Ben Drowns Again

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[Music] [Music] [Music] it's a game that needs no introduction a story centering on impending calamity upon a community of innocents [Music] but it isn't the game itself we're discussing tonight's it's the creepypasta that's attached to it you know what it is you've seen it time and time again [Music] you sneaky son of a [ __ ] tonight's we're changing gears this will be a special video aimed at celebrating the 10th anniversary of one of the most renowned creepypastas of all time this is the story of ben drowned [Music] picture this the year is 2010 and it's the late september nights you're hanging in your room playing some resident evil 5 and you just can't get past that damn chainsaw boss because chevy's ais do when god knows once [Music] dumbass go play nintendo so you decide to take a break [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah what you want uh i'm just here for the correct close dad for the free nintendo games yeah i'll hold one second [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] all the way in the car ride home i had a nagging doubt that the man had said something else so my fears were confirmed when i booted up the game and there was one save file simply named ben goodbye ben he was saying goodbye ben i felt bad for the man obviously a grandparent and obviously going senile and i for some reason or another reminded him of his grandson ben anyway i made a new file named link out of tradition ready to relive my childhood [Music] for such a shady looking game cartridge i was impressed by how smoothly it ran one odd thing that unnerved me was that at times the npcs would call me link and at others they'd call me ben i figured it was just a bug a fluke in the programming causing our files to get mixed up or something it did kind of creep me out though [Music] oh [Music] [Music] something weird happened now the npcs wouldn't call me anything where my name should have been there was just a blank space i had to take a break [Music] i started playing the game again [Music] i attempted that fourth day glitch i figured it worked at first i instantly recognize that text you get that message when you get the room key from anju with the stockpot in but why was it playing here i refused to entertain the notion that it was almost as if the game was trying to communicate with me that's crazy [Music] after poking around the room for a bit the game asked me a question it took me a minute i just couldn't select no curiosity kills the cat they say [Music] i appeared in some kind of weird twilight zone version of clock town [Music] ugh me every now and then i'd hear the faint laugh of the happy mask salesman in the background so [Music] me as i walked through the ghost town i don't know whether it was the combination of the outer place textures and the atmosphere and the haunting melody of the once peaceful and soothing song being butchered and distorted but i was literally on the verge of tears and i had no idea why something had gripped me and this powerful sense of depression was both foreign and crippling aah the screen faded in and i was standing on top of the clock tower with skull kid hovering over me again silent i looked up and the moon was back looming just meters above my head but the skull kid just stared at me hauntingly with that [ __ ] mask [Laughter] uh [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Laughter] [Music] uh [Music] i turned off the game at that point i'm not superstitious but this is way too [ __ ] up even for me i haven't played it at all today hell i didn't even get any sleep last night i kept hearing the reverse song of healing music in my head and just remembering the sense of dread i felt exploring clocktown so i'm back here writing down the rest of my thoughts i don't know what else to do i need one more day or so to recuperate before tackling this game again because it's seriously taken a toll on my sanity [Music] today putting off the game as long as i could i drove back up to that house to ask the old man some questions [Music] so [Music] so you lost what can i do for you son uh i'm just looking for the old man that lives here i just need to ask him a quick question the old man what do you want with the old man uh you know anyone named ben by chance ben we don't talk about ben [Music] look i just need i just need to ask him a quick question i don't mean to take up anyone's time listen son i think you and i both have some things we got to be doing right now you drive safe you too [Music] [Music] [Music] i've been getting random inexplicable headaches due to a lack of sleep and i keep hearing that song in my head [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] now ben's [ __ ] with me he told me i hooked him up to my computer with cables and cords [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what have i done [Music] i've invited it to my computer i continue to write these notes write my summaries i feel like i'm a prisoner in my one place of security i don't know i don't know if i'm hallucinating or not i feel like i'm [ __ ] insane right now i can feel it watching over me even as i type this ben's controlling everything in the game toying with me leading me like a sheep but for once what's the purpose i know ben drowns but why these hauntings what the [ __ ] am i even doing i can probably even see this right now i went back and started playing again [Music] [Music] i hesitated for a moment noticing the stats were not the same as the original one was two days ago [Music] link's body was distorted he looked as if he were dead [Music] [Music] i had all of two minutes to take in the environments before another one of those [ __ ] elegy statues were summoned and immediately after the game cut to them [Music] um it took a moment to get my bearings as i looked around the fields and immediately i could tell that this wasn't normal [Music] i decided to run towards woodfall before i noticed a gathering [Music] [Music] that [ __ ] masked salesman he was too idle wearing that shit-eating grin wherever i moved his head slowly followed me [Music] [Music] so [Laughter] hey great bae why was i there [Music] [Music] wow me um [Music] bye [Music] it's safe to say that my suspicions were confirmed ben was dead he drowned [Music] i'm beginning to see the elegy statue randomly as i search the internet in places i shouldn't places where he shouldn't be i'd be scrolling down and suddenly i'd be staring at a picture of the elegy statue always the elegy statue i don't know how much more of this i can take a little while later ben began his [ __ ] again on cleverbots he's getting worse and i can't deal with it i realized something though i made a note earlier about the moon children that were supposed to be in the game and it was gone i know i wrote it i know i did ben had to have done this there's no other explanation he's censoring me and trying to hide the truth from each gameplay summary i'm writing up why omit the moon children though what's the significance [Music] we don't talk about that around here [Music] i know it's early in the morning i've stayed up all night i can't sleep he's following me now not just in the game he's in my dreams i see him all the time behind my back just watching me i haven't gone to any of my classes i've stayed in my dorm room with the windows closed and the blind shuts that way i know he can't watch me i never wanted this i just want my old life back [Music] uh [Music] he still gets me when i play when i play he can still see me the game's scaring me now it talked to me for the first time not just using text that's already in game it spoke to me talked to me it referenced ben i don't know what it means i don't know what it wants why am i still playing this when all i do is die [Music] um hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] stuff like this doesn't happen to people like me it's not fair i want to go home i want to see my parents again i just want to forget that statue's horrible blank face i don't want to play this anymore i feel like something bad will happen if i don't but that's impossible it's a video game haunted or not it can't hurt me right like seriously though it can't right that's what i keep telling myself but every time i think about it i'm not so sure [Music] wow [Music] watch out like i said the moon children they're gone why [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Laughter] hey [Music] do [Music] that's where my notes end i fled my room taking the cartridge with me i don't want to go into details of what happened it's been roughly two days since then i'm long gone and the last video and summary you guys saw was uploaded by my roommates i left it all on a flash drive for him [Music] if you haven't seen it here it is it began as normal i spawned in clock town and proceeded to attempt the fourth day glitch for some reason it wouldn't let me and told me i'd be cheating oddly then said to head to iconic canyon where the game would finally end and didn't stop haunting me i was told to check my inventory and i'd find the answers there to end the game bingo the allergy of emptiness i guess that was the last thing it needed before ben had enough fun playing with me [Music] and so i made my way forth it was time to end this [Music] [Music] ah [Music] so [Music] boom [Music] there are still some things about this whole experience that don't make sense but then again i never was good at figuring these things out and i'm not exactly in the right state of mind too [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] um yay [Music] [Music] ben's a manipulator he tries to fool his victims into security and makes you drop your guard like a venus fly trap i'm nothing but a puppet to him and he enjoys seeing what kind of human emotions he can tap into by doing different things [Music] aah [Music] [Music] huh [Music] the nightmare ends here this will be my last posting that i put up for the worlds if you see anything beyond this point discredit them immediately ben's already proven to me that he can access my accounts and will do anything to break free it goes without saying but from here on out do not download any images i put up no files nothing i'm gonna burn the cartridge and i'll be back for my computer [Music] thank you for taking the time to open this to open yourselves up to me by hearing my story you didn't have to do that really you shouldn't have your support this entire time has kept me going now i'm finally free of this [Music] well that was something interestingly our story doesn't end here it's merely just beginning i'd like to take this intermission to give you the time to refill your drinks go grab another can of pringles string cheese reheat the pizza what have you in the meantime i wanted to thank you for sticking with me i appreciate you all and i hope we did that story justice unfortunately youtube rewards consistent uploads made on a short schedule vloggers streamers and let's players while i love them have the liberty of keeping up with something like that as you know here on my channel that just isn't possible the time it takes to craft something like this is immense so if you're enjoying this so far why not head over to patreon.comexpo and throw me a few weights no without my friends this would not have been possible so please if you're able go throw them some love whether it's a youtube sub a few bucks on patreon or anything of the sorts they're the ones that not only drove out here to help me but really really brought my vision to life [Music] nefarious tv cinematography night docs musical score [Music] and mama max assistant creative director give him the sub for me tell him i sent you i love you guys thanks again [Music] so like i said our story is only just beginning two days would pass from the time jedusable said goodbye from when he claimed he was free from ben's grasp onlookers really didn't know what to do in the meantime it was widely believed that ben was unleashed upon the internets and was a real world entity that was spread through the file that he uploaded for everyone to read you remember how jedusable claimed that ben was altering his videos and summaries you know where i got that [Music] a file this was ben's key to your computer or so it was believed other than that we didn't have much on jedusable's youtube channel there was only his gameplay footage and two other outliers one of them appears to be nothing more than random gameplay from the video game prototype but the other juducible describes it as and i quote a rather creepy encrypted conversation about the player and his future you end up being drowned in dialogue drowned you say the dialogue in question is given by an npc named rosa [Music] so let's hear it no no you are going to china why is he smiling the father is it the father behind you it's open oh god oh god run don't open it whether or not you win the game matters not it's if you bought it now it doesn't take a profit to realize that much of what she's explaining has already happened bought the game jedusable played its and we all know how that went interestingly this was uploaded an entire 15 months prior to the events that played out a stellar coincidence in retrospect now back to jay like we established two days passed since his farewell that was until he'd post something what do we have here bingo [Music] entering this phrase followed by dot nets into the url bar brings us to a website about occults the moon children as we can recall this was something that we didn't receive much context on back then because of ben why were the moon children absent from the game clearly we were led here for a reason so let's find out why before us we have but seven webpages home contact us search the truth creed abouts and theories on the home page we can observe what appear to be moderators that all seem to be wearing masks and ifrit dusk world 23 neko and drowned the website appears to exist solely as a hub for a cult by this name it appears that the followers of the moon children believe that quote we are luna's chosen their introduction reads the following this is a website for those who have formed a spiritual connection with the moon and him and recognize that we have been selected to perform miracles and bring enlightenment into this world she has chosen us and only us to survive the upcoming apocalypse because we have honored her and devoted ourselves to her as we work to enforce her will we grow together as a family and serve the greater good we are the moon's children if you have found your way here it's not by chance you're at home here you belong here with us and while you may be caught off guard i think right now you can feel something inside you agreeing with me listen to your soul get in touch with yourself your soul knows this and we can show you how all moon's children have been gifted spiritually and thus are more astrally attuned to all things normal humans may not be a normal human's kai energy is typically so small that they may not notice it their entire life whereas we can perform miracles and ascend our fleshy prisons with ours if you're visiting you've come here for a reason even if that reason may not be known to you you have been chosen by her you have this amazing high potential this amazing spirit energy locked within you we can help you unlock it we can help you become enlightened please take a look around our new websites and get to know some of our members and contact us on the about page we'll set up a meeting that will change the rest of your life so what are we looking at exactly on this page we have what appear to be public notes in reverse chronological order the first involves the moderator ifrits who's welcoming their brothers and sisters to their so-called new sites and how they'll be busy setting it up above this we can observe neko excited for their ascension ascension oh wait [ __ ] that wasn't out yet but really what does ascending entail exactly the next post is by duskworld23 they congratulate neko or chris on their successful ascension and then make the claim to not piss off mr d now who could this be right above its we have another post the same night that jedusable ended their story from the administrator drowned it simply reads you shouldn't be reading this sounds familiar i wonder who this is you son of a [ __ ] the next post involves neko explaining that they're handing over their mod ship so they can complete their ascension the way they awarded it and especially that last line tells me all i need to know about what ascension specifically entails keep this site running strong for me while i'm gone i'll be back to come get you guys soon ascension is death spiritual ascension to luna from what i gather it doesn't mean that they're completely gone neko's convinced that they'll be back in some sort of digital manifestation they'll come get everyone else it's only a matter of time the next page contact us reveals nothing but a contact form and a narrative that enables self-reflection the writer questions various aspects of your well-being do you ever feel like life is a dream yeah that you're sleeping this whole time waiting for something great to happen do you ever feel like you can't relate to these human beings that in this day and age of lewdness and vanity it's simply disgusting to try and lower yourself to fit in you do try to fit in but it never really feels genuine does it nope you're about to embark on a wonderful quest of self-discovery and growth and you'll come to realize all of the glorious gifts that she can provide us unfortunately the information doesn't go anywhere at this point myself and a solid amount of other people have tried this and have yet to hear anything back it's alright though because this page bears other secrets onlookers began manipulating the website address as it turns out the site admin drowned wasn't keen on ensuring that each entrance data is encrypted of the pages that were discovered the first was ben simply reading you have to warn them up next by utilizing simple logic the page drowned was discovered heading there reveals oh my god mother of sweet jesus that's ugly it's got a name though calbrus.jpg now to place my memory of this in the deepest confines of my mind focus ryan focus anyway this page reveals the message dead end go back strangely if we look at the web page title we can observe a cipher my eyes they took my eyes after manipulating the url for a while myself there was hardly anything of substance to dig up the page not found no page could be found at this address back to home message quickly became buried into my retinas and i just couldn't take it anymore although i did find the contact page for ifrits with the page title being fj6rt the context of this one reads as follows should you know what question to ask the date to truth will be opened hidden below it's an email address let's come back to that here we have a blank box really nothing special here other than the fact that it searches up keywords within the confines of the sites what does stand out though is the banner which contains a shot of the moon and two grand trees that very strikingly resemble that of which we see in majora's mask and so we click on it a canyon iconic canyon anybody and then we launch what we have before us are two paragraphs of stock filler text if you've ever created a new website before utilizing a templates then you've likely seen this at some points below it though a phrase for the fold number three for the fold number three for the fold number three all right so we're learning a lot here but we're not exactly piecing together what this all means so i'll speed up a bit buckle down heading over to the truth brings us to nothing but a login page for now there isn't much here aside from this jumping over to the creed section displays both the creed and the initiation creed for the moon children cults among each stanza one stands out oh father i pledge to you oh mother i give myself a hundred times may the moon illuminate our path we bear our souls to you to that which will bring the end empower us with your infinite grace may we receive the greatest glory of all may we ascend to the heavens themselves we are the moon's children we are mortal angels suspicions confirmed sacrifice moving forward the about section takes us to simple biographies of each moderator a notable discovery lies in the fact that neko's is blank interesting considering the fact that he recently ascended it appears to me that once this ritual happens they seek a replacement new moon children to carry the torch and obliviously walk towards their inevitable demise last but not least theories we have before us multiple readings on various apocalyptic prophecies mayan hindu nasa and luna the latter reads the following dating back to 1998's a moon child named cal bris received several whispers from luna herself the order was still young then and kelburs was the first member to have been talked to by her rather than ascending him however these whispers informed him of how the end will come about the whispers were brief and vague detailed below they break free of the prison engulf the world man will be betrayed by its minions and now i'll be brought down from the sky consuming everything it's worth noting that the number three is reported by kilbrust to have been said numerous times sometimes in between words sometimes in between letters so it's assumed that there's some kind of significance there kelburs was later found electrocuted whether it was foul play or an ascension was never determined although transcended calver's discovery has made him a legendary figure within the moon children and much of the order today is based off of that prophecy i see so the calibers figure that we discovered earlier has a morbid backstory and interesting notes so now that we've familiarized ourselves with the likes of the moon children cults how exactly does this tie into the story to answer that question we need to back up to ifrit's contact page remember that email address people utilized that and reached out in a myriad of q a conversations with them the gist of the major information received from ifritz is the following ben was a member of the moon children and ascended there was a reference to a so-called blackouts and his physical body was never located the character rosa from vampire the masquerade bears the same name as ifrit's sister it's believed that she's a manifestation of his sister since she was a former member of the moon children the reason she was warning jay not to open the game was to warn him of what's to come a character named alex has been missing since the blackout as well and if it's real name is rodney r however in his email correspondence it appears as matt hubris interestingly the last message ifritz or rodney or matt's announce merely contained hang on someone's knocking at my door after this points he wasn't heard from again [Music] the very same day jedusable's youtube channel posts lyrics to the song who's that knock in and i've got a feeling i know who this is now a quick note back in 2010 video responses were a thing on youtube effectively if you posted one it would show up in a scroll bar below whichever video you're responding to interestingly onlookers would notice that in the video replies of the final bin round upload would exist one with the same title as that of ifrit's contact page fj6rt it was uploaded by a user named the link is missing who's believed to represent the aforementioned missing character [Music] alex [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] soon after this video was found the moon children website went down it was eventually realized that within the confines of this story we've been sent back in time this meant that players were able to directly manipulate the story harnessing the effects provided by the melodies in both ocarina of time and majora's mask an interesting discovery so how would they utilize it so a day goes by and the site finally comes back online this time ifrit and drowned are non-existent merely replaced by another moderator named insidier heading to ifrit's contact page to check up on him simply reveals this another difference involves the previously hidden page the truth now that we're in the message here reads the following still in the progress of moving everything over sorry about the delay but it's imperative we find him and silence him before he can reveal our intentions also i can't figure out how to make this privates we've got about two days or so before we open up this website to the world so i figure it'll be okay for now not like anyone can stumble upon this but can someone help out with that from here on out user interaction was imperative like we established the melodies from each game appear to have real world outcomes when utilized in video responses and players caught on a user named mf greth recorded themselves playing the new wave bossa nova a song that grants others the ability to speak this was intended to bring effort back but in reality it had other effects matt hubris began responding in emails once more but after a bit of conversation it was discovered that it wasn't him typing it was rosa unfortunately the song of healing and the oath to order or played in rapid succession thereafter and considering that in majora's mask the four giants are needed to have been released in order for the song to grant the good ending it resulted in the disappearance of rosa altogether shortly after another user mia uploads the song of time once more time was again reset unfortunately the effects were mostly negative in the vampire the masquerade video on youtube we could observe the video tags merely containing the words you didn't save her and elsewhere the link is missing or alex uploads the following [Music] following this a myriad of video responses were posted all having various effects on the status of alex the video you watched was widely believed to symbolize alex dying and so mf greth attempted to revive them with the video of a fairy this worked however another upload by a user named xerxe caused them to disappear indefinitely oh my god was that everything that happened on september 20th my birthday and conveniently the end of a major phase of this alternate reality game after this points alexander hall came forth as the creator of the arg and story and claimed that he'd be halting progression of its due to a lack of funds to be honest i feel like we've answered the major questions that were posed at the outset of this video jeducible was haunted by ben ben drowned in an accident and ben was schmoozed into this moon children cult it's safe to say that his method of ascension was drowning and as we've seen the elegy statue utilizes the majora's mask cartridge and the names on the file selection screen to pinpoint its future victims ifrits or mats was the next and we saw how that turned out for them so i'm going to stop here tonight's we've covered but 15 days of this 15 and you might not believe it but we're still barely scratching the surface of the major events that played out during the entirety of this arg you'd be pleased to know that jedusable is finally as of two months ago yes two months ago in 2020 finishing the final arc of his alternate reality game if you're interested in keeping up with it now's the time to jump on it on that notes i'd like to thank alexander hall for crafting this behemoth i'd like to thank the writers of the official deducible wiki for compiling the major highlights and i'd like to thank you for watching this was a special video and i truly hope you enjoyed it thanks again i'll see you soon i love you all and good night [Laughter] tyson are the most important role tyson has the most important role in everything right here i gotta say i was feeling a little uh harassed by him earlier you know i'm i got me tooed by by tyson while you're trying to yeah while you guys are trying to shoot that scene with neff he was he was a little uh he was a little frisky that's related [Music] yeah he was all up in my business it's all good wait guys what's that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi man that was it well that's it oh my god how'd that look on your side jim [Music] you didn't actually [ __ ] leave did you i did you said you were going to sleep dude i have your tent set up for you in the backyard [Music] i have your tent set up for you in the backyard when they are in battle they are what do you think we're doing tomorrow [Music] yeah yeah there we go the max booty [Music] get like this this is the shot of the film right here that's the whole like premise [Music] why not set going on set i see frogs in the background once again we're about to film some stuff so i hope you guys like this are you getting this i gotta pull focus oh my gosh was that out of focus okay now lean down to where you were hey guys about to do it again do it again hey guys we're on the set of ben brown's again uh we're about to shoot some stuff for you hope you liked it radical bro gnarly let's go here's the thing that's not illuminating his face dumb ass stupid [ __ ] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Nexpo
Views: 1,235,061
Rating: 4.904521 out of 5
Keywords: ben drowned, ben drowned creepypasta, majoras mask creepypasta, haunted game, ben drowned film, gaming mystery, console conspiracies
Id: OixC6jcXCwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 13sec (4513 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.