FIREBEAMS are FAIR and BALANCED (Sweeping Beam Exploit) - Forts RTS [156]

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[Music] hello and welcome back to forts where today I'm gonna show you guys why fire beams are a fair and balanced weapon if you guys have probably heard recently there's been a lot of complaints on the forums and such about fire beams and I'm gonna show you guys exactly why people are complaining about the fire beam and anything that goes wrong if it and you know honestly it's it's it's because of an x-point that's going around and this isn't a new exploit this is one that's uh it's come around so every so often it's been patched out like two maybe three times now and it's gonna be patched out soon again so we're going to uh abuse it a little bit and make these guys some angry commenters on the forums while we're at it so let's go ahead and just start working our way up to the fire beam and get ourselves going here I've just joined a random what is this a 4v4 on the Internet's here I don't believe I recognize any of these players which is okay fine by me and we're going to show them show them the power of the fire beam here in fact we're gonna be using portals to do it which is even more fun because I know a lot of you guys have been all on these portal train recently because well portals are fun and I think that's the long and the short of it so we're gonna be oh boy I think I could actually target all for these players at once let me see if I could actually target all four of these players at once with our fireman shenanigans because that would be I think that would be in our interest don't you think alright let me go ahead and slide you here a little bit more than two and a little bit more than two Perfect's it's going to look strange and you know what this is fine go do this and we should have enough for our factory coming up here pretty soon a couple hundred metals shy but nothing that oh I thought meta slowed us down to hard it looks like a pretty default starts here he's doing some very thick wooden bracing out there this is fine let you down alright let's go let's finish up here and these have a very particular purpose so I'll get around to I know these you guys should be able to notice pretty quickly here let me get one more battery to slap you right here and then start building more turbines cuz we're gonna need a lot of power for this because it turns out portals require a lot of power they kind of consume a lot of power really let's go ahead and do this and I want another turbine here and I think before let's go up to five turbines to slap the last guy right here and then to pop an energy shield here for safety's as I don't really want to be doing it I don't know what we'll do sandbag defense because weld energy that shields are kind of kind of power consuming try to do this slide you this way there you go there we go we can slap our sandbags here and here that way they don't take up all the energy and we can still slap an energy shield here as we need to defend this a little bit but we won't be really doing much even in front here instead I'm gonna be building all of my weapons behind which is going to help us out immensely and then let's see where do I want to build the exit portal probably just right out front because why not as long as the rest of my base is defended I'll be okay in fact without weapon slots and fronts then I can fold the fence by base with all kinds of things and it will be great alright so now it is time to put down our heavy weapons because it is about 3:30 on the clock which is kind of slow for every weapon said I'm ok with this because we're gonna be taking it taking it slow taking it economically and we could just kind of slap our fire beams here way in the back where they're not gonna get hit by anything oh yes I could turn them around I don't want to do that I want to be done here that way if something goes through portal then it goes in this way and comes up the back rather than let's say we have a can of shell that goes in through a portal in fronts it'll go out backwards it'll take out our fire beam yeah but you know what better than taking out the fire beam and anybody thing else on the inside of our base portals 101 okay so let's see there I need a world here here and I want to build out a bit more to have it nice thick wood all the way in front there we go beautiful and should be able to get enough Grade Center here pretty soon because I'm gonna have a lot of extra materials just laying around it turns out turns out fire beams are kind of cheap which is this is so fun by me it's nothing here and here a portal right there we go and right there nice I'm not gonna connect those I mean let them dangle around and fly freely of their own accord well I get more stuff do this I'm going to build up here like so and we can get more even more mines should I give them ok you fell off at a little bit too much slant on that bottom one this is fun hotkey you on one hockey you on to you and it is about time that we start firing these so now I'm going to link you up to here and maybe you up to here and rope you here rope new here and are we ready to fire almost time to go oh I hear fire beams out of teammates here but these fire beams are special because they ignite everything on fire all the time look at this we're hitting three bases at once and everything about it is look his entire base is on fire guys oh and if you thought that was if you thought that was yes indeed everything is on fire and if you thought that was bad we can just kind of do it again and I should probably focus my targets on one base at a time that way we can actually start to just just drain his I ran all the life out of him right have just as he thought he was safe to put things out nope it's about to be on fire once more come on come on there we go now your entire base is on fire again and they make it swap back to this guy and then is he gonna put it out which is she's trying to extinguish and I could just kind of kind of fun extinguish it for you real quick oh I'm not the only one to win this circuit here good thing you see I'm not even the only one doing this new Lobby this is why people are complaining about fire beams right now cuz they're quite quite broken very very easy to do this with and there's bases on fire so but to put it out so me put it on fire again and I can see the fire beams starting to be reflected a little bit so let me go ahead and start swinging this again so a little bit of a straight to it go by are you just scatter that all over the place please if you don't mind down I didn't start my technology about grant centers been doing it really don't mind being good by the the big howitzer here because it's not coming anywhere near by this why are you there we go everything is on fire that's the way in the firehouse and I should start working toward another technology of a kind maybe Suarez's perhaps is his core burning down his core is in fact burning down no he's led to me oh well let me go ahead and reset these real quick nope and I can rebuild you if only his meddling teammates have arrived well it's gonna take another just my base tank for Howard to show it here it's actually quite expensive to repair all that howitzer is quite a large explosion they're very good at doing this whole massive damage thing oh jeez that's so much fire it is so much fire all right this this there we go upgrade centers Dunn's gonna go ahead and upgrade you to go full full economy's he is he leaving I think I think they're they're done yeah he's he doesn't what I do you have anymore that's gonna be another angry flora Poste fire beams as all things should be I am actually looking forward to this being fetched because it's been passed a few times already and it's it's made its way back again so I'm really looking forward to seeing this past I'm actually going to background bracing us because background bracing can actually be used to face tank the howitzer routes as the howitzer is actually will detonate on background bracing after traveling through a circle knife I'm not too but anyways so now that these are ready to go again I can just do this yes get your swing in once more like so there we go nice keep that away from my core or is all nice and safe and now these are good to go once more so let me just do this and fire you here there we go ignite all the things and once you are all ready to extinguish and go ahead and it again nice it turns out the that's an anti statue there gently goes down so you don't get sniped real quick there we go the fog launcher smoke bomb it up it actually blocks laser fire or it disperses it's maybe not as not as useful I think he's actually trying to aim from our portals which wouldn't be a bad idea it wouldn't solve the problem of me having fire beams but it's not a bad idea this you guys upgraded and start getting some more production our storage in here and then fire there we go keep everything burning I don't think I'm gonna be able to actually burn this guy into oblivion mostly because he has claimed his teammates fallen base for his fallen teammate space and with it all of the a economy of wealth an entire base just so we don't get hit by that in the rear there wouldn't be that big of a deal but I'd rather not have to get hit by that let me go ahead and start getting some more heavy weapons up here I don't think I filled up tonight so close so far away I may get another laser weapon fact if I killed this guy here and then get some cannons here we can do some spray trick shots I think you guys are going to vote builds way in the back here likes so build our technology back there nice are you looking looking very on fire guys oh there goes the top top base nice get you swing get you guys to being a together there we go I slap you right back to you there it is full scissors incendiary howitzer not I do not ideal at all quick easy repair job now we have the upgraded minds we're not gonna be hurt for not gonna be hurting for any any metal anytime soon let's bring out the scissor lasers again just the sweeping beams oh geez dear look at that just trying desperately to trying desperately not to get me to burn off but oh he's lost access to his mines that's gonna make it super difficult to repair so what I'm gonna do is just fire one at a time and that way as he tries to extinguish look he's almost he's trying to extinguish that a little bit going extinguish the rest do it yes now I can write you on fire just maximize burning time and now my other laser will come off cooldown and I can sweep you again like so beautiful now his face is falling apart and he's trying to eat he doesn't have enough - he's trying to use portals to defend himself but he's not gonna have enough energy production his face is falling apart guys welcome - oh dear yeah that was going to happen okay so welcome if you guys are gonna move these down here can I can just kind of build you down here right no problems no problems like so and then build this guy yeah and I'll build it right here here we go pleasure trip so and so mister doesn't pass additional problems one to swing and get them connected he keeps hitting me with the howitzer but I don't have anything in front of my base to hit so he's welcome he's welcome to do that do I have cannons available just yes I do let me go ahead and try to church shot you I'm not sure right there I can't actually cover it because teammates in the way which is fine there we go yet but get the fire beams going sweep that sweep that beam all over the place welcome to welcome to welcome to the fire boos next up there we go you just death by fire all right and now we're after round 2 of a be using the living daylights out of these portals so as you guys as you guys know it's that the fire beam it's it's it's a good toy it's not all that great in terms of dealing damage but you know if you can literally ignite every base on the map with it every single time you fire it then it's kind of its kind of strong and you know I can only imagine there's gonna be a lot more forum complaints going on after after this match is over but so let's go ahead and uh make sure that that happens that we get all the complaints in the world or its ins I got that up and running are gonna be missing energy here no we're gonna have plenty of energy so maybe like this that way we will have enough energy a metal fire why are you like this what do you be designing is okay splitting the beam managed to drop a bunch of his base on top of me not that it really matters at this point Thea the wood doesn't fall and hit my base and damage it if there were something explosive then yeah sure that could be a problem but just benign wood doesn't doesn't hurt when you drops on to it on to someone else let's see get that going here I'm gonna want a lot of mines and a lot of energy production because portals are kind of kind of expensive and they also have a lot of upkeep let me go ahead and set this up like so I mean then let's go ahead and build how far out kinda like this let me go ahead and build these guys all the way out here let me just do that real quick thank you okay so I can build my fire beam right here facing in the fire beam right here facing in looks like you hold off on this for a moment while I start working on the technology I actually heat in order to do this it's building to the missile platform that way aspects metal on connecting I got carried away building the base not actually working toward fire beams no this is final P it'll be alright will be a little bit delayed but we should still be able to get it out before before most heavy weapons are brought down upon us and revenge let's do this okay so we do actually wanna get doors on this because you guys noticed last match there were some players that actually know about this strategy and also knew to snipe out and snipe it as you can use snipers to get rid of most of these things that probably do here we go like so connected like soap I don't have door here and here and another portal here so we just start with two for now I can come back and do do more fire beams at my discretion a little bit later you know just in case we need infinite sweeping beam which is actually sounds a lot of fun just infants infinite sweeping beam there's no no coming back from the infinite the infinite beam the infinite fire actually now let it know that I mentioned I really like the idea because but the dual fire beams yeah they're good they didn't really allow for a lot of a lot of retaliation but there was a few moments of downtime where the person could it extinguished sometimes not that it would help them much but they could try if we were to get three beams they were just never be a moment where they're not being shot by in infinite fire and that's I think that I think is a lot more enjoyable at least at least for me a lot less enjoyable for them more enjoyable for me and that's what matters so it'll be our sandbag defense here fire beams are ready to be placed well will be momentarily there we go it's love you here you go here you go come on just enough energy and nice it's good drag you here get another to get another turbine up here probably gonna add an entirely separate layer up top yeah let me go ahead and just start doing that now yes this will be I don't know I can go I can go higher and this will have to be this heights for the fire beam which means the portal can be portals going to have to emanate from my right here there we go there we go that way I can get a third fire beam there I had a later time very nice set you up like so my fire beans are actually almost done fire beams build quite quickly oh there's this one missiles good thing I've got the good thing I've already got sandbag defensive me set you up here just so we don't get hit hard with something I am forward so I'm very likely attacked first and then a little here and a portal here these guys are almost finished we'll get them activated momentarily gonna is this you close her oh that's perfect nice we do this and this and start getting some defenses or those for those missiles here you but you guys both from the same hotkey and get you swinging while it activates one and two all right and then chain fire one oh just the two bases well these bases are kind of far apart oh I didn't realize we actually managed to get the Firebird all weapons are incendiary and everything is even more fire everything is even more fire guys just when you thought it couldn't be worse we have even more fire guys oh look at it we're just gonna completely suppress two enemies here wait for him - oh there goes their weapons they're just about to finish extinguishing so let me go ahead and keep up with the fire oh oh it's so much work their entire base is falling apart at this point let's get this tank doing some more all right and then then refire you going I need batteries here and also here and then do this again and I'm just gonna kind of keep the sweeping going it looks like he's getting some energy shields and it's kind of touching my teammate which is not ideal but you know what you can work we could work with this so this guy did manage to put his fires out this guy not so much I suspect he's having issues with the energy production something about having most of his base cut on fire probably probably doesn't help with that all his foundations are breaking guys his foundations are breaking oh just a little bit more of those ropes are actually keeping him upright now I've only had one more fire beam let me go ahead and get up another fire up in the air come on break the foundation so he's reattached it'll be fine going to do this at a door here and another portal and work a night what would be a good place to attach I'm just kind of hoping they don't shoot my my portals because of this you know I think I've angered them okay I'm gonna have to defend myself and out that's unfortunate come on metal all right well okay let's just start firing I like there we go wife all over that activate commander ability and do it again there it is that's what we're looking for right here and do it again or bottom base is getting the brunt of it and once more there we go all the way back into his foundation there right yeah I said those are good didn't mean to put these guys back here that doesn't come take those guys have nice energy shields here for safety and protection please cute and we go boom thank you all right time to deal some more damage shall we sweep I think I'm just gonna keep it to sweep bottom base here focus one base at a time give him all the fire he could ever desire and we go the infinites the infinite beam what wait for him to marry go just wait for him sit completely try to extinguish and then refire the beam once more there it is this is where we're looking for here a poor sniper you try to rebuild the sniper unfortunately fire beam is very good at removing light weapons like jeez his whole base is falling apart guys look at this oh dear his poor core it's just perpetually on a fire jeez his core is actually exposed right now guys it's just it's just we're cooking him alive look at that my base I didn't realize this okay these are fine oh dear dear okay alright let's just remove you for now actually I don't need you guys face in that direction what I do however oh yeah that's what the energy shield is for it stop that happening please thank you so much that's probably why I had a hole on my face just uh just FYI it was probably the giant howitzer okay give it up red center we can know it's odd you want one let's see let's do this sup you right here oh that sounds like another explosion I wish which base was that there top base we lost our machine good sounds like someone's using a repair bag oh yeah they are that's that's one way to help mitigate some of the fire damage just by having our Terra Baker's extinguishes somewhat faster about 50 percent I believe is the accurate number and while we wait let me just do this Thank You teammate for providing the air support that I failed to have rather that I once had and that removed forcibly stop it stops uh being apart okay now let's start getting some sandbags back in here once more straight with you guys safe things I think the enemy has a lot of energy shields now which is why we're getting splashed by the spire being so those are friendly fire themes I'm going to build an energy wall this would certian etiquette I don't have the flack technology to fully bring down though the howitzer so I'm just gonna mg Walt everything not really a good thing I can build more down here where they're not going to be affected by that I'm gonna build a sandbag right here though metal you all right get you guys upgraded I do want another battery actually right here there we go nice so you are the one causing problems for me so I need a place to put some I don't really want to block all that flak let me remove this and build it survive build the portals here for the sweeping beam reasons oh oh please no drop explosive on me that's that bad almost took my battery that could have been really bad right build you up like so green and that should be high enough okay it's going to be a good way to do this there's a few ways once it collapse my base here also what I make sure have enough anti-air to do look at that that's just perpetuate incoming alright so if I do this like so you should be able to minimize this this please don't attach the queue like so and same thing right here there we go three portals all nice and ready to wobble go remove you oh oh no no destroy no destroy portal please register a portal okay let me I just need to do anything it's back boys oh dear grip teammate okay ready to attach she's not ready to attach now these should be good to go ready to wobble to in throw is is that kind of doing that let me add a little bit more spring to you swing to me there we go now I have to deal there we go it is just fired you're facing the wrong way that's unfortunate let's make sure you don't face the wrong way please much better all right oh that's a lot of fire babe this is why this is hard to deal with because it gets everywhere okay nice sweep all of you even have the side effect of clearing out most of those uh-oh I made it for the portal oh no no no no no no no no oh dear no no no no no no I just put you out I just put you out stop being on fire stop being on fire stop being on fire okay we are doing more damage to the enemies you're shooting me teammate stop it I will shoot you don't don't make me do it wait I need to put her a pair of a you guys stop it pair of a goes right here to help with these fire I will shoot you stop shooting me stop shooting me please like I can deal with little fire it's the literally dumping a 20 mil with other weapons down the rear of my base that's causing problems there we go now with the extra extinguish speed we should be with the maintain the fire alright need a little bit more sweeping on you you're not hitting them you're hitting me build your weapon such that it doesn't oh that could have been worse right put the fires out and then fire again there we go fires out thank you action fit I'm not sure who replied if it was this player back here cuz this is the one that's it that's hitting me [Music] think I needs upgrades a heavier weapons guys fire beam good but over here I think they finally got enough energy shield to contribute in flex and we're doing so much damage looking at all its tall unfired everything have those doors that are those doors of capital live all this time I don't think getting shot from both sides is going to work out here I have to I have to switch off of this as much as you've seen how dangerous this can be I'm going to have to change weapons not for so long as I keep taking fire from both sides it's just never going to happen alright so those are useful anyway in that case it is no time to transition cannon beautiful let me just get some standard standard style levels pacing out here that way I can at least pretend to shoot oh good thank you now I can actually use my weapons again okay so if in that case if I build up here swiftly enough should be able to clamp off a bit okay well no that's gonna be gone forever more importantly I can build there that don't results in just drawing my base because someone deems it necessary to fire 20 millimeters into the rear of my base all right this this this alright fine just there we go solve that all right across and up gossiping [Music] all right now I will build my wobbling chords over here and portal and much better you guys we got hit here again it's fine here oh geez why are explosives shopping on my base this safe all right so you guys wobbling slightly I don't think enough oh we just gotta get some damage outfit here oh so many lasers all over the place poor a top base most teammate doing well not well at all all right let's start getting these cannons going I think I'm going to do this which is concerning you know what it's what we have to work with geez if this guy's on fire Oh what happened here why is the rear of my bass mr. OH oh that went all the way through my bases was happening here okay that case I'm gonna have to build some more sandbags inspire an adult my anti-air is missing Gigi alright guys if you want to see fire games do more fire beam things make sure to join the community discord because that's where all of these ideas and means come to be but for now I'll see you guys later [Music]
Channel: Project Incursus Gaming
Views: 362,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forts, RTS, Incursus, Project Incursus, Sattire, No Swearing, No Cursing, No Foul Language, indie game, family friendly, forts strategy, incursus forts, forts game, Muliplayer, Online, Gaming, forts rts, forts challenge, base building, New Update, Moonshot, family friendly pg clean, strategy games
Id: rmQjnu37P2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 40sec (2200 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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