The Ministry of Angels - Chris Reed Full Sermon | MorningStar Ministries

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foreign [Music] well I want to get right into the message today and I'm going to speak on something that I think is probably something that is not talked about enough and I understand the reasons why but nevertheless it is important that we discuss this subject it's the ministry of angels in Psalm 34 and verse 7 says the angel of the Lord and camps around all all around those who fear Him and delivers them in Hebrews 1 14 says are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation how many of you are inheritance of salvation yeah that's your inheritance your Heirs of God and Joint heirs with Christ but I think it's interesting are they not all ministering Spirits sent forth to minister for those you see you can never avoid a important biblical truth because some have taken that truth to the extreme there was so much Angelic activity in the New Testament that the Apostle Paul actually had to address the idea of the worshiping of angels it's talked about little because there are those who equate Angels or deify them or they replace God just like anything shouldn't replace God they're important figures in scripture such as Mary his mother I mean she's pretty unique but she was never meant to be prayed to or or worshiped and the same is true with angels but we can't avoid the subjects just because some people take it too far we have to understand the truth of the matter and have a clearing call and a clear sound I want you to notice there if you see upon the PowerPoint and this is a incredible Revelation once you really get a hold of it because we all have our favorite subjects our favorite uh I call them Candy Stick Doctrine so to speak but there is no greater heresy than to take a truth and make it the truth in other words we're seeing too extreme here that we're seeing those who will avoid it all together because some have got it out of balance on any given subject and then there are those who will take a truth and make it the truth and it's just like taking one piece of the pie and pretending as if it's the whole so this is the reason why we need each other we all have a piece of the loaf when Jesus broke bread that night he gave a peace to each of his disciples and he said do this in remembrance of me what was he saying each of you have your peace and when you come together you remember the body in more than one way you remember what he did at the cross but you also bring the members of the body and bring remember the body bringing the body together and so everybody has their own unique gifts and talents and and strengths and qualities and that's why it's important to be a part of the body of Christ a community of Believers because you have something we need and I have something that you need and the scripture that's why Paul said we have the mind of Christ he didn't say you have the mind of Christ or you have he said we together corporately you know there's Matthew Mark Luke and John are the four gospels and you know many people have tried to dis disprove the Bible over the years because they'll take something that Matthew says that maybe Luke doesn't they say no you see their contradiction here one says it this way on one particular story and the other book says it another particular way will you try to put four different people observing the same event and see if they see the same exact details you know so so yes those were four uh individuals but they all saw the same thing but they wrote it from their perspective and so Elohim you all are familiar with that Old Testament Hebrew name of God it's what's often translated uh Lord and the other Hebrew name is Yahweh the holy name of God in the Old Testament but isn't it interesting how Elohim which really represents not a plurality of gods or beings blood but a plurality of the attributes and qualities and expressions of God and at the end of the name of the biblical archangels it's interesting they end with l Michael Gabrielle and I know there are some extra biblical books that we do not base Doctrine on but you've probably heard the names of other supposed archangels and I'm not here to defend whether that's true or not but the Bible does mention those two and they both end with L now what's interesting l e l not only represents Elohim but in Hebrew it represents the number 11. and the reason why is because Angels especially angels of high rank like archangels bring the answer or the message at the last hour or the 11th Hour you can look in scripture we know Lucifer of course didn't get an L at the end of his name and people have wondered well why didn't he well it's because I think God was letting us know he wouldn't be with the Lord all the way to the end he wouldn't be with the Lord at the end of the age at the 11th Hour just before the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ but he was cast out of heaven and he did not abide with the other Mikey Mickey l or Gabriel or however you want to pronounce it with the L's at the end of their name the 11th hour is represented by L because the 11th hour is just before midnight and I don't know about you but as the hour or the world grows dark and we see Darkness all around us and evil abounding we see the perversion of Education we see all of the confusion around gender ideology and teaching our children that you can be a different gender between you know what's between your ears and what's between your legs may be different uh that's just a sign that we're living in the 11th Hour Isaiah 60 says it speaks of a time when darkness will cover the Earth in Gross Darkness the peoples but then it gives us a sign of hope it says then the glory of the Lord will light upon you so as the world gets darker the glory of God is going to get brighter and it's going to light upon God's people and I feel tonight a desire or today I sense such a need to put forth the call for the Midnight Cry the bridegroom is coming [Applause] one of the foundational doctrines of the church is the belief in the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ you see every coming of Christ is connected with an archangel for instance Gabriel was the one who brought the message to Mary right before the first coming of Christ and she heard the angel speak to her that which is conceived and you as the child of the Holy Spirit and so that angel comes right before the first coming of Christ and then in first Thessalonians 4 and 16 it says that when Christ returns Messiah returns again he will blow the shofar or the the trumpet to Signal the second coming the Lord will descend with the Shout with the voice of the archangel the Bible tells us that the Archangel Michael was wrestling with the dragon if you remember in the Book of Revelation when it said that Satan was cast down knowing he had but a short time Revelation 12 and 12. in Jude chapter 1 of course there's only one chapter the Archangel Michael is said to have wrestled the devil over the body of Moses and then in Revelation 12 it mentions Michael and his angels why why does it say Michael has Angels because archangels have Angels under them and over the archangels is the Lord himself the one true and living God and he is called the captain or the Lord of hosts those hosts are angels and so those archangels have Angels under them the Heavenly hosts the Heavenly armies and you know many Bible characters in both Old and New Testament encountered angels I mean if you took out the Angelic encounters out of the body just because or out of the Bible just because you say you know we're afraid to talk about that people make too much out of it man you would lose a lot of the supernatural recorded in Scripture and Angels were sent by God to that person at a strategic point in their life where either their purpose was about to unfold or they are about to receive a commissioning and so how many of you know and understand that in any army there's rank there's generals lieutenants and so on and so forth well let me just explain and let me help you understand a little bit about angels whatever rank you have in the spirit is what level of angel will be assigned to you now we all have equal value in the eyes of God you know it says there's neither Jew nor Gentile nor Bond nor free nor male nor female for we're all one in Christ Jesus well that's true in in the sense of our spiritual inheritance but there's still a distinction between male and female and there's still a distinguishing between Jew and Gentile because of the end time purposes that God will have for the nation of Israel and so whatever your rank in the kingdom is and you don't earn that or deserve that it's just your calling your gift set or your role in the body is the level of angel that is assigned to you I want to tell somebody here today that there are angels of higher rank that are being assigned to people in this place yeah in the Old Testament the angel of the Lord was the pre-incarnate Christ himself theologians will say and some people will miss out with angels because they don't understand their rank in the Kingdom their place their position their role in the Kingdom to understand rank you have to understand authority to understand Authority you have to understand headship and the bigger the kingdom assignment that you have been given by God to fulfill on this Earth the bigger the angel that will be assigned to you so that you can fulfill the purpose that God had for you from before the foundation of the world these are ministering Spirits these are those whom God sends to help us and Aid us and since God is invisible and God is a spirit angels will often represent a part of himself not that they are God by no means but they will represent some part or nature or quality of the one true God for instance there are healing angels remember when Jesus healed the paralytic there was an angel that came down one time a year stirred the waters whoever got in the water first was healed their prophetic angels there's Deliverance angels and so find your assignment in the kingdom and the Angelic realm will become available to you and that's important to whom much is given much is required and so many people want Angelic activity in their life but they haven't found their place in the kingdom of God yet and I would just simply say it this way the greater your value that what you contribute not that not that there's big eyes and little use no no I'm not saying that at all but I'm saying there are certain people have given and contributed and sacrificed so much to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Earth the greater your value to the kingdom of God the higher the rank of angel that will be assigned to you I want you to notice this find your field and then you'll find your Harvest and if you find your Harvest you'll find their your harvesting angel whatever your field is whether it's education whether it's industry whether it's media and entertainment whether it's government wherever you are assigned outside of the Four Walls of the church to make a difference and to be an ambassador representative of the Lord Jesus Christ you find your field then you'll find your harvest the people that God has given you to reach to connect to bring the gospel to and guess what there are harvesting angels I want to make a statement and I think that I'll show you just a little bit about those harvesting angels Angels show up when great purposes of God are about to take place in the earth do you know your guardian angel and I believe you have one Matthew chapter 12 gives us a reason for believing that but your angel that is specifically saying to you there is a lot of biblical support that says they even look like you now you know I don't know about that you know that sounds well let's just hold on there's scriptural evidence for this in Revelation chapter one remember Jesus sent his angel to signify these things to John remember the message to the seven churches in Asia Minor and if you remember when Jesus's Angel who sent this message or brought this message to John to signify these things John was so over overcome and overwhelmed by the glory that he actually fell down to worship and the angel said don't worship me it wasn't Jesus but the angel represented her looked like Jesus that's why John mistakenly tried to worship Him in Acts chapter 12 Simon Peter had been arrested after the death of James and if you remember the church was in the house praying for Simon Peter's Deliverance oh Lord save our apostle that preacher on the day of Pentecost save our Apostle Lord save him deliver him from prison and guess what in the New Testament there was an angel that came and led him out of the innermost prison and brought him out now it's it's interesting because so often like the church we pray for things and then when the answer comes and God answers prayer we're surprised oh Lord please deliver Simon Peter we need him he's our leader Lord and the girl goes to the door and she comes back and she tells the people that we're praying for actually for Simon Peter to be released called her mad they're praying for Simon Peter to be released and the answer shows up knocking on the door and you know what they said that's not him that's just his angel now how interesting is it that the church could believe for an angel to come knocking on their door but couldn't believe for Simon Peter to be delivered out of prison the very thing they were praying for so that just goes to show you how frequent Angelic activity was in the early church they thought the angel so there was this assumption among the Jewish people that it was his Angel not himself because the angel looked like him now I want you to check this in second Kings chapter 19 and verse 35 the Bible tells us about one Angel and now you've got to hear this that kills 185 000 Assyrian soldiers in their army when Israel went to war now so some of you might be wondering how much strength does one Angel possess well I'd like for you to consider just for a moment with me the full impact of our Lord's statement in Matthew chapter 26 and verse 53 remember he said think thou not that I cannot pray to my father and he shall give me more than 12 Legions of angels more than 12 Legions now so I I just want us to look at a few questions here number one what is a legion well it's a military term it's a rank and file term a legion um consisted and you can look this up 6 000 about 6 000 soldiers so how many angels would there be in 12 Legion 12 Legions what would be the combined strength of this number of angels now it is important to know to answer these questions because the answers reveal that the full might that was available to Jesus that night if he had chosen to request Supernatural help in the Garden of Gethsemane now think about this when we take into account the power that was already demonstrated in the garden remember when they came to arrest him and they said we're looking for Jesus of Nazareth remember what he said I am and the Bible says that the soldiers fell backwards they were knocked back by the power of God you see when Jesus made the statement I am he was clarifying and letting them know I am the Messiah I am the one true and living almighty God his name Shall be Called Emmanuel God With Us wonderful counselor the Mighty God the Everlasting father and the Prince of Peace when Jesus said I am it brought power in that moment [Applause] so Jesus's Power by saying a simple phrase I am knocked them down but when we consider the fact that Jesus said oh by the way you're impressed by that if I should show choose now he didn't do it of course because the whole reason he came was for that hour to give his life as a ransom for The Souls of men so he didn't call but he could have said 12 Legions of angels and he just make that up no of course not he said everything on purpose and so when you consider the potential assistance of the impact of 12 Legions of angels it becomes extremely obvious that there would have been no human force on Earth strong enough to take Jesus against his will the only way he was going to be taken as if he allowed himself to be taken remember he said no man takes my life from me I give it I lay it down and if I lay it down I can take it back up again so this is why later on the next day he tells pilate in pilate's judgment Hall you can have no power over me at all except that we're giving you from above and so let's just begin with our first question what is a legion I said Legion is a military term that was taken from the Roman army a legion denoted a group of 6 000 Roman soldiers although the total could be actually higher this means that any time we read about a legion of anything we can know it always refers to at least six thousand of something now some folks you know I'm not so sure about all that rank stuff you know Rank and file that there's an order to things well I find it amazing how in The Book of Mark chapter 5 verse 9 where the Bible tells us a story about the demon-possessed man from gadera and he had a legion of demons and actually spoke out of the man said we're Legion for we are many now this means that this man this poor man who was walking around naked had his dwelling amongst the tombs he was dealing with an infestation of about 6 000 demons living inside of him now can you imagine that so let's contemplate the second question that I posed to you how many angels would there be in 12 Legions of angels so I hope that you catch this there are Legions of demons and of angels so let's just think about this for a minute how many would there be in 12 Legions well since Legion equals six thousand if you take 12 times 6 Jesus was saying I have more than 72 000 angels available to me now I want to look at the third question what would be the combined strength in this number of angels angels are powerful as I said in Isaiah 37 verse 36 it records that a single Angel obliterated 185 000 men in one night just one angel so if a single angel had that kind of power how much combined strength do you think there would be with 12 Legion of angels and so since a single Angel was able to obliterate 185 000 men in one night it would mean the combine strength in a legion of six Thousand Angels would be enough to destroy one billion 110 million men now you say well yeah that's cool but no no stick with me now let's multiply this same number by 185 thousand because that's how many one Angel took out so 185 000 by 12 Legions which was the number of angels 72 000 which Jesus said would have been available to him on the night of his arrest if he would have so chosen to have called him when we do now you this is incredible we find that there was enough combined strength at Jesus's disposal to have annihilated at least 13 billion 300 20 million men that's almost twice the number of people living on the Earth right now let alone 2 000 years ago wow so now you understand why when Jesus saw Simon Peter take out his sword and cut off the servant of the high priest's ear he said put your sword away if you live by the sword you'll die by the sword Jesus didn't need Simon Peter's sword that night had he chosen to do so Jesus could have summoned 72 000 magnificent Mighty powerful overwhelmingly powerful angels to the Garden to Oblivion obliterate of the Roman soldiers and the Temple Police who had come to arrest him in fact the combined strength in 12 Legions of angels could have wiped out the entire human race but Jesus didn't call on Supernatural help that was available to him but he did say he could because he knew it was the time for him to voluntarily lay down his life for the sin of the human race so we need to learn this lesson from Jesus and from the Apostle Peter who almost if Jesus hadn't intervened and healed the high priests servant's ear and placed the ear back on his head and Simon Peter could have went to the cross with Jesus and Men crucified with him now why am I saying all of that well that meant 50 days later Jesus would have had to have a new preacher on the day of Pentecost Jesus didn't need Simon's insignificant sword to deal with the situation what good would a single sword have been against all the troops assembled in the Garden that night anyway Simon Peter's actions were a perfect example of how the flesh tries in vain to solve its own problems but cannot Jesus had all the power that was required to conquer those troops listen to me you cannot fight spiritual battles with carnal weapons and you cannot fight spiritual battles with physical weapons that's what the message was to Simon Peter and how many times as we Face our own challenges in life and you face them I face them we all face them I want you to keep in mind that Jesus has the power excuse me to fix any problem that you ever come across so before you jump in and make things worse before you jump in and make things worse by taking matters into your own hands remember the story of Simon Peter the next time that you're tempted to grab a sword and start swinging calm down and just take a few minutes to remind yourself that Jesus can handle these problems that you keep trying to but actually are making worse so before you do anything else you need to pray and ask the Lord what you're supposed to do once he gives you Clarity and instructions on what you're supposed to do then you can receive your answer follow the instructions and watch his Supernatural power swing into action and solve the Dilemma that you are facing remember what God told Moses he said the angel of the Lord that I've given you will go before you and prepare the way before you and remember the pillar of Fire by night and the pillar of cloud by day when in front of Moses and the children of Israel I want to ask you something don't you understand that you have angels that go before you how many of you might have died in that car crash you know you hear about people that on 9 11 were working at the twin towers and that day they got sick or they got stuck in traffic how many of us didn't get on that plane because there was going to be a potential wreck or how many of us for some reason left the house that night because there was a house fire I want you to know there are many things that you and I have been spared from because God has assigned us angels that we don't even recognize we don't even we're not even conscious of much of the time because an angel went before you to prepare the way for you because you are called with a purpose your precious cargo you are precious treasure and the Lord goes before you and Spares you from a lot of things yeah I I tremble to think of the things that God has spared me from there's different types of angels Seraph seraphim serif means burning fire seraphims are the angels that are closest to the throne of God they protect the light and the illumination of God in Isaiah 6 we see these angels with six wings two to cover their feet two to cover their face and two to fly with you see these angels are responsible for worship how do we know because they were crying holy one to another holy holy holy have you ever noticed how some people are naturally gifted musically that are in worship they they're I mean I I I I appreciate Kalani and her talent and people like Don Potter and Susie Uriah and different people and think about this for just a minute some people are gifted to worship and they're gifted musically and they write songs and create melody in their mind before they ever even play it they can hear it it comes to them in their head they make a melody in their heart before they ever make it on a keyboard or a guitar and Paul even said in Ephesians to make a melody in our heart to the Lord now there's been great worship songs that have been written in church history and you notice how some of them stuck some of not so much but some of them stuck not just for a year two or for 10 years hundreds of years think about Amazing Grace How Sweet the Sound or The Old Rugged Cross I will cling to The Old Rugged Cross and exchange it for some day for a crown why did these songs stay around well they have resonated with people the world over as they heard that song in the lyric sung it struck a chord in them it's just like if we had ten guitars in this room right now and I picked up the guitar and I plucked the C string do you know every one of the guitars without anybody even touching them when I plucked the C string it would resonate and the C string would vibrate on those guitars it's called resonance that's why deep calls unto deep that's why when you hear somebody or somebody minister or you hear a word preached and you think man that you know I love all sermons and I appreciate all Ministries but that sermon that Minister something struck me it resonated with me it really got a hold of me it caught my attention they were not like some songs and I'm not being critical I'm just saying they've been sung and forgotten or you have to dig through a piles of paperwork to remember this the lyrics and the chords but we all know Amazing Grace don't we you don't have to find at least the first verse there's something about these songs that burrow in the spirits of people have you ever heard a melody or a tune or a spiritual song and when you heard it it was stuck in your head you any else anybody else besides me like you you hear a song it resonates with you speaks to you right and then all over an autopilot repeat over and over and you don't even realize it's happening but you're singing it in your mind why did that song get stuck in your head do you know seraphim Angels who are the ones that are responsible for worship in heaven may have touched you now you didn't see it with the natural eye if God had opened your spiritual eyes you may have seen it but the worshiping Angels the seraphims in heaven touched you and communicated with this Seraph Angel because of worship originally from seraphims in heaven I believe Heaven's rhythm can cross Earth's rhyme and when those songs are sung there can be a reverberation and a release of the glory of God that creates an atmosphere for people to be healed saved set free and delivered what is it about that song well seraphim you've been Touched by an Angel anybody remember that show back in the 90 Touched by an Angel hey the people I can just take a piece of paper and immediately write a song just write it out that's a gift and in that way they have experienced a moment where the Angels who are responsible for worship in heaven have touched them and downloaded into that musician or worshiper or singer's heart a seraphim sent a message to them and they didn't see it so they thought well I just thought of it no you were Touched by an Angel and people the world over are going to sing that song now I'm about to offend the religious Spirits so just get a hold of yourself Angels don't really think about it there's ministering Spirits sent forth remember they don't really have a mouth or a voice like we do unless they choose to take on a physical form nowhere in the Bible does it talk about an angel opening its mouth even though it says they cried one to another holy holy holy now I'm about to use a word and it's going to get some of you messed up but it's the word that I could think of that you would understand is a secular word angels are spirits they don't have vocal cords have you ever thought about it just for a minute I mean you've got to have flesh vocal cords to make an audible sound in the natural Realm so when they cry holy or sing Holy or worship it's almost like what the world would call telepathic now stick with me don't freak out on me I'm not trying to this isn't new age or transcendental meditation for no come on get over that that's not what I'm talking about here even though that stuff's wrong and you shouldn't mess with it when I say telepathic I'm saying when in Isaiah 6 it says they cried one to another it was a telepathic signal of worship going back and forth between them okay you don't like the word telepathic how about this it went from Spirit to Spirit without vocal cords involved deep calls unto deep is anybody hearing what I'm saying right now [Music] some of you never thought about I never thought about it angels that are spirits don't have vocal cords so how do the how is there sound in heaven well I'm glad you asked because in the spirit Realm it's not noise like we think of noise in the natural Realm in the earth we have physical bodies flesh and Bone vocal cords that create noise but in heaven it's a spiritual realm you think in heaven they need a physical voice in a spirit Realm no I'll tell you what the loudest voices in heaven are you ready for this your thoughts so you better take every thought captive foreign that's how God will often speak to you a thought will come to your mind and you oh yeah I wasn't even thinking about that I was and why did that thought pop into my head to call that person or to pray for that person or to go knock on this person's door invite this person to church what was it it was a thought that's what we often mean when we say God spoke to me now can God choose to take on some form of physical we know he did in Jesus but as a spirit can his voice speak audibly yes but it's few and far between so in this in the earth we had the physical bodies that have vocal cords a voice box that creates noise but in heaven it's a spiritual Realm isn't I said thoughts are the activity of heaven so that's why when a songwriter or a musician hears a tune or a melody in their Spirit they don't even have to sing it out loud just like when you have those songs in your head playing on repeat you heard it one time and then it got stuck in your head and it kept playing over and over you don't have to have a full accompaniment of instruments or a full choir no because that tune or that Melody is in your heart and who gave you that worship who gave you that Melody who gave you that song that angel has from Spirit to spirit because how many of you know God is a spirit John 4 24. so if God is Spirit what part of your being is he going to speak to you got a human Spirit God will speak Spirit to Spirit God it's not Spirit the flesh or spirit so Spirit the spirit that's why we emphasize the importance of developing the spiritual part of your being praying and reading the word and and and being equipped and trained in the church why you're developing the spiritual man and the spiritual man and the spiritual part of you has can hear see taste hear smell and touch did you know that Hebrews 5 14 talks about those who by reason of use or practice have their senses developed how many of you know that you can hear in the realm of the spirit that what you don't hear with a natural ear how many of you know that you can see in the realm of the spirit that you can't see with your natural eye how many of you know you can smell how do you think they have think about this now oh taste and see that the Lord is good you think that the Lord's want you to use your natural taste buds or do you think he's talking about a spiritual tasting what about spiritual smell do you know I have been in places and environments where I knew there were demons there because I smelled cancer before it has a sulfur smell if your spiritual senses get opened up you say well in heaven there's a sweet our prayers come up as like a sweet smelling fragrance that's true but guess what God is a spirit he doesn't have nostrils like you do I know I'm messing with some of you but you got to think about this your spiritual senses have to be developed so this is the reason why even angels as Spirits don't have vocal cords to make physical noise they worship God in spirit guess what it's an internal Kingdom the kingdom of God is within you that's the reason why the Bible says they that worship the one true God must worship Him in spirit and in truth are you going to say people who don't have a physical voice can't worship God no because you can worship from your spirit not your vocal cords the vocal cords and all those other things are just the cherry on top but you know you can commune with the Lord just with your eyes closed as you meditate upon him they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall Mount up with wings as Eagles notice they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit watch this now I'm about to prove it to you once and for all okay just so you can get it Ezekiel 28 13 and you all are smart you don't need any but I'm going to show you scripturally this is Lucifer being addressed in Ezekiel 28 13. thou has been in Eden the Garden of God every precious stone was your covering the sardius topaz Diamond real anx Jasper Sapphire emerald and the carbuncle and gold the workmanship of your tabrese end of your pipes was prepared in thee in the day you were created you mean Satan had pipes or Lucifer had pipes in him I need you to say that's what it says the tablets and the pipes were prepared in you in the day you were created now we're going to talk about seven second type of Angel not Sarah from now the cherubim verse 14 Thou Art the anointed cherub that covers and I have set you so you was upon the holy mountain of god notice it said prepared in you so in heaven they don't have external keyboards and drums but the music is something that emanates from the spirit because the only way you can worship God is in spirit you don't have to have a keyboard and a guitar those are great but you know you can worship god without any of that Paul and Silas set in a jail cell their backs were bleeding they were suffering and their spirit communed with the Lord it's a sound that comes from Heaven Heaven's rhythm meets Earth's rhyme it's a sound that comes from nowhere and all of those instruments are in the cherubim inside it's an internal voice an internal sound there is no song that any human being on Earth can write that is not inspired by the spirit world now I didn't say all songs were inspired by God or By Angels but songs okay inspiration Inspire in spirit just like expire when they you know the coroner says you you passed what they expired at such and such time you exhaled Spirit left you the Bible says that Spirit returns back to God who gave it upon physical death so that's why when you sing a secular song it may have been inspired from hell not all secular songs are demonic I'm not saying that at all but you may not realize you have sang a tune that was inspired by demons you see demons can take over or possess someone through music did you know that remember when King Saul was so troubled because he was in Rebellion towards God and David would come and what would he do bring bring he would play the harp and what would happen he exercised the demons and Saul would find peace for a little bit because The Godly anointed singing of a god-anointed called man silence the demons troubling soul from The Godly music these kind of demons you cannot just say come out but I am going to say it today because there are some of you today who are oppressed and I say to whatever spirit that is oppressing or possessing you come out in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ some demons you don't command to come out some demons you play out cause you played them in ask Saul now see this is another hindrance to having a successful Christian Life you know yeah you can pray at home and you should but you know you can change the atmosphere if there's tension or fighting or bickering or or or or or or hate in the home do you know you can change the atmosphere of your very home by playing worship music I'm serious this is why the church needs good worship music we need worship conferences we need a school of worship in Morning Star University why because the music brings spirit make sure you got the right source but good worship music that's inspired in spirit from heaven brings an atmosphere that can make you feel clean anybody ever went into a church service and felt dirty and and heavy by the Clutter of all the stuff that happened at work or during the day and you come in and you sing those songs of Zion and it's like water washes over you the devil understands worship because Lucifer LED worship so if you start seeing the devil acting out in your home and your kids you know what you can do you can create an atmosphere of worship in your home and you can play worship music just put click it on YouTube even when you're at work play worship music even when you're not there because it brings a spiritual atmosphere and if you bring God inspired Holy Spirit inspiration you're going to change the atmosphere of your home this is why when Elijah was getting ready to get a word from God to figure out how to bring an end to the drought and he told them you know you ended up prophesying to dig the ditches and the Lord would fill the ditches with water you know what he asked for first bring me a Minstrel that's why we sing before we have preaching singing opens up the realm of the spirit and things like prophecy and tongues come forth from Spirit in fact I'd even say it this way those of you that never received the baptism of the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues you know what has to happen I found this to be true over the years I have found that in the last 25 years of preaching that the people who have the hardest time receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues nothing wrong with them but they're intellectual see the Holy Spirit hate to tell you just like you didn't need Simon's sword he don't need your brain in fact your brain sometimes the biggest hindrance the carnal mind is at enmity with God so what happens out of your belly shall flow rivers of Living Water this spoke he of the spirit that they which believed on him should receive that I want to tell you today if you're a Believer and you believed on Jesus and you've confessed him as Lord and savior and you've repented of your sins don't stop there you need the baptism of the Holy Ghost after the Holy Spirit was out poured they asked in Acts chapter 2 Simon Peter men and Brethren what shall we do then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost but guess what it comes up out of your belly your innermost being comes up past your throat bypasses your brain and comes straight out your mouth and sometimes when Spirit comes out of your belly or you're going to most being up you're being and out your mouth sometimes it comes out as tongues sometimes it comes out as prophecy but it's speaking under the inspiration of the spirit and so when out of your belly flows rivers of Living Waters and it comes up out of your mouth and you begin to speak you got to let your brain be shut off if not you'll overthink it and you'll keep it in your known language you'll think this sounds silly this sounds dumb I I I'm not going to let this know you've got to yield your tongue to God you can't yield your tongue to God as long as your mind is overacting uh and Paul having passed through the upper Coast came to Ephesus and find it certain disciples and said unto them have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed that's a good question we have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Spirit unto what then were you baptized they said unto John's baptism then said Paul John barely baptized with the baptism of repentance saying unto the people that they should believe on him what should come after him when they heard this they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus and when Paul laid his hands on them they spake with tongues and prophesied and so will you Hallelujah [Applause] so it comes out of your spirit I I hate to offend you but God doesn't need your brain the carnal mind can get in the way it's the cherubims they have four wings unlike the others that have six their very purpose is to guard or cover and protect the glory of God so the moment you get anointed or you get a gifting or a calling on like some of you young people by the way some of you people in this room you have a gifting and a calling and God is deposited in you at purpose and an anointing and a calling and a cherubim will be assigned to you because cherubims always protect where the glory abides that's why at the top of the Ark of the Covenant two cherubims were over The Mercy Seat when God puts his anointing or gifting or glory in your life a cherubim is sent to you to guard that in you when Michael wrestled with Satan Michael said the Lord rebuke you but when you and I who are filled with the Holy Spirit say to the devil I rebuke you the demons must obey the point that I'm making is this archangels have to rebuke the enemy on God's behalf but you and I have been given Authority in the name of Jesus to speak in the first person and command the demons to come out in Genesis 3 Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden the cherubim was placed there with a flaming sword to guard the garden why because inside that Garden God was protecting something it's called the tree of life it doesn't show up till the end of the Bible at the end of Book of Revelation in this Ezekiel 28 verse 14 it was said of Lucifer you are the anointed cherub that covers if you walked in the holy of holies there were two cherubims that were there on the Ark of the Covenant Over The Mercy Seat because the glory of God was between their faces if the high priest went in with sin he could die that's the reason the Ark of the Covenant possessed the Manna which represents God's provision Aaron's budding Rod which represents the miraculous and the Ten Commandments which represents his word and the lid is The Mercy Seat where there are two cherubims on both end of the ark that cover The Mercy Seat why are they over a seat because the Ark of the Covenant was the Earthly representation of the Heavenly Throne of God you see the glory was between the faces of those who cry holy holy holy and is it interesting when Jesus rose from the dead and they stuck their head in the Tomb there was an angel sitting at the head and at the foot of where his body the slab his body was lit just like the Ark of the so if Jesus said there are Legions of angels and the demoniac from gadari had Legions of demons it's clear that Fallen Angels took and copied that the rank and Order of God's heavenly host and applied the same Rank and filed to the Demonic realm guess what the devil cannot create he can only take what God has made and perverted or twisted or borrow it and change it so there were Legions of demons there's Legions of angels Ephesians 6 and 11. put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against The Wiles of the devil we rest a lot against flesh and blood but against principalities and Powers notice those that are underlying principalities and Powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places Colossians 1 15 speaking of Christ who is the image of the invisible God the firstborn of every creature for by him in Earth visible and invisible whether they be Thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by Him and for him and he is before all things and by him all things consist do you know every one of those underlined represent a type of angel or a type of demon because remember demons copycat just like what the Angels do it's a counterfeit but guess what if there's a counterfeit there's a real revelation 12. principality stick with me I want to help you principalities are angels that had the power to transform themselves for instance when they fell into the water they took on the form of the platform they were operating in so guess what Leviathan which is a principality was a sea creature but he was a principality or those that fell on the ground not the water but the ground became dragons why evil creatures that changed form depending on the environment so what were once angels of Faith now became Demons of fear and they chose to follow Satan and to operate on the other side of their abilities that's why Ephesians 6 says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities so here's the thing Lucifer took one third of the Angels but he didn't take all Lucifer took one third of the principalities but he didn't take all he only took a portion one-third these now this is important catch this because it's going to explain what's happening in our nation right now these principalities are fallen angels that were in high rank divided to conquer regions of the Earth and guess what those principalities did they nestled themselves within ethnic groups to fight for Supremacy in the Earth these principalities fallen angels were the deities of pagan cultures and Pagan religions that spread out over the Earth after the Tower of Babel that's why we find these in the Mesopotamian Egyptian Roman Persian Greek ancestral narratives and religious narratives the sad story of human history has been one ethnic group ethnic group I put up there one ethnic group pitted against another ethnic group and one overpowers another in battle or War enslaves them takes their land and their territory and then the principalities become the power behind the throne so to speak of that conquering Empire and become the regional principality so when God is trying to destroy a Nathan a nation or the devil rather is trying to destroy a nation what do you think what kind of principalities he going to put over a nation death Satan hates America because we're Israel's Ally you know why he hates America because our founding had in it the principles of the word of God if you if you didn't have a Bible you couldn't even read our Bill of Rights or Constitution because it doesn't make sense until you understand all men are created equal in the image and likeness of God so what would he do to kill a nation if the devil said I gotta kill that nation that stands with Israel so I'm going to release the principality of death abortion in 1973 Roe v Wade and guess what demons feed off of human blood read it in every ancestral narrative and Pagan Narrative of History they would offer human sacrifices the Bible talks about it they would offer up blood on altars because the spirit world the Demonic the life of the flesh is in the blood so even though some of you didn't like President Trump's personality you ought to thank God that he appointed three Supreme Court Justices because if he hadn't been elected they'd never overturned Roe versus Wade yeah you know what the consequence is the demons that were once thriving from the blood of aborted babies are going crazy because they're starving for what they fed off of for 50 years now you see the craziness in our culture if they can't kill the children in the room in the womb they'll get after him in the elementary schools and the libraries and feed them this perverted nonsense this woke lgbtq [Applause] is anybody hearing what I'm saying this is why people that are oppressed with demons will cut themselves they don't even know why they're doing it they think they're relieving pain no they're empowering the demons are present in them so whoever is the prevailing principality in an Empire or people group that's gained worldwide power that becomes the stronghold in that country or culture or ethnic group the principality of death was pushed back now the principality of perversion Ephesians 4 and 10 the next kind of angels that are mentioned are called powers and there's different Greek words for exousia dunamis Kratos this type of Angel that's a power the purpose of the powers is to supervise the movement of the heavenly bodies anybody figured out the way I've been hit by an asteroid yet you think that other plants are so they remain in order Ephesians 6 and 12 if you've ever seen a true man or woman of God operate with signs and wonders and they have physical healings or great demonstrative acts associated with their Ministry they are usually functioning with the angels that are in the rank called powers powers of healing Deliverance prophetic then there's Thrones Colossians 1 16 these are symbols of God's justice and symbols of authority well the devil has his version too that's why they're called Throne a throne is a symbol of authority in the spirit look at this Daniel chapter 7 verse 9 I beheld till the Thrones were cast down and the Ancient of Days did sit whose garment was white as snow and the hair of his head like pure wool his storm was like the fiery flame and his wheels is burning fire a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him thousands and thousands ministered unto him Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand stood before him and the Judgment was set and books were opened foreign then there's dominions Ephesians 1 that you may know what is the hope of his calling the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us word who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he wrote In Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him in his own right hand in the Heavenly places far above all principality and Power and might and Dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but in that which is to come he has put all things under his feet and gave him to be head over all things to the church which is his body the fullness of him that fills all in all that's why in The Great Commission Jesus said to go preach the gospel teaching them baptizing them and then Mark 16 he said in my name they shall speak with new tongues in my name they'll lay hands on the sick and they shall recover in my name they shall cast out devils why are we commanded in the Great Commission to go preach and teach because every place on Earth they went from Judea Samaria in the uttermost parts of the Earth every place they went they went preaching the kingdom of God is within the kingdom of God is at hand and you know what it began to do it began to uproot and take Dominion back from the principalities in darkness that had spread over the Earth after the fall of Man after the Tower of Babel and became ingrained in different ethnicities and cultural groups and when the gospel is brought to Every Nation Kindred tongue and race and the preaching Goes Forth and the power of the name of Jesus Christ you know what it does it dethrones those principalities and dominions and Thrones and it establishes the kingdom of God in a state a city a nation a region a culture [Applause] oh yeah [Applause] we're here to Dethrone the devil in all of his minions God told Adam take dominion over the fish to see in the foul of the air and there are governing Spirits from the Dark Side that are over cities and towns and states and Nations but when you preach the gospel and speak the name of Jesus in my name they shall cast out devils and that's what happens every place that the gospel has went those Pagan deities of all those religious and ancestral narratives were thrown away in Christianity was received and adopted and accepted thank you Hallelujah now it's not going to be fully complete or done until Jesus comes again but that's when you know all Thrones are going to bow down then there's light you know angels can appear as light second Corinthians 11 14 no and do not Marvel for Satan himself is transformed into and angel of Light then there are Watchers Daniel 4 13. this is in your Bible I saw on the visions of my head upon my bed and behold a watcher and the Holy One came down from heaven they watch over you and give a report to you to God about you so God knows how to help you they watch over you then there's Celestial singers who sing at Jesus's birth then there's the sons of God that left Heaven willingly and remember that's when they took on a physical form and the I don't have time to get into the Nephilim and all of that but that's where the Giants came from and this genetic mutation came about and guess what it says that the angels in Job chapter 1 the sons of God came before God and Satan came with them and that's when God said to Satan what are you doing he said in Romans 2 and for throughout the Earth seeing human may devour ministering spirits Matthew chapter 4 verse 10 through 12 these are angels specifically ordained to come to minister to you after a great time of trouble or trial and to give you strength and help you come through just like they did Jesus when they ministered to him I'm almost done how do we release Angels or meet Angels well we don't pray to Angels you hear that but we can ask God for help Angels appear and manifest in jail cells who to help people who pray to God Joseph was troubled by the idea of Mary being pregnant and so the Bible said he prayed and guess what Angels Came to him in a dream Daniel the Prophet had an angel come to him after he fasted 21 days but guess what the angel told him Daniel you were heard the first day you prayed but listen look at this now but the Prince of Persia this angel said withstood me the governing principality over Persia fought back against this Angel bringing the answer to Daniel this is in your Bible you say this mess with my mind well you have to get over it the Prince of Persia this is in your Bible the Prince of Persia withstood me so guess what he said I called for Angelic reinforcements and the chief Angel Michael came and got you your breakthrough after day 21. [Applause] Paul had an angel assure him no one would pair Peter had an angel release him from prison you half to expect to see them and receive help from them last but not least harvesting angels Matthew 24 30 they will see the son of man coming on the Clouds Of Heaven with power and great glory and he will send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet they will send his angels and they will gather together his elect from the Four Winds from one end of Heaven to the other Revelation 14 verse 15. another angel came out of the temple crying with a loud voice to him who sat on the cloud thrust in your sickle and reap he's telling an angel an angel saying this thrust in your sickle and reap for the time has come for you to reap for the Harvest of the Earth is right so look at this verse 16 so he who sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the Earth and the Earth was raped then another angel came out of heaven came out of the temple which is in heaven he also having a sharp sickle and another angel came out from the altar who had power over fire you know angels have power over the elements and he cried with a loud cry to him who had the sharp sickle saying thrust in your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the Earth for the grapes are fully ripe so the angel thrust to sick on the earth and gathered the vine of the earth threw it into the Great Vine wine press of the wrath of God and the wine press was trampled outside the city two days ago I woke up and it was in that state kind of like where you're not fully awake but you're not fully asleep and I heard this it sounded just like something being sharpened with the Flint Rock anybody ever sharpened a knife using a flint rock and I heard it seven times I told Missy about it I said I keep here I heard this sound and I asked the Lord I as I went to prayer as I do in the mornings I said Lord what was that sound and the Holy Spirit spoke to me just as clear as I've ever heard him and he said the angels of harvest are sharpening their sickle oh [Applause] Michael is about to stand up for Israel you wonder why Israel's in the news why there's about to be a civil war in Israel why Iran's trying to create a nuclear weapon that will wipe Israel off the face of the earth I tell you why we're drawing near the tribulation and guess what that means an increase in Angelic activity Daniel 12 and 1 and at that time that time Michael shall stand up the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people Daniel and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even at that time and at that that time your people shall be delivered everyone who's found written in the Book of Life and many of those who sleep in the dust of the Earth shall awake some day everlasting life some to shame and everlasting contempt and those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever I want to speak and say to you today it's Harvest Time bringing in the sheaves we shall come rejoicing praying in the cheese so we're going into the fields right now come on lift your hands and ask the Holy Spirit to send forth the angels for your assignment you're not praying to Angels you don't worship Angels but you realize how much they're mentioned and they're meant to be a part of your life Hallelujah I just heard this in my spirit is there someone in here you have a daughter named Rachel okay there there stand up stand up all right I know some of you some of you I don't I've seen your faces um I I just want to tell all of you something this this is a sign and a token that you don't have to live with Leah second best anymore God is about to give you your dream your opportunity the doorway in fact Let me say something does the name you the second man there is that Maurice well is that name significant to you I have no way of knowing that you've never told me that's my middle name that's your middle name I want you to know that the Lord said the prayers of your mother are being cashed in for your family [Applause] something about Dion or something like that I I'm hearing that's my brother that's your brother there's about to come salvation to your family he promised he'd save you in your household amen Orlando are you from Orlando what's Orlando that's his first name that's his first name so your brother's middle name is Orlando well what do you know see I got to shut my brain down so the spirit will speak I like that I see the harvesting angels in fact I'm seeing it's either a vision or a dream that you've had of where you saw the creation it was almost like you saw in this Visionary dream type thing of the spirit of God resting and brooding over the face of the waters and then I saw you going out and and sowing seeds and reaping once the seeds become Harvest does this make sense to you I'm seeing this as a dream yes have you had that yes really yes going out in the field you've seen now you've not told me that no all right so you've had a dream in fact you're a dreamer yeah I see you going out into this field and I see you sowing seeds and you saw the threat of the enemy coming into sowing tears but you saw the seed in the soil and God's going to make you a great Harvester yes I did see that you did see that yes I saw Green Fields I saw the sun was setting does this make sense to you yes is this right that's true but the sky was blue but then I also see a storm coming in but the Lord wants you know the storm only came to water the seeds it's true do you see that yes so this isn't guesswork this is you dream this yes all right why don't you give the Lord praise for God doing a great work Lord give them their Rachel right now in the name of the Lord Jesus Hallelujah is your daughter a believer she's a youth believeer matter of fact she she's over youth ministry is what she is she's over but not here not here in Texas in Texas yes wow Lord I just pray in the name of Jesus for her to be a great Harvester and for her to have her father's anointing yes Lord in Jesus name so you had that dream yes I would go into detail but you got to pray for them say what I said I could go into detail but you have others yep so you know this is true what I just told you amen God bless you you may be seated Lord we just speak the harvesting angels to be released now in Jesus name Lord we just ask God right now that we'll find our field so we can find our Harvest in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ amen foreign thank you
Channel: Chris Reed Ministries - MorningStar Ministries
Views: 40,448
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Keywords: Morningstar Ministries, Angels, Key Prophecies For The Days Ahead: Chris Reed Talks Important Prophetic Revelations & The Last Days, I Saw News Headlines from THE FUTURE | Chris Reed, The Mystery of God Completed | Chris Reed, Why I Believe May 2023 Is Historic, biblically accurate angels
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 43sec (4963 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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