Best of Tanyas Blitzkrieg (Tournament Finals) - Forts RTS [161]

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[Music] and we're off to the final of this tournaments of the Tonys mud tournaments we have our potential winner here on the Left Denis and our other potential winner here on the right we have jury ladies and gentlemen this is the best of three of the final match here who is going to come out on top on the Left we have Denis who has been historically through this tournament quite a defensive style player going with an initial mind and workshop and on the right we have Shirley also going for a mine at a workshop but a little bit delayed focusing energy production a little bit earlier on we'll see which which player comes out on top of this exchange going for five mines that's a lot of mines is early what is what do you plan to do with all of that metal on the left Denis already placing additional metal on his base armoring itself up I think there is not much to do at this point but wait and see what kind of kind of shenanigans does each player have have ready I'm actually really looking forward to this is these are players that have done decently well throughout the tournament and I want to see how they fare off against each other just to see what kind of strategies come out on top so far the the strategy that seems to be on top of on top of everyone is a the strategies early is going for right now which is basically just build mini guns and the other strategy which Dennis is a fan of is basically just build cannons well see see who comes out on seize you know you know in in this because I think dennis is gonna be going for gonna go for his defensive eventually get cannons kind of kind of build where Julie is very very obviously building during the aggressive start he's got his upgrades centered down for those sweet sweet damage based upgrades he's already got as minigun or his Gatling gun down back he sold off all the metal on his face like he's going real quick here so there's not gonna be he's got his energy he's not even to be limited by energy because he's already got his his energy production down he's got four turbines already completed and building building up energy reserves so this is this is gonna be a hard-hitting hard-hitting strike very quickly here and we're gonna find out if Dennis can weather the storm is it's gonna be it's gonna be a rain of mortars and bullets very quickly here Dennis actually electing to go with the factory first but he just as soon as he puts it down here come those mortars every one of those mortars getting upgrade it looks like Denis adding in some platforms before machine gunners that'll provide anti-air how does early react he doesn't have his Gatling gun er online just yet so the cannon gunner can't quite be used to defend to clear out those those machine gunners and 0 he's gonna have about one shot of these motors before those Gunners come online and Gunners come online just in time to save to themselves but not all three so those mortars should be roughly shut downs early is gonna need to be able to take out those Gunners what she can do with the Gatling gun Gatling gun coming out clearing out most those Gunners only one remains and it's not enough to stop all the mortars one of the motors gets through and begins begins the mortar damage output looks like is Julie adding in some additional storages those mortars one of them making it across the other is getting shut down ideally zuly adds a little bit more of a harassment style weapon so he can actually clear out those machine gunners perhaps a machine gunners of himself of his own oh that's a mistake Julie's sending sending the minigun err or the Gatling gun err into the grounds not clearing the way for the mortars Denis is able to freely expand he's still adding on extra goodies the damage is not being dealt to Denis the skies are still being cleared and surely there it is only one machine gunner left and that is almost never enough to stop the motors the motors duel and chopping off some of the machine-gun emplacements how does Dennis react at this point Dennis does not have a heavy weapon of his own he doesn't have a laser he doesn't have an out here he's still just fending off the damage so while Dennis is a pseudo expanding he's adding more metal just through all this so he's able to defend effectively he's just spending his resources on adding more defenses rather than stopping the shots from coming in so this is enabling jury here surely here to to add additional weapons instead of having to focus on focus on actually defending himself which is gonna cause a little bit of a problem because now Dennis does not have enough anti-air to deal with all of these like you cannot machine gunners they don't stop they don't stop the swarm missiles it's really adding it adding in the swarm missile launchers the Tania's version that can be placed on struts and those are they're quite strong especially versus things like machine gunners so they can't machine gunners do they do not have the ability to stop at all and with the mortar is now free to deal their damage the motors will just perpetually just dig into Dennis's based on all of that armor that you spent all that resources building is um it's now it's now being dug into quite quite quickly a little bit of anti synergy with the Gatling gun is shooting down most of his own mortars but oh we now have the upgraded justice or launchers out of out of surely they now fire larger rockets and while they're a bit more vulnerable to machine gunners they do hit a lot harder not sure that was the correct call usually you want to leave at least one of them to be swore missiles to deal with the machine gunners but he may just have enough ballistic weapons to keep track of all of it or just to stay on top of all they're just overwhelmed the point defense options of dennis here he may need some additional energy production notes to maintain maintained constant fire at these movies the things they cost them Oh yep there are the upgrades there the upgraded swarm missile launch is doing a hefty amount of damage it's worth noting that these aren't true Nicks nor are they choose for missiles they don't have the same amount of damage or missile count but that's it's pretty close as you can tell by most of a Dennis's base just being obliterated there Dennis now resorting to sandbags and try to stop some of those hits from coming in truly needs to have a little bit more clearing potential for those machine gunners he's a heading so many more so many more energy production options upgraded batteries more wind turbines upgrading turbines here come the upgraded missiles one hits there's a hefty amount of damage but no broken bracing is really adding an additional production and storage you can tell Julia's hurt hurting for energy production he just needs so much more to keep these weapons going every time the Gatling gun fires it just tires so much many holes into Dennis's base that it's just barely managing to scrape out a second swarm missile but has yet to be able to keep a sliver alive longer oh well where there once was a sniper there is now a giant gaping hole in the base he's gonna have to reconstruct that entire segment of the base to even put a sniper back or just find a new place for the sniper because of those missiles are aimed at that location dennis has a single gunner left guys a single gunner one gunner is not nearly enough to stop the amounts of weapons coming toward him everything lands boys and with that just about every ounce of Defense Dennis's builds completely stripped away from his base Dennis's car is smoking things are looking really bad for him boys who does still at this time have enough it's a real tough economy to rebuild but I don't think he can do it fast enough just the sheer damage output that's happening right now it's it's chucking his base faster than he can physically build the nuke and the mortars his core is just shy of exposed and one more volley may see the end of Denis here at UK to fire a very expensive they are they're quite expensive Gatling gun almost finishing it off taking out so many of those critical foundation very singh's board ship damage under the core the core is actually taking some fairly significant damage now it's it's actually it's actually almost critical that's like 50 that's almost 50 percent smoking at this point another wave the mortars just keeping the base in check while we wait for the other weapons to come up come off cooldown the mortars themselves not the greatest threat but they prevent the rebuilds and then these come in for the Pina Shirley takes round one and we're off to round two ladies and gentlemen here on the left side we have Dennis and on the right we have surly this is a map we have seen before one that's very similar to abyss but has these giants immortal cables attaching to base keeping the base intact if a little bit unsteady it can be a little bit unnerving to have your base hanging by such such wobbly threads but it will maintain its position now we'll seize early here it has been the aggressor in all of his matches thus far starting out with a mine it's hair bun and a workshop on the left side we're actually going for a similar build here starting with starting with a turbine or not a turbine a mine of workshop and it looks to be here in mine me DVR no sir binding me to be active there it is two turbines actually now Dennis here on the left has been on the defensive by his own volition he's chosen to go with defensive builds and it's it's carried him fest far but now now we're facing off against is early the ever be aggressor and well it's it was made for a very one-sided match in the first in the first round we'll see if it changes anything here in the second now there are smart missiles are not really an option here it is it is technically possible to build swarm missiles in the rear here and portal them out it's kind of difficult usually not worth and you can only ever build one unless you sell up your minds at which point you don't have the money to come or so today so now I've said this before about about Dennis because Dennis likes to build his upgrade center usually when you have a Tier one technology in the workshop or armory and he build an upgrade center it is because you wish to upgrade your tier one weapons Dennis has consistently gotten an upgrade center and then knots built deerhorn weapons and also not Bilt's his start also not upgraded his economy which is usually the other reason which is the other reason why you would get an upgrade center early so that you can you get an upgrade center early so you can upgrade your economy so you can have more things for the later game so I'm not sure what dennis is gonna do with this upgrade center I'm just gonna have to watch and see whereas on this side Shirley already has gallon gunner halfway down and ammunition plan I think because his early doesn't have access to doesn't have access to swarm missiles he's not gonna go with the upgrade Center so he because his usual thing is to go for nukes plus Gatling guns use the Gatling gun to clear out any anti-air use the nuke the finish off left side we also have a Gatling gun down for Dennis what Dennis is Gatling gun is a a little bit further behind Dennis also doesn't have a web a a tech path the transition out of it just yet so we'll see you'll see what his options are ah he's referring to the he's referring to the anti gravity reactor will help keep his base stable not that they hanging base to the side base is really needed 0 these galleon Gunners almost completed what does he do with it Dennis a big fan of his metal whose metal armor metal armor great for deflecting Gatling guns how well does it work here I think Dennis just knows that sir Lee's gonna go from Gatling guns yeah and with it that's gonna leave a lot of metal a lot of metal available to deflect all of those bullets so Dennis will be able to hold off the Gatling gun for now but surly is already working his way up to a cannon in fact I think he's about to place one he just built a platform that can support a cannon mr. Lee's going to fire the Gatling gun once more arretez he sees the doors he sees all the slanted metal sees he's not doing any damage already has enough grit Center ah instead of going for cannons he is going for of course of course he's going for the storm missiles he's going for the horizontally placed swarm missiles this is another weapon unlocked by the factory or by the munitions plant well that explains why he wanted those I was I was going to say mortars on this map are very powerful because I can hit the nodes that are attached to the cables and destroy them swarm missiles can do the same kind of idea when coming in from the top which is uh what sir Lee is going for instead of instead of mortars he's just going for the the upgraded missiles probably if I were a betting man I'm gonna guess that he's gonna upgrade those before firing them that way that way Dennis here doesn't doesn't know what's gonna hit him yep there are the upgrades Dennis's never know what's gonna hit him before it's too late and he's getting nuked then it's actually upgrading to the grenade launcher before firing the first time mostly missing more shots going out of out of Zuri hearing no damage Dilts most bullets ricocheting harmlessly the last upgrade on those missile launchers is has been triggered so those will be fired very shortly looks like Dennis ready to fire another volley no significant damage Tillett some wooden bracing destroyed Denis easily replaces and there's the first missile launch there's the second ladies and gentlemen we have chip damage dealt to Denis Denis is very much so in the back foot now Dennis has got to change something and Shirley is a well he's a reacting high building anti-air all over the place thankfully for Denis Denis still hazard many gunner a Gatling gun are able to clear that out all of his early Xan tire investment is Justin vaporize the slanted Armour paying off for Denis very very strongly is early still running out of energy despite having all that production oh yeah that's uh that's gonna be rough if Shirley's Gatling gun comes off cooldown in the next few seconds we should think it might could take out all of Dennis's weapons before the before the doors become corporeal one of them is computed Dennis aims center mass instead of aiming for the weapons this early still doesn't have enough energy production to fire all those he's waiting I think he wants to fire them all at once now he's got the aim on point I could still only fire one there's two and more damage to the core ads the third third a little high not able to actually break those chains it surely looks like he needs a little bit more energy production in that perhaps energy storage yeah nearly upgrading those turbines to try to get a get a little bit more in there he's hurting for power right now more missiles more damage to the core does early you finally have enough energy power you constantly keep up the fire power I think the answer might be a yes those missiles are coming out real quick now come on there he goes I think that third one was miss Ames nope no that's just about right that's uh that'll do it sanika fourth one in there of course he's adding a fourth one in that where do you fire this well right into the angled armor traffic yeah yeah Dennis is hurting real hard you can see Dennis's cores smoking smoking constantly so that's a really bad indicator that means that his core has got a very very little HP remaining you can only take so many more of these rockets before his core just like some loads from ship damage every time his core gets hit it gets closer and closer to death yep there go the last of Dennis's weapons doesn't have any offensive potential remaining how do you react Dennis what is your plan tries to reconnect to the top those missiles have a clear path to at the top of his core then it still has all of his economy up and running he doesn't have to doesn't have to worry about running out of resources just yet but he does need a plan to be able to well stay alive long enough to field weapons and return this return fire there it is Shirley is our winner of this tournament [Music]
Channel: Project Incursus Gaming
Views: 128,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forts, RTS, Incursus, Project Incursus, Sattire, No Swearing, No Cursing, No Foul Language, indie game, family friendly, forts strategy, incursus forts, forts game, Muliplayer, Online, Gaming, forts rts, forts challenge, base building, New Update, Moonshot, family friendly pg clean, strategy games
Id: KKe2rvbpH5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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