Minecraft: Dave's Curse (#1)

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hello everybody if this music sounds familiar because we played the prequel to this map on the main Channel it was called burros's curse this is Dave's curse Dave was the guy who forced us against our will to go and get cake for him and so now Dave has a curse or something like that probably I'm assuming or it's just an unrelated Dave that's also possible do we want High brightness I think High brightness is good for Content what do we have here this map has dark areas if you love brightness computer or visual impairment enable this setting I would say I just have people who want to see what's going on and then Speed Run mode what does this mean this map has story based cutscenes you can disable them here for Speed runs we love the story we're here for the story the hero had done the impossible and defeated the cursed sorcerer John perosa this is me I did that I did that in the last map holy frick it uses my player head that's so cool um okay but along the way Dave's gluttony nearly destroyed the entire world Dave had taken the TNT needed to defeat Barosa and refuse to return it unless the hero brought him cake I love this backstory cut scene that I was just explaining wasting time like this could mean the death of them all but Dave did not care frustrated with Dave's greed almost dooming them the hero turned their sword upon him but as Dave bled out did I do that to Dave oh my God he saw the curse floating freely looking for a new host holy frick wait Dave munched on barossa's curse just ate it right up gobble gobble gobble oh my God I can't believe this Dave began to travel the world using his powers to satisfy his gluttony by any means necessary oh what the frick Dave are you stealing people's Cakes by demonetizing them oh my God Dave is freaking obsessed with cake ah I guess of all the things to be obsessed with it kind of makes sense but still what the frick Dave well here we are oh wow this place is kind of bright um maybe I shouldn't have maybe I shouldn't have done well it's because it's quartz it'll be better you know what it's fine um you know Ryan we've been through heck and back but I truly think nothing can ruin our wedding well aren't you sweet Dave what are you doing here I want cake what the f what the frick Dave that what the frick dip no uh Davis Florida no this doesn't sound good of course you can have a slice after the vows I dude I've forgotten what I did for the vo lines for Wallace and Ryan I wanted all that I wanted now as my money and I need it now don't be ridiculous you can't have it what the freak Dave I thought we were all buds Dave Frick off holy frick Dave it's my cake and I need it now Wallace Wallace are you all right oh my God what the frick I thought we were all freaking no I'm okay I'll look around to see if I can make something to help you I'm so sorry oh my God what the frick Dave what are you freaking doing can I grab this stuff you can hover over an item in your inventory to see what it can break or be placed on okay um so let's see can break bamboo we got some string do I need to make some scaffolding or something like that maybe wait but does this have to be a specific one of the bamboo otherwise because you know if I break one of the bamboo but it doesn't give me enough bamboo that would be not good okay so I gave us only three bamboo oh is it Unbreakable or maybe it just has like a couple uses here let's break both these dang dude Dave is a freaking bad guy bro Dave is a bad guy oh wait there's stuff back here hold on should I make I should probably make a freaking what is this cigarette lighter well I can't grab it right now it's not letting me can I grab the I can grab the bread though this is very good Wallace don't worry I'm trying to figure things out right now I don't know why I can't grab the cigarette lighter it's very hard to actually see anything in here either oh wait you've got a thing in there we've got an awkward splash potion that's awkward it doesn't really do anything does it um I I can just feel dark mode users like crying out in excruciating pain right now uh I'm sorry guys I'm not leaving without Wallace oh your intuition guides you back I just it's it's the shaders it's the shaders obviously be like normal night vision if not but um I'm sorry I'm sorry about the you know the the cave that um you guys are used to the cave-like lighting it's my bad wait is there a way for me to make it over there hmm God I can't I can't the frick um okay oh yeah yeah there's actually just a freaking crafting table in there okay I can make a stick wait I can make a stick oh does it not actually want me to make scaffolding oh it doesn't want me to make scaffolding oh no way okay so oh then what am I doing if I'm not making scaffolding that's freaking weird do you think that I should make should I make a stick what if I make a stick and that's actually not the solution um oh wait there's a thing over here assistant what hmm okay uh due to popular demand by the chat I have gone and disabled the shaders so that everybody is not getting completely fricked I also accidentally stepped on a turtle egg and I'm a monster it is known okay I don't know do I just make maybe I just make a stick can the stick do anything nope stick can't do anything okay cool maybe I keep I could just keep breaking the bamboo I suppose until the shears break so let me see um oh let's see cool I got some cool armor and I got some cool stuff like that I don't know what to do with this stuff though a walkthrough link no we're not using that at least not right now what the frick I can't leave all those behind but I don't know what to do with him what is this doing okay that is doing something is it just that I need like enough items on this in order for it to activate oh okay I see so it does activate that to allow me down I wonder if there's a way to like what am I gonna do this is there a way that I can eat the items up and then oh boy how am I gonna do this and frick dude how am I gonna okay hold on I don't think I can like reach it um God dang it okay oh that was so close that was so close um oh wait a second can we fishing rod it can I fishing rod the pressure plate will that actually work that's a good question let's see ah I can make a fishing rod I don't know do fishing rods work on heavy pressure plates you idiots you idiots oh they do okay dang it stop overshooting no oh wait hold on oh duh I can use the trapdoor okay freaking dummy prank cigar explodes when lit anything else in here I that was silly that was that was a silly very silly Billy of me to do I'm so sorry everybody so sorry um wait a minute how am I wait huh how do I get back was this trapdoor um was this trapdoor misplaced or was I just not supposed to get in here all the way was I supposed to just stay laid down or no I wouldn't have been able to do that um well do I have anything that can break anything I was definitely supposed to make the fishing rod because the fishing rod is unbreakable so give me it gave me like an NBT Thing Once I crafted it um let's see oh okay I can just do that cool cool let's see can I light it on this gee willikers bud what the frick um Wallace do you need a watermelon is that gonna no watermelon's not it apparently I was thinking that I could just give Wallace the watermelon everything would be good and then while he would be healed because watermelon is delicious and nutritious and tasty I thought I have to right click the thing at least but it just like blew up by proximity Is there a place to go from here nope nope um well oh you know what okay so I need to make this a glistering melon don't I so I need like some gold or something like that um oh yeah there's some nuggies there they are oh that's why I needed the fishing rod anyway got it got it yay that's what I'm talking about right there can you freaking hit it can you hit it please got him excuse me thank you don't worry Wallace I figure I finally figured it out the incredibly elaborately laid out situation in this room that somehow allowed me to heal you as if it was Destiny for Dave to just run in here like a freaking psycho and steal our cake it's heck of a premise dude just a guy who's absolutely obsessed with cake then granted freaking magical cursed Powers so that he can just roam all throughout the world destroying people and taking their cake this really takes the cake all right I got you bud I got you there we go you're fine everything's good that worked like a charm heck yeah it did no that's great but what are we going to do about Dave yeah dude Dave sucks gotta hate Dave I don't know but it definitely involves leaving here come on I was like he needs some help with that door Buddy save me a little bit of time isn't it um this place was a lot nicer on our way and bro is this iron armor no that's just leather armor okay okay that's just more leather armor uh I was thinking bro if we could pick up some iron armor that has some armor trim that'd be pretty dope yo you need help doing a little parkour across because I I got it I got it come on over I'm not as agile as you can you help me get away across I'm trying to fishing rod you stop holding shift Wallace God dang it Wallace what the frick Wallace come on over okay how do I get Wallace to come over here what the frick Wallace I see okay so I gotta I gotta get you you come on you come on over here yeah you come up foreign thank you thank you and then um do we do we gotta oh I gotta have to fish you into there okay that's kind of crazy I actually stop stop stealing my rod God dang these armor stands a bunch of thievers oh my God there we go great great gerb I did it let's go Wallace um I think we need to work together to get past here okay bro okay bro I'm on it I'm on it put these swap crystal in your off hand to switch between controlling Wallace and Ryan I feel like we played a map that was kind of similar to mechanics of like swapping between different bodies and stuff like that so wait I just like to do that and holy frick that's crazy what the heck oh my God I get to be both of us to hold on how many so I'm just gonna probably do a little switcharoo ski here I assume and then stand over here and then I assume this will keep it open and then you can just go through oh my God look at me look at you look at me look at you why do we keep 180 every time it's like I'm not allowed to just keep switching back and forth and staring okay whatever um I feel like we need the we need this weird idea but do you think you could draw a fish in me so I could get up to those pickaxes uh sure wait fishing me so I can get up to the pickaxes how would I but how do I get elevation to be able to fish you up there to begin can I just fish the pickaxe negative that doesn't work um fish meat oh I get it now I was waiting for a bubble elevator or something and then I realized wait a minute wait a minute um okay we just swapparoski here okay so dude this is like the MCC map in Grid Runners oh my God d-a-e remember the grid Runners map here we go here we go I got him yo let's go okay so can blink Blake Brock of iron that's words that are good I did the good words okay so we need to just keep doing I don't even know if I'm using the proper characters and stuff like that but frick why do you keep going that way stop going over there oh my God why does the fishing rod keep going on the wrong place I'm sorry but what are you doing this is true I can remember moment right here there we go okay and you in the proper top hats thank you for gifting 10 Subs that's that's a big one right there that's a big one that's very generous of you very much appreciated I hope the top hats become proper soon no come on we got a big one we got a big one I'm gonna reel it in oh really oh God I lost him well I really did lose them what the heck oh my God there we go all right hook me a live one hook me a live one there we go that's more like it look at all those pickaxes are there any more there's one more over here all right the top hats they can be proper I mean item what do I do maybe they can't maybe it's impossible for the top hats to be proper okay now you there we go got him I should have just gone to the other side then done the pole and then that would work there we go big plays I feel like my progress here has been pretty steady I just fumbled a little bit on the first room but now we're kind of cranking bro okay so where is the so-called iron that we're dealing with here is it um is it up top I bet it was like just right in front of me and I totally missed it but let me see really quick let's just double check this it was probably on the bottom floor it's probably down there um was it where hmm oh there it is I see it now kerthunk and wait why did I need four pickaxes is there more on the other side or will I just need these did I really only need two of them yet I became an overachiever and went and got all four is that what happened here oh God Dave Dave I don't have any more cake I swear to god dude please stop coming back asking for more cake I can't bake that quickly are you two trying to stop me pointless I've already sealed the hero away this is what Dave sounds like definitely I'll just block off this hallway so I can get back to more serious matters uh do the matters involve eating tons of cake they might oh frick balls oh that doesn't look good for me I don't want to get hit by the arrows oh wait never mind do they keep like oh oh oh it's just like waves and force fields of arrows huh hold on let me go get let me go get me back I need to go get me back down it we need to get both of us back I feel like we should both be here for this can we do yo hey man can we do some like freaking lightsaber action eye of the fishing rod you have the pickaxes and we just like freaking Star Wars lightsaber deflect the arrows they're moving pretty slowly it should be pretty easy right should be pretty easy I don't know though okay here we go here we go here we go oh that's not going well has it um okay bud how are we gonna do this seems like the uh is there more there's got to be a use there's got to be a use for more of the pickaxes right like some more iron that we can mine like a like a way around here is there a side path that we can go down that's just you know easy peasy okay so what okay hold on so what if I what if I like we wait for it to go and then we do like that oh you freaking block oh my God as long as I'm not you and you're not me we can freaking do what the heck this is actually kind of crazy though what okay hold on let me go forward and we bro what the heck wait four wait four wait for it damn dance look at us go yo we got it that was kind of sick wait but oh God I gotta go okay I gotta get both of us through man I didn't expect that we were playing two people when we went into this map this is crazy okay okay okay yo is this the Council of Heroes we're all getting together to figure out how to defeat Dave I'm gonna fishing rod the leader wouldn't it be really funny actually if the map Creator like didn't account for the fact that someone might just like fishing rod the leader and then drop him into lava Dave can you two die already killing you is really messing with my schedule whatever I'll just reanimate these statues so I can get back to whatever oh they're statues not not people yo why would they even fight us well huh all right that's that's a thing huh okay wowie zowie so um is we gotta we gotta bring him into the um we gotta bring them into the lava I'm assuming um I I'm I'm gonna please stop doing this please map makers God dang it dude so again here's the issue just a lesson in music to people all right yes a composition can be old as frick and in the public domain that does not make the recording of the composition public domain if I'm an orchestra and I have just last year recorded a version of this old public domain composition that recording not public domain map makers please this maybe this came from a royalty-free website it's possibility but I just don't know and then and everybody then I get comments from people saying jardon's like obsession with with uh panicking over the music is uh is really like kind of kills the videos sometimes I'm like what do you want do you want me to just get my videos claimed you just want me to get my videos claimed because the freaking in the sun Guardian map the freaking Sun Guardian map that we did the ctm map was seen and Pete the video straight up worldwide block I had to I had to edit it out re-upload it like frick so no volume for now I guess because I'm sure it's on Master track it's probably on Master track so anyway uh Founders Founders come here come here I need to get you why will they not go into the hole what happens if I like switch what happens if I do a little switcharoo ski here wait can I oh God don't just watch me okay can I punch I can't punch him I have to fit I literally have to fish them it is the only available option God they're fast it go I got one okay here we go here we go yeah no you literally there you can't punch him you cannot punch him it doesn't let you gotta get on the opposite side God they are tricky to there we go get fricked get fricked no God damn you yeah get wrecked Get Wrecked and see ya bud let's go yeah what up now Dave oh also I was gonna break the floor and drop you in a massive Cake Factory that sounds like a reward not a punishment I'm gonna be honest with you Dave that's kind of cool actually um are we safe okay just when you think it can't get any worse I'm allergic to cake I'm on the Atkins diet and he drops us into a cake factory his goal is to destroy us via Temptation huh over there the hero things are starting to look up they don't seem conscious though maybe we can find something to help okay I gotta I gotta know is there a way two like you do an at P for bringing a Minecraft head into the game I just like okay maybe it just seems narcissistic for me to be like wait did they use my head like am I am I the hero because I played the first map did I become the hero or is this just like an ATP command that full that fills in uh Minecraft head I don't know I don't know I don't know how it works it can take player name into head oh frick I thought it was really cool defective cake storage warning warning the cake stored on this shelf are highly explosive do not expose to extreme temperatures I feel like we're gonna have to use this to our advantage defective cake storage eh enable main power well not much happening when I hit that button what do we have here okay a couple of couple of sticks okay that's crazy though that you can actually do that so there's a lever is there any way for me to access there is a way for me to access the Hoppers uh is there anything in The Hoppers I guess if there was it would feed oh okay it just feeds into this Barrel basically I see somehow I need to get the uh lever to [Music] go into the hopper I guess is there an access side over here okay there is so how do I oh I'm gonna need to make another fishing rod aren't I or something like that it must be yes there's pow pow snow oh golden shovel what is this it can break snow blocks okay but these These are pow-pow snow so that won't work we have a fire charge that we can grab is there anything can be just oh can be dispensed okay so we throw it in it oh it's gonna blow up the cakes I assume let me see if there's anything that we can do here and is this me on a conveyor belt what the heck did I say make sure to like the video and subscribe if you haven't Sparkles you can follow twitch.tv cabin Sparkles I'm not entirely sure but if I didn't well now is your chance now is the time uh let's see I'm gonna just dispense this and see what it do that's a big kablamo moments over there that's for sure um oh okay so it gives me ah now I can make a pickaxe is there a crafting table yes of course there is can break infested chiseled stone bricks oh good I love it when my stone bricks are infested that's my favorite kind is it you oh it's not you oh okay oh yeah it's not chiseled anyway oh is this one oh wait so there's a silverfish oh okay so am I like fishing this silverfish somehow through there in order to get the lever huh I don't entirely get how supposed to work and then snow block oh there's a snow block right there I didn't realize well that's a snow block too the rest is powdered snow can be placed on pink concrete I guess that's magenta concrete is it oh oh we're making a freaking Golem yo okay are you gonna what are you gonna oh he's gonna go he's gonna shoot some snowballs at the silverfish in the process he's going to break the item frame with the lever bringing the lever down to me go yeah do it do it do it do it get that low you get that lever you get that lever right now you get that lever right now bud wait oh do I have to push him maybe I gotta nudge him over to the other side maybe I imagine okay hold on hold on no no no it's gonna be bad actually if he he slices over here no go over here go over here I need you I think I'm pretty sure I need you shooting across here go buddy go buddy go oh you can see the shorn the shorn head inside of the pumpkin just like briefly for a second you see it clipping through it's kind of funny it's kind of funny okay I need you to do it through here probably yeah yeah thanks for being hecka Cooperative mate yeah hit the lever hit the lever hit the lever come on do it yeah he did it my guy you're a legend a legend in the community can be placed on a block of diamond huge all right here we go enable main power conveyor building conveyor belting this is the perfect use for those Arrow blocks the conveyor belt's pushing them away we better follow it uh how do I get in how do I get in how do we get in oh it's through here okay chapter two how the sausage gets made is this like I can't come in contact with the cakes otherwise I'd Die okay um am I making hero sausage right now soft Crystal oh I mean do I need to like and some say 50 years later he was still firing trying to reach the silverfish oh I can just run through it's not even a big deal I guess um okay so what's what's the what's the play here bud were you supposed to double stand oh we're just double standard okay it's like a big old cake of sorts how do I find me cake regulations icing should be one half blocks High cake should have 12 cherries icing should not go on top of the cherries interesting interesting indeed um crying what the frick what huh where do I Supply myself oh cherry pickers okay wait what is this Nani huh wait okay so that's like ice wait so I can break the cherries with this what the heck okay so I need to using those two buttons wait I don't I don't get what that does is that is that's just like a way for me to be able to get on there or does it do something so I assume should be half blocks high um cake should have 12 cherries and icing should not go on top of the Cherry so somehow I have to make it so that the icing is uniform and the cake has 12 cherries so does this allow me to play can be okay can be placed on granite is there any other Grant how do I clear the wait so like if I do that what does that do what does this do how do oh the trap doors like hold the water in God but how does that how does it help me if the it doesn't like huh huh you're so right I forgot I have another person I completely forgot about having another person what am I doing this is how we clear everything out yeah yeah and we do this it's a two-person freaking job it's a freaking two-person job that's what it is okay so what I need to do though is I need to break all of these okay so the real question then becomes how do I so this the icing cannot go on the cherries but the cherries which I have 12 of now if I put them on first and then I deploy the icing it's going to be on top of the cherries but if I deploy the icing first then okay I have an idea yeah so I just put all the cherries down I deploy the icing and then I break all them replace them and we're good okay here we go so we do that right and then I just break and replace right easy easy I mean it's a crude way to do it but it's easy enough thanks Wallace I'm sorry you got fricked up by Dave earlier that was really and then freaking can you believe those statues that were like super not cool of them imagine like judging other people all right there we go and then boom and I think we got it right yo let's go but did we just make Dave a cake because pre up until now Dave was eating small cakes now now we've just made Dave like an absolutely jumbo freaking cake that he's probably gonna consume and then gain enough powers to destroy and enslave the universe and Frick I feel like I feel like we played right into his plan this is exactly what he wanted also does it okay it does hurt yeah who's killed okay so I somehow just got like really lucky before and just avoided the cakes entirely when I like wasn't even really thinking about it that's cool all right nothing like a little bit of cake parkour huh oh God my toggle Sprint I can just actually stand on top of the cakes huh okay what am I am I gonna have to do this twice am I gonna have to do this twice that's the real question wait up we go uppies we go thems were some noises okay here we go what do we got here cocoa beans and a button are we are we making chocolate cake no do I have to I have to work my way through are we making freaking chocolate cake for Dave is that what's that what's going on dude so we made him a jumbo cake we made him an enormous cake and now and now he gets to have his cake and eat it too that's that's the worst part about this whole thing okay so we need this to get over here to its destination I'm assuming and so we got to do some like Switcheroo swapparuski's oh which is freaking crazy because we gotta like thread the needles so hold on so it's gonna go like that it's gonna loop around there or alternatively if it okay it'll just okay so it's just gonna be oh God if nothing is there it's going to be on a loop basically and then it's going to go all the way back isn't it okay so hold on I gotta figure out my my plan here so the first step is gonna be we gotta so that's gonna Loops that will do that It's gotta stand there and then that way okay so if I hit this one first it's gonna come over here and then go over there and then if I hit this one after that it will Loop to here then if I hit this one after it'll go to there and I have to hit that one okay so my play is basically this first swap over to here I'm going to hit the button and then go here wait for the thing to pass Swap and go so this will be interesting but we'll see if we can do it it'll probably I assume it'll just reset if we get it wrong because we do that like that and then wait for it [Music] I'm just gonna go freaking back isn't it it's engineered to go right back to the beginning though so I was uh I wasn't ready for the uh cake I wasn't ready for that cake dude there and then and then freak the cake Frick the cake wait can I stop it I can stop no don't go back don't go back no stop oh it's on a loop now actually we're good we're good I can just stand here oh yeah I can just give a little nudge geez no don't go that way don't nope don't go there why did it go that way I told it not to go that way and it went that way why would it do that why would it do that I don't understand why you would do that why would I go that way when I told it not to what the frick was happening there I didn't I said don't what the heck hey hey yeah there we go there we go there we go now we got it yeah huge plays huge Maneuvers we did it chocolate you said anything about chocolate um all right I'd like to buy all your chocolate this hallway seems pretty safe it's a cakewalk dang bro oh wow this is kind of gnarly do I have to do I have to bring you through here I probably do wait but I where's the swapparowskis hold on how do I swap between I don't have my swap Crystal anymore am I just am I just parking or just parkouring um maybe I'm just going over here and then going over here and then uh well that's not good oh geez are we stuck apart now I'm all the way back in here okay how was I even like just no sense of urgency just chilling right here on the pressure plate come on man at least look at what I'm doing going into the other room follow along okay here we go don't worry we'll we'll be able to swap and use it to our advantage and stuff like that so what is our goal is our goal to get over there there's some spawn eggs and stuff and then oh wait there's stuff down oh oh there's a whole thing down here there's a barrel do I want to go that's unfortunate that that's taking place for me that's truly unfortunate that I've gone and done that to me um yeah I don't know Captain Sparkles is I only know if Ryan and Wallace who are we talking about oh balls I thought toggle Sprint would have remain but I died foreign like while I'm dying oh there's a bottle cool that do anything no can't get up there Frick okay so there's this whole conveyor belt situation hmm [Music] hmm what are we thinking what are we thinking is there a way that I can oh you know what maybe this or not you know what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna grab it and then that should be good right it's gonna keep inventory me it's going to keep into yeah there we go perfect leveraging our demise to our advantage I have iron leggings now I've purely upgraded oh God there we go there we go almost just walked right into the lobby again that would have been embarrassing um okay so this is how we get over there right do a little bit of this so we've got like break that what is in here nothing is there is this telling me to like do something telling me to do so I can't what can this be used this can break a hay bale it can break orange wool good riddance who puts oranges on a cake that's actually super true I've never thought about that they don't really do oranges on cake do they um Spencer's locked I can't get in there either um okay okay so I need to wait do we retain oh we retain the same inventory between the two of us that's kind of epic am I still I'm still sprinting cool so this can be used to break hay bales but I can't break the wheat and I also but I do have water to put in the cauldrons oh there we go oh it's block updating I see what's going on here as long as it doesn't fall into the lava that would be quite bad okay okay okay so we got this and now we can do a little Switcheroo ski back every here right make a hay bale and then somehow we have to do something with this oh I got two of them can be placed on red concrete uh so you can put it on the mushrooms but what where is that gonna come into play can I collect your monk um hmm so we can put it on the red concrete like should I maybe try going out of the conveyor belt no because I can't go into the computer oh wait wait oh there's an orange I forgot about the orange oh man aren't you glad I didn't completely forget about that there we go so hey slow wait orange picker don't go in the lava thank you and this can be placed on white terracotta oh it must be that over there I mean how does this help me though how does that help me when I already had the necessary I already had the necessary wheat kind of weird kind of weird um okay yeah move move the oh um move wait where are you going don't walk into the lava okay go the other way move back over here hello mate oh my God I don't have the fishing rod anymore help me oh wait that's why I have the extra one hey that's why there's the extra come on come on buddy let's go let's go okay okay on to the good variable I gotta nudge in the rest of the way I was like what's the extra week for dude I got no idea there we go he's going in sometimes I forget basic Minecraft mechanics when it comes to playing a map happens it happens he do be he do be moving along all right here we go now next up come here come here bud let's go let's go right into here I'm gonna have to nudge him the rest of the way whatever go go go go go go go go go go go in get in the get in the dispenser cow holy frick there's a lot of Mulk serious amount of Mulk so okay this must have to do with what's going on over there I gotta assume yep yep and here and boom Okay so if I put this in here does this turn it into ice cream oh it does that's so cool spatially inconsistent but delicious placed on block of emerald oh clever well what what is this what does this do what am I do do I go through the ice do I go and get ice myself no I still can't go out on conveyor belt what would I want to throw into there in order to make things icy like why did I put the ice cream on the emerald why did I put the ice cream on the emerald huh why did I do that hmm does it yeah does it do anything if I switch while one of us is on the conveyor belt does it put the other one on the conveyor belt nope doesn't do that does it does it do it if I switch here no that doesn't do anything there's obviously something that I am missing here and I don't know what I don't does the button do anything here I don't think the button does anything it's literally not wired up to any I don't think the button can do anything I don't even know why the button would be here like there's also a pressure plate here like what it why are these here are they just are they just red herrings wait they're oh there's a pressure plate hold on there's a pressure plate over here oh it reverses the conveyor belt oh wait a minute now okay reverse is the conveyor belt which then caught oh it opened up let's go dude let's go we got it we figured it on out okay Arrow to Lava Aero to Lava that I see lava dripping through the ceiling up there that's like kind of hazardous oh dear what is this here that we oh thanks for the new walkthrough link appreciate it drill bit can break Blackstone it was trapped oh frick before we all find a way out everyone I've got I've got it and there's no concern here no reason for concern I'll fight my way through I'll save you all listen to what I've been doing all day long all life long but I know it's fine uh what do we got over here there's something something going on there's something going on over here what could it be what could it be so I gotta break the Blackstone huh okay here we go appreciated highlighting because otherwise there's you know the concrete powder I wouldn't have even been able to tell them wizard hero oh it's me why is why am I like this swap holy freak dude that's actually gnarly wait are we good oh we're good whoa why is he up there oh God why is he doing this [Music] oh God [Music] yeah get wrecked nerd get wrecked me okay hold on where where did me go oh God me is up there ow I don't like this can I just can I just not step on the freaking squares okay I'm waiting until he's back down I need to eat some food hold on I like how if I just don't wanna also just for safety just for safety I I don't know um I'm just gonna wait because what I can do is I can just wait until it's nice and like coast is clear and then I can be like oh okay now I can swap back in now I can swap back in you know oh God oops oopsie oopsie oopsie oopsie daisies I like going into a state of just suspended animation with the swaps and see I can just wait for him up there he's gonna do his thing I can just regenerate a little bit and then um be a little on fire over there but you know everything's gonna be good we wait for the floor to not be Lava we wait for the fire to come down just kind of hang out have ourselves a good time and then resume the battle whenever we're feeling like it like that that's all freaking lava and red I'm on fire how do I make it so I'm not on fire anymore can you stop like there's literally one square to stand on it looks like this is absurd can you make it so the floor is slightly less lava I don't know how I'm supposed to work in these conditions like this is entirely the floor is lava I can't get I can't come out of here you realize until you until you stop this do you come down and and fight me head on okay like I can't do anything right now you're being unreasonable you're being very unreasonable right now with this you ever gonna unlove the floor huh you're ever gonna reduce it because I can do this all day stay in here no okay well I'm gonna be on fire now huh um swa oh swap yeah okay cool cool no like it's not like I had just been chilling in there for ages and then just decided oh maybe I should try it nope okay cool so do I just stand here can you just oh my god oh I'm so dead how hard is left how hard is left but don't die die die I'm really good at escaping with her with half a heart this is not the first time this week dang look at him go put swap in offhand for easier access you see the part that's not going to work about that is that the swap is activated by putting the swap in my off hand so yo he's killing himself let's go I'm winning I'm winning no why did he do that oh I couldn't have just stayed in there the whole time because I can't I can't work in these conditions Jardine she's our sin nearly strikes again okay here we go freaking heck dude I'm just gonna stand here you gotta come down huh gonna wait until I get yelled at the Swap here this freaking guy okay oh my God and then the floor is gonna be lava in two freaking seconds you're so annoying there's nothing I can do it ran itself into a a permanent Loop of like just he's literally pooping fire on me right now how am I supposed to deal with his literal fire poop he ate way too many spicy nachos last night and now he's taking it out on me ah can you come back down to the floor like oh my God bro there okay here here we go well what am I gonna do now is that I should Swap and then oh he almost suffocated again though no you you're so annoying the instant I get out there he just goes back into flight mode okay here we go here we go here we go I can do this yeah we got him I mean me I mean the hero um we did it huge maneuvers oh hey man ow you all right what happened I'm all right it's good children Dave locked me in here but while I was trapped I got withered withered uh what what the huh let me explain your camera's been up with your spectator man uh Dave does not understand his powers and accidentally created a strange black substance this substance began to correct everything around it and Dave could not stop it am I supposed to follow Dave wait he surrendered half the factory and sealed that half shut hmm I see if Dave fears that substance can we use it against him you're insane don't just might work so I could have just flown around the entire map right there for a second if I had wanted to I'll let you two through but I can come I wouldn't put both of you in danger if the withering took control again I see okay chapter three one man's trash I wonder how many chapters there are in this map thanks for letting us through though that was pretty that was pretty chill of you I mean me I mean the hero all right Wallace are you ready to go on to the next section because I definitely am so make sure that you like the video subscribe if you haven't Sparkles do all the good stuff and I'll see you in the next episode of Dave's curse where I once I figure out the parkour Frick check the playlist and Frick God dang it
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 29,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, minecraft, minecraft map, adventure map, puzzle map
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 48sec (3288 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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