When Evil Teens Think Murder is Hilarious

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Three Doors Down so you can't ignore it hi Grandma have you heard from Mom there's like a part of me that knows I should feel bad but I can't feel anything for it I what I do I'm not going to get a birthday or Christmas and this owned by my entire armor dude I'm not even getting to work tomorrow sh someone's about to get fired I'll hunt you down like aurus on the afternoon of November 2nd 2018 as the Valia County officers respond to a 911 call about a burglary little did they know they were actually stepping into the most disturbing case fuchia County had ever seen 911 where's your emergency um I I I just got home and my house is completely trashed it looks like someone broke in the side door how long have you been gone I I've been gone all school day are you there by yourself yeah I'm old old I need you to take a deep breath I'm going to ask you a few questions okay okay my mom's car is here it's on and she's not home and she suppos to go to work today and I can't find okay your mom's car is there is there any other way she ever get to work does she ever get a ride from anyone else she no the car is on it's turned on the car is on and you're sure she is not there I searched the entire place I've been here for like8 minutes I work I can't find her I'm right here with you okay what's your name all right my soul name is Gregory Logan most is there anybody that has made any threats to your mom or to you no no no no as the 911 operator is gathering information from 15-year-old Gregory officers are arriving on the scene I copy lerer where does she work she works in an architecture for up in Orlando is she normally home this time of day no she home at 6 6:30 you actually leave for work before you she dropped me off and then she usually just heads back to the sun rail and hops in the train with her bike and is anybody else over here was again my dad and my two step siblings where are they at um my dad is on a business trip in Seattle he'll be back this afternoon at 6 6 6:30 okay and then the two St children have their moms but every everything is gone like except for like the TV on my wall there's every Everything hoping to gain some insight into this burglary two officers take a walk through Gregory's house to their horror and shock the home had been trashed beyond recognition every part of the house has been rifled through the bedroom's closets are emptied out and dumped all over the floor in the kitchen every single cabinet was open and rifled through including those under the sink glass littered the floor of the kitchen as the burglars had taken it upon themselves to smash all the glasswar it's weird why is there all this crap up here spill there's a broken glass here broken dude the damage around the house is more severe than a standard burglary and the officers can't help but wonder if maybe these burglars had a personal Vendetta against Gregory's mother Gail or his family as the officers make preparations to take 15-year-old Gregory back to the station so he can be comfortable while they process the home one of the neighbors approaches them just I do have a key to their house but I haven't been up here since yesterday evening or after you and I spoke I talked to his parents okay as I told him this problem really bad has she had any issues with him lately or no not that I know of while processing continues at the house Gregory is taken to the station seeking comfort and support he called Ken Jones his sponsor with the police explorers a youth program that allows teens interested in law enforcement to learn the basics and help their local sheriff's office Ken meets Gregory at the station and the two sit down for a chat in the following never beeseen footage it's been analyzed by a qualified team including a licensed professional counselor a licensed attorney and a former detective former licensed polygraph examiner and former hostage negotiation commander and instructor while Ken helps calm Gregory down he notices some bruises on Gregory's face what happened here I got a fight yesterday with one of my friends I didn't see that yesterday I had makeup great um the uh it was a congregation with my friends we got into a disagreement and but I solved the problem I talked out with him and we made up and he apologized for hitting me and I accept the apolog what was his name we hugged it out um my friend Joe Joe does SRD know about the fight the who resource no this wasn't there was no fight he just he just came up he's like Greg I was like whatch me what the hell do you H back or anything it was just and I was like okay we calm down let's talk it out talk it out was Jo's last night I don't I don't know they your friend do be H be cry what's his last name I don't know his last name who does I don't know one the matter is though we made up it was just a conversation that happened it wasn't anything too important we talked it out and we huged and was like dude you know I'm sorry I made a mistake and he was justified and I was I said I'm sorry for making that mistake what time this happened yesterday well dark of the afternoon but I saw you like what what time did you get out the fair like up there s okay as you see that you put makeup on it before you came out yeah some concealer why would you do that because I didn't want to work traffic detail with scars on my face I guess that's reasonable the longer he chats with Ken the more Gregory worries about his mother Gail you know if any developments have been made if anything happened they're going to tell you everything that goes on but I'm trying to make sure that you in the right one because you know when you call me you're were very upset it was a just all all bad situation okay what should call me earlier I could have come down here earlier with you that's why I want to come down here and make sure that you're okay give me for a second no matter what's happened it's very important that whatever it is that you're up front on even like remember what Joe's last name is because that's important what we act upon and you tell us things is what we're going to do I know we got to be able to trust you his sponsor detective Jones is acting like a father figure here telling him to look at him and to be honest in contrast Gregory is sitting cross armed and doesn't appear comfortable as a 15-year-old kid he should be panicking and asking about where his mom is and yet he's oddly calm you know I'm not saying it not telling the truth you to say for some reason you want to tell me Joe's name I I don't know why why wouldn't you want to tell me Joe I'm not gonna go run after Joe and get him in trouble that's that's kind of like a a question to make sure that you're going to be honest with I I you have my my full cooperation it's just I don't I don't want I don't want um an unrelated incident to be drawn into the mor but we may need to make sure it is unrelated we need to make sure that the people didn't come there hurt you too is that possible no it's not okay all right if it was I would have vo my concerns already okay that's fair but we want to make sure that you're okay I'm fine because these guys are going to ask you a lot of questions they're going to be hard question it's going to be a lot harder than me asking you what that guy's name is okay I don't want you put up in the walls I want you just tell them exactly what I'll all their questions I'm ready with Gregory feeling more comfortable Sergeant pagliari Begins the interview couple things as you can see I see you keep looking at my recorder so everything that I do obviously is recorded okay but you see the camera up in the thing there Gregory is read as rights as a standard procedure in Florida there's no requirement for a parent to be present in order to interrogate a minor however there is an obligation to notify a parent or legal guardian when a minor is taken in to custody which isn't the same thing as questioning the general take on the Florida parental notification requirement is that it's good faith and the inability to make contact with a parent or Guardian doesn't put a halt to any questioning still it's important to note that Miranda wres apply to minors in Florida just as they do to adults now it's time for sergeant pagliari to get some background information on Gregory's mother and some recent trouble at school how would you say your relationship is with your mom jazzes ups and downs okay I think everyone argues a little bit with their mom okay I we love each other a lot and I really hope she's okay have you ever been in trouble with the law before or anything no sir no okay how about trouble in school yeah mm okay having his sponsor in the room should make him feel much more comfortable and relax AED yet Gregory has his arms tightly crossed and his non-verbal communication is not in sync with his verbals indicating he's feeling anxiety given the situation this is understandable he doesn't know where his mom is and his house has been burglarized still he's very closed off and I'm just getting background before we get into thing that's all I'm trying to do here so like trouble at school like how I'm trying to think was last month is and O for de what is that sir I don't know um ISS is in school suspension OSS is out of school suspension okay why what happened the the weekend beforehand my friend was feeling so I went to go I snuck out of my house to go talk to him and I talked with him and my friend smokes cigarettes and he gave me some to take home with me I put some in my backpack and I forgot to take them out so when I was searched randomly at my school they were found and how' your mom feel about that she was not happy but we worked out a solution which was me going to do community service for my church okay you talk about ups and downs in your mom's relationship right so that would probably be one of the downs I would assume no because she was justifi in ER anger that was my fault but previously my mom has done things that were not justified you want to tell me about those I really need to know is it it was just impulse well wasn't anything serious Gregory is making an attempt to not only be perceived as a good person by making himself look like someone who would admit it when he did something wrong but also to control the interview when he adds all you really need to know given the fact that he's only 15 this is all very bold okay I'm not here to get your mom in trouble by the way yeah I know okay so if you're trying to if you think that what you're going to tell me is going to negatively affect what I think about your mother that's not it at all um it's just hard for me to talk about okay now that he understands Gregory a bit better it's time for pagliari to start creating a timeline from the day before the burglary who stayed at your house last night who was at my house last night yeah Gregory repeats the question before answering which gives him a pause to think about what exactly he wants to say the reason this is a red flag is because the question is simple and straightforward and not a complex question that requires a lot of thought me and my mother okay all right now detective Jones was was talking to you and I was again listening you were at a fair or something yesterday yesterday I was working parking detail for the Orange City Police Explorers I was helping Park cars at the F count Fair do you know what time you came home last night 8:47 maybe why there Pacific that's just a time I remember probably from looking at my phone the thing with the uh the the TR Dil ended early it was supposed to go until 9: but a bit early and so I got home around just closer to nine so yeah Mom was home yeah okay you guys when you got home conversation with Mom ask how your day was anything yeah how'd that go good okay we talked me at dinner what' you guys have for dinner I don't remember you don't remember what you had no must not have been very eventful no it's just like a r night there's a slight upward inflection when Gregory answers good this often indicates a bit of uncertainty when you go home conversation with Mom ask how your day was anything yeah how'd that go good the rest of Gregory's answers are also short and vague but most interestingly he also seems to be emphasizing that last night was as he said just like every other night all of this together seems to suggest the opposite of what Gregory is saying and something about last night was not good or like every other so Mom doesn't make good food there seems to me dinner never eventful telling me I know cuz when I find her and tell her I'm going to say listen Greg says dinner's uneventful you think she's going to be upset with me or upset with you said maybe there are a few interesting interactions here for one a bit earlier Gregory gives a very specific answer of 847 which sets the stage that his memory is very good second the detective seems to have noticed noticed how closed off Gregory is being still and is doing a little bit of friendly picking on him to build raor however when the detective talks about finding his mom Gregory makes some Anchor Point shifts this thought should have raised a bit of Hope or excitement yet instead he shows signs of anxiety he said she goes off on you for other stuff so I don't want her to go off on you for that it's it's whatever how do you deal with it when she goes off on you I've gotten better at it you got better at it I used to get really angry and emotional but I kind of realized something not worth it that's the only way to deal with it the worst thing to do would be put your hands on her I would never do something like that you would never put your hands on your mom no and I think I've been up Point quite clear to her we had an argument a couple months ago like it was like a long time ago and she sat across the room CU she didn't trust me and I told her I could you know yell and scream you all I want do exact same stff you me but I would never I'd never let my hands on you never that's just nothing I do Gregory repeats the statement that he would never lay his hands on his mother and then make some convincing character reference statements it's clear that he's working really hard to be seen as a calm nonviolent person who couldn't have hurt his mom it makes you wonder why he feels the need to emphasize this when she's just missing at this point Sergeant pagliari begins building a timeline okay what happened this morning I slept in my alarm was not set she woke me up around 6:20 I sleep in my clothes so what you're wearing right now is what you wore to school no I changed shirts when I got home okay I was sweaty this is an odd detail why would Gregory even think of changing his shirt when he came home and found his house burglarized and his mother missing but your pants and shoes are the same yes and your socks I guess yeah yeah okay so 6:20 you slept in okay mom came woke you up fired up huh she wasn't angry okay so tell me what happened she's like okay you got to get up now go brush your teeth and Pile in the car so I grabb my backpack I went and brushed my teeth took up my retain hair kind of messed with my hair a bit and then I got in the car so what time do you think you go to school honestly I have no idea look at your phone it's probably in the B like 640 okay it's certainly interesting that a few minutes ago Gregory could remember the exact minute he got home but now he honestly has no clue what time he got to school talk to anybody with you got there hey what's up you have friends at school yes who'd you talk to first person you saw at school was who first person I saw mhm for a brief moment Gregory unblocks by lowering his arms and leaning forward he then Rings his hands together before closing back off something about this line of questioning made him a bit uncomfortable but why probably my friend cat cat yeah we a girl F you got a last name no who's your friend you don't know her last name I'm going keep it real with you I I don't really got that many friends um I'm not like a super social person okay nothing wrong with that I have a lot of acquaintances that I have like that I've either a had a class class with in the past or B have class with now or C I know from elsewhere and so um yeah okay no worries man no worries I get that what's your first period class buddy biology who's that teacher Mr owski biology biology what building is that room building and everything else you know uh building three 43 403 is the room well building three floor three oh floor three I don't know the room number you want to take a stab at spell on the last name of that teacher l a t s o y or maybe W and ski I guess man woman a guy guy okay you like him he's good teacher I D in his class you have a d yeah how's M feel about that we had an argument about it last night oh tell me about that we talked about it basically she's like you I can't be doing this and I was like well I got all using be last quarter I can pull my grade up before the end of the semester and she was like you know whatever blah blah blah don't act so cocky I'm like I'm not I just know I'm capable of doing things like that Sergeant pagari has honed his skills when it comes to reading behavior and he's picking up on some strange behavior from Gregory you know one thing you said you you'd like being a you want to be a detective someday and it's been my personal experience when people start a story and then they go into the blah blah blah part that there's more to the blah blah blah so if you will Greg tell me what the blah blah blah part was for this argument okay well basically she was just kind of like you know whatever you act narcissistic sometimes don't be so cocky using the word basically tends to indicate that someone is leaving something out this combined with Gregory's non-verbal behaviors such as self- soothing head rubbing scratching possible eye blocking and his one hand tightly across his stomach in a protective and guarded posture all seemed to indicate that he's feeling a lot of anxiety and I was like well I'm not cocky I'm capable like you know I feel like I have the skills because I've done it before to fix my GR in a short amount of time and I was like I probably probably could fix them by Friday and stuff and just talking with her about that and she was like all right whatever go study your biology and I was like all right so I studied my biology for about an hour and then I went into her room and she was on the phone with Dad I said hi Dad and they hung up and I said uh I said a prayer with her for a good night and that our whatever foring hours for Grandma FR Jones stuff like that when people say and then or jump to parts of their Story by saying and repeated it a few times in a row it tends to mean that they're going through events like their bullet points and they're usually leaving something out between the ANS and I was like I probably probably could fix them by Friday and so I studied my biology for about an hour and then I went into her room and she was on the phone with Dad I said hi Dad and they hung up and I said uh I said a prayer with her for a good night and that our whatever forers for Grandma Jones stuff like that pay close attention to the moments when Gregory says and then as the questioning continues and then I kissed her and I went to sleep okay that was around I went to sleep around 11: that is why I woke up late okay when was the first time somebody called you about or did anyone call you about your mother not being at work or anything like that I receiv no communication from anyone about that okay with Gregory's School day seeming as normal as can be the sergeant inquires about what he found when he got home that afternoon Gregory gives some indication that he's feeling anxiety around the questions of what happened when he got home by fidgeting with his fingers making Anchor Point shifts and doing some self- soothing rubbing on his arm it's important to note that an innocent person might also experience anxiety with these questions as coming home to such a house after a robbery would be traumatic however it's still going to be noted by the detective how long would you say it takes you to get from the bus stop to your house 10 to 15 minutes okay you wer running or anything today we no okay Gregory makes even more Anchor Point movement shifts as this line of questioning starts moving his leg up into a barrier position and engaging in some self- soothing as well front door was lock used the key mom's car was in the driveway correct and you told detective Jones it was running it was running is that odd yes is it odd the fact that your mom's car is even there at all yes why because she work at the sun rail station and then she takes her bike on the sun rail to C to her job time M usually get home 6:30 cars in the driveway and it's running that's weird cars there at all is weird you agree yes so now I used the key and open the door what did you do what's the first thing you do when you went inside well I noticed that there was all over the floor like just a bunch of like crap that R drun everywhere and the closet doors were open and there were stuff spilled on my table I just noticed that the the front view of my house was chaotic spilled on the table where I don't know on the table what room is the table oh it's um my house you go through the front door and there's this hallway my room is this way and then there's our dining room deal right here okay and the next thing I did was we went in my room and I I noticed that there were pman there and that there was dressers and crap all all that crap just pulled out and everywhere what's missing from your room mainly I didn't really look like look thoroughly for like everything that was missing for my room but I noticed three things in particular one of those my stereo system describe they so three things stereo system what's that it's it's like a radio with two large speakers and lights up L blue you know who makes it zero zero is pretty popular yeah I know but other thing you're missing my gaming computer like is it describe it to me it is white it has a glass side and inside you could see the wires and the graphics cards and all that stuff inside and go L blue so it's like a tower not a laptop it is yeah it's a it's a big boy that attach you to a monitor that's how you play yeah I uh paid with it for all my own with all my own money from summer jobs and stuffless you're pretty pissed off that's gone yes I'd be pissed off you spent all your money that you earned to buy this computer tower now it's gone oh I'm more pissed off that my mom is gone greatfully so that this is an interesting moment it appears that Gregory doesn't want to show anger about his Miss things so he deflects it back to his missing mom to appear like the appropriately concerned teenager but it all seems a little forced what's the third thing I noticed uh my I have a 25 I forget the weight on it but it's a hunting legal combat B compact compact give me a minute yeah actually talk you talk to J while Sergeant pagliari steps out of the room to make some calls Gregory chats with Detective Jones when do you think my house will not be a crime scene I know sometimes it takes hour sometimes it take almost a day and a half I know you've watched cases like this before I have it takes a while sometimes and the more information you can give them better off it is yeah because need to know what to do where to go I made a lot of bad decisions in my life with regards to other things yeah and it's just his answer here immediately grabs detective Jones's attention and he moves into the confession position Gregory must have noticed because he quickly clarified with regards to other things but it makes you wonder what exactly is his sponsor thinking in this moment now mom's gone I'm going to reconcile with myself allow you be F cuz no one knows where the hell she a homie dator take take like take hostage somebody know hom mom is okay yeah I do too great I can't imagine what it be like love you Mom don't you after you guys had your argument with her last night you here right now what would you say to I feel like such a dick after every argument we have just makes me angry we don't understand each other are different people we have different opinions but we love each other oh no yeah you feel guilty about the fight a little bit she I hope she safe did you say you want her back where is she why is she gone I don't get it don't give up home Gregory makes a big mistake here he slips up saying well she's I hope she's safe he may have just given away not only what happened to his mom but that he may know more about it than he's letting on to cover he starts to cry but if you're wondering if he's actually upset notice that he gets distracted and has to brush his hair out of his face after the detective helps Gregory calm down pagliari comes back into the room with more questions hoping to get any information from Gregory that might help them find his mother so you were we were talking about going through the house you went down took some inventory well after I after I went downstairs looking for my mom and didn't find her I went back upstairs and I decided I needed to check on my dog he's so eager to continuous story that he actually interrupts the detective going through the house you went down took some inventory well after I after I went downstairs he seems pressured to go through what he did when he got home and to explain everything thing this is really interesting because an innocent person shouldn't feel the need to explain things it simply is what it is if the house was broken into Rob there's I thought there was a good chance they killed my dog but I mean I didn't know he isn't work that much but I didn't know if they were going to do that or if like whatever I I didn't know was going to happen so I walked into the laundry room and I saw everything was like displaced right but um my dog was fine and that's when I noticed the door the door um here I can I'm stand up and show you want to stand up and show so if let's say this is the knob for the door and there's a deadbolt here the dead bolt was unlocked right and this was locked but this entire wooden area on this Frame mhm was was it looks like it been busted open like it like the force of the door was so powerful sure that it that it had literally brok in the wood and I I recognized that as someone kicking in the door it's odd that Gregory thinks this is something he needs to demonstrate it's more likely that he feels the need to burn off nervous energy why do you think that because I either that or they or they somehow forced the door open but the it had to be a strong enough Force to break break this like to break like break a lock basically has be strong enough to do that sure did you think that down yeah the uh the force and everything you're talking about here is just because of that based off your Explorer training um Common Sense common sense I just assuming just thinking out loud like you have to be able to be like either strong enough for there needs to be like a certain amount of force for the for the wood like a door frame to like basically like crack and like make like make the lock give out sure as Gregory draws out a layout of his home for sergeant pagari he mentioned something odd that he noticed in his mother's room I made it to the master bed's room and there it was just really bad it was terrible in there and uh one thing I noticed was that the bed was at a angle what's it supposed to be supposed to be straight on okay now there's a dresser here there's a dresser here there's couple bookshelves and there's a mirror here and then there's a dresser here and then um that's the bathroom or what not but that is that bed was out of place that's one of the major things I noticed was the bed without a place there's been a shift in how Gregory answers these questions and he's much more open to talking about things that have nothing to do with his mother so after I surveyed the house and looked for my mom I called the cops I'm pretty sure you know the rest of the story yeah did you see uh okay there's one thing I want to ask you about you said you came home from school and you wore different clothes to school so you went through the whole house you did all these surveying and everything at what point did you think it was pertinent to change your clothes all right let me tell you so I was sweating my ass off right M I was really hot and instead of just answering the question directly he goes into a long story to explain his actions which is another sign that he feels nervous about what he's saying I I told my family just like I told you this but I got in the house and I felt sick I couldn't find my mom I was freaking out I was just was not in a good place and so I went to my bathroom and I threw up the toilet and I then proceeded the flush to throw up down and then I took off my school shirt and I changed to a different shirt I didn't know if there was any throw up on it or not but I I was feeling hot and sweaty and I need to change the color where's the shirt at now um it's my H where where where's that okay Sergeant pagari clarifies one final detail before diving into Gregory's story if things seem a little odd so far then get ready because this is where things start to get even stranger the think of Jones was talking about the marks to your face and I want to talk about that a little bit more all right when did that happen can I ask what relevance this has to the conversation everything is relevant right asking about the relevance is the kind of thing you could expect to hear from an experienced criminal as a deflection or from a Savvy adult with a lawyer perhaps but this is unexpected Awareness on the part of a young seemingly not L involved teen he sounds like a defense lawyer here not a kid it also shows that he may be fishing to see what information they have you now they're going to say Hey listen you know Greg's mother's missing Greg has marks on his face is it possible that Greg got his some kind of altercation with his mother right they're gon to ask me that yeah okay so now I need to explain when you got those marks on your face all right good when yesterday yesterday what time after school where at student parking lot okay here did it my friend Joe what's his last name um it starts with an L you have a class with him no he he's older than me but he's um he's what he older than me older than you okay Joe L older white male black male Hispanic male white okay what grade you think Joe L is in he's a junior how long have you known him year and a half okay not going situation to you cuz looks like I got my ass beat go ahead please tell me what happened all right so at homecoming Jose X's girlfriend was attempting to grind on me I don't know if you know what that is tell me what it is it's like when you have you have um well I was hang out with my friend my other friends right and they're OB was they're being grinded on right but I don't I don't have a girlfriend and I'm kind of more focused on other things and I don't have time for that and so his ex-girlfriend Joe's ex-girlfriend come to grind on me and I'm like no I don't really want to do that and she's like come on it'll be fun and so she did it and I kind of just kind of let her because I wanted to head in I guess but Joe found out so he came up to me and then he uh he slapped me and he punched me and he goes dude what the hell you know why would you do that and I and we talked to that and I basically explained to ad that I was at fault I shouldn't have done that I value more I value you more than those other people you know I value what we have and I wouldn't want to end that and I want you to understand that I'm sorry and that I'm that I I really want to continue being friends with you and he was like you know it was kind of a dick move for me to come up and hit you without any preface so I'm sorry that I did that then we hugged and I said see you tomorrow that was it was there anybody else there saw this no not that I know of not that I know of is a selective memory statement but Greg's entire story is full of red flags starting with the neck rubbing it's not particularly beli able that most teen boys would get in a fight like that and make up that quickly never mind hug and not even know each other's last names either Gregory actually has no clue how normal interactions work or he thinks the officers are that naive and dumb that they will believe this story so you were just in the parking lot like were you walking were you hanging out I mean how did this tell me about how he I was hanging out with my friends so you were there in the park of other people yeah okay can you name somebody with the first and last name Brian porz Brian porz por spell it my give it a go p o r e z p o r e z so course is yeah okay what grade is he in he's a senior is he in a class with you no but yeah no he saw he saw it all go down so Brian porz saw Joe L punch you in the face yeah in the student Park on lot yesterday day at University High School yes okay Gregory's story is now out in the open but there are a few issues with it while Sergeant pagari has been speaking with Gregory another investigator has been verifying information with Gregory's School and things just aren't lining up that's 100% no that's it I mean you're telling me that there's that what you're telling me is the truth yeah okay you're in school all day yep I never you should I believe everything that you told me today Greg I mean it's up to you well do you here's the thing okay do you think that I'm not going to go or have somebody detectives go and run down your story and verify all these places you were at yeah an honest person is much more likely to just say yes or ask why wouldn't you instead of a more confrontational answer like it's up to you and when I do that what are they going to tell me that they're going to tell you it's truthful that you were in you went to every class today I was late through sth period And I was in the auditorium sixth period I don't think I mentioned that but okay so you didn't take yourself out of school today at 1:0 no why so the school's wrong what do you mean so if the school tells me that Greg checked himself out of school today at 1:10 p.m. that's that's wrong yeah CU I was there all day okay so if Mr D tells me you weren't in school today in his class he's wrong no no he's not wrong but I didn't I didn't leave the school so you lied to me oh I didn't leave the school you guys left the school I said no you lied to me period I don't give a damn what it's about you lied to me yeah what happened Gregory seems to freeze a bit here like he's trying to decide what his next story story is going to look like the detective just confronted him and now he's entered the deconflict stage of the Liar's Loop for this part of his lie he now has to make his story fit into what the detective already knows as well the detective is doing a good job of slowly entering the confrontation stage of the read technique bringing up piece by piece to see how Gregory responds he's also sitting in the same position as Gregory this kind of mirroring is meant to improve Rapport and connection even while confronting him well as you know I have a D in biology I felt asleep in this class and so I needed to get done I need to get on that grind so I skipped into the auditorium sixth and seventh period And I sat down and I took that time and I did my bio homework and the stuff I needed to do for Bio because I'm missing a freak 10 lot of assignments in there I think I'm missing in total I'm missing six doesn't need to be done so why would the school say you checked yourself out at 110 because I would show up ab for both of those classes you can't check yourself out it's hard to tell if Gregory is being genuine but if he's willing to lie about something like this then what else could he be lying about why' you lie to me about stupid as biology because I don't want you to have a bad opinion of me because I want you to understand I've done a lot of wrong things in my life and acknowledge that I don't make the best decisions but if something serious as this or my mom is missing I need I need I need you to you know not have a back of me my opinion of you Greg is whatever you tell me my job is not here to make judgments good better and different my job is to get as much as I can from you to help find your mother now when you lie to me even if it's a little bit Yeah you lose some credibility and you can get all upset and cry about it that's just the way that it goes no I get it you hear what I'm saying no I hear what you're saying and then I get these things about well who's who's the guy drove you I don't know Brian something well I didn't lie to you I legitimately forgot his name but the first time I was talking about him these things that you tell me right especially when you're not at when you're not in school can anybody verify you or where were you when you did your biology homework in the auditorium so I want to see you on camera in the auditorium doing your biology homework yeah are you sure yeah okay so if I don't see that and I call you a liar again am I right to do that yeah that's what you will see so I'm not really worried about it okay all right so if I were to hypothetically just say or just to say not hypothetically if I were to say that you went home last night got an argument with your mom for whatever reason I guess it was the B think right cuz I know she told your dad yeah that you guys got an argument about it if I were to say that you went to school and then you came home somehow you got home I'm not sure how you got home but you checked yourself out now again give me some some credit here you checked yourself out or you left school checking out you just left somehow you got home you get home something happens to your mom or you you and your mom got into hands on you did something to your mom would that be farfetched what do you mean you killed your mom why would you think I would do that following this accusation Gregory freezes and pauses for a long time right now he's been pretending that she's just missing so this is a big jump but Gregory's response is very suspicious he doesn't show any anger or indignation as you would expect from an innocent person being accused he just flipped it and asked the detective a question he didn't even deny it he just deflected you tell me you guys have ups and downs you have marks right your face you told me Joel is the one that fck punched you in the face but before you didn't say about it you didn't ask I did ask I said who was there I don't know oh maybe my friend was there your credibility with me Greg sometimes is up and down so again when I ask you would it be far-fetched if you came home today and killed your mother yeah you did Kill Your Mother no would it be farf yeah why I never do something like that but she said you I know she's hit you this is the first big confrontation when pagliari States you killed your mom he then attempts to build a theme that she's been hitting Gregory offering him some kind of justification but as the accusations against him become more and more severe Gregory seems to realize that the only way to protect his innocence is to make some tragic and startling Revelations have you ever beened no have you yes okay I have I was insulted I reported to the police they did nothing okay so the only person that was really there for me were my parents and specifically my mom my mom was the one who helped me through that dark time in my life I felt to I attempted to more than once more than three times she never put me in all backs she never never called the cops she never did any of that she helped me through that that time in my life where I was in a bad place and she saved me for myself I love my mom more than anything and we have our ups and downs and we have our problems but I love her the timing of his story is questionable he seems to be trying to deflect from the accusation that he killed his mother and put himself into a victim role in the eyes of the detective it's a fairly common tactic for narcissistic individuals to use threats or actions like this to manipulate others he also makes really intense eye contact while leaning forward and seems to be trying to read if he believes his story this position is similar to the confession position but the officers don't have him to that point yet he's just trying to manipulate them into believing him and I'm just explaining to earlier I had gotten into an argument with my mom maybe a year ago and she sat me across the room and she said I'm scared of you and I said why she's like what if you lay your hands on me and I said I would never do that because I would never do that I that's not something I would do that's not something I would ever do I would never lay my hand to my mother she's done too much for me too much for her family for me to let hands my you're going to take right yes okay so do you want to know what happened today yes you want to me and you want the same thing yes we want to find my mom I wonder what happened to your mom I want to know what happened to my mom as well and I don't I don't think she's dead whatever I try to think positively but it's whatever the point of the matter is like I've said before in our previous conversation like I said before is a reference stat and saves him from having to repeat a lie again I've made some mistakes in my life and I regret them and and now I'm going to voice my mistakes too so you can understand what happened I don't know what happened to my mom that's the first thing I want to get out I don't know what happened to my mom but I do know where I was I know how everything conspired and I know that I like you a lot because I wanted to protect my own name but I realized now that after I after you told me after you asked me whether I that whether I killed my mom or not I realized that there's something more important than just me and that's my family and in order to help my family and get them the answer that they want Gregory is really trying to position himself as a good person by repeating how much he cares about his mom family and how great of a kid he is a truly innocent person would likely not need to repeat this to convince anyone as it would be obvious it just did deser I need to be completely honest with you and so that's what I'm going to do so f p I'll tell you what happened it's clear that he's used to being in charge and telling adults what to do is it's very bold for a 15-year-old to tell a detective what to do such as flip the page as Gregory begins to spill the beans on the events leading up to the incident his story sounds similar at first with him getting a ride home from the police explorers the previous night and getting into a fight with his mother over his grades however things took a shocking turn after Gregory supposedly went to bed that night around 11:00 on Thursday I went to sleep but I didn't really go to sleep I just kind of went into my room and turned off the lights I don't know I know have my phone in my room due to something we'll discuss soon so I go at 11 no 11 I probably I waited until 12:30 until I went to my mom's room and got my phone as he launches into this story Gregory includes a ton of unnecessary details to try to appear honest this type of embellishment is an attempt to bury the story in the details it's also interesting because it can help manage the anxiety of being dishonest by including all these tidbits of over honesty in the story with this many details it's almost like he's attempting to derail the conversation away from finding his mom by going into so many tangents I then proceeded to call my friends um to come pick me up and I snuck out of my window and I got picked up by my my friends I then went to we drove around town first off we did that for about an hour just before he launches into this story he shifts away from everyone back into the side away from his sponsor it seems like he doesn't want to be a part of this conversation anymore in that in that hour or two I smoked a lot of cigarettes Dr on alcohol didn't want but so whatever all right it's now 1:30 I believe and I'm back and we go to where um me and my friends get we're in the car I have to understand while my friends did come quote unquote pick me up I was the one driving and I wasn't and while I had had some drinks I wasn't um drunk I wasn't uh drunk driving like I was fully Lucid in concious so um I was driving my mom's movi van and we drove to this church and there's a h fire pit in the back and so me and my friends smoked a bit there um there I B an LSD tab said of my other friends just kind of chilled there and we would go back and forth between my house to get more money to go to 7-Eleven or other places and get food or drinks or snacks and general so we traveled a lot between this fire pit and my house in which case afterwards and then it was like 5 45 as he tells this story it not only changes multiple times and is filled with far too many details than necessary indicating that he has a memory of extremes but he's rubbing his nose touching his mouth fidgeting with a pen and then puts his guard back up quickly all of this indicates that Gregory is experiencing a high level of anxiety soon he will show his memory of extremes when he goes from sharing too many details to suddenly leaving something out I drove the van home h in to my house I was wearing black boots and jeans and a gray t-shirt and I got in my house and I started getting ready for school put my bio textbook in my backpack you know just start getting ready etc etc etc after this Gregory's story once again aligns with the one he told earlier his mom dropped him off at school and he went through his day like normal until the sixth period at one 10 after fifth period I met up with my friends we walked us we walked off campus uh stopped to go to the bathroom of the woods not really necessary detail but that is what happened and then I in my friend's car and we drove to my house we picked up some more money um then we drove to the fire pit again and we smoked more cigarette there talked this one of my friends this is the same kid that was sual and I snug out of the night for him but I um I didn't just sneak out I stole my mom's car like I had was like I did Thursday night and I driven over to his house and I talked to myself and so this is one of the kids and so we were just talking about life problems and how to deal with them and just all this Gregory is once again trying to make himself look like a good person person and an honest person by telling on himself and then bolsters this by including the story about helping his friend here shooting this at this fireplace and smoking cigarettes and just kind of chilling and then we basically went back home and they dropped me off and then from then on note that Gregory says he basically went back home along with a su extended and Then followed by a long pause before he answers he's clearly mentally skipping something but he makes a poor attempt at covering it up as it's pretty obvious especially as there will be several more pauses throughout his story it's pretty much the same I noticed my mom's car was there the lights were on I walked into the house everything was everywhere door busted and all that whatever I already told you went through my house looking for my mom wasn't anywh to be found blah blah blah call the Poli finally after hours of interrogation Gregory begins to divulge some of the truth at face value this information might not seem irrelevant to finding Gregory's mother but Sergeant pagliari has a suspicion that it just might be more important to the case than anyone realizes who were you with last night what's their names Brian porz and square how do you get out of the house window in your bedroom yeah we're in black boots jeans black jeans right oh by the way I forgot to tell you I dumped all those clothing because I smell like smoke okay so black boots though black jeans black jeans just jeans slow jeans yeah okay pink or purple or gray they're just standard blue yeah gray t-shirt yeah the detective appears to be trying to mirror Gregory's language which is a pretty common tactic in Rapport building mirroring verbal language serves the same purpose as mirroring non-verbal language it helps with connection and Trust so now it's you and Dylan who else Brian you picked up Brian and Del also yes mom's minivan it was no three it was us three us you three yeah you drank what were you drinking alcohol what typ like a beer liquor tequila tequila okay who brought the tequila to the party dlan smoking what cigarettes the cigarettes yes and these guys Dylan and Brian dropped you off today correct at your house well they I told you they dropped me off at right here when Dixie or no uh where's the where the hell you talking about where's that place they said they Dro this is high Banks so they dropped me me off here and I walked the rest of the distance so it's not possible that Dylan and Brian came to your house after they dropped you off stole your and killed your mom is that possible well see them drive past me okay well I have to ask because again I'm trying to figure out what the hell happen to your mom no they're all they're they're definitely accounted for because I had because I saw them throughout the school day and so if this whatever happened to my mom I don't even know what the happened but whatever happened to my mom it happened during the school day obviously because when I got home she wasn't there and the house was ran sack so obviously something you whatever Gregory repeats the word obviously which is a way to push his narrative remember the more you repeat something the more likely others are to believe it so none of that that's missing you get take to go trade for drugs or anything else no okay did your friends no okay now you you understand that hopefully you understand that this could have been flushed out hours ago yeah and so I want to give you some credibility what's that got to do with you said you want your your have answers this isn't any answers for me I mean this is you going out being a teenager stealing your mom's car and doing some I thought you were going to tell me that you know who what happened to your mother like somebody killed your mom or I don't know what happened I already told you this I'm I'm giving you my alibi so you know I didn't off my mom stating that he's given his Alibi is certainly odd and rather than actually denying being involved Gregory seems to be fixated on his story okay you're not getting hostile on me are you I'm here to help you yeah no but you you I it's not I'm not trying to get hostile it's just the fact that well you have to understand that you could have told me this before but now did this guy Joe punch you in the face yesterday is that legit yeah it is this is the first time we see Gregory get really flustered though we've seen seen him do a lot of self- soothing throughout perhaps he's realizing he's still not out of the woods but little does he know this interview is not going to go the way he hoped okay so Brian saw the guy punch you in his face did Dylan see this guy punch you in his face no he wasn't there he wasn't there but Brian's gonna vouch for you yeah okay just making sure because again I want to if you can't understand that I I'm taking some of the things that you say with the grain of salt making Gregory think that his friends might not corroborate his story and planting a seed of doubt that his friends will give a different story the detective is using the prisoner's dilemma to try to get him to be honest then no I understand okay um but yeah so neither one of them know that my mom is missing Sergeant pagliari gives Gregory one last chance to tell the truth before they verify his story with evidence I want you to look at me real quick so I'm what I'm about to tell you I want you to understand the magnitude of it okay okay so earlier in our conversation I've been very transparent with you I've told you some of our tactics and things that we're going to do I told you that we're going to verify your story right yes okay so one aspect of your story obviously is a rundown Brian and Dylan okay who you said you were with last night and here you're with today okay correct so think carefully about this okay what do you think Dylan or Brian is going to say like about me yes they're probably going to act like they don't know me or they'll verify everything I've said why would they act that they don't know you they don't want to get involved involved in what like involved with my problems I guess I don't know point of the matter is yeah if you go run them down whenever you do that whenever you want to do it like right now we're doing it oh you are yeah yeah they'll verify my story they're going to do what they'll verify what I'm saying which is that you have nothing to do with the murder of your mother my mom was murdered what do you think I don't know I didn't think she was murdered while Gregory continues to sit in the hot seat two other detectives sit down with his friend Dylan siglar little do they know Dylan is about to break their case wide open yeah what's going on man Steve wheeler I'm a detective of the sheriff's office is Detective Mike Cox how are you pretty all right how you doing mind if we have over your time okay you you already have an idea what anybody Conta you about anything no okay have you talked to Greg today I at school how good friends are you guys I mean I talk to him but we're not like super super close okay who was he super close with I don't really know I don't talk to him that much to really find out I only have like two close friends myself so okay who who are your close friends um there's Brian he's a really good friend of mine and then yeah really Brian he's like the only person I talked to daily basis what's his last name porz pores p o r r as s do you know another kid named Joey Joe Joey Jr something like that that may be friends with Greg no I mean I don't know people by names really so like I might have seen them but I don't know while this isn't definitive proof of whether or not Gregory's story so far has been true there seems to be some discrepancies in the statements given by both of the boys Dylan doesn't know who Joel is and maybe it's because there's an entirely different reason that Gregory has scratches on his face not only that but he also seems to be downplaying his relationship with Gregory according to Gregory he had saved Dylan from taking his own life it seems strange that Dylan wouldn't consider Gregory a close friend after such an incident have you ever gone to Greg's house yeah I'm in to Greg's house okay um when when do you think the last time was you were over there I mean probably last time I worked with them right yeah last time I worked with them so like Saturday Okay so Reon like is he okay though so Greg is fine dad's fine everybody's fine except his mom that's the problem is his mom is gone we don't know where she we have no idea where this lady is at we have zero idea where this lady and that's why we're here talking to you because we know you're friends with Greg yeah I was just worri for yeah GRE fine I mean looks like he got a fight said he got no fight today at school which is why we were trying to figure out what was going on there CU just going with all the leads that we possibly can so for now Dylan is aware that he needs to watch everything he says but later on he won't be so careful as soon as he mistakenly thinks the cameras aren't rolling he will make some truly shocking statements without realizing he's being recorded she's missing today yes yes she she's missing today she's missing right now and they have no idea where this lady went it there's some unusual circumstances around it that we we just it's just it's abnormal and uh enough abnormal to get a bunch of detectives out here yeah we were both at home and they called us and said hey we need you guys to come in start with some general information gathered from Dylan the detective start verifying his story the only time you saw Greg that it was in the morning and in the afternoon at lunch and you haven't seen him since I didn't really see him no what do you mean you didn't really see him like I didn't face to face kind of thing so I'm walking but when after lunch and then before I left okay but not out of school no Greg never left early and got a ride with you guys at all no I was with Brian it's clear that Dylan and Brian are incredibly close and seemingly spent the day together wanting to make sure that they have every angle on this story detectives are sent to question Brian as well how you doing sir Bri shut up yeah hey Brian I'm detective wheer this is uh detective Johnson we need to talk to you so we come in and talk to you here let me step out real quick sorry you just woke me up sorry man all here's the deal man here's we need to talk to you about that burglary happened over at Greg's house today yeah you know anything about it uh he messaged me that something happened that's all I've heard though yeah did you see Greg today that's cool what time uh from last I saw him was lunch did you see him after lunch what did you see him after lunch no I was in class that's really like one of the last times I saw so so far it seems like Brian and Dylan's stories are adding up however it doesn't take long before Dylan makes a mistake did you ever known Greg to have a i describe this a Mean Streak per se in him you ever seen him get angry like anger issues angry yeah any indication that he has it in him does he have a lot of anger built up does he have a lot of animosity against anything or anyone like have hate for but he has anger yeah what's he have anger about just he's like anyone something little just make him anger out nowhere do you ever see him snap no I've never seen how do you know he has anger cuz I seen him angry like about stuff what kind of thing I didn't really ask about it it's not really my know how did he act when he was angry I mean does he shut down does he get fired up does he he shuts down he just doesn't want to talk to anyone when he gets angry has he given you anything to hold of his from that house last week he let me borrow his bow if you want that what'd you borrow it for I just thought it was cool I actually don't even know how to shoot it so what' you borrow for I thought it was cool so you thought it would just be cool to have in your room yeah I collect like stuff like that like I have a knife that's also a lighter just interesting stuff what would you going to do with the bow look at it yeah pretty much you were going to shoot it at all I don't know was there Arrows with it no it just the both I no idea how to shoot it that kind of seems odd though most thing I've ever shot is a b gun to be honest this is an immediate red flag for for the detectives Gregory had listed his bow as one of the items that were stolen from his house if Dylan has possession of the bow that means either he stole it or Gregory lied to the sergeant I'm going ask you a couple more things swearing the information you're about to give me true and correct your knowledge okay you and Greg left school together today you didn't walk off campus today I walked off campus Greg walked with you I walked with Brian okay you walked with Brian and where did you walk to to Brian TR okay tracker his what tracker his tracker you where I went here and what did you do when you got here I got my clothes okay me and Brian drove on and I went to work although Dylan is claiming that he's telling the truth his story is quickly starting to contradict Brian's so I picked up Greg this morning right after I picked up Dylan and then this morning times I really don't talk to them I just pick him up and bring him to school cuz I'm tired I'm not a morning person at all and then I went to school went through my classes like usual lunchtime I saw him okay and then after lunch that's really like one of the last times I saw him so time you leave school I don't know sometimes she goes to a seventh sometimes she doesn't what time did you leave school what time I leave Brian repeats the question here to give himself some time to think about his answer he will repeat part of the question again in a moment making you wonder why he needs to think about this answer when it should be easy to remember I left after fifth period who you you take with you with me it was me and Dylan and Greg but I took him where did go I took him back to his house as the detectives continue to dig for the truth Dylan eventually cracks walked off canas we went to his house he gave me his stuff to hold what stuff I can show you tell us what it is he gave me his gaming laptop his gaming PC he gave me his that I borrowed that he gave you his personal computer too and the bow and the bow why did he give you so it's a laptop a gaming laptop a PC and a b it's a gaming PC okay gaming PC a bow and what else don't know what else honestly then why why did he give them to you to hold did he tell you he said he was in trouble so he gave me it and I drove off I came here I put it in my closet and I went to work after he gave me the stuff I went to work I didn't do anything else I have a job to do why did he say he was giving you that stuff what kind of trouble is he in I don't know what kind of trouble is he in but in the house looked really torn up so he told me to take the stuff I then to get what it was looking like so you got to the house with Greg and Brian just the driver did Brian get out did you all go inside the house we got to the door he ran in I looked inside I could see it all messed up he ran out gave me that that gave me the bow he threw a couple of the things that we ended up just throwing out and then I came back here what did you throw out we threw out like a computer and a printer and just like small stuff like that threw it out where we just found a random dumpster and threw it in there where is this random dumpster uh the wind Dixie parking lot with this confession from Dylan all of the supposedly stolen items mentioned by Gregory are now accounted for as detectives Tred to to find out what kind of trouble Gregory might have been in Dylan makes a shocking and disturbing confession I'm sorry for lying I know but now is the time to get it all out all of it so tell us what happened I mean he's done this much he's given you personal items for you to hide or to hold that's not suspicious to you and it's not suspicious to you that you guys hold on know he knows tell us tell us what it's okay man it's not on you pretty much TR and me and Brian driving to school this morning and he called me and Brian said hey something big happened he wouldn't say it on the phone so me and him had to go get him then he gets in the car and he says I did it I really did it I killed my mother so we drove to school he did the entire day we left early and we get back to the house he says take this Greg did say something happened to his mother it was kind of fuzzy cuz he seemed like he was kind of shooken up so he said something happened and like I said he was really shooking so he told me something about how his house is messed up so we went over there and he asked if I could take some of his stuff right he said you need to get rid of some of the stuff in his house so we go in there and we grab some of the stuff out of his house so you did go in the house yes and we put it in the tracker and he told he told us what need needed to be like kept and what need to be thrown away so we stopped and we threw away like you said the printer the D box yeah where else did we stop the church right up there in high Banks what happened at the church buddy Greg had a he put uh one of the like a trunk he put that in the water what was in the trunk buddy a whole bunch of random stuff like Just Junk like a garage shell after hours of Investigation interrogation and turmoil Detective finally are getting to the truth despite having this horrid information there's still so much they need to know but Brian is still reluctant to admit one crucial detail what was said what did Greg tell you don't cover up for Greg I'm not trying to cover if he said it then he said it and then you know you did what you did and that can be explained but don't sit here and just continue to lie to us all right okay youor there's more than one person here it's not just you remember that by daating there's more than one person here the detective is clearly using the prisoner's dilemma with Brian there's two other parties involved it's not just you okay so so it's not like we came here blind looking for answers yeah I can tell that by how much you guys already know and all that so just tell us what he said he said that he's telling me that like got argument not really argument but he he did he told me that like it's hard to say it's honestly just say it just say it we've probably already heard it just he said that he killed his mother and I didn't really believe it so okay all right with both boys having claimed that Gregory killed his mother the detectives are inclined to believe that they're telling the truth although Brian is claiming that he didn't believe Gregory's claims it's hard to imagine that he wouldn't get suspicious after helping stage the crime scene no matter what Brian or Dylan want to believe they helped their friend cover up the brutal and shocking murder of his own mother as the detectives prepare to inform Sergeant pagliari about what they've learned one of them notices that Dylan isn't doing too well yeah you okay I know your history I don't want I just want to make sure that you're not thinking about harming yourself or anything Dylan you okay I know it's tough don't feel anything for it you don't feel anything for what what do you mean you don't feel anything for it there's like a part of me that knows I should feel bad but I can't feel anything for it I what to do listen just do what you're doing sitting here talking to me okay I can understand you you're probably not feeling anything because you have really processed it yet you haven't processed what happened while one detective Comforts Dylan the other is quick to get Sergeant pagari on the phone and let him know what they've discovered armed with this new information pagliari sits down for one final confrontation with Gregory but even with everything they know none of them could have been prepared for what exactly Gregory would say do you think and I'm going to ask you this I I just before okay because uh in your hearts of Hearts looking at me face to face are you a man of integrity do you know what that is I do know what it is okay are you a person of Integrity I don't think I have the best character I think I have character flaws but on the up and up usually I try to be as honest as possible and when I'm not it's because I'm being selfish and I can admit that okay I I tend to be selfish and that's the problem I have but okay yeah here's what I want I'm to do this you want to look at my eyes okay look like this and I'm going to ask you did you kill your mother take things from your house distribute them amongst your friends come in here today and lie to my face and say that you didn't do that no no what I didn't do that you didn't kill your mother no okay notice Gregory's complete Stillness he's working as hard as possible to lie he's making constant intense eye contact and then has no reaction to the accusation an innocent person would be furious or completely shocked at being accused angry their friends turned on them it would show but from Gregory we see almost nothing all right so sit back down I don't believe you why well the good news about it is that all those things that we're missing from your house we found them where you tell me I give you a clue it's one of your buddies are you saying my friends robbed my house is that what you took out of this is that I'm saying that your friends robbed your house the same friends who by the way uh were at school all day and who dropped you off here I'll refer to your a little map here bu remember this they dro you right here on high Banks whenever the hell this road is and I asked you earlier is it possible that your two friends could have went to your home's house and killed your mom and taking those things and you you said that's impossible because they would have been driven past you and then you would have saw the time is up Greg the time is up we found the stuff okay okay your buddies turned us on to it now you need to tell me what happened because they've already told me me what happened told my Palace what happened so you need to come to come to Jesus you're a religious man you prayed with your mom you need to tell me what happened so what did they tell you I'm not telling you what they told me because I don't have to tell you what they told me you tell me what happened I already told you what happened tell me you didn't kill your mother I didn't who killed your mother I have zero clue who took the to your house well you just told me apparently it's my friends and when did you think they did that I have Zer clue do you honestly believe the things that are coming out of your mouth yeah so when your buddy says that you told him you killed your mother he's lying after being backed into a corner Gregory remains silent for quite a while before something snaps inside him and divulges one of the most chilling confessions we've ever heard good whatever all right I'll tell you what happened all right so I got home I got on inter with my mom she slapped me across the face she began to hit me she started beating me I didn't like it so I strangled her to death I put her in a wheelbarrow I put her in my car I took the car I had a mental breakdown where I almost committed three times as he talks Gregory adds in I almost had a mental breakdown and thought about taking his own life even as he's in the middle of admitting to killing his mom he still wants to appear to be the victim this is very classic narcissistic thinking and behavior I drove around Daytona I dropped the wheelbarrow in some random ass location and I drove back to the church I began to dig a hole I dig a hole right under Fire Pit I du a pretty deep hole pretty deep you know even have to put F body in all right all this time my mom's decomposing body I dragged it from the from my car to the to um the fire pit in which case I tried to cut the wedding ring off her finger because I wanted to pawn it but I couldn't because I didn't have a nice strong enough to cut bones oh well whatever anyways so I uh dug that hole threw her body in there filled the back end made it look all nice and natural dumped my clothes and then I went home and I CAU a ride to school with my friends and yeah and yeah what about the part that you staged a crank scene oh yeah I forgot about that part oh so um in the middle of the night I realized that hey my mom just up and disappears that's not going to make any sense so um I decided to make it look like a box robbery so I just went in my house and I just through sh everywhere which looked pretty convincing and yeah and yeah again not what I want to hear why did you drag your two buddies into this and give them the stolen because I needed to get rid of it Gregory's complete lack of remorse is disturbing to say the least and it only gets more horrifying as he doubles down I think you have to realize that with my Mom beating up and hitting on me it wasn't like me being like ah I've waited ages for this and then I kill her no this was extremely out of impulse out of me getting beating this out of me I just was like you know I'm done with it so I grabbed her I strangled her so it was out a complete impulse which doesn't make any better but point of the matter is I was shaken up obviously so your mother talked to your father on the phone when did you strangle your mother I don't know 12 where was she at when you did it what where was she in in the room which room her room sleeping no she she woke up she woke up after you had your hands around her throat no she woke up when I entered the room and what happened then she said what are you doing what did you say and I said listen you don't understand but I was not the stuff that was on my face right now was a lot worse and I wasn't feeling good and I said why did you have to hit me I said you said that you wouldn't do that again but you did it anyways why you have to do that and she's like well I you know whatever blah blah blah you stop yeah whatever blah blah blah bull we covered that I don't want to hear what she say she was like well you you were being a dick and I does that really boring L it out yeah oh yeah it's important I want you to tell I no does that really warrant not important does that really warrant I'm not wasn't being a dick I already explained you the conversation that I had with her all right it's still about my biograde it's still about all right and it's the same conversation I had with her but it's yeah it's the same conversation it's just like I said escalated the screaming and yelling and then she started hitting me and I did not hit back I did not punch her back because like I said I wouldn't do that Gregory is making a lot of referral statements by saying like I said over and over he's trying to find a way to maintain Ain his story wasn't complete Lies by pointing out the pieces of Truth he said before until I realized that if I let her keep on beating me around and basically letting her just do whatever she wanted that eventually it was either going to be me or her and so I made the decision according to Gregory his mother's murder was a preemptive self-defense but that doesn't justify such a horrifying and unforgivable crime he continues to share more Grizzly detail of the cold blooded attack put your hands around her neck she facing you when you did it yeah you put your you extend your arms and put your hands around her throat yes and squeezed Y what did she do I mean what can you do in that situation you tell me what she was doing well I had forced her on the ground and I was strangling her and she I mean she was trying she was clowning my arm she was whatever I mean you can probably see on my hand where this crease here I was putting so much stress on it because I was over I was over it I realized that it was either her getting so angry with me one day that she just takes out a kitchen knife and stabs me or it was me getting so angry with her that I strangle her to death and so I took the L at her because I don't plan on I don't plan on I didn't I didn't want her to kill me I I didn't think that was fitting I wouldn't have worked out so I just took action said Gregory seems to really struggle to come up with an explanation here I didn't think that was fitting is particularly odd phrasing in the middle of a confession though he admitted he killed her he's trying his hardest to make it self-defense with a roundabout justification though it sounds completely unbelievable it's likely he's probably actually convinced himself of this you threw her you force her to the floor and you took the life out of how' that make you feel I felt nothing how long did it take 30 minutes you choked your mother on the floor to death for 30 minutes yeah how'd you know she was dead okay actually let me rephrase this I choked her to death and I thought she was dead and I went to go get the wheelbarrow and then she was moving so I had to get back on top of her and finish the job and then once she once she wasn't resisting when I was dragging her dead body across the floor I knew she was dead Gregory continues with his crude and detached tone as he describes how he disposed of his mother's body well I listen dead bodies are heavy they're paying the ass to carry I was like all right well this is easy simple fireman's carry right I'm going to pick her up whatever bring her to the car throw her in there n this this heavy so I I got the wheelbarrow I drug her out to the stairs and then I position the wheel barrel in the way so I could basically ju like muscle her body into the wheelbarrow just perfect enough to where I could get her into the car actually into the wheelbarrow without having to uh you know whatever break my bag okay so you take her to the to the car where do you put her in the minivan I shoved her in there in the very back open up trunk just kind of I uh put two belts around her legs and then I dragged her into the car two belts around her legs and dragged her into the car yeah I tied two belts like a belt around her ankle and a belt around her ankle and I had them together and I used it as I like a crotch so you were in the van and just dragged her like from inside the van and drag her from the wheelbarrow into the back of the the van yeah it was to do but yeah did as Gregory describes his next steps we get a fascinating glimpse into the Twisted Mind of a Teenage murderer okay um so you you pull her into the back of the car and then where do you go well I threw a little girl in there and I was like and I got the shovel and I was like okay let's do this whatever it's easy uh yeah know then I had a mental breakdown I was like holy blah BL blah whatever blah blah blah whatever what's that mean fill it in like you know whatever we doing and you know whatever destroying my future blah blah blah whatever the repeated blah blah blah statements show the fascinating but disturbing dichotomy of how Gregory presents as intelligent as well as very childish this is the Hallmark of Most teens but it's extremely chilling when tied to discussing murder basically just coming to I was basically reasoning with myself do I deserve to live and I realized that I did the thing I did out of self-defense I mean sure she wasn't hitting me in the moment but it would have eventually just gotten worse and worse and worse it's always gotten worse and worse and worse over the years but it was just a matter of time I was on the highway I was driving to and then I real well I I had lots of thoughts going through my head my original thought was oh well well you know what if I just dump my mom's body in some random ass location with a wheelbarrow and then I just go make on the Run just go on the run right and then I realized where I go I mean I have my sister's house in Michigan yeah but she she just turned me to the cops and whatever I'm not going to get out of the country and whatever how many hours they find her body so it's not worth it and I was like well I could just go into oncoming traffic I mean it's really busy in this area for some reason I could just move my car in oncoming traffic and my and I was like no it's a ass way to go not going to do that right so I just decided well okay well I guess we're just back at square one so I'm going to go go back to where I started Gregory continues to narrate the account and he doesn't hesitate to share the disgusting details about what he did to his mother's body drove the body back to the church began to dig the hole realized that my phone flashlight not going to be enough go back to the house get a new flashlight then this is by the way this is me this the when I'm talking about me going back to my T to get money it's it's just me trying to make excuses for my phone being in certain places I should have just trashed my phone like did with with my mom's but I didn't really want to do that cuz I was listening to music and I whatever I was going to I was going to get caught anyway so it just no point and so I get I get a couple candles I get flashlights I get whatever and then I get the area L up do dig dig dig dig realized that the body smells terrible smells like Jesus have Christ you smell dead body I smell dead body you sure I have yeah they smell like casually listening to music while digging a grave and be so comfortable discussing the smell of his mother's dead body show his complete lack of empathy beyond the remorselessness he's displayed so far so I was like okay you get something clean up so I went to my house got can of bleach and I was like okay when I just when I get a body in there I'll for GI make it smell sterile before I cover it back up with dir I was like okay it seems like a pretty good plan whatever there's been another shift in Gregory's speech patterns as soon as he decided to confess he's now talking a lot faster this is most likely his normal way of talking as before he was concentrating on being deceptive so I the hole it's like what 4:30 and I like all right so we dump the body and then we fill back up and then 5:30 put back so who we myself okay so you're talking about we being to yourself nobody else is there this is just you yeah me so anyways uh done with the hole so kick the big body in the in the Hole uh but it doesn't fit so I had I had to um kind of crammer in there I don't know if I broke any bones whatever pour the bleach on her put the dirt over her and I mean when you go out there you'll see it it looks perfectly natural doesn't look like there's any anything you Mas the hole what' you do well it was a fire pit so I literally just threw the dirt back on it move the Rocks around it looks perfectly fine so she's in the fire pit or under the fire pit yeah okay and yet another shocking twist Gail's body wasn't the only thing Gregory hid in the woods that night what else is in the woods what else is in there MH uh the broom I used to uh sweep the uh drag marks away okay because when you're draging dead body I said I trash the wheel bear on Holly Hills which is a dumbass move because I I still needed to get the body out from the trunk of my car and bring it down to this area right but I realized whatever blah blah dum dum dum so if I had wasted maybe an hour and a half I probably would have gotten away with it but I did waste that hour and a half because I need to come turn with what I did anyways I dragged her body with the two belts I had tied to her her ankles I dragged it all the way to the fire pit and you know like when you're dragging the body on leaves and palm FRS and whatnot that collects quite a lot of sh to be frank so is there anything else I mean you said there's a shovel in the woods a broom in the woods how about any of the stolen stuff that you took from well there's more yeah there's stolen there's nothing big it's like all small and I just kind of chucked it in there because no one else wanted it and I needed to get rid of it so there's a cash of stolen in the lake behind the fire pit but it's probably all whatever by the way in the Woods by the fire pit I don't know I couldn't point out to you exactly but the there's two laptops and the 30 caliber gun right behind the fire pit in the woods and obviously you know the rest of the stuff is I do go back to before you left your house with your mother's body in the van you started staging the crime scene is that right you said you took some of the stolen sh out yeah well not stolen you took the what' you take out of the house first and then what while your mother's body was in the in the van well I just kind of figured like well I need to get everything out I was like well not everything but like you know I was like how can I make this look legit I was like I can't just like make my mom disappear and then like head to school and be like Oh everything's okay I like that's not going to work so I need to make it look like something happened like a bot Robie or something and you got to admit I don't know if you saw the house do you see the house I've G inside yet though see your work it looks quite nice okay it looks quite legit it's weird why is there all this crap up here spill there's a broken glass here is this brok oh yeah it looked so legit that's why Gregory immediately ended up in the interrogation room confessing right now basically I just of everything and I grabbed everything of value and I kind of just threw it into the van and yeah as sergeant pagliari Works to understand the rest of this disturbing story Gregory takes every opportunity to to flaunt his horrendous ego now the some of the stuff you gave to your friends when did you give some of your that to your friends after school after school yeah I needed there wasn't any time I was planning what I was going to plan to do was I was going to drive up to the sun rail and leave my mom's car there and dump the bike somewhere and make it look like that she went to Orlando and that she just got whatever and I think actually if I hadn't me the bot robbery and I just kind of drove the car up there and and lost the bike and uh gotten picked up with my by my friends and we kind of like just kept Hush Hush about it and uh I killed my mom and put her under the fire pit you guys probably would never caught me because you probably think that she got mugged in Orlando and died and that probably would have made a lot more sense but I didn't think it through because I was inul thinking and I was doing everything on a wi so if I had more time to think it through I probably would have done other things but that's whatever okay so did you went to school though oh yeah how you get to school r d picked me up in front of my house I was wearing jeans covered in dirt as well as boots covered in dirt you'll find those in the woods with the broom and the shovel but um I was wearing no shirt I grabbed I just grabbed a random shirt and uh some soap and a washcloth and then when I got to school I wiped all the dirt off me the excess blood that was on my face from my mom hitting me and I cleaned myself up and then I went to school and after like nothing happened so then you you go to school like nothing's nothing's up right let's just go to class for a little while right yeah well last my last day as a free man might as well enjoy okay say goodbye to your friends more or less it's you it's whatever that's well your two best buds are only ones you really care about right well no they screwed me over in the end so it's whatever only one person keeps a secret Greg yeah you uh when did they find out that you killed your mom uh when they picked me up because I was covered in blood which was my blood but I was covered in blood and dirt and I was one of them wearing a shirt and I had soap and they're like what the happened and I was like well Brian I called you last night he's like yeah I know and I told Dylan okay so then what was their reaction apathy tell me describe elaborate they didn't care they didn't care they think they thought you were foolish I mean well yeah they thought it was F I took him back to where I did it which was after school yeah and then after school you took him to the the church yeah and then you just started diving out yeah I said take what you want knowing that your mother was dead then you told them take what you want and they they were good with that yeah who took what I don't know there's now no denying that Dylan and Brian helped Gregory cover up his mother's murder and the two were detained while Sergeant pagliari wraps up Gregory's interrogation well how about the part uh I got to say I was impressed with the the kicking of the door did you do all that yourself oh no I had those two do it oh okay so again more things that these guys did yeah right so tell me about that well I I was like hey I need help stage in the crime scene and you were like okay we'll help you so both of them together kicked in the door yeah it was very impressive okay do you guys have this on video or anything did you like me much no I I wish I had it on video that'd be great but no but I'm sure if you uh dust dust your footprints on the door you'll find their shoes okay and you'll find it all over the house as well but then we went to my mom's room we got the gloves give them gloves cuz they didn't want to get their fingerprints on anything even though they already kick the door open whatnot but and even though they're already like basically helping me do this whatever as the interrogation comes to a close Gregory once again displays his astonishing apathy towards his mother's death so am I going to go to prison or what what's up well what's going to happen is I have to obviously let someone from the state attorney's office know about today's events and then we'll go from there so I don't have there's no endgame as far as what's going to happening to you and your question is like what prison all L Jazz I don't know but you will be arrested like yeah obviously but like say I'm a minor can I even go to prison is that like a saying that I don't know again I'm just the person who gets the facts and presents is is that I saying again yeah all we're going to do detective Jones and I are just here to get the facts of the case we present our findings to the legal part of of things which that's not me so so since I'm in the police station I ready do handcuffs know Jaz uh you you probably will be handcuffed at some point yeah nope bro and then I did act of a century she give me a Grammy for that 911 or 911 call um you should give it a list it's quite nice though Gregory is bragging about his 911 call it's actually something that gave him away from the beginning when he was asked where the emergency was he immediately launched into his story which is an instant red flag 911 where's your emergency um I I I just got home and my house is completely trashed it looks like someone broke in the side door an innocent person is interested in help not telling a story it's incredible that the detectives can keep a straight face listening to him before officially arresting Gregory the sergeant has one last question for him you've taken a little bit of pride in what you do that's fine you know what it is what it is right uh are you willing to go with us and show us where at the church where you put her and everything do a little reenactment of what happened so again if you're willing to to ride with us I'll sit with you in the backseat of a patrol car uniform Deputy will come in and handcuff you of course and put you back there with me and then you'll just take us over to the church and then we'll get out and do a little video reenactment of uh the scene over there and just kind of go through some things tell us what you were thinking that's all I'm looking to do at this point you want to want to do that I'll be down you're down yeah okay let's do it after arriving at the church Gregory leads the officers to the burial side drop and then I put my originally I put my phone I um I can find this your phone's out here no it's not uh oh whatever there there was a wooden did they find the stuff back here uh we probably found a few things but go what you recall all right well whatever there's um did you guys find the gun back here did we find a gun back here it's okay if we there's one back there yeah we did yeah okay a rifle yeah you find the the laptops as well I believe so sir all right sounds good okay so yeah whatever I set my phone so I get some light but then I realized need more so I had to go back to my house and get more but uh tell me tell me how you dug the hole let's talk about that took a shovel when I dug it up okay all right and then how did you put your mother's body in the hole how how is she oriented did she face up is she uh uh I okay so originally I was going to put her in legs first and I realized that was a bad idea so I put her in head first and then I folded her legs and you're going to when you when you dig her up whenever you do that the you'll find the legs first which should make it easier for you to pull it out but okay how big a hole we talking about here Greg pretty big well I mean let's say circumference wise if you had to put you're a math guy what you think I mean you guys got rid of the fire pit but it was the circumference of the fire pit that's what the whole thing was just circum to the fire pit yeah and then it kind of combed down did you get tired well yeah that and I was on a time limit okay all right so detective escar just so you're aware a great strangled her death two hands on her neck origin started with one but then I thought two two better than one okay all right and that that was two on both times you choke your I yeah well I she was like up against the wall and if I was at my house I'd show you but uh okay I it was it was interesting I just want to know both so against the wall standing up and then on the floor well I had her up against the wall on the floor against the wall on the floor see how that Mak sense it does doesn't make it's hard it's hard to make sense well her head up against the wall and her body was on the floor yeah like you had her like pinned in the corner I had in corner I had her in the corner yeah of the wall on the floor yeah there bedroom right master bedroom yeah you can see when you go in there the the beds tilted we started on the bed we struggled off the bed onto the left side where I proceeded to go okay while Gregory leads the officers through the woods Brian and Dylan sit together in the back of a nearby patrol car as the boys talk about their current situation seeming not to realize they're being recorded it becomes very clear that they don't understand the consequences they'll soon be facing I told the entire thing cuz they knew it already dude I haven't been on cuffs on night and then this lady shows up and she puts me in CU well you were in cuffs dud they showed up and I was okay and then they're like okay we change for you in cuffs transported me without I'm like wait so like Dylan was like no they're with our other detectives and was like police station so they call my father oh no yeah call my father my father knows that I'm involved in this I'm going to get chew out when I get home and I'm not going to get a birthday or Christmas or anything I'm going to be grounded for the next 10 years and disowned by my entire family dude I'm not even getting to work come on sh someone's about to get fired dude no we had that job a man we're making 15 an hour come ons this is important yeah it was 15 an hour wait are we not able to anymore be DB but what don't we going over there only The Willpower stay up so long no how it's working we have to be there 11:00 till around 7 o' work yeah but it's 8 time 15 it's 140 each that's good I can go buy that other Jack it seems that the concept of serving jail time for their crimes doesn't even cross the boys Minds is this just a sign of their immaturity or do the two really feel that they haven't committed a crime by helping Greg cover up his mother's murder is that Greg it's not Greg that guy's Too Tall and like skinny no it's Greg look at his limb yeah he has to point out where the body is that's Greg that's Greg my no I know he's not even my like honestly look at what Mas like I'll do a lot of things for a friend I was under the impression I was thinking a property I I got some speakers out of it I was enjoying those tonight I was kind of drunk you should ask the complete lack of accountability from Dylan and Brian is appalling however their utter absence of remorse only becomes more apparent when they bizarrely decide to sing alien Boy by Oliver tree I was sitting there singing Bruno Mars and all that just like blasting the speakers I had them all hooked up and it looked nice in my room I fell down I was listening to that too Three Doors Down so you can ignore it I'll hun you down tyranosaurus eventually all three boys are transported back to the police station after a hectic night of processing Gregory Dylan and Brian are reunited in the back of a patrol car and transported to the Department of Juvenile Justice where it's very clear they have no idea they're being recorded cuz like I was asking for a bottle of water so much the one that he was like the water's in that Fountain right there and I'm just like I'm not drinking out of that like I'm just going to get Aid straight from drinking from that water I know that's just you have handcuffs in in cell like were they in front of you or behind you in front Okay I was how the hell are you gonna do have to do some like TR oh no no when I when I had to like flush the toilet I literally to like kick the button pretty much yeah you need to be quiet for one second one Delta 65 central three juvenile males in round to DJJ starting mile which is 581 all right you guys can go ahead and talk if you want oh I was not sing on that toilet it was like steel and there was white stuff all over the toilet I'm just like I'll pass on that my dad why my dad what my family isn't here I guess they just own me already you're Brian what yeah I'm Brian no they have a lawyer they're with a lawyer with you well my family loves me so yeah I guess I'm not getting I'm going to get disowned anyway the lawyers is to give me to s the more time the three boys spend reunited the less remorse they they seem to have I was arrested on my Grandma's birthday last night last night was my Grandma's birthday I got to see and said happy birthday first I already was doing that I didn't need this to help oh my God cat's going to kill me she freaked out when I didn't answer her for 30 minutes she had every everyone she knew blow up my phone and she called me like 30 times and texted me about 100 times instead of being worried about what cat will think of him after she learns about the horrible things he's done Brian only cares about her being mad at him for not responding to her texts this just showcases the utter lack of understanding from the boys I'm ready to die and get slapped about 30 times I get back to [Music] school back campus I I had online work I had to do I'm worried about school still graduating you know what my senior year graduate this year for the first time it seems as though the boys may be starting to realize that their disturbing actions will have long-term consequences school friends and life as these boys know it will now be changed forever not long after arriving at the Juvenile Center Brian's family posted his $100,000 bond in the three and A2 years prior to their court date Brian finished high school started college and was employed on the other hand Dylan wasn't offered a bond for 309 days as the court was concerned that his history of mental health issues may lead him to hurt himself when he finally was given a bond it was $200,000 meaning there was essentially no way for him to post his bail for his part in the crime Dylan was sentenced to 828 days in jail followed by 10 years of probation despite both boys having been charged with accessory after the fact a second deegree murder Brian was given a different sentence at his hearing Gail's sister spoke on the pain their family had suffered as a result of the actions taken by Gregory Dylan and Brian in response Brian said that he was sorry the tragic killing had happened but that he was simply naive at the time and didn't take Gregory's murderous claims seriously even at his sentencing it seemed that Brian was wholly unwilling to take full accountability for his actions in the end he was sentenced to 14 years of probation with the first 364 days of that term being served in the vucha county jail according to vucha County Sheriff Mike chipwood Gregory Ramos is one of the top three sociopaths he's ever come in contact with and it's easy to see why for the brutal slaying of his mother Gregory was charged as an adult and was sentenced to 45 years in prison while his sentence can be reviewed again in 25 years Gregory will serve a lifetime probation no matter what
Views: 8,102,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, true crime documentary, psychology, law, legal, analysis, educational
Id: KC0GtU_Dtdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 3sec (6423 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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