The 5 MECHANICS You NEED to KNOW in SEASON 14 - League of Legends

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in this guide we're going to break down the most important Mechanics for you to learn in League of Legends and make them simple easy to understand and easy to implement in your own games don't worry we won't be wasting your time by going over unrealistic flashy mechanics that you'll never actually use instead after over 10 years of teaching and working with the best players in the game we've distilled down the five absolute most important mechanics you need to know if you want to climb ranks in season 14 and one mechanic I bet you didn't know is that you can actually left click on award to see you placed it this way you can tell who it is that's over the wall so you'll know if it's that squishy support you can easily oneshot this is the secret mechanic of panel info and comes from our brand new course on every mechanic you need for season 14 at skill cap you'll learn Wave Control trading how to CS macro Vision low ELO mistakes the list goes on these are all brand new courses up to date for the new season and you can try them all out completely risk-free since if you don't rank up while actively using skill Capa you get your money back no questions asked and to celebrate the new season we're off refering an exclusive limited time discount that can only be gained through the link below so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below to get the rank you've always wanted all right now for our first mechanic you must know spacing this is arguably the most important mechanic in the game it lets you land free damage on the opponent while they're unable to fight back you'll use it throughout both the laning phase as well as team fights and is something that every single champion and role will have to master and yet at the same time it's one of the mechanics players find the most confusing so let's fix that at its score spacing just means staying outside of the range of the enemy spells let's use Annie as an example Annie's Q ability has a range of 625 the highest range of her basic abilities if you were playing a champion like Ari against Annie good spacing would be always staying outside of that 625 range it sounds simple enough just stay outside of a Spell's range but the mistake everyone makes is they stand way too far back you see AR's Q ability her main form of damage is 900 range so if you stand too far back sure Annie can't damage you with her spells but you won't be able to land your damage either this is why when pros and coaches talk about spacing they're really talking about that goldilock zone where Ari can damage Annie but Annie can't damage her back so in this specific matchup that goldilock zone would be from 650 to 900 range this one mechanic of spacing creates two Dynamics in every single matchup One champion will have the range advantage and is looking to stay in that goldilock zone while One champion has the range disadvantage and is looking to close the distance and get out of the goldilock zone and regardless of the matchup the first technique you need to master is sitting at the opponent Max spell range and moving either in andout or to the side let's start with the In-N-Out technique here we can see Ari is sitting at fizz's Max E range by moving back and forth at this range it can bait Fizz to cast his e thinking that he can land it when he then misses it puts a key spell on coold down giving a timing window for arri to land free damage so what should Fizz do to counter this well the exact same thing if he moves in and out of the range player max range it can bait them to waste spells giving him the timing window to go aggressive now obviously you can't always sit at at someone's Max spell range in every single matchup that's where the second technique of moving to the side comes in here you can see Ari move forward into talia's range the problem is Talia walked towards Ari at the exact same time this means if Ari moves backwards she can no longer be outside of the range to dodge the spell and so pivots to a side movement instead essentially instead of clicking forward then back like before you click forward and then to the side you can also click back into the side in this instance here Ari clicks back as if she's running away but then preemptively clicks to the side baiting Talia to cast her W to where she was originally running to now here's what's important for you to understand none of this is reaction time these are preemptive movements the trick is to preemptively move after your Champion turns to sell a certain direction here Ari turns to face away she's selling that she's running away that's when she then clicks to the side you can see Talia hasn't even casted anything yet it's a preemptive movement to bait the enemy to missing an ability the clip before this you can see how once Ari shows her Champion running forward how she begins moving her Mouse to the side to click before she's even able to react Italia casting an ability same thing with the original clip Ari clicks towards Fizz to get in range then clicks back hoping to bait the spell you're not reacting to a spell being cast you're hoping this move and baits the enemy sure enough the next time she does the technique she does bait Fizz and same thing with the second clip it starts with the Fizz moving back and forth at max range trying to bait the spell you're not reacting to anything the movement technique itself just baits the enemy and Dodges it for you now one more advanced spacing technique you should be aware of is the fake out this is a variation of the In-N-Out so if you notice the enemy copying your movements where you click backwards they run forwards and when you click forwards they run backwards what you do is Click backwards and then immediately click forward extremely fast they react to your backwards click and click forward but by the time they do you've already clicked towards them causing you to be both running at each other closing the distance faster than they expect now I know this may be a lot to take in but really to space well you just need to remember the following whenever you enter the enemy spell range you need to be sending movement commands pre l in a different direction for example here Talia is outside of AR's range however when Ari stands still to last at a minion Talia then enters AR's Q range so Talia should be either preemptively moving backwards or to the side don't react to the spell being cast react to the fact that you've entered a Spell's range instead Talia makes the common mistake of thinking her reaction time will be enough to dodge it but it never is so hopefully this now demystifies spacing for you it's not crazy reaction time but just preemptive movements at the edge of an enemy spells range now the second mechanic you'll be learning will literally more than double the amount of kills you get in game I'm not even exaggerating every kill you're seeing is made possible by this one mechanic input buffering so what is input buffering well at its core it's casting a spell before casting another however certain spells in League interact in such a way that it has all sorts of benefits the most important interaction is input buffering your spells with flash for example let's say you're playing Annie if you flash first then alt it's very slow and it gives enemy time to react to your flash by flashing away this is because after you flash you physically then have to press your alt button that has to then be sent from your computer over the Internet to the league servers and that delay is where your opponent can react however if you alt outside of your range and then flash it will actually instantly cast your alt once in range the way to think about this is when you click to alt outside of your range that action has been put into a Quee on the server once you flash the server recognizes you're in range and cast it for you instantly with no delay this is great to know for abilities that have to be in range to cast another examp example would be landre alt if you flash then alt you give the opponent time to react to your flash and flash away instead alt them when they're out of range and Flash and you instantly cast it it doesn't stop here though as input buffering your flash is also beneficial for skill shots as it can both hide animations and redirect them for example as Ari you could press flash then press charm but it gives the opponent a ton of time to not only react to your flash but also the charm animation afterwards however if you press charm first you have a small window where if you press flash it will then cast from your new location what's happening is the first part of your charm animation is actually occurring before the flash so once you do flash it finishes the charm animation almost immediately causing the charm to come out near instant preventing the enemy from reacting another example of this would be amumu Q you cast Q first get the initial cast animation going then Flash and it instantly casts at the new location now keep in mind this redirects the location of where the skill shot is coming from you can use this to get around things if an enemy or minion is blocking you instead of flashing forward you could just cast it then flash to the side to redirect the starting location to get around it here's where it gets really crazy though as it's not just your Spell's hitboxes you're manipulating you can also manipulate your own the most famous example of this is probably gragas so for gragas when we body slam we can Flash during that animation to then change the location of our own hitbox completely catching opponents off guard many other Champions can do this for example jarvin with the EQ combo flashing to extend or change the knockup or VI queuing to then FL flash to knock up at our new location so these are all examples of utilizing input buffering with flash however another common way of input buffering is using movement abilities with damage abilities for example with gragas you could cast q and then press e or press e first and during the movement of your e press Q the animations combined together letting you do both at the same time combine that trick with the earlier flash input buffer and you have input buffer Inception hiding your Q animation with your body slam into then flashing on top of your Barrel to instantly knock someone up input buffering movement commands with abilities often has a lot of strange visual interactions too for example for Caitlyn if you cast Q then e both animations will occur separately however if you press e then Q it not only combines the animations but your Q will actually come from the original location you casted it from completely catching players off guard there's also other ways of manipulating the visuals using the previous flash input buffer technique the most classic example is copia where if you alt away from the enemy but then flash over your cursor it visually shows you alting away from them while the damage and crowd control applies in an invisible cone towards them now of course you don't have to get that advanced to use the input buffer mechanic you just need to know if you have a skill shot you can likely input buffer it with your flash to change its direction and make the animation come out faster if you have a movement ability you can cast it then input buffer your other abilities for it to come out faster and hide the animation if you have an ability that turns your champion model into the skill shot then flashing during the animation is a great way to catch players off guard and extend your range and if you have an ability that can only cast when you're in range of an opponent cast it first and then flash for instant cast times now if the previous mechanic doubles the amount of kills you get well this next mechanic will double the amount of damage you do over time it's known as animation cancelling here's the thing when people think about animation cancelling they usually think of the following two things the first is an ability that has an auto attack reset baked in a prime example of this would be NASA Q most NASA Ms will tell you you never lead with your Q first you Auto attack first then press q but why well your auto attack actually has two animations the wind up and the recovery if you cancel the windup animation no damage happens you just canel your auto attack but if you canel during your recovery animation well that's fine the damage was already dealt so if you've been resetting your auto attacks with abilities you're actually animation cancelling here's the thing sure if you have an auto attack reset and you weren't using this before this is a game changer but this is probably not the mistake you're making there's something more Insidious let's say you're playing a moomoo in the jungle you just Spam your e right well your e will actually interrupt your auto attack animation meaning you can cancel the recovery animation however unlike in the NASA example it's not an auto attack reset so you're not going to Auto attack any faster by doing this most abilities are like this and so the mistake you're likely making is you're using an ability before your auto attack finishes and so you're canceling it you can see how if I press e too early my auto attack gets canceled in the windup animation and so it does no damage this is a huge mistake if you're a jungler or Auto attack based Champion for example if every time you cast your e as a Mumu you're canceling your auto attack well over the course of the game that's literally going to be thousands of damage you're missing out on if every time you Quee as Ezreal you cancel your auto attack while you're losing out on potentially hundreds of damage in your fights so even if your ability doesn't act as an auto attack reset if it's interrupting your auto animation well you still need to time it so that the windup animation of your auto finishes Before You cast it now the second thing people usually think about when they hear animation cancelling is combining ability to cancel things we touched on this in the previous section combining your Gras body slam with your Barrel animation or combining Caitlin's eanimation with your Q or for a new example casting tristana's jump animation with her e and ultimate simple enough but again that invisible mistake players make is not knowing that the movement abilities themselves can actually be animation cancelled I see this all the time Cane's clearing their jungle casting the full animation of their queue where if they just stood near a wall that queue goes off twice as fast massively increasing your clear speed over the entire game and it's not just cane Graves for example has an auto attack reset on his e but it has a very long animation however stand at the right angle on a wall and that animation becomes instant and it's not just damaging spells with Mobility that can benefit from this type of Animation cancelling Mobility spells can actually both be casted faster and go further using a very similar technique if you cast a movement spell aiming inside a wall you will go significantly faster than if you had placed your cursor outside it why is this well as long as your cursor is over halfway through the wall you want to travel through you'll always end up on the other side at the same time League will calculate your travel time based on the distance from where you aimed on your cursor instead of where you actually end up so you combine these two bits of code together and suddenly you're traveling twice the distance in half the time this is also great to know for Champions like landre since you can place your e inside the wall and still make it to the other side extending the range now our third mechanic will literally let you nullify crowd control if you've ever wondered why a champion like Tristan Aid goes from a negative win rate in silver to S Plus tier 57% win rate in Challenger well this one mechanic is a big reason why so a lot of movement abilities have a cast time such as ezal e and surprised tristana's Rocket Jump is no exception during this cast time in this case 0.25 seconds if you get hit by crowd control your movement ability will still go through however if that 0.25 second cast time finishes the game now considers you to be in the air and so anything that hits you is going to interrupted this is why if for example an Ari was threatening to charm you well you'd want to hold your EQ combo as jarvin until you see her cast it then time your EQ right as it hits you in jarvan's case he has a 0.4 second cast time on his Q so an even larger window to time this you've probably already noticed this yourself without actually knowing what it is for example Yona alt has a really long cast time of 0.75 seconds this would seem like a negative on the surface but it also means he can nullify pretty much any crowd control with it easily since it has such a large window same with the collie where e First cast has a very forgiving cast time of 0.4 seconds now here's the thing that's great to know for movement abilities but this also applies to literally every ability so Champions with long cast time abilities like set W can time their cast at the same time as getting hit by crowd control another example would be ezreal's alt you have to stand still for 1 second to cast it so might as well time it when you get tagged by CC there are so many champions that benefit from knowing this trick it's especially useful on Champions with their own form of crowd control since you can often turn a champion going for a pick on you onto a pick on them just do be aware we're talking about cast times here not channels channeled abilities like Noo-noo alt or Fiddlesticks alt have been programmed to have no cast time so they can be interrupted at every stage of their Channel this is why you should check your Champions abilities on the LA Wiki for example Tom kench's W is actually considered a channel even though it looks like a regular cast time this means he's extremely vulnerable to crowd control during that window all right now our final mechanic you must learn if you want to climb ranks is kiting which is often referred to as attack moving now I know you're probably thinking you already know how to kite and attack move but I promise you if you just stick with with me you're going to realize you've actually been doing it wrong all along so kiting is inputting movement commands between your auto attacks this allows you to create distance while still doing damage attack moving is a specific command that allows you to attack the nearest Target if you attack the ground so when players kite they use the attack move command to make it easier this is because it prevents accidental death since if you just do a regular right click to Auto attack an enemy if you miss you're going to click the ground beside them causing you to walk forward into them resulting in a gray screen so quickly here are the settings you need to know go to interface and make sure show attack range is enabled this will bring up a nice range indicator when you use the attack move command then go to game and make sure attack move on cursor is enabled this makes your auto attacks Target the nearest enemy to your cursor if you have this disabled you'll attack the nearest enemy to your Champion which prevents you from targeting the champion you want there are two main ways players attack move either with the player attack move click command this lets you attack move without having to left click you'll just instantly attack as soon as you press the key bind or players use the player attack move command this will bring up that nice range indicator when you press the hotkey but it does require you to left click to attack most High ELO players use the attack move command but it's totally player preference you can even change the default keybinds on the commands to suit you what's important is that you are attack moving period not what specific key bind you're using to do it all right so here's what everyone does wrong when they first learn about attack moving and kiting first like we talked about earlier with nases you need to understand that your auto attack has two parts to its animation the first is the windup this is the entire animation until you release your projectile if you're a range champion and the second is the recovery animation this is the remainder of the animation that continues after you release your projectile the kite effectively you want to cancel the second part the recovery animation with a movement command great so you might be thinking okay yeah I already do this I thought you said there's something I do wrong well you're likely canceling your auto attacks recovery animation correctly but then you're making one or both of the following two mistakes the first is you then try to Auto attack much later than when your actual Auto attack came back off coold down for example here my auto attack comes off cool down but I continue to walk instead of attack this means I only Land Two Auto attacks compare that to when I auto attack as soon as my auto comes off cool down I'm able to land four Autos doubling my damage per second an easier way of understanding this would be with an actual ability bad kiting looks like this where you continue moving despite Annie's Q being off cool down whereas perfect kiting would be casting the que as soon as it comes off cool down you're moving while still outputting the maximum amount of damage now just to be clear there are of course some instances where you have to continue running on purpose because an enemy will catch you if you turn to attack we're not saying to perfectly kite with maximum damage in those situations however in regular normal kiting situations you're likely losing out on damage from moving longer than you need now if you're not making that mistake you're probably doing the opposite you're kiting canceling your recovery animation properly but then trying to attack too early before your auto attack has actually come off cool down again this is easier to visualize with an ability so it would be like if as any before our Q has come off cool down we try to cast it and just stand still waiting until it does this is the biggest reason why people failed to kite well let's say you're playing Caitlyn one of the highest Auto ranges in the game at 650 and you're facing vain who has a range of 550 and yet you go to auto attack them and by your second Auto attack you're suddenly within 550 range getting hit back here's why this is happening notice I'm at Caitlyn's Max Auto Range here marked by the ward if I click back after Auto attacking wait for my auto attack cool down to come back up when I attack again I'm again staying at max range however if I click back to kite after autoing and click back to attack too early before my attack has come back off cool down my Champion actually continues to walk forward up until my attack comes off coold down and then we attack this is what most players get wrong about kiing they try to input their next attack command way too fast and their Champion both walks forward more than they have to while also making them stand still much more than they have to as well this is why kiting isn't just about canceling that second part of your auto animation it's also about developing the muscle memory around your attack cooldown or in other words your attack speed for example here's optimal kiting with no attack speed items more movement and less attacks now we have berserker's Graves and Kraken Slayer more attack speed means our attack is coming off cool down faster so more attacks and finally here's an example of kutting at full build you can see how developing muscle memory around your attack cool down is key if you try to attack too fast you're going to awkwardly run forward into enemies try to attack too late and you're missing out on a lot of damage attack right when your auto comes off coold down and you got that buttery smooth kiting with maximum damage all right now if you truly want to become a mechanical God there is nothing better than our brand new mechanics course at skillcap tocom you'll Master every other mechanic we didn't have time to cover in this guide and this course is a part of our massive update adding all brand new courses for season 14 and to celebrate this we're offering an exclusive limited time discount through the link below so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below to get the rank you've always wanted this season all right and that will do it for this one we here at skillcap want to thank you for watching and we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 140,307
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Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, lol coaching, skill-capped, league of legends season 14, lol s14, lol season 14, lol mechanics, lol mechanics guide, lol mechanics for beginners, lol mechanics training, lol guide, challenger guide, how to climb
Id: PQBLmUT0o5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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