One Punch Cannon (BFC 2.0) - Forts RTS [124]

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[Music] hello and welcome what welcome back to forts where we already starting off with explosions and well today we're gonna be playing around with the B F G mod not because well it's a it's just got it's just got a brand new update and it actually works if you guys don't know there was a mod going around call to be if PFC mod actually is what it is what it is and it didn't actually work in multiplayer they show it up on stream a little bit just to show you guys how it works but now it actually works in multiplayer not only does it work in multiplayer but it got a full-on upgrade we have the B F C version too and it's got some serious power binding you guys thought the first one had a lot of power behind it this one's got a lot more power behind it and I'm really looking forward to seeing how this works out like yes please we have some targets over here that's I think the most echo okay the base is collapsing but we have two targets over there I think that's the most accurate way to describe what they are this point just some randomly selected whoever to click to join on the open open public lobby out of create here and it's gonna be a little bit painful for them and none of them actually had the B F at the C mod before so I don't they all had to download it so they don't actually know what's coming for them usually I like to find people that have actually played it before and if they are inexperienced I'll give them the hits up and some warning but like hey you know forts is the game and you can get mods and this mod does this so this mod does that and we've got what are you okay your face is collapsing - apparently that's just the theme of this map I forgot that this base is not terribly designed at the beginning and trying to trying to work with it could be a little it'll be painful so I'm gonna be working up the tech tree here actually I'm trying to build the wrong when it's actually on the factory despite being a cannon it's not a it's not attached to the to the cannon tech tree so I got to build these over here I'm gonna be building some turbines here oh if you guys recognize this map this is the one where you can build across all the bottom so typically the solution is to just the spam out missiles and it's one of the reasons why this map isn't played very much but it looks I'm keeping an eye on the enemies here seeing if they do any kind of missile shenanigans because I don't want to have to deal with missiles when I'm trying to build cannons and I know I'm gonna have to deal with them because it's this map and is just kind of how it works but I need more energy I'm not producing nearly enough energy right now and we're gonna need a lot of it's a fuel this cannon I'm gonna go ahead and I just need to sell all of this just make it all go away it's bad this whole this whole base design is atrocious and it makes me want to be sad alright I used to go down just sell this off they're not building missiles yet yes they're not building resolved yet I definitely add a few more of these as it costs just like the atom cannon it cost metal to fund just for its existence so we're gonna have to definitely get some of our production up and going I am building my turbines back there because they're pretty safe from everything looks like it's just hitting the wood so I don't minds you're gonna kind of ignore your petty harassment actually I don't want to ignore them I want to snipe them gotta take back some hazmat controls let's go like this do this like so and keep building up with our two by two boxes all nice and neat so this off and so this should sell this and it's batteries here we're gonna need a lot more of these okay fill this back down here for some more batteries and some more metal storage actually it costs I think a thousand metal to fire and I don't remember how much it cost a place I can find out it costs 2500 metal to play so I'm gonna more of these metal storages and another battery should be enough I hope I think it's go ahead and do this I'm its place this here we go I sell this off build this across like so there we go that's what I want to see just like this build this down and you match perfectly right there engineering 101 planning to measure twice cut once and I don't know if you had those behind doors he did it's just the starting doors somebody's put him behind a door and leave him like so actually don't means it I like to do this little triangle thing just to cover it up but you're not gonna need bed right now and this is gonna look horrifying to anyone who looks at this because there could be any number of weapons and why does this not stop stop being wrong thank you next up B FC oh my god it costs 30,000 to energy to place I'm gonna need a lot more batteries I actually have a decent enough energy production it's the energy store just killing me right now its 10,000th executive nope another at least one more battery and if I don't want to suffer I need to get at least two or I should get another one and one more for good measure there we go a little storage alright we'll be good by next up I need a place to put this the biggest problem with the BSC is that it um it has recoil and a lot of recoil like probably will destroy at my base great recoil so I'm gonna be real careful about that and I'm gonna build it right in the middle here where it can be safe from all the things shooting edits and more importantly my base can be safe from its when it inevitably explodes and takes my base with it let's see Oh yep yep that's the here this is the bf see it's like the size of my base Kennedy but it can't even fit here oh my god it's so massive um this is not big enough for it it needs to be longer let's go ahead and place this right here is this good enough this is good enough okay so we're gonna go ahead and put this here I do want to cover it up a little bit but now next up we just kind of need to wait to get enough metal to place it down here I'm still just kind of hoping that is not gonna self-destruct my bass when I fire it but oh my god I need another so much my I need so much more metal let's double door this we go what is falling and why what is falling and why stops falling at the teammates base all right so now this is concerning this is like someone spamming outs were missiles grid concerning let's go ahead and put that down kind of hope that doesn't take three years to build next up we are going to be defending the living daylights out of our fronts because I'm concerned to their building so our missiles and I don't want to deal with them so I'm gonna be having this and I should have built the armory and I'm gonna go ahead and start that process of building the armory now while I gun everything up just so many guns you guys noticed that I am actually the I cannot pinch fist I've got one of these days I'll remember his name properly without having to think for 30 minutes pinch fist commander mostly because I just want the extra economy because that gun takes but is it negative 10 middle per seconds and negative 100 energy per second just for existing so I don't want to have to pay that much parents here at least pinch face helps negated and it cost a lot to fire two alright so we've got a lot of guns and we could put on some pretty serious pressure with just these guns he's double doing everything here there's no way he hasn't seen this already but I'm gonna cover it up anyways so what I'm asking you to do to help protect my investment here and buy investment I mean the rest of my bases I'm going to design this to have a point of failure such that when all of this vanishes from getting shot by my own cannon it won't take out the rest of my base that's that's the idea here I'm actually not gonna put doors on you because if I checked outcomes edit this is so big it's kind of kind of hard to to not let's not get hit by it so I don't want to hit myself by it and I'm gonna avoiding myself back with it by not having doors or anything in front of it that I can hit II's in that great logic that it's also gonna be largely unprotected but I think we're gonna get it up in time actually you know what I'm a Dorrit or just still like mental it um yeah there we go just to keep it safe from things so in case he decides to shoot me with something before this cannon is ready then it should be able to take the hit whatever it is but imma still off that metal and sell this off actually two before we start firing this because I don't want to have to deal with well it getting shot and I'm so concerned that there's one missiles down there like oh my god please don't be so missiles are they supposed to flak here and here you get flak and you get a flag and everyone gets a flack alright Fleck and Affleck let's get enough Grade Center to cuz we've got all the resources we're sitting here waiting for metal to literally just sitting here waiting so if I just couldn't wait for the armor I've got a lot of defenses go and snipe easier he's already on hotkey he doesn't actually have the greatest vantage point um how can I fix this I should be able to fix this just by sliding him up like all the way I've just stuff his barrel into this door there we go right there much better yep no snipey oh dear what timing a at least there one a double do is net oh geez he's going real deep with this good thing we have lots of protections here make us manager shield since we have energy for days I don't have is snipey there's a ninja shields up we actually lost our factory here's something go ahead rebuild this way down here the FC is almost ready he's stopped being on fire here alright so now we have our energy shields good to go let's see what else do a WOD here but another one right here yeah and then some metal across this back segments that all nice and safe and then I should be good next up waiting for BFC to be finished when I put snipey here though honestly don't expect him to live because though there's a pretty precise laser hits and I yeah I cannot wait this just to show you guys this thing because this thing is ridiculous and oh my god it's taken like so long to build what I'd have to probably build a second one to just to deal with this guy but not like pseudo tier 3 this thing just to get it to work oh he's built yeah he finally placed it oh that's real concerning like it's not gonna be finished before mine so it's not that good surname icky just placed it so I think think we'll be good but oh jeez I'm just sitting here tonight be waiting for waiting for this guy to open up his laser again so I could shoot it it's snipe ease revenge on that on that laser if I mean if he doesn't want to doesn't want to shoot it in time I could just kind of you know do this get rid of all the things in front of here and let's go let's hope this doesn't blow away my own base oh geez okay I had only only broke a small part of the base so it I think I'm gonna be fine just put the middle back I am definitely going to be manual join yeah we took out the laser - Jesus okay so his b if c is right there so I could snipe it a few times notice the hitbox on it is massive so even if I it seems to be splashing across nothing but I am hitting the cannon because it's so big I don't know how much shelf it has other than a lot because apparently it was that let's go ahead and use these two ring from above there we go this this is what I should have been learning yet let me start there we are yeah that's what I'm looking for okay that's all that's all so let's go ahead to get us get a laser get a laser I suppose would be a good option here put this right yeah I don't wanna put this anywhere near that cannon like I'm not gonna lie I just these guys almost ready to go again he's almost ready to go again like I lit yet afraid to put in this anywhere near this cannon let's see do we want to upgrade a few of these perhaps yeah let's upgrade a couple of you guys have you on destruction duty when a Pierson not to be building swarms so up great a few you guys already see this puts you in a hockey okey number four there we go let's go ahead and remove him again and yep yep yep yep that's uh that's kind of a lot reply with the mini guns try to take out his VF sheet that things taken a lot of hits like it's taking a lot of hits come on fire everything there you go let's aim you hear and you hear and you hear here aim you here aim you there snipey was good where he was aims you were good where you were Ami's you're good you're good you're good you're good all right so just fire everything I know to stop firing there we go we want some dot cut we get your bullets bullets are us courtesy of the incursian now please give me your BF C's I don't like it being men there we go there's no way that thing isn't hurting right now how much help does it have as my question so I was like to keep his armor down put this back come on come on come on at least he's getting slanted armor so he knows how to do that right bf C's ready to fire again and let's just go straight across the top AHA wall all the way through okay okay that's kind of a lot let's uh let's just go do some more damage this is pork or he is poor pork or let's protect vfc somewhere yeah yeah this is uh this is pretty brutal if I have to see so myself that's me trying to come out uh but these guys down here I've got a theory you upgrade you guys not that I really need more energy production but I really need is another BFC perhaps faster maybe I should have gone with hurricane for the faster reload time no money but let's just go ahead and keep doing this dr. B commander ability just so I can keep these guys cuz I'm actually running out of energy and stuff I think oh he got me Oh No well two things happen there one I died Oh connect to me oh he didn't die connect to my base do it do it is still connected it's still connected but his cannon died because the recoil blew itself up do it yes you have the bf you have the VFC didn't expect it's a hit down here and blow me up but I suppose I should have you have the BFC do it it's probably still on cooldown is it might might still be on cooldown a good thing I have some anti-air here to help out it's not much it's not from that angle use the BFC do it use the VFC finish bottom do it you have the power alright well open the metal first just convert to BG racing there you go that's not that's not BG bracing that's program bracing that's program bracing beep that's for for ground bracing there you go there you go now just just still miss it's just kind of hard to miss this big target shouldn't have much in the way of armor left on you can do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it alright alright I don't think he's built in a farmer yeah just just shoot just do it straight to the core Oh Eddie's gone unfortunately so is this kid but that's that's my god is one last to worry about all right so now tea made here as the BFG to his own BFC and he does have my production so he should have a healthy amount here um kind of concerned I don't know if is uh well two things one his cannon is really close to his core so that could just be the end of him a tube it looks like it's also too far away from these doors to auto open them he might have to manually open those doors just kind of inserting cuz that's gonna be a lot oh oh yeah he's got lots of energy shields fortunately you have an energy shield remover you have an entire base remover right here which is not great well it's great for you not great for the enemy looks like he was selecting it and open the door so it should be ready to fire yeah yeah he's got it he understands is going on here now I'm just kind of concerned that these doors down here might be too close to in the projectile might hit them and then pass through them and blow up everything that he owns oh oh god the ricochet just the kinetic force of taking that was just solid though it's just so much metal there the kinetic force of taking that hit broke the foundation of his Ford that's kind of a lot and I really wish I could help out here because I really really help out here it would be great he's building all the metal back uh alright so he's doing all right and he actually didn't blow himself up so that's that's good I come with laser go straight across the bottom alright same spot oh he doesn't have much left that there's nothing but a cannon do you have a sniper oh you don't have a sniper but you have these guns you could just cut a machine gun all of that and there's a sniper okay well the cannon will be ready sooner or later and then you can go continuing all the way up through but this might take a moments that looks like there's nothing happening down here I was got plenty of all these guns can't really do much but it's something at least he's got lots of economy down here careful with those energy shields they'll uh though they'll get you alright I really should have armored up more across the bottom I was actually kind of I was I was banking on blowing up his BFC before it was finished it didn't happen probably should have figured that I've needed a new plan after I didn't blow it up but you know it is what it is I'm she's still concerned that he's gonna manage to blow up his own base just by dealing with the recoil of a cannon let's see what happens here do it alright yep yeah that's a lot gone that is a lot gone following up the laser finishing it off yeah that's one less weapon for the enemy did have and a lot less base as well just just the just the kinetic force rips the basis under I need to see this on a larger map and that's gonna be the end of round one and we're off to round two marked by the explosions and those things make me panic every time like why why is that a thing why must the base explode off the start I need energy more than I need metal right now you start off with lots of metal here and I what I really need is energy you know it's not awful lots of energy I should have spent that first vid on turbines let's go ahead and put one here 80% efficiency perfect as this better this is a hundred percent I started this one and then then move it down here that way we can move on like I'm just waitin for energy right now so look we actually have a whole different set of a whole different set of players here the first bunch disconnected that's well one of them disconnected and then the new guy that came in and you did to download the mods and he was taking forever and then everyone left and it's been a while but welcome back to round 2 we're gonna be building the well giant gun and getting rid of this dude in particular so I think we're gonna be doing well here so go at it so this off to get our technology I'm actually to put down the memory cuz I'm not gonna be going for missiles on this map despite swarm missiles being the weapon of choice for this map at least the Maps synergy so I think we'll be alright so if we just get the armory and try to counter that all of us will miss there come at us and then build the BFC because I need it in my life that's good so this I shouldn't make the base to collapse right though yep yeah that's gone all right well rip all that metal let's go ahead and do this and this and we're gonna need a lot of storages this and this and this this and continue down the storage tree we're gonna want some more metal metal was one of the bigger things you had to wait for so getting more of it sooner than later be a good thing nothing but upgrades in economy out of the enemies so far so we're gonna be all rights camera location hotkey is still not functional and here and get rid of this I just convert that that we can get money off of it thank you and do this alright so now we got a lot of Mines we've got a decent amount of energy and give me sufficient to continue on we need the factory in order to build this guy in particular so go ahead and put him right over here probably want to cover these up getting getting those those particular structures are kind of expensive and important they cost a lot to repair so you don't wanna have to spend some repairing them any time is repairing them as bad time I'm gonna put you down here cover you up with some cheap to repair material really good pair you move you out here much better just like so I just saw these guys off good and so this and then some of this and so this good enough Grade Center going if you go away thank you so this and bring this alright now we could bring this down all the way down meet up at the other side at the bottom I didn't build out here thank you cross a nice perfect plan isn't that great how that works alright cannon will go there let us see lots of wood I generally don't like building as much wood that's earlier on because it doesn't doesn't help you get things faster you what you want to build things that return your investment in some manner look okay that's gone forever I just connect this down here first like so much better okay and deaf we go okay so we need how much things we need 2500 metal and then 30000 energy so we need another one two three then I'll give us a nice safe amount some lots of you all over all over you unless here at four and a half minutes so we can pretty much start getting hit by heavy weapons which I am not prepared for at all so I'm gonna go do that right now as well they haven't exposed anything and they also haven't done anything that says they're not Russian cannons well your wives did not Russian Cannings haven't been hit by it yet but they haven't done anything that says that they're not gonna be firing at us with cannons pretty early on so we're good okay good you had next step more batteries actually is the next step because we don't have enough batteries and then the step after that will be waiting and waiting a lot for metal income yes we needed 30,000 battery go here and here and come on actually need more batteries in this okay here we go that should be sufficient there and there and do I want us to have a that's my little be enough because it doesn't take that much to fire okay then I'll give us a nice nice safe amount so we weren't aware of floating too much definitely you know I thought I built this out of a triangle design rather than the square design it does better for structural support which is kind of the major concern when dealing with these bf G's or VF C's it's a B of G at my brain but it's called a b FC i guess i can wonder why I don't see sworn missiles out of them yeah I don't I don't see anything that's terribly concerning that's for me so so we should be okay but I do have to defend this against heavy weapons do I want to try building a sniper and upgrade these though get additional metal metal pay off sooner or later because we're gonna have to spend a lot of rent money here I'm pretty quickly oh this is gonna delay us for a moment oh one of the enemies has disconnected well that's unfortunate well I guess we'll have a pretty Oh looks like it's top or bottom is disconnected so I don't have to worry about that anymore oh well I guess I gotta angle this gun somehow it's a aim at the top it's not gonna be you H yeah how does one which method a mega DS dangle this so that should fit on that then the real question is will the gun fit there I need more energy and you come that's what's going on here okay let's start investing see minutes gone for smart missiles oh he's kinda for a lot of sore missiles oh dear enemy's gonna have a hard time getting with that is this gonna be good enough I think this will be good enough for the BFG they're vfc all right all we need is uh all we need is the energy now I should invest in some more turbines what I should do oh dear alright teammates having a real bad time right now real bad time right now come on come on I just need to place this is this gonna be good a good enough angle am I gonna have to fold tear through this oh god everyone place there oh dear oh my what kind of England can you be placed at I said no way it's just perfect it okay so this supposed vibe teammate please don't die I have a new place to be FC yet come on is that good enough oh dear that's not actually good enough all right this is gonna be a little bit of a problem I'm gonna have to t3 this but not actually purity through this so let's go ahead and start working on this like so like so do this this but you here this is gonna be a rough one this is gonna be a rough one and a half all right so that's down oh dear I cannot let this snap all right come on all right all right I shouldn't have started flat one more okay so I need to read you this now like so like so come on select it come on select it thank you so this so this weirdo is selling out the braces behind that way I can continue rotating this up activate commander ability now will that be good enough I really hope that'll be good enough I gonna guess that it's gonna be good enough and now I need to oh dear this is a very large weapon okay I don't actually know that size of this thing I I don't hmm Oh big are you ah I don't have a high light that I could work with but it's not not good enough I need to build door here perhaps well that will that do it maybe I don't think that'll do it all right I just need to protect this just a little bit just have a little bit of protection on it poor teammate is getting walloped activate commander ability for bonus speed oh dear teammates getting Wallops oh dear Who am I this isn't that ideal let's do this this is horribly horribly designed for tournaments be like this okay I can I can get sniped be out and just solve our problems let me let me do that snipey save the day please you've done excellent work in your life I need you to come and clutch again keep teammate alive and I hope I don't have to see that'll help it off to rotate this animals prepare to rotate it more just in case we have to let's go ahead and select you alright select you go to this just left you that sounds so bad activate commander bill he's got repair Bay's in front he's trying so hard to survive ok snipey time to do some work he has cannons which is not great cannons not notoriously vulnerable says snipers but they are reloaded he's got Dumbledore this player on this other team as he's rewritten to do some damage alright come on one aiming for the middle one - ok got it that'll slow down the pain a little bit activate commander ability her build speed oh and the fire took out the second will the fire take the third as well ok snipe be doing his work uh that's what I want to see and this should pretty much finish up this guy I just hope I don't have to rotate him any more because I don't know if I could get away with it I really need to get rid of this there we go there we go that'll do nicely okay let me just preemptively do this now herein lies the problem the recoil of this guy on a tier 3 setup like this is pretty much guaranteed to blow this guy away I don't know if I can actually do something to stop that from from just working that way let's go ahead and sell this I go since they didn't get those doors right like I'm gonna try to stabilize this but I think this can is just gone we're gonna get one shot out of it from one shot only so let's do it oh oh oh that look nice I need to see that in the replay he's trying too hard represent buddy that's not gonna save you I am sorry there is nothing that will save you from this gun all right I need metal on you yeah now at this point I'm not gonna bother with doors because during this mechanism this oblique monstrosity is gonna be horrendous and I don't want to deal with it but I think my teammate may just finish it here at these four missiles he's finally got enough breathing room to uh actually send off a shot unfortunately he took out his own snipers so he can't can't fire again for a moment and my my BFC is is almost ready he's try so hard to Oh he's try so hard to armored up but I've got a beautiful angle on him here and unfortunately this note is like right in front of this gun so I can't put doors on it I got to redesign the whole thing it's just kind of unfortunate but I just I really want to see this hit a base I'm just I'm not even gonna aim for the weak point I just want to send this straight through the front and just just end it because this is this is gonna be brutal okay all right ah man alright guys well that has been the VFC and I think we need to tear out this cannon on adamantium so for now have a good one and if you guys want to see how this unstoppable cannon winds up fairing off against the well indestructible armor make sure to hit that subscribe button because we're gonna have more shenanigans coming out soon but for now have a good one and I'll see you guys later [Music] you
Channel: Project Incursus Gaming
Views: 1,098,425
Rating: 4.8428202 out of 5
Keywords: Forts, RTS, Incursus, Project Incursus, Sattire, No Swearing, No Cursing, No Foul Language, indie game, family friendly, forts strategy, incursus forts, forts game, Muliplayer, Online, Gaming, forts rts, forts challenge, base building
Id: JT-QdplSSW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 36sec (2316 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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