The Addams Family Meet the VIP's (Full Episode) | MGM

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Loved this show! Definitely a horror-themed comedy, but so is Shaun of the Dead...

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/ausdoug 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Both the Addams Family and The Munsters were a great one two punch introducing to monsters and creepy homes. I loved the Munsters most out of the two, but really loved the Raul Julia, Angelica Huston, and Christina Ricci movies. I think they will never do better than the original Munsters and the Addam’s movies.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/BingoBarkington 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

theres a 24-7 addams family channel on pluto.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

It probably won't.. but that's why it'll work

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/johnnytb73 📅︎︎ Oct 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

The guy who played fester lynch a guy in real life

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jack3ww 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
The Addams Family [Music] exciting look at them go [Music] this is going to be the greatest train wreck in railroad history gotta switch them onto the same track [Music] [Music] darling you have such a way with train I [Music] suppose so where'd you happy with it I thought it was your finest trick perhaps it was but I've just realised if you wreck one train you've wrecked them all sometimes I almost wish they'd miss each other what a shocking thought maybe we've just gotten into a rut we don't seem to be doing the same things over and over again our morning stroll through the swamp fencing across the lunch table why don't you come and have a nice hot cup of henbane it'll soothe your nerves [Music] thank you see thank you darling maybe we should take a trip somewhere tombstone or Death Valley some fun place you'll spoil your lunch maybe we should have some people in nice mr. Harris he always seemed to enjoy himself here that would be pleasant but I'm afraid mr. Harris won't have a time for us any longer you see the paper this morning he has a new job working for the government foreign diplomats visiting our city Roger L Harris to conduct tour for VIPs there's a picture they certainly seem to be enjoying the tour [Music] well I I hope you'll enjoy the places we're going to see today gentlemen we will not enjoy frankly Washington is quite upset about your lack of enthusiasm so far so they seem to blame me for it if I fail to give you a good impression of our country well well hello it'll be in the acts for me media take note note I take if guide fails assignment Washington masters will chop off head and off I mean they'll fire me and then set fire to him mr. evidence [Music] you take our language too literally for two days now your Washington masters have shown us fawni tour they only show us what they want us to see popular we do not show us the real America the downtrodden masses slaving on the bureaucratic whip we want to see the people all right anything you say you can see anybody you want to good we choose honest way by chance we stick pin into phone book wherever pin strikes we go all right with me media phone book I got a pen we use our own always something wrong oh that's strange I felt just as though I'd been stuck with a pin there off [Music] please don't go in there guy begs us not to go in why because we have found a real American family not for me bureaucratic setup that's not so government will chop off his head for this poor fella we go see some real Americans I know where there's a dandy little bar downtown with beautiful dancing girls you'll have a ball there take note guy tries to bribe us but we refuse we are strong men we go later [Music] interesting note you have a very interesting house here I haven't seen nothing like it before in America well it's nothing out of the ordinary but we like and I'm so glad you gentlemen could cop you've brightened our day immensely Paris it was very nicely gonna bring them here well it wasn't very eager for us to meet average American family is not so I keep telling you the atoms are not an average family at all house we will be turning our heads with flattery I do wish I'd known you were coming I could have planned some sort of amusement oh no please we wish to observe everyday routine agreed whatever you wish here's your house gentlemen mr. Hogg may I offer you a cigar here have one I would say for later conversation mr. Han's sit down Lydia you're smoking oh no I say for later mr. Fong I'm terribly sorry I should have warned you it was alive cigar I begged him not to come here in the first place well gentlemen we'd better be running along I'm sure you've seen enough and I think we send this back home to laboratory no idea it was so late if you gentlemen will excuse me it's time to go feed my plants yes I get pretty cranky when they're hungry blends get hungry tanky well after all they're only human [Music] I'm quite proud of mrs. Adams hot house she's raised these plants from tiny weeds gardening is all a matter of proper feeding and these plants just love meat I've seen them especially that one it's a regular little glutton factor really mr. Harris was only joking darling she's really a sweet little thing she's terribly young not very SMA RT she's learning blunt not animal and it is learning she's quite small actually she's three years old and she can't even feed herself excuse me this is big thing we have discovered big day big breed plants they have the intelligence of humans and a mere woman has done this an American woman perhaps they've gone further than this an heiress thought he could hide this from us so right we will learn the truth take notes idiot plenty not spending [Music] the males is what is that just your imagination put your leg thing it's as real as any other thing come up and meet our guests [Music] Singh he doesn't know his own strength anything exciting in the mail do oh yes lots of bills you excuse us please real muscle and bone with a grip likes privacy is fantastic take notes Vidya good Americans family has taken first step towards building the robots first implant that moves and things and a flesh and blood this is a very big bigger than be [Music] [Music] beautiful wreck isn't it having company oh this is our Uncle Fester this is mr. Clark and mr. Han of course you know mr. Harris I guess I'll have to wait a little wait oh boy well I was feeling a little rundown and I just wanted to get myself recharged it's just an expression this is an expression too this is a great little pepper wrapper would you like to see it work Oh Uncle Fester I sure these gentlemen wouldn't be interested no we'd be very interested well you'll have to crank it gomez he's such an exhibitionist just a simple little treatment to build up his energy Lacey I I put this little wire in right here hello generated this arrest go ahead Gomez [Music] it really gets a charge out of this we will acoustic believe me believe me they're just playing another joke I'm sorry Harris but he did warn you it'll tingle for a while but then it'll wear off a solder Mobile's the last time he was recharged he took a shower and blew out every fuse in the house [Music] Americans in order to get energy energy put electricity in here like white amines in stomach which we went in which we invented that reminds me would you gentlemen care to join us in a snack no no no really please stay ring for lurch this lurch is he servant yes he's our Butler finally we are to meet downtrodden member of the American slave class for a week victim of exploitation strong [Music] oh yes lurch a cigar please Thank You lurch would you gentlemen care for a cigar well if you'll excuse me now this poor weak slave media take note hey not a servant a typical American family that's not true is true third stage third stage what are you talking about simple first stage plant second stage n final product human the robot flawed labor market market this is ridiculous worse is no robot then what is he well he's exactly but but you'll never find another one like it how could be he's typical American family typical I keep telling you it's the only one of its kind please let's get out of here still trying to hide from us truth you still trying to pull bushwa wool over our eyes I do hope you gentlemen enjoyed our modest table it's very good most thoughtful of you to save caviar in our honor caviar the blackest fish eggs I'm toast very good oh you mean I of tadpole I have tadpole blue iPad pole is even tastier than black eye tat hole but it's offseason for a blue eyed tadpole if is good - not as good as in our country but is good mr. Han that wasn't beef that's breast of alligator alligator how about that head bang sauce especially in the house shall we repair to the living room gentlemen yep is marvellous hostess many nice no sense in wasting this tristan and isolde a love alligator [Music] can I make a wish [Music] Oh company children this is our son Pugsley Oh young man what brought you racing in here so I'm ceremoniously I finished my disintegrator gun whoo well that's nice dear run outside and play would you like to see it work sir oh yeah I'm sure these gentlemen have no time no no no no no disappoint fellow so you'll bill disintegrator gonna you point disintegrator at something pull trigger and that's something disappear that's right sure [Music] I think you'd better play with this outside Pugsley it's rather hard in the bric-a-brac nice to have met you sure for mr. Harris little things upset him so very high-strung I'll have lurch take care of it [Music] yes lurch would you take mr. Harris to the guest room he needs a bit of rest he made that gun himself he just can't keep out of mischief remember the antigravity machine he made and what happened when he turned it on the postman oh yes that was amusing the mailman just went floating off up in the air he really hated to come down he said the floating was so much easier on his feet please don't put me down there is a relaxing well I'll never master it in this menagerie I almost got wiped out by a Raygun Pugsley such a show-off that's how we lost customer creep there he was giggling and laughing and suddenly there he wasn't still giggling and laughing it was kind of eerie but that was old creepy could always take a joke well the impression those two men are getting in this house said it could disrupt international relations I did think they were getting a little bored what if I was to go in and do some parlor trick the only trouble I have is getting there together again very strange man [Music] and they're about it this is not what we expected how can you expect what is so unexpected we thought Everett's Americans were fools they're geniuses dangerous geniuses electricity in ear robots in constables by little boys already I will make full report from now on we must learn to respect all Americans he's not six to twelve and these people it's not safe rather befriend and meet them have you found out all you want to know about this typical American we have though you try hard to keep us from any truth I was just doing my duty we say goodbye to our hosts oh yes let's get moving I just paid $100,000 really how whoops just lost it again well c'est la guerre dish when you speak French you drive me wild [Music] excuse me control yourself I think perhaps it'd better be very thoughtful I wish to thank you for a most enlightening day you've brightened our day - we're about to settle down to our everyday routine the simple life is really the best right professor are you sure this will help you get rid of your head a good coin [Music] you look so serene and happy when you're throwing my family trait Thank You thing hello this is mrs. Adams speaking why hello mr. Harris well how nice of you to call goodbye Gomez that was that nice mr. Harris he says our guests have cut their trip short and have gone home to make a full report that's too bad oh no mr. Harris says he's glad they're gone he said he overheard them talking about taking lurch with them for scientific purposes scientific purposes the things people will do to get a good servant most ungracious let's not give them another thought back to our own beautiful world [Music] [Music] you
Channel: MGM
Views: 1,202,704
Rating: 4.8878188 out of 5
Keywords: MGM, MGM Studios, Metro-Goldwyn- Mayer, Metro Pictures Corporations, Goldwyn Pictures, Louis B. Mayer Pictures, MGM Pictures, United Artists, Metro MGM/UA, full episode, Addams family, Addams family movie trailer, classic tv shows, cartoons, animation, hotel transylvania, the munsters, Wednesday addams, halloween, halloweentown, hocus pocus, morticia, gomez, lurch
Id: TEaT0z5kUo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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