The END (Pro League 2v2 Finals) - Forts RTS [175]

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[Music] let's go ladies and gentlemen after a surprising upset to last match we have blue team here on the left two three facing off against their opponents red team matteo and babareto are at their match points just needing to close out this match for their victory playing on the map balls i'm curious to see how this is uh how this is gonna turn out yeah felix and lanson in the last seconds crawling back into uh the series i am pretty much super excited if they can win this it's gonna be a full seven game final and that's what we want honestly so i'm i'm a little bit biased towards lanson and felix i i love mata and the breto i just want all the games from these these high plural i just want all of them yes yes please it's it's so good if blue team wins this that they will tie up this series and we'll go into the final match in the best of seven and red team is looking to make sure that doesn't happen because things have been a lot closer than they than they needed to be and red team has been a caught off guard multiple times now indeed so it looks like the teams are actually going for similar strategies we have one team on the blue team is going for a swarm missile with flack support or at least a armory support uh we've seen people use rockets rather than flack to quite successful effects and on the right hand side red team is going for just wait did they change i think i think bob changed strategies at some point he has his armory in a strange position and he stopped claiming the big island for a bit and they're both going for they're both going for munitions plants so there's going to be cannons out of red team interesting uh we we saw this uh map played in the fbi earlier it was ethan and geiger playing it and ethan was on the top base he built down to the first uh big island and built a huge compound with a bunch of munition plant weapons there and a lot of anti-air uh they are facing up against some nukes and they just destroyed the competition well we may see that strategy being played here mind you uh regardless of which tactic red team goes for they're going to be on the defensive out the gate as the munitions plant weapons will always arrive after the heavy weapons or rather should i say the uh the nukes for the blue team so blue team's gonna have the early game advantage they're gonna have they're gonna take the aggressor phase we'll see if they'll be able to deal enough damage with that to set red team too far behind uh yeah even yeah i think bobaretto is gonna go with that uh is he building the two and a half high boxes he is so he's gonna be building the munition plant weapons and the larger island which is gonna take him even longer so bob is not gonna be a significant participant in this battle for the first for the next couple minutes here where has matteo is going to be basically 1v2 against what is going to be nukes fog launchers and miniguns and also snipers yeah the nuke is about to complete for lansing the first hit is gonna be crucial it's really close uh so if he aims it well he very well might do critical damage yes uh there is a direct line of sight to the core and that's i don't think that's lethal range for the nuke but that is um a really really close cop to make the make the angle better for him there it goes yeah 45 hp remaining the throttle into the core the fire prevention rebuilds miniguns take out another piece of metal there's not much left of matteo's core this is effectively a 1v2 for the next two minutes and he's not off to a good start yeah the nuke is about to reload it's going to be an instant reshoot do they have a something to break those those defenses maybe the miniguns could bake break those defenses from felix the i think they're waiting to get the uh the buzz up and running which yeah would be very very beneficial for them as as romero mentioned in the chat this is this whole file is a roller coaster oh yeah i wouldn't have it any other way i love it i love every mo i love every moment of this bus are ready let's go lance the sea nuke got destroyed all right i think mateo has actually stabilized here he has no survivor he has no surviving weapons but bob is coming at the anti-air and the requisite time has passed another cannons are out and active first cannon has been fired i am and now it's just a race of outgunning the other exactly and that's gonna be a tough that's gonna be a tough one uh mateo is definitely behind for obvious reasons he has not yet even started a heavy weapon whereas bob is he's only got one cannon one cannon can slowly chip away at things but one cannon does not end the game i wonder if that the basta could cut yeah yep i was about to say that yeah the busts are cutting cutting the weak foundations for the shield this is uh this is looking quite bad for matteo and bob here matteo eliminated bob he's got the base to do it or should i say he's got the strongest base out of anyone here and he still has hardly taken and take advantage of all the expansion all the expansion available but that's just yeah there's so much firepower on the field already he has to take the eco from uh metal and uh really make his shots count because he if he can't put down enough pressure with that one cannon they just gonna outgun him oh yeah that's this is looking very very bad for them uh lance and shield is upgrading his second nuke things are about to get even more explosive than they already are bob hardly even able to maintain repair costs every time the cannon fires it does something and it does something critical it's just it's just there's so much for him to chunk through it's two players who have gone all weapons this is uh gonna be difficult for bob it's not impossible it's just difficult and he only has seven minutes to do it we've we have yet to see a 2v1 comeback in the final day so i'm starting to believe in the final game incursus i believe wait no it's opposite day every time the casters say something the opposite happens so we just jinxed barbaretto into defeat we can see bob is expanding down to the lower area where mateo is based once resided yeah it took all the economy so he just has to put down those weapons and basically survive with the shield of anti-air just trying to block the reconnection he's going out the back he has plenty of other resources oh cannons in a bad way and it's gone bob has officially lost all of his weapons nukes galore trust interesting uh that was both a good and a bad place for that to hit uh that nuke disconnected the entirety of bob's well everything but it didn't blow him up so that's nice bob has officially been disconnected from the map again this is capture oh point lord there's a reason we don't play that in competitive settings oh the new he's not going to be able to reconnect after this they're not going to let him he's going to have to lift up yeah that's going gonna be this is this is this place barbaro does not want to be this is how game 7 smells and we're off ladies and gentlemen it has been a long match we are up to match point for both teams here blue team on the left getting swept after their early early lead in this series barbaretto and mateo are looking to close out this series finally in this last match here against their opponents lanson shield and felix coming in with the clutch plays when they needed them red team is uh gearing up to take this victory it's anyone's game at this point who can keep their calm and thoughts together it's gonna take this uh series this this event this whole tournament and i am so so happy that it's so close it's gonna be it's gonna be for the ages whoever takes this has some serious bragging rights that they endure this kind of competition the whole night or whole evening and they still managed to perform in the last possible game i would never imagine that we go for 17 games today but honestly i couldn't be happier oh yeah i'm i'm happy with this that's it's a lot of forts it's a lot of it is a lot of high skill plays and uh these players are exhausted at this point it's a marathon for them so i'm curious to see if the uh clutch plays are less clutch just because they spent so much energy but that is that is part of the game here we see the strategies have been revealed for these players a little bit earlier than usual we have a swarm missile rush out of boboretto blue's top player and blues lower players going for the plasma beam or should i say the energy weapons he's uh that's not not surprising to me i i think this is exactly what i expected at a blue team in this in this final match whereas red team is going double lasers they're they're all lasers which has consistently put them on the back foot every time they do this but now they are architects that is true and that will enable them to do a a bit stronger defense a bit better wood spam a little bit faster rush compared to non-architect but it's still strategically a more it's still strategically a less powerful option compared to their opponents they could also be hurricane honestly but i don't think that's that would pair well with heavy laser weapons uh we already have a uh commandability active out of out of blue team are they armadillo again hey i'm gonna check they are spooked for probably very well timed basta by lanson avoiding the shot from the missile silos so actually actually mata and loretta have one of the strongest commanders spook for the last game oh my lord they saved the best for last that's it i don't know why anyone let's that's the other team you spook that's just asking to lose the game [Music] it's kind of interesting oh those those weapons are gonna be gonna come out fast on both sides it seems like lansing is a bit behind honestly with with building yeah he spent a lot on his economy are on his defenses and it's prevented him from getting his weapons down so he hasn't started his weapons yet yeah it looks like architect for red team has given the bonus build speed which will let them fire their weapons first despite being on the back foot that's good it that's gonna let them if they nail the second shot which they seem to have but yeah that's gonna take out the fire beam for matteo uh the plaza beam should survive so that's not game ending damage but that's a really rough rough for matteo to have to deal with he does get the defense the space armor oh it penetrated for a moment there it looks like he'll he'll keep it intact anyways the space armor is enough to keep his plasma beam alive so blue team isn't out at the game looks ready for barbaretto that's gonna be uh interesting shot because there is no end here currently on uh on the red side that very well could be an instant kill if really lucky it could be i think both players in the red team can survive a double new kit uh but they're not aiming to destroy the cores they're aiming to take oh the beautiful shot disconnecting the nuke after it had already uh taken the firing cost does he have another buzz satellite he does not this one is going to fly and they don't have anti-air available at least not any significant amount yeah that's that does not yeah one nuke is just not enough to go through anything at this point on the red side seems like team red have map control uh but uh matteo has his sniper up again yeah the players will be just enough to kill the nuke he's only got one mine left it's not the place you want to be in he needs an energy shield up there is bob no don't give up so soon he needs to get one more energy shield or what yeah he said gigi in chat like he's given up you're not there yet they don't have antsy oh they got a little bit of anti-air now and it's enough yeah this is not the time to give up i mean you press you pressure through one nuke and you can do some chip damage and you win the game so and also felix is burning himself so bob just like hey they only have they only have energy weapons why don't i just get energy shield and invalidate everything they have it's working a few sandbags for felix a few anterior weapons from team team red they are they having the upper hand but it's still uh 50 50. one percent of core damage can decide oh the door snipe on the sniper oh that was close if that had fallen that would have dealt core damage and there it is there it is blue team gets core damage on red giving them the advantage should this go to time but what is the size of the explosion range of the plasma beam it was like three levels yeah it's the core it's huge core damage again on lansing he's on fire this is the scenario that i was afraid of for red team red was unable to finish off barbaretto for the for the blue team just because he had energy shields he built energy shield so there's really nothing red can do without tech switching it's the same problem they had in many other previous matches they both went lasers which can give them the early game advantage in terms of getting a timing attack versus blue team's heavy weapons rush but then they have nothing to finish out the game they need other weapons to finish out the game and this is the thing i see an angle for lansing yeah it's it's there there's a battery there there is a chance he can aim up below and get some damage done it it's possible it's just not it's not a consistent shot and bob can easily easily stop that just by building really much of anything there oh lance and shield is about to expire his luck license is about to expire but there is that shot but now brett is building the energy shield there he is not taking it lightly now oh the plaza beam touched the core but didn't kill it bring it down to 44 percent yeah it looks like bob has finally come to the conclusion he needs to just fully energy shield absolutely everything another nuke lands felix taking hit after hit oh he's is he gonna try to recover that weapon it's it's in a really bad spot uh he's gonna try to i think he i think he has to at this point he might have to you're right there's there's no way that he's uh gonna be able to come back from this if he doesn't get the ability to fire that weapon again there is no more angle for them here comes another set of double nukes no more core damage but i'm on the edge of my seat but i don't think there is a way back to this like we said that multiple times but there is nothing like there is no way back to the into this it's the only thing he could possibly do uh fire beam i mean they could always hit a nuke because they go drunk and make it do something crazy uh i say always but that's just not something that happens at any meaningful frequency uh it's possible for them to fire beam door snipe the plasma beam of mateo and make that go away which could potentially cause a collapse which could cause it wouldn't be lethal but it would slow them down a lot and give them an opportunity to not immediately not immediately die um but at this point there's only a single fire beam and i don't think that can that can uh eventually door snipe that you are correct even if it's the perfectly timed and hit perfectly it will not destroy the plaza beam as needs a second fire beam for that uh there's things he can do to damage now that was a good shot pre-fired machine guns it makes it through no significant damage dealt and that's the fire beam falling down igniting poor lansing and there is no weapons remaining only that single swarm is uh well uh blue team has no anti-air that's nice uh if only they were able to launch that while they still had fire beams or any kind of energy weapons that could have capitalized on bob's energy shields being shut down by the swarm missiles indeed this seems to be uh an issue for felix and lance's shield here they consistently do not have the weapons they need to shut down energy shields and it's they've been able to get ahead early but blue team just comes back because red team cannot finish they don't have a win condition they just have a stay in the game condition yeah this is how the consistency of strategies comes out and and allows urban matteo to take this the new update is on the way for uh for lansing but at this point they need a kill yes yes they do you need a direct kill and i can't see that any other way than the new plus metal self killing with the plasma beam into energy shield matteo's base is kind of leaning forward it's potential i don't even think that would collapse he's got it crossed he's got additional bracing in there even if the nuke hits and breaks everything off the front of mattel's base i still think it would stand 50 seconds remaining lance and shield is going to get a one shot with the nuke but they don't have map control team two has all the ncaa opportunity and that's it we had the fire beam ready but yeah too much just too much yeah that's the point where when you are just trying to stay alive pass them uh statistics and congratulate the winners 10 seconds remaining from the fpl first season finals best of some last game and we have a winner guys we have a winner none other than to bretton metteo the most consistent duo from all the tournaments i loved every moment of this this is this is amazing congratulations to barbaretto and matteo taking first place in the fort's pro league you
Channel: Project Incursus Gaming
Views: 94,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Project Incursus, Forts, RTS
Id: 5SBZyJpMn6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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