Minecraft 1.20 But The Crafting Is Random #1

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hello everybody and uh welcome to Minecraft 1.20 but the crafting recipes are randomized here's the data pack here's the seed if you want to follow along oh God so guys in Minecraft 1.20 there are a lot of armor trims um and stuff like that and uh yeah it's um it's not gonna go well it's really not gonna go well so make sure to like the video for this isn't going to go well I just want to be up front and realistic with everybody there is a strong likelihood here that uh I'm not gonna actually be able to complete this like I I had mentioned I had made mention in the past before 1.20 came out that there was a strong likelihood that we would stick to 1.19 when it came to random crafting um but against my better judgment we're giving this a try here and um we're gonna see how it goes I guess so yep there's just uh it's a lot of relatively inaccessible crafting recipes that do exist now and they are gonna make it a rough one for us okay so we gotta get gotta get a few things before we're able to do that mushroom stew there but don't worry don't worry we got ourselves some flowers that we can get surely one of these flowers is gonna give me Eye of Ender right like there's no way that it one of these first things that I break wouldn't give me Eye of Ender so that we can just you know be done with it the only thing I have to worry about is how to mine into the stronghold oh boy um and check what dirt does I don't believe dirt unlocks too many crafting recipes for us folks poor dirt it's a really truly under appreciated Block in the world of Minecraft and it's very sad I think it should get more love it should be used in more crafting recipes and stuff like that you know I know we can combine it with gravel and stuff but anyway hey at least I can jump in the water and see what we get for the boat recipe oh good oh you get white dye wait oh I saw it okay hey one of the boat recipes crafts wood that's pretty awesome would you look at that I'm not gonna have a boat for a while presumably so I'm just gonna have to like YOLO and roll over there hey sand though Sans a good one sand gets his stuff I'll have to find a village that's a crafting table at some point obviously and even then though we might have a spot a wee bit of trouble as we attempt to do it it would be kind of cool if like you know we could like get a boat or something like that what do we got for that ah it's not gonna unlock too many crafting recipes now is it neither is that probably no dead wait wait wait there's a means of getting wood from the yellow stained glass hold on that is actually helpful for us well no it's not really because I can get planks also just by finding a village so yeah it's not really going to be that big of a deal for us so anyway yeah rip sometimes I forget that you know actually getting wood in the inventory not too big of a deal when it comes to random crafting the bigger issue is that once we have the wood it still doesn't really grant us access to things all right here I could get black dye though surely oh he's just gonna leave okay all right fair enough dude fair enough he's just gonna go all right book and quill pretty cool but yeah for realsies everybody I just wanna Just Wanna Be abundantly clear there is a good chance that this is not gonna end up happening and oh iron block that's kind of cool I can definitely get rid of that and go to this side yo iron block which we can't actually craft into iron because you know that's not how craftic recipes work here but don't worry we can craft the iron block into nine waxed oxidized copper which will surely unlock some new options for us in the crafting table well some in the stone cutter actually so that's kind of cool okay okay some options there for us some real big options maybe we can get some gravel too yeah yeah yeah let's go okay we got a bottle a bottle when you combine it with the dirt you can get some bottles and I don't know if that actually unlocks any recipes for us I don't think it does what the frick what the frick wait what did I just grab I just grabbed the coarse dirt what the frick wait huh what what what huh what is it though I don't know what it was because it's obviously it's a three by three recipe what could have possibly done there was a coarse dirt wait what I literally picked up coarse dirt for that's the second time I I picked it up before and it didn't do it the first time now it did huh I'm so confused I'm so confused Why didn't it do it the first time yeah he's hacking wait what I don't understand I don't know what happened the mods fall you literally saw me just create this and put it in dude what because that's not it it's not course the frick I don't even know what recipe course dirt unlocks I'm I don't understand I don't know okay I'm going over here because you know there can be villages with crafting tables in Tiger biomes I get this is what I get for like people oh he scripted it he established everyone's expectations of like this isn't gonna work and then he goes and just gets the freaking Eye Of Enders immediately look at this freaking guy look at this freaking guy he even can swim on top of the water he's freaking hacking this freaking hacker dude no I'm so okay the the good thing is now that we have it as an unlocked recipe when I do find a crafting table it will tell me it will tell me I just I don't know should I just collect a bunch of course search I've gone back there I guess you know worst case scenario I just die and come back and then figure out what the frick happened but I'm I don't know I just don't know all right let me let me go let me go do this [Music] all right come on sorry about that buddy did you drop leather you didn't drop any leather I forgot there is I think an option on the Rando crafting to make it so that the crafting table recipe doesn't change which maybe I should have done but also at this point you know the suspense is going to be the interesting part that I like have to find the crafting table before I can figure out what the frick did I have Ender dude I'm so confused I'm so confused maybe 1.20 does some wonky freaking stuff okay white wolf should unlock a lot of stuff sorry Mr sheep it was not very nice of me the other thing that I need to do though is like I need to get a tool something right I guess you know I could find a blacksmith village and get something from there we've had to resort to that in the past and uh we'll see if it happens in the future but hey you know you guys any Village action would be pretty cool over here it would really help us out little sugarcane perhaps man if we get a hold of a boat wouldn't that be cool that would be pretty epically awesome dude um old middle-aged woman 45 months thank you very much pretty slick what do we got oh grindstone kind of cool kind of cool about wait about oh I bet it's the uh it's the paper recipe that makes a boat so we need the crafting table dang it and then I could be zooming along here bro you know what's going to end up happening is it's gonna be some real wonky thing like for some reason the Eye of Ender recipe showed up when I mined coarse dirt and yet I'm gonna get to the Village whenever that happens find a crafting table and it's going to be like yeah the recipe has nothing to do with coarse dirt because what recipe even is there that uses coaster I genuinely don't know off the top of my head like my Minecraft crafting recipe knowledge because I use jei is like it's non-existent where what do you use this course dirt as a recipe uh there's none there's what the f did I did I pick something else up does anyone re-watch that clip I don't know if anyone's re-watched the clip to maybe see if I picked something else up that I didn't even realize and I just thought it was the coarse dirt I don't know if anyone wants to give that a re-watch and just see if there's any info there um so weird bro so weird pumpkins though let's see oh purple bed purple bed wait oh frick yeah that's not gonna be super easy unless I get a chicken farm going it's gonna be bedtime and I am so not ready what am I gonna do oh dude I am so freaked if I do not find a village or something or a chicken that has dropped an egg or I can't get sugar right because I don't have sugar cane crafting to Sugar that's not how it works oh my God bro I'm crafting the logs together well that's not really a big deal right because the crafting recipe for crafting logs together has shown up already we just haven't like executed it so oh dude I I have I have no good food source I am in a bit of a freckle a frickle is a combination of frict and in a pickle in case you didn't know it's a good term well seeds don't do anything oh yeah we're fricked oh yeah it's bad it's real bad maybe I can like spot a village via the uh oh look at the Northern Lights that's so cool that's so cool I never let it gets it dark with the shaders in the tiger biomes to be able to even see that Wow we must be really North in this Minecraft map just kidding we're heading to the east but you know what maybe we started really North to begin with that's so cool I've never seen the northern lights in person because I don't go places bro going places is overrated actually it's probably not it's probably pretty fun I just you know do too many things to do Mr backups thank you for 34 months happy Saturday cap and chat thank you mate thank you pretty slick much appreciated uh all right there's a little crappy boy I don't want to deal hello Village please oh man I really want to find a village in the Tiger Biome because you can actually get Crafting tables in Tiger Villages or frozen villages to be fair so I could kind of keep it going maybe it's easier to spot when it's out in the open instead of tree surrounded but it's definitely not peaceful literally a creeper right there and there's a zambro maybe we're just getting a little lucky and they're not completely oh frick oh god oh here they come now they're popular oh they're freaking populating oh geez oh geez we do we gotta just avoid oh there's a baby zombie he's on my tail and he is going to Frick me badly oh no he's too fast he's a little oh boy oh no oh God please tell me there's a village somewhere around here for the love of God there's not much I can do there's not much I can do boy or give me like something else give me something some other I realize I think I passed an acacia not an acacia um oh god oh geez I'm gonna have to run oh no this isn't good that jump scared the frick out of me dude um I need like an oak tree I could have gotten it from the Azalea but God dang it bro dang that jump scared the heck out of me dude is he still on my tail no okay we're good thank goodness okay we're fine we're good we're good we're cruising we're cruising please please please you just need a village it shouldn't be that hard now should it right this really shouldn't be that hard oh that's just lava over there don't get my hopes up with your lighting we gotta be careful of we don't want to be catching any strays from the strikes when you get it yeah you got it okay cool I'm so worried that what's going to end up happening is we're just wait wait there can be they can have that they can have it it's an igloo you're telling me there's a chance oh God there's so many bad guys around it holy heck um oh no okay I'm gonna have to make a Mad Dash and if I lose this Igloo I am so beyond frix if I lose the igloo I am be on fricked hold on hold on hold on I'm gonna seal myself in yo okay what is it what is it I what what does the people are gonna think I'm I'm hacking the people are gonna think that I'm like I'm hacking how did I even get this how did it even unlock yeah Captain Sparkles Destroyer floors I didn't even pick up a plank how did it unlock I don't get it how how did it where did it come from I'm no it didn't come from the stick because when he picked up this it was literally when I picked up a coarse dirt how did I unlock the chest recipe huh I'm so confused I this is I dude I just got I did I've got set up I have been I I actually have been set up the people the fast guy set me up so that the people don't they don't believe me anymore they they don't believe me maybe redo maybe read to people tell me to redo they added hacker mans to the you're telling me to redo but I legit did nobody believes me this is like the time this is like your monster Frick is there a downstairs there's a downstairs nobody's gonna believe me hmm it's a tool it's a gapple I don't I'm not but I did like this is legit I just downloaded the freaking thing I just downloaded it and put it in right before we started this I don't know what the frick dude oh my God oh my God okay first off I still have to find a village okay this isn't a sure thing yet I mean yeah here's no here's the thing obviously like I'm gonna find a village eventually I would have found a village eventually and I would have collected planks or a shipwreck or whatever a lot of things get planks like I would have found that recipe so yes obviously I got really lucky on the recipe front for one but secondly I just don't know why getting coaster triggered that to show um that is kind of confusing right that is kind of that is a little confusing I just want to sleep it off now that we have a bed thank goodness you may not rest now there are monsters nearby oh yeah I can take the cactus that's so true that allows me to unlock a diorite wall oh wait how do we get the uh there's a freaking oh oh it's a chess Plus ah actually chess plus Birch boat does give us baked potatoes it's kind of cool um anyway yeah I cannot bring the furnace for you know reasons that I think are fairly clear given that I don't have a pickaxe but yeah uh what about this do we get anything liners no ladders don't unlock any recipes torches but a torch may be helpful just to have so we can offhand until we get a shield something to use and I want to slay the poor zombie villager that's like pretty mean because we even have the tools in here to be able to make him like a healed healed man's a new man's and and anyway all right this is crazy what the frick dude what the frick also yeah there was a democracy poll that just took place here and the poll did decide to like keep going you know does this look like any recipes it does unlock some recipes that's pretty slick dude so here's the thing we still need to find a pickaxe or something right we definitely do and a food source would be great let me just double check if there were any good like food sources um you know what is beetroot soup I mean it works also why did I not see that before yeah it was like 95 said uh keep going with the seed what so I just need to find pumpkins and we're actually like solid on food which is nice um yeah okay wait you're right yeah I mean I I have the blue the warp Taipei but that doesn't give me planks right remember crafting recipes are randomized so you can't take logs and get planks from them um torches make lanterns white and unlock something not all recipe options actually get populated uh in the random randomization thing so um that would be why that would be why uh okay well let's see we can find some pumpkins Maybe and then uh we just gotta find a village or something that has a lot of um a lot of stuff a lot of wood a shipwreck too could be a shipwreck lanterns unlocked when you get iron nuggies not here because the crafter recipes randomized it's not how it works um but are you saying the whatever has been replaced um as the lantern recipe would be unlocked when you get iron nuggies which again not necessarily not all the recipes get populated so so as it turns out you can consume all four beetroot soups simultaneously if they are in one stack in your inventory is an unstackable item so therefore I've just consumed four beetroot stews at once and it gave me the saturation of a single one so I'm gonna try to find some more pumpkins now because that was great that was exactly what I was hoping to have happen yeah I was like wait why did it stack I thought beetroot stews were unstackable oh oh wait right right right cool cool it's good it's good I guess I could do a little bit of boating see if I can find myself some pumpkins you know we I I could backtrack and try to find the other pumpkins but then I'm backtracking and this is only up I mean only forward only to infinity and beyond that's the name of what we're doing man we got a second drift course though dude I kind of wanna I kind of want to just drift around here for a wee bit you think there are any pumpkins like in there man I gotta do that video with like racing simulator boat race oh would be fun it would be fun but whoa oh frick I can't get back up help I've fallen and I can't get up I'm old okay if I found a village there would probably be pumpkins I bet well there actually could be a shipwreck as well to get wood and it's just gonna be such a pain even though I have the stone ax like trying to mine all the wood under underwater is going to be tedious as frick I kind of want to just see if I can find a village man track Mania revisit I really should do that was fun I would like to play it again I'm just the worst at reaching out to people being like yeah you want to do a thing you want to do the video games I know we did the video games once I hope you didn't absolutely hate the whole experience do you want to do it again and then I'm worried that they hated the whole experience and they're like ah you know I'm busy for the next few weeks and I'm like oh I guess that's fine I understand don't worry about it um I still haven't seen other than that one Azalea that I just went and didn't um chop down to get the oak wood which was very dumb I haven't seen any other types of tree how about some bumpy kittens you know um let's see excuse me pardon me Banji was here last night maybe a skim yeah I should do some more Formula One skis at some point you know wow dude there was uh there's a qualifying today and it was like wowie zowie what an what an unusual what a 2021 result oh we we should see if we can get some leather for one of these mans what a 2021 result for the qualification that's so cool that's so awesome um logs should be able to cook meat in a furnace yeah I mean we'll be able to get we'll be able to cook that meat and probably eat the glass that comes out of it or something like that you know it's always good I'm sticking with my tartar for the moment you know sticking with the tartar Shirley will be able to find a something soon right definitely we'll find a village at some point in the near future I just follow the ice boating on the river and then we'll make it y'all got any of them Villages around here you know any of them Villages I'm just bonking off the sides I don't even know how to Pilot about anymore you do we made it come on let's go let's go the Taiga never disappoints okay surely you guys are gonna have like a villager or a blacksmith or something right and you're gonna have tools tools that I can use for winning maybe I'm gonna have to collect beds and use beds I don't have a bow arrows like I don't actually know how I'm gonna play this out with the end right this is a bit of a problem because like while we did obviously get very lucky on the whole Eye of Ender situation were kind of fricked on the actually to be fair I do have the stone ax which I can use to fight the dragon the issue is how do I get the crystals right how do I do that part and I am gonna the question is do I save the ax here in favor of making sure we at least have some kind of viable weapon to be able to fight the dragon if it comes down to that right instead of um oh I will go oh snowballs wait but I I need to get a shovel obviously um the beetroot seeds give us anything no get iron from the Golem hmm I mean it will unlock some recipes the recipes may or may not be anything useful but okay let's see let's see we got here we can do this I don't know some new stuff right conduit hmm a brush for some of that Sassy sand okay now we can throw that in there one guy orange die yeah dyes are usually good they unlock stuff but it's like oh okay we got ourselves some Whatchamacallit skis there iron no way no way let's go that's so big also whoa dude I mean that's gonna unlock some recipes too dude it's gonna unlock some recipes bro smithing template I don't think smithing template unlocks recipes oh yeah no it will won't it I actually don't know anyway that's kind of huge all right that smelts into that okay so now we can go up against the Golem in order to get iron and see what the crafting recipes give us what about you imagine using another writing it and upgrading a piece of diamond in order to get a piece of food uh the heck of a Time all right I already had coal that doesn't do anything new um you guys got any of the you know those pumpkins around here you all got any of those wait hold on um hold on if I if I get more orange dime let's just get all the orange dye I could ever need just in case and I did wait what was the smithing there was a smithing template here oh it was all the oh got it hold on wrong thing as these if I got off smithing template does that unlock a recipe it does interesting wait so is that randomized like if I oh my God wait so if I combine this with another piece of armor and an eligible die or whatever like gold iron it'll give me that will it give me that I don't actually know how that randomizes I don't know how that randomizes at all that's like weird yeah no I know that it unlocks a crafting recipe here obviously but I just don't know how it actually works when you plug this into a smithing table like it's kind of kind of crazy that green will unlock something though beans it unlocks beans make the brush get some suss sand out here oh they don't stack that's fine that's fine I don't have a pickaxe so I can't actually bring the smithing table which is not great we don't like I think I can I'm gonna eat some stuff in a barrel around here or a or a chest you know um can kind of say farewell to a few thingama donkers yeah hey man do you mind if I use that bed cool thanks you sleep on the floor child actually did we have a smithing table recipe uh no no no we do no we don't anyway okay so if I do use the ax to get the planks I will to be fair still have um the sword so I could do this I don't think that unlocked any huge big new plays for us it didn't seem like but so we're gonna need at least basically like um 96 we're gonna need like 96. yeah CaptainSparklez stealer of floors do be out here um oh you're right yeah I could actually do a stripped log because that does give different crafting recipes yep yep or a dozen okay never mind I'm just torn like if it is worth doing this with the AXS like do we ever get another do we ever get another because look at this look at this there's no axis there's no axes we got no axes what a pain in the ax well you can do um you could trade all of your planks five planks for one plank there which is pretty good if we did that um all right one jungle log actually I mean a jungle log does unlock recipes but I don't know is it worth doing it probably is because what if the jungle log recipe is a tool you know it's not it's not it's not balls that's big balls well anyway if we could find emeralds we could trade with one of the villagers God I'm starting to think maybe I just break with my fist and it's just gonna take ages but oh well wait I just received some potentially fascinating advice in the chat which is if I can melt an ice block that is like up here or something yes it will get me snow that I can then just use for snowballs for ranged in the end which would be cool obviously the problem is finding ice that's like high enough up which may or may not happen why am I using my fist to break wood when I have an ax because my ax is limited in terms of what it's able to do um you know what I am gonna do I'm gonna see I'm gonna try to get iron from our boy over here and I am just gonna see if maybe iron unlocks a tool or something because iron does unlock a bunch of recipes so I'm really sorry about this bucko really sorry about this it doesn't feel good sword any tools any tools any tools no freaking dolls no tools other than a stone sword oh my God I I could have crafted iron actually do that I didn't need to do that at all oh I'm kind of the worst what is that okay through that and with an extra smithing table that gives a pink bed okay um I'm super sorry about that but anyway hey by the way here we go we get four eye vendors that's pretty awesome isn't it now I think it's pretty cool it also wait that unlocks a gold hoe recipe I don't know why but it did do um oh oh that doesn't it doesn't give any snow I thought that would give snow there's no way oh what do you smell I didn't realize that I really thought that did actually work show us what I know about the Minecraft's rip I'm not uh not the smartest man I guess oops potatoes what do we get what do we get we get the just give me a tool dude if I could smelt you into a tool or something it doesn't look like it um rap okay that's a repeater golden care SBI Sim can't smell the carrot um and more taters okay not the best not the best it's gonna be an interesting quest to try to get the freaking Dragon I'm kind of just thinking you know what hopefully if we find more shipwrecks and or Villages along the way we can find some other stuff that is um you know other other plank types and eventually in the plank type well it has to it has to unlock a recipe right when I say a recipe I I mean you know a tool or we get a blacksmith or we get a blacksmith you know what fine I will use this because now we we have the iron sword that we can do we can make more of them I'm gonna grab beds I'm gonna bring along some beds and stuff like that um yeah I do think breaking out freaking it's not breaking out the block underneath snow drop snow because you know when you're playing random loot drops when you break out the block underneath snow it drops whatever whatever the snow layer drops I wonder why it works that way that's very interesting foreign man that's a nice booby trap right there dude that's a real nice booby trap yikes imagine that in real life that would that wouldn't be fun at all dude if any of you guys here ever Fallen under ice that seem oh hey it's a smithing table wait so like what happens if I did I don't have any armor pieces um okay well I can bring it along though we can see what happens if we do ever get an armor piece okay anyway let this uh continue with this side oh not falling on ice I'm saying like Fallen under like I've been on a lake in the a frozen lake and the ice cracks bro I like I I don't I don't care how safe supposedly a lake is I am just as a like people drive on lakes all the time and that is just such a it's a huge no from me I just I want nothing to do with ever doing that ever and then you know that you they they put the signs on the ice lakes that are like make sure you roll down your windows and take out your seatbelt and you're just like oh boy bro I think their house got a little bit messed up uh wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait can I see what happens here wait okay it is actually it just works normally bro am I about to have the the most baller leather chest plate of all time I am about to ball out on this leather chest plate oh my God you the likes of which you have never seen before I'm doing it I'm doing it bro now that's now that is the ultimate Flex let's do it dude I am bawling out in leather you better believe it you better believe it dog okay let's put that in there I should have done on the boots that would have been even more of a flex anyway um where are the where oh God wait where are the beds at oh frick oh god oh frick wait there's another house over here y'all got a bed I got a bed anywhere in it before uh oh before bad things hipping what the frick is this there you go leathereites dude I love that for us as a name wait why why haven't they actually made that an achievement that should genuinely be the name of an advancement in Minecraft they should call it leatherites and it should be trim a piece of leather with netherrite oh yeah I gotta take the beds you're right you're right why didn't they do that why didn't they do that or cover me with cover me in leather eyed or something like that do the whole thing right bro that is one of the biggest missed opportunities potentially in the entire history of the video game oh my God Mojang are you hearing this right now are you hearing what is what is going on are you picking this up dude are you picking up what I'm putting down because I am I'm feeding you well chat's feeding me and then I'm feeding you I am the Messenger I am the communicator of the incredible ideas holy freakinic um okay there was a bed in here right no just kidding there was a bed in here though right lobbing you guys freebies just lobbing you freebies it's up to you to listen though all right so that thing is pretty dead but we do have some more we're gonna need to find something else on the way so I don't know why don't we just figure out where the place is let's just triangulate the chords and then hopefully we run into something else on the way and if we don't then Frick so yep yep yep yep oh I haven't got oh oh just get a chest into my inventory got it not not the worst idea in the world not the worst idea let me see let me see did we have a oh there's another bed getting these for both Dragon damage as well as um more uh iron sword Supply is there any cheskies come on man come on I just don't want to break one of the chests I've already been in that has just like oh hey there we go I just don't want to do one of the ones that I know is gonna end up being a full of items and annoying but actually you know what I'm gonna check out I guess I have to check out the house that's like buried in the in the side of the mountain because what if it could have a chest in it that has like snow in it that I can use to break out crystals it's gonna be full of ice isn't it like the house is literally full of ice that's really funny yeah wait do we have a development let's go okay break the chest though oh did we wait we got a diamond pants recipe wait did we get it how the freak freak that happened wait I broke the spruce lawn before and didn't give me anything it didn't give me anything Why didn't it give me anything oh was it a six did I break a six-sided before did I break us I might have broken a six-sided well there we go no I knew I so I broke a stripped it just might must have been a stripped six-sided that's my that's my guess um I didn't realize that okay so goodbye goodbye house seems cozy I don't think I need more than one Diamond pants most likely I think we're good with that dude this is crazy though and the chest didn't really unlock too much I don't think bro that poor house though yo you got anything good maybe if I maybe fish smelting no as it turns out no no not really all righty then um wow we could do sorry bud I'm just looking for like a pickaxe or something man no new nope nope nope what about a um what about some wheat gold sword man I would honestly even have taken a golden pickaxe but no sad big sad indeed it's not Reuben is a pig bro not a bunny you can't invoke the name of a Reuben here that's not how any of this works well all right let's um let's figure this out let's see where the portal goes all right it is time hopefully we'll run into another Village on the way and be able to unlock uh more stuff I believe I believe all right let's see where we're at and um actually I'm gonna do I'm gonna go for maximum accuracy here and then what we do is we go controls oh wait I have to though wait I gotta um actually that's what they that's what they do they get they ah here we go here we go watch this watch this that's so they do this and then they go options they fov it down controls and then they go Mouse settings and they bring them then they bring that down and then they freaking do it right and then they go boom and it's like oh heck yeah okay so that's 97 well let's write it down okay so we got that one down let me go pick this up move over a little bit watch me end up being less accurate here and it's gonna be really embarrassing when that ends up happening all right all right here we go here we go and then we throw it again let me bring it down again controls Mouse setting they're so fast dude when I watch Pete do this he's just like click click and then okay got it it's like what the frick dude how did you even do that 103.5 all right let's see so we got it all written down and we are going to um 9 48 1373. [Music] that is quite close by and also is this like back in the same direction we came from because if it is then I'm not gonna find another Village it's like really close by oh god oh no that's really it's really not good there's a copy button for coordinates well I need to copy one coordinate at a time that's the way the website works so a copy button in game doesn't really help a great deal to be out honest frick okay well so here's the big question right if we get there and I still haven't found a way to make any tool like do I still go for the YOLO do I like go try to venture into the stronghold despite the extensive risk of of Doom hey wait we can do this though we can get some more food these are food I just go for the full YOLO what I'd have to do is probably like leave some of the I'm like not gonna I wouldn't have much in the way it blocks how do I even do this like I'll have freaking like five snowballs of five snowballs no bucket of water I don't actually know how I would I wouldn't I would like have to do the ultimate speedrun bed situation and like I don't have that in me bro I don't I don't have that in me what if the platform spawns inside and so well you know we've dealt we've actually dealt with that before I mean you just punch your way out right the problem is that we don't have a bucket we don't have lots of blocks um I guess we gotta figure out what would be the best way to get tons and tons of blocks because I guess as long as we have lots of blocks I can keep on just sacrificing myself over and over you know what would be the way what would be our best way to get lots and lots of blocks what is a multiplicative block uh recipe that we have well we can figure it out there was the one with the stone cutter we couldn't take the stone cutter with us though is the issue right um 1373. we're actually getting so close and it is nothing but snow in sight which means I'm not gonna find any other wood types I'm gonna end up having to find like another stronghold watch I'm gonna have to travel thousands of blocks Beyond where this stronghold is actually located in order to find like another village with different types of wood 73. yeah dude it's like just over here oh my God we're basically there oh you're right I need Abby anyway which I don't have there's no crafting recipe for it so the stronghold's like right here bro there is another Village I mean I can check actually see if they oh wait hold on so you're telling me there's a chance so you're telling me there's a chance wait a minute oh but wait oh no no no no I promise I did not mean your child any harm okay okay okay I got that out of the corner of my eyes like wait wait wait wait good that's not good we don't want that oh oh God how do we get back over there without this little Frick trying to ruin my life um you I'm not coming after your child just calm your little face down oh oh we need a freaking second okay what are we what are we getting what are we getting by the way we're getting some stuff some stuff efficiency five golden pickaxe feather falling on the boots projectile prod on the head we can't solve at the chest plate because obviously you know we're rocking our we're rocking our epic best life here but we can do that we're gonna have just a variety of armor huge variety of armor can't break okay oh god dude I don't actually even remember I don't even remember if these Villages can have blacksmiths in them right I don't even know um no we can't we can't forsake our leather right that would be bad like this is really fortuitous that this is next to the uh it's next to the stronghold area right maybe we can get lucky or I could just like bring a bunch of beds right I could dude if I you know if I can get enough if I could go full no there's not gonna be enough beds in here but it could be what if there's like a an easy bed recipe right that might be I mean that I'm not gonna have that many that is still I don't have like a I would have to be captainsparkle's Slayer of all cows but then I would be able to in theory have a ton of beds for just full bed cycle action um pick up the furnace wait what do we have here nothing super interesting I don't think picking up the furnace is really helpful for us honestly um like we could try to go super YOLO maneuver maybe what do you got you guys have anything in the freaking barrels anything at all it does not seem to be the case um I could get a little more iron Ico that's some food let's go pretty cool another bed never have too many beds another bed I'm just grabbing all the beds I possibly can who knows maybe it'll end up being enough person can never have too many what about oh my God the food situation is getting sorted so is the bed situation what about in the smoker I can't remember if there's like specific smoker there are specific smoker recipes there are I don't think that I need I don't think I need the brushes we're not we're not finding sassy sand we're simply not um I am it is no freaking way oh come on oh my god dude oh my God wow wow okay as big that's big it's as big as it gets that's quite oh we are just wearing such a varied set of armor by the way what a cool cool set and then what do we get for the gold what do we get for the gold it's a diamond ax it's a diamond ax for the gold tell me what it tell me what you want what you really really want just need one more stick that's all one more stick and we are good to go I have to I have to there's no way I there's no I cannot do that I have to get I have to get the stick I do okay all right everybody you know what here is where we are gonna leave things off for this episode but I have a game plan in mind and I'm gonna execute it and next time we might have a lot of building ahead of us we might have a lot of tedious work to do the dragon and it may go poorly and result in some having to die and redo and but it's gonna be good make sure to like the video subscribe to captainsparklez2 follow twitch.tv cabin Sparkles and I will see you in the next one
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 40,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, random loot drops, data pack, random crafting
Id: nsClqxB6esI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 11sec (3491 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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