Shipwrecked 64: The Terrifying Lost Game ARG You Can Really Play [Guide, Lore & Review]

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[Music] welcome back to nightm mind friends it's been a while I know and it's because this video took a little extra time and dedication to make which you could probably tell I don't want to spend too much time on our greetings I am very excited this evening if you'll allow me to get ahead of myself just touch this is the greatest project I could open the year with on night mind and one of the most important videos I'll ever make to illustrate why I've got to lay out a a bit of background on February 1st 2022 I received a submission to the night mind index for new and undiscovered unfiction projects for a horror series by squeaks dorgi titled broadside Beach an active investigation into the abandoned Animation Studio known as broadside animation their Venture into theme parks ends in catastrophy for everyone involved and 30 years later the mystery has resurfaced and is being looked into two videos were provided a Roundup of in Universe media conveying story elements from November 14th 2021 several months before the submission dates and gameplay of a canceled Nintendo 64 title from September 7th of 2021 the gam playay video is nothing impressive technically or visually and if it had existed it almost certainly would have been an alpha build of whatever the title was meant to be I published broadside Beach to the index with a smile making a note to check in on it periodically the creater appeared to be new to unfiction projects and the inspiration for the series was clear enough for anybody to see but with this amount of efforts the choice to use a different setup for a kids entertainment Horror concept and the passion on display there was potential for future uploads to gain a lot of quality it was just a sense I had broadside Beach was worth keeping an eye on but I'd have to come back later on January 1st of this year squeaks de Corgi released a new power game on Steam Shipwrecked 64 a playable polished realization of the idea presented over 2 years prior as broadside Beach an excerpt from the back of the original shipwreck box reads as follows Bucky and his friends need your help after a sudden crash during a routine fishing trip Bucky ends up on a mysterious island where his friends appear to be apprehended by a pack of wolves for disturbing the piece embark on a puzzle-based adventure as Bucky wanders the vast island of Nera helping his friends work off the damages fix your boat and get back home Shipwrecked or shipwreck 64 as the internet has dubbed it was an old game originating from the late '90s commissioned by the at the time beloved broadside Animation Studio developed by a relatively unknown game Studio pgware games the game had a very mysterious nature surrounding its launch as it was only available from August 13th 1997 to August 17th 1997 receiving little promotion from cogar and none from broadside this downloadable version of the game is the closest one can get to playing the original copy we at the swrc Shipwreck recovery crew were lucky enough to get our hands on an original cartridge dump it and convert a lot of the code to new software with help from two of the original developers we were able to make this game accessible to everyone I played shipwreck 64 live a few weeks after release to see what broadside Beach had turned turned into what started as a one night curiosity turned into a three-night marathon the best scares I've ever had playing a game live and an entire exploration on my own time after completing the main run I have unlocked every achievements played over 40 hours on record and collected over 180 GB of footage even now I want more shipwreck 64 leaving the investigation process to begin scripting was actually bitter sweets there are very few projects on night mind that have ever given me that feeling welcome home catastrophe Crow I am Sophie House of leaves and this house has people in it shipwreck 64 is the greatest gruesome horror project in the category of this game I found stories I've ever seen a lost title you can actually play and one of the most dedicated ARG Pursuits I've seen in years the most predictable thing you'd expect from me at this point in a video is exactly what I'm going to say if you're interested in this at all and you've got the fortitude for horror games or want to see if you do play shipwreck 64 before continuing with this video go get on Steam buy the game I've put the link in the video description when it opens play the 2023 Edition get a good ending then go to new game for the 1997 Edition that's where the ride is and do exactly what it tells you at the start don't play it the way you play 2023 think outside the box indulge your curiosity and if you get stuck come back here this video exists in two parts segmented by YouTube's chapter system the first is a pure playthrough guide which runs from layer zero through layer five and include specific segments titled for precise bookmarking I'll show you how to proceed so you can move forward on your own and you can keep returning to get unstuck if you need to no spoilers for the gold you've got room to find lore and enjoy secret Discovery as a natural player experience because I'm putting those in the second part of the video starting at layer six I'll even tell you how to survive so you'll get to enjoy the scares without being absolutely destroyed unless you want the full jolt in which case charge on at any points and only reference the guide once you hit a wall and there are moments where you really might need to this is not an easy game to play at certain points if you don't have an intuitive moment or a hint ARG difficulty went into this one again the link is in the video description if you have the taste to a games like this if you're able to do so physically and mentally then do it please do it even if you need to have a friend sit with you over Discord while streaming the gameplay even if you have to play it as a streamer and keep talking with chats even if you have to play in the daytime with the window curtains open and if you've got a controller for your PC use it this is a landmark moment for horror unfiction and indie horror games and I'd like you to be part of it give shipwreck 64 a shot and remember this is not a journey easily conducted alone so if I'm all you've got I'll be your companion in the darkness even here come back whenever you need and it goes without saying but if you really really cannot endure horror games without playthrough videos then please enjoy the longest dedicated scripted video I've ever made on a topic in the history of night mind thus far and even I'm surprised I'm saying that I'm officially one of those ridiculously long video essay guys now if I somehow wasn't before huh Only You shipwreck 64 only you if you've completed the game or seen a playthrough all the way to the true true ending hover over the timeline and begin this video at the second part labeled layer six secrets and Mysteries or just open the chapter system in the video description all the big things to talk about along with lower exploration and piecing together the story any important audio logs notes and discoveries will be included there not in the playthrough section layer 7 is a review and critique of shipwreck 64's design as a horror game and unfiction experience and how the components work layer 8 is a history of its development a story well worth knowing and now that you have the guideposts it's time to put the cartridge into the [Music] console the backstory given on the steam page is hinted at during the game and the Developers designed it with two versions 2023 the way the game was intended to be in its conception in 1997 which was what ended up on store shelves unlocked after completing 2023 both versions begin with the same faithful restoration of the title screen players then find themselves in the walkable menu you can select new game or continue from a save behind Bucky you have settings and any bonuses you've collected on the wall is an interesting draw drawing by Liz B you can stop the music here by interacting with the tape recorder on the bed and enjoy the glow of the computer on the table in the settings you can make an interesting choice online play which opens the door for a special friend if you go through with this the chance of it happening is very rare but from what I've heard it's not scary just helpful you can also choose the CRT effect which is awesome and your choice of button mapping for authenticity outside you can enjoy the view of the water and the sky box or go back to the title screen when ready proceed with new game brand new players will not see 1997 filled in just 2023 Shipwrecked as it was intended to be recreated using a game design Dock and older assets lock in the choice and off you go with a bit of Background by the dev team after the trailer hey everyone I need your help that to the reading around with Bucky and his friends explore a vast open Island and hopefully bring your friends back to safety so what do you say buddy let's go rescue the [Music] game hello welcome to shipwreck 64 2023 shipwreck 64 was meant to release in 1997 but was pulled after 3 days for reasons we now know we have been working on trying to restore the game this is the closest possible thing to a finished copy we were able to transfer most of the game to new software but had to fill some gaps ourselves this version of the game is mostly clean we're introduced to day one on the island from the edge of the beach and Bucky talks to us his new friend about his predicament and controls naturally the first stop is the door immediately ahead in a place called the hall it's where you sleep at midnight each day working to save your friends moves time forward and you'll at least end up on day two in a Flawless run there are two main areas outside the beach the living quarters and the park where you'll find your friends all of whom have tasks to appease the wolves living on the island they have nothing happy to say because the local volcano has become active and will erupt in a matter of days giving you extra reason to get out of here quick a word before we get started there are chest throughout the game you'll encounter that unlock secrets in the bonus area of the walkable Hub they're all images only a few important for the lore and I have forgotten specific locations for most of them since they disappear after initial playthrough but it's not of consequence you're going to find most on your own by natural progression we'll go over the secrets that stack in the bonus area later in the video after the playthrough guide and most secrets of major importance are the lore elements within the game you're not missing out really just open any chest you see whenever they appear in the living quarters you'll find Walter walrus who got one of your party's boats stuck in the local Dam get the gates open and you can free it you just have to stay still if it suddenly gets dark and Walter doesn't have an explanation why players may find this level the most challenging it's all platforming wall jumps spatial judgment rotating platforms it's not ridiculously hard but it takes realizing you can build up speed by running and assist your Movement by leaning into the walls your jumping at go down the hallways and platform your way to a switch at the end of each area to open three underwater Gates then hop in the boat and sail out to free Walter Giovani goose is inside the theater hanging out out in the back the theater Door is at the end of the wide path in the living quarters Giovani is an irritable Chef put on kitchen duty but apparently can't turn dials because of his wings odd excuse for why he needs Bucky but flimsy scenarios to help characters in silly situations were common in Nintendo 64 games so it's very on point in its design to help Giovani just run around and interact with the ovens once they turn red smoke will be an indicator to help you see them get all the ovens and your goose won't be cooked oliv ader is in the park near a cabin her debt to the Wolves is collecting coconuts and you're going to help actually you're going to do it yourself while Olive just follows you around open chest and slap trees to shake them loose collecting 30 before times up so that's all your friends taken care of but you're not free yet head to town hall located in the park to meet Chief wolf who knows where the remains of your other boat ended up apparently the four of you came here in two boats you'll need to collect the pieces in Slumber woods and can find them by using an admittedly modern touch found in most games now making the developers back in the 9s incredibly Forward Thinking Bucky says to use the Z button but for those of you on controller it's the left trigger to highlight your boat pieces pick them up and drop them in the parts bin while avoiding the local horned rabbit skull monster named horns once you get them all CH ful promised to fix it up and on your way out you can look past the gate in the hall to see wow what the hell happened to him is that a blue rabbit with bones sticking out of his arms how did this end up in a game on the market for a major company dealing with children's animations anyway you can do the tasks in any order and once finished Bucky will tell you that you're good to go and can head back to the boat at which point you'll be given a choice leave the island now which will give you a basic ending showing your four characters sailing away on the two boats you came in with leaving all the Wolves to die when the volcano erupts or you can keep exploring as long as you watch the time because you know active volcano if you choose to keep exploring Bucky will suggest you return to town hall take him up on it and you'll find that odd Blue Rabbit is open to talk to now this is stumbler O'Hare who used to live in town until he was disarmed you can guess how he's an artist who wants to impress a girl rabbit he's seen around but could use some help so you go with him to a Cave System to collect ink for his work and to help him keep his canvas from falling over stumbler is the only character with fully voiced lines out of everyone you'll meet an interesting touch now that he's done stumbler plans to put up his artpiece in the theater meet him over there and he'll thank you again for your help then remember he left some pieces in town hall so you run right back and meets a blue Beaver no not quite a beaver interesting look though this is JD and he has a secret there's a whole bar L on the island but the only way to get there is through the volcano he can lead you and you can save the island only you though they never let him do it this will activate a Time platforming run real final level stuff very classic if you haven't learned the momentum speed and Cliff climbing mechanics yet you're getting a trial by fire and lava if you fall you start from the beginning as expected complete it in time and JD will show the barge big enough to save [Music] [Music] everyone [Music] and there you are Island saved including the Wolves the true good ending but here's a question can you fail the games all the way into day five Yes actually spend your coconut Gathering task slapping Olive for being lazy like a delinquent until the penalties knock the timer out let giovan's ovens blow up with a smile like a little pyromaniac and step out of line when the screen goes dark while rescuing Walter's boat to get hooked and dragged off screen like a fish to fry all leading to volcano day mess around in the last few hours and [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] get so that does it for 2023 two boats for an ending with your crew the bad ending with everyone submerged in lava or the barge ending with everyone saved what do you really care about though is your ending unlocking version 1997 now the fun [Music] begins [Music] hey everyone I need your help [Music] so what do you say buddy let's go rescue the Gang welcome to shipwreck 64 1997 information on the game has been very sparse since its soft launch in 1997 the game would not work on any emulators but after some tinkering we built our own for this game developed by cogar games two XDS helped us create this version this this game may have some glitches or artifacts it is not for the faint of heart this is exactly how we found the game unaltered and then we launch into Shipwrecked on the edge of the beach Bucky gives us the same rundown and we're free to go examining the beach nothing looks different easy enough to just proceed to the living quarters or the park once in either area you may notice a change related to an item of curiosity from earlier lock doors that were never used in the 2023 run have signs next to them go ahead approach one try to read the [Music] sign [Music] 105 International at 153° temperature 33 what was that security footage of some big blue creature like one of the suits we saw in the trailer for Shipwrecked and the language on the sign definitely not legible on first read There is immediately more here than the original design document planed run to the other locked door in the park now with its own sign and the language is [Music] similar no footage this time but the music slows down and almost falls out of Beats the first elements that suggest why this game may have been removed from shells 3 days after launch have shown up signs in these locations suggest we should be able to access these doors even if we can't read the language but how attempting either of the good endings in this version leads to both good endings undisturbed you can leave with your friends or you can leave with everyone on the barge but suppose you're a completionist in 1997 who only has access to this version and wants to see the bad ending or you're still figuring out mechanics suppose you're just not that good a player or you're a child who's not quite getting the hang of things right away the easiest mini game to slip on would be Walters right easy enough to miss the queue to stop by a second too late when the lights go [Music] out those hooks are sharp huh Walter says I know you've got this though come on you can do it so of course you try again [Music] and hold on did you catch that in the Sky Box let's roll that back a moment someone's head watching you from all the way down the path Beyond the Horizon but that's not all did you see a difference for the hook in ation this time that's blood no mistake about it and from our perspective the first time it was hard to catch but slow it down enough and you see it now we've got to go back there was something there and as a player you're deeply curious we approach Walter again and he goes through his welcome script for just a couple of lines are you paying attention hello you're just skipping past all of this aren't you you're as inconsiderate as I remember almost funny if it weren't for the circumstances we've got exploring to do though but move to fast and you're hooked a third time leading to a black screen for just a little too [Music] [Music] long and Walter is gone it's not even midnight he's just gone period right after seeing Bucky the mascot looking over someone to the sound of tearing meat the previously locked door with the odd sign is now open to us but you have options failing Walter's game changed the experience brought us a cut scene and unlocked this door what would happen if we visited someone else and failed their game at this point you're able to charge on ahead and enjoy every Act of Discovery and all the surprises you've seen precisely what happened just now a miname was failed three times a scene played and a door unlocked nearby maybe something else even unlocked around here maybe not technically a door but like a door you can proceed with this information however you like explore your options to your heart's content and return here if you get stuck once again I've labeled segments in the YouTube timeline for this video to help you find precisely which area you've hit a wall at as for those who still want to follow along when it comes to mini games to fail who would be fastest Olive right we can make that clock move ourselves so over to Olive into the game and we slap the timer down on exit we try again entering the coconut area and there's only one action that makes sense hey watch it hey watch it hey watch [Music] it [Laughter] hello we are not available now please leave your name and phone number after the beat we will return your call you show up at the door again I don't know what to do something about just felt wrong you showed up at the door again I don't know what to [Music] do immediately we a lot to analyze the location the footage that thing on the side at the very end again Bucky as a mascot outfit is at the center of someone's vision and the context is clearer than ever he showed up at the door again I don't know what to do something about him just just felt wrong and then Olivia the collar was attacked the end piece on the side of the screen it looks like a much more horrifying Olive otter doesn't it return to the island and try Olive script shards of glass were stuck everywhere a thick Trail stretched from the broken window and it led directly into the water Oscar Lima India Victor India Alpha Olivia spelled out using NATO's phonetic alphabets entering her mini game again you realize there are no trees to finish the count and Olive is slow to follow you with no other option you finish what you started becoming the Bucky in the video you witnessed watch [Music] [Laughter] it e now Olive is gone too the pieces are easy to put together Olivia the caller must have been the mascot actor for Olive otter brutalized by Bucky's actor and drowned outside her residence but in what context and why and what does that mean for Walter was Bucky the last thing he saw while he was mutilated that sound who tearing flesh the lock door near Olive is open now too but there's one more character in Bucky's friend group after a scene like that we can't leave it be we run to Giovani Goose but not to help him on the way through the theater you'll see a film stumbler holding some kind of large doll making a sudden movement and a distortion of olive the olive we saw flash of though like an eyeless corpse of bloated from the lake and again Bucky emerging from the shadows in an office setting the scene repeats we head to Giovani convince him we're offering a hand in the kitchen we let the ovens explode we come back then do it again and after the second time he won't talk to us try the prompt again and again and his script is in [Music] activating we've had hints of violence in failing the other mini games but that was absolutely brutal bloody Savage murder what could even come after a third failure with a character like this we try him again and his audio is distorted w [Music] and Giovani is gone too the way things went with him and Olive we can assume the worst for Walter at the nature of what we saw with Giovani security camera footage with a date spells it out for us at the very start of January 1990 someone wearing the Bucky costume committed at least three murders including another character actor it's unknown yet if it all occurred the same day or why but we do know we're playing a character whose history includes being the costume for a very violent Slasher [Music] so we know there are at least two other characters we could interact with is there anything with Chief wolf or stumbler play Chief Wolf's miname and you might get a surprise burning ship parts run into horns 3 times and on the third you get what you're after Chief wolf ask what you're doing here and if you want answers he says there's nothing for you here but he'd feel bad if you left empty-handed so he's leaving you a treat to check out on someone else's level when you return you'll find Chief wolf gone and as for the traits it's the vision overlay on the left trigger which comes in handy for stumblers level in trying to collect all the ink jars and something else actually which isn't on our path for this playthrough but we'll return to it in these secrets and Mysteries run what we need to see regarding stumblr is if it's even possible to fail his miname and it is but you'll find some things waiting for you on Entry this is one of the brilliant horrors of the 199 7 version once you fail a character's miname one of their elements will show up in others Olive will follow you around Isis giovan's ovens will appear and explode Walter's lights out moments will occur sometimes you get more than one Bucky's murders haunt him and you as for failing stumbler it turns out you [Music] can [Music] for the doll from the projector video reappears and stumbler isn't dead nor is Bucky present a new mystery for us as with the others that clears stumbler from access but it won't unlock the door in town hall nothing unlocks that door to the best of my knowledge of this moment don't drive yourself mad at trying to open it instead you have some unlocked doors you can open everyone else is gone it's just you and whatever is down [Music] there from this point you're able to go off on your own again exploring the unlocked doors and one of the easiest paths for learning how this game's going to work going forward is to use giovan's unlock door heading all the way through until you discover you suddenly have a lot of reading that will be very helpful things become rather logical from there and allow progression even if a moment hits while exploring where you just can't seem to get a clue if you're going with the guide for this though let's go in order of how we saw our friends off the door near the place Walter used to be opens to another Beach this area is the Waterway connected to the dam where he lost his boat in one spot to the right you'll find a unique room with blue paneling containing a trophy head of horns a mirror a poster and note and a wolf on a bed who's died the note is about obelisks and reads today me and Liz were listening to music suddenly the song changed and a loud rumbling was heard three large oets began to rise from the water golden statues of the three pure Souls rested on top the poster is of Walter advertising meet and greets at Frontier street from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Tuesday and Friday only at Studio grounds copyright broadside 1996 further down past some bunk beds you'll find a door the lights are off inside but among all the computers you'll see a closet in there is a switch to power the whole room turning on the lights and computers one in particular is worth watching [Music] a false wall halfway along the boat ride from this beach okay clear progression path what else can we check out first if we head back to the first Beach and take the other way to the left through the door we find a room with canvases the first of which falls over depicting a rabbit on the wall is a drawing the same from the menu area by Liz B go through the lower door and you'll encounter a walkway and chalkboard it's all interesting but in different ways hate mark on the right side a rabbit in the middle and on the left rxbc and some rows under the letters that one word not suggests someone was trying something here and didn't get it right remember this board the end of the walkway presents a door leading into a very open Green Space there's nothing of use here at the moment so return to the Waterway and the canvas room another door is here at the top of the stairs allowing you onto the walkway for the side down the path is an open entrance to some cabins and a tape recorder on the wall code is rxbc Romeo r XR Romeo [Music] Bravo Romeo Romeo stand [Music] Bravo interesting now follow the video we saw earlier and jump from the boat at the false wall then up the wall wall jumping section pass some Wolves Out Of Reach explore the upper area to see a keypad and a gate there's a fence wall overlooking the cabins we just visited with the tape recorder a subtle hint about what to do we have a four-digit keypad a chalkboard with rxbc over four columns and a tape recorder that said code is rxbc reading off NATO alphabet speech these three things go together for this you'll need something to write down what you hear the solution is to have the recording laid out in front of you then count the amount of times you hear Romeo x-ray Bravo and Charlie Romeo Romeo Romeo Bravo the first digit to the keypad is the count for Romeo the second for X-ray and so on all leading to 6224 head through the gate and the door and find yourself on the walkway between the sides of the building over the water at the end hit the [Music] [Music] switch there you go three opis and as you come back something odd on the upper layer a new Statue back on the beach boat side we get a good look at the obelisks which resemble Liz's drawing stumbler Chief wolf and JD take the boat over jump between the Open Spaces in the ois and access the door in JDS it's a long spiral staircase down but not long enough to annoy you as a a player just keep running and you'll reach the door at the bottom in about 20 seconds or less through here you'll find evidence of the original developers cogar games there's one more gate and one more door just get to the other side of the small Chief wolf statue hit the button near the golden computer and you're all set through here is a new kind of Hub and evidence of two more areas that pass through easy enough to figure out there are the other two doors unlocked on the upper side where Olive and Giovani used to be you'll probably find the first time you enter that Bucky has something to say this smells atrocious we should leave we should save yeah we don't got to walk back you can open the menu and hit respawn and we'll be on our merry way if you do this Bucky will thank you when you respa above or you can ignore him and charge through the next door prompting him to protest with Angry Eyes he really doesn't want to be down here lucky for Bucky we're headed back up there are two locked doors waiting for us and the order doesn't matter we'll follow the pattern of our kills just to keep things symmetrical return to oliv's area and head through the door leading down a flight of stairs into the pool as the art of oliv says on the wall around the corner an area is gated off redirecting you to the only accessible door through a room of computers and lockers and into a space with a few options for entry the first door will take leads to an odd space a Bucky statue a poster for pool rules a code on the wall and a tape recorder between two [Music] [Music] computers was that Chief wolf walking down the Waterway with another wolf wonder what they're up to code is ecdc huh in a room with a recorder playing the tune for Hot Cross Buns next go to the prior room and head to the right finding a switch pressing it must do something though it's not immediately obvious upstairs we go through a locker room into a new area and a side locker room has a door into the previously gated area that must have been what the switch unlocked head through into the the other door and we'll find ourselves back in the open green area with a tape recorder hello this is Wolf I was using one of the silvertech computers around the place and would you look at what I found online there went to Sheep music everywhere so I could just take one print it off and play it on my piano it's lovely I found this one song I want to try it's called [Music] sheet music on a piano a tape recording of Hot Cross Buns code is ecdc as with the Waterway the pieces go together but this takes looking up the sheet music for hot cross buns which wolf was trying to say variations of it do use the notes E C and D count the notes in the section we heard and what's the result three e notes 7 Cotes 7 dnotes 3777 Now where's a keypad we can put that into return to the Whitewall area and go through the waterfall an old video game classic head down and through another waterfall then do some wall jumping with the smaller one up top around the corner and there's your kpad enter the code 3777 then you're free to use your wall jumping skills in the next area to reach the exit above remember momentum is your friend use running speed to start and lean into the walls as you jump timing the button press every time you land and using the thumb stick to lead Bucky in the next Direction and just like that you're back to the OD room from before the pool fully unlocked giovan's area Remains the door just behind where he was standing there may be a surprise waiting for you in the theater from the projection when you enter a scroll of the character mask on outfits looking like nightmares the appearance of the next area doesn't do well to settle disquieting feelings from seeing this an aggressively red and isolated restaurant full of tables but devoid of guests if you take a look at the few plates around you may spot something funny and gruesome head past the main table area down a corridor until you see a ledge with a door at the base of which are two tables one with a coconut a little three Chomp movement here will get you to cliff hang and from there you can proceed the skyw walkway here is easy enough to Traverse and a surprise Waits through the door at the the end a gallery which even has patrons the door on the side grants access to the open green area but nothing up use head back to the gallery area and take a look at the art on display really take notice of the pieces depicting numbers and the colors they are the keypad in this area unlocks a gate with a four-colored banner red blue blue green from the Arts you would associate red with 8 blue with three and green with nine so follow the pattern 8339 and you've opened that gate next is a single red banner only one logical thing to try right all eights and yes you're allowed in don't worry so much about the audio in this hallway it's an echo of what you'll hear much more clearly in the room at the end welcome to the frontier Street Museum A small collection of items related to Bucky beaver and his history selecting any of the notes on the walls will tell you about the piece next to it and that audio over the speaker gives us some history on Bucky his his friends while they have mascot costumes and a man named Rex in quick summation Bucky and his friends are cartoon characters made by the animator Rex after he sold his first hit creation a rapit named blot through a company who ended up owning the intellectual property rights with Bucky and his friends Rex actually retained the rights and had legal power which turned his career around two theme parks followed based on broadside Works broadside Beach an island destination accessible via cruise ship and the much more practical Studio grounds we know from the poster of Walter that studio Grounds was operating in 1996 we know from the footage of giovan's murder that Bucky the slasher committed his Killing Spree in January 1990 was this at broadside Beach or Studio grounds funny how the game we're playing takes place on an island right like the broadside Beach attraction in fact what did we just use to get down here a theater a diner then a gallery and now a museum dedicated to broadsides history also on the island are a Waterway Dam and a pool connected to a park seems pretty reflective of a theme par layout especially for an island another note Rex the animator died in the 80s due to unknown circumstances what exactly happened to him while thinking that over find the switch in this area give it a click and watch a gate in the diner Lift Away return there and go into the newly accessible door leading back to the hub area now time for the keypad ahead the code is a clever game development trick tap all the switches on the wall then check out which numbers suddenly appear on the computer 4923 unlock the gate with this and in the Next Room you'll find a wolf just hanging around a computer it doesn't have much to say asking if you're lost and telling us we should go back but what happens if you stay and tap that switch it opens a browser tab on your computer to what's displayed on the monitor the cogar games website night it talks about the company made up of three friends out of Silicon Valley Connor Thomas Elizabeth Baker and Harry Waters they enjoy making games for all audiences even including adult humor which explains stumblr O'Hare a snippet on the side informs visitors that cogar is using the soon to be released onreal engine with a screenshot of work being done on Shipwrecked back to the game the only way now is forward down the hallway the look changes and includes two notes from head of cwar he says this room is for staff only and we should feel free to hit respawn the note further in says if we really want to go down there we can just be warned so of course we're headed [Music] down that wolf was quick but once he's gone we've got some drawings to examine while some eerie music plays there's artist stumbler and Bucky with his third eye open the warning stop now is clear and a game of hangman a word or name seven letters missing two could it be Brandon we had through the door at the bottom of the [Music] stairs [Music] it's clear from the notes left by cwar and Bucky's dialogue that this is not a trip for the easily frightened nothing else encountered so far has had such a haunting atmosphere it's dark and there's just a candle a sign and a tape recorder you can play it to hear a bit of chilling narration but won't be able to read the label or the sign explore all you want in this section but there's only one door enter a small wood paneled room with bold red paint on the floor and walls someone's lying and someone's mad look me in the eye and tell me some graffiti says on the upper level before the next area out here more woods and a computer with a new page on the screen tap the switch and your browser opens to a helping nub by stumblr and wolf there are a bunch of links here and your best bet is to hit them all before we proceed this is another jumping off point for those who'd like to move ahead if you reference the video guide to solve some of the puzzles on the way here you'll find that stumblr and Wolf's guide gives a total rundown on the ciphers you've encountered and those you'll continue to run into it doesn't cover the entirety of solutions for certain things but it is the majority again if you get stuck come back here otherwise read the guy through through carefully keep the tab open and charge on ahead just remember what certain sections say before you do that keep your ears and eyes open and be proactive as for those of us still here let's read this together about the authors truthfully it doesn't tell us much we don't know aside from Chief wolf having been directly responsible for Walter Olive and Giovanni being put to work stumbler does the art for the guide and wolf does writing and research where am I is the first big info link Layer Three is where you are right now as you may know the island is split into layers for instance layer one is the island outskirts and any attached missions Layer Two consists of a pool a diner and a Waterway and now you're in layer three the land of Darkness that's okay though if you come properly prepared you should be equipped to either Venture even further or keep your yourself safe to open the gate to move to the next Zone locate and charge the computers to three out of three once it's open find the gate control and turn it on the written info May confuse you trying to apply it but the logic in playing is very clear when you get to it the candle your most important tool in layer three the rest of the text just explains that'll always appear with you in dark areas no need to worry computers prevalent in layer three built by silvertech the standard model provides browser tabs on your computer the golden version is activated with a timer once they are on you will need to find each of them and turn them all on before the timer hit zero I'll try to leave a map as to where to locate these computers dwellers also known as starlings are creatures who live in the darkness of layer 3 Dawning the faces of Bucky's own friends they will wander around the dark searching for any unfortunate Little Beaver who happens to stumble into their path awakened when Walter Giovani or Olive are brought down into layer three they will stock around the dark and eventually make their presence known you cannot rely on your menu to keep you safe look for a barrel and interact with it to hide away while a dweller may follow you around in layer three that doesn't mean they won't try to follow you elsewhere stay alert you may not be as safe as you think if a barrel or any other objects appear to be off or moving repeatedly hit it until it vanishes we're then given the code 7418 to use if captured by a dweller will drop Bucky in a Cell It's the means to escape be a ver scratch this explains the signs we've been seeing it's a simple letter pairing swap code a is b c is D and so on and so forth the fastest way to decipher this without writing it all down is to remember what letter comes before or after whatever letter you're looking at and in time you'll remember what letters stand for what for instance the tape recorder on the pier was labeled Olivia the sign after it said where we lie whenever you see B think a whenever you see F think e Beaver scratch is mostly flavor text for the world you'll seldom use it for any kind of solving but there will be at least one moment and by the way yes you can actually email stumbler at that address I have done it it does work but with the popularity of shipwreck it has largely become exhausting for stumblr to reply so don't count on it especially as the information you'd have to give is now available through a variety of sources by those who have experienced this [Music] journey Cipher guide this is crucial and if you hadn't managed to unlock the other areas before this would have been what gave you the answers to figure things out when we made it through the Waterway with the NATO phonatic alphabet code we were using what's referred to as the Shakespeare Cipher listen to the message count the hits for words that start with that letter and there's your count the Mozart sign CER was used for Hot Cross Buns music is the key and sheet music is specifically what you need once you understand what the song is listen to the section Find the sheet music count the notes and you're often running Picasso Cipher if you hadn't written down what the color paintings were in the gallery this has you covered but pay attention to what's written about this last thing there's two more colors but they've honestly slipped my mind if you see them right them down you'll need them layer four this gate refers to one beyond the wood Panel Room according to Wolf and stumblr they don't know if there is a layer four but recent searches have shown some kind of paradise down there there are two tasks to open the gate to the apparent layer floor find a computer with a video containing crystals if we visited the pool we know what to do that means a music code then there's a tape recorder with the code for the workstation computers and a hint to look for it in stumblers home away from home a note says to play it far from Giovani he can hear them so at least the dweller looking like Giovani can pick up on noise step three go to the sky hallway and look for the door with a music notes then press the button to begin the monitors will instruct how to proceed as for task two find the batteries and drop them off in the basement at the computer there there will be one in the office one on the rooftops and one in the cave that will set us free okay this is a lot of information but we have it on a browser tab we can flip back to whenever we need so let's get moving ah but there's one more link what do I draw oh looks like stumbler is dealing with burnout the poor thing he gives his email to receive suggestions on something to draw to maybe help him on his way but as of January 15th he says he's now full on suggestions and has made more friends these past few weeks than in his whole life life I wouldn't worry about sending art ideas to stumblr for a while back to the new area outside the computer we know our tasks and according to stumblr and wolf we're not alone keep an eye and an ear out there are three doors around you one related to each character area unlocked on the way to the hub you do not need to complete the computer charging task in all three you only need two but we'll go over how each one works to the the immediate left you'll find a path leading to olives area resembling the pool architecture one switch is on the wall easy to get down the way past the room with some computers you'll find what looks like an office which includes a mirror an image of a drowning Olive a computer with an odd screenshot and a tape recorder the code to the keypad next to the mirror has to be around here right let's listen to that tape first the beaver scratch for which reads devlog random all right today is August 12th 1996 we've been given the go-ahead to get back to work on the project it's been Rocky but we're all getting back into it Harry's been at his workstation all day playing through well he's been stuck on all of levels the coconut one apparently there's been an issue with the chests spawning in they just appear a random which is already bad but then they soon vanish when you get too close I'm really just not sure it's very confusing I'll figure it out soon though I'm sure of it and Liz has been busy as always she's trying to catch up on the game's artwork we finally got a finalized design for the wolf guy mostly changing his proportions so we can share his animations with other characters if we need to but yeah she's killing it as usual and on my end not too much I'm just chipping away on a little debug map right now calling it just the plaza for now until we can think of a cooler name for it but yeah that's where we're at right now I'm going to keep recording these they're very fun for sure all right see you that must have been Connor since he spoke about Harry and Liz's production elements you can find these throughout the game from here along with notes on the wall for lore enjoy discovering the story at your pace and if you miss any connections we'll make them later in part two now this monitor is one of the reasons there are only two rooms you need to solve because this takes having paid attention to any pop-ups during your playthrough with great visual memory this is a matching pairs puzzle and the place to look for the match is in your steam achievements seriously if you've won Olive's miname even once this this achievement is unlocked acore 4742 that's the keypad code unlock the gate tap the switch then jump to the tunnel you passed previously in here another keypad another recorder to save you the time the music is the most recognizable portion of O to Joy and again the code is related to the notes played here so count up the notes and you've got 9449 head down the hall to the left get the switch past the drawing of Olive and then explore the only turn in the hall you haven't tried one wall jump later and you're looking at the gate control button in this area past the computer showing a three out of three charge hit it and you'll be transported back to the main room where the Cog Weare logo is now yellow instead of red one more area's computer to charge for the gate control let's say you go to the rer stumbler and wolf Sky computer for the next area try not to get lost in here it's a bit mazike take the left path immediately and follow it down to a computer and tape recorder observe the computer carefully do you remember the color code memorize the pattern then input the numbers corresponding to each color in this case 8389 the gate is open so head through down to ramp spot the gate you'll go to when you unlock all switches here and take a left notice above the opening that the odd statue from the waterways in the window again strange recurring theme Bucky golden statues and that thing head through tap the switch then head back up explore the right side of this area and you'll come across several more barrels you can interact with to hide Bucky which is learning a new mechanic in a place that immediately sets you more on edge and another tape recorder Dev log progress exploring further you can find one of lizz's drawings on the wall asking who are you in regards to a golden statue on a pedestal which appears to be the Bucky stat statue we've been seeing is she asking who Bucky is why would she do that there are a bunch of underscores beneath you can make out seven seven underscores a game of hangman in the stairwell to layer three spelling out what appeared to be Brandon Bucky Brandon let's keep this in mind for later now there's a keypad you'll find just past here on the wall the code for this has to be around somewhere and there's a computer in a small room here in the computer room you'll find a wall switch that takes care of one of the charges for the gate control so now you're at 2 out of three try the switch on the computer here and it will open a video link magma don't get distracted by the audio observe the visual and the video description from here on out in fact whenever a video opens from an action in the game check the description check the comments even it's not something noted in stumblr and Wolf's guide and is easy to overlook when concentrated so deeply on the video itself it may have been better designed to have mentioned this Magma's description reads Mount Pinatubo look that up and you'll find it's a volcano that erupted in 1991 that's your keypad code plug it in to open the gate strike that last switch then head back to gate control run through the newly open gate here and hit the switch just like that you'll be back at the wood Panel Room ready to leave under a bright green Cog Weare logo and can't go back to that other side what if you wanted to try the door Straight Ahead from stumbler computer though on Entry you'll come across two rooms with computers the right is empty the left has some graffiti is this where you were nearby is one of the switches so tap that to get started charging this area's computer proceed down the hall past the horror of the live laugh love sign and into a room full of computers with a grade in the floor there's one keypad on the wall blocking off a switch so that's a code we need to find head the other way to a new door that audio doesn't sound right at all what is that makes you really not want to go down there maybe you can keep going if you just take the beaver scratch translation and run with it to the keypad 9281 then inside a tape recorder labeled affir ations [Music] [Laughter] one yeah I'm I'm going to be honest I'm going to sound like uh like a madman recording one of these things you know I I I just kind of need to feel like I'm I'm talking to someone even if I'm not so yeah um we're going to start uh you know this week hasn't been the greatest well let say that lightly no this this week has been horrible um Everything feels like it's just going off the deep end and um I'm just starting to wonder how much I got left um Harley still in the hospital and until she's out I'm sitting in this office it's it's big it's cozy yet it feels so empty not a single soul has entered this room in days aside from May out myself but um you know what it it doesn't matter just uh just just remember your affirmations and you'll be fine that was really really different a new character and interesting situation press the switch on the wall and no the great still holds we have to go back to that area with a strange [Music] audio not a Trap God the switch and the crate is open leading to this area's gate control again any combination of two area completions can work for unlocking the main gate under the cwar logo but once you do it that's it there is no return trip just you and that door and everything you've been playing to see this is the point at which shipwreck 64 immediately becomes the game everyone been hearing about cwar warned you I will warn you the experience that follows is known as the plaza and it's where this game's reputation is earned and while you can see exactly what you're in for vicariously through other videos or streams I am not going to spoil it for you it's an experience that rewards those who truly enjoy horror games and effective designs I am going to guide you through this Solutions and I'll teach you how to survive but I'm not going to show you what's in here there is no replicating the authentic experience or doing it justice in video obviously this is the moment to head off on your own if you're ready to charge ahead but I don't really advise charging into this one will we talk about it later openly of course don't worry I can't sing this Project's Praises without doing so but but for now hold that candle tighter steady your nerves be brave this is where kare's been hiding the bulk of what they built into the game the very first move you're likely to make after saving is going to the left into that small building don't be scared by the computer sounds computer sounds are all right if you hit the switch it will open a tab to the plaza map a video by a help helping nub stumblers Channel which is a cool surprise we'll come up again at a few points and has some lore for us later to be very honest this map is not helpful for your situation your survival is going to largely be hindered by trying to memorize and rely on it or use it at all disregarded you're going to use Mental mapping and familiarity through exploration and opening this tab in this place may put you in severe danger ignore it and listen very closely because listening closely is going to save your life being observant period is going to save your life do you remember the odd sounds we heard here in the area with the beaver scratch monitor that's just one type of sound to listen for while you're moving around in the plaza remember computer sounds like the kind you'll hear in this spot are okay but if you hear anything else anything else find a barrel and hide immediately wait it out do not leave observe your surroundings using the camera controls but don't leave until it passes if something goes wrong and you will know it when it does run until you can break line of sight and get into a barrel and just wait and while I can tell you listening for sounds will save you most of the time also be observant visually if you see anything weird whether it's in progress or you just spot it somewhere in the area get in the barrel do not watch watch move quickly now what do we do when we're not hiding and getting a mental map made this is where the two task come in from stumbler and Wolf's guide you have a computer to find that opens a video and you have some codes to solve with it exploring your surroundings is crucial to surviving the plaza you need to establish a mental map in terms of where things are in relation to other things explore explore explore read the notes and play the tape recorders if you're feeling brave especially if you're looking for lore but really observe where you see computers with keypads and where anything else is learn the layout when it comes to this space pass the first computer with a switch on the wall this is the cell stumblers guide has the code to get out if you end up in here somewhere in the center of the plaza you'll find an enclosed space the walls made up of gates inside is a save canvas one of the computers you'll need for later two beds and a computer with a the switch this is where you get the crystals video as soon as you've got it open in a tab pause it then get back to the game if you hear sounds run to a barrel and weigh them out while exploring also take note of this space another Gallery there are two more color number paintings here the couple that are missing from the guide so write them down yellow four purple six next if you haven't encountered that tape recorder marked workstation code that's located in the cave area which is found by heading directly to the right from the entrance you'll remember it easily that [Laughter] way hello future stumblr it's me pass stumbler I uh I have the code going forward if you even need to turn on the workstations the code is 1997 year would all WI went wrong all right that's all toodles you look great today by the way all that noise that started playing suddenly while listening to stumber message and kept going that's one of the sounds to listen out for anything like that get in the barrel just as I did and only look around with the camera silence is good but be sure it's quiet before you leave now you have the crystal video and the codee for computers around here but you're missing one more element this takes exploring again but the easiest way to get there while having barrels to run to is starting from the entrance point just go right and follow the wall when you hit the corner with a huge computer keep following the wall past it up ahead you'll see a gated area inside of which is a keypad blocking off an extension an a notes the note is an email from Connor and reads hey Liz I saw your Crystal video it's cool to see those in action those last four notes notes are kind of nostalgic to me last four notes okay so find yourself a nice barrel and go back to the video this will take watching through a few times to get it but you'll see the pattern of the last four notes played is blue red blue green according to the color code if you wrote it down or use tumblr's guide that's 3839 notice also on the video a comment by the uploader eware start at 11 seconds that doesn't apply yet but we know there's another the component involving the video for later so keep the tab open enter 3839 into the keypad now head in and keep going until you reach a new gated off section with a keypad yeah there's another path to unlock in order to free up all the workstation computers the message on the wall did you miss me is your code yellow purple blue green 4639 this unlocks the remaining space in the whole area with the last of the workstation computers one of your Best Bets for doing the workstation run once it starts is to leave this entire extension for last now speaking of how do we start that run you might have encountered this area while exploring with a music note and keypad to get up to the walkway once you find this entrance to the room go back out and head left past the entrance to the basement there will be a ramp ahead take that ramp go left and there will be a crystalline hallway that leads to the walkway with a keypad if you need a reference point to start from start from the entrance again with the save canvas if you pass the small building to the left with a jail cell and map computer the music note room and basement entrance will show up on your left again pass it by and take the ramp ahead the music code uses the crystal video and this is where start at 11 seconds comes in the ability to miss that direction at the last second is a bane to puzzle solvers I do have issues with the construction of this particular puzzle element but the direction highlights the second half of the segments if we pull up the sheet music for this Mary had a little lamb and follow the code d e c d it's the same as OED to Joy and Hot Cross Buns count the d e and C notes then apply the numbers in this case it's 5525 and now the race while avoiding what lurks in the dark run to the Next Room hit the switch on the wall and you've got just under 10 minutes to find all 20 workstation computers and type 1997 on each it's not impossible just an anxiety fueled looking over your shoulder frantic button pushing Barrel spotting holding your breath never really safe speed challenge it's okay you can do this your absolute best bet is exactly this hit the workstation immediately down from you on the floor once outside turn left into the basement and do a whole room sweep on both sides for their workstations clear that basement back up top get all of the workstations in the small buildings the cave area with stumblers recorder just near the entrance and the workstation on the floor because there is one behind a giant computer don't miss it go to the rooftops next and get those workstations once the giant computers in the plaza say 16 out of 20 you're clear to go to the extension area with the diner and offices Beyond now you will only have four you know exactly where to hit them in the extension if you explored it if you do this right the very last workstation you need to activate will be the one all the way in at the back of this area the office and once you make it you end up transported to this room where even Bucky ask for a break once you two have recovered go through the door and you're now in a fully operational big computer room the task left is simple collect three batteries drop them off of the big computer in the basement there's one on the walkway outside the r ramp in the music note Room be sure not to try falling off the edge with it Bucky can't do that with a battery and he may get stuck on colliders just walk it back normally there's one in the cave room with the crystals and one in the office area at the very end of the extension because you know there had to be an anxiety inducing one this works exactly like collecting the boat pieces earlier if the Spacey 90s tech music gets interrupted by anything fine chilling drop the battery and Barrel you can pick it up once you're safe and Carry On and once you have all [Music] [Music] [Laughter] batteries [Music] [Laughter] [Music] considering all the hell you've been through you'd better retrieve that zip folder run back to the basement hit the switch on the big computer a browser tab will open inviting you to download the folder get Bucky to the exit you've no doubt found by now it's against the complete opposite wall of the entrance just leave the basement and head straight left then save and either leave now or Barrel up both options will keep you safe then hit the browser tab by cwar accept the download get the folder unzip it and ah actually you know what you can explore that on your own for a moment if you please more rewarding that way I think plus everything I have to say about that and the notes and LS in this area should really wait for layer six of this video but I will present one long in this area of importance found in the gallery building optimism 2 hello Liz here again wanted to keep track of where we are right now the other day Mark took myself and the rest of our team out for coffee it was pretty nice but it was also somewhat unnerving it was probably the first time through this whole Adventure that the reality of my situation sunk in for me like that that's the CEO of broadside Animation Studios a massive animation Titan in the industry is just here waiting for our team to help it that's genuinely such a crazy thought but if he enjoys our game that's going to be lifechanging I it's just a lot honestly but it's okay I I think we'll all be enjoying our time on Easy Street once we've shown Mark the game anyways that's all [Music] toodles after leaving layer 3 even Bucky surprised that where you are a note on the wall explains you're in a tech demo the one that Connor spoke of in a recording you might have listened to for this section there really isn't much on the surface for you except collecting one of the secrets that unlocks in the bonus room by opening the right chest on one side of the hallway it's about five or six chest in just open the middle section entirely and keep going down until it appears you can interact with the tech demo all you like of course but overall it is a tech demo a light Airy reprieve from the hell you just went through what you can catch in a room farther along is this statue once again watching you through an upper window eventually you make your way to this pink walled and fenced area with a safe canvas and the large room at the end with a gate and an elevator There's No Going up but you can head down and this is another point at which if you only came back to get unstuck you can run free again but with two important notes first the elevator can go down two levels not just one personal critique of mine for game design it should have actually been noted it's two levels that little touch would have been kind of helpful and on that second lower level explore and make observations whenever you have places you can look at if you aren't sure how to proceed the invisible step isn't entirely intuitive but the moment it clicks and you take action everything from there is pretty logical as for us on the guided tour it's time to hit the elevator [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow much nicer here isn't it completely different atmosphere clean new quiet look around a bit and you'll see a locked door and a room with computers and some codes on the wall the opposite way has a keypad and a gated off section outside a whole series of tall buildings with Windows lit from within what's on the further end of that room with computers though noise odd noise we don't like that so into the elevator before we find its source and down we go because there is another floor now I do have to admit I made a mistake while recording this section I accidentally left up the map I pieced together from the first component of this level for the night I finished the game on Stream So the beginning footage has my edited map to the left including the e- meme of Markiplier the patron saint of surviving scream on camera horror games about animal monsters which I used as my key for the elevator and yes a good luck charm the good news is St Markiplier did grant us Victory the other good news is that using this map and the footage that does show I can still guide you right away and explain how the map even exists as soon as you step out of the elevator here you'll take a right followed by a left bringing you to this computer you know the drill tap the switch return to the game from the browser popup hide in a barrel then check out what you opened this is stumblr map of the sewers which is actually incredibly useful compared to the plaza map you really do need this one your objective here is to find the method to get past the gate to the control room where stumbler himself confesses he has not explored the area with the green line represents a door that connects to that lower section a quick Passage it's useful because you can follow its path to the control room spot which you'll recognize by seeing these two dead wolves in a Cell above you under a red lights the gate here is what you need to unlock to benefit from the sewers stumbler has indicated that in the area of the green circle there's a hidden door a false wall to an area they call the phone is it because it looks vaguely like a phone or has a secret purpose well if there's an additional secret here I've yet to find it but there's a reason to know about it if you went to the phone immediately you'd have nothing to do you could explore the entirety of the sewers but the only thing of actionable interest is the cell which if you looked in would present a computer with a switch but how to get it the keypad is on the other side there's got to be some kind of secret passage right there's got to be it's it's the only logical thing here so then you explore like man to find that secret passage especially if you had a deathless run like I did trying to keep my deathless run and then eventually you face the truth exhausting all other options you've gotten no leads of any obvious nature except for the cell and no secret way in oh how you wish there was a secret way in you know you have the code for the cell you've had it through stumbl and Wolf's guide just in case if you've never had to use it you will now I'm sorry you need to get hit by the monsters if if you had the right pieces you could make this run without ever getting hit but without seeing those pieces to know what to do there's just no other way now inside the cell and hopefully not shaken up too badly you have access to the computer and can see the clearly dead wolf and the many days he spent here as well as the plate-sized tamagachi he played with until dying of dehydration tap the computer switch get a browser Tab and find that the keypad code has changed so this is easy take the original keypad code with its digits in their natural places and move them according to the new position order indicated instead of 7418 it's 8714 type that into the keypad and you're good to leave or check out the wall jump area where the great just disappeared above the dead wolf or if you had failed that or you're just sick of wall jumping or you got curious before even trying the switch inspect that tamagachi and phase through the wall finding a door to a shortcut up to the top of the wall jump here you'll see four barrels two with unique colors it's another color code so match the order to their corresponding numbers 9396 take a little boat ride and at the end find a keypad a computer and a tape recorder Dev log Panic script toss the script it's done it's over that went horribly I can't even lie to myself on this recording it went horribly all that work all for nothing it's only a matter of time till I get their two weak notices on my desk things went horribly interesting and somehow not actually surprising knowing what occurred with this game enter 9396 on the keypad and access a new video featuring some time codes and images it's easy enough to understand from the images that there are invisible switches around the sewers and some spots are recognizable but in case they aren't the time codes are are there they indicate the room to find that switch on the runtime for the sewers map video be careful with studying the last image in the room with a ramp the camera pan on that was terrible leading you to believe the switch was somewhere it isn't it's in the bottom right corner of the screen from the first frame very easy to miss with this composition on the side of the ramp the second button is in the upper room for the area known as the phone past that false wall hit the first switch which is along the wall immediately across from the jail cell opening get the switch on the side of the ramp near the control room instra the switch in the phone area and you'll have that gate at the control room open just try to avoid the Encounters this time they'll be harder than before passing the now open Gates you'll find a room Beyond with a computer and a tape recorder the computer opens a browser tab with a page titled code breaker a code on screen and a download link enter the next room and observe your surroundings you'll find a similar code structure inside to the one you've just seen on the code breaker page but what about the circles and X's maybe there's a form of them around but let's get in a barrel and check out the download first a folder for a shipwreck demo okay it starts with the same settings choices in the base game then loads us into the menu tap a and the changes [Music] begin [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] a that's a new warng that's Waring that's warng that's [Music] that's okay what's a new one the way we chose to try saving it seems Chief wolf is still around in some form all right but for real let's get back into it add a word of advice to make things easier save in the main game then go all the way back to the pink wall room because the controller is going to operate shipwreck 64 and its demo at the same time if you leave both open back in the demo immediately P the door you'll find a video [Music] clip [Music] [Music] [Music] the way this transition works it almost feels like we became the Bucky mascot for a moment doesn't it walking through the Halls into whatever room this is now a nice touch here we have a big computer two keypads four switches and a reset switch this demo was linked as code breaker and we were given a starting code on the browser tab so let's give that a shot after greeting Paul in the corner I have no explanation for this it's just kind of an extra creep out Factor anyway back to the first code [Applause] [Music] what okay that must have been given just to show us how this is done we need a green and red switch pattern and two codes thinking back to the full game in the actual control room we have two codes and a pattern of green and red computers on the test on the same wall let's try [Music] that right well there was one more place we saw this wasn't there the first elevator layer the nice one okay so if we get that quickly race back up the pink room and put it into the demo what do we [Music] get [Music] [Applause] [Music] how many door frames computers tables and lights in that room marked one and we know there's an area Beyond it too so maybe there's more further down to give us the rest of the info because if this supplies four digits by doing the counting for something marked one that's got to be the first keypad back to the main game go back down do a quick count of the objects and that's two door frames six computers three tables four lights heading down the hall if we take the first left we see an area with four empty rooms but with colored lighting green green red red what's down the other [Music] way see what just happened do you remember this advice from stumbler guide unnatural sound started playing and there was an odd Barrel just hanging out there once hit it canceled out the sound avoiding an encounter that lets you read the note on the wall which is what you want because the object counting method isn't compatible with this room for a keypad of four digits but you know what is four digits the year in the first sentence of this note in 1995 there was a mass made of four men three men and one woman to be exact it sat in a room waiting for its Liberation that would not come for years so green green red red then 2634 and 1995 take that info and leave and if you have to Barrel a word of caution stay inside even once it's quiet embrace yourself if you don't want to find out why be fast once you're safe put the new code into the demo and receive a video component for the audio we heard in the frontier Street Museum including a much better shot of Rex the animator and a new code 1917 there's only one place left with a keypad we haven't tapped and we were just there sure enough the gate opens and you're good to head down just be warned as peaceful as this place is that audio Q means business watch where the barrels are and if you end up in one remember hold still and brace yourself remain calm in this area there are a few notes if you're quick enough to read them the mass of four men sat in the room it red and twitched like a dying animal but it was still very much alive it craved Freedom Liberation and happiness it begged pleaded to leave but it was held in that room for a long time one day though when checked upon the mass was missing it shambled pulling itself out of the room when it was far enough out of the building it split right in half the two halves went their separate ways we know who the massive bodies probably were or at least three of them since we don't know if Brandon Bucky's actor actually died what's insinuated here is that their corpses were left together and just meshed Brandon's three victims and a fourth body male and it reanimated into something which then escaped and split in half this goes beyond any idea of a slash or Rampage kept under WS but it hints at the elements that deserve exploring concerning Brandon's of normal behavior according to Olivia's murder audio on this level you need only solve one keypad and one switch and both elements are largely given through a computer that opens a browser tab to a video titled fish with a message published March 12th 1960 what book about fish was published then One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish but that's not all in the video description is a link titled location showing a secret switch on this wall and the uploader is J D from bullet n JD like the character that's going to take some looking at later so hit the keypad the code for which is 1 2 then the colors for red and blue 83 and then go get that switch could we mention the statue overlooking your progress in the hallway we could but it doesn't matter right this second since its time is coming a final note from cogar says we know where this tunnel leads we'll know it well just promise that we'll stay calm going through we open the gates when we enter Bucky does recognize it just keep going he says it's safe in here deep in the tunnel we come across a large Beating Heart there's nothing to say about it for Bucky nothing to interact with just observe it and the odd mirror that's here now and keep going back on the level of the convention Tech demo in the pink room the last gate is open you survived it all are you ready to see this through to the [Music] end [Music] oh I ran into a monster earlier today it was right outside the park a statue put together using chunks of wood and cloth it looked bizarre but then I saw it move oh it's huge I thought I was the only one rotting down here so much so much it's all beyond your understanding they call out to me all four of them I hear their moist is sking around in the inside of my wooden shower even down to the pulsating Mass laying beneath it I need you to find me it won't be easy to catch you'll need to prove to me that you want what I have if you do as I ask you'll know everything every single detail of what's happened why you are who you you are what do you say let's give it a go and now if you're here you're in a very simple scenario explore the areas open to you on the reproduction of the first layer of the game and interact with this character 10 times there is a unique sound signal for him so pay attention but avoid the monster encounters because they'll all be out here trying to stop you off you go collect them all keep your eyes open because sometimes the statue Blends in and in the chaos you may panic but don't worry getting caught puts you back at the beach and just sets you back by one find the location is random and sometimes you can get the statue multiple times in one place so always look around after a find just use the barrels whenever necessary keep running keep out of line of sights and eventually you'll make it to 10 [Music] ask and you shall receive let's take a look at the little mess you've [Music] made [Music] [Music] Conor look I'm going to be honest with you I've been playing this for about 2 hours now and I'm not seeing the widespread appeal you've been promising us it's well to be honest with you it's clunky I don't know what I'm doing the characters who you promised would have depth and life they are just flat I thought that's the entire point of a 3D game what you oversold it Connor that's what I'm trying to say our company is meant to be forging New Frontiers and to be frank after what happened at Studio grounds I really don't think this is going to be anything it's not going to be anything in the same TI our movies our Park anything and I really hate to say this because I know for a fact you and your team put a lot of work into this game but I just I just don't know if it's worth continuing to sink money into sink money into mark this is our job you've had us working on this for 2 years and now suddenly it's an issue yes it's been 2 years and in those two years you've only sat me down now and showed me the actual game so what can we do to fix it no Liz this isn't a fix the game issue it's a fix your perspective issue Mark you are sitting in front of of some of the greatest technology of the decade and you're going to brush it off Conor I'm not brushing anything off I'm just trying to understand where this I'm sorry to say Mark but it's true it's not that we've made a bad game we've all exceeded the industry standard what we're having a hard time passing is your thick skull in Connor stop look I'm so sorry about him he's just under a lot of is it Harley is it not worth it anymore because you're trying to treat her instead what yeah I said it what what are you bringing her into this for because I bet that's what you're going to do you can't keep funing our 2 years worth of work got to buy her a fancy casket unbelievable mark look I I'm really sorry now LZ you're fine okay but I want you to know that we are done professionally right I don't want to work with any of you guys again quite frankly I don't want to see you guys touch our property any of that am I clear ye yes Mark Mark you can go now no no because first of all I want our equipment back you can go now you can go leave take a step closer lay a hand on me you aay one hand on me I'm going to make sure he stay in jail for a real long time huh who are they going to believe you you are nothing I will be taking my leave now good luck in your future your endeavors I expect the office to be cleared by next week do not contact me [Applause] again [Music] the get no [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] e [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the credits roll the true credits the mission of the Shipwrecked recovery crew Liz B and Connor's son Patrick Thomas is complete at the end we're left with Bucky just Bucky confused wondering why things are the way they are acting a little frantic and finally unable to just stay still with it all a lot not like us because of course we're far from [Music] [Music] done with the events of the ending fresh in our mind and understanding the voices and positions of Mark Connor and Liz we have a pretty clear idea of the surface level story on the working relationship between cwar and broadside to gain deeper context let's examine the lore across several notes and tape recorder logs things started pretty positively on the Shipwreck project judging by the log in the gallery of layer 3 Liz B the team's artist describes the day when Mark the CEO of broadside animation took the team out for coffee to discuss the game's development Connor the head of cwar was in High Spirits too according to to the dev vog titled progress from March of 1996 okay as of today the beach park and Hull are all complete even got all of in here just need to set up our teleport once we have the mini games completed oh it's march by the way 96 sorry I'm just kind of excited why am I sorry for that today is a good day um anyways everything is going smoothly I think Les needs to get get back to me with Walter's Maul plus his head texture but it's moov sailing I guess you could say I think I've patched the noble bugs too even the one Harry found in the hole where you get soft locked behind the bed how did he even do that that's I'm planning to talk to Mark lir I can't wait to show him the progress I think it's going to go great we'll we'll have to see though that's all signing off for tonight during this time Mark was attempting to be patient under what we were informed early on were some very difficult [Music] circumstances yeah I'm I'm going to be honest I'm going to sound like uh like a madman recording one of these things you know I I I I just kind of need to feel like I'm I'm talking to someone even if I'm not so yeah um uh where to start uh you know this week it hasn't been the greatest oh let's say it lightly now this this week has been horrible um Everything feels like it's just going off the deep end and um I'm just starting to wonder how much I got left um Harley still in the hospital and and until she's out I'm sitting in this office it's it's big it's cozy yet it feels so empty not a single soul has entered this room in days aside from May out myself but um you know what it it doesn't matter just uh just just remember your affirmations and you'll be fine we know from the meeting at the end of the playthrough that Mark's wife Harley did not survive her ordeal at the hospital and things didn't seem to be going well in general he was being patient in the early phase and even encouraging the team personally according to Liz things weren't good though and in time it seems he started to lean on cwar for results the first sign of this comes from Connor's devlog titled random all right today is August 12th 1996 we've been given the goahead to get back to work on the project it's been Rocky but we're all getting back into it Harry's been at his workstation all day playing through well he's been stuck on all of level the coconut one and Liz has been busy as always she's trying to catch up on the game's artwork we finally got a finalize design for the wolf guy mostly changing his proportions so we can share his animations with other characters if we need to but yeah she's killing it as usual and on my end not too much I'm just chipping away on a little debug map right now calling it just the plaza for now until we can think of a cooler name for but yeah things have been Rocky but they've been given the go-ahead to get back to work on the project that's suggestive of a meeting to discuss progress and at that point Connor was working on the Plaza while Min games and final models were underway there is a curiosity about the development path for this game in the early days we know from the audio in the frontier Street Museum that it's based on the Island theme park broadside Beach and because of that we can judge the pool Waterway Diner gallery and Museum before layer 3 must have been in the original game plans too which means Shipwrecked in its final version wouldn't have ended with just four tasks to save your friends even if the game simply works that way it's pretty straightforward it's a logical small game but it does feel too short to be realistic doesn't it layer 2 is the evidence that proves it was too short because cogar designed more for the title in line with the theme park but if development slowed down past layer two what caused it let's listen to this devlog Connor made titled Mark hearts and souls into it but is that even enough his stairs must be set astronomically High plus after the you know the thing I found I just got to be honest I feel so much less safeer around that man do you remember the hate Mark message on the chalkboard from the Waterway it could be an early hint at Connor's anchor but it could also be a time stamp for us in relation to the first half of the devlog we just heard put our hearts and souls into it but is that even enough his standards must be set astronomically high this means something must have changed after whatever made things Rocky in August and at the time the team was still working on the first layer of the game the evidence so far suggests two possibilities first Shipwrecked actually was meant to be as simple as layer 1 which lines up with the restoration team's comments about the 2023 version being the original concept according to design documents if this was their true Vision then what must have occurred based on what we've seen in layer 2 and the hate Mark comment there is easy to guess cogar was told their design was was too small to serve a brand as big as broadside animation and the company wanted a fuller representation of their Island theme park his standards must be set astronomically High Connor said which is what a lot of game devs must feel after meeting with a client to ask why the product isn't more expansive the other possibility is another more common issue we all know by now as the horror of working in major games the astronomically high standard of a ridiculously fast turnaround time and for a team of three that would have been a horrifying time crunch it's possible cogar meant it to be a big faithful representation of broadside beach with Layer Two in their total designs but the impatience by broadside animation was what infuriated Connor in this possibility part of the tragedy was that it became a rush job of programming to make layer one a complete story while layer 2 would never see completion the second half of Connor's statement though plus after the you know the thing I found I just got to H it I feel so much less safe around that man just before this Connor was working on the Plaza and it's in the plaza that were rewarded with his Discovery there are 15 notes in this entire area you can find while avoiding the Dwellers you don't need them all to get the message but you do need most it's a note from cwar I was at the offices last night I had brought a drive with me it contained our presentation for Broadside I didn't grab that drive on the way out when I slid my drive into the slot nothing I included was there but instead a branching web of folders the contents of which were repulsive many different folders so many names so many labels so many mistakes it's sickening folders dedicated to old cartoons but not just that coverups too every slip of the Mask was justified their Goodwill was rooted in fiction controversies on bullet end were silenced any bad blood the company had silently fizzled out this folder contained documents of these lies graded only to keep their story straight it goes beyond public issues though people have died at their parks and you think it's bad now get this a little girl was crushed in the squirrel Cruise quite literally head caught between the track and the boat I saw the pictures it's as bad as you think oh and it gets worse so much worse not only have guests died but employees have too before Studio grounds they owned an entire Island and on that island at the very least there were three deaths three deaths and no news coverage why Fiction it's all rooted in fiction it's a miraculous recovery that boy had a near-death experience at he's back in the park it was a cover story it gets much worse though on that drive photos of bodies four in total very heavy blacks and whites this wasn't the original image it was a copy there is footage of the murders broadside animation has a history of covering up tragedies at their Parks starting with the island location broadside Beach their death toll includes three murders yet there were four bodies those murders were caught on film Connor knows this because of a mishap at the broadside offices involving a presentation for the development of the game more than likely occurring after August 1996 but before the recording of the devlog titled Mark do you know what else Connor must have found on that drive Mark audio recordings because it's the only possible explanation for why he had those to put into the game at all and there's one you may have found in the basement of the plaza that helps put everything into place I just looked at the numbers our entire Brand's been going down the drain the stocks I've never seen stalks get this low and we're still bringing people on we're still expanding at this point what the a layoff going to do it'll sink us further into the okay um you you know the the the the best option I I think the best option we've got I I've been it's been going in my head for like the past five hours now the best option we got is to cut the game Studio we've hired okay you know we've been basically dumping money into their pockets and and and I I don't know what exactly they're making I haven't heard from them in months okay here here's what I'm I'm going to do I'm I'm going to schedule a meeting with them okay and if they don't have exactly exactly what they've promised we cut them off save our asses in the long run it they probably give us a fighting chance it's God I you know what I just realized I'm throwing the exact same amount of money I'm paying for Harley's medical bills into this game Studio this is the only recording by Mark that could immediately preceed the big meeting at the end of the game pulling shipwreck's funding and by the logic of the writing it had to come from the drive Connor picked up at the broadside offices or it would be impossible for him to have it and Us's players to hear it imagine being Connor having just heard that recording by Mark and listen to his devlog again hearts and souls into it but is that even enough his STS must be set astronomically High plus after the you know the thing I found I just got to be honest I feel so much less safer on that man Connor's Dev vog works perfectly as a reply to the contents of Mark's recording and seeing what was on the drive it's the only time Connor ludes the broadsides coverups and shows outrage against Mark's expectations for the project and now we know why Connor took such a vitriolic swipe at Harley during the meeting he heard how Furious and dismissive Mark was about cwar when their funding could have paid for Harley's treatments I know the best option we got is to cut the game Studio we've hired okay you know we've been basically dumping money into their pockets and and and I I don't know what exactly they're making I haven't heard from them in months I you know what I just realized I'm throwing the exact same amount of money I'm paying for Harley's medical bills into this game Studio look I'm so sorry about him he's just under a lot of is it Harley is it not worth it anymore because you're trying to treat her instead what yeah I said it what do you bringing her into this for because I bet that's what you're going to do you can't keep funing our 2 years worth of work got to buy her a fancy casket unbelievable mark look I so Connor's devlog is out of the running for a reply to a potential request by broadside to expand the game his moment of Fury has to be after seeing the contents of the drive and needing a reason to be furious at Mark over astronomically high standards it's still possible cwar received new demands to expand into Layer Two before this as the explanation for Rocky development around August it's weird that version 2023 as the true Vision entirely cuts out layer 2 which is more faithful to broadside Beach and what the company would have wanted in the title the issues surrounding Connor's log Mark's log and the situation around picking up the drive is a very specific logic scenario that doesn't add up it is impossible to have Mark's audio without Connor having the hard drive because every personal item of broadsides comes from the hard drive swap it's the only logical explanation you can use to justify Mark's audio being in game and Mark's audio jumps us right to the end of the timeline for the working relationship I don't know what exactly the they're making I haven't heard from them in months okay here here's what I'm going to do I'm I'm going to schedule a meeting with them okay and if they don't have exactly exactly what they've promised we cut them off which indicates that the Rison Connor showed up to the office with a presentation would have been for the meeting Mark demanded and it was at that meeting that he killed the game remember the only reason Connor has marks Longs is because he took the broadside Drive Connor got that drive while visiting with a presentation Mark's log saying he's about to kill the game was on the drive when it was taken and he said he hadn't heard from cogar in months therefore Mark log precipitates whatever summons Connor to the office in the event when he gets the drive and there was only one thing mark would have wanted him there for which was the final meeting what we have here is logically flawed because Connor's reaction doesn't present anger over the final meeting it only works for having discover the drive and new Expectations by Mark for the project he also wouldn't have such perfectly pointed Venom about their funding being used for Harley at the final meeting unless he'd heard the log beforehand which means the drive swap can't have occurred on the way out after being terminated it had to happen before and the context of feeling unsafe around Mark wouldn't make sense if they' just been fired because Connor wouldn't be meeting with Mark again we also have Connor's reactions to the funding being pulled in three different logs which we'll get to in just a moment moment Connor can't have shown up to a regular meeting for a presentation Mark's log on the drive makes it very apparent he hasn't heard from cwar in months so he's about to have an ultimatum meeting and we know how it went so how do you even make sense of this timeline issue there's a few explanations I can think of first Connor did go to the offices with a hard drive that had their presentation but he either did so spontaneously without a scheduled meeting or the fact their presentation was on it is just some writing to justify his being there to get the drive and now it's completely sending us on a spiral that doesn't even matter in this scenario the only important thing is that Connor visited the offices and got the drive his anger comes either from a call shortly after to come present the game before it's ready or listening to Mark's personal log and there is absolutely no other explanation I am genuinely thinking this has got to be the answer and the inclusion of info about the hard drive holding CW's presentation creates so much confusion that it's a major writing oversight in which case I've got to acknowledge it as a negative and comment that better care in writing and editorship should have been taken when writing and reviewing this section second possibility Connor did show up to give a presentation that Mark called for and because all he had was a presentation Mark said go get me a playable build I mean it I don't care how much time you say you need you're giving it to me next week this would have created Connor's anger over astronomically high standards and still a in the meeting that killed the funding so now that we've cleared that up maybe let's observe what happened in the wake of that last meeting which is in the game because Connor or Liz must have been recording for their [Music] logs script toss the script it's done it's over that went horribly I can't even lie to myself on this recording it went horribly all that work all for nothing it's only a matter of time till I get their two we NOS is on my desk hello we are not available now please leave your name and phone number after thee we will return your call Connor hello look you're going to have to answer me soon enough I I went in a day because despite the stress of this job all of the work I'd spent the last year on being put to waste and all of us being taken off of our payroll I wanted to check in and see if you were there but not only do I walk in and see your gun but so is half of the equipment what are you doing call me back when you hear this we really need to talk about [Music] this CH PL Liz's already done everything she needed to Harry's done well enough I'm taking the rign now I'm completing this on my own no help no influence from broadside Mark or any of those disgusting thoughts I was worried about what he do to me by the time I'm done with him you'll regret the day he first uttered my name ship Dre 64 is not a game it's a cannonball aimed directly at broadside Connor knew this was the best chance yet for anyone to sync the company people had tried to expose broadside through a controversy website called bullettin but they were smart enough to pull strings and have anything that appeared on the board deleted or refuted every element we've seen scen so far pertaining to the murders was planted by Connor to be discovered the entire under layer of the game covered in teases and warnings were designed to lure you deeper and deliver the full document drop revealing broadside history of deaths and coverups but just in case you never got there Connor front loaded layer one ensuring there would be a storm of media coverage and a frenzy to dig deeper from every angle of design this game filled with horrific and violent images under layers of secrecy is completely justified by the writing and logic in the lore I have never seen such masterful execution backing up plausible circumstances for a scary lost retro gamees layers of blood and hidden Horrors in storytelling context justification and presentation for its shocking elements no one has done it better than shipwreck 64 yes a company would have documentation like this for the sake of keeping their story straight especially while battling online leaks of their incidents and that writing logic inclusion alone make shipwreck 64 Superior to a lot of projects involving secret information that by story and character motivation logic shouldn't have been kept on record but was somehow still discovered yes it makes sense that this had to be accessed by doing things wrong multiple times it needed to stay secret long enough that as many copies could be out in the hands of the people as possible before action was taken to stop the leak but not so secret that it would stay hidden it makes sense that small hints were given at a layer underneath the main gameplay through actions like waiting on a weird sign studying its language and suddenly seeing a mysterious video and with things going so wrong at broadside and Conor going rogue it is plausible that he managed to get this onto some shelves before broadside caught it things were a lot looser in the mid '90s when it came to production flow all of the design elements we've observed related to broadside secret history work for Connor's Revenge tactics this story line is plausible but here's what's interesting about the conflict between Connor and Mark it runs deeper and earlier than it had any reason to and unknown to Mark I like to play the first audio log from Mark for you again listen yeah I'm I'm going to be honest uh I'm I'm going to sound like uh like a madman recording one of these things you know I I I I just kind of need to feel like I'm I'm talking to someone even if I'm not so yeah um uh where to start uh you know this week it hasn't been the greatest oh well that say it lightly no this this week has been horrible um everything feels like it's just going off the deep end and um I'm just starting to wonder how much I got left um Harley still in the hospital and until she's out I'm sitting in this office it's it's big it's cozy yet it feels so empty not a single solid under this room in days aside from I know myself but um you know what it doesn't matter just uh just just remember your affirmations and you'll be fine so Harley Mark's wife was hospitalized and whatever put her there ended her life in the layer containing blots right before you leave the game there's a log from Connor about an unexpected element at this point in the narrative think about that one rabbit a lot stumbler I think Liz called him yeah he he's funny I think the funniest part is his missing arms I managed to sneak in a jab towards Mark's wife and having her arm amputated she was fresh on my mind when I was suggesting the idea to list and hey or making her a little guy hopeless romantic as well it lines up pretty damn well with how Mark is doesn't it funny funny character you know that does remind me they've got another rabbit don't they that' be a fun thing to put in too put in a jab at Mark about his wife having her arm amputated in the same conversation with Liz about stumbler a hopeless romantic trying to make art to impress a girl rabbit and even that's a weird reflection against Mark there's another law confirming what happened here access through another Secrets when Chief fol said after failing his mini game that he' leave you a treats which turned out to be the object seeking Vision it became useful in stumblers game very useful as you could discover an invisible door at the end of the platforming Rocks jump and activate it and you'll enter the game's debug room which has a few Secrets the one we're concerned with right now is the first entry from lizz's optimism series found on this Barrel he Liz here wanted to just throw my hat into the ring Connor said said he would be recording his work on the game and I wanted to try it myself it'd be a nice way to keep logs of development as little relics to take a look at once the game's fully done and shipped so today it's December 1995 yeah and I've been working on designing some of the bonus characters one may run into in the game been doing this little rabbit guy Connor thought of a funny gimmick today and told me that it shouldn't have arms but would still try doing things with his hands there you go Connor told Liz that stumbler shouldn't have arms his jab at Mark over Harley's condition was that callous and he'd been doing this since December of 1995 as development started and suddenly it makes something else in the game that was so confusing make much more sense this projector scene can't tell what's going on would you like to see it solid in color because this original footage is in the files for the game and it's worse without the projector effect yeah that stumblers masc on actor or 3D graphic model for the trailer being directed to mimic ripping the arm off a life-size doll in a hospital room setting that's how obsessive Connor was about his cruelty to Mark over Harley and remember this doll reappears if he fails tumblr's miname we can confirm the doll is a standin for Harley in this scene too by way of stumblers YouTube uploads this video how to say goodbye has the miname failure clip at the end check out what comes before [Music] it the description reads it's okay to let out some tears Mark no one is going to judge you here it's just you and me deep breaths will make it through this even if she's not here anymore the question of stumblr is one you may have been asking yourself this whole time after all it's the only living element of the original game and the cleanest explanation is that it's one of the developers operating stumblers accounts this video indicates that it might be Liz who didn't know stumblr was meant to hurt Mark Mullins in a way he didn't deserve this may be her Penance Mark Mullins was not a saint and Connor's actions with the broadside Drive were something for us to cheer about but Harley was just someone who suffered and didn't deserve to be made an object of ridicule and cruelty what was Connor's hang-up about Harley we might never know he was a father clearly so maybe he had a wife and they split so he was jealous of Mark or just scornful about women in a romantic context while working on the game what we do know about Connor is that he was obsess excessively cruel even before he had a reason to attack broadside we can gain more insight about Mark's emotional state at this time through another secret area this one accessible by going through the doors wrong on Walter's miname level at the end of all the [Music] [Music] [Applause] platforming [Music] they hadn't been acting right no one around has been acting right lately I took her to the hospital and I walked down on my own and they said that she's going to be there for a while [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] a [Music] [Laughter] she hadn't been acting right Mark said no one around has been acting right lately maybe the sequence that follows featuring Bucky and the mirror relates that information we know Bucky's mascot actor wasn't acting right he'd been displaying seriously abnormal behavior right up until he killed Olivia but you don't know how abnormal until you investigate the folder Connor hid inside the game the first subfolder you see is marked three those three are Gary Nathan and Olivia we know the most so far about Olivia but let's see what else she's got on file for each person there's a textures folder for an Associated character model confirming that the employee killed were other masc on actors there's a text document titled events which reads Olivia Finch was found at the bottom of a lake right outside the cabins at broadside Beach's staff quarters when located she appeared to be water locked it looked like something out of a horror movie said Hillary STS her cabin mates there was a long trail of blood leading all the way from the window of Olivia's cabin to the lake at which she was found the footage we've seen is here too making it easier to see the shadow of Bucky as a mascot outside the window here are two photos of Olivia while still alive here she is in her costume for Olive a and here is her body mutilated by Bucky actor and Bloated from the lake everything you see in the game when it comes to this stuff is from 3D modeling by the way don't worry it's just very good modeling the folder also includes Olive's in-game model which is cool and some audio files including her ingame voice the phone call we've heard and a call that came before it please leave your name and phone number after the beat we will return your call hello this is Olivia VCH I'd like to please submit a complaint anonymously please Brandon has been showing up every night to my residence uh friend and Lester you know the other costume guy he just walks by still wearing the suit as sometimes just placing his hand on the window other times he'd grab the sliding glass door jiggle the handle around like you wanted in I'll wear the dead eyes of that stupid costume stare back at me La last night though it's the reason I'm doing this Brandon walked over and and and just began to slam his head against the door I don't know why but it kept me up for the several hours this went on he only left it around 4 in the morning stumbling away leaving a gross stain all over over the window um pleas please just just deal with him I I can't afford to keep losing sleep Brandon Lester the other costume guy that confirms it Brandon is the name on the Hangman game and the name that fits the letters associated with the Bucky statue he'd been stalking Olivia for more than one night before he attacked seemingly possessed and leaving some kind of residue after banging his head multiple times as if trying trying to break in with his skull in any slasher scenario we come around to the question of why on occasion a slasher exists simply because murder comes to them as naturally as a craving but in most cases there is a reason after seeing the footage behind failing the mini games we do question why Bucky's actor slaughtered his co-workers and it's apparent that whatever was going on with him didn't seem natural as far as the usual menu of what's natural for a slasher goes anyway let's take a look at Nathan next who played Walter walrus his textures include a fun secret I hate you mark the footage included is different from what we saw at the end of Walter's [Music] miname here are two pictures of Nathan here is what his corpse looked like and here is a report of the injury sustained as Bucky's actor beat him to death with a chair apparently piercing his body with legs as for Gary Giovani Goose we've seen that footage here is Gary as he was alive here is his corpse after Bucky finished killing him by putting his head in an oil fryer what happened to Brandon anyway Connor said the pictures from broadside included four bodies and what's this about a girl killed on the cruise and a boy with a near-death experience in the park for that matter with so much Carnage behind them what actually happened to Rex the animator who disappeared in the 80s we're going to address that but first we need to uncover the secrets missed on our first playthrough the ones that aren't tracked by the bonus room let's revisit the topic of Connor in terms of things you can uncover following miname failures in the 1997 version you can finally spot a reason to visit this area of the living quarters a false wall go through and follow the stairs and door to emerge on top of one of these buildings at the far end you'll spot Chief wolf but interact with him and you'll realize he's Connor do you see that he asks really soak it in hundreds and hundreds of polygons all working together to create the illusion of a real living breathing world I built all of this I'm an artist right I built this my mouse is like a brush keyboard is my canvas I'm so grateful he really couldn't help himself huh it's an interesting choice Connor easily could have used the sign in fact when you stand on the beach and look toward these buildings you can see something on top of one of the them hard to discern that compels you to find any way to get up there I don't believe that object is Connor using Chief Wolf's model but the only thing you can find in this rooftop scenario is him Connor most likely used wolf as a sort of Avatar because he is the chief it's possible everyone in cwar developed a character Connor made Chief wolf Liz made stumbler and maybe Harry made JD or Harry might have come up with something else as we'll see shortly Connor's presence as wolf comes up a few times when you fail his miname you end up in this underground area and while Chief wolf remains himself he's around a table with a computer showing this screenshot from the cogar site of Shipwrecked in development a potential nod by Connor to himself in the debug room you can access some Secrets the first is the menu bringing you to the boat sequence for the title screen you can hop out of this boat and after some running around if you look back you'll see Chief wolf watching you which I can't help but feel is just another moment of Conor are feeling proud of his work and wanting to show up to take ownership as for the other Secret in this area I'm aware of and the idea of Harry's contribution to the original characters the Waterway miname is here for you to play to completion if you like or you can run on the invisible floor for the water here until you fall into the [Music] ocean slow things down on that glitch and you'll observe horns and chief wolf in a boat and at the end you can catch Olive UD and her drowning pose before the screen corrects itself if we follow the concept that Connor uses Chief wolf as self-representation it's possible that when we see horns we should think of Harry it's up in the air horns or JD but it is a little mysterious that the only Cog Weare related Personnel we can confirm for shipwrecks restoration are Liz and Patrick Connor's son throughout the videos related to the game EB cwar and PT Cog Weare show up a lot Elizabeth Baker Liz B and Patrick Thomas no sign of Harry and in the search that tried turning over every Rock seeing if something happens I looked into what happens if you fail JD's miname in the 1997 version it's actually very simple the volcano explodes you get the bad ending no changes no secret paths seen along the way so JD's area is a dead end here but this debug room was a big secret found in St mini game is there anything else out there for us and anybody else's yeah every single other one the first hint that you're able to discover more in the Min games that's kind of obvious through the failure to progress path comes through giovan's it's hard to miss the sudden glitching section of ceiling in here after your first failure if you're quick you can build a triple jump and bounce right [Music] in the murder scene just like an follows failure path does that mean there's one to find in Walters considering the cut scene between the two halves of husk we saw earlier there's plenty to see in Walters about half the time the world goes dark you can see a huge image of something in the Sky Box ranging from Rex the animator to Walter the dweller the Monstrous version that lurks in layer three and four you can also use Chief wol Second Sight to see there's a boat way out in the distance either a nod to the glitch in the debug room or an indicator to use this area to try accessing something if you're able and persistent you can wall jump up this section land on an invisible floor and approach a switch but first take notice that husk is watching you even here from a building in the distance a little reminder now that they've made appearances all throughout the game observing your progress tapping the switch opens the video from the 1996 demo for Walter's Waterway this very miname albe it in a different form than we know now I'm not sure if this is a hint at using the demo version found in the debug room to discover the glitch sequence or if this was indicating something reveals the murder scene using Bucky and Walter models i' been hoping for while exploring this area if that scene exists like Olive and giovan's I'm not sure how to find it yet about Olive though there's a multi-step Secret in her miname and the clue is in the trailer for [Music] Shipwrecked falling off the edge of the beach like that shouldn't be possible but Bucky just kept going in that one spot so if we replicate it we find a switch and that switch opens a browser tab there's a code in the description 8439 somehow we need to get up to that building where we'll use the code try the wall between the cabins and nothing happens because there's an extra trick to this you have to figure out through trial and error and I caught it you'll need to go to this exact chest and open it spawning in a mirror once you've done that go back to the wall between the cabins and in the very center without any indicator there's now a false wall run between the buildings ahead of you to the right and you'll catch a cabin with a fire burning in the back someone's face on a poster it can't be matched to any of our victims I suspect this is Brandon I'm also using the mirror as a potential clue to this being his identity and possibly his cause of death if he did die run to the back of this building and you'll find a door through it you appear in a room with a big floating message in the distance B time equals true the Boolean for time in the game enter the code on the keypad and you prompt a secret video return to the game and you'll see B time equals false you've just Frozen time within the game at 1:00 p.m. eliminating any difficulties with midnight or the sleeping system and it appears there's another way you can do this through Chief Wolf's miname in Slumber Woods in the furthest corner you see to the east with a boat piece you can see a keypad on a rock there is this two Arrow sign on the way here which might lead you to believe the code is the opposite direction but I've explored and haven't found anything to the West instead go to the left of the Rock and forward revealing a computer with a color code yes you would only be able to solve this on a second playthrough Having learned the color Cipher enter the pattern 3899 opening a browser tab for video titled Studio grounds do you remember the clip that played in front of the video footage of the husk this is everything that came before a studio grounds vacation for a child's 13th birthday and the first day at the park they saw this poster for meeting Walter walrus the same scene in the Blue Room at the Waterway advertising a frontier Street meet and greet I was having so much fun the kid says and it was only 1:00 p.m. but my mom wanted to stop by the frontier Street museum for a while boring some audio played over the speakers which was kind of cool at the end we can hear a clip of the same audio from the frontier Street Museum in game now if this secret is found in the level with horns showing that poster of Walter which we see in the blue room with a trophy head of horns what does that mean and for that matter why is the wolf lying on the bed in this room dead is this a match for the note by Connor about a boy who had a near-death experience that was covered up are we being told here that the boy who ran into the husk died I've gone through this area and the frontier Street museum with the time locked at 1: p.m. to see if it would activate something it hasn't that doesn't mean there isn't something it's possible that a script did not play but so far all I can relate is that it locked the time and gave me this video of a child's visit that ended in meeting the husk as for what's left of secrets on this layer using the computer in Slumber Woods as a jumping point you can get on top of the rocks and look out into the Horizon immediately you'll see a giant floating Horn's model and a whole building which looks like a labyrinth not sure what this is but it's an interesting s there's also the act of waiting on the menu for two full runs of the [Music] music [Music] [Music] and I can comment on a few other things concerning this layer in Exploration while playing Walter's miname if you start failing but then begin playing legitimately when the lights go out the game will try to push you into another failure state by inverting your controls it was a surprise and not an entirely welcome one while trying to make the wall jump to the secret platform but a cool Discovery there's a curiosity for those visiting the beach and keeping an eye out after achieving a miname failure the boat will be ready for you no matter what else you've done go on take it see what [Music] happens perfect oh thank you thank you help me to the store so we can head [Music] out and there have that achievement unlocked the confused ending I also discovered if you leave the pause minone for too long the camera will tilt over time leaving it in this odd position just another fun inclusion to make you notice how the game changes I believe and while all players will at some point after killing the characters hear them suddenly crying out in a course of stop itss there is another odd sound that can suddenly play and put you immediately on edge [Applause] it's possible that this is a sound alluding to the husk or it's just something else that's horrible and makes you wonder if you're about to be attacked or scared on layer one finally have you noticed that Bucky just keeps looking at the ground turning to to face him head on is difficult it's like you can't get him to look you in the eye Brandon's actions may be weighing on him this doesn't let up as we journey into the lower layers you'll find that Beyond layer 2 there actually aren't many secrets to uncover outside regular gameplay I believe this is because the Gameplay at this point is directly focused on major Secrets as the actual story Direction there just isn't much Rec Conor to have hidden now that you're down here but there are some points of interest once again examine the public videos related to broadside Beach gives us indicators of what to do you can find the whole playlist on squeaks to corgi's channel shipwreck 64 catalog observe the video demo of the inclusion of the convention demo for Cog weare's technology there's footage here of a kead that doesn't exist in the full game or isn't visible but if it's there what would be the code well you're right outside a room showing off a colored light display right with four colors give it a shot and and you'll find there is a keypad remember where the numbers are type in the code for the lights here and unlock an entire hallway in the room at the end a switch prompting a browser tab with this husk at night saying it's going to take a long time to heal strangely enough the web address is a page under the bulletin header I've wondered at points just how many pages are in the cogar sites and I don't believe I've encountered them all especially after finding out that running into the Monster version of Bucky opens new tabs on the sigh in the late portion of the game here's just two of them out of however many there are I still remember my face and smile for me dear speaking of the monsters in the effort to turn over every Rock and get one of the notes at the end of layer three I had to get caught and wind up in the cell if you do that Bucky is not happy with you you're the bane of my existence friend like really really you got us thrown in a Cell what is wrong with you look two options either we use the respawn button and go home or you find a way to break us out I'm not using my buck teeth to chew through the bars so don't ask about that and he'll keep on going too if you use the code to escape let it be known friend I hate you genuinely remember when I asked you to take me home yeah that what ever happened to that why am I even calling you that you're not my friend I don't even know you just keep going I don't care anymore jeez that started funny but the letter half ended the laughter considering what's down here though I'm not sure I can blame Bucky and as for them you've surely seen by now if you've played you've met the starlings which is their true [Music] name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] d [Music] Happ [Music] these are some of the most terrifying enemies I've ever encountered playing an indie horror game internet horror as a scene is littered with grotesque versions of cartoon characters and kids entertainment mascots in the wake of Freddy's but these these are a successful batch of Twisted things lurking in the dark and we're going to talk plenty about why these are so effective later but our next stop and uncovering secrets has to do with the starlings how did we get from these ugly but bearable mascot suits to these hideous distorted things layer 3's first half does allow you to use only two gate controls to move on yes but there is a reason to explore all three areas inside of each is a switch that opens a browser tab for a video with only a third of the screen playing the logic is simple collect all three place them in a video editor stitch them together and get the info in olives area you'll find the switch on the back of this computer easy to miss if you're focused on the two paths ahead now the third in the office style setting is the most difficult to catch if you tap this switch and just keep going you may not spot that the wall it's on isn't quite right even then investigating by walking into it stops you from moving suggesting the wall is real and it's just a visual error but if you walk in at the right spot you're looking through Bucky's model into another room seeing a table in front of you jump up and in and you found the area's video switch when it comes to the graffiti on the wall here I don't know what to make of it yet or who even wrote it is it Liz talking about Connor is it Connor talking about someone else I'm inclined to believe it isn't Connor if we assume the angry notes in the beginning of layer three are Connors the handwriting doesn't seem to match and the tone is different the message too interesting and chief Wolf's eyes are drawn above the door makes you [Music] wonder I'm stalling or maybe I'm just hesitant because I put the video together as soon as I had the pieces I needed to know what it was and I think in order to present it properly I need to guide you back through the experience leading up to this moment I have a a lot I need to say about what this video is and how it is and it answers some questions but let me introduce one more element of the game to consider before moving on because it's all I've got left for secrets and Mysteries before this next piece Bridges the topic into a review of Shipe 64's design in the bonus room of the walkable menu you'll have access to the secrets and the gallery what we need to observe are a few items these nightmarish images of the characters attached to names including Brandon for Bucky and this the studio grounds Vandal a very blue weasel sloth rat type of creature with a lot of blood stains finally the art for the Statue known as the husk who is the Vandal have we seen him before if your suspicion is that he's the character marked JD in the game as an original creation of cwar then following a clue from the end of the game on a YouTube channel JD from bullet in will confirm it in the most surprising way Hello friends nice to see you all again today I just wanted to leave a little message on here for my buddy Mark yes that's Mark he's a good friend of mine you know I just wanted to show him and you all something as well look at that quite a luxurious house huh here's the front if you were curious oh there's a nice view in the mountains too so JD stalked Mark Mullins the CEO of broadside and posted about it on bullet n he also uploaded this curiosity the description reads home sweet home so J comes from this messed up fleshy Cave System under broadside beach now for that description in the secrets the studio grounds Vandal the security camera shot of him in the gallery and the early footage we saw from one of the signs as the first hint of secrets in the 1997 version we can estimate that he may have had something to do with what happened at Studio grounds by Mark's own words in the meeting when the game's funding was pulled maybe it wasn't a kid running into the husk maybe it was vandal we've got a few other shots of Vandal by the way in the background of the confused ending and sure it's confusing suddenly seeing Vandal here but did you also know he's hiding in the Cog Weare websites if you click on the Shipwreck title screen you'll go to the games page in the first paragraph the word rabbits has a link attached to the a click it and see this footage on a page titled hotel with Vandal sneaking around the title screen endgame has one more thing for for you just type Vandal and check out the browser tab that [Music] activates is anybody else wondering what's up with the golden statue this looks like a bear a character we haven't seen in fact it looks more like the character on the original game cartridge who most certainly isn't Bucky there may be a few characters in Brads sit's history we've never seen actually now we discussed earlier if JD represents Harry from cwar I don't think much of that idea anymore I think we have solid evidence as to who JD the Vandal actually is I believe the suit was provided by cwar since they made him for the game and this video was on their website but in terms of this being hairy to answer that we need to discuss the completed video from layer 3 to get there you and I need to take a [Music] walk let's say that in your first playthrough you resolve to know the story through everything provided by miname failures tape recorders and notes by The Game's end you've collected a lot of lore and experiences and you've got questions most players aren't going to stop their playthrough to splice three videos together or even have a video editor or the knowledge to use one knowing that let's experience shipwreck 64 from that perspective the most common perspective for everyone who's played and its Impressions on us from the start in layer one we learn why Shipwrecked was taken off shelves very quickly hidden footage of three murders performed by someone wearing a Bucky Beaver mascot outfits plus one creepy looking Vandal on security cams the situation according to the info available by the end of layer 2 is clear Bucky beaver and his friends are cartoons produced by broadside animation created by this man Rex broadside ran two theme parks broadside Beach an island location reachable by cruise ship and Studio grounds a much more accessible Park in the United States the murders committed by Brandon using the Bucky costume occurred in January of 1990 and by by this point in our exploration all Clues indicate they occurred at broadside Beach the island that Shipwrecked is modeled after so up to entering layer three what we understand about this story is very much like a found footage slasher scenario something was wrong with Brandon and he went on a killing spree maybe he'd been waiting all along for an environment that made the perfect hunting ground or maybe whatever sanity held his violent tendencies in place was worn away on the job either through cabin fever or isolation but this is our understanding we have a theme park by an animation and movie studio where someone in a starring character costume slaughtered three other character actors and they covered it up and moved on to a new park while trying to silence whistleblowers about how dangerous the Island Resort always was so far this is incredibly compelling plausible and drives you forward to learn more mainly about Brandon and what drove him to murder his castmates we also want to know how cwar got this information on layer three we get into the logs and notes Connor and Liz being so excited working on the game things going well then things going not so well we know from the debug room that Liz made stumblr and how that conversation with Connor ended up influencing stumbler design and then we get hints through Connor's logs about why he would have done that recording by recording a picture forms helped Along by the audio from Mark Mullins who is not doing well in this period as CEO his wife Harley is hospitalized with an illness and no one else appears to be doing well the company is collapsing too and he's just trying to get a grip we know Harley's story is tragic she has her arm amputated and in the course of the game's development she dies our understanding by the end of layer three is that Mark is also the lead of a company struggling to beat horrific controversies Connor found a lot of them an entire history of death and tragedy to broadside name and before the final meeting audience we could tell what happened the game's funding would be pulled and Connor would use the hard drives evidence as a massive drop inside shipwreck 64 as an act of Revenge this system of logs and audio notes is awesome and none of it is so directly expository that it feels out of place the dev logs make sense and the inclusion of recordings made by Mark found on the hard drive that Connor grabbed makes sense because Connor would want people to hear those every act of giving us lur and in this game up to Connor's folder drop comes to us in audio files notes photos or security footage and it's all either in game or makes sense in context like the folder download to help spread the evidence of three murders that broadside covered up that's the big point of it all right three murders here they are broadside is filthy and guests at their theme park have died including children this is the delivery system we're accustomed to the entire game it feels right if it's rewarding it's plausible and it all feeds into a believable Central narrative that's a very big thing I need to stress here it's a scary retro game story you actually can believe because its shocking elements are supported by realworld horror and logic a reality grounded narrative about coverups for Grizzly events including a Serial killing character actor on a privately owned Island everything Connor has access to that's major and needed to be out there was left for us in an accessible and very consistent way we can absolutely believe and the story feels legitimate there are no ghosts there are no evil entities nothing is cursed it's just one very Furious Game Dev whose dreams have been crushed by a company in Decline trying to hide their corpses so what is going on with the starlings these are supposed to be monster versions of the murder victims right why do they look like this and why do Olive and Giovani have met objects sticking out of their bodies if they're murder victims is it anywhere near plausible that Connor would have made them out to be horrible monsters attacking the player as awful as he was about using stumbler to mock Harley's amputation this seems like a step too far even for him well we have information available to us about the starlings the three videos you have to stitch together from layer three when combined give you the rundown and I'd like you to watch this keeping in mind the way all the major lore given to us so far has gone the kind of story it's told up to this point and the way that everything about lore drops and circumstances in this scenario given by the game have [Music] felt Olivia Finch Gary Wilson Nathan Stewart that's the wrong picture for Gary by the way according to the folder we received from Connor causes of death Olivia Finch was found at the bottom of the lake right outside the cabins at broadside beaches sta quarters when located she appeared to be water logged it looked like something out of a horror movie said Hillary stocks her cabin mates there was a long trail of blood leading all the way from the window of Olivia's cabin to the lake at which she was found Gary Wilson was found in the broadside Beach staff kitchen blood surrounding his face he was seen with his head in the deep fat fryer with his body slouched over the edge his back as well seemingly was broken in many different areas Nathan Stewart was found in the broadside animation offices with several large gashes in his face something seemingly had grabbed an office chair jamming at full force right through the left side of his face coming all the way through the back of his head Starling conversion starlings are a creature that is in part manufactured by broadside Innovation Labs found on the broadside Beach attraction an island previously known as nulla a strange mineral was found in what workers called Stitch caves large holes in the island bowl of veins and seemingly some kind of strange fleshy substance within the dirt and rock of the island when researched this material seemed to possess strange abilities every single chunk of the material appeared to have its own pulse when combining the material with some kind of living organism first attempted upon rats it seemed to cause the subjects to Jitter and twitch when the skin was removed from the rats the effect was even stronger new bones not previously seen on that of a rat began to form like plants sprouting from soil any creature infused with the material appears to alter and change its skeletal structure to fit whatever condition they are in when the three victims emerged it was in our best interest to fix that before it became a public [Music] ordeal when I assembled the pieces and watched this I was not happy in fact I wished I hadn't found this at all and then I had to open up that emotion and asked myself why that was why did I feel so upset about this because that is what I was feeling and I realized it more as it set in I was upset at this video and I truly didn't want to be but what was it about this that plummeted my mood so deeply the first thing I admitted to myself was that genuinely it's become incredibly tiring to experience more projects doing the same body mutating organism horror theme it's oversaturated and unfiction now it's a Trope and it's gotten annoying but then I had to ask why it was annoying to me when I found it worked so well in Gemini home entertainment and Midwest Angelica why would those two projects get a thumbs up doing this while shipwreck 64 didn't was it actually a plot device oversaturation so bad that it needed to go to sleep for 10 10 years to be fresh again no I realized people could just stand to be a bit more creative with it so it wouldn't feel tired already and the best way to do that is great execution and that's when I understood why this video felt wrong the projects that have done this well did it entirely to their unique executions in manners consistent with their style and World build delivering believable presentation that was fresh and plausible for their setups in shipper 64 I didn't buy it not in the least it's entirely at odds with everything the game has been up to now especially if you find it after your first full playthrough and funny enough shipwreck 64 shows everything wrong with underdeveloped analog horror projects across the band just by including an analog horror video piece that exemplifies the many flaws dragging those projects down first this company is broadside animation they are an animation company they make movies and cartoons and merchandise they make theme parks any kind of innovation lab that would show up related to a company like that would not in any plausible way be related to biological organism studies and making zombies but let's entertain the idea for a moment let's just say that in the story they did and the entire reason for it was because they discovered some kind of mutating thing on the island do you think they would share information with employees working on this using serious documents audio log laap reports and confidential photographs and videos or make aesthetically pleasing videotapes with scrolling text over Pleasant music and flashy animated intros I'm thinking they would keep it strictly to lab reports audio logs photos and experiment videos instead of spending hours at the computer in the mid90s to make something like this I also don't believe two other things in terms of construction the way it's written which is very we're not sure but it seems like this happened in its conveyance even though broadside knows every detail of every murder or the way anything is described in the Starling conversion section none of it feels scientific or like it's seriously informing fellow employees and in sharpest contrast to the greatest writing in shipwreck 64 it's deeply expository in the ways that all the weakest analog horror projects are failing to adhere to writing in a manner consistent with the world build they're attempting to deliver and the whole thing about experiments on rats combining the material with living rats made them juder and twitch it says living rats here right but removing their skin resulted in a bigger effect and new bones formed spreading out to fit whatever condition they were in then when the three victims emerged it was in our best interest to fix that before became a public ordeal and were shown the suits so what's the insinuation here they skinned rats injected them with the organic cave material then let them grow inside the mascot costumes to fill them out and be weird rat zombies just to cover for the deaths of Gary Nathan and Olivia and they Place their bed on this working because they would Jitter and twitch enough to seem alive that was the plan that's a lot of insane work to go through battling controversies or not and obviously if this affects living organisms then we've probably got a good explanation for what happened to Brandon Harley everyone who hadn't been acting right maybe even Rex who died due to unknown circumstances in fact that's probably why Harley's arm was amputated the mutation ruined her arm and doctors thought they could stop the spread and still until she died as for Brandon he was infected already according to Olivia's first phone call or it wasn't Brandon at all just an early experiments or Brandon was killed by the infection and became a zombie inside the suits this video also appears to be at odds with the overall lore because it's telling us that living tissue works with the island material but the origin of the husk is that three men and one woman were left to rot together and fused into this talking creature which implies that broadside did experiment on the corpses of the murdered character actors and that lines up with the way this video ends so which is it living tissue is what works or living and dead rat zombies or people zombies no matter how you splice it there is one incontrovertible point to be made about this video it clashes with the entire design and lore layout of shre 64 as a project in every way it's incredibly expository while the game has been smarter than that all along the writing is poor in construction and logic while all other lore drops and inclusion of horrifying and violent elements have been so brilliantly Justified the presentation is entirely inconsistent with the pattern of lore drops throughout the game which makes it very tonally harsh and disruptive to the flow of narrative and atmosphere it directly changes the understanding of a real world horror plot so carefully built through all the ways it was presented to us and the husk segment doesn't EX exus it because that was shrouded in mystery and Intrigue that kept us under the narrative spell and finally if this was part of the big pile of Horrors broadside was responsible for why didn't the material come to us in that folder we worked so hard for after encountering the starlings why wasn't this lore given to us through forms that when read carefully or watched intently or listened to closely gradually revealed what starlings were and how they were made why didn't this very important and shocking information come across in the same way we'd been encountering Secrets all along in the game playay but on a harder difficulty of finding it because it was de lore AR G's work in the manner of giving you puzzle pieces and seeing you put them together that was so much of the fun of finding the secrets listening to the recordings reading the notes unlocking the footage finding the logically written pieces of evidence related to broadside Beach and putting it together for a chain of rewarding aha moments all while making us believe in the scenario the issue isn't that body mutating organisms are showing up in another unfiction project that's just not the case it's that the execution of this is so deeply not shipwreck 64 it clashes with our understanding of the narrative and The Vibes that gave all the way up I know I say it a lot but I say it all the time because it's so important execution is what makes or breaks your Project's total success your ability to make us believe and keep us believing through every action you take in design and story conveyance is one of your most critical responsibilities as a Storyteller and the way you do that is by staying consistent and introducing crazy new elements in ways that don't feel like they're crazy or just crash through the wall from someone else's project if this information had been given to us piece by piece through audio logs photos security footage and documents even models hidden in secret rooms hinting at it stuff we had to work to find along with the other Secrets or in Connor's folder drop then I would have bought it hook line Sinker and the whole damn fishing pole I would have accepted it with a smile and said oh wow it's zombies I didn't expect that how deliciously Twisted the presentation of the lore and the logic behind the secrets is what made me believe this entire time it is one of the highest strengths of this project and one of the ways that it blows away its peers the Starling video is the only Grievous error in the entire project shipwreck 64 is gold it's already one of my favorite projects ever and an example for all creators to learn from on so many levels it is a rightful inspiration to so many people already I know it is but the Starling video is aluminum and its importance to understanding the monsters was so major and so inconsistent with the entire design that it necessitated me being more harshly critical than John Wolf on a fake ghost hunting video I will always be sharpest in critique with creators who are absolutely kicking ass in quality throughout and squeaks to corgi's feet are going to need a month of cool down if you're in the honor role of the advanced class you've earned the red pen lectures all across your essays because you're capable of that 105 score and I'm going to do my damnest to help you reach it before you start writing for admissions to Ivy League colleges because that is the quality of your work and where you are headed and beyond all that I know he can handle it and welcomes it and later I'll get to show you what proves that and makes me so joyful about this project outside the experience I've had and every way it succeeds my final note concerning this video by the way is actually a positive by nature of being so optional and something you have to go the extra mile to see it doesn't ruin the standard experience of shipwreck 64 at all you can play the entire game through all its layers all the way to the truest ending and nothing is taken away you're left wondering what the deal is behind the husk existing and why the starlings look like that but honestly that's pretty par for the Cor course in a horror game you don't get a lot of questions like this answered until a later installment if I had never found the Starling conversion video I'd have nothing major to complain about but we do have a few other matters to discuss Having learned about the Fuller nature of Nera the broadside Beach Island so let's move on there are implications in the game that the blot Starling suit is not just some rat-based organism and if you look at the Starling model versus what you see in the animations you'll realize that it's true there is a human being in that suits see The Eye Inside the mascot's eye the teeth coming out beneath the mouth it's hinted that the blood costume's operator is Rex not only due to his death from unknown circumstances but audio that plays when blood appears using the NATO alphabet Romeo Echo x-ray it was either one of the Island's first casualties of infection or was infected per purposely to remove him from broadside operations and then we have the lore that begins on bot's level in 1995 there was a mass made of four men three men and one woman to be exact it sat in a room waiting for its Liberation that would not come for years the mass of four men sat in the room it arrived and twitched like a dying animal but it was still very much alive it craved Freedom Liberation and happiness and it begged to leave until it finally escaped making it outside and splitting in half this is the origin of the husk at least one of the Mass's halves which took the form of the odd statue at Studio grounds and now haunts Us in the game waiting to introduce itself Until the End husk makes it clear that it's some kind of new being formed from the body stored together and the organic matter from the island it can hear the voices of the starlings beyond that it doesn't tell us much about itself there is a possibility that the starlings aren't rat-based or animal-based as we we spoke of earlier because of the whole living tissue versus dead tissue issue these really could be the character actors reanimated into horrible monsters then disposed of violently it seems looking at Olive and Giovani the question comes up next how husk even factors into the game there's almost always a moment in projects when we need to just go with something and not question its hard logic writing because you know a little mystery left in the world right but it does make you wonder which elements dealing with broadsides true history were added by Liz and Patrick if any and that's where we could find writing logic and Conor excluding information on the starlings from the folder as well as everything to do with them and the husk even the Starling models and animations could be amped up with today's Tech because of the current team maybe Connor's version didn't make you grip your controller nearly as much we don't have Clarity on who did once except for this notes about the 1997 version being unaltered making us wonder if the recovery team did add anything if they did that could explain things better and fill gaps than make us wonder if the writing Logic for certain pieces was never actually done that doesn't mean we can't get it much later though or potentially in other places here's something we can get a clue about the other half of the mass remember it split in two and one half became the husk where's the other half it might be inside of Vandal which would explain why he tracked Mark to his vac home a few Clues give this away all of them on J's channel in the house tour video we can get a good look at the suit moving around and there's no glimpse of a person I consider this the letter clue compared to the others starting with what's in J's YouTube channel Banner a drawing of him next to the face of the husk there's also the only other video on the Channel that I saw at this time about the caves underneath broadside Beach which he declares as home sweet home only the organic matter found here would have called it home sweet home right the question of Harry the third member of cwar is still out there but I'm a lot less inclined to suspect that he's acting as Vandal I do suspect cogar has something to do with Vandal existing especially after seeing the footage from their sight but I'm leaning toward the idea it's the other half of the Mask comprised of the original starlings out for Revenge Mark Mullins probably met a really nasty end if they were out for him I'd also like to know what Vandal left in the kitchen maybe a severed arm and this brings us to the final point in discussing secrets and Mysteries we have more Mysteries after all like why did they actually proceed with the Starling experiments using the suits can we settle the issue of rat monsters or actor zombies what really went on with Brandon and why did he go on a killing spree what happened at Studio grounds that was so bad Mark Mullins mentioned it at the meeting when he played Shipwrecked the answers to a lot of these questions do exist they are out there and it is Canon but it's not in the game it's not in a place that you should go at all actually and that's a discussion pertaining to shipwreck 64's design and history but to even approach that topic we first need to review the design to go through the clean as it should have been version of the game as the player's first task is a master stroke in experiential design it lends credibility to the CLA of the fictional development team and their desire to present everything to the best of their ability while giving you the taste of what was meant to be it gets you comfortable with Shipwrecked immediately and even as you're getting comfortable you know for a fact that it isn't going to last way back in 2017 when I covered Resident Evil 7 we explored exactly this process and I can't say it better here than I did about almost exactly now 7 years ago the foundation of creating fear in any form of media is the same as creating immersion in any fictional property getting the participant to believe in the world you're showing them the suspension of disbelief is all about providing evidence for the viewer or player to doubt their disbelief so they become comfortable in your false reality once you've tricked them into accepting your lie and then believing it the player or viewer becomes adjusted enough to form emotional and mental connective tissue with the world they're viewing so what happens inside affects the is connected by way of presenting shipwreck 64 as an authentic presentation of the game in its original conception first like a museum piece you can play and then handing us the 1997 Edition squeaks deori achieved exactly this effect the atmosphere All Around The Lodge The Hub area making choices it all speaks to a connection with the dev team even while giving you an air of unease it makes it feel more legitimate and one once you play through the 2023 version you're comfortable with Shipwrecked and its characters you have created the movie theater seats made someone at ease in it and turned on the projector now you have us and we already know we're in for a horror movie but we don't know the details even when you get your first hint that something's not right through the science relay or two you're not exactly scared your curiosity is peaked and you're ready to explore knowing a world you've just gotten familiar with is about to go to some very dark places placing Giovani in the theater was one of the smartest choices that could have been made considering how absolutely brutal and sudden his scare is once he fail two states you're much more likely to run into Olive or Walter first both of whom give you a slower kind of jolt Walters through the ramping up of activity in the Skybox and inverting your controls ending with the common security footage we have of Brandon's murders and olives through a slow buildup of the atmosphere of morbid curiosity and Dread inside the cabin before her murder plays this effect even carries over to geovani by way of making us aware the black screen happens too quickly and the interaction button for him isn't working after the second failure States we have time to realize things aren't right in fact something isn't working something is downright wrong so we try it again and again confused ask what's going on and then perfect execution the range of emotions run their course and then the axe drops as for chief Wolf's miname horns is a dorky monster but still creepy enough in this context that you don't want to be caught and he's very unexpected which works for the atmosphere the footage also does start to deterior at for getting caught on failure 2 leading to the full collapse on the third this is such an important thing to observe all around for layer 1's playthrough in 1997 the scares are all here but they are not without buildup and they are not immediately accessible squeaks has made you comfortable primed you all along to be a little on edge made you largely forget you're in a horror game raised curiosity to find the scares and and generated tension before delivering them and these scares are not threats did you ever notice that nothing here is actually hurting you it's scary it's deeply uncomfortable and shocking but you're not under attack and guess what that makes your feelings of unease much worse going back and forth between the areas of layer 2 and layer 1 where you've erased the happy Island music and your friends you you can still be given a reason to dismiss your feeling of comfort those random sounds that play be the rustling of what may be the husk or the sudden cries of your dead friends telling you to stop and again take note of what squeaks did here you will get comfortable running back and forth recognizing that nothing is scaring you you're allowed to get comfortable again even while knowing things aren't totally safe so then you're shown that things can still happen keeping you on edge even the changes of the footage on the project actor in the theater assist in this way it's not hurting you but you've been shown some horrific things in footage like this and why did it change suddenly you can't see around the corner over there are you safe that's the genius of the entire design from the start of 1997 you're constantly going between a feeling of being safe to suddenly realizing you may not be and you don't know if a hit is coming or not that's the difference between how squeaks designed a successful experience and so many others who fail this sort of thing it's designed with the true technique for scaring every single time you are given stimulus for Rising tension before your hits and you gain Rising tension because a moment ago you were at some level of comfort and feeling in control Comfort tension scare that's the process it's like muscle confusion for the emotions an act of making you think you've got this then no you certainly don't you must create the emot atmosphere to be at most fear it's the atmosphere that earns the scare if you are making something scary take it to heart this is a law that goes back to the dawn of horror movies the emotional atmosphere earns the scare this carries as you explore Layer Two which largely keeps you comfortable but occasionally provides reasons for being cautious as you enter on areas and strange things happen even the again atmosphere of the oppressively red and empty Diner makes you wonder what you're walking into raising the tension and it works because it's in such contrast to what you've experienced before it you've been at peace with happy and colorful environments here already and shown you can't trust them so not even oliv's pool is without a light sense of dread but as you complete layer 2's areas you don't hit anything truly terrifying mostly what you get is puzzle solving and lore both of which are done quite intelligently the puzzle can challenge you the approach that squeaks took in making players look things up outside the game isn't common but we've grown accustomed to puzzles having their ciphers or Solutions just the next room or delivered to us by characters over dialogue and collectible documents not everyone is going to like this While others are going to absolutely love it if you are a fan of args and the classic idea of args then you probably love this and will defend it with your whole chest especially when you remember the context these were Secrets meant for dedicated adults to uncover back in 1997 guarding Grizzly information as we receive them now that time of secrecy has largely passed and the time we're in can even explain the new cogar team operating stumblr and his guide there probably was a stumbler guide back then but there's modern touches like his Gmail account in the 1997 Edition as it shipped whatever happened when you click those monitors for browser Pages must have given either a literal link for you to write down and enter on a computer or the video You Were Meant to watch can use for a code with no YouTube to host it so the YouTube angle at least would be new here overall you have to do the leg work Beyond just clicking a play button or going through normal means of play that's what makes an ARG different from a video game or an interactive narrative yes this is definitely putting the game an alternate reality game and it's presented in the context of an alternate reality for sure but the actual component of tapping into your dedication and figuring things out by following pieces and connection ing them is here stumbler guide makes this easier but you're not just given the material you got to Google you got to think and for some of these secrets you need to study outside material and apply it now it's not all as happy as having a guide and you're smart enough to beat certain moments but there are elements in which neither a guide nor intuition has your back and thinking isn't going to get you that far I've got to critique the puzzle elements that aren't so hot especially because of the nature of the project as being primarily a video game a full-fledged ARG as we understand it traditionally has patience packaged in for its expectations you're going to come up against walls and ruminate on how to get through them for a good day or week with a traditional ARG and you'll probably have the help of other people in a video game you don't have the patience or motivation to Bear being stuck on something longer than 15 minutes and every minute that goes by over 10 just gets you to a a point of anger some components of Shipwrecked want to challenge you in that AR org get through the- wall sense but should not have been in the design and the more difficult puzzle it out moments should be optional not total progression blockers because remember this is a video game there are puzzle elements with solutions that make sense and can be completely defended but lack of adequate hinting on the way to those Solutions can't be justified in my opinion these moments in include the steam achievement hint though I see what the hinting was and that it tried to get there it just wasn't strong enough every occasion in which a YouTube video had information in the description or much worse than that a comment and the need to get trapped in the cell while in the sewers although that one only required a good hint about the cell area and isn't nearly as critical an issue to me I've also got to admit that I really dislike the use of the same NATO phonetic alphabet audio clip in multiple places it immediately gives players whenever it's heard the sense that the audio has the solution and makes them waste precious time getting frustrated one instance of this is its use in the magma video which distracts from the fact that the volcanic eruption is what you need to pay attention to and lack of mention to examine all publicly visible parts of videos anywhere on the journey makes players Overlook the description I've seen this happen to other players twice which underscores how it really wasn't the way to go about using the YouTube video elements and that while reusing ciphers is intelligent design reusing specific puzzle pieces in this manner should have been avoided I personally spent way too much time listening to the same NATO fonetic alphabet audio come out of horns as a potential method of solving the keypad in Slumber woods so that's two strikes against its multiple uses either as a red herring or just a desire to reuse something in the game for an experience like this in which you already have the challenge of solving a puzzle red herrings don't make your players happy and again on the YouTube videos I wouldn't have made the descriptions or the comments the points in which you find what you need using them to hint at something in the video or title yes using them to convey crucial elements no most people ignore video descriptions and comment sections by Nature the video and the title are what's immediately in front of players faces those are the only two components where critical information should have been especially off Target and I really do have to hammer this one is the issue with the crystal video I can't accept its dual usage in the plaza and I even think it's clever especially because if you fail the terminal run because you ignore the last four notes hint directly next to a keypad you're going to suddenly remember or come across it again asking where the last computers were and the solution clicks into place it's a very easy thing for a player to set themselves up for and they will get it they will but having a video with a Mozart Cipher involve music that runs past the relevant portion and then having to specify where that relevant portion starts in a comment is just bad design why didn't you just trim the video and re-upload it with the new link attached to the switch is it because just hearing the second half doesn't make it super recognizable as the song Mary Had a Little Lamb you could just change the title of the video to little lamb as a hint or something just as telling like least as white as snow there was no excuse for an oversight on a crucial puzzle piece that was so easy to fix you should have recut the video put in a new link and taken care of this ahead of time I highly encourage patching it in the next update as a first priority relying on someone scrolling down to catch a comment for a timestamp when the onus was on you to provide only the necessary section is the kind of game master mistake that really frustrates players fix it up and future players will have a much easier time especially when the workstation run in the plaza is going to be brutal on them now returning to the experience review and the topic of audio on layer 3 let's talk about a subtle but brilliant touch for stimulating tension this hallway Connor's warning notes before do give you a touch of priming but the actual makeup of the hallway and the audio is what brings attention back into the picture the Hangman game for Brandon the Urgent messages to stop and again that audio I cannot stress enough how potent the audio is in this game I think it's the hitmaker of the entire design in terms of ensuring you will be afraid and stay afraid audio work in shipwreck 64 is superb that becomes clearest when you enter layer three the land of Darkness but the first half spar factor is mainly Visual and here's a fun note stumbler guide while being very helpful serves as the meanest primer of all in terms of establishing Terror before the whole puzzle solving adventure of the two gate control areas you need to hit or possibly three depending on if you get stuck or just like exploring in this entire Zone there is no threat you will encounter No Monsters no scares the only Goosebump making section is here due to the audio and other sudden ambient noises that make you freeze you have no idea where the sound is coming from or what it means you just know you don't like it and you want to get in and out quickly by the way in this spot it's coming from Starling Walter haunting one position way to the left only visible if you really move around and spot him which could scare players even more as they understand there is now a threat mostly though this half of layer 3 is spotless it's creepy it's dark it brings you into new areas areas you don't know and it does so after giving you a website that tells you there are monsters down here you've been warned here are monsters watch out and area by area you explore being cautious learning about hiding in barrels collecting lore looking carefully around corners and you don't meet any monsters you become fixed on the puzzles offing you get into a groove of listening to logs so what happens you get to a level of comfort again and this is a dangerous level of comfort because you're in a scary place and feel you've got the hang of it and can handle the atmosphere you haven't seen a damn thing and when you enter the next Zone you've largely forgotten about the starlings you just know you need to explore now this is where squeaks laid the ultimate trap you can see you're in a big strange area now and that old spooky unfamiliarity comes back but you're on a roll you have confidence along with uncertainty so you get moving you get to explore a while and then you hear the odd sounds but you've heard odd sounds this entire game right odd sounds don't mean anything it's Ambience right just trying to put you on [Music] edge the very first time I heard Olive sounds I slowed down to observe them then I saw her move into the black bar on the side of the screen and I watched her fade in transfixed Disturbed seeing something that shouldn't be happening come into view instantly on edge finally realizing as she turned to face me what I was looking at and then the jump scare struck I barely had time to go from realizing I was in danger and needed to brace myself to being hit full force and then sprinting screaming to a barrel while Duck and Cover played loud and anxious the screen tearing I haven't been scared that good by a game in ages I did not leave the barrel I hid inside of for minutes while I just collected myself and realized that the monsters were finally out to play and I'd only just met one and this was a big area and I didn't know my way and no that Plaza map did not help and you know what maybe even that was meant to contribute to the Fear Factor it does nothing for you and you know why I stayed in that Barrel because Olive came back into the side of the screen looking for me again and I didn't know what to do thank that's when I learned you need to be in the barrel before she comes looking the barrel means she can't see you I was safe but wow the way I was so exhilarated and terrified to move at the same time the sheer Insanity of that kind of fluid 3D model movement contrasting with the regular Graphics of the game the way it came in from an area of the screen I'd completely forgotten hours ago could even be used and the way the model looked as it chased me absolute top up tier design work everything you experience up to this point is a series of Peaks and valys for tension and scares you go from Comfort to fear back to some kind of comfort to fear again and it teaches you it teaches you what can and can't happen to you you can be put on edge by the audio knowing scary things can appear but you can't be hurt there's no enemy to run from stumblers guide warns you when entering layer three there are monsters now and then you forget about them and get comfortable again you get confident you move into a new area and have time to explore it a bit and establish that you're okay here too scary place creep outs can happen this game can shock and startle you but you've managed up to here you know what can and can't happen to you right you've got this and then the starlings happen and your confidence is laid to waste crushed into dust while you shake inside a barrel knowing that was only one out of three and you don't know what else is in store for you magnificent every element of what was needed needed for a damn good fully earned scare was here and its delivery was Insidious the way each monster works too is Insidious you need to figure it out and survive the shocks along the way and riding out the sounds never knowing if they're really that close until you study them and which one is Olive and if you've got time to throw yourself into a barrel this is so tense all of that mixed with the difficulty of this area is what's going to make or break you as a player and if you beat this stage nothing will stop you from wanting to go the distance this is going to make you a horror game player blots mechanics are different too and involve an inversion of Olives that brings a new form of audio scare the sudden silencing of the music a Moment of Silence has never made such a panic inducing experience and when it first happens in a place as Serene and clean as this you realize that squeaks got you again can it get old as you play the game more and learn their mechanics trying to beat one part of course this happens with every single horror game ever made you'll learn the area find out your objective learn the monsters and through consistent exposure overcome the fear until the next area where you're no longer so sure of yourself like when Bucky enters the picture in the sewers and now you know you've got to deal with him too and the way he'll stare at your Barrel as he passes You by knowing your in there but not acting that is so unsettling and let's give it up for this Factor one of the greatest moments I've ever witnessed in the wake of Five Nights at Freddy's when it comes to inspiration over imitation all these monsters include the same hunting pattern ideas that Scott cin introduced to the game scene but done in such different ways under such different circumstances that it feels like new this this is what I mean every time I say inspiration not imitation squaks learned effective hunting monsters from Scott then applied the lessons differently mixing in unique Concepts to generate a different experience while hitting with the same intensity but in a way that is entirely shipwreck 64 absolute topshelf victory in learning from your Inspirations A+ and now at last the portion of this video that I want everyone who has ever tried to do anything to pay attention to [Music] most on January 1st 2024 shipwreck 64 and its Definitive Edition was released on Steam on February 1st 2022 I received an email for Broadside Beach as a submission to the nightm index it has been over 2 years since I got that email and at the time looking at the links provided in that email I knew the project had been in development much longer than the start of 2022 the earliest video you can find at squeaks to corg channel related to broadside Beach is the Lost media collection teaser trailer from April 20th 2021 getting close now to 3 years ago the actual content of that video the launch to broadside Beach's first Incarnation as a video series is unavailable to view I have seen it there's still enough material public for me to make the necessary points though over the months that followed the first presentation of the broadside beach idea there were several uploads comprised of a lot of material in the vein of Investigation videos on the defunct Park broadside Beach mixed in with footage of development for five nights VR fan games as squeaks learned Unreal Engine and game development the videos produced from the early days and up to the point of submission to the index were well here you're seeing the visuals from the second lost media collection teaser it's very different from what we know of shre 64 and in terms of style and choices it's exactly what it looks like a novice's first attempt to make a non-fiction project even the use of teasers for something that had as no hype by a brand new creator with no following at the time is indicative of a novice's understanding of this kind of work but also their excitements which does make one smile when it comes to the video that has been made unavailable it Illustrated precisely what can be said of the material in this phase which is what gave me the impression I had at the time there's potential here there's something here but it's not at the Quality it can be yet a lot of the early work is an attempt to tell the story through video means but contained a lot of moments overplaying elements and being too eager to try style and atmosphere without writing logic it was all of the love of the concepts attached to something like broadside Beach and Studio grounds as well as the Sinister history of the company but without the maturity and experience to nail the execution of these elements in harmony while achieving believability it was young work by a young Creator whose passion and skill and Technical aspects was very clear but the understanding of how and why these stories work was still developing and here's the thing squeaks is very well aware of this according to the description for the broadside Beach playlist the series that came before shipwreck 64 I'm not as proud of this series as I used to be admittedly I'm keeping this up only because people don't like it when I take down my videos like I did with broadside Beach 1 I don't like this series anymore and I want shipwreck 64 to be the thing that allows me to make the series good again all creators who are on their best path will have overlap with most creators in one way they love their new work for 5 hours and then will have mixed feelings about it for 5 days this is the step up from where new creators on their best path come from which is loving their new work for 5 minutes and then hating it for 5 days we can and will dislike and even be embarrassed about what we made in Prior states of evolution but what makes for productive use of those feelings is the recog of what worked what didn't and how we can go forward making it better and achieving a greater creative victory for our vision the first footage of the early game presentation of Shipwrecked came out on September 7th 2021 the last major installment of the videos attempting broadside Beach was on November 14th 2021 during this time squeaks decided to commit to the Shipwreck idea and in that process must have realized the video approach was not doing the concept Justice or doing Justice to himself making use of the skill set he'd been developing that was rarer in this field and set him apart while giving people a more immersive version of the story would be the greater Victory on February 27th 2022 he introduced the shre teaser for the first playable version of the game yes this exact version and it launched on July 16th 2022 totally free from there squeaks went on to work on another game in the Shipwreck story line cold k64 but it wasn't released instead he must have again realized looking back on his work that he could do better much better on December 20th 2022 the Shipwreck 64 overhaul teaser was uploaded I want you to look at this timeline because I need you to understand why I am so proud of this creator that this script drove me to write 64 pages and with all of you who are Mak making anything need to keep two hearts April 20th 2021 the Lost media collection teaser trailer September 7th 2021 shipwreck 64's earliest game footage November 14th 2021 last major installment of the videos attempting broadside Beach as a video series February 27th 2022 the Shipwreck teaser a complete commitment to a new vision for the project July 16 2022 shipwreck version 1 launches over a whole year past the first attempt at broadside Beach it's completely free and still after more than a year of work including this the project did not gain a ton of traction but 11 days later on July 27th 2022 after more than a year and lampshading the whole first wave of content for the project squeaks committed to a greater vision and broke through to the tune of 2,000 subscribers and still he recognized he could do better December 20th 2022 the Shipwreck 64 overhaul teaser is uploaded then for a solid year squeaks worked on this game an entire year dedicated to making this work leading to release on January 1st 2024 and look what's happened you can't go anywhere in this neighborhood of YouTube without seeing love for shipwreck 64 even to the point of being on Game Theory Live Twice as of my writing this shipwreck 64 has over 200 reviews with majorly positive support as of my recording this there are over 300 the status of which in all reviews is very positive a blazingly hard achievement on Steam I was enamored with this game from the first night I played it I regard this project so highly that it's going to come up in conversation for years I had to stop playing the game to actually write this script and make the video and I missed shipwreck 64 I miss it as I speak I invited moments to pick up the controller and record something I didn't have so I could use it as a visual because it meant I got to go back I love this project so much I'm proud to know that squeak submitted broadside Beach to the index and I'm even prouder to know that this is what it turned into and this was the timeline and what it took for him to make it here this project went through two Evolutions accepting that it just wasn't what it needed to be yet and despite going through those moments squeaks kept going imagine all the nights of disappointment doubt and disenchantment with his project every agonizing hour that something wasn't working wondering if it was even worth it and he persevered and look what happened and this is why you don't give up if you love your vision don't you ever give up and don't ever settle for less than your own satisfaction with accomplishing that vision and always know that if you mean it you will make it the skills the time the resources don't say that you can't be brave enough to give yourself and your art a chance and then give it another and another and see what it grows into squeaks dorgi is 18 years old he did all this while in high school and the last year of development involved graduation and even through that look who stuck to his project and is now the biggest name in the field right now in stunning me Matt Pats and dozens of other art reviewers online he's started at 15 or 16 do you know how many teenagers in high school try to make things and get immediately discouraged into giving up for years do you know how many look back at what they put into the world realize it was a juvenile remix of what someone else made and hide in shame instead of choosing to evolve look me in the eye and tell me you can't do that idea you're dreaming of squeaks tried twice and got a little further each time and then doubled down and one on the third attempt he didn't not quit and neither should you not now not when you finish and realize it's not what you wanted it to be not ever if you love it you will go the distance and you will love it even more than you ever have and become the artist The Vision deserved you will create yourself in the process the future of horror and unfiction is extremely bright and it's because of people like squeaks the Corgi and I want you to take away another lesson from all of this yes you can scrap things and relaunch them you have that ability I imagine that having disown the broadside Beach videos and shipwreck 64's first launch but needing to admit it's all Cannon squeaks wants to incorporate the information in his future rom hack plans and videos that follow the style and quality we know from shipwreck 64's definitive launch I am so on board with that approach it is one of the huge reasons I have not given you any of the Canon information that I know of I think it's the right way to go about it because the definitive shipwreck 64 is the quality level as a Creator he is at now if you reach a new weight class as a Creator and things start working and you can bring everything up to your new level I say go for it dedication is another major aspect of this game and being as dedicated as he was in the writing Logic for the design of shipwreck has as I am aware actually caus squeaks and playthroughs by people who don't understand how to access the horror element Some People Want it hand delivered to them and that's the hell of doing your job right in this field so be ready for it all of you who choose the immersive method if you design with logical writing that will Delight your peers who understand immersion and args dedicated to Smart execution you're going to lose a more casual audience there is no doubt about it but if you can't stand the idea of weak writing for the sake of getting everyday people from the setup to the scares then first of all I'm always going to support you and second everyday people seriously you didn't build this for them and tweaking things to be weaker just to get them in doesn't serve the art and it's a disrespect to yourself so honestly them you can't make things a total lock box unless you're building it for the hardcore ARG audience and I did discuss the points at which shipwreck could have been better in clarifying and speeding up past the solutions especially while being a video game and not the standard ARG experience but by no means should squeaks have made the reveal method for the horrors on layer one as easy to access as others may have achieving your first failure State could have been rewarded with a small enough hint that it gives the player pause enough to raise their curiosity maybe but even then someone achievement hunting the bad ending in version 1997 would have found it for sure and then Word of Mouth would have spread as much as it already has counting on Word of Mouth Is Never something you want to do when designing your projects in terms of players getting Solutions but it did assist people in this case I know that I could visit what exists to the Canon information for questions we have pertaining to shipwreck 64 through the broadside Beach material in the first version of the game like I said I'm not going to do that it's as dead to me as it is for squeaks because squeaks has denounced it by making a definitive addition squeaks has denounced the Shipwreck playlist and I'd much rather see every lore piece come to life through the ways he's going to do it down the road at the skill level he has gained it's what the project deserves it's what he deserves and I'm entirely in support it's been over a month now since I originally played shipwreck 64 and now I don't want to leave can you figure that one out I've even come back to the script multiple times to address different points that came up to me because I just couldn't bear the idea of missing anything that I didn't do it justice you know have I even hit all the points I hope so there was so much I wanted to say um what am I supposed to do at the end of a video [Music] again h of course thanks to no no not that squeaks the Corgi has made one of the most impressive projects in the field and will influence many new creators and a whole lot of high school kids who think of doing big things for a long time shipwreck 64 is a prime example of everything that night mind stands for and the best way I could start a whole new year this video has been worth the time it's taken to make it I will always smile when I think of this project and I want it to be known as The Testament to perseverance and dedication that it is not just to achieving a vision but to going from a whole lot of influence creativity to becoming the very kind of unique inspiration that impassioned you in the first place reboot after reboot squeaks evolved reboot after reboot squeaks persevered that's a whole lot of growth in just a few years and so much still ahead head mark my words this Creator is going to get so good and make new work so scary that it'll be an online event whenever a new game drops and godamn do I want a Bucky Beaver [Music] t-shirt it might be too late right now for you to play shipwreck 64 seeing as we're at the end of this video but you can absolutely follow squeaks the Corgi on Twitter and subscribe on YouTube to stay up to dates much much love to everyone who worked on this project too and their incredible work firat Productions Lillian Sandy fresh decimate wh's willpower magicum Matty BRS kitum Mas Lorenzo en ruia Aura ring panu Kyler kiry Ty Coker midnight mousing and thingl you have of course helped create something amazing thank you all of you for your efforts in bringing us shipwreck 64 and Thanks for believing in a kid with Big Dreams who is giving it his [Music] all thanks to squeaks the Corgi for making shipwreck 64 and for never giving up thanks to all of you for watching and to all of my supporters on patreon who were patient as always while I worked on this very large video giving me the ability to do nightm and Run the Night mind index where shipwreck 64 first appeared as broadside [Music] Beach that's all for tonight everyone thanks for joining me in the dark again this evening once more I'm Nick nocturn and like the passion for an idea that's worth your efforts you'll be seeing me again real soon until next time remember to think outside the box and sleep [Music] [Music] [Music] tight
Channel: Night Mind
Views: 933,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shipwrecked 64, shipwrecked 64 explained, shipwrecked 64 secrets, shipwrecked 64 gameplay, shipwrecked 64 playthrough, bucky beaver, arg, unfiction, squeaks d'corgeh, nick nocturne, shipwrecked 64 puzzles
Id: YFHp-4IyIrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 26sec (14366 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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