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hey guys so we've been getting a lot of requests about how to pick out your very first skateboard at a skate shop so it was perfect that Google reached out to us to highlight our favorite local skate shop so come with me as we go to orbit skate shop and we're going to go through all of the products every wheel every board every truck we're gonna help you navigate the products and show you how to pick out your very first or your second or maybe your five millionth skateboard let's go [Music] [Music] alright guys so here we are in front of orbit skate shop we're super excited to work with these guys they're one of our very favorite local businesses they've been in business since 1995 and they have a really cool program where kids can bring in their report card and if they have good enough grades they can get free wheels free trucks and even a free skateboard deck so a huge thanks to Google for sponsoring this video to help us highlight our favorite local skate shop in the area because these guys really helped push skateboarding out into this community and we think it's really rad what they're doing with all the kids in the area so let's go inside and set up a deck alright guys so we're here at Orbitz skateboard shop they have literally every single board you could ever think of shoes Wheels trucks bearings and everything and I can imagine when you come in here it might be kind of like overwhelming like they have everything what are we gonna choose right so I'm gonna tell you how I choose my own skateboard and hopefully that gives you guys some ideas of how you can like figure out what to choose what to pick starting out with the board the main thing to look at on your board is the width usually on the top it will say how wide it is so for this one it has the sticker right here and it says 8.0 I personally write in 8.0 and my shoe size is a size 10 the width of the board is actually just a personal preference I used to skate a 775 and then I moved up to an 8 just to get a little bit more with the number one question that I am asked is I have size 6 shoes what size board should I ride and there's no like set answer it's not like oh you got size 6 shoes well you need a 7.5 or oh you have size 12 shoes you need a 8.25 so as you can see on these boards they are labeled so this one right here it says 8.25 so this is 0.25 inches wider than this one and I'll show you that just so you can see the difference it's like it's actually barely a difference at all but when you set that up and you skate that thing that point to five inches is is gonna make a big difference so for example if you were having a hard time spinning your kick flips getting that board to rotate you might want to go to a thinner board because the thinner board will flip fast or maybe you're flipping it too fast or maybe your your board is not wide enough and you need some more surface area if you're gonna be skating a lot of stairs or a lot of big things I definitely would say go to a bigger board other than the the width which is the most important thing I feel like once you find a width that you really like you're probably going to stick with that either forever or for a while but other than the width I always look at the shape so I personally like a nice big nose it makes it easier to do no slide tricks tre flip reverts the nice wide nose and for some reason the shape that seems to work the best on the tail I have no idea why but it's sort of like a little bit of a pointy tail and then it kind of like chops off at the edge here this sticker this means this is the tail and there's this little indentation up there which means that that's the nose some of them can be kind of hard to figure out which one is the nose and tail but usually that's how you go about it the sticker on the bottom you might look at all these and say they're all kind of like that but if you actually really really look at them and pay very close attention they're all a little bit different the other thing to look out on the board is the the concave so the concave is this this up lip right here that just bounces up you can see it goes like that so that's the concave some people like a deeper concave which means in the middle of the board this is coming down and these lips are going up steeper again that can make the board flip faster and some people like a flatter concave again that's just going to come back to your personal preference so that's pretty much it on the board and next up we have the grip tape I think that the grip tape is one of the most important things to choose because it's how grippy your board is if you or does not grippy and your feet are sliding off we're not gonna be able to do tricks if your board is really grippy and your feet are sticking to it really well well you're going to be able to do tricks I personally like the grittiest stickiest grip tape there could be so this right here is am grip it is very very very sticky some people don't like it as sticky as I like it Gabe Cruz is a good example of this when he puts his grip tape on he cuts it he takes the additional pieces off the sides and he sands it down and then I get on his board and I'm slipping off everywhere but on my board I'm like stuck to it like glue so I leave my grip tape just pristine it's super super sticky and it's super super coarse so you can you can have them grab the different kinds of grip tape and you can feel them and you can see how course they are some are more smooth some are more coarse this is going to ruin your shoes faster but welcome to skateboarding you're definitely going to be going through shoes good the next thing is the wheels on the wheels the main thing that you're going to be looking at here is the size right here you can see right in that logo it says 54 that means they're 54 millimeters 54 millimeters this way if they were 50 twos it would be a little bit smaller if they were 60s they would be a little bit bigger so if you were to go too big on those wheels you're going to get what's called wheel bite that means when you're turning on your truck your wheel is right here and it actually hits the board it makes the wheel stop and you're going to fall so you don't want to get wheels that are too big if you have wheels that are too small you're gonna be rolling and you're gonna hit every single Rock and you're going to fall and that's not gonna work out either so you're gonna want to have a nice good balance between that not too big not too small I usually skate a 52 millimeter but you'll see today I'm setting up these 50 fours so the other thing on the wheels is that there are different widths sizes hardnesses so these wheels are I don't know actually the the hardness of these but I would be willing - bet they are 99 a 99 a is pretty hard that means your wheel is going to slide well these are 78 a it's a bit of a weird system to lower the number the softer the wheel the higher the number the more hard the wheel is so this 78 a is a very soft wheel so it is not going to slide as much as this one is so if you're going to be doing revert tricks or you're going to do tricks where your wheels are sliding on the ground you're going to want a harder wheel but if you're going to cruise from your house to your school you're going to want a soft wheel there's all different shapes or sizes of wheels but if you're going to be doing tricks you're going to want the harder the standard the regular wheel just like this now these wheels do come in various different widths sizes shapes some wheels are flatter there and they claim to lock in better to ledges and various things like that it probably does more or less work but I think any regular wheel like this is going to do you just fine you're going to learn how to skate on that you'll be all good just like the wheels the trucks come in various shapes sizes colors companies graphics pretty much anything you can think of and again the color is just that's going to be your preference the most important thing on the trucks is that you want them to fit the width of your board you don't want them to be sticking out right so if this was sticking out further and you landed primo it's gonna be not good you want it to be even like that so if you land like that it's the same distance the same as the board so this wood I'm riding today they are independence these are nice trucks they turn very very very well yeah they're just a good all-around truck they're super tough you can you can beat the crap out of these and they'll they'll be good to go another thing to know about the trucks is that some of them are higher than others see these are like really close to the deck these ones are higher up so again that's that comes to a personal preference point let's say you really like these trucks but you need them to be higher you can get a set of risers that go underneath there that will rise them up that will help you on that different brands on the trucks have different sizes so just do your research you don't want to set this like super overly heavy but you don't want to go so light that they're gonna break either so just get your nice pair of independence or whatever truck is your personal preference all right so hardware is the thing that's going to attach your trucks to the board and this is pretty much a bolt in a nut it's very simple there's not a lot to this it's not going to be like one type of hardware is gonna make you skate better than a different type of hardware and the only difference that you're really gonna find on this is colors and it's either going to be a Phillips head or an allen key on the end of that so whatever your preference is on that just just pick it out so this just goes on the top through the grip tape and this holds on the trucks hardware's hardware if it's holding on your trucks then you're good if it's not holding on your trucks you definitely need better hardware all right so we're into the bearings these are just simply the metal rings that go into your wheels and this is what makes the wheel spin so the important factor here is how well does it spin you can get bearings all the way from Reds which are generally around 20 bucks or so up to the bone Swiss which are about 40 up to this bones ceramic these babies right here are a hundred and twenty dollars so you can see that these are like extremely fast they're gonna last a long time these are also extremely fast and will last a long time and these are just like your industry standard the the lowest grade and it's not that these are bad a lot of us ride reds and we will ride reds because we're just gonna roll in we're gonna get whatever bangs we're gonna get but if I'm definitely skating a spot that requires a lot of speed it's gonna be very very very helpful to have a good set of bearings so today I'm rocking the Neal ceramics so these are meal bearings and these are the blackout's these are really sick bearings they're really good they roll nice and smooth they really well and they last a long time so if you guys are not down to spend the full 120 dollars you're good to go with Swiss you're also good to go with the Reds you know it's all good we have a whole separate video on how to care for and clean your bearings so you can check that out but for the purpose of just knowing what to buy we've covered it here today so once you've got all this stuff you're going to need a tool to put it all together or you get the guy at the skate shop to just put it together for you either way you want to roll support your local business and do that thing so the tool basically just has these different parts each part of the truck fits into this somewhere somehow so you can put it all together so now I'm going to take this tool I'm going to set it my complete and then we're going to go skate [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys so we're here with James and he's worked at this skate shop orbit for about four years now four and a half five years so why do you think we're trying to get these guys to find their local skate shop support their local skate shop wherever you live if that's Switzerland or Denmark whatever it is so support your local well why do you think it's important to support the local shop so supporting a local shop it's been the bread-and-butter kind of been like the the staple of the skateboard industry for a long turd you know since day one right so it really supports the whole community exactly that you can still get that instant gratification that you would normally expect from ordering online yeah what you don't get on them when you order online those customer service our shop in particular we love to haggle we actually have a do a program as well or do a what does that mean dead or alive so you can turn in your with you five dollars off like a new deck Wow hold on so dead or alive so these are all boards that your local skaters in your area brought in and they were like here's my old board and you take a look at this and you go okay I'll give you five dollars off a new deck basically anything like our cheap cheap orbit sail decks yeah for $15 Wow we got these pick anything you want we'll do five dollars off and then what do you do with these these if it's completely snapped I donated it to dumpster gods but other than that we typically put put together completes will donate them like at our events sell them for five bucks just whatever whatever works for wow what I think is so cool is that you guys keep the skateboard community alive I mean I see you're promoting this contest that you got going on are you excited about to and if you guys anywhere local to the East Bay June 16th we're gonna be doing it and are the first time we're doing it in or skatepark last time we did it we did down park which by the way if you haven't heard a town park super-awesome Levi's helps kind of revitalize the thing okay so yeah it's like without that local skate shop it's like a whole experience the community comes in I mean since we've been in here we've had like a thousand kids running through going with the board with my board and all these kids are getting their first skateboards which i think is just so cool because also we need we need more people going into the skate shop getting their first board and having somebody set it up for them complete or something they're like what can I do to make this better I'm like tell you what give me that we'll give you twenty dollars right so we'll hook you up with something that's like gonna be in this you know I'll keep it easy on your on the wallet and everything yeah at least your kid when he pushes he can actually roll for a longer than twenty feet yeah it's it's incredible most skate shops you're not gonna go in and haggle but if you want to come in and haggle with this guy he's ready for it he's ready for you I told him I want the for a dollar you know give the food runs out yeah there you go go for it grab one yes and like we said earlier it's cool they have this program where kids can bring in their report cards so we do have a GPA program which I'm super stoked on because that's one thing that I've always kind of promoted is I could have like been getting into a lot of dumb stuff and getting into a lot of trouble as a youth like when I was young but I had skateboarding to keep me like kind of away from all that right being able to go to the skate park you know your your parents know where you are just like the building of like friendships and like the whole community itself is like with skateboarding right it's so much more open and welcoming than like say a team sport or like right like that kind of thing yeah I don't matter what it is if you're a skater your skater right it doesn't matter where you come from doesn't matter your background you're riding this board you're doing tricks you're having fun that's the thing like so the whole point of this is for us to build that community make it bigger and the skate shops are a vital important piece of that puzzle so please guys support your local skate shop just get in there get your board learn to skate and a huge thanks to Orbitz skate shop for letting us come in here and do our thing yeah we're here at East 14th 2nd in San Leandro super easy to get off at the 580 freeway we put the full address in the description below a huge thanks to Google for sponsoring this video in celebration of Small Business Week Small Business Week is the week where we honor small businesses so I'm really really stoked to work with Google and YouTube to be a part of this program YouTube for me has made literally all the difference I wanted to teach kids how to skateboard and they gave me a platform to reach millions and millions and millions of kids so I'm really really really happy to be a part of the platform that reaches so many people all over the world for a small business to be able to reach people on the other side of the planet I think is really really really incredible and it has made all the difference for us at Braille skateboarding for me to be able to put my personality out there get to know you guys has just been incredible so again thanks to Google for helping to put small businesses on the map of the world scale please help us support small businesses during small business week and actually during every single week because small businesses are very important you guys can show your appreciation by sharing this video and using the hashtag small thanks and leave a review on your favorite small businesses Google my business listing click on this playlist right here for all the videos in this series click here to get skateboarding made simple it's the most comprehensive plan ever made and it teaches skateboarding better than anything else out there go to Braille skateboarding comm you won't be disappointed
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 2,019,578
Rating: 4.958055 out of 5
Keywords: how, to, how-to, learn, skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, easy, easiest, way, tutorial, need, tricks, help, please, tip, tips, trick tips, tricktip, tricktips, skate support, aaron, kyro, small business week, Google, local, shop, support, skate shop, small, business
Id: s_Vxs4oNHwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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