The Pemberton Incident - An Unsolved Mystery

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[Music] [Music] currently 26-year-old Marshall iwasa is taking a drive to see his mother he has just spent the day doing chores around his home in [Music] Calgary his trip comes at a time where he's currently on break from college but he is has yet to inform members of his family that he's failed to enroll in the next [Music] semester perhaps he just wasn't ready to tell his family he needed a semester off or perhaps he had gotten involved in something else only he would know the true answer as he continued his 2-hour trip towards Left [Music] [Music] Bridge but after his arrival had a short visit with his mother to help her with her computer at around 11:00 p.m. Marshall would be set to hit the road again you see the other reason that Marshall came to Lethbridge was to pick something up from a storage unit and the original plan was to take a quick trip to this storage facility located in the industrial park of Lethbridge the then after this quick errand it would be a straight shot back to Calgary and while Marshall wished his mother a good night and S out that one evening as far as anybody else was concerned after this brief visit it was back to school and back to business as usual for Marshall but unbeknownst to his family Marshall had stopped attending classes some time ago it wouldn't be until 6 days later that some hikers would make a strange discovery [Music] [Music] this is the Felix Creek Trail in pton British British Columbia the path itself extends from an old loging road that later breaks into an open Valley that cuts up north to a location called the Brian wadington Hut this location is maintained by a volunteer outdoor club which allows individuals to spend the night up there assuming they register online the trail itself is well off the beaten path so much so that it's often cited as a location where you're not likely to run into anybody especially if nobody was scheduled to be up there but on November 23rd 2019 one post would signify a rather dark Discovery where James M Stark would write had a crazy experience this weekend trying to get to the Brian wadington Hut we took the 4x4 Trail all the way to the trail head and when we arrived we came on to quite the scene there was a burnt out pickup truck that smelled very freshh in addition there were possessions thrown all over the area including two passports three smashed cell phones a smashed laptop ID cards toiletry bags and clothing it felt like a crime scene and we had a very eerie feeling we turned around and left deciding not to hike to the Hut with a fear of walking into something obviously our whole group was thinking about the Canadian Manhunt from the summer we called the police and reported it I thought the community would like to know before anyone drives 4 hours to a trail head only to be turned around this truck was Marshall's it had been found in a matter of days a staggering 14 hours away the car was completely torched the steering column was removed but Marshall was nowhere to be found the truck had been discovered right at the end of the Logging Road right where the path morphs into a hiking trail meaning whoever did this drove the car as far as they possibly could into the woods of the items that were found at the scene this included a large amount of clothes ID cards two passports three smashed cell phones and a smashed laptop that all belonged to Marshall but that being said not all of the items were his while there's been a number of videos on Marshall's disappearance there is a threat of the story that often gets overlooked and the thread I'm referencing in this case is a separate Rabbit Hole of information that seemingly ties Marshall's case to another missing person's case from this time this other individual I'm referring to is Daniel riok he disappeared under equally bizarre circumstances just 3 days after marshal truck was found since then family members of Daniels have identified a wide array of work items found at Marshall's truck as belonging to Daniel and in an even more recent development it seemingly confirms the connection but that being said we'll Circle back to his case here in a moment because in regards to the original Discovery by the time the RCMP had reached the scene it appears as if someone had tampered with the evidence we have a bunch of items that used to be in the box that are now spread out broken and it looks like water ice poured on it things are strategically placed or broken some of it's just completely removed this again is a very remote area it was very difficult for us to get there um so it's difficult to think that in that small window of 2 days when our hikers that took the photos were leaving um that someone knew who wasn't involved with 's disappearance happened to go up there and move these items our hikers that took the photos um they've never mentioned seeing anyone there we've never seen any logs of anyone being out [Music] there as fate would have it it seems that Marshall never seemingly returned to Calgary while it would take some time before the family was notified of the situation upon checking back in with the storage facility it was revealed that after Marshall had left his mother's home he seemingly spent the entirety of the night trying to get into a storage unit but there was a problem the facility was closed closed while the actual surveillance footage was deleted by the time the family had been notified keypad records had shown that Marshall had input his access code various times over the night unsuccessfully but it appears that Marshall had waited there throughout the entirety of the night until he successfully gained entry at around 6:00 a.m. after getting into his unit he would go on to spend 2 and 1/2 hours inside until he left at 8:24 a.m. after this exact point there's no further details about his whereabouts his financial trail goes cold and while it doesn't appear that he returned home it definitely raises the question of what Marshall needed to get from his storage unit so desperately yeah okay so do you know why he was in the storage room so he needed um a box for a piece of his computer so so he built his own computer he was a computer guy that's what he was originally going to school for and he needed to send a piece away because his computer was broken so he was looking for something to do with his computer okay and he was in there for two hours yes okay and I guess that's normal I don't know I mean especially if you haven't been back to your storage room in a long time and if it's really full right yeah yeah he was last there in August um so it's not like he was there all the time but yeah um since then the storage unit has been searched and nothing is weird about it everything seems normal everything is still there while Marshall's family insisted that there was nothing missing from the unit it's worth mentioning a couple things for context the first of which was that Marshall had spent about 800 hours developing a video game and from what I can assume our backup timestamps it appears that he had been working on on the game the morning of prior to heading to his mother's given this detail that he was working on a passion project I can see how this would create some urgency to retrieve whatever part was necessary but on the other hand the other thing I should point out is that Marshall had seemingly packed a bag at some point with all of the clothes and toiletries found at the scene this seems to insinuate some sort of planned trip after the fact as Marshall was known to keep his trunk rather organized additionally there were quite a few items that were never located one of which was his hiking backpack which seems to strengthen this idea that there was a packed bag in his car but that being said even if Marshall had been planning a secret trip after this visit to the storage facility Marshall was not known to have any contacts out in BC making these circumstances surrounding his trip to the storage facility undoubtedly strange generally speaking finding a car burned off an Old Logging Road is not a unique Sen circumstances it's actually a pretty textbook method of disposal as torching the car leads to the destruction of DNA evidence and generally you see the removal of the steering column in cases where extra precaution is taken as in some cases DNA swab from a steering wheel has led to various convictions the V enville National Forest a body found inside a burned out car this burned out car you see here during a worker's early morning walk gai County Sheriff's Office investigating a suspicious death after a body was found in a burned out car a man's body and a burned out car found near a construction site close to Grand Avenue Deputy say the car was found on a Logging Road off Highway 155 near Mont body was found burned in Pike Township in a wooded area near Eagle Creek a body found inside a burned car in Dodge County a burned body was located Saturday morning inside a charred vehicle under gum swamp Creek Bridge Police found that burning car around 9:45 last night just beyond those pine trees is Interstate 40 I think you get the point this phenomenon is not just common it's shockingly common and the reason I bring this up in regards to Marshall's case is because of what happens next because after the RCMP had gotten involved in the following weeks this would lead to a subsequent search of the immediate area where their efforts would yield one final discovery that being a path of burnt clothes that started from the car and led to a nearby Creek where it quote appeared as if someone had caught on fire while the vehicle was burning a subsequent underwater search had revealed nothing however and further efforts to locate Marshall were suspended leading to a final statement given by police we believe that he was likely the driver there's some personal effects around in the area but there's nothing to suggest that there was uh anything um suspicious that [Music] occurred [Music] now let's recap for a moment a young man is missing his car is found 14 hours away at the end of a remote Logging Road in an area he's not known to have ties to his car is burned to an absolute crisp his steering column is removed there are items at the scene that aren't his it appears as if someone had tampered with the scene after its Discovery and there's a trail of burned clothes leading to a nearby Creek yet despite this mess of information authorities would neatly tie it up by saying nothing suspicious had occurred the mirr insinuation that he did this on his own accord is absolutely ridiculous especially when you factor in that Marshall had just recently paid off his truck yet when a push came to shove and the initial search was called off within the first week of December the Whistler RCMP would go on to insinuate that he just simply walked off into the woods but come December 12th 2019 the case would be reassigned to the Lethbridge Police Department where they kept the case open as a missing person's case but despite new leadership they would once again refuse to acknowledge any possibility of Foul Play and instead would go on to site Marshall's recent failure to attend college classes as evidence that he had become withdrawn as a consequence of the authorities refusal to classify this case as criminal no forensic tests were ever carried out and after the RCMP had collected the loose items founded the scene they simply just left the car to the elements as far as I'm aware to this very day if you hike this Trail the car is just sitting out there but after the LPD had done a final search in June of 2020 the case would take a rather strange [Music] [Music] turn after an exhaustive search in June which yielded nothing the family was rightfully frustrated by both departments who refused to classify the case as [Music] criminal you see given the fact that this case was technically a missing person's case this created a bunch of red tape preventing the full pursuit of this investigation and one potential lead that wasn't able to be fully investigated was the search for gas station CCTV footage we know from for a fact that Marshall would have had to stop for gas multiple times and while Marshall's family did check the various gas stations on the way up to pton they were only able to check the footage with the various locations that cooperated on their own [Music] accord but beyond that additional frustration could be felt for the police not even allowing the family to view the items that were found to date were only left with the various photos that surfaced online when Cassie was here there was a lot of barriers with the missing person's act and trying to get historical data of Marshall's movements prior to his disappearance um and I think that's something that we're still continuing to push for is to get those answers and get that information you know and and for me one of the biggest things would be this fire investigation that you know just happened and no no results yet right yeah from from what I've been told they're still waiting on the fire investigator report which is a month now just over a month from when they were up there um and a full almost 9 months since Marshall went missing so you know we've I've wanted a fire investigator up there like since they won yeah and for them to just have one I mean I'm happy that one went up there when they did the final search that they just completed but you know it's a little bit late and we're still waiting for that report um because you know if it's considered our sin you know that's criminal and so that I'm hoping that we could then get it pushed into a criminal case a criminal investigation absolutely it seems really strange that they would wait that long is there any idea why I mean to me it seems like anybody could go out there and tber with evidence MH right and that was our concern from the beginning of having the trucks still being out there um is that people are it wasn't a controlled site this fire investigation would later be deemed inconclusive which would bar Marshall's case from a criminal classification and as you can imagine leaving the car to the elements for 9 months definitely didn't help for clarity but that being said when the family hired a private investigator his findings differed on the site he had determined that the cause of the fire was arson and the pi was even able to locate a source lighter at the [Music] scene but despite these findings this didn't appear to shake the lpd's opinion on the case and come August of 2020 the family would launch a petition to manually push the case to a criminal classification shortly after the petition was launched and started to gain some traction the Lethbridge Police Department would go on to issue a statement the Lethbridge Police Service understands the family of Marshall iwasa is seeking answers in relation to his disappearance and we can assure the community the investigation will remain open and ongoing until he's located a thorough and comprehensive investigation has been undertaken and any and all new evidence or information that comes to light in the future will continue to be vigorously pursued aasa who was 26 years old at the time he was reported missing was last seen by his relatives in Lethbridge on November 17th 2019 he told family he was returning to Calgary but hasn't been seen or heard from since he was reported missing on November 25th 2019 after his burned out truck was located in the BC back country from the onset of the missing person's investigation ia's disappearance has been considered suspicious however as previously stated there is no credible corroborated or compelling evidence to suggest Foul Play or that the matter is criminal in nature not all information and evidence in this case has been or can be shared publicly with the aasa family in order to protect the Integrity of an ongoing investigation LPS is aware of an online petition initiated by the was a family to have the missing person case classified as criminal however in order for any investigation to be deemed criminal there must be evidence to support that a crime has occurred with respect to the AAS investigation there is no such evidence and the matter cannot be reclassified at this time no further comment or interviews will be provided in relation to this matter now the public response to the statement was overwhelmingly negative and for the various individuals who are following this case they were quick to call out some perceived contradictions first of all it appears rather inaccurate for police to claim that they considered this case suspicious from the beginning when we know for a fact that the RCMP initially stated that quote nothing suspicious had occurred and then promptly closed the case and second it's typical for a law enforcement to withhold information from the families to protect the Integrity of an investigation usually when you're building a case against a suspect yet despite this case being declared non-criminal information is still being withheld at the expense of the family which seems paradoxical given the circumstances additionally members of Marshall's family have given statements that downplay the possibility of an investigation going on behind the scenes instead insisting that they just never took his case seriously from the start because despite various new leads for this case coming in in the coming months the LPD would continue to ignore it a foul play or not arson is still a crime and this statement was given as a way of diffusing the media attention the family was generating for the case given the circumstances it definitely makes you wonder why the authorities are refusing to approach Marshall's case under the context of a criminal investigation and this question only becomes more prominent as you dive into the second thread of the story [Music] I'm the very same day that the police had reached the scene of Marshall's truck another set of incredibly strange events would unfold about an hour down the road at 10:00 a.m. 29-year-old Daniel riok had been reported walking around cheeki Ranch in Upper Squamish acting incredibly strange he wasn't dressed for the weather and at one point the Rancher had apparently spotted Danny walking in the street with his shirt over his head in freezing temperatures upon greeting the Rancher he would ask to borrow his phone where he would go on to make a call to his uncle and so Danny takes the phone and he's like hey Uncle how are you doing and he started laughing and my dad was like what's going on like are you okay he was like oh I'm living another timeline right I'm living in another timeline right now is what he said my was like okay and then he started laughing again he was like yeah I love you I love you an and then he could hear the man in the background saying oh I need my phone back so the ranch owner took the phone back and then was like okay the RCMP are here and my dad was like yeah just let him take him and and we'll figure out what's going on after as a result of Daniel's strange Behavior he was taken into police custody for the day but they inev EV ably released him at 5:00 p.m. as they had no reason to hold him at 6:00 p.m. Daniel would be spotted on surveillance footage at a Tim Hortons on Progress Way then at 6:46 p.m. he would be seen on surveillance at a nearby Walmart 15 minutes later he would return to Tim Horton's once again where he'd get a ride back to the chekai ranch area towards the Squamish Indian Reservation where his family was located then later that evening at 1:00 a.m. Dan would be last seen by his aunt Katrina walking off the back deck towards Lewis Drive as the last person to see him she recounted that he had woken her up and told her that he had been fighting with a friend down by the river at the time she rubed the strange Behavior off as him being intoxicated but later that night Daniel's car would be found idling with the lights on where Daniel was nowhere to be [Music] found it appeared as if a Daniel had just stepped out of his car for a moment as his cell phone was reported to be inside the vehicle by the next morning another family member had reported Daniel's vehicle as abandoned where it would be towed and placed into the hands of the RC MP but despite discovering this car in the state no one on the reservation sounded the alarm and actually reported him missing as the holiday season came and went it wouldn't be until January 7th 2020 6 weeks later the Daniel would be filed as a missing person so there was a space between between the last time uh my wife de and I talked to him on November 25th and January 7th when I placed the uh got the missing persons report going that's that's that's about 6 weeks apparently no one knew anything and that was a little bit disconcerting to us because nobody noticed that he was missing even though he was living in a very very small community we've we've got a lot of questions about that to which there haven't seemed there doesn't seem to be any logical answers but I think there was it was a little bit quiet on that front as soon as we made the RCMP missing person's report that everybody was now trying to be helpful shortly after the missing person's report was filed by Daniel's great uncle who did not live on the reservation the police would go on to solicit some general details about his disappearance to the public but despite these efforts and a later search effort nothing was seemingly found and to best understand Daniel's situation I should state for a bit of context that Daniel had a pretty rough upbringing he was an indigenous First gamish Nations male who grew up without either parents his dad was never in the picture and his mother was a working girl who had him at the age of 14 April riok his mother had been featured in a popular Canadian documentary called through a blue lens produced by the national film Board of Canada and released in 1999 it explored the world of addiction through troubled individuals and Vancouver's downtown east [Music] side you see yourself in 5 years from now well I hope to see myself you know with with my son in squish or at least away from away from far away from I don't even have to be I can be next door from downtown but at least far away in my mind a year after the film premiered April was tragically found deceased in an alley on Christmas Day her passing the result of a robbery by an acquaintance in turn this wited displaced Daniel from the last of his nuclear family and even leading up to Daniel's disappearance he had seemingly been struggling to find his place in the world living somewhat nomadically couch surfing between relatives homes and struggling with substance off and on himself but that being said Daniel had reportedly been making attempts to get his life back on track for the sake of his children you see Daniel was also a father he was recently divorced but when things were going well for him he had steady work as a laborer for various companies but despite Daniel's struggles there's still a lot to consider when it comes to his disappearance because prior to Vanishing Daniel had reportedly become erratic paranoid had claimed people Wen out to get him and he had multiple episodes that his family just weren't sure what to make of he sort of went through a um a weird period again where he was he had broke his hand and my dad was going to bring him down he was going to bring him down to North Vancouver for um an operation on his hand and he ended up going in the hospital but then he didn't he took my dad back shortly after and said oh I'm not having the surgery or something like that and he ended up my dad picked him up and so what's going on he goes I'm not having the surgery or something like that my dad was really confused by it and then he just started going through a really weird period where he wasn't trusting people or he wasn't you know he was suspecting that people were after him that kind of thing but he still you know was pretty happy like he was a pretty happy guy he just something was going on according to his cousin in one instance he left his rental in Squamish took a bus to Winnipeg broke into a local cabin then turned himself into police after being incarcerated his grandfather then flew himself out to pick him up where he then went to live in a new city for a few years additionally in another strange set of circumstances his uncle had discovered his kitchen door kicked open with Daniel dazed and confused as to what was going on he just kind of I don't know had had some sort of break or was on my dad we were starting to suspect that he was on but we weren't totally sure and he had broken into the next door neighbor's house as well too he had uh broken in and was trying to find like he was trying to find I think cuz his old best friend used to live next door so it was I think he was stuck maybe in the past or something like that like he was thinking he was going to find his friend and then he was going to you know he wasn't sure why my dad wasn't answering the door I don't know exactly but my dad ended up having to call the police and say like this has happened and I don't know what's going on and he just seems really out of it so the police took him then he was release later on Daniel himself had claimed that he experienced some form of psychosis as a result of his usage whether or not this was solely substance related or rather brought on by a variety of factors remained unclear to members of his family but obviously evaluating the actions of an individual with abouts of ir rational behavior is undeniably challenging when it comes to analyzing his disappearance Not only was Daniel seemingly unpredictable but he also seemed to give conflicting narratives regarding what was going on in his life in one instance Daniel told his uncle Rob that he needed to go to the hospital as a result of breaking his hand from punching a door but over time it was later revealed that Daniel had told others that his hand was shattered with a hammer by a group of individuals and he had been beaten up this caused him to apparently go into hiding for quite some time leading to him fleeing to a Recovery Center in Siri [Music] Canada the only detail I was able to find here was that this Hammer incident was allegedly in relation to something Danny had stolen this was covered in the true north podcast where they interview members of his family but there doesn't seem to be any further details regarding who what or why but here's where this gets rather interesting recall this earlier screenshot from Daniel's ex-wife she also highlighted that around the same time Daniel had been hanging out with one particular relative this same relative could later be found on a thread regarding Marshall aasa's Burnt Truck stating that they recognized various items at the scene as being Daniels but then later stated they didn't want to give out any additional information for their own personal safety and within the same thread they would go on to claim that they needed to have a private family meeting to discuss the nature of this case and that they no longer felt comfortable discussing details publicly later on the same individual would go on to delete their comments from the thread but not before these comments were screenshotted by a member of Marshall's Facebook group but after reaching out to Marshall's family about this particular thread they they are aware of this case potentially tying into Daniel riok and based on my messages to Dawson Marshall's brother-in-law they believe this case to be connected and have kept an eye on this angle of the story you see the link that allegedly ties these two cases together was the red cooler that was found at Marshall's truck which has been alleged by various members in the Facebook Community to Bear the name Cody Lewis and on that note to date this is the first time this photo has ever been shared publicly which seems to confirm the afor mentioned now this unreleased photo was provided to me by a member of Marshall's family and initially this detail about the cooler wasn't known publicly to either family at all the only reason this became public knowledge was because it was effectively leaked from an off thee reccord statement by an RCMP officer to a witness who later would go on to post about it [Music] online according to Dawson the RCMP couldn't figure out who this Cody Lewis was but this is rather interesting as Lewis is a pretty predominant surname that runs on Daniel's side of the family that lives in the reservation within articles pertaining to the search for Daniel riok it states the Lewis family is the one spearheading it while Daniel was also last seen on Lewis Drive Daniel also coincidentally appears to have a cousin named Cody Lewis so to reiterate a bit while some of Daniel's relatives are afraid to talk publicly others are identifying items found at Marshall's truck as belonging to Daniel while one relative also seems to share a name with an item found at the [Music] scene given the fact that Daniel was couch surfing between relatives homes prior to his disappearance it seems plausible that a cousin cooler could have come into his possession but while this is speculation once again law enforcement allegedly could not figure out who this Cody Lewis was and it seems that the official stance is that there's nothing to see here but if this cooler doesn't have any relation to Daniel riok the question then becomes who was this other Cody Lewis in either situation this photo proves that police closed the door on this case while items that were found at the scene were obviously not Marshals pair this with the ongoing fact that the authorities prevented the family from viewing all the items that were found and this makes for a very questionable bit of police work but nonetheless the link between the two cases becomes even more interesting as we dive into the final thread of this story a few months into 2020 the RCMP would be notified of one additional lead where an eyewitness would go on to claim to have seen both of the missing men at one particular location back in November prior to their disappearances the location is a bar called that Irish place in Squamish British [Music] Columbia the witness is a local a regular The Establishment where he claimed to have interacted with both of the men while they were in the company of a third Shady individual according to the witness the the third man appeared to have power over what appeared to be Marshall and Daniel where reportedly they were both noted to be somewhat distressed after all of them had to sat down for a beer at the bar the witness would have a brief yet disturbing conversation with Daniel over a smoke where shortly after Daniel would be further observed heading back to the truck with the [Music] others notably the witness would observe the truck idling in the parking lot for quite some time where the truck was noted to have matched the description of Marshall's GMC Sierra with Alberta plates and to quote the man directly I have a now deleted Facebook post that was in response to Daniel second cousin Sonia Sonia I'm very sure it was Marshall's truck in the parking lot outside of that Irish place in November of 2019 Marshall Daniel and the quote scary dude dude were sitting in it for a couple hours after the three of them had a beer 20 ft from me I went outside for a cigarette and Daniel asked me for one I asked him what those two dudes were doing sitting in the truck for hours Daniel said I think that guy's going to kill us I did not take him serious and bed out my cigarette and went back inside the bank machine was 10 ft from my bar stool and Marshall came in by himself and tried to get money I sensed some distress from him and almost asked him if he was okay because I would have given him 20 bucks he tried the machine three times without success then went back out to the truck and got into the passenger side the truck had Alberta plates on it when I gave the RCMP an audio statement in March or April after the statement off the Record the officer asked me if I knew Cody Lewis I told him I did and asked why he said Cody Lewis was written on the lid of the red cooler in a permanent black marker I did not know about Marshall being missing until I found this group in February or March then when I had seen Marshall's picture I remembered him at the bank machine I am 100% positive the two cases are linked now while eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable when it comes to this story it's worth mentioning that this witness was a local where he claimed to know of Daniel before this encounter and it certainly does at least add to the credibility given the fact that they were later proven correct regarding the cooler detail but beyond that on an even more strange note in other retellings the witness also claimed that on that same particular day Daniel had left his guitar with the bartender where in the coming days after his disappearance the witness had also noticed that the police had come in to pick up the guitar as well meaning that shortly after Daniel disappeared police had in their possession his car which also contained his phone and his guitar yet this also in no way caused any alarm to sound for his [Music] whereabouts now it goes without saying that there are a lot of unknowns in regards to this case we don't have the full story when it comes to what transpired at the storage unit and we don't even seem to remotely have a full picture on how this truck ended up where it did but when it comes to things like the truck site on one hand you have obvious hints of someone trying to conceal evidence with a fire but then it seems like they also didn't get to quite finish what they started with piles of loose items thrown about it's almost as if the party responsible was interrupted which could very well explain that weird trail of burned clothes leading to a body of water there is also this additional unknown in regards to who or what tampered with the site after its Discovery while I suppose it's possible that Wildlife could have been a culprit here it's certainly quite creepy to read the hiker's fears amount running into someone and then this happening continuing on however if you were to take a look at much of the discussion online in regards to these two cases on places like web sluth or renit a pretty persistent theory is that these two were potentially involved in some sort of illegal trade one thing that seems to support this idea was the fact that Marshall had just recently paid off his truck but his family could not account for what he'd been doing for work you see something that many people forget is the fact that storage units are often a Hotpot for storing substances they are often seen as a neutral territory because everything's under surveillance and things can still be moved to and from as long as they're disguised when when it comes to the transport of these items over long distances usually you see some sort of concealment device to remain inconspicuous if the person gets pulled over notably hollow out electronics are a pretty common concealment device and both a hollow out Xbox shell and Playstation shell was found in Marshall's truck additionally I should also point out that coolers are often another common concealment device usually in the lining of the cooler now as far as the smashed Electronics go the family has given some CL ver ifying statements so there was also a laptop that was found out around his vehicle right was it in good enough shape to be analyzed um they gave us information that the police had looked into it one it wasn't hadn't been used for a while like a few years and I think from the timeline of it I had thought that maybe it was one that we given him a long time ago okay and my understanding of that laptop too is that it had fallen and got broken okay even even before it was found outside of the truck yeah okay okay and with some of those fonts too is I know that there was articles that they were like smashed or broken and that also wouldn't surprise me if those were the phones that Marshall had broken and had just left in his truck beyond that I should state that the police work on this case is a bit of a mystery and in it of itself I'm not sure what to make of it assuming we're sticking with the initial theory that the two men were involved in some sort of running you may view the actions from the beginning as a tactic used to not spook a greater inquiry into organized crime but if that were the case he wouldn't expect this back and forth between the family and the authorities Marshall's family claims there's been no such follow-through in that authorities have dragged their feet and ignored key pieces of evidence recall that it took authorities 9 months to conduct a simple fire investigation in this detail to me in no way shape reform supports the idea of a hidden inquiry it seems to suggest suggest the mishandling of a case Marshall's brother-in-law explained to me that the reason they never released the cooler photo was that there was for a Time the impression that the side of the story was being looked into but over time it seems that opinion was shifted while this is obviously my attempt to piece together the available information at the end of the day two men are still missing a car is still sitting in the woods and both families are still without any answers well obviously I'd love to know what you guys think about all of this this is barely sociable and have a good night [Music]
Channel: Barely Sociable
Views: 2,000,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marshal Iwaasa, Missing persons, Case file, Documentary, Barely Sociale
Id: 2Yueni460aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 15sec (2895 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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