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my name is Aaron Kyra I'm a professional skateboarder from the San Francisco Bay Area and today I'm going to teach you why you cannot ollie all right so we have taught a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot of people how to skateboard we've gotten people who have never touched a skateboard even thought about skateboarding even had skateboarding their life ever when we taught them how to skateboard we want to teach more people how to skateboard especially people that have never picked up a skateboard ever ever ever before and one of the things that people run into is they try to learn how to ollie they came not they send us in skate supports and they can not ollie or they've been practicing and practicing and practicing and practicing and practicing and they just can not ollie skateboarding made simple vol.1 teaches this trick really really really really really really really really really well but I've noticed some people that will try it and try it and try it and try it and try it and try it and try it and I've noticed that they think that they're doing the steps correctly but they're missing a very key component we've had people come here and we've been like great we're gonna teach you how to skateboard we're gonna do a series with you teaching you how to skateboard just like we did with lamps and we go cool first you're gonna learn how to ride second you're gonna learn how to ollie and they try to ollie over and over and over and over and over and over and over and their back wheels their back wheels the ones that are back here these wheels right here just do not get off the ground they sort of go like this well I'm gonna take it back even a little step before that because the actual reason why they ollie is you pop your tail you drag your foot up at the same time as dragging your foot up you're jumping up right so it goes pop drag and then the board sails up into the air but without that foot dragging up the board it doesn't go up anywhere but really the person oftentimes is not comfortable enough just with this in order to put that drag together but what I see like I'll get these skate support videos and we literally have thousands of skate support videos so I apologize if you guys have sent in a skate support video and we have not gone to it that is something I am trying to solve trust me I just do not have the time to do all of the thousands of videos but I definitely really really want to we will figure out a way to do that for sure I'm gonna take off my shoe here and I'm gonna show you an example how does here work so you can see it so what I've noticed is the second practice step is I have you just stand still and you're dragging your foot up like that and you drag your foot up this is a concept that is not it's not how would you say does it's not like a natural thing when you're walking around you're going to the mall you're going to your house you're going to this grocery store your feet are flat your feet are generally always flat you don't generally turn your ankle like that and drag it up unless maybe you were in karate and you learn how to kick like this oh yeah like this then you would know you would sort of have some notion of turning your foot like that but when I've taught people just brand-new straight off the street etc to try to do that step that is where it all breaks down there's a couple reasons why that could break down first of all they're just not naturally like I said it's just such an awkward feeling to their foot what I notice is that they move their foot like this they keep their foot flat yet move it up the board and notice the back wheels never come off the ground another reason is the earlier step if you can't get that step try to go to the earlier step this is not yet comfortable if you're not comfortable enough with just standing still on the board and you tapping your tail on the ground then you're gonna have to add this in no way you're not gonna be able to do that if just tapping your tail on the ground makes you feel like you're gonna fall off the board well you're not yet comfortable enough on your board you need to just ride your boarder on more right to the sort of rattle gorgeous or right around school right it to your house right it demonstrate everywhere just ride your board get on your board ride it around you got this cruise it once you feel really really comfortable with that then you're going to get real comes with turning your ankle and dragging it up the board if you drag your foot up the board like this ain't nothing don't happen and nothing going happen with the board you ain't gonna learn how to do now Ollie's you got to turn your ankle and slide your foot this is gonna put a hole in your shoe right there if you don't start seeing your your shoe wear away right there you're not doing this correctly so remember it's like that and you want to see chunks flying off your shoe you want to see the rubber on the side of your shoe dragging on to that grip tape cuz that right there it's kind of a fast motion because you're gonna have to pop and then turn your ankle and then drag and you're gonna have to push it forward so that it actually drags up and goes forward in the board levels out into the air once you pop that board into the air the feeling is like it's like this it's like the greatest day of your life because you just learned your ollie my friend once you get it into the air once you got this a couple things I want you guys to think with skateboarding is hard it is not easy there's nothing about it that's easy it's gonna take a lot of practice a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot of practice so don't give up do it your skateboard practice right around like I said do the easiest thing you can do right around do tricks that you can do so every day you end your skateboarding and you feel like you've gained something new you want to end your day feeling like you learned something if you try to ollie and you don't get it and you spend an hour or two hours and you leave the day feeling like I'm never gonna do this I may as well just play Tony Hawk pro skater and never actually skate don't do that go back to a different trick that you can learn or even a part of it maybe what you learned for that day was you got more comfortable tapping your tail on the ground and if you got more comes with that great in your day with that like if your very first starting to skateboard you need to end on points where you feel good about it that way you go and the next day you want to skateboard again that's what I find is that people either invalidate themselves like they try something and they're like I can't do this or they go to the skate park and somebody else is like you suck so also if you hit this skate park and somebody is just learning how to skateboard and you're telling them that they suck it's not cool don't do that because you actually want that person to learn how to skateboard maybe if you're a really good skateboarder and you want to make a career out of skateboarding well guess what you need other people skateboarding because if you're going to be a professional skateboarder other skateboarders are going to support you by buying your skateboard and that's how the whole skateboard industry works by having more people skateboard so you want to support other people skateboarding you really want to do that so maybe instead of telling them they suck maybe you go and you help them learn how to ollie now I covered a few points in this video of why you cannot ollie this may or may not have covered all of the points so if you're watching this video and you yourself cannot ollie I want you to go out I want you to practice these steps I want you to come back to this video watch it again practice the steps again film yourself if you notice your foot going up like that and not turning and dragging up the board you know what to fix if you film yourself and your foot is dragging up the board but you still cannot get your board to go up into the ollie leave it in the comments below I really want to know what you guys are running into I want to know what you're having troubles with the whole point of this company is so we make videos to get more people skateboarding so you guys yourself learn how to skateboard you have fun skateboarding you help others learn how to skateboard in the world of skateboarding grows bigger so that's the deal guys I hope you got it I hope you're practicing I hope you're not giving up I hope you will never give up in anything that you're doing in life whether it's skateboarding or relationships or business or anything else or school don't give up just keep going you got it good learn how to skateboard I hope you guys enjoyed this video I hope it's helping you definitely click this little thing that's a bell and turns on your notifications that way every video that we make you guys will get notified when it's uploaded and then you can go watch the video if you're not so yet subscribed definitely do that subscription then you want to click right here and watch all of the videos that we have done to teach you guys how to skateboard there literally are hundreds of them we also have skateboarding made simple in the shop that is the full length tutorial lesson plan that you do and it really really works check it out thanks a lot thanks to each and every one of you guys for learning how to skateboard for pushing yourself in skateboarding for pushing others you guys are the best [Music]
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 2,155,648
Rating: 4.9495139 out of 5
Keywords: how, to, how-to, learn, skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, easy, easiest, way, tutorial, need, tricks, help, please, tip, tips, trick tips, tricktip, tricktips, skate support, aaron, kyro
Id: A-HY0LUq1t4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2017
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