle off on the horizon which had a little bit of loot mixed throughout it's mainly food which honestly is pretty good I'm existing solely on baked potatoes right now so getting a little bit more is definitely a positive there was some armor and different Treasures hidden in a couple different spots but the skeleton in the basement was the only dangerous thing here I headed out finding a slightly upgraded spider spawner and then continuing through the forest finding a wastestone at one of the villages which I just threw into my pocket and continued running this should let me get home at a moment's notice there's a pretty cool mine shaft directly next to that Village as well which had a little bit of oars here and there there's a Pillager infested Castle a little bit but past that and it's all these little structures and additions that make me wish Minecraft had more things that actually looked like ruins or buildings in it that would make the world feel a little bit more populated I know why they don't do that they want the world to feel empty and open a blank canvas but I prefer having things to explore and that goes into day 58 where one of my favorite mods is about to come into play because after we fought our way through the Pillager camp and this is always fun just having them shooting each other setting up this massive Crossfire and attacking a full-on encampment like this giving me something instead of just one little dinky wooden tower that feels like it's our pillagers are a real threat and having the zombies in the cages definitely helps in the world building and the storytelling I do love these simple spread out structures like this the next day going across some ruined Bridges though is probably my favorite I know I said yeah yesterday was my favorite but today is my favorite and it's the airships it's been a bit of time chopping down a couple trees converting all of that into planks which would give me just enough that I could pillar up onto the wing of the Airship and this included wither skeletons riding on Phantoms and on hoglands and this is honestly a pretty threatening place to be if it weren't for the Sentry boots it would be doubly scary because falling off of it is near certain death I have to be pretty careful also just taking on these individual challenges because getting hit with wither no amount of armor can protect you from that just slowly burning you down but the chests inside boy do they make it worth your while to attack these things I fought all the way into the night just trying to inch my way closer towards the spawner making a absolutely critical error I dropped my bow which I'd spent a good amount of time on that I kind of wanted that back so I I'm just standing and critting on all of the hoglands throughout the night until I was able to drop down grab that and loot the chest which include things like netherwort diamonds golden carrots everything I could ever want as it rolled over to the next day I had to clear out the crow's nest which had the final boss of this kind of structure which is a power bow Phantom Rider and that thing hits hard cost me a couple golden apples and just peeking around corners playing with the sight lines to take that out but once I did I plopped down the way Stone and immediately teleported home I had to convert most of what I had found from ingots into blocks because there was just so much there and check out all that gunpowder I have a theory of something I could do fun with that if we get to it somewhere in this hundred days but having done a ton of exploring and finding nothing or at least knowing that there's more journeying to do I spent a little bit more time here at home converting the spruce wood into a bunch slabs and just completing and fully finishing the roof for the outer ring of this ruin but I know that with it all being bottom slabs I'd need to do some small little pedestals to be able to build up a bit more here and there but if I want to really keep improving the castle I need some more blocks from the Aether actually so I headed off to there flying on a pig who generously donated the saddle back to me heading into one of these silver dungeons which I was able to mine for a ton of the different chiseled stone blocks here that I think is really going to make the castle pop and it's gonna bring the Sky Dimension Down to Earth but while I was here there was a couple rooms that I couldn't fully mine out so I figured why don't we take on the boss I had beaten this once before my pickaxe is a lot more powerful and this time I was using a xanite pickaxe which seems to have some inherent damage Buffs against this boss me being in better armor definitely helped as well whereas the first time I had taken this boss on I needed to just use a god Apple to take it down now it was just about playing the angles running in a circle and critting it out until it was dead there we go oh [Music] what are you I mean we get new boots we have Replacements because our old ones are about to break I still need to do more with all of this but Phoenix spell [Music] oh one final dive with these boots let's go [Music] oh okay [Music] okay sleep time to sleep time to sleep the next day I focused on putting all of those blocks to use demossifying is that a word that's totally a word but demossifying the entire base removing a lot of all of the full Moss blocks and many of the mossy variants and replacing it with skystone I set up the different arches and to just kind of divide it up into a couple different rooms and focused on repairing the floor making sure that it was properly you know that it looked good this allowed me to use the runic blocks which actually glow just a little bit to place light on top of and with the different Aether blocks now included my base was a combination of The Best of Both Worlds the structure that I had found here in the Overworld converted to be something that represents the adventure that I'm actually going on combining that with a few of the spruce pillars that you can make which I really wish they would add these to vanilla Minecraft they look amazing and the base is starting to come together but half the fun of making these mod packs is seeing what decorative blocks I can add which are the kinds of things which you wish you had in vanilla to make this place feel a little bit more like home that includes some different tables some different shelving opportunities throwing some barrels in place in the center to move from the chest monster that I have in the corner to an actual proper storage system in the middle I framed and moved a bunch of the item frames to the center and things are looking good we are just not going to address that we're just not gonna talk about it okay and immediately after I recorded that clip I personally got very frustrated with it so I broke down all of the pedestals placing them around the center which I can then put random items in to be floating around kind of like a cooler version of item frames I also fixed up the floor to make it actually represent the shape of the structure considering it's not centered who made this mod and made it not centered but after two days of building things are looking very nice on day the best console ever made I upgraded half of my armor to the red variant which I'm not even going to attempt to pronounce and produced a few additional golden apples I checked in with my mending ATM that I have down here in the hole just throwing paper at them and realizing I need a better way to get more emeralds but I was able to pick up my very first mending book before throwing that onto a piece of armor though I ran over towards the village to pick up a few of the quests that were there seeing if any of them would generate emeralds there were a couple and and a Blood Moon Head started which Once you turn the shaders off it's very red very red but I prefer the fancy version of Minecraft so I spent the whole night just shopping down mobs for experience primarily using that to repair my armor via mending and just get everything fully repaired once I saw my experience going fully up it's not like I could sleep so I just kept fighting into the morning where the blood moon set and things returned a little bit more back to normal I killed a few Endermen that were hanging out around the village trying to get a couple more ender pearls I don't know if I'm gonna try to beat the game I really enjoy exploring the new dimension instead just to make it a little bit different but you never know but I took some of the Holy stone that I had gathered converted that into its brick variant and started adding some arches to the top of the base just to give it a little bit more of this kind of angelic or open feeling I don't want to create a full roof I want to be connected to the sky but I want something where it feels a little bit more intentional then it's time to Execute Order 66 so I headed off to the valkyrie Temple collecting a lot of the more yellowish version of the skystone that was available here specifically going for the runic variants since they would glow I have a really cool base idea for that there were a few mimics that I could still clean up and going around and fighting them grabbing as many of the blocks as I could I warped back to the Overworld and used the glowing ones primarily with a little bit of the regulars mixed in to make a Halo for the base you know what's more Angelic than that I spent the rest of the day doing just a little bit more organizing using the altar to repair my pickaxe since it doesn't work for the infused armors that's why I'm gonna need mending for that I made myself a zanite pickaxe with silk touch which I was able to then use to move the glowstone to a better position it warps to the exact same location but at least now it looks like it's a little more intentional in the bass I finished the day by executing my mess doing just a little bit more organization before calling it a night there the next day I figure I need to set up some more seeds my thought was I could grow emeralds as well since I've already figured out how to grow diamonds so as I was resetting the altar I clicked with the Continuum orb and got a strength 3 augment actually Sierra play it back look at just the one pixel that I missed the plinth on which allowed me to get something from the bookcase with the orb that's a really weird interaction but that's kind of cool I could potentially use that later the only thing was I didn't know how to use the augment I checked in crafting with anvils none of that worked I would figure it out just not quite yet I spent the rest of the day gardening to get a little bit more inferium Essence and dust to try to get up to a level where I could start working on getting emerald seeds which would allow me to have a much more prosperous economy when you can just print money there's no thing like inflation in Minecraft what are you talking about but while that contained you're going I use the way Stone to teleport back to the Aether thinking I should do a little bit more exploring turns out you can put the saddle on Cows as well so I'm using that to fly around and just see what else I could find at one point in time I did see this random ball Island that I had made a mental note of but I didn't realize how important that would be keep that in mind that'll come in handy in a little bit but as I continue to explore I saw this Arena looking thing on the mini map and I flew over in that direction finding a massive structure but it's also really really high up so my thought was let me just mine a whole bunch of stone that I can pillar my way up to there but I missed on one of the jumps with the cow dropping down into the Overworld instead and it turns out I missed a blue moon bummer on day 69 I do want a quick way to be able to get to that Arena or anything else in the Aether and I want to leave all my way stones in place so I looked to see what it would take to make a Warp Stone this would allow me to teleport to Any Way Stone but it doesn't allow me to go back to wherever I left so I warped over to the Aether broke down that waist Zone warp stoned back to the Overworld now having both in my pocket and I'd be able to place that down somewhere else and get there quickly but I crafted up some mystical fertilizer using that to just grow a ton of inferium very very quickly that allowed me to continue to make progress towards the emerald seeds having three quarters of what I need I made myself a fishing rod thinking I could get myself a puffer fish to potentially take on that ocean Monument grab some sand to smelt into glass burned the fishing rod as I apparently have a tendency to do made myself a new one and fish throughout the night until I nabbed myself a puffer fish but with some water breathing potions on hand I used my Floppy Fish sandals to get over towards that massive ocean Monument I had noticed earlier and I had 24 minutes to be able to navigate my way through I was able to break into one of the chambers before I ended up getting mining fatigue but this place is very very full normally I'm taking this on with a trident either Riptide or loyalty just anything to be able to fight at range but I have to get up close and personal here and while the chest loot is nothing to laugh at there's definitely a lot more in this kind of Monument having a bow and arrow is less than ideal I was able to clear the first Elder Guardian searching and seeing much more impressive Chambers around here just significantly more impressive I am probably going to convert some of this into the ocean Monument build I'm doing in my hardcore world you know I'm gonna steal this right but sitting near the center of the structure as if I just called it was a perfectly pristine Trident and that was awesome the amount of tentacles that surrounded it significantly less awesome so I nuked my way out of there very quickly swimming up to the little Basin on the top of the monument itself and and as the day rolled over it warped stoned my way back to the base where I just did a bunch of farming and combining of inferium Essences which would get me towards my next red dust which is three quarters away towards my emerald seeds is that all I did on day 71 man this mystical agriculture takes a heck of a lot more time so since that's taking a little bit more effort let's go a little bit more Lo-Fi I warped over towards the village having made a Fletching table I trapped one of the villagers inside using some Moss to block off the door and then just started trading sticks I have basically infinite wood from the wood Essence that I had gained from mystical agriculture so this is way faster or at least way more immediate for me right now that did however take a good chunk of that day hey some of them just requires you to do a tedious thing for a little bit so I slept on the decking there not realizing that I could have just worked back home in a Heartbeat by my next menu book the next day and thinking that I should re-enchant my pants just trying to get something better there I also tried to see what I could put on the Phoenix bow I got flame that feels redundant but I need some more levels so I headed down into the mines using Redstone to be able to get up to level 30 relatively quickly and then thought as long as I'm down here why don't I do a pretty significant mining session so I'm grabbing diamonds all of the inferior more that I could find which is a good way to kind of just Fast Track or jump ahead instead of worrying about the Homegrown magic or green dust you can go out and find some generic or organic magic green dust I really need to be careful about these puns before YouTube gets mad but I spent the entire day just going on a mining Bender I said that I wasn't gonna do a lot of mining because I wanted to focus on open air and floating islands but it's Minecraft you kind of can't avoid that as the day rolled over to day 74 though I cut myself off warping back up to the base and converting all of that into one red red dust that's a heck of a lot of mining for that I did use the levels to enchant my armor and get protection 4 and breaking three which honestly is pretty awesome I threw mending on that as well just to make sure that they would be lasting for a while but that red dust was the last one I needed so I hit the button crafting up my first set of emerald seeds using some of the diamonds that I had grown to make more mystical fertilizer and making some space and just growing a ton of emeralds right away which drops more emerald seeds the first one costs a lot everything after that is free green dust just works backwards like that I checked my enchants on the Phoenix bow doing a little bit of re-rolling until I saw power that will definitely come in handy later but I sold a bunch of paper planted more sugar cane in case I ever do decide to get an elytra and called it there day 75 worth three quarters of the way through this Minecraft adventure and I'm making myself a tinkering table thinking I can use that to put that strength onment on my sword the only problem is my sword is too low tier you need to have the the correct tier to be able to slot the augment into place so I thought let me just use another orb get another augment and I gotta block of copper that's kind of disappointing not gonna lie but as I was checking all of my stuff I realized that I had somehow unlocked the pigland pack which feels much more thematically correct for me is this crossing the streams this this feels like crossing the stream somehow but instead of constantly creating and then destroying the infusion setup in the center of the base which would be off center which I would never be able to correct I made myself a second set of plinths and a second altar setting that up off in a corner which feels way more just fine with it being just part of the natural space setting up an absorption augment and then upgrading that a couple times I was able to get it up to tier three which was the highest tier that I could slot into my armor and once I threw that out of my chest plate not gonna lie y'all I got super excited oh that is okay I need to figure out how this works this better not be a one-off Okay so took a heart away now we just wait eight minutes and uh see if it comes back if it does that's huge so instead of just standing perfectly still for eight minutes because that would make for a very boring video I went out to work on the inferior environment replacing the augments to get them all underneath the highest tier soil that I had and now this thing is cooking I crafted up a few more realizing that I could stack them so I doubled up and just got it really really going and you can see the difference I mean it's harder to tell when it's all cut into 100 days video like this where you only really see the beginning and the end but believe me it made a massive impact on my day-to-day as I was recording that night a blue moon Rose and I was feeling lucky and that reminded me of all the luck I had found to find these three pink sheep across both dimensions so far in this world so I built them a little bit of a pen moving them over into there which just helped me have a space for that and finishing filling out the actual base structure after that I did more fishing thinking the higher luck could potentially get me some treasure if I could find a couple things here the only thing I really found was spiders and having fun fishing those onto the structure itself I did see a trident drowned in the distance though and I was able to kill that before the blue moon set nabbing me another Trident day 77 I figured I should bling myself out a little bit so I crafted up a couple rings figuring out that I could craft a freezer which would convert the iron and gold rings into an ice ring which gives me inherent Frost Walker at the cost of its durability so that's honestly kind of cool I set that up with some Unbreaking so it would last a little bit longer and then did a little bit more farming throughout the night upgrading my helmet to tertium tritium the red one going into the next day where i'm flying through the Aether again I'm feeling pretty protected at this point so it's time to take on the next boss a little bit quicker than the last one I threw down the way Stone but before I could build myself up to the tower itself I noticed some interesting blocks floating off in the clouds so I headed off in that direction jumping down to it figuring out that it was divine debris which is the aether's version of ancient debris so I did a little bit of searching in what it would take to make the cloudium and it required making a gravitate thing first so considering my luck finding that ore this is going to be super expensive but as I looked around I saw two pieces of it off in the wall on the other side of the clouds I ran over to that went to mine it I just used their own pickaxe oh Mel you're supposed to use a xanite pickaxe not a holy Stone no oh tragic absolutely tragic I regret everything I regret it so much that I jumped down into the Overworld using the way Stone to then warp back to the base and I spent most of day 79 just getting myself fully upgraded I fully upgraded my boots and then tried to look into what it would take to upgrade to the next tier up and that was very expensive so I swapped out some of the inferium seeds for emerald seeds instead focusing on getting mending books that I could repair all of my armor and get that into a better State I did a little bit more trading hit more quests did a little bit more gardening throughout the night and traded sticks in with a Fletcher for more emeralds just to keep this all going and to make sure that this armor would last with me through the rest of the hundred days the next morning I figured I should be a little bit more prepared for the next boss fight so I spent some time Brewing up some strength two potions which would just allow me to potentially DPS a boss down a little bit quicker oh and I did realize that the absorption meant that my hearts refreshed every eight minutes which was awesome but it did mean that a regular Golden Apple didn't normally provide its absorption since I technically had a higher tier enchantment so it's a bit of a double-edged sword I used the way Stone to warp back over to the Aether running around and just fighting some mobs for the experience to repair my gear and I think genuinely the regular Valkyries do more damage than the valkyrie boss or else I can't explain how I was getting chunked that hard day 81 having fallen back into the Overworld though I did a quick little bit of gardening and needing just more experience to repair all of my stuff I went down into the mines and since mobs is a little bit more dangerous cue the hyper fast mining Montage where I got a ton of experience from breaking a ton of blocks with shiny shiny things hidden inside of them that continued all the way into day 82 where I dug into a little aquifer just as my experience started to go up instead of just the resources is going up grabbing the last little bit that I could possibly carry in my pockets warping back up to the surface and then using those levels to both repair everything and to do a little bit of enchanting I made my Phoenix bow a lot more powerful with some power 4 and made some infurium upgrades for the Harvester which would allow it to cover a greater area and be more efficient this meant that instead of only working on a three by three space directly in front of it it was covering something triple that size and doing it three times as fast so that desperately needed upgrading and building out more growth accelerators which would increase the area of things that were growing a lot more rapidly and now this Farm just Cooks where they're being constantly loaded it is constantly Gathering resources for me faster than I can collect sometimes the 83 I traded a lot of those sticks for more emeralds converting that into a mini book and putting mending on my boots fully repairing my last bit of armor with more trades from the Fletcher just for the experience primary early I walked over to the Aether and now with everything fully set and ready to go pillared up to take on the next boss I don't know I have no idea what this boss is I'm hoping that the Phoenix bow lets me fight it Sky whale why do I get the feeling that this thing's giving me the arrows okay uh [Music] [Music] I'm assuming the trick is don't get knocked off [Music] [Music] oh [Music] this is like the exact opposite of The Valkyrie fight and I'm here for it I actually feel a little bad about this [Music] oh come on you have no health foreign [Music] defeat the Platinum done okay so I skipped gold show me what we got oh [Music] invincibility gem no okay hold on in a cloud staff [Music] oh they have smiley faces look at them they're so adorable this looks really solid so that cost us all of the Sentry boots but we took no fall damage which is probably the main way that boss hurts you okay I need I need to get help is someone small Cloud sentries to fly next to the user for a short shooting large ice balls okay chance to allowed to wear to dodge blow conceal and impossibly help them to escape yo faster movements okay oh they're a poison cure I spent the rest of the night finishing identifying the remainder of the loot that I had collected harvested and cleaned up everything that I had gotten from the farm and slept with the sound of the rain just relaxing me to bed and the next day as I was trying to figure out what I had to do and how I had skipped a level in The Dungeons well I'll explain it to you live okay it turns out I missed it I missed the golden dungeon I did the thing I did the thing that I always say that I'm never gonna do I looked it up because I had no idea what this thing looked like and now I know and we missed it okay that's all literally all I looked up I don't know what else is gonna happen we're gonna do a little bit of prep I can do two dungeons back to back maybe upgrade our armor one more time and then we're good to go but to continue on my prep I put mending onto the sword itself since this can't be repaired in the altar leaving my diamond pickaxe without it because I could just use that in the altar to get that fully set up I converted a bit of the Dust down seeing what I could do to get my sword upgraded another time just thinking that could honestly be pretty rad and spent the entire day doing more farming day 85 I did a little bit more capitalism converting logs into money with several steps in between throwing mending onto the Sentry boots which would allow me to be immune to All Fall damage which made me think of the Airship that I had abandoned some 20 days prior so with the boots on hand I was breaking spawners and I jumped down to the surface I hit water so the boots were kind of irrelevant but still that was nice I put my ring on so I had frost Walker and then just started running off in the direction again wanting to see what this map is before the end of my time in this reality and I made it to the massive structure just as night was beginning to fall so the next morning I carefully made my way inside [Music] is this a village [Music] this is a village oh this is a really interesting Village Bonkers okay achievement made on the road oh that means oh found the map made a map I mean this is neat it's very pretty definitely very pretty I might steal some of this I'm not gonna lie a little underwhelming I was expecting some big boss dungeon or something like that but just goes to show you never know what's gonna happen with these mod packs I have no idea back home I guess [Music] with my adventure complete and a mixed success as far as what was there on the end I did a bit more trading to finish repairing the Sentry boots going back home cleaning out everything and building out the second of the Supreme ingots which would allow me to upgrade my sword and my damage capabilities are about to level up significantly again the next day I was back to the Aether heading off to that golden dungeon that I had found and not realized that I had found I'm flying on a pig and wondering how I'm gonna get up higher when I bounced on this blue cloud and then I figured if I bounce and then jump I can drop a little bit of water down and use that to climb up now it was really framey and that's because I had set a setting wrong so I'm very sorry that it gets a little bit laggy here in the video but I made my way into the dungeon mining around until I could find an entrance and once I dropped down I had a pretty good idea of what I'd be facing you look like a fiery boy so let's come back yep let's come back with fire us I'll be back for you in a bit so once I was back to the Overworld I figured out if there was any other way to get fire resistance a little bit easier and there are some armor pieces but most importantly an augment which would make it just a permanent flat effect instead of having to worry about potions and almost as if the universe knew that I had a lot of farming to do a harvest moon Rose which gave me everything I needed to just quickly make myself a fire resistance augment so I threw that in on a piece of my armor and was able to just be immune to fire for forever I'm just infinitely immune to fire okay I know I was making that by chance but oh my goodness was that the right call but with it being a harvest moon I wanted to recoup all of the dust that I had just spent and I was able to get a significant amount the Buffs from the Harvest Moon on the crops combined with all the growth accelerators just look at how much more I'm making in any given day [Music] what was that where was I invisible oh this is is that invincibility charm oh my goodness that triggered that scared the heck out of me but with that jump scare done a little bit more farming and it was time for my next upgrade so it goes from 15 attack [Music] to 90. that's a massive massive boosts 24 the next one would be 24. that's Bonkers I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get up to the highest tier of all of this gear but I'm gonna try but we still have more Adventures to do before we get there I did a little bit of training headed down into the mine for some amethyst shards which I would need to be able to make up another warp Stone and had another visitor off in the base here's the pearls that were short I swear I didn't plan that oh my God I swear I didn't plan that the timing does this one hit mobs but since I was short on pearls on day 89 I headed off to the nether just killing Enderman thinking that was probably my best bet to get those being absolutely fireproof does make this place feel a little bit less dangerous I gotta say and just goes to show how much these Investments that we've made into our gear are continuously paying off I spent a little bit of time just running back and forth along the nether specifically in the Warped Force biome and while I did fight a whole bunch of mobs I only saw like one Enderman the entire time through so that's unfortunately way less than what I needed I did do a bit more research though and saw that I could make a blue Apple an Imperium Apple which makes me nigh unkillable so I'm gonna make one of those up before fighting the next boss but I had to thoroughly convince a villager to turn to religion and or drug manufacturing depending on how you look at Brewing stands doing trading to get them up and thankfully they sold pearls which which is exactly what I wanted I used that to craft another way Stone through a warp Stone which would allow me to get to the golden dungeon a little bit quicker making the Imperium Apple which would make this boss fight an absolute joke I have become death destroyer of worlds but as we wrapped up on day 90 realizing that I have only a tenth of this adventure remaining I did a little bit of odds and ends and chores and prepared myself for the end game the next day I went through the portal thinking that I could head over towards where I needed to place the waist down for the golden dungeon so I threw a saddle on a pig and miscalculated slightly ending up in the water directly on an island and they We're not gonna talk about that so I threw another saddle onto a cow thank goodness that the Aether adds a crafting recipe for Saddles because I am burning through them pretty quickly and wouldn't you know it you've got to be kidding me [Music] no way close enough we'll get the rest of the way later you're coming with me I don't know what it is about the shaders that are making it super framey and I'm sorry about that but uh [Music] now you know why we made this a shirt this is amazing look I'm not saying that this run is blessed but this run is totally blessed but the next day I continued where I had gotten so rudely distracted from warping and making my way up to the temple itself throwing the waist down in front of it and then getting ready for a fight let's do this and it turns out this one was a bit more mechanical because you don't actually fight the boss directly which meant I had kind of wasted a few resources here it didn't mean with the Supreme apple and my amazingly op sword that fighting the little Minions that would spawn off whenever you did trigonometry and punch one of the ice blocks into the boss that worked really well and you're able to just combo things out where I'm taking little to no damage but it's less about just pure DPS and more about overall placement so while the boss fight it's a lot of fun this one being so distinctly different from everything else was a little strange but as I started working my way through this Cycles eventually the boss fell foreign yes nice what did it oh I'm invisible what did it iron bubble life shard healing stone Phoenix helmet leggings and boots vampire blade a pig Slayer okay let's what is what are you [Music] oh hold up hold up yeah I can control time okay that's dope let's just keep that there actually you know what this look really cool right here and we just come here to set the time [Music] that's dope all right let's go check what all these things do so after a quick nap I spent a little bit of time identifying all of the new pieces of armor the vampiric sword is definitely very cool it heals you for the damage it does and there's a pig killing thing and some iron baubles but the crystal was the most interesting thing by using that I was able to increase my health by one one heart at least which is technically two for all the coding nerds out there but now I have three different colors of Health this is actually kind of cool I did a little bit more research into other things that I could make and I found out that I could make a no fall damage augment combining the benefits of the Sentry boots with all the protections of my inferium armor so I harvested a little bit of magical pink wool which felt like it would be amazingly appropriate for something that should protect me from all of the damage ever yes this armor is so cool no fall damage that means I can retire the century boots I don't need them anymore that is so cool and sitting in here taking screenshots for the VIP community on my Discord which you can go join link is in the comments I tried to think of what I should do next considering I had killed every boss and had a week left in the world what if I just did it again but back to back to back so that's what I decided we're going to run the gauntlet in the last five days of this world killing every boss in one go without stopping in between I did a little bit of farming because this is gonna require some preparation I need the proper resources and assets on hand first of which was a supremium apple which I'm definitely going to need for the valkyrie fight which would give me additional resistance and more Hearts more aggressive regeneration which should make that a little bit easier to manage that took a good chunk of the day I selfishly was also going to see if I could upgrade another piece of my armor into the blue but I also thought what if I upgraded a pickaxe so that way it would be able to do a lot more damage and I would be able to take on the shifter so I finally upgraded my diamond pickaxe into prudentium and then tertium to just get that up to a significant amount of damage and not gonna lie having the Aether no longer be stuck on daytime was honestly a little interesting I'm running through and seeing the sun actually moving through in the sky and if you'll notice on the F3 it actually has its own independent day counter which definitely made editing this a little bit confusing but I'm working my way on the map just trying to find all of the Dungeons and I did find a spot where there was a bronze and a silver dungeon relatively close to each other and a golden one not too far off I mean that one did take some flying to get to but it was manageable the problem I had was finding another Platinum dungeon which did take me over a full day of flying and we're into day 96 at this point I am a little bit worried that I'm not going to be able to get all of this done so it might just be in the very last couple days that I try to take this out but I spent a little bit of time that day just killing all of the Valkyries to get the medals that I would need to challenge their boss again and then it was time for final preparations so with my overpowered here in my pockets my equipment and my experience in this Dimension it was time to run it back and do it all again and I was immediately given a massive setback that is a pickaxe oh no does it not count it oh no it doesn't count it because it doesn't understand the mod that is such a that is a cheat I have been cheated so I'll fix that in the mod pack that I make which will be available for you all link is gonna be in the description which will make it easier for you to take on this Gauntlet yourself but I was able to kill the shifter getting some decent loot from in there another Hammer of King B dog so that's definitely great and I immediately flew over towards the silver dungeon where this would be the make or break moment I scarfed down the Imperium apple and then took on the valkyrie Queen and between my higher damage the better Shield that I had equipped and the resistance I barely got knocked out of my golden hearts before I had her absolutely on the ropes [Music] [Music] yes oh my God I'm invisible again oh that feels so good Valkyrie gloves a valkyrie ax set so much stuff Neptune helmet I worked back to the Overworld not for a pause but to just dump my inventory into one of the chests morphing back to the way Stone here and earning a well-earned rest finally sleeping in the Aether itself moving into day 98. and like I said the math here gets weird but we're gonna go with it I flew on a cow towards the golden dungeon that was a relatively nearby and thought it would be funny to just kind of guide them into it maybe hold on to my mounts so that they'd be able to take me towards the Platinum dungeon a little bit later and in taking on the boss I realized that I might be fireproof but that does not carry on to the animals that I brought in here with me but knowing now that I didn't need as much immediate protection because I'm finding these smaller mobs and it's more about working my angles and planning for not exactly a DPS phase but overall running through the mechanic I was able to take on the Second Sun Spirit which I'm not even going to attempt to pronounce that and there is nothing that you could pay me that would make me attempt to pronounce that that's just going to be a train wreck in the making no but with one little Bop of ice I had conquered the Aether again it feels like a lot do I get the full set of Phoenix armor I think I did because I was missing the chest plate yo yes I did nice but with all of my gear identified I had one final boss to conquer I worked back to the Aether jumped on another Flying Cow and made my wife some 500 odd blocks to make my way to the Platinum dungeon I had to do a little bit of mining to get the blocks needed to pillar my way up being nervous about the mobs that would Boop me and one of them knocking me off the pillar I triggered the boss blowing the Pillager horn realizing that maybe I was conquering this reality making it my own but the adventure here the trip through Nostalgia the kind of thing that I don't know the Aether feels like one of the most iconic mods in Minecraft that concept of a glowstone portal with water pouring out is something that is just a core memory for so many of us who have played this game for so long that standing here on top of this dungeon fighting a sky whale in a dimension of floating islands just feels unreal to me and the fact that I get to do this with all of you makes it that much better and as I'm saying this inspiring thing I am busy doing some murdering in the background of the video but we're not going to talk about the tonal differences there as I eliminated the whale and unlocked another Platinum dungeon agility boots a phoenix hoe a bunch of Aero clouds nice all right let's let's go home a champion of this Dimension with that complete I worked back to the Overworld checked the farms on all of my crops and woke up on the morning of day 100 where I prepared to set sail to my next adventure I dropped off all of my armor and all of my items in a chest standing here in the middle of the base which is ready for you all to follow in my footsteps as is tradition and with a beautiful little pink boat I sailed off heading in the direction of my next adventure and this one this one couldn't have been more different special thank you to my patreons and channel members who make videos like this possible if you enjoyed this chapter in my story stay tuned more Adventures through the Multiverse are coming very very soon take care of yourselves be good to each other bye-bye
Channel: Legundo
Views: 275,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days hardcore, 100 days, 100 days of minecraft, minecraft 100 days, legundo hardcore, minecraft hardcore survival, legundo minecraft, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days aether, minecraft aether mod, minecraft aether, minecraft sky islands, minecraft skyblock, minecraft 100 days hardcore
Id: ljRRd43HsoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 19sec (6439 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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