Why you Should NEVER RIDE an Orange County Chopper

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2 weeks ago I bought an Orange County Chopper which came with a trailer a watch and a boat for just $10,000 possibly the worst financial decision of my life you're going to see why soon the problem is after spending a day working on it it's still not running ended up needing to replace a lot of parts on it because it's sat for so long the goal is to be the first person to actually ride this bike at speed and on the highway but first we need to get it running then get it on the dino to see if it's as powerful as everyone says it is then I will attempt to ride when I'm considering the most dangerous motorcycle I own and I pray that it stays together and now we're going back to Dave shop because he says he has an update for us we're back over here at Dave Dave was kind of we you were working on it and you think you guys you think we did this thing will run I think we're going to we're going to get it fired up right now I I don't foresee an issue with us getting it fired up whatsoever man all right let's uh let's fire it up plug in the kill switch over there oh here we go and for the first time in who knows how long we got it running but there's a problem we couldn't get it to idle lower than 3700 RPMs and we need a running to try to solve the problem but since it's air cooled if we keep it running here on this stand it's going to overheat so I guess the uh the next step is let's go to let's go to the dyno yep tune it see what kind of power this thing puts down and then I'm going to ride it and get your wife flowers get my away some you you still got to do that dude so I know a lot of people are really angry about this motorcycle because it looks so cool but it was never finished and it was fitted with some amazing parts that a lot of you people would love to have on your own motorcycle the 124 engine the supercharger the brake you know it's just really cool stuff but it never got used and here's where the disconnect is you can say what you want about Paul Senior but the fact is he was smart I mean he was he was really smart what you might not get is he was not a motorcycle builder he was an Entertainer it seemed to me that when they started the show they were building bikes for people but not really people who actually rode motorcycles like the ginormous Shaquille O'Neal bike and they were doing that just to get the publicity from the big celebrity and later this is where it gets kind of interesting is that you'll notice they they pretty much only make motorcycles for businesses now you you might be asking why what does a business need with a motorcycle what are the executives like sharing the bike and you know borrowing it every other weekend no businesses wanted because it was an advertising expense they thought hey I can spend $200,000 I get my name all over the Discovery Channel for this one episode and this one build and then we also get this bike that we can take around and show people and leave it in the lobby and people know that we had we did an Orange County Chopper build so in a way it was a win-win it was a marketing and tax write off for the business and orang County Chopper making a bunch of money selling these motorcycles but the story behind this OC bike is slightly [Music] different so we travel over to the Harley Davis in dealership to Bogart their Dyno hold on a second I need to do a tank strap plug tank straps the only straps that I use when I'm transporting my ORS County [Music] Chopper how you feeling Dave great man here's problem number one about this motorcycle and actual functionality of it I'm I'm about 6'2 to get to be able to get your foot up here to grab that very it's very hard there we go all right I should have been taking yoga classes for the past couple years you're doing it we're almost there so in classic Orange County Chopper fashion we push the bike to its next destination where hopefully we can get it running properly and then see how much horsepower it puts down yeah it's pretty awesome awesome powers you can tell how awesome a bike is by how many 12-point turns you got to do to get anywhere it's running now but it's still not running the way we needed it to be but the only way for us to get it to the next level is to keep it running look at the computer system see what's going on while keeping it cool W with the dyno now since the last video a lot of people who actually were involved in building the bike contacted me they reached out and they gave G me a little bit more insight on the actual bike and and a lot of these guys actually sent me pictures of how they were involved in the bike you know the uh the painter sent me a picture of the bike um one of the guys that transported sent me a picture um he also sent me a picture of when the when the Miss Geico trailer got wrecked which I don't I have no idea whether the bike was in or not but I'm coming to realize that this uh this the story of this bike is more of a tragedy so if youve never been to a dyo which probably most people have not been to a Dyno it's a it's a big drum in the ground they plug it in with with computers and it'll tell you what kind of horsepower and torque it makes so one it's an insulated room because I don't want the whole place to be super loud but it's very very loud inside it's also loud because they make they turn it into pretty much a big wind tunnel where they're throwing air from one side and sucking up in another side so it's you got the air and the wind that makes it loud but then the sound of the bike and being real close quarters with it with nowhere for the sound to go so I'm I'm getting smarter in my old age I brought my muffs this will hopefully keep my hearing I'm going to go ahead and remove my hearing a dino day is always a great day unless it's very very possible the engine grenades and blows up and and the cameraman gets sh shrapnel in his leg very extremely possible actually most likely to happen you guys know that I've been a huge supporter of GoPros for a long time like I I had a GoPro 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I've had I've had all of them and I've SP tons of money for them said but since the eight I feel like they've really slacked off and I don't like the quality of their stuff anymore kind of driving me NDS because they have they have a lot of overheating problems and a lot of goofy things I really have have costed me money and I've lost footage with it so I challenged myself to see if is there what is out there so I looked into insta and insta actually um with their with their 360 camera it's pretty cool camera but they came up with an with an action camera the Ace Pro this entire video and the last video that we did the last bike with this was was all filmed with the uh with the Ace Pro let's see how let's see how it works so the bike started up great now we need to get the engine warm before we do a pool but then we had a problem that no one expected so here's the problem because the a normal suspension is supposed to be like this this is red out so much that when you really get on the throttle it it compresses suspension in which is taking this thing off the drum which is basically taking the bike off the dyno I don't think it's going to push through that but um it's we got to we got to fix [Music] it I've lost tons of valuable footage from one of my GoPros overheating because when they overheat it is shut off and it stops recording what's cool about the Ace Pro is it just turns the screen off to help cool the system down down but it continues recording the entire time which is great because my my footage is valuable to me and then just when I thought that we had it all figured out things took a turn for the worse and when I say worse I mean potentially catastrophic [Applause] [Applause] [Music] a so well what happened it over pressurized the oil and pop the oil cap again the second time what's the uh your engine oil is right down there that's what that is your oil bag is right underneath and they stuck the dip stick right you know cuz it makes sense to stick it right underneath the starter so here's kind of a big problem you need traction on your tires so you don't slide out that you know we all know that cuz when you slide out you probably wreck if the oil plug pops it's going to dump oil all over the ground which means your tire is going to run over it which means your tire is covered in oil which means you have no traction which means your rear tire is basically on Ice if that happens on the highway or going at anywhere at speed I'm going to be in trouble which is once again ironic for a motor motorcycle that is built for an insurance company that insures motorcycles this bike doesn't seem to be able to run for more than a few seconds at a time but in classic bikes and beards fashion the right person at the right time happens to randomly show up willing to help this is Sammy Sami is a retired Harley-Davidson Tech and an expert in building and drag racing motorcycles which means he has a very unique understanding of extremely heavily modified bikes like this one when we told Sammy about our issue with the oil cap popping off he knew just what to do he suggested that it was over pressuring because it was overfilled so we drained some of the oil out and H for the best but we still needed to solve the high idle problem before I was able to ride this [Music] bike yeah so the problem was the um throttle position sensor which is this so if you look right there it's a modernday kind of modern day motorcycle where it uses computers so it has to tell the computer where the throttle's at so that tells everything else what's going on this was falling down and it was given it it was given at the wrong reading so that that's what our high idle problem was which does not sound like a problem that they would have had initially so I'm wondering if when we plug that in we're going to see another series of problems we'll see what happens it's running out of gas yeah let me so while we're pouring race fuel in the motorcycle the other cool thing about the insta Ace Pro is that you can get this GPS module that connects to the camera that gives you overlays while you're filming which can show you elevation speed distance acceleration and Route so the first horsepower numbers that I heard of for this bike was 197 horsepower that's insane that's that's a l that's a lot of power You' be hard pressed to find even heavily modified Harley hitting over 150 so if it's anywhere close to that mind-blowing but then I did a little bit more digging and I saw this article that claims this bike is a 300 horsepower custom motorcycle a 300 horsepower Chopper that's insane it's one thing to have a 300 horsepower motorcycle that you're that is comfortable to ride and but it's another thing to have a 300 horsepower Chopper that you're like all put together holding it in the goofiest way and nothing about it is it's comfortable and the whole time you feel like you're falling off and all the controls feel completely foreign to you you know it's like it's like riding a bicycle like backwards with your arms switched over you know what I mean like it doesn't nothing makes sense and the things that you normally think it's going to do it it doesn't do so that makes this bike insane now let's assume that maybe that rating is a little bit high or that that rating is just on the dyo and it's actually like 15% less so let's just let's let's say conservatively it might be 255 horsepower still incredibly powerful and puts it pretty much on par with my Turbo road kick which I'm pretty sure would make this bike the most powerful Orange County Chopper they've ever made actually possibly the most powerful chopper I've ever heard of anyone's ever made a I what was I I was hoping for big numbers like 190 someone told us 190 something I was I was expecting so reality is you got 154 motor we can take that we can pretty much take that blower off and get the same amount of power I don't think you would no you know what even and and to go back to what was said in the first video that we we that you talked about was why would you have a high compression motor we know that this is a high compression motor right uh why would you have a high compression motor with a bunch of boosts in it right uh so so you're you're you're you guys are probably right that thing's probably only pushing one to two maybe three lbs of boost at the end of the day it's it's like I've told you before this is a it's a work of art it really it's show it off show it off it's like Mona Lisa she ain't very pretty to look at but everybody loves to look at her right so we decided to show it off well let's go ride it so everyone pretty much said the same thing about this bike the bike was never finished it just it just wasn't it was never wrapped up always had starter issues it always had throttle body issues there was always something there's always some gremling about this motorcycle that made it just not done and if it was ever ridden people would have realized that but it never it was just was never it was never really used and part of the problem was there was too many hands in the fire it went from him and went from him to him to him and his job was this and his job was this and no one really had any incentive to actually wrap it up and finish the job and this drove stepen Thompson nuts because he had built a business building quality motorcycles building quality supercharge kits modifi you know it was all it was it was quality above everything cuz that was his reputation so he actually requested to um to Orange County Chopper said pay me this pay me pay me my hourly rate and let me dial this bike in let me fix this this this and this it's got a lot of problems I will fix it just pay me to fix it but it they weren't they had no interest it it didn't matter to them because they got paid for it it did what it it did it did what they wanted it to do all the bike was needed for was to push around the shows and start up and hear the whistle and show how cool it is and show that it runs maybe at best someone was stupid enough to hop on it put it in gear and drive it into the trailer that was it that was all the bike was ever meant to do it was never meant to go more than 15 M hour at the most it was actually so bad that when Thompson actually put it on the dyno that early on it so bad that actually early on when Thompson put it on the dyno just to do some mild tuning and make sure it's it's running right the engine shifted over a little bit because the mounts because the because the motor mounts were were were goofed up somehow and the back Hub started tweaking and walking away which is why I'm slightly concerned about riding this motorcycle not because I can't handle the power I can handle the power i' I've ridden much faster bikes can a bike that was never finished and basically meant to be a work of art and that handle staying together staying a bike and can it handle doing big boy motorcycle things that's the scary question now I cannot wait to ride this motorcycle this is going to be fun what's the kickstand at 19 I see some big I need some open straightaways back yeah so after we all got a chance to take it for a little stroll in the parking lot just to check it off our bucket list and it didn't explode I was ready to take it for a real test drive but not without my helmet and not without my M1 Mel gloves line with keplar the only protection that I use yeah we know you have four kids so one of the cool features about the insta Ace Pro is how it's super easy to move the camera around to all the different places that you want to film with this magnetic mounting system which is way easier than the GoPros you just uncp it and clip back in and then you can also lock it so it doesn't come out and the flip up screen lets you see exactly what you're filming which is great for me cuz I get to see what it look like when I'm riding my Orange County [Music] Chopper I think I'm running out of gas it's like nothing and then like 30% throttle you know what I mean it wasn't doing that before was it doing that for you it was yeah all right let me let maybe doing it the whole time [Music] what up it stopped accelerating on the highway the throttle position sensor screw backed out and fell off the bike which is why the throttle felt so weird when I first started riding and why it had no throttle at higher RPMs but I'm not going to give up yet so we went to the hardware store to buy another screw and then took the bike back to the shop to install it and fill it with gas because apparently it only gets 3 m per tank and replace a battery because we realized that the charging system didn't work another aspect of this bike that probably never worked there we are what do they got inside there good ones are like 2,000 or more edable yeah [Music] oh shoot oh no run out of gas I don't know I don't know it just died it was it was spitting and sputtering at that at that stoplight it sound like it was running out of gas again there's no way there's no way I ran out of gas no no it's got gas it just shut off completely it was spitting and sputtering at that you can tell I I was revving it up cuz I was trying to keep it running cuz I was idling down too much and then I tried to get through the intersection it was like nope ver awesome love it best bike I ever owned most reliable most definitely the most reliable for sure get you to point a point a and all this orang kind of choer breakdowns reminds me of one of my favorite Baba versus Ephesians 4 32 be kind and compassionate to one another forgiving each other just as Christ forgave you we'll see you guys next time but I'm serious I like I'm filming right now with with the insta Ace bro I do like the camera if you guys are interested in checking it out um the first 20 people who go to this link in the description will get 10% off of your insta Ace Pro also the motorcycles from the auction just came in and Craig is on his way here right now we're going to get this thing is running that's coming up next thank you for calling the Geico motorcycle and RV division your call may be recorded for quality purposes all might be recorded for entertainment purposes how can I help you today motorcycle insurance Geico bike you're calling about motorcycle insurance right yes you're calling about motorcycle insurance right right okay are you calling about an existing motorcycle policy [Music] no thank you for calling guide coel my name how can I help you I'm trying to put uh I'm going to get a quote for motorcycle insurance for a motorcycle okay and what's the goodd number for it 0920 all right so let me actually read back the inin number to make sure I heard you right what kind of motorcycle I oh this is the Geico bike this is the Orange County Orange County Chopper Geico bike all right one second here all right give me one second I just need to put you on a brief hold okay okay is there there's not is there a problem can you tell me what year it is there's not a problem it's just thein not populating okay as uh your making model of a bike usually that's only going to be because it's going to be a brand new bike is this bike like a KP bike no no this is this is the Miss Geico racing Orange County Chopper from the TV show give me a second I'll be right back okay cool I appreciate your patience with me so for this type of bike Mr Sean I'm just going to manually seey it because it's a limited production custom bike so if you do the yearly price in it's $1,731 189 and then that's what the full coverage be discussed so did you want to go ahead and do that or you lower plan let me uh let me think about it a little bit and I'll get back to you guys cool thank you looks like they will ensure it okay
Channel: Bikes and Beards
Views: 2,934,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bikes and beards, sean, caleb, motorcycles, srkcycles, srk, beards, bikes, go pro, insta 360 ace pro
Id: cATRuIxZecg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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