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my name is Aaron Cairo I'm a professional skateboarder from the San Francisco Bay Area and today I'm going to teach you the five easiest skateboard tricks really what happened is we thought of this video we thought of this video as a title and we were like this is a great video and then I was thinking what are the five easiest skateboard tricks really I made this video called skateboarding made simple where I said you should start off with pushing well you won't count pushing as a trick pushing will be trick zero Ollie will be trick one frontside 180 trick to backside 180 trick three pop shuvit trick for in frontside shove-it trick five that would be the sequence but that is not what I'm going to go over in this video we're going to take it even easier than the ollie so I actually have no idea which tricks but I'm going to look around here and I'm going to figure out what five tricks I mean some people might not even call these tricks they're going to be even easier than an ollie once you start pushing and you learn to ride your board what things could you do that would be five tricks that would be easier than an ollie to figure it out I think I got a good idea of which number one is though you're going to think to yourself that's not a trick well speak for yourself I had this idea because this is the first trick that riding Shrock Andy shock son learned and I was like there you go that's the easiest trick in skateboarding right there this definitely is easier than an ollie you basically just flip your board over put your feet underneath it both feet prepare yourself then you're going to jump up and land on the board four bolts victory dance we are trying to get a lot of new people into skateboarding a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot and every day you go skateboarding I want you to learn something new at least one new thing maybe it's not every day maybe it's a part of a trick but the whole idea that you improve every single day so the whole idea of this video is something that you guys can learn and do and then end of the day like feeling yeah I'm getting better and getting better at skateboarding because Ollie's do not come in one day if Ali's come in one day you're a skateboard God took me six months to learn how just an example do it again put your feet underneath the board Oh jump up jump on you could lay in primo primo means you land like this and that's definitely sketchy that's definitely scary so you could even do some practice like this where regardless I think this trick is easy enough to where you can just like you know take you that Oh jump right on if you're really really really really new to skateboarding and you want to start out doing that in the grass go ahead but I think that you guys got that I think you got it I think you got it first troll Ryan's beard this one's for write-in truck [Applause] that's the easiest skateboard trick number one I'm not sure what number two three four or five or six are or seven or eight so that's number one easy escape or trick number two when I was in Montana and I was about ten years old we called this a nosebleed some might call it a nose stall others I think might call it a nose pick I think a nose pick is something else which I will demonstrate but this in my world is called a nosebleed this I'm going to say is easy escape or trick number two again some of you guys might be thinking I'm not even a trick but guess what we're doing it so for this trick you're going to have to push I'm assuming on all of these things that you can push even for the last one so you're going to push up real slow you're going to need an obstacle ideally a curb try to not get a curb that's too rounded try to get one that has a nice edge you're going to roll up to it and you're going to run into the obstacle and then you're going to stand on this leg with all your weight on this leg and there you go can you feel your nose bleeding and then you just sort of awkwardly roll a lot hey I didn't say it was like the sickest style points trick I didn't even say it was a trick but it's a nosebleed it's like the most anti climactic trick ever it's actually a good way to practice no slides as well you really get that feeling of standing on there oh yeah girl we got the end of this video we should have glanced go through the whole series I really don't know how else to explain it other than just roll up really slow and just run into the obstacle I feel sort of silly putting practice steps together for things like this but I guess if you wanted to a practice that could be feels like you're sort of asleep at the wheel don't hit it too hard you might chip your board a good test for this video would to bring like somebody who's never never never never never touched a board before and have them do these we're going to do that we're going to do that and to see how many tries they would take like if they do everyone first try it's like fool too easy just roll up nice and easy you're going to want to just lift up just a little bit well that's the nosebleed I guess once you get it on like a small object like that you could take it to a larger one you guys feeling it I'm feeling it Lance persistence episode 17 rail army channel coming soon you want to get really crazy with your nose bleed check this nose bleed for trick number three I wanted to catch my board like this but I failed well number three I had a really hard time figuring out what it was I thought for about 13 seconds and then Gabe was like do this and I was like you're brilliant genius kid cruise I think when I was in Montana you're going to get that Montana 10-year old trick selection I think we called this a caveman I'm not sure why maybe because we were cavemen and we thought that was cool I'm goofy so I go right foot forward so you're going to take your right your foot that's forward hand your foot that's forward hand does that make sense and grab your nose you're going to hold your board like this I guess you could say I just sort of dropping it and then jumping on the board right and then you get faster and faster to the point where you can kind of jump and jump on the board now this might be the easiest skateboard trick number three I definitely think it's easier than an ollie but I can definitely foresee some people going like this what I must bring my ankle just trying to do it let me do that again I can definitely see some people going like this so don't do that just don't do that make sure that your balance is nice and even and you're right over the board no problem and just jump on there like that okay now again back to the purpose of this video this is for the brand-new people if you guys watch our videos and you don't own a skateboard go buy a skateboard this weekend go to your local shop go to the shred quarters buy a skateboard and start skateboarding that's your homework for the weekend ready and then you can learn easy skateboard trick number two Lance wants me to do it awesome stuff what do you think it's hard at skateboard tricks I thought this is the easiest skateboard trick video that was terrifying I want to thinking in my head was up rail drop where's Benny bun when you need them I think it's easier if you sort of like bend down they thought I was going to fall but I was being serious when you bend your knees you're closer to the ground which means your center of balance is better hope some people make some means out of that screenshot it's really worked on my upper arm strength get that damn well that ladies and gentlemen is lazy escape or trick number three before they all even either than all these easy just a portrait number four so easy I can't even do it should we do that again easy escape or trick number four in Red Lodge Montana I called that the sweeper swapper that's not easy a skateboard check number four easy a skateboard trick number four the weight that's five that's a thumb and forefingers let's know you got this easiest trick number four this is to write off a curve we actually do have a full length tutorial on this very accurately detailing every single step to roll off a curb I'm just going to give you the basics of roll off a curb here in the side Evo skateboard tricks of all time I'll be honest with you this is one of the harder tricks that we've done in the video that's far there's a couple things that you need to know about rolling off a curb one you need to be able to ride pretty well you need to have your balance down two you need to be able to ride while lifting up the front wheels so the first thing would be just writing and practicing that balance of holding that up you'd be surprised at beginner skateboarder trying to do that will have some trouble trust me I've been there I've taught them I've done it I've done it before if you just got a skateboard and you're going to college and you're on your college campus and you're rolling around you want to be able to roll off curbs you also want to be able to ollie up curbs but hey that's after the five easiest tricks okay so you're going to roll up to the obstacle and once your front wheels start to go off the edge you're going to want to lift them up that's important then I'll show you I you want to roll off even like this and then land like this if you roll off like this well you're going to fall into the street and in a street there are cars and in cars there are people and that could hurt you so this is the way not to do it you could do it like that you might fall this is the way to do it whoo first try number four let's go to number five and for the most anticipated finale of the trick number five the five finger boneless in Montana we called this a boneless I was trying to think about this trick and I was thinking do I bone this with my front hand in my back hand and then I remembered I never boneless but this is a rather easy trick once you learn how to push and you're riding around and you've got this the only thing I can say about this trick is if you're tall like me and your back is stiff like mine because you're like 500 years old or older then might be hard to bend down and grab your board but you're going to ride you're going to have your feet like that you're going to bend down grab your board with your back hand step off with your front foot lift up whoa and then step back on without falling I actually think it's good this is number five and this one I think was number three it sort of gives you some practice on the boneless people who are actually really good at bonuses and do them really well would probably be very disappointed in my bone month but you know what this is a video for the beginner of the beginner of the beginner and if you can do this in any way shape or form feel good about it it's the whole idea that you go and skateboard you learn something new I don't care how small it is the smallest little thing you learn it you feel good about it okay first run no booth this could so I definitely threw my back out on that bonus but let's try it again so you're writing you bend down grab it with your back hand whoa did that look sacred does it look like just the worst thing ever Gabe's not quite sure if it's like in Montana we called this a chicken wing you're rolling you bend down grab it with your back hand usually I think this trick is done with a 180 or a 360 or if you're really wild and crazy you would do 540 Lance just wants me to die wants me to take it off some stuff I was thinking we do it with a 180 first or the steps clear enough you guys feel like you can learn this trick date said yeah Lance says he's never tried it before they're going to both give it a shot we'll see what happens one is first toy here's where it gets real Peck oh man I'm going to do a flip do a flip the peanut gallery back here Rize okay if you learn it you learn it there's a beginner video people just take it take what you can get shout out a Bones Brigade don't do it off a drop guys keep it on flat oh there's a rock right there so you think these are the easiest tricks huh the proof is in the pudding we'll see about that Lance Seidler cipher so I forgot what number one was I forgot where we are what are we doing take thy sword number one first try does he have it are you nervous okay good I thought you would not I know first try you're living this you probably want to start on the grass at the carpet group Danny's group Dennis dang tricky to go faster to MIT the persistence was incredible number Q then what was bleed black I get this really really really really good because it counters a note slide no but if we put this on the ground and this is how I learned how to no split was that proper English okay I mean maybe that's what we should do it's like how to know slide without an ollie I think it's an incredible video that we should make with you floppy nose slide flappy we should do a whole sloppy series flappy Joe's that be snappy Jose whoa your practice stepping this no this is the five easiest skateboard trick no you're legitimately scared of this I just thought the practice stuff was funny oh he thought it was funny the video is not meant to be funny guys first joy wasn't the first time there's a lot of STIs days do not think you have you got some trouble really I said Dave had zero confidence in you zero okay number three the caveman the whole point of these is so you actually do like improve and feel like you're improving and then take a win and I can tell that it's good because you're like I just learned Rick do you think so yeah that's I'm going to stand over here just in case people JIT amélie scare Oh not first tried that was just really cz like I'm super Steve like sick yeah yeah I can't wait to see the boneless for trick that is a fun trick they are all fun trick every trick in skateboarding is a fun trick I think that most people to beauties in one day getting sup if you were good at riding the boards because yeah I have to be hit right at the board kids I mean granted you've done kickflip 360 flip hard flip always the five just about that bug no a person who just is very very very first starting might do that yeah they might do this one in one day I mean right and did that yeah right and did that he's a toddler that's like a really good example of like a very very first skateboard trick and something that you would do and feel proud of yourself if you've been skateboarding for 10 years or five years or even a year and you're like oh this is so stupid don't just don't even we're new people are learning how to skateboard and you're going to give them the opportunity to learn how to skateboard that's where they're going to start it's not stupid so what's the next trick it was the tre revert now oh yeah the sweeper swapper give it a shot I legitimately think like a good three hours you could do that trip of rebirth yeah okay dig kids like now I've let's check number four what are we on for roll off a curb I already know he knows how to do this because he's done it before made a whole tutorial in a full-length tutorial on just this one trick I didn't want to do it I was like let's do it it was really good and made me realize that people who are very first learning like for me just to roll off a curb I feel like a fool I feel like a fool making a tutorial out of that but that's the whole point of this is so we teach you guys who hopefully are buying your first skateboard this weekend and starting like that's the idea right if you don't have a skateboard your watch our videos get a skateboard star skateboarding yeah you're right we will make a video of how to buy your first board Oh first charge I know it's a happy it has ever been and I think in his entire life he also was like man didn't roll the way kind of like like lissa Rochambeau okay so this is a boneless off and it looks like Gabe Cruz is going to go first judge the judge says it's good the non judge says I got it but maybe I should rebate it because I'm a nice guy Bruce drawn my voice cracked on that a little bit use the wrong hand that was amazing first Roy want me to say they both won because they're skateboarders where everyone wins now I'm really not joking it's where everyone wins skateboarding I think that concludes our expedition for today that was the five most various easiest skateboard tricks if you guys think you know of any trick that's easier than that please leave it in the comments below if you guys think these are not even skateboard tricks please leave it in the comments below if you guys are just starting out skateboarding and you think that this really really helped you please click that little bell on the subscription thing that means every time we upload a video you get a notification and then leave it in the comments below we want to help you guys learn how to skateboard we want you to get better if you don't have a skateboard we want you to get one we want you to start skateboarding we want you to have fun riding skateboards we want more people to skateboard I hope you guys enjoyed this video definitely check out all of the tutorial videos that we've made because we've literally made hundreds of them so check them out learn to skateboard have fun on your skateboard rail skateboarding I'm killing it I'll see you next time and thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you [Music]
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 6,108,534
Rating: 4.9277544 out of 5
Keywords: how, to, how-to, learn, skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, easy, easiest, way, tutorial, need, tricks, help, please, tip, tips, trick tips, tricktip, tricktips, skate support, aaron, kyro
Id: MFvkDE_uYq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2017
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