Morticia, The Matchmaker (Full Episode) | MGM

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[Music] they're creepy at the kooky mysterious and spooky they're all together ouki The Addams Family the house is a museum when people come to see you they really are mysterium The Addams Family me sweet the tea so can a witch's all I'm a room stick you in for mom we're gonna paint on the Addams Family [Music] yes the chill goes right through you look at them oh they have such good times together [Music] [Applause] yep are you sure this is the place you want to go to y-yes okay you know it's not too late I can still take you back into town and turn you over to this travelers aid wonder who that could be may not be a who it may be a what you optimist relative Morticia it's me cousin melancholia oh darling Gomez you remember melancholia who could forget that face I know I should have called but everything happened so fast everything it's Fred my intended he jolted you well I can't really say he just took back his ring sold his farm and joined the Foreign Legion that is kind of indefinite didn't know what to do I'm glad you came to us in your hour of trial and you remember mama I always said you'd grow up to be a beauty oh you haven't changed a bit and you haven't lost a bit of your luck vain old thing takes hours to get herself together it certainly shows darling why don't you go upstairs and freshen up and we'll talk it all over later Oh [Music] so good to be where you feel at home I'd better make her a nice hot cup ahem vein juice thank you my mom gomez is there anything we can do to help melancholia well if we can't help her who can we have to find her a man but where Tony you have so many vast business interests you must know someone well let's see now there's old Charlie Carlisle the accountant no he's dead he wouldn't be right you need someone Dashie hence Charlie like you dog garanito you're really making it tough well now now Cleopatra much too young to take teeth yes that's right mmm-hmm well she make a perfect wife yes I see uh-huh well then it's obvious they have the wrong number seven refusals fortunately three of them were wrong numbers I just have to keep tries what about Edie Frandsen the fellow who works at the monument company much too flighty you're right even when he's carving those descriptions he can't stop giggling darling you tried your salt mine no bye junk they used to have a pretty lively crowd down there I just know this is gonna work it's got to I'm running out of companies hello Sutton Adams here say we've got a ravishing young cousin here who's just dying for some company oh well thanks anyway keep the salt rolling nothing but don't despair we'll find someone how about a marriage broker Capital idea I know just the one tasty very mmm the same one we got for cousin gripe tasty marriage how are you fixed for grooms really says they've got a complete selection how romantic tell them to send over a few and then melancholia can take her pick how about sending over a few samples oh you know one tall one short one fat one thin better make that two thins the name is Adams we were disconnected just as well I think we should get one of our own you're right we shouldn't lurch oh dear not lurch have you ever given thought to the blissful joys of marriage you see underneath that Devil May carries a certain mental softie thanks we have a lovely girl for you sweet soft and soulful I thought you wanted him for melancholia I'm talking about melancholia now control yourself you mustn't appear over anxious about the wedding day obviously prefers a long engagement to people so ideally suited why wait how about eloping tonight how about tomorrow night we'll all go together we're making a combination in local and picnic [Music] somehow I don't think lurch takes to the idea of an elopement all right forget the elopement well just go on the picnic the idea I do believe melancholia would rather be married by Jove Morticia I'm beginning to believe you were right he is a Playboy well you may go but remember there will never be another melancholia made a lovely couple I just love weddings they always make me cry have you ever given thought to the blissful joys of marriage things of today forget it I think melancholia would prefer a professional man a doctor lawyer no no no not me I will not go back to that Adams house never why do you like this think of your wife and children I have no wife and children I didn't think of mine this deal could mean millions not worth it how do you have to this is the chief reason I brought you back into the firm you're the only lawyer in our office who's had any contact with him I would rather have contact with a nest of scorpions so the family is a little eccentric it is we have a job to do if it means going back to that house I am NOT going to do it what am I asking you to do an important cried while something Adams has all you have to do is go over there and discuss it with him go on make an appointment I knew I could depend on you mr. Adams please oh he's not home the whole family's gone on a world cruise whole family's gone out of work try it now first I need a good stiff drink it's no use I can't find a man anywhere poor melancholia doom dispensed a hood just talking about you I know nobody wants me Oh what nonsense no I'm cursed Fred isn't the first tragedy of my life I got as far as the altar with Elmer what happened I got there what Elmer didn't [Music] he just read all foreign legion South America that is better climate well darling it's obvious they felt unworthy hello yes this is mrs. Adams Becky oh hello mr. Harvey just a moment dying it's that nice young lawyer mr. Harvey he wants to talk to you not now this is all too disturbing mr. Harvey I'm afraid mr. Adams can't come to the phone right now he's involved in a little family problem oh I see well I'm sure an old bachelor like myself can't be of any help bye it's no use he didn't even get on the phone [Music] the world love dust don't you remember worked wonders for you and Gomez oh of course how thoughtful of you mama it'll bring the men howling are you sure well we'd better use a double dose what's so funny don't you worry we'll find you a mess they have to lower your standards a bit oh I feel just awful bothering you too and interfering with your business you probably offended that man oh no mr. Harvey's very understanding even though he is a bachelor yes he's a very understanding look I don't want to impose impose my dear fellow to you the Adams home is Liberty Hall just a little business matter excellent plan to stay all evening thank you wonderful mr. Harvey is a very suave sophisticated man so let's get rid of these homey things shall we mm-hmm you can wear anything of mine that you like oh they're gorgeous cousin partition you you're too generous darling what's family for come along to the mirror I want to pluck your eyebrows when I finish with you you won't recognize yourself [Music] is mr. Harvey a real good friend of yours oh yes he's a little bit shy and reserved I'm afraid you'll have to take him in hand in both hands are you sure he'll come he's probably not well some other time [Music] so good to see you again nice to be back where's your drink for our friend oh thank you I'm not thirsty nonsense it's something special the vet 68 mr. Adams I don't want to take up your time I know you're a very busy man but all we want is an option on an itty-bitty worthless piece of African land you've got worthless with all this fine subterranean batcaves come come Harvey you're not talking to a child superb I don't want any of that please Harvey I never drink alone besides you look as though you can use a drink must have had a pretty hard day oh the day was all right it's the night drink up there's plenty more hits the spot Harvey you're not drinking wait now we have something to drink to to the ladies ever see two lovely girls I know the one on the right is your wife but what is what's the other one that's mrs. Adams cousin melancholia you like her oh yes she's lovely good she's your date [Music] am i dead where are the others they thought we'd like to be alone I don't know about we but I would I've got to put something in my car something in your car what me [Music] not for a little Aerobed this has been a rather heady experience that's quite a scare I gave you were scared I thought I was gonna be a widow before I was a bride I beg your pardon I tell you - but don't you worry you'll feel a lot better when you get some food in your stomach Mama's cooking up a real surprise I am so hungry I could eat a wolf who as you guessed it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] superb dinner belladonna sauce really brings out the flavor the excitement I suddenly felt all chills and goose-bumpy - well a little bicarb and you'll be fine what you two lovebirds like to dance thank you first I have to fix my face now if you'll just look over these contracts I love dust Lamaze an incurable romantic all she ever thinks about is love love love we'll all I ever think about is business business business excellent woman he's a good provider especially melancholia she's a bit extravagant I'm afraid but she's so much in love she's about to burst well that would solve everything I mean your cousin's a lovely girl too lovely for just one man why don't I call you tomorrow we can talk over the deal on the phone you wanted something sir just out the evenings just getting underway [Music] you see um Mele you light up the room sure you and melancholia have lots of things to talk about so why don't you just sit down but watch him Mele Dobby he's a charmer is that nice mr. Harvey when did you decide to become a bachelor just tonight about this deal my boy mr. Adams it seems they've discovered oil on your game Preserve in Nairobi did you say oil just a few drops Oh mr. Harvey doesn't want to talk about any old oil but I do I do I can't wait to hear him say that to a preacher you'll just sign right here I have to think about it Harvey after all I do or something to the bats but we don't want all of it just one teeny little well Oh Gomez give it to him Nairobi is such a romantic place those lovely nights with the hyenas howling makes a perfect spot for a honeymoon you're so right this is you really have a good business honeymoon oh why yours and melancholies provided you exception proposal I accept no but I'll take these into the library and look them over in the meantime you two can go in the conservatory and make your plan bring a toast to the bride and groom [Music] champagne for the newlyweds look mr. Adams and explain some of those clauses and leave your love-starved little dream girl all alone no they make a handsome couple he's a man she's a woman perfect match hard to believe we just met this whole evening has been pretty unbelievable do you think it's fake No Just My Luck what a lovely thing to say kiss me what me to tell Gomez you're afraid do you no no please let's keep him out of this well then kiss me I'll keep my eyes closed is it alright if I close mine too of course silly [Music] I just love weddings don't you darling mmm out of my way hi where is she who are you gomez addams here never mind that where's melancholia I thought you joined the Foreign Legion not the Foreign Legion you Rockhead the American Legion but dear you took the ring back I had Oh your finger was turning green brought you a nice brass one yeah Oh Ralph this is my fiance Fred Fred and this is my fiance Ralph mean I'm gonna have to fight for you oh okay mr. Harvey mr. Harvey wake up am I still alive very much and here are the papers you've got a deal don't you worry about that ungrateful melancholia I've got lots of cousins I have to get this nice and clean for Pugsley what is it telescope an African blowgun that reminds me do you miss melancholia no indeed my dear I'm glad she's gone ungrateful wench no no remember blood is thicker than water thank heaven certainly wasn't the right girl for Harvey he's a nice man isn't he yes indeed i oughtta give him more of my legal business I think that's an excellent idea why don't you call like I'll do that yeah it's all finished what do you think darling do you think I'll go crimp will like his new sweater I hope so looks like a perfect fit mr. Harvey please oh I see he's left town for long I'm afraid so he's joined the Foreign Legion [Music]
Channel: MGM
Views: 1,597,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MGM, MGM Studios, Metro-Goldwyn- Mayer, Metro Pictures Corporations, Goldwyn Pictures, Louis B. Mayer Pictures, MGM Pictures, United Artists, Metro MGM/UA, addams family, Addams family movie trailer, classic tv shows, cartoons, animation, the munsters, hotel transylvania, morticia, gomez, Wednesday addams, lurch, full episodes, halloween, halloweentown, hocus pocus, beetlejuice
Id: SGFrL5_jir4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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