The Anime Man - Japanese Language Lesson 2021-06-16 [Twitch VOD]

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[Music] face and mind all free for you to drive [Music] please don't take off my [Music] moments of calm [Music] [Music] [Music] chained down please don't take off my place [Music] i can't tell you how to see me last [Music] is there a way oh my sounding i sounded all right you guys you guys ready to see something cool i'm zoomed in for a reason you guys want to see something cool ready got a whiteboard hell yeah let's go look how big it is next to me now we now we are ready to learn ladies and gentlemen we are ready to learn we are ready to do some benkyo some nihongo [Music] now off thing for three months dude 93 thank you dude i would draw i would draw a penis in normal circumstances but unfortunately this is twitch so even just like regularly just like drawing a penis will probably get me in trouble so i'm gonna i'ma avoid doing that just for today [Music] how's everyone doing [Music] just draw a missile just drop just draw a missile also like this so this is this is how you get the job i make rocket it go that this is a this is a reenactment of god trying to get a job and then completely [ __ ] it goes yeah this is the first time i'm kind of doing like a like a standing up stream as you can see it's the wonders of a of a standing desk is that i can change it up and down so aviv thank you for the nine months dude welcome back hey scam train let's go big kusa indeed yeah so basically for today as promised i figured we would kind of let's be real i'm sure a lot of you guys who watch anime a lot of you guys who watch my content for instance a lot of you probably want to know about japanese all right i get a lot of questions every day about hey joey how do you i'm learning japanese how do you do blah blah blah how do you do blah blah blah i wanna know all right so i just dropped my phone well before that down slightly uh pepperoni thank you for the 231 yeah i don't know what this background music is it's supposed to be lo-fi but if the music is weird there we go yo nightshade welcome back dude holy [ __ ] 43 months let's go dude how you been man good to see you again i feel like it's uh i feel like it's been a hot minute oh it's a bit loud okay i'll turn it down a bit how's that good [Music] yeah long time no see man how you been [Music] that's good okay cool cool yeah if it sounds weird then then please let me know yeah it might be a bit weird yo hold on a second yo scala cat thank you for the 10 gift subs dude welcome to the boys mayor whoop uh drossia eel forgansso leonhard tv tavern i think it's tavern uh alexander dark synopsis jammer 59 kakyo kuzuki canarius and port 503 thank you thank you guys welcome welcome to the boys we have a brand new emote you can use right here anime pain please go check it out use it now that you are part of the boys young buzzer is a bit loud all right let me turn down a bite that is that good i'm putting your password down slightly i am proud of this email because we made this together all right this wasn't this wasn't just me this is you guys being like hey joey why isn't this an emote so i was like all right fair enough fair enough boys we'll make this an emo all right makes sense now the music is too low for [ __ ] sake still trying to figure out the uh the whole audio thing how's that it's a bit loud now there we go that should be good all right so what are we learning today well we can we can really it can be a number of things right guys how am i looking that didn't really do a whole lot did it never mind guys just gonna have to live with the fact that you can see the light in the reflection don't worry about it too much don't worry about it too much what am i penguin cordova pandas cordova pandas yang boy i think for the five bucks man it's 4am but who needs sleep and go up with the two bucks so join your thoughts on the new great fake grand order movie i haven't seen it so i have no thoughts unfortunately quarter what pandas so yeah um if we don't know if you have no idea what this is allow me to allow me to explain um essentially oh [ __ ] hell [Music] nice shake nightshade coming in with the [ __ ] 25 gifted subs nightshade you you show up and then you pull a mad lad move like this the absolute [ __ ] chad that nightshade is yo can we get some yam passes in the chat please and some mad lads for my boy nightshade thank you very much man holy [ __ ] pay raise i mean i'm proud dude i'm happy for you bro i'm happy you got that pay raise mad lads like you should get a pay raise but there's a difference between getting a pay raise and uh and essentially giving that raise to me that's very generous of you though dude thank you very much man i appreciate that a lot it's good to have you back man thank you thank you thank you and to the 25 people who got a gift sub from nightshade first of all say thank you to him all right good manners i want i want the boys to have good manners and say thank you all right so give them give give nice shade a thank you but yeah it's gonna there's gonna be nyampasu for a little while so don't worry about that too much [Music] all right but as i was saying for those of you who don't know right today essentially this is what we're going to [Music] be [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right that's what we're going to be doing today ask me any question about japanese all right obviously i'm going to be taking priority to [Music] people who obviously donate questions but if we have no donation questions and i'll also be taking from the chat because i know a lot of you guys thank you john thank you john cena hit my hand on the [ __ ] ceiling right here but yeah essentially i did this a little while ago um i don't even remember the last time i did this [ __ ] must have been back in like god i don't even i don't even remember how long ago was but essentially i did like just like as like a little thing um i was i was doing a just chatting stream and i got i think a question about japanese from someone and they were like hey how do you blah blah blah you know whatever it is whatever the question was and i pulled out like a little whiteboard that i had and i started to explain it and for some reason you guys really liked that and i kind of had fun because i also got like you know i also kind of got the enjoyment of like oh yeah you know maybe i can like teach people japanese because this is a good way to basically like clean up all of the [ __ ] uh questions that i get from you guys about japanese on a on a [ __ ] daily basis on a daily basis i get emails and dms and comments about like joey i'm learning japanese but how do you do this how do you do this how do you do this so i figured really good way is to just do it on stream with a whiteboard like this so yeah if you have any questions then please ask away [Music] in the meantime from nightshade are still rolling in holy [ __ ] um [Music] thank you for all the subs by the way guys i appreciate that a lot thank you thank you thank you too kind you guys are too kind [Music] okay let's see bill smith with the five dollars i just finished a book by japanese authors i got a notification that your stream had started it was in praise of shadows by jiro tanizaki a 40 page essay on japanese aesthetics goodread would recommend if you haven't checked it out yet i haven't checked it out yet but thank you i'll i will definitely check it out appreciate that uh okay okay we got a question here from dreaming cannibal who says can you explain the counting system in japanese i know some of it but i don't i still don't understand it at all accounting system okay so all right let's let's clean this off so i apologize by the way if some of these like questions and answers are like kind of you know differing on uh like difficulty for some people but let me try and let me try and explain it in the best way possible to try and explain the best way possible yeah so exactly that's already quite difficult so obviously with japanese candy well okay let's let's let's go from basics okay let's go from the basics so all right so let's start let's start from the basics okay trying to figure out a good mic placement so that it picks my audio up no matter what maybe here how do i sound here did you guys hear me by the way am i good sounding all right okay cool cool all right so let's start from the basics okay this is one to ten in japanese i'm hoping we all understand that all right that's the first step you have to get to all right each knee okay now normally in english right if we were to count something like you know there are five you know people right five right actually you know what just to make it easier for you guys yes now all right let's show off you see that i'm just a little afraid that like it might not even show up not really okay let's not use this blue let's use i got like all i got like all these different colors so all right uh oh that's crap now how's that see that kind of not really i also apologize if my handwriting is [ __ ] thanks for all the donations guys i will get to them okay hopefully you guys can see that all right i wrote it down wrote down the kanji the number it represents and how to read it japanese okay now you might have noticed a couple of them have two different ways notably four seven and nine right so we have for for example right one there's only one way to say it four there are two ways you can say it right and we'll get to we'll get to why that is later five and six is the same seven there's two ways same thing nine is q ku and then ten is ju okay i didn't put zero because zero zero is literally just zero or there that doesn't really matter now normally in english right normally in english you would say if there was five apples right if those five apples you would say five all right there's not really any other way that you can use the word five when counting how many things there are but in japanese you can't just say five bingo all right so like let's say if we're counting uh you know what kind of in the way here so let me just do a little all right so if there are five apples right for example right there are five apples y'all didn't see that flip coming did you all right so say for example the the sentence we want to write in japanese is there are five apples right do we all know what the word for apples is in japanese does anyone know what the word for apples is dr tony strange thank you for the two gift subs being law exactly exactly you guys got it you guys are more japan you guys are more nihongo than i thought right all right so you would think right most people would think to say bingo arimas all right arimas is there are but with japanese sentence structure you basically flip this around entirely so it's not there are five apples it's apple's five there are all right so i want to write this down right so there are right is right and bingo all right apples angle is five you guys can see that all right that's fine from from here it just looks like it's not showing up properly but i'm hoping i'm hoping there's enough yeah yeah exactly it's yeah yoda speak it's literally yoda speak right it's literally yo to speak apples five there are right so if i were to write down there are five apples right it would be bingo stop and then for here i'm just going to put five right let's color coordinate this oops that's not the right color can you tell that i've had no teaching experience whatsoever okay so split this so split the sentence up into a number of positions okay this is this is to get people up to speed before i go into why uh counting in japan in japanese is really [ __ ] difficult like counting objects in japanese is really [ __ ] difficult right we first have to understand japanese sentence structure right so apples is the connecting word or what's the word in japanese uh what's the word in english particles i think they're called particles yeah again i didn't learn japanese like this so excuse me for not knowing some things god is the particle a particle is essentially a word or phrase that we use to connect two different words together in a japanese sentence so it's the equivalent to words like is or there are or there will or there could or they would all right same thing it's it's a word that links two nouns together or two verbs together any two words together so there's a particle right here all right five is because that's how many apples there are arimas there are all right so as you can see it's flipped essentially in english the subject matter which is the apples comes at the end of the sentence and before that we state how many of the items there are and then we state that there are the fact of the matter all right there are five apples right but in japanese is the other way around it's the subject matter comes first and the fact of the matter comes at the end engel got five animus now normally right if we go back to let's let's let's go let's go back to this all right let's go back to this so what is what is five right what is five not gonna lie i'm literally doing this flip just because i i find it very uh satisfying i find it very satisfying to flip so what's five goal all right so would you say chap that in this particular sentence here would you say dingo right that's what you would think probably not i mean you'd be correct now what you would say instead is not you wouldn't say ingo animas that's incorrect instead you would say inga why [ __ ] definer literally [ __ ] defino that's just how it works so with that being said let's go back to this right now the [ __ ] up thing about japanese and i've actually made a video about this years ago but the [ __ ] up thing about japanese is that depending on the object that you are counting completely differs what and how you use it if that makes any sense to you so unlike in english where it doesn't matter what it is it could be apples it could be people it could be umbrellas mountains countries anything right anything in the anything in the world that is physically countable right we would only use these numbers there's only one set all right there are there is there are two people watching five streams from three computers in you know eight planets in the one solar system in the one million universes right it's all the same it's all the same set of numbers but japanese is [ __ ] up in that sense because they basically said no let's use these numbers in any other situation other than counting so in the case of the apples right in order to count apples that itsu that i talked about is actually a very simple way of counting things and if i were to write out from 1 to 10 how you would say it it would look like this hopefully you guys can see all that the holy sense of light wait what sense it oh this one okay well it's all right i'll read through it i'll read through it so we got it we got it right which we talked about in the previous example but instead of each ni which is just normal oh yeah the [ __ ] the one up here is completely centered should i rewrite it down here let me hold on i'll write the ones i'll write the ones that have been censored by the holy light and what else has been sent to me yeah there we go okay there we go so instead of each knee some that's again why [ __ ] definer again like that's just how that's just how it is that's just like words that you have to know now there is a type of counting in japanese that basically i think someone in japan realized that this way of well actually before we get on to that let me give you some other examples okay because this is just one way of counting in japanese because that way of counting is not uniform with every other type of counting all right let's do let's do flip all right all right here we go so just to make things simple uh let's pick a number um chat pick a number and we'll we'll use that for every other for every type of um every type of uh counting oh i didn't realize there was 3 700 of you i probably shouldn't have said that but okay i see a predominantly large number of 69 so let's let's let's let's use the number 69 okay so for for so for starters the number 69 okay okay so we got the number 69 all right so we've got the number 69 very pogers everybody clapped so let's use let's use the number 69 as an example to count objects and to show you guys the just sheer variety of ways to count 69 numbers of anything right so for starters the number 69 just on its own right is that's just if you were to say the numbers in japanese from 1 to 69 like each ni right if you were to just go in order and you eventually get to 69 that's how you would say the number 69 boku juke but how many how many 69 objects there are depends on the type of object so some ones that you'll uh some ones that you'll see a lot of all right i know that made barely any sense but let me explain so say for example if you wanted to if you were walking down the street right and you saw 69 bottles of beer on the wall 69 bottles of beer you take one down you pass it around 68 bottles of beer on the ball but before we pass it down let's actually count if there are 69 bottles right so if you saw 69 bottles of beer on the wall right and you wanted to say to someone there's 69 bottles there all right then you wouldn't use the previous example that i showed you of the five apples that wouldn't work and you can't use just this what you would actually use actually you know what i'm going to i just realized it's going to be much easier if i just do this let's just write it b so basically what we have to do in order to count different objects if there are 69 of them is we have to put something at the end here in order to finish the sentence now some people in the chat have clearly done their japanese [ __ ] benkyo no it's not tsu because there are a number of grammatical rules in japanese when it comes to counting some of them make sense some of them don't make sense if there are 69 bottles on the wall you wouldn't use tsu you would instead use of beer now yep if you want to if you were to write that in kanji it would be the kanji for book which is that all right now the reason why we use hong for bottles is because the fundamental rule all right the fundamental rule of why we use hong kong when counting bottles is because we can use the word home to count not only bottles but to count any object and i know that how bad this is going to sound but hear me out any object that is long and thin and everybody laughed hilarious yes that's right that's right chat even penises are counted using horn i'm not even joking i'm not even joking if there were 69 penises in front of you right now first of all i'm sorry but second of all if you wanted to tell someone hey there are 69 dicks here then you'd say gokujou now and again as i mentioned this doesn't just apply to bottles of beer and penises surprisingly think of what else is like long and thin other than a penis and a bottle right you got things like umbrellas your things like i don't know logs yeah cucumbers uh yeah sure dildos why not carrots yeah pencils yep anything that's long and thin like those things i said you have poles bananas exactly any of those right yeah fingers even fingers i have five fingers on my hand right so there would be gohong all right right so as you can see there are some rules there are some rules right so if you're struggling right to say to someone oh there are 69 pencils on the table then you can remember oh yeah the word home is used to count things like you know long thin objects right so maybe i can use home or a pencil and i would say nine times out of ten you'd probably be correct right so there are definitely some like rules so let's look at it let's look at another one what else let's see trying to think now okay so when it comes to things like when it comes to things like home right where it follows a certain rule that's like an easier one but then sometimes oh people okay people so to count 69 people right you wouldn't use su you wouldn't use pong you would use [Music] which if you guys know your kanji would you would know that's the kanji for a person so as you can see there are certain rules that you can kind of guess but at the end of the day the one rule regardless of whatever it might be that you're counting is that you can't just say the number it's got to be the number and something at the end to give meaning to that number to basically contextualize this number to let the person know how many things you are counting right and you might think well okay why the [ __ ] would you do that why can't you just say there are 69 people right like why do we have to put some like arbitrary thing at the end right well think of it this way japanese is a heavily contextualized language and is heavily based on context clues when in conversation all right so i can i literally i don't even have to mention that there are people right if there are 69 people in a room right if there are 69 people in a room i don't have to say i don't even have to say the word people in the sentence all i have to say is and immediately the person hearing it will be like well nin means people so that must mean there are 69 people all right so it's all it's all context it it shortens the sentence basically so you don't have to basically because if you say the word people with dokujukuni right then you're basically doubling up right that's basically like saying oh there are 69 numbers of people here when you can just say 69 there are 69 people now the thing with things like all right is that this is really only used to count people and unfortunately with japanese there are a lot of oh [ __ ] nice [ __ ] with the 5 000 bits thank you dude you can't stick around it's all good brother thank you very much man have a good one thanks for the 5000 bits don't worry guys i will i will get to i will get all the donations soon uh now here's the [ __ ] up thing about japanese counting and why japanese counting is so [ __ ] hard right what about for animals good question by writing kanji it's like that not to be confused with this these are two different kanji this is four this is hiki see the difference there's there's one line missing here so he is used to count creatures all right but this is a little bit cheating because it's used to count most animals but not all animals can be counted in this way for example you can count probably you can probably use this to count things like dogs or cats but if i were for example going to count a large animal like an elephant if there was 69 elephants right i wouldn't use kiki because that actually wouldn't make sense i would instead use if i were to write that in kanji is this okay poor now this is the kanji for head all right again this is one of the very few instances where i don't even know why we use this to count large animals right and it gets with animals it gets even more [ __ ] up but check this out say if we want to count birds okay like you know pigeons crows any of that kind of stuff right we wouldn't use hickey we wouldn't use tall you would use what i'm sorry this kanji is the kanji for feather so again there are some rules right you think oh yeah of course because birds have feathers it would make sense to use the word feather to count right to count to count the number of birds it it kind of makes sense right but this is where japanese loves to troll the [ __ ] out of people right this is where this is where japanese loves to troll the [ __ ] out of people because there is one other animal that is counted in this way that is not a bird yeah okay cool lots of people already know yeah for some reason for some reason rabbits are counted in this way not you would think you would think so far right you would think so far having learned different ways to count animals and kind of figuring out like the rules right so like hiki for example that we that we talked about where you can count things like cats and dogs right it's like okay kind of smallish kind of creatures if it's a big creature tall right like with elephants if it's an animal that flies and it's got feathers in it what so you would think oh okay well an animal like a rabbit is kind of small so we wouldn't use tor and it doesn't have feathers so we wouldn't use wah so we'd probably use kiki but no for some [ __ ] reason and curse the curse the japanese person who came up with this rule when you count rabbits you use what and again i don't know why how about ants okay so things like insects for example is also hickey that we talked about any small creature like any insects is yeah 4 000 people thank you guys well see this is why i wanted to cover this question right because it is really interesting now here's the thing right if you thought this was already confusing it's about to get a lot worse because there are some there are some objects in the known universe right there are some cannibal things that where there is only one way to count it and the thing that you put at the end is only used to count that one thing so you know we had things like right which is used to count like small or you know small creatures like but it can be any number of creatures right cats dogs insects but not rabbits right things like poor as well can be used to if it's any large animal it can be used to we can just use tall right but then there are things like mountains if there were 69 mountains we would say there are gokuju queues up and here's the [ __ ] up thing this is at the end of how many numbers there are this is only ever used to count mountains [Music] again why i don't [ __ ] know as if japanese wasn't already [ __ ] hard enough some [ __ ] was like hey you know what would really [ __ ] people up who are trying to learn our language is if we make our accounting system really [ __ ] difficult and when it comes to county it honestly gets so difficult sometimes that not even japanese people know the correct way of counting an object for example with mountains right if i went up to a hundred random japanese people and told them what's the particle you use when counting mountains i guarantee not all 100 of them would know the answer to that and that's because japanese finally throws a bone at us and gives us a little bit of a cheat there's a little cheat that we used in counting objects a little life hack goku now why is this a life hack this is a japanese hack in that if you don't know how to count a certain object right and this doesn't apply for everything but if you don't know say for example again if i use that example of if i went up to a hundred japanese people and asked them what is the correct way of counting 69 mountains right maybe some of them might know za that i previously showed maybe some of them might all right but i guarantee the majority of them will probably say gokujou ko and why this is a life hack is because this kanji that is used to count and is used in this situation core this kanji has a meaning and this kanji means this kanji ko has the meaning singular so basically it pretty much says [ __ ] the specifics there are 69 singular objects regardless of what it is so if i don't know the correct way you can still in most situations get away with just saying so you can say if if i were to say you know again let's go back to the mountain example there are 69 mountains guarantee most people probably won't say it like that because most people won't know the particle to connect to how to count how many mountains there are thank you john cena instead most people will probably say yamaga and in all honesty that makes just as much sense as saying so as you can see the japanese counting system is hard don't get me wrong it is difficult but it also does have some easy shortcuts that you can use that is very practical so practical that a lot of japanese people just end up using this because sometimes japanese people can't be [ __ ] to know the correct way of counting mountains is right or like another example is uh [ __ ] i don't know um if i were to count 69 boats in a harbor right all right if i want to count 69 boats in a harbor all right how to count boats rokuju seki's boat and this is only ever used to count boats but maybe some people don't know how to count boats maybe some people don't know this word right sicky so you can very easily just replace that with rokuju pune right [Music] makes perfect sense but at the same time isn't exactly correct japanese but still makes sense to someone hearing it and that is a crash course on how to count in japanese god maybe i'm maybe i am better at this than i thought is there any i don't know if is there any objects that you guys want to learn how to count again some of these i might have to look up because even even i don't know how to even i don't know how to do this beer well with beer i assume whoever said beer was talking about like say if you come to japan and you have to order some beers all right all right let's let's let's say let's say right when all this corona [ __ ] ends and you guys are able to come to japan and you can drink right and you're of drinking age i don't know how many of you are of drinking age but let's assume most of you right who are of drinking age want to go to an izakaya in japan and learn how to order some beers for your bros right because nothing nothing impresses your bros and your hoes than being nihongo jozu at an izakaya right and let's say that you got a little bit wacky and decided to order 69 beers all right absolutely true player well in the case with something like beer all right even in english if you just said give me 69 beers all right if i was the waiter and i was getting your order i said g'day what what can i get you and you looked at my face and you said can i have 69 beers please the first thing i would ask you is how do you want it do you want it in a glass do you want it in a bottle do you want it in how do you want it all right because sometimes when you order beer especially in japan right you can you know maybe get it in a glass like this but sometimes they sell it in a bottle too right that's usually two of the most common ways that they serve beer in japan either in a in a glass or in a bottle so you have two different ways right that you can get beer in which case you have to distinguish between the two because you don't want to accidentally order 69 bottles of beer because it might be more expensive right you want to you want to order 69 glasses of beer that's a little cheaper and you're already paying a lot to get 69 of these [ __ ] things right so you have to be able to distinguish okay well then what's the way to count bottles versus how to count glasses and of course because this is japan and this is japanese there are two different ways to count those two and one of them actually i've already mentioned in this lesson you know which one it is yeah exactly boom and which one do you think that would be for would it be for the glasses or would it be for the bottles there you go you guys are [ __ ] learning that's right it's for the bottles because the bottles are long and thin especially compared to the glasses all right so if you wanted 69 bottles of beer then you would say beeru beer in japanese is [Music] but maybe you don't want 69 bottles of beer maybe you want 69 glasses of beer in which case you wouldn't say you would say instead height m this kanji that we use this kanji the meaning of this kanji is cop so of course if you want 69 glasses go a glass being a type of cup then obviously you would use what could you cue height a word that means cup and what's interesting is that this kanji for cop doesn't necessarily mean like a cup like this if you guys like know anything about sports for example right you know about things like the wimbledon cup all right like like a sports tournament like a cup right like the wimbledon cup or the what else is there i clearly don't know a whole lot about sports i only know the wimbledon oh just tennis um yeah the piston yeah piston yeah the stanley cup yeah the world cup right the world cup we have how how the [ __ ] did i forget the world cup [ __ ] sake blow i think with a thousand bits man how the [ __ ] did i forget about the world cup yeah the world cup right or the wimbledon cup let's let's do the wimbledon cup right into the tennis right you would actually use this kanji to mean that type of cup as well because wimbledon cup in japanese is this exact kanji it's fun little fun but anyway that has nothing to do with counting but what does have to do with counting is the fact that you can use two different types of counting methods to count what is practically the same object have you noticed you guys asked how do you count beer if i tell you there's two different ways to counter it because what this does at the end here is again it contextualizes the number of objects you have in the sense that it contextualizes the difference between 69 bottles of an object and 69 classes or cups of a knob so this is the other reason why this is very important all right sometimes you don't need to tell you how many objects there are because this at the end already gives context to how to what kind of object it is that you're counting but sometimes it works in the reverse where because of this we know the specifics of the object that we are counting in this case we know the specifics of the fact that the 69 beer we want is in bottles or is in glasses right so there you go i think that's all i can really teach you guys about counting in japanese um honestly like a lot of it is kind of just like rote learning you just have to know that you know this type of object is used in this way this type of object is in this way there are a lot of ways to like read or like count objects that not even i know so you just have you kind of you kind of just have to figure it out with flip you kind of just have to figure it out for yourself but yeah i hope that was helpful the first time i did like a proper lesson like this so please uh let me know if i did a good job because i don't even again i don't have any kind of like teaching degree i'm not i'm not qualified for this i just know enough of it very good lesson i'll thank you thank you very much so uh yeah let's go all the way back down to where were you dreaming cannibal so hopefully i was able to explain the counting system in japanese to you it took like an hour i apologize for that uh let's go from the bottom down barbary says any noticeable slash important differences between formal and informal japanese oh god formal versus informal i mean yeah there's a lot i'm going to do a speed run of this just because there's literally too much to explain but essentially think of think of formal japanese as having like multiple levels whereas in formal japanese there is only one level right formal japanese in japanese if you were to say formal in japanese is keg and informal is yeah a lot of people are shaking in their boots seeing the word kego i feel you so meaning behind the words keigo and kameguchi is the kanji that means respect respect is language it's the respect language respecting language use formal language to someone who you respect okay right is a fittingly very informal way of calling your friends right so basically tami is like kind of the almost the slang version of the word tomodachi which means friend right come here because you use informal towards your friends right and she is mouth so it's friend mouth it's it's the mouth you use or the language you use when talking to your friends informal right now biggest difference i would say between formal and informal and again i'm not going to go too deep into this because [ __ ] i could i could talk about the difference between kegel and tommy gucci for like 12 hours i'm not going to subject you guys to that but essentially think of think of kegel think of the formal version as being more what's the word as usually being long and more outwind so say for example um if i asked you as a friend i said hey can you go give me a glass of water all right informally foreign but if i were to go up to my boss and say to his face mizoto i would probably be [ __ ] fired because my boss maybe my friend in a you know in a friendly manner it might be a really friendly boss right but when it comes to japanese hierarchical structure i can't i can't get away with this all right so some people have already said it but the formal way of saying this is as you can see it's already a lot lot longer now there's a there's a couple of things here that uh as you can see is obviously very different for starters what's one thing you immediately notice about the formal version this right is this all in the beginning now this or this or at the beginning of water by putting or at the beginning of not everything but a lot of things it immediately turns it into the polite way of saying it instead of just visa all right and there's a whole like there's a whole explanation of why we use the word or sometimes it's not or sometimes it's go as well but in the case with water you use or right so this part is the same but then we end the formal sentence with this kudasai now you probably hear this more often than not right if you're watching anime or whatever you might hear both right but you you hear something something could i say right or like this right so things like kudasai and this and shimasu and all that kind of stuff is usually used to end off a sentence in a formal way but then here's where keigo immediately gets [ __ ] up yeah like okay yeah for example yeah yeah right you have the informal version which is just like stop but the formal version is yeah please stop all right but again here's where things get immediately [ __ ] up with keigo because what if i told you that this sentence in keigo is merely one of four different levels of kgo now you'll really be saying yamitaki to that i know i do there are four different levels of keger and depending on how important and how formal you need to go depends on how you say this one very simple sentence of iso give me some water all right so we can go one step further in this right and maybe say something like oh that is so [ __ ] so one level above this would be uh so for starters let's compare it to this first level of cake right this is the second level here we have omiso this is the same this is still the same and this is essentially the same as the informal version except we put all right but now we have taken the word kudasai which is please and made it even more formal we've essentially turned kudasai into orape which is essentially the english equivalent between please get me some water and would you so kindly bring me some water it's kind of it's not it's not a one to one translation but if i came up to you and said please get me some water versus would you so kindly get me some water which one sounds more formal to you which one sounds more formal probably the louder right probably the louder yeah but would you would you would you kindly get me some water would you so kindly get me some water please versus please give me some water right definitely that would you so kindly sentence is definitely a lot more formal than the latter exact same thing that's happening here are only in some situations right where you will almost be forced to use the more polite version right like you're not going to go up to the [ __ ] queen and say give me some water queen right you probably [ __ ] but if you said to the queen or someone of that caliber would you so kindly get me some water please that's a little more respectable please get me some water but you don't have to go this far when say asking your boss or asking your teacher or someone who is of a higher social status right most of the time you can get away with just saying all right please can you get me some water right you don't usually have to go this far and that's why there are and that's why essentially there are multiple levels of formal japanese in that it completely depends on what status the person you are you are talking to is in in terms of the social hierarchy and again this is a very very just like [ __ ] speed run version of formal versus informal japanese again like it goes way way way deeper than that i mean there are still like two more levels above this so yeah but again i'm not gonna go too into that because that's gonna get way too technical for the most of you so i mean when it comes to like you know differentiating between the the two levels or sorry the the like the highest levels of camera you're literally going into like you know you guys know the the jlpt the japanese language proficiency test you know how there's like different levels like n4 and three and two n1 and n1 is the highest n1 is when you have to start differentiating between the different levels of cargo that's th that's it goes into territory that gets difficult even for japanese people and uh when i did the n1 back in when i was in high school i think i was like 16 or 17 when i did the n1 uh to someone who has never really like you know at that up until that point had a job especially in japan and never [ __ ] spoke keigo because you know why would i speak keigo to my parents right then that's when it gets difficult n2 is the one most jobs ask for exactly yeah if you can get to an n2 which is the second highest level in the japanese language proficiency test that is more than enough for you to pretty much get i would say like 80 of jobs in japan n1 is truly just a [ __ ] flex you got the n2 perfect nice all right uh so that was that thank you for the question barbary uh let's see calamity says what are some words slash phrases should someone know before visiting japan oh god you don't really have to know words it's just like honestly it's like i mean well i mean think of like words in english you would use or whatever language is your mother tongue um that you would need to you know get through day-to-day life in your country right it's probably just things like that right like you know um hello thank you goodbye please can i have this how much is this that kind of stuff you know uh poison i've got thing for the 10 months dude are we getting a free class on japanese yeah basically uh not a question but could you try to do the tongue twister that black honeycomb did in monogatari i think i've done that on stream before though be safe i think it's 1500 bits dude um yeah i think i've done that on the stream you talking about the name that's the aragi version and then black honeycomb version is all of the nars it's honestly not too difficult it's definitely not the hardest tongue twister in japanese i just woke up and i'm learning a whole damn language what's up i'm getting a lot of questions about like particles in japanese like the difference between like ga and wa and me and stuff like that um truth be told i i get this question from aki as well like a lot because you know obviously aki's also trying to learn japanese um it's really difficult to explain that's like that's like explaining to someone what does the word the mean you know or what does the word is mean and how do i differentiate between the and is you you kind of just have to like just kind of just get the rhythm of it and just kind of figure it out it's it's a lot of it is mostly just like rote learning uh adrian thank you for the two months younger jose thank you zhang thing for the two months top thing for the 12 months hey nice dude enjoy that gold kitty thank you for all the subs guys i appreciate that it's hard to it's it's hard to try and explain japanese language rules to in english just because both those just both those uh both those languages are just so different so it's very difficult a scam train let's go uh okay fragile122 says can you explain the kanji nihong japan is land of the rising sun and the first kanji makes sense but why book you know what i don't actually know that's a really [ __ ] good question that's a really [ __ ] good question i don't actually know maybe like huh i don't actually know why is that oh it's origin wait no that wouldn't make sense because if if it was origin i mean maybe the the kanji has changed over time but because if it meant origin we wouldn't use this kanji because because we have a kanji that is representative of the phrase origin which is this king what about hyundai i mean yeah of course like there are like different you know it might be hyundai i don't know but like when it when it's just like one kanji that represents it like this makes more sense to origin than this but again i wasn't there when they came up with the name but i mean yeah this one so this one makes sense right this is the kanji for sun right this land of the rising sun sun this is as we this is horn right we we talked about this previously to count long objects like bottles right look but i guess what people in chat are saying i guess what people in chat are saying is that hong as in like honda which means originally right honde originally so originally origin the land where originally there was the sun land of the rising sun maybe maybe that could be it that could be it or it could be home as in like like like which means like mother country right land of the sun baby i don't know that that could that could be it hong kong is like motherland right so it's like the motherland of the sun land of the rising sun maybe i don't know i'm sure there's an answer i'm just kind of you know i'm i'm basically coming up with my own theory as to why that might be in china han means origin okay well there you go that's the answer that's the answer in chinese kanji this kanji means origin but there you go sun origin land of the rising sun there we go we figured it out chad everybody clapped it's interesting like these questions because they're definitely questions that uh most japanese people wouldn't really even like blink an eye to right it's like you know that's like asking like why is australia called australia or why is america called america you know it's like i don't know just because it's because it is um okay counting words are like five sheets of paper or five pieces of cake or five bottles of beer but for everything oh yeah i mean swearing that's a that's a perfect way to describe it honestly why didn't i think of that ego jozu watch people telling themselves they are nihongo jozu after this tree i mean you guys will be a little more joseph than before the stream so you won't be wrong you won't be wrong man roseboro i think for the two months man just learned that an entire nation unironically speaks the anime language kw good on you dude i'm glad for your epiphany man today i learned how to count dicks in japanese with joey you're welcome rose star with 500 bits says when counting kids would you use ning or hiki since they're essentially small animals anyway uh you would use ning um that's i mean how you perceive children is your prerogative but the the the general consensus on how children are viewed is that they are also people so uh we would we would use instead of uh you should make videos teaching japanese on your second channel i think that would be very entertaining and you can get uh connor or someone and teach them in the video i mean yeah i could do that or i could just upload this vod to my second channel which i will probably do uh quite a thing for the seven months let's see what else we got uh uh are there terms or ways in japanese to refer to non-binary people well non-binary people are also people right so same thing doesn't matter what your sex or doesn't matter what your sex or gender or any of that [ __ ] is it's whether you're a boy girl or anything in between gay straight anything in between you are in japanese you are just which means people uh how related is chinese kanji to japanese kanji i'm fluent in chinese but my teacher wants me to never try to use chinese kanji because they could be very inaccurate um well me personally i don't know any chinese um so i can't say for certain chinese readings are the only me ah okay okay that that actually makes a lot of sense so in order to i guess how would i explain this well for starters how many people in this chat know chinese or are chinese now we know anything about know anything about chinese wow there's a lot of people i'm not sure if y'all are trolling or not like dead ass not sure if you guys are trolling or not but okay regardless regardless right at least barbara who asked me this question is says she's fluent in chinese um or he i don't know i don't know if you're a boy or a girl borrower but you said you said you're you're flown in chinese and your teacher warns you to never try to use chinese kanji because they could be very inaccurate so understanding that we have to first explain oh my god i can't believe i'm about to explain this to you guys we have to explain the different ways that you can write kanji and the different ways that you can read kanji especially reading now writing is pretty straightforward there's only one way to write it when it comes to kanji what makes kanji so difficult for so many people and this includes chinese people is that the same kanji can be read in completely different ways regardless of it looking exactly the same so in order to understand that let's go back to what should i use as an example okay let's use this as an example who knows how to read this okay a lot of people are correct some people are getting confused this might look like porn but it's not these two different kanji this is the kanji for tree this is the country for book okay i'm talking about bulk right now though we're talking about the kanji for tree there are two ways that you can read this if you if i if i just gave you this right if i just gave you this kanji and said to a japanese person what does that say right there's two ways they can say they can say ki they can say and why there are two different ways that you can re write read the same kanji it follows this thing called and i always forget which is which i think he was the other way around [ __ ] i always [ __ ] i always [ __ ] get this mixed up between me is what's called as me oh we have kung yumi which is ki and the oniyomi with this kanji is mok now why this is important is that depending on what comes before or after this kanji depends on how these on how this kanji is read in context but predominantly speaking every japanese kanji has the yomi and onyomi rule all right so i'm getting notifications let me close that down okay there we go all right wrong all right see even i get kanji wrong all the time all right so every kanji has two different ways of writing it oh sorry two different ways of reading it right you have the kunyami and now how this is written and how to distinguish between reading this as ki and reading this as moku is really dependent on the actual kanji that you're talking about but from my understanding of kanji if the kanji is there just by itself like it is right now most of the time like i'd say ninety five percent of the time it's reduced so if you had a sentence right that was just like you know there's a tree tree in japanese is ki right but then there are lots of words that use this kanji right that don't necessarily confine it to just this all right say for example um the word for wood right the word for wood right all right have you noticed we're using the oil why are we using the onion because this follows it yeah timber this can also mean timber there's a lot right what about wooden sword wooden sword is octo again you have the onion before right that means wood i mean sword have you noticed that in both of these situations we don't read this as ki we read this as oku so again this all goes back to my understanding of is that 99 of the time oh yeah i would almost say 99 percent of the time kung yum is only used if the kanji is by itself all yummy is used when the kanji is used with another kanji there is nowhere no situation ever where this is written as kizai or store you definitely don't want to say store because that that that i i mean do i even have to explain what a story is probably not but there's no way this would ever be read as sto okay all right let's all laugh it off hahahaha thor is the head of a penis okay so you don't when you're buying a [ __ ] wooden sword from a store you don't want to walk in and say um because they'll be like this man's literally asking for the head of a penis so yeah don't say that don't get that confused make sure to say then they'll know exactly what you're talking about if you say [ __ ] then uh sexual chargement sexual harassment charges incoming so you have the oh yummy we have the but in some situations there is one other type of way that you can read it there's one other way you can write it or read it sorry which means special reading what that entails is that there are some kanji out there where depending on what the kanji is with and in what context it's not read in kunyami no it's read in a special way that only applies to that particular situation and i'm trying to think of a word that can fit that ah okay i've got it this is a kanji you'll see a lot when you come to japan the kanji you'll see a lot okay this is the kanji for go right all right so when it's just by itself right and you put ku at the end all right and this becomes to go right but sometimes right maybe it doesn't have cool at the end maybe it has maybe there's this kanji right in which case there is no way that this in this context where another kanji follows it that it'll be read as e because this is this is polishing which is to travel in a straight line caution all right now now we now because we have a kanji following it this kanji here is read not as kuyomi but it's read as oyomi and the only me for iku this kanji is ko all right okay and some people are pointing out some really interesting things here why this kanji is used so often is because there are multiple yummies and your own yummies for this kanji for example all right if we put ku at the end of this then it becomes iku right this is where is e but what if instead of ku we put what if we put this now becomes which is a very polite way of saying to do so now we have two different ways two different kunyamis depending on what hiragana follows it right if it's got an u at the end then it becomes but if it's got a coup at the end then it becomes both two different ways of reading the same kanji two different kunyo means at the same time there is also the onion as well and there are multiple other onions for this kanji for example sometimes it can be your instead of call multiple ways right but still still even with all of this there are four different ways right of reading this one kanji and yet and yet oh it's probably a sound bite guys don't worry you can you can you can do a sound you can do sound bites of farts all right it wasn't me it was a bit alert all right but pay attention everybody pay attention pay attention because because this this is the part that's going to [ __ ] you up this is the part that's gonna [ __ ] you up we still haven't gotten to this yet there's four different ways that you can read this one kanji yet we still haven't gotten to the special ways of reading this is still on yomi but there's also a special way to read this kanji in very very certain words and certain situations and this is very very certain there is very specific words and i want to see if there's anyone who knows what the special way of writing this is there's one word i'm thinking of right now okay so this so there's one but there's there's one more word there's one more word okay i saw someone got it when it comes to this right what's [ __ ] up is that the only the only this country is whole which means direction right i don't know if there's a kuni on me for this if there is it's probably very difficult you won't use it very often but most of the time how to read this is whole right so you think oh okay well if this is written as whole oh sorry my bad that totally my mind blanked my mind yeah sorry there it is this kanji is cut up the only on me for this country is [ __ ] so when you see this when you see these two kinds and you have all this information at your disposal right you might think to yourself oh there's a number of ways i can read that is it poho [Music] right number one but no this is when this pops in this is where this pops in and this then there's a special way of reading cheers you guys see that very it's it's a little uh a little dim let me write that again in black you click now you're probably thinking to yourself so wait so this is yuku and this is e or is it you or which one is it um this is the this is the [ __ ] up part about toku busy on me it's neither this as a whole is read as yukui not one or the other both this both together is this and you can't there's no way you can split this up wait what timing what happened oh did someone do the illuminati thing perfect timing for the illuminati it's all a conspiracy boys so yeah this then bears a special way of reading it again why i don't know i dead ass don't even know and here's another thing that's [ __ ] up it wasn't already what if i told you that there's multiples of these as well there's also multiples of these and i'm just going to quickly look it up because i actually forgot how to write it oh that's right [Music] this normally is so this conjuring here has the onyomi of tall and the korean of heat so again you might think okay so i have all this information at my disposal so what so what's the so what's the combination what's the combination of it's neither and uh you guys might know what an is if you look up andong in google images you've probably seen it before it's these very traditional lights that were usually put in hallways so that people could see late at night and you might think well then why did they use this kanji to specify that particular word well it actually makes a lot of sense because an andon is a light that you use to guide your way through the dark it's a light that you use to go sense so this is why sometimes you may not necessarily be able to read this kanji as an but if you understand that every kanji has a meaning to it and you identify that and you know that there is a thing that people use these specific lights that people use to put in hallways that guides people at night they're called undone then you can take a very educated guess that this might be the kanji for andon even though there is no other situation where this and this is written as an there is no other situation at least from what i know there is no other situation where this means this can be read as on this can be read as dawn every word is a quiz but hopefully you guys can kind of start to understand why i personally [ __ ] love [ __ ] this is why i [ __ ] love kanji a lot of people ask like joey why the [ __ ] do you like kanji it's just way too [ __ ] confusing and it's impossible and even japanese people have trouble with it this is why it's when you it's when the moment you start to figure out the deeper meaning behind why these particular kanji are used why they have different ways of reading it and the rules that they follow most times to be able to read it that's why i like kanji and i guess because i want to troll you guys uh here's one that probably not a lot of japanese people in the chat might even but what if i told you about this right that we've just established and this are two different things this is not the same as this and there's i purposely wrote it like this so that you can understand the difference there's probably not a lot of people who know there's probably not a lot of japanese people who know this i only really know this because i'm a [ __ ] kanji nerd but go ahead guys you can do all the farts you want i appreciate it that that's that's the amount of keep fighting because then that tells me that there's a lot of [ __ ] brain farts happening right now in the chat but this is as we've established this is e or like you know like gotti this is the kanji for go but this is actually two kanji this is and this is a very special kanji this this cut this [ __ ] you will not see very very rarely this is very very rare the only time i have only ever seen this maybe once in a book but you know what's more [ __ ] up is that the meaning of tikichoku means to go which is literally what this means so somehow for some reason someone was like i'm gonna turn this kanji that means to go and literally split it into two different kanji make it be read in a completely different way but it means the exact same thing [Music] but again i already mentioned this because i just wanted to confuse you guys even more because it's hilarious to see you guys [ __ ] melt your brains with this [ __ ] um you will almost never see this so don't worry about it you will however see this a lot when you come to japan a lot a lot a lot this is like this is this is a kanji that you that kids learn in first grade and as you get older you learn about all the different ways that this can be read you don't immediately start off being like all right first graders i know you're all like six-year-olds um but is this kanji uh there is probably about uh 20 different ways that you can read this uh remember it no it's not like that oh means stop by that again that's how often you don't see it um but yeah this is a kanji that you'll see a lot so keep that in mind and that is literally the tip of the kanji iceberg bottom line what you need to remember is that every single kanji has a rule to it kung yumi is used when the kanji is usually by itself or it's followed by a hiragana right onyomi is used when the kanji is followed or the kanji follows another kanji and then sometimes every now and then you just have to learn it sometimes there are special ways of writing and reading it there you go [ __ ] the iceberg how would you know which form you need to read your mean on your me from a word in a sentence well you short answer is you you re you kind of don't you don't know um there's real no like there's real no like certain way that you can like learn which one is which because then i'd be getting into things like um because then i'd be getting into things like ju bakuyomi and um and uh what's the other one but anyway there's different ways that you can there's different ways that you can read kanji you just kind of have to know you just have to basically be able to differentiate the word and understand that oh this means this so a lot of people were asking like oh what like you know is it can it be a combination between ku yumi and not all the time in fact most of the time if there are two kanji next to each other right like you know uh let's go back to this [Music] right we talked about this before right why is it called why is it red is caution because the kanji follows another kanji and the kanji precedes another kanji right so we don't use we wouldn't use kung yumi if this country was on on its own and this country was also on its own but in this context it's not right these two are next to each other so immediately we're like okay two countries next to each other probably usually that's the general rule of thumb right so be coursing to go straight but then somebody pointed out a very interesting thing that i completely forgot about there are actually two more types always to read kanji there's these three but then when the kanji are together it's actually it's more like two different versions of this there's me foreign also [Music] the x-file theme begins this is you see that there's two there's two more ways that you can possibly read a kanji now these two fall onto this most of the time where it falls under oh my emote is covering it there you go now you can see it and you will kill me now these are kind of now these are kind of special in that these are only really used describe when a word that has two kanji right like this like these are two different kinds right in this case in the case with the word koshi both of these kanji are read as onion right this kanji is cool this kind of yummy right that's but sometimes like in the case with the word sometimes it's a combination between so this is where there are special moments where the rule of the kanji needs to be by itself to be read as a queen or me this is where the rule gets broken in the case with jew buckle this word right ju this right this this is the onion of this word right this is the onion of this word but this is the queen and vice versa you this kanji is actually the kuyomi and okay okay sorry use the ku yumi tor is the only so now we have even though traditionally speaking when there is two kanji next to each other both of them have to be read as onyomi there are some times where the these rules can be broken such as which is the and these are not the only words that follow these rules hence why the type of way that these are read is known as but again this is a concept in japanese like linguistics that not even a lot of japanese people understand so you don't have to know about that that's just you don't have to know that there is a thing called ju bakuyomi and you don't have to know that again this is this this these two phrases not even a lot of japanese people like this is [ __ ] that you don't learn in school again i only know about this because i'm a [ __ ] kanjin and i studied my [ __ ] [ __ ] but you don't have to know that i mean if you if you are already like past this point when it comes to japanese if you already fully understand this concept then yeah i i don't think it will hurt to understand this but obviously not a lot of you are like that so there you go it's that's all like this this is all like linguistics link like if you don't if you don't study japanese linguistics then this is this is [ __ ] you'll never know but as someone who studied japanese linguistics for quite a while now this is stuff that's in my opinion very interesting how many classes did i skip well this is actually the first lesson so welcome glad you made it but hopefully you can see why this is one of the hardest languages to learn and uh let me tell you i didn't [ __ ] do this [ __ ] overnight it really does take a lot of dedication but you know i would like to think it's definitely not impossible but you what you do have to kind of understand and i guess be aware of is that if you do want to get to a point where this is just second nature then you really have to [ __ ] love the language if you don't like the language if you don't love the language if you don't love the concept of kanji linguistics any of that kind of stuff then there is literally no point in trying to learn any of this [ __ ] no point so when you do decide to kind of sit down and be like all right you know what i like anime i want to learn how to speak japanese i want to learn how to read it i want to learn how to write it all that kind of stuff right really sit down and kind of self analyze and be like so how much do i actually give a [ __ ] about this language how much do i actually care because if you're well if your love for the language and your fascination i think fascination is a better word to use if your fascination for the language starts and stops at i want to be able to watch anime without subtitles then literally this entire stream is pointless to you because in retrospect it is very easy it is very very easy to be able to just learn enough japanese and get your ears used to japanese enough that you can just watch anime without subtitles but if you if your love extends further than that to the point where it's like i want to be able to get a job in japan i want to be able to live in japan comfortably i want to i'm really fascinated with the way that the language works and i want to learn more vocabulary all that kind of stuff right then this is the [ __ ] you learn and that is a very big reason why i learned this kind of stuff i wouldn't be teaching you guys this [ __ ] and i wouldn't know this [ __ ] off the top of my head if i didn't give a [ __ ] about the language right at the end of the day the difference between someone who is nihongo jozu and someone who is fluent in japanese is the level of how much do you actually give a [ __ ] about the language because you can be good at japanese you can be conversational levels of japanese without necessarily giving a [ __ ] about the linguistics but the reverse is not the same all right and i think the same thing can be said for any language regardless of if it's written in an alphabet you know the germanic alphabet if it's written in kanji if it's written in some other language right arabic language you know an old european language if you don't give a [ __ ] about the language and you don't give a [ __ ] about the linguistics there is no point trying to trick yourself into thinking that you will ever become as good as you think you should be and that applies with any language but isn't that why languages are interesting that's why i think it is that's why i love language that's why i think it's it's so [ __ ] cool is that it might just seem like second nature right it might just seem like second nature doing whatever right like oh yeah of course this means this because this language has been spoken for thousands and thousands of years really that's just how we do things in this language but when you look deep down and say things like kanji for instance right it's not all just a bunch of chinese characters there's actual rules behind it and understanding those rules of linguistics is what's going to get you better at that lane if you don't understand the linguistics rules don't expect to be a [ __ ] kanji master by tomorrow because that's just not going to happen i don't know too much about like the history of kanji and stuff like that but that is like one thing that i have been like very interested to like go into i'm not even gonna pretend to know anything about the history of kanji and stuff like that that's a completely different field in my opinion but still interesting did you know grammatically speaking japanese and latin are very similar i'm learning japanese simply because i love it so far even if it's frustrating as frock oh trust me dude a lot of people think here's one okay can i can i can i mention one stigma about hafuz that i can't [ __ ] stand it's the stigma that oh of course you're good at japanese your parent is japanese that doesn't mean [ __ ] there are people who have parents who speak english who are not even that good at english just because i have a japanese mom or anyone has a japanese parent it doesn't mean you're going to be good at the language in fact quite the opposite it actually makes a clear divide between children with multilingual parents who are good at that language and those who can't speak it at all and what's that difference the difference is how dedicated and interested and fascinated that kid is to that language right great example right my dad right is an australian but his parents my grandparents right my grandfather was german and my grandmother is hungarian all right my grandfather spoke seven languages my grandmother spoke three all right my dad growing up right with his brother his younger brother uh my uncle right so there's my dad and my uncle all right brothers very similar age as well like very very short age gap between those two my dad to this day can still speak hungarian pretty well pretty fluently i wouldn't exactly say that he's fluent and i don't think my dad would say that he's fluent either but my dad can very easily have a conversation like entire conversations and discussions with my grandma in hungarian right but my uncle my dad's brother can understand just as much hungarian as my dad but can't speak a word of hungarian now you might think how the [ __ ] did that happen like how like how did did did my dad go to a school in hungary did he learn hungarian in school any of that kind of stuff no not at all absolutely not at all the difference is that my dad since learning hungarian from a young age with my brother both my dad and both my dad and my uncle weren't hungarian at exactly the same time when they were children from my mom from my grandma right from their mother the difference though is that my dad kept using hungarian towards my grandmother my uncle on the other hand just used english because they were both living in australia at the time everybody around us speaks english already and of course my uncle is going to be like well i mean you understand english i understand english because it's my first language so why would i even bother trying to speak hungarian to you when we both know english right just speak english that's the biggest difference my dad on the other hand was like no i'm gonna use hungarian because to my grandmother even though english might be my first language my grandmother's first language is hungarian so and i have a fascination towards the hungarian language so of course i'm going to try and use it and this exact same thing happened between me and my sister as well but instead of hungarian it's with japanese we both learnt japanese at exactly the same age right we essentially learned japanese from birth technically speaking because my first couple of words that i ever uttered were in japanese technically speaking japanese is my first language but on the other hand you can argue that because i was born and raised in australia english is my second english is my first language either way it doesn't really matter which one which one came first the difference is that me and my sister both learnt japanese at exactly the same age but while i very quickly grew a massive fascination towards japanese and the japanese language and the japanese culture all that kind of stuff my sister on the other hand was exactly the same as how my uncle was with my dad where they were like well mom you've been living in australia for however many years you know english perfectly well we live in a country where english is spoken regularly and is most likely the only language that is spoken naturally right so let's just speak english i can't be bothered japanese is not japanese that's like learning another language that's not spoken normally right when i go outside when i go outside no one's speaking japanese everyone's speaking english so when i come home i'm obviously going to speak english and now my sister has gotten a lot better to give my sister credit in the past five years or so her japanese has [ __ ] excelled but back in like back when she was like 13 14 my sister knew very little japanese compared to what i could speak when i was 13. and that's the difference just because you are the child or someone is the child of multilingual parents it doesn't automatically make that child multi-link it doesn't and there's proof around me like i have friends who live back in australia who are in the exact same position where their mom is japanese and their dad speaks english and i know some hafu friends who can't speak japanese at all like they can only speak english and i feel this is really common in america especially america kind of has this problem with multilingual families in that they have they feel this kind of social pressure around them to be and oh and i guess europe is too i don't know how it isn't like in europe personally but in america from what i have seen almost all of my multilingual friends who live in america can't speak their other mother tongue they can only speak english why because their parents didn't teach them the other language for various reasons because everybody around them all the kids around them are either white black everything else in between right but predominantly speak english right it's a country that speaks english so of course you're gonna feel that social pressure of oh everybody speaks english and yet you're the only one in our friend group that speaks english and some other weird language all right there's a lot of people who are like that and again that completely proves that whole thing of just because you're born with multilingual parents it doesn't automatically make you multilingual let alone good or even comprehensive or even fluent at the other language that you grew up with and what's the difference the difference is how interested you are and how dedicated you are to becoming good at that language i'm gonna sit down because my legs are getting a bit tired i'm also gonna get some water because i've been talking for the past two and a half hours i will be right back [Music] where have you been been certain all along [Music] the real [Music] hide in both face and mind all free for you to throw i'm a chef chef too what else should happen please don't take off revealing dark [Music] oh all right i've sat down now that was a lot of fun yo is that my boy gravy rhodes what's up dude are you doing storm you're right it's dr gravy in the house well i hope you guys enjoyed that he did i'd be down to do more he's working on some tunes nice dude there's a fly around here i just watched the vod bro you'll be all right oh [ __ ] where the [ __ ] you find a whiteboard on amazon where you find most things not really all right a new place looks so sick well done i mean this isn't my new place this is this is the this is the trash taste office behind behind this whiteboard yeah i can't stream in my new place yet because i don't have [ __ ] internet so annoyed damn we got 4 200 people jesus christ thank you guys why no internet because japan is a country that loves to take their [ __ ] time with everything it's also because like you know because the whole corona thing japan's been quite slow with like paperwork i mean they're already [ __ ] slow but even more so hmm you don't normally stream on twitch right i mean not really i've been trying to get back into it though i've done a pretty alright job so far like i've streamed this is my third stream in the past like week i think which i think is like a good kind of uh good kind of uh balance like like a stream every like three or four days maybe i don't want to do any more than that really because it'll kind of eat into my actual uh like you know youtubing time sorry let me just check the messages that i missed while i was at the whiteboard we'll use the whiteboard for other things too don't worry for sure we'll end up using the whiteboard for other things i reckon yeah teach us australian all right call your mates [ __ ] and call [ __ ] mates there you go that's how you that's how you become an australian [Music] so the question was what's your favorite book and what's your favorite live novel my favorite book is this book called byakuyako by higashinokeu and then and uh and my favorite light novel was probably boob phantom i might say i thought your favorite book was the kanji dictionary true that true that touche you really want to go to japan well hopefully you'll be able to i mean you'll be able to go once japan gets its [ __ ] together which i've been told actually i think just yesterday i was told that they're probably going to start rolling uh the vaccine out pretty soon now i think within next couple of weeks i like the modern entire series as well but if we're talking like one book is is i'm in denmark and getting vaccinated two weeks god i wish that was me which vaccine are they using i have no [ __ ] idea man a lot of people were vaccinated today nice vaccines are in shambles here in australia i mean you don't really need the vaccine in australia dude you guys have been covered free for like or like three months or something yeah exactly yeah storms saying you guys are good are you learning hungarian no no no hungarians uh it's a bit too difficult yeah i mean my yeah my parents have been pretty [ __ ] my parents and my sister like all still live in australia they're all being pretty safe the only thing we're missing is overseas travel otherwise it's all good oh yeah i mean dude you and me both man like we're all we're all [ __ ] we're all [ __ ] missing the overseas travel for sure yeah hungarian is actually quite similar to japanese in a lot in like a lot of like sentence structure and stuff like that so like for example like in hungary when you're referring to yourself like your name um you you say you're in hungary in same as in japan you say your surname before your first name whereas you know in english-speaking countries you say your first name and then your surname right and then there are some like sounds in hungarian that don't really exist in english so like things like it's like sounds that you'll hear in japanese a lot but you very rarely hear in english so in that sense it's it's a lot of it is is quite close do i listen to punk yeah i love punk i've actually been on like a little bit of like a like a scar punk binge i don't know why i never really like cared about scar punk all that much but i like started to like get into it yeah post punk as well post punk is pretty good scars in like ska scar punk so there's a band uh if you guys know a guy called jeff rosenstock he uh he does like solo stuff now mostly but he used to be in this like very very underground scar band uh called uh the arrogant sons of [ __ ] and they released one album uh called three cheers for disappointment and that album i've been listening to on and off like that that is of like a [ __ ] classic ska punk album yeah and but yeah he also did bomb the music industry that's that's the other that's the other band that he was in bond the music industry was more like diy punk uh whereas which had scar elements as well but um the arrogant sons of [ __ ] was like like balls to the walls like proper scar punk man and they're really [ __ ] good and like jeff rosenstock like his like solo stuff as well like he also does like he incorporates scar in some of his songs but aussie sounding band name no he's an american jeff rosenstock is an american arrogant sons of [ __ ] was an american band i believe they're from new york i think they're a new york band yeah he made a whole scar version of his new album yeah yeah yeah he did a but he did that as like an april fool's joke didn't he yeah he uh you're talking about scar dream right that's actually a really good album and no dream as well the original album that he based it off of is also really good i've been listening to a lot of jeff rosenstock stuff he's really [ __ ] good especially if you like your like kind of pop punk ska punk type of stuff um yeah i i definitely recommend jeff rosenstock stuff he's really good we upload the stream to your second channel um maybe i might i might cut up the japanese part maybe but like this kind of like just irl stuff where we just like kind of chatting and whatever i probably won't i'll just leave that to boards bath rock is fire yeah [ __ ] bath rock is great squid is also a really good new band i've heard of i've heard of squid actually they came out with a new album recently didn't they um i've been meaning to get into them actually thoughts on the new porter robinson album archer i really liked it it's quite different to uh worlds i mean what there was like a [ __ ] what seven year almost seven year gap between worlds and nurture um i [ __ ] loved the world's album apologies for the nine months dude um and graham thank you for the 54 months hey let's go and hype train [ __ ] yeah dude have you stayed sob for this long go lol prime that's how hell yeah graham thanks for another month dude good to see you again but um what was i talking about thank you for the 100 what was i talking about again you like the descendant's new single yeah it's good i'm looking forward to the next album actually oh porter that's right um yeah porter's new album is quite different what's everyone's favorite album of nurture because my favorite album is definitely win tempos that's a [ __ ] beautiful song i really want to learn that piano part yeah you know what i'm talking about like that piano refrain in the middle i really want to learn how to play that musician is good yeah that's a good song too yeah it's quite i've actually found the [Music] i found the uh the um what is it the sheet music for that piano part and i looked at it and it looks pretty easy i could probably learn if you give me like half a day i can probably learn how to play it yeah it's really interesting isn't it like with wind tempos that's definitely one of the most like dividing songs like some people say like you're either someone who says that it's their favorite song on the album or you just don't like the song i think it's personally it's one of my favorite songs off the album and probably one of my favorite porter songs he's ever written because it's just so different it's very like i don't know how to describe it i don't know there's something about it i really like it's all it like kind of builds upon itself and it like kind of goes in a direction but never really ends up getting there if that kind of makes sense i don't know that's the only way to describe it i think uh how did anthony fantana describe that song again he described it as a uh oh yeah he said uh uh it sounds like artificial intelligence having a religious experience i think that's how you described it and i was like that is such a [ __ ] accurate way to describe it because like especially you know that in bit with the glitched vocals i was like wow that is like that is like a very poetic way of describing it but it's very accurate what's your favorite satoshi khan film uh probably paprika just wanted to thank you for the best rap song of this millennium hope we can hear a bit more aso too much volcano i'm really happy how that turned out because mind you we were only given like half a day maybe like seven hours to make that to write it to perform it and to shoot a music video for it it turned out really [ __ ] well [Music] should be on itunes today oh wait is that actually chris hold on yo hey right thank you for the five gift subs dude [Music] oh that's actually chris wait when the [ __ ] do you have a [Music] wait chris when the [ __ ] do you have a uh [Music] a twitch i thought you streamed on youtube what is that all my friends do twitch i just sit in the shadows okay well you know what i'ma give you i'ma give you vip chris because you're a vip in my heart there you go [Music] why don't you stream on twitch dude at least i think that's the real chris i don't even know [Music] oh it's not even the real chris i just realized wait i don't even know anymore i don't think it's the real chris chris can you chris can you lie me to prove that that's you oh it is you okay okay thank you okay yeah i got the text yeah that's it's definitely him it's definitely him i just got the text chris fraud yeah i got i got the text chris you're not chris fraud don't worry that's it's the real chris he texted me he confirmed it it's the real chris everybody because your username is [ __ ] different chris [Music] oh chris is giving away subs as well [ __ ] you dude oh and shuffling gave a sub to chris as well nice nice gonna watch emma and charlotte where i'll be appreciate a fraud in japan yes we figured it out hello my name's chris fraud of fraud in japan today we're going to be scamming japanese people out of giving them some tea dickens do you like my impression of you chris that's my that's my impression of a fraud in japan you should be short for that hey man i heard your [ __ ] impression of me in your stream the other day that was pretty [ __ ] horrible as well you were like oh my name's man like the barely sounds like an australian let alone me when you die i will take your place well likewise chris i'll just come over and talk like this and talk about japan maybe i'll invite my friend natsuki as well go to his barber shop there's a there's a difference between there's a difference between how abroad in japan speaks and how chris broad speaks like this is like that's how like chris speaks right oh sorry that's how like abroad in japan speaks when chris is in like abroad in japan mode it's like yamagata prefecture is the largest prefecture in all of japan and my good friend natsuki just happens to be living there like that's that's like the abroad in japan like chris but then there's chris who's just like oh [ __ ] yeah all right yeah how you doing mate yeah you're doing good yeah all right yeah it's it's the david attenborough mode isn't it wait chris just sent me a picture chris just sent me a picture of of his current situation wait let me share it with you guys hold on chris can i share this picture that you just sent to me chris just sent me a picture of his of his current situation i don't know why this is so funny that looks like a youtube thumbnail dude why do why does that why does that look like a youtube thumbnail behind the scenes reveal chris uses light mode pathetic disgusting caught in 4k he uses light mode filthy why are you using light mode chris why would you why would you be caught in 4k like that you're about to have dinner cheese and crackers in it and i just so happen to find the best cheese in crackers place in all of japan and it happens to be lying right at the base of japan's largest active volcano sakurajima island i'm getting better at impersonating chris i've that that's how you know i've spent too much time with chris to teach the people japanese i came here to learn what are you talking about chris you're you're nihongo jozu right you're sony ongo josu oh [ __ ] what's your favorite word what in japanese are you asking chris what's my favorite japanese word in japanese uh i i know what my favorite phrase in japanese is and i think i think it's also your favorite phrase isn't it it's it's a phrase that goes something along the lines of are you youtuber that's my favorite japanese phrase hey man you brought that on yourself chris i think youtuber is my favorite word is my favorite japanese word youtuber something so like there's something so there's something so dumb sounding about the word youtuber i don't know why his favorite phrase is yeah probably youtuber it's youtube in it it's we're watching youtube on a tuesday dream in life is to be on your twitch one day rolling with the big boys i mean you can you can come over chris you know where my house is just come over and we'll do like we'll do a joint stream together on twitch we'll hang out on twitch for everyone my parents aren't home chris quickly come to my house with a cheeky bit of baggage thrown in hell yeah dude third trash taste appearance win yeah i mean look chris wait hold on chris you've already made an appearance look there you are look at that there's your there's your there's your anime man twitch page debut chris congratulations chris fraud you you have an appearance look at that look at that that's this is basically cr this is basically chris stream now hello everybody i'm chris broad oh yes thank you for the applause yes i do know that i am the the greatest youtuber in all of this platform yes now time to enjoy my cheese and crackers in it okay i will see you all later in the next episode uh i'm gonna do a live stream in two hours with your voice for a whole hour please do please do that would that would be hilarious i wanna i wanna watch that just like chris host tt for once you can be the guest chris fraud emote can we make this an emote can we make this oh that's such a perfect emote face wait someone's already made a wait is that connors wait there's already a chris face no that's not connors who's is that premiere well someone's youtube channel oh it's not a [ __ ] youtube channel someone's twitch channel is already using a chris face but i'm gonna i'm gonna use this i'm gonna make this a chris face dude chris fraud traitorous slide oh it's peters oh hey beta what's up i guess nice to meet you or maybe it's not nice to meet you you were in my stream the other day weren't you talking some mad [ __ ] about that anime man fellow i dare say that was quite fraudulent of you i tried to do a zoom in and didn't work all right hold on a second are we really about to make a twitch fraud string twitch fraud emo right now chris will you allow me will you give me the honors to make a twitch fraud emote uh not twitch fraud chris chris fraud twitch fraud go on then all right cool we got we got the go we got the okay ladies and gentlemen uh [ __ ] what should we do um problem is we don't have enough subs to open the next slot so we're gonna have to like replace one or make it a tier two or tier three stream uh t2 t3 emote t3 evo let's let's make it a tier 2 emo for the time being sub goal overlay i don't really like doing sub goals how many subs uh so we're at it's it's sub points are you all alone at trash taste global hq yeah yeah conor was here a while ago like helping me with unpacking stuff but he left before i started my stream excuse me um that must be terrifying yeah a little bit that's not too bad it's not too bad uh currently for me right now in order to unlock the next emote slot we need 1 400 subscriber points and i'm currently at 402 makes sense because i haven't streamed in a while so so uh yeah what what do we want to do do we want to make it a sub goal we can make it a sub goal at the top do you want to do that for this for starters all right let me open up let me open up photoshop real quick let me open up photoshop and we will make we will at least make the emote and then maybe make it like a goal so let's go hold on a second what's the picture i just got no volcano a s o very volcano very volcano i'm glad you guys enjoyed that song we uh we had a lot of fun making it it's so funny when you just [ __ ] like isolate chris's face why do you have such a funny face chris i love it all right let me chop that like so needs better mixing oh the the aso thing i mean to be fair chris is not really like a like a music producer type of thing like he he produced that on his own i say produced very lightly like okay all right let's render that out uh twitch emotes fraud all right all right here we go uh switch emotes all right we're working towards this we're working towards this ladies and gentlemen this emote could be ours this emo could be ours ladies and gentlemen this could be a brand new emote we just gotta get there that's some serious horror [ __ ] right there this could be it twitch fraud or anime fraud i guess is going to be it i mean i could honestly like right now just make it like a tier 2 emote if we wanted to thank you for the fight i could just make it a tier 2 mode if we wanted to oops sorry but not everyone is tier two so imagine that outside your window what tier am i i mean we could just be tier one let me think there's like uh is there any like is there any emotes that we don't i don't really use i guess i don't really use this one all that much the kunt emote um subs subs is uh a bit hey subs um who have access to my emotes right now what's bttv i've heard about that i'll bet oh oh better tea tv okay yeah it's like a third party thing oh it's like an extension okay oh you can just make it like a gl oh you can make it like a global emote is that what that means i assume all right hold on let me log into it ah oh okay okay oh okay i'll just do that then okay hold on a second let me just do that what the [ __ ] is this approval stuff i'll i'll sort that out later i'll sort that out later i can't be bothered to go through that [ __ ] right now when the whole class sees your name in the hundred credits i think for the time being though we can sort out pizza tv stuff later um uh in the meantime though looking forward to seeing you when the series is over almost halfway nice man nice i'm pumped for it dude um but in the meantime i think if you if you guys really wanna we can replace one of the existing emotes um i guess like what's an emote that subs what's an emote that you'd barely ever use replace kund or sleep oh anime rip can be exchanged because we got pain oh yeah it could do yeah you've basically replaced rip with that yeah i guess we can i guess we can get rid of rip huh because we have we have the we have the new anime pain emote maybe replace rip okay we can do that all right let's let's delete rip and put in our brand new emote ladies and gentlemen it's already funny uh fraud yeah anime fraud or maybe uh that's kind of like a that's kind of like a what face isn't it so maybe like a what like an anime what face like w-w-u-t like what or what maybe w-o-t what you what that is like a you what face isn't it like w-o-t should we go with what yeah let's go enemy what all right and upload all right it's in it's in lads we got it congrats chris you're officially an emote on the anime man channel there it is there it is anime what go celebrate with some cheese and crackers [ __ ] yeah let's go that's such a perfect face it's like a it's like an excuse me face [Laughter] [ __ ] yeah i'm so proud of what we've done chat i'm so proud of what we've done thank you for all the subs guys yeah we we hopefully won't have to keep replacing subs if we get a bit more subs but it's all right i'll be i'll be streaming a lot more too um so the subs will be picking up don't worry do not worry if i keep at it we'll keep we'll uh we'll keep getting more subs so it's all good etsy old so i think for the three months dude appreciate that uh i did consent chris he was in this chat you can look back on the vod i said chris is it okay if i turn that this face into an emote and he said go for it there we go consent we did it so let me new emote anime what there you go chat we did it wait i should make that text black there we go there you go brand new emo ladies and gentlemen join the boys and you'll have full access to such emotes as this beautiful oh god fun times fun times thank you chris for providing me with such such wonderful providing me in the chat with such such wondrous wonderful entertainment why can't i use it you should be able to if you're a sub you should be able to use it it's a t1 sub so now we have anime what as well as anime pain lots of good faces lots of good faces if you can't see maybe just try and reload by the way for all the non-subs who are trying to use anime what there are they're sub badges so fortunately you can't use it unless you're a sob that's the benefit though of being a sub if you sub you get to use such amazing emotes as this and anime pain but uh yeah i think i've had my entertainment today oh you can lock with channel points too yeah of course you can do that too but uh yeah thanks for coming guys to this stream appreciate it um yeah i don't know what i'm gonna do for the next stream or when it will be but uh yeah just catch me here we'll have some fun times we'll chill all that good stuff and uh let's go raid somebody i guess oh [ __ ] excuse me oh my boy mood on streaming [ __ ] yeah let's go raid mood on dude on tv i'm gonna go read my boy mood on if you don't know who muran is i mean hopefully you know who mood on is he's my [ __ ] boy he edits my videos he edits trash taste videos absolute machine and he's a he's a [ __ ] good boy i miss him and love him very much but he's streaming right now so please go give him all your love and uh yeah guys go give him your love all right and i'll see you guys next stream whenever that might be i don't know when it'll be we'll figure it out all right bye hey i thought yeah i'm gonna do a quiet day because like the all past streams holy [ __ ] he did actually raid me
Channel: Haachama Refuge
Views: 133,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4as-N6nTH28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 37sec (11917 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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