The 10 BEST Top Laners to ESCAPE LOW ELO in Season 14 - League of Legends

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if your goal is to escape low ELO as a top laner as fast as possible then you clicked on the Right video we'll be breaking down the top 10 best Top Lane champions for climbing out of low ELO now the order does matter in this one so the number one pick will be what we consider to be the strongest champion and if you want to learn how to carry bad teammates and finally Escape low ELO as a top laner well there's nothing better than our brand new Top Lane Essentials course at skill this course will teach you everything you need to start carrying as a top laner Wave Control what to do when your teammates Fe how to snowball macro we cover everything pair that with our course on countering op top laners and then head on over to our Smurf commentaries select your Champion to watch live commentaries from Challenger players showing you how to carry out of the exact ELO you're stuck in you can try all this out risk-free since if you don't rank up while actively using skillcapped you get your money back no questions asked you can access all of this through the discount you can only unlock through the link below so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below to get the rank you've always wanted this season all right and now starting us off at the number 10 spot on the list is Dr Mundo Dr Mundo is a great choice for low ELO because he becomes insanely tanky while also having a passive that makes him immune to crowd control this will make it impossible for you to get caught out and die when you miss position a big issue low ELO players have at the same time Mundo is unique in just how much of his damage scales off of building Health most tanks do very little damage that's the trade-off for building tanky and most bruisers aren't that tanky since they have to invest in damage Dr Mundo doesn't fall follow those rules he goes where he pleases he builds full tank well then getting to hit like an absolute truck not to mention RI added heart Steel in season 14 an item that was practically handcrafted for Mundo given that it applies damage scaling off his max Health the fact that you get to be both a tank and a damage carry makes him perfect for low ELO since you don't have to rely on your teammates for either of these roles at the same time Mundo has some of the best scaling in the game with how low ELO games go longer on average this means more often than not you'll become that late game Menace and if all of this wasn't enough his QE is a range skill shot not a lot of melee top laners get a skill like that this means that in bad matchups you always have the ability to farm from a distance giving him a safe laning phase on top of the late game scaling a very potent combo the reason he's not ranked higher on this list is because he actually requires more skill than it seems on the surface as mentioned his Q is a skill shot so you'll have to get good at Landing that and his W needs to be timed well enough to not only absorb maximum damage but to also hit an enemy to get the full heal his e has some decent skill expression in l having to try and line up minions to hit enemies and at the same time he doesn't have that big crowd control ability to catch out low ELO players who often miss position that being said if you love being a tank but hate not doing damage then Mundo is the champion you've been looking for and speaking of Champions that like to smash things we have set in our ninth rank the thing a lot of low whe players don't know about set is that his passive andq combined together to make him one of the strongest early game champions in the game his passive makes it so that his second attack is his Right Punch which gains bonus range attacks speed and Deals bonus damage at the same time his Q empowers his next two basic attacks to also gain bonus range and damage all while giving him bonus movement speed when running at an enemy champion this means set is like itman in that one scene just punching people into the ground with no counterplay this not only makes him just outright strong but also easy to play since so much of your damage is just in your auto attacks if that wasn't enough his passive also gives him insane sustain in Lane as he heals a ton based on his missing Health combine that with the standard second winds you take in your page and you are not getting poked out of Lane I mean if you're ever against a range top laner you can even start Doran shield and you're just immune to poke set is also great in low ELO due to the crowd control he brings with his e and ultimate both are great at catching out the bad positioning of low ELO players if you do pick up set though there's really two mechanics you have to know first is that your W does massive damage when hitting in the center it even converts it to True damage this means Landing your W is key to playing set well the most common way you set this up is by using your E before your w the knock back and slow usually guarantees it lands however the real combo you need to learn is W flash you can Flash at any point in your W animation to reposition yourself this will net you a lot more kills once you master this the reason why set isn't ranked higher in this list is for two reasons first he's more of a mid-game champion and doesn't have that late game scaling that's so overpowered in those longer low ELO games second despite him being on the easier side he's still harder than Champions We ranked higher while not being more powerful than them still don't let that dissuade you from picking up set he's incredibly well-rounded powerful and versatile and is still a fantastic Champion for low ELO moving on our number eight pick goes to this Shephard of souls yoro Yori is great in low ELO because he's a dedicated split Pusher a split Pusher is a champion that just pushes a sidelane all game instead of ever grouping with their team and this is a good thing as split pushing is arguably the best way to carry games as a top laner in low ELO as you never have to rely on your teammates however unlike other split pushers that will be on this list yor comes with a lot more versatility most split pushers have to get into melee range to do damage this can sometimes limit them if an opponent is in a good position to turtle and play safe under their turret yoro doesn't suffer from that problem as his entire play style revolves around poking from range with his e ability this gives you the ability to Siege Towers throughout the game if an enemy tries to Turtle a tool most top Lane Champions don't have at the same time the combination of his empowered Q demolish Rune and building a hall breaker will let you delete Towers in seconds often ignoring the Defenders a lot of lowy low players do find York on approach though but just follow the following four rules first just give up fighting for the lane level one and play safe like literally give up CS if you have to just let them push and pick up the wave at the tower and hit level three most York players throw their Lane with their weak level one this will give you time to build up Graves which comes to our second tip never fight without your ghouls you're absolutely useless without them just stack up a bunch of graves then when you land your e the enemy is slowed your ghouls spawn and jump them you can then cast your W to trap them with your Ghouls and look to fight them third once you're level six never fight without your alt you're effectively a Siege minion at this point without your maiden and fourth take ignite instead of flash you'll need it to win Allin in a lot of matchups follow those four rules and just push a sid Lane all game and you'll soon realize why yoro made it to the number eight spot on this list ranked in our seventh spot we have the iron Revenant known as Mizer if there is one way to describe Mizer it would be a stat checker for those who don't know that term a stat Checker is what it sounds like a champion that is just a big ball of stats that beats you through Simply Having higher numbers this is kind of mizer's whole design he uses his Al to trap you with him while his alt also steals your attack damage ability power attack speed Health armor and Magic resist he then just runs at you forcing you to fight him where you guessed it he stat checks you to death at the same time the big item rework at the start of season 14 massively benefited Mizer his three item core of riy Rift maker and LeAndre gives him a slow damage Health healing literally everything he needs and it's been one of the strongest builds in the game all season Mor kiser's biggest strength is just how safe and versatile he is in Lane his Q gives him a form of both ranged farming and poke giving him very few bad matchups his W gives him both a shield and heal giving him a super stable laning phase and his e can both be used as a way to peel someone off you or engage on someone his real strength though is in his passive which gives him fantastic damage per second this means in Lane he can use his Q to poke all day but if an enemy engages he can still win with his passives DPS or look to disengage with his W and e as long as you don't throw your lane before level six well once you get your alt it makes you to incredibly hard to gank since if that underl jungler shows up well you're turning that gank around by alting him and killing him instead the reason he's so good in low ELO is because he's just so well-rounded he doesn't really have any major weaknesses at the same time it isn't required for you to land any kind of key abilities missing a q or E rarely changes the outcome of a fight as you can always just fall back on running them down with your passive stat checking them the reason he isn't ranked higher on this list is because he lacks that late game carry potential being good at All Phases of the game comes with the trade-off of not being amazing in the late game don't get us wrong though he's still a fantastic pick for L ELO but he's simply not the best pick for L ELO which is why we' ranked him seventh now for number six for L ELO is a champion a lot of you were probably expecting it's nasus nasus is a champion that's always been associated with low ELO this is because he's traditionally had a weak early game that higher ELO players can exploit but since low ELO players fail to punish that weak early game and with low ELO games going longer well he's always been a champion that has been seen as getting free scaling and getting to skip one of his weaknesses at the same time he's a split Pusher one of the best strategies for climbing low ELO since you don't have to group and team fight or rely on your teammates a big misconception about nasis though is how strong his late game is don't get us wrong he has infinite scaling with his Q Stacks but it really doesn't matter how much damage your Q does if an enemy can take advantage of your lack of mobility and kite you preventing you from ever Landing it in the first place the other misconception players have is how weak NASA's early game is most low ELO players don't realize once you unlock your ultimate at level six often Just Landing your W Wither on your lane opponent and popping ghost and ALT is enough to just run them down and get a free kill basically nasus is much more of a mid game Powerhouse who also has a good late game but not nearly as strong as all the hype it gets still his kit is incredibly simple and so makes for a good beginner pickup for those who want to either learn Top Lane or split pushing speaking of which if you want to split push your way out of low ELO we have an entire guide teaching you everything you need to know about split pushing in our top lanane Essentials course you can check it out with that discount link below now starting off our top five we have none other than elaoi it's funny because if you're someone who took a break from league for a while you're probably wondering really elaoi isn't she terrible well if you're someone who's been playing actively you're probably wondering really shouldn't allawi be ranked higher here's the thing when Ryan added the new map in season 14 Top Lane got a lot more space and alla's win rate plummeted to record-breaking lows Riot tried to fix this by increasing her tentacle range by 150 well this fixed her all right she became the strongest champion in the game overnight so she got a minor Nerf on the next patch and ever since then she's been in a much ithier but still very powerful spot the reason why alawi is so good in low ELO though is because she's a dedicated split Pusher and because of her tentacle spawning mechanic it really forces players to commit to this split push style and this is a good thing as split pushing is arguably the best way to carry games as a top laner in low ELO is you never have to rely on your teammates she's also a bit simpler than other split pushers who often have to read the map more in fear of enemies collapsing on them the's whole play style is actually to have the enemy team collapse on her on purpose as long as she lands her e on a Target she alts and then starts smashing tentacles down that delete the enemy while massively healing her this lets her win fights when she's outnumbered so it makes it really simple shove a lane spawn your tentacles and either crush a lane opponent or the enemies that come to try and help no need to think about rotations or roaming or grouping with teammates the only reason we don't rank aoi higher up on this list is because it just boils down to your e ability so much of your ability to win those outnumbered fights comes from not only Landing your e but also at times Landing it on the right person and often once you land your e you need Split Second decision-making as you spam abilities since your survival comes from the heal you get from the damage you land basically she's a bit harder than other Champions ranked tier on this list who can just simply run you down with auto attacks she's also more of an early to mid game Champion compared to the late game powerhouses ranked higher still she made the top five for a reason if you're someone who finds the split pushing style appealing allow is one of the best choices sliding into our number four spot we have malite I already know some of you will have thought he would have been ranked higher but don't worry we'll explain why shortly for now let's talk about why he's so good in low ELO firstly he's incredibly straightforward to play spam Q on your opponent in Lane if they get into melee range activate your e and w and auto them at the same time there's very few Top Lane Champions as impactful in team fights as Mal fight his ultimate can swing fight simply by just hitting a squishy Target that's out of position at the same time though with how low ELO players struggle with good positioning it's very common for multiple enemies to be grouped up for a Big Al that swings the fight in your favor it's also hard for you to get punished for being out of position with how tanky you are you can simply cue to steal movement speed and run away or simply use your alt to escape which although not ideal does make him pretty forgiving to play we haven't even touched on the fact that he's literally a hard counter to so many champions found in Top Lane the fact his W and ease damage scales off building armor on top of his e applying attack speed slows means attack damage top laners which is the majority of the Top Lane roster are already fighting an uphill battle the only thing that keeps him back from ranking higher on this list is that he lacks that 1 v9 carry potential in the late game that is sometimes needed in low ELO when you get especially bad teammates still a champion that's easy to play great leaning phase always fits great into the meta with a high impact alt you really can't go wrong with picking Mal fight now we entered the top three and the third spot is taken by the Spin to- win Champion Garen Garen is arguably either the simplest or second simplest Champion to play in Top Lane but don't get it twisted being easy doesn't mean he's any less powerful he has a very straightforward way of playing the laning phase if you have your W up look to engage with Q into e and activate your W when the enemy tries to fight back then simply back off until your W comes back up and repeat this becomes even easier once you unlock your ultimate since often you can just Q into e and then finish them off with an ALT if all of this wasn't enough his passive makes him very forgiving to play in Lane as it gives him an insane amount of healing it's actually absurd when you combine it with the sustain you get from a starting item dor and shield so if you mess up somehow you just sit in a brush until your passive comes up and watches it looks like you just consumed a health pot and if you need to leave the lane for whatever reason his e is an insanely good wave clear tool often snowballing is Garen means you're either Tower diving enemies with a Q E into alt combo or just using your need a wave clear into roaming where you guessed it once again hit a poor unsuspecting victim with your QE alt combo this is why Garen is definitely the best beginner Champion if you're new to Top Lane the only reason he isn't placed any higher is that he doesn't have that true 1v9 carry potential in the late game due to him being more cooldown based and not having that non-stop DPS to shred through entire teams and speaking of non-stop DPS our second spot goes to the troll King trundle so throughout this entire video we've been singing the Praises of a split push play style in Solo Q well here's the thing about trenle he's not only a god- tier split Pusher but he also has one of the strongest early laning phases in the game unlike other split pushers that need some time to ramp up like nasis Yori and elaoi trundle just starts the game able to 1 V one most Champions right from level one in many ways he's kind of just a stronger version of nasus the really crazy thing about trenle though is that he might just be the easiest Champion to play on this list it's him or Garen trendle's entire play style is press W which is a giant AOE that gives him bonus attack speed and movement speed just throw his pillar somewhere behind the enemy as it slows them then run at the enemy auto attack and spam q that lowers the enemy's attack damage by the way and there you go you're now a trundle master in all seriousness though it gets even easier once he hits level six as his ultimate is a point and click ability that literally just stat checks the opponent not only does it deal damage based on the enemy's Max health and heal him for the same amount but it then shreds 40% of their armor and Magic resist so yeah good luck trying to build tanky against trundle all the other split pushers on this list usually force you to think about how you're going to use your spells or make sure you land a key spell in in some way trundle just runs at people and smashes them with a club until their screen turns Gray he's also been incredibly strong all of season 14 as the new ravenous Hydra gave him both insane wave clear and sustain since his passive heals him whenever something dies near him like minions you just walk up to the wave use your hydroactive and passive to clear the wave and heal up to full at the same time he massively benefited from the new Hall breaker rework as the damage comes from having decent attack speed since it activates on your fifth attack and trendle's W gives him 110% bonus attack speed I know that's insane when it's maxed out which he always Maxes second if there's one champion on this list that you can truly pick up for the first time and just start demolishing players it's trundle which is why he comes in as our second pick and finally we have our number one pick for climbing out of low ELO the righteous one kale kale is nearly the perfect Champion for low ELO she has arguably the strongest late game of any champion on this list which is super valuable in low ELO where games go longer this is because Riot designed her to literally just get free scaling as she ascends at level 6 11 and 16 but it's not just that she has a strong late game it's also that she's so versatile as that late game carry most top Lan Champions that have scaling baked into their kit have some way of other Champions still countering them a good example is nasus with his infinite scaling on his Q he can still be shut down late game with good kiting and peel kale just avoids all of this due to the fact that she's ranged the only real trouble you'll have is against a really fed zerath or artillery Mage that can outrange you but that's not entirely true her W not only heals her and an ally but also gives both of you a massive movement speed boost to either close the distance or kite back that's kind of her whole kit in a nutshell she's just amazing at everything if your team is diving great you can rain down damage with your auto speed boost your divers with your W and if one of them gets low Al them to keep them alive well then bursting the entire team with it if your team is kiting that's also great you can kite with your ranged Auto speed boost and heal with your W to create distance and if anyone is getting focused you Al them to save them it's kind of like you get to be that late game hyper carry DPS machine like kgma and Jinx but instead of needing a support Lulu to protect you you get to be your own support and protect yourself and the thing is kale doesn't really fit well in any other lane so she's just this perfect hyper carry for low ELO that can really only be played in top if all of this wasn't enough she has two build paths that are both incredibly viable where she either Builds on hit with attack damage and attack speed or something more AP heavy this means you can always adapt to the enemy team composition if the enemy is tanky you just opt for the attack damage on Hit And if they're squishy you go ability power heavy for more burst Kale's real only weakness is her early laning phase but to be honest it's not that bad both your e and Q give you longrange poke tools to either win your lane or just transition into using them to C us from a safe distance into hard matchups not to mention low ELO players really struggle with the nuanced early aggression necessary to shut her down so you often just get a free Lane to scale the only other weakness she has is that she does require a bit more mechanical skill than most since you'll ideally need to have good kiting but if we're being honest it's not really that true as it's not uncommon for KES to just stat check opponents in melee range late game spamming Auto attacks as they stand still then just alting them M themselves basically she's not only great at carrying you out of low ELO but also as you improve at her you'll be in a great position to continue climbing into the higher ranks speaking of which if you truly want to learn how to climb ranks fast as Top Lane there is nothing better than our brand new Top Lane corset skill cap it covers the A through Z of everything you need to know to climb as a top laner that's everything from Wave Control what to do when your teammates feed how to snowball macro we cover everything you can try this all out risk-free since if you don't rank up while actively using skill CA you get your money back no questions asked you can access all of this through the discount you can only unlock through the link below so what are you waiting for click the link in the description below to get the rank you've always wanted this season all right and that will do it for this one we here at skillcap want to thank you for watching and we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 83,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, league of legends guide, lol guides, league of legends tips, league of legends coaching, how to get better at league of legends, skill capped, lol tips, lol tips and tricks, league of legends pro guides, how to improve at league of legends, lol coaching, skill-capped, league of legends season 14, lol s14, lol season 14, best top laners, best top laners season 14, best top laners league of legends, best top lane champions, best top laners to one trick
Id: kG_BtklXKcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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