The 5 Ton is Done... and Insane

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[Music] [Music] so my [Music] oh man my dad bought this car brand new back in 1998 to 1998 honda accord didn't run but i put a lot of time and love into this car got her running what is that oh good not a scratch just a smudge good to go i love this car [Music] yeah dr mcallister i got everything on your pool dial then ph is right where it should be weather sure is nice today how are your kids simon doing good at college oh watch out dr mcallister [Music] [Music] oh hey guys hey uncle joe there's neighbors out here i'll be right back hey you like the house built this by myself my own two hands real labor of love you know i want to do it for my wife martha our nine kids uncle joe lives with us as well he tends the garden not very well but who's that uncle joe there's a they're mine you're [Applause] good [Music] oh hello fellow companions welcome to the world we live in where you can find inner peace with the world around you this is nature where we become one with who we are truly supposed to be what is that jiminy cricket it's a metal monster [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] hey i broke the five ton i don't think very badly though so we kind of got a tree stuck up under it uh it was stuck really good i don't know how it happened we didn't take any damage up top where we had really worked hard to defend as you have seen with all the uh the armor and metal we put all over the front of this thing no damage up there but down here when you get a log through here it it rips some stuff it stretched all these lines but this one actually broke so that is an airline for air brakes it goes right here i think i can just cut a fresh end on that unscrew this i think i can get it back in there but if i can't fix it the truck's going to sit right here because it has no brakes yeah and 20 000 pounds with no brakes is a bit sketchy and this one's definitely the worst leak but i think there's another leak up front too i thought i heard something not totally sure because this one was so loud and the truck's very loud so i'm gonna fix this one and then see if our air tanks hold air at least enough to get this home because right now i'm just working in the mud i'm hoping this comes out easy and i just shove i need that yeah so i just need to take oh what so it's got this piece of metal inside the tube and then a little brass fitting around the tube both are really stuck so i hope i just pull these out and redo it if it's glued in here it's going to make it pretty tricky yeah like if that's pressed on there come on get out of there sweet not glued okay i can just cut this thing out probably oh yeah easy is that i think i got it fixed just need to screw this on and we'll see if it holds air sorry for this awesome alarm the alarm means that you can't drive yet because there's not enough air in the air tanks it does that every time you start out when the tanks are low so these two gauges are two air tanks we're gonna sit here for a little bit see if they build pressure good and bad news they're filling a little bit but they don't get much more than this unless i'm revving it the way it works there's like a compressor basically hooked to the engine the more rpm you get the more air pumps into the system but we definitely have a leak the leak i just fixed is not leaking oh i can hear it where where are you oh oh what is that there's a freaking valve that just got turned sweet that is fantastic i don't even know what that is but i hear no other leaks now so i think it should fill up with air now i'd like you to notice there is no annoying alarm going off because both air tanks are completely full we can go home to militia [Music] i have brandon here hey dude who did all of this work in his shop yes sir uh so since you saw it last we drove through a lot of stuff like a lot of stuff yeah i've seen their preview it actually held up i mean i mean actually i was gonna say pretty well but i can't even say pretty well like it's well the work is perfect i i was nervous for him to send me the clips when he first was like oh gosh what happened but i mean you can look at yourself no nothing is even dented nothing it's pain not even like rope scratches no there's no dents there's no bends there's no like i was worried we'd hit something so hard that it'd kind of kink it but i mean what how big is this pipe uh this is gonna be one and a half inch pipe or two inch od so and then this is a big four inch bull bar yeah this is orange we also he shured up the bumper so all of you can't really see it it's dark but he put a bunch of supports in there so this thing is much beefier and then i mean things like this that i wouldn't have thought of like you made this hinge because this thing hinged out of the way and he put big gussets that also kind of act as ramps when something's coming in here they'll redirect that force up there yeah it's going to take a lot to you know the concern was you know if we didn't have anything here this was give me one of your impact spots and right this would shear off so i mean we got eight leads along the whole front and so really you know your main impact is this bumper and it's your higher stuff is up here which that's what we found like when i hit the car the car hit right here on this point of the bumper mostly and then the ramp of the bumper kind of shove the car down this thing took the impact of the shed first so it kind of broke the shed up and then it just smashed against here smashed over the top we actually it was a little scary it hit that windshield super hard like a huge like a bunch of two by fours and a big sheet of plywood went bam hit that thing but how big is that expanded metal it's number four so and it's like almost like 3 16 thick sheet metal it's so beefy in the factory and then they spread it apart so that's extremely heavy duty yeah i mean it got hit i was going probably 40 50 miles an hour that whole window unit it weighs like 100 pounds so i'm surprised it only weighs 100 because i have to lift it up and it's heavy well it might be more but it's extremely heavy very heavy and so that took a huge impact no damage at all um and then i like all these things so like little things where you like i mean that's basically a gusset yeah yeah it's a gossip but then i mean because you have this is gonna this is obviously you can see this is a hitting point and so you know this whole area and you know we changed this all up so this all is incorporated in this whole front end it wraps up and so um and then we have all you know all these little guys i didn't show these little gussets there because you're thinking about the force anything might come through and hit here that bar's definitely not moving with those two gussets there so you got all the back sides both here yep little one there and you know we didn't worry about it here because this is your back end and you know right not too much uh you will notice that we changed this we used to have the flanges on each side and we had i don't know it was like they were 16 on each side no there were eight on each side now there's four on each side so yeah so uh so there's half the bolts but they're way bigger yes because you know yeah when we had in the shop and you know after we welded on and we're using it uh we realized that those uh flanges were not going to be the best option after all because of alignment issues and so we switched over to this um and this works way better you sleeve those holes too right yes so you can crank down on these bolts and you're not going to collapse this so he cut a hole in in this big pipe and then he put a ring a sleeve through there and then welded it in place so that thing is solid and tight oh and that also so when it gets moisture water it's not going to pull up in there and roll up the pipe it's the same thing if you look with your pins at the very top yep it's going to be there this one's right there i did break the mirror i shattered the glass there and then this actually just sheared a bolt that was that was not brandon's work that was factory factory sheared that old five-ton bolt off so i need to fix that otherwise i mean we didn't hit anything else so i didn't roll it yet so so that's good so all the uh roll cage should be good tip over it's going to take a long time rolling would be bad we got guts that's all over this place from here to all the way i mean you can't even really see but oops so you can see where he's tying this thing into the frame and we got gussets here we have gussets everywhere big gussets here tying it down into the frame this uh bracket actually makes a c around i think we've touched on this but it goes all the way around the frame uh this is all 5 16 plate and great eight bolts i mean it's it will take a lot to twist tell me about the uh the back because we've they've seen it in the preview but we haven't talked about it at all there's only sticks in here what happened during the build process my uh my welding teacher from high school was taking a look at different points and you know how to improve some spots but then um he actually said you know let's surprise matt and let's uh do something unique and fill in this whole void area there's like sticks on this somehow i don't know how that happened and uh it looks awesome we came up with uh the students actually drew up the logo uh in sketchup we cut on the cnc machine and we did never even told matt about it it was gonna happen and then when he came to pick it up it was a surprise for him it's super cool and it helps with that appreciate you guys so that's awesome and uh yeah and then so what's good about this is not only does it look cool it works as a gusset as well yes exactly so that whole big square instead of having pipe or something you know it may not be as strong as if it was a solid sheet or pipe but sure it does something and uh it looks cool looks cool keeps you from breaking into the back window getting in there and he had asked me he'd ask i kind of had a idea he's doing something because he was like do you use that back window much i was like no you can't see anything out of it so he's like perfect so exactly so now you really can't see anything out of it i mean you can see we got a little light through there but you don't use it i have cameras for backing this thing up so it's good and then your roof i think we might have showed that before too i don't remember what you know we got the whole x9 you know we kept this very close uh to the top of the roof um this circle piece also kind of helped as a gusset it's you can't really tell but it's all uh plug weld in there and then it also is kind of a area if you want to mount a gopro or maybe the future flagpole mount there you go there you go but no other than that i mean she's uh you won't be able to measure on the road if you weren't oh gosh yeah i know i was like this thing is the most visible thing on the road ever and it was before and now it's even even better even better when we first started building this we had a slightly different plan a lot of you guys were like hey you need triangulation on there we saw tons of comments hating because we need a triangulation and the reason that those comments were on there is because i said i want to make a roll cage which i shouldn't have said that because i don't actually i didn't actually want this to be a roll cage because to make a roll cage for this truck it would have to be insane we would have had to strip the interior completely taken out you know almost take it down to frame practically i mean if you wanted to do legit you know 100 all the way monster truck style but yeah this is really a brush cage yeah it was made so i can drive through all the kind of stuff that i drove through this video i want to be able to smash stuff with this truck that's the plan it's so i can drive through all that stuff without like ripping fenders off because if i would have hit any of that stuff i hit in this video without this we would have some actual damage not like i cracked a mirror which is actually the only damage we have besides the the airline that already fixed so we wanted a brush cage i also do want it in case this thing does ever fall over on its side because sometimes we've done some dicey things at least it'll keep the cab from crunching in i don't ever plan to roll this thing of course no one ever plans to roll it but rolling it i probably still would survive but even because this that cap is nothing but sheet it's just thin sheet metal so if i ever knocked i was just worried if i knocked this thing down inside when i'm like crushing a minivan or something it would cave in and could kill me now i'll live but if we knock this thing over i'll live the truck will still probably be totaled because we didn't build a roll cage that wasn't the plan lots of people were saying they don't want to see squares on this thing either they want to see triangulation which is what's accomplished by gussets and things that gives it strength we learned a lot we kept the whole front square just for looks and aesthetics and because this is a very big square boxy truck and we wanted to match all that if it does fall this is not the part where you really need to right the triangulation right where we have the triangulation uh where it would be needed is where we could to the our best extent and that's on the roof and the back side and yep where the doors it would be nice to have it but it blocks the doors yeah it would be nice to have some i mean like in every race car they have door bars they come down at angles and you have to climb over them and we want our doors to still open so what do you think with all the weight added what do you think we're i mean how much do you think we added to this truck um i purchased around two thousand pounds of steel yep uh i didn't use all of it but we also added a lot more in plate still so you're probably around two thousand pounds really that's a lot that because when all my on my weight ticket that's how much i purchased so i with 2 000 pounds extra added i would say i cannot feel a difference i've had this truck back for what a week or two yeah yeah a couple weeks i've been i've been playing with it off camera you guys haven't seen it i cannot tell a difference like when i still do a boosted launch it still takes off but it's because this is this truck's made to carry five tons like it's it's a big truck it's made to haul heavy loads i drive around with an empty truck bed 99 of the time so this 2000 pounds of weight it's like this truck's like ha yeah good one plus we turned it up a little bit we got a little extra power in this thing but brandon from cb welding solutions linked in the description below i wanted to say good job man like let's look at these wells before i say that let's let's check these out dang this all mig yes all mig welded so one of the guys one of whistling diesel's guys he came up and he was like oh that's all tig well this i was like no i was like that's all mig he did all mig he likes it though looks good but everything looks perfect brandon was the one who did the fence at the bunker the stairs at the bunker oh what else have you done the railing the railing at the bunker he's gonna fix the barn door yeah there's a couple other projects yeah you did something on my in my kitchen yeah what else no every month you got a project basically i hire brandon for all the stuff that i don't i'm like i could learn to weld i need to do it and i'm like but brandon will do it way better so i'm just gonna hybrid anyway thanks man this thing looks awesome and i'll probably be bringing it back to you when i find something harder to run it into and mess something up thank you guys for watching this episode of off the ranch hope you like the kind of more cinematic we wanted to do something a little fancy for the reveal of the five ton hope you like it love you [Music] [Applause] hey what camera is that number shut up don't tell mayor
Channel: Matt Carriker
Views: 1,128,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matt, dr, dr., dr matt, dr. matt, vet, ranch, demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, vetranch, off, the, offtheranch, vlog, vlogger, vloggers, vlogs, vlogging, blog, daily, best, vlogged
Id: fHnM868jLeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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