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you know what is up guys Johnny ghagra here today we gonna have a look at the top 10 easiest skateboard tricks ever doesn't matter if you choose bought a skateboard and don't know what to learn next or if you've been skating for a while already figured out how to ollie and now you want to learn some new creative tricks some of these tricks are super basic but it actually makes sense to work in them because all of these tricks will improve your bar control and that's actually what do you want to improve so let's start it up with the flip up this is the very first trick I ever learned on a skateboard and it only took me a few minutes I've been working on Ollie's for like 15 years this trick only a few minutes and it will be working out here we go again warming up okay just lay your board down on the ground graphic facing you now we're gonna put your toes underneath the board and you're just gonna jump forward this trick should only take you a few minutes learn to from district you're getting the idea of flipping the board and also landing back on it it's very essential and of course there is also different variations of the trick I mean you can do it double you can do it from a sort of Casper position let me try to demonstrate this this is the Casper position huh but on the where should we gonna land Taylor is on the floor too and which is gonna do this scissor movement boom if you're figuring this out fast you can even try to do it from Casper position right [Music] now let's try to do like this novel or one and a half flip on worship and right here just what a mansion you can seriously fall in that one like you can land primo and die but as long as you're holding on to something it's not gonna happen okay let me try to do I will never do this again never okay now did we learn how to get on our boards we're gonna learn how the right and the best way to do that would be the so called tic tac [Music] where do your 9 think if you've been skating for like a long time you know - Tic Tacs from my channel but if you're starting to learn how to skate there's this super essential it's what I did in the beginning I just tic-tac back out of my skateboard for like a month [Music] pick sex which is gonna put some weight on our back foot and we're going to lead our bar in the direction we want it's the front this is gonna give you great bar control choose the ride around promise out of his district hand in hand goes the manual [Music] which is balancing on your back truck front truck in the air and your tail is not gonna touch the clock if you hold this for like a second it's actually a trick and the more you manual the batter the feeling we'll get for that trick it's also hard to fall on that one will be a different story on the nose manual which would be same thing just on your front truck that one needs a little bit more practice okay now from here that we know how to elevate our front truck we're gonna learn how to kick turn thank you [Music] fun trick of course you can do it nollie or regular as well but fakie is probably the easiest version to do so okay let's move on to the obstacle behind me this back on this Bank you can learn how to kick turn on a rep and this one is not to honor it [Music] kickturns so much fun what do you start skating you figure that this trick on obstacles is kind of difficult it's not that easy like the secret it's all in shoulders just look at the direction you want to turn whether back side or front side and move your body 180 degree while doing this kind of manual tic-tac thing [Music] super essential trick that it's going to make it awesome to skate skate parks like the better-looking version of it will be the revert takes a little more experience a little more bar control that it is looking better and it is feeling better [Music] more slippery deflect rounds the easier it gets okay now that we know how to drag we will learn how to conquer obstacles and the easiest way to do so is be boneless all these are not to honor it they need a lot of practice it's hard to elevate that board with your feet only that's why we're gonna involve our hands also one of the very first tricks that I learned and I still love doing this trick after 15 years of skating we're gonna place both feet on the bolts we're gonna stand off with the front foot we're gonna grab the board jump like this getting your back foot on the board again it's probably hardest part of it but I'm sure you can figure this out after like 10 or 20 tries one more time well when you learn how to do that you can start this trick riding and you can pull this up to something [Music] are down something [Music] talking of jumping down something I want to introduce you to the so called cavemen [Music] water trickling that's super easy to slowly board like this boom that's it that's all fastest trick ever learned [Music] first you can also do this chick in to cast the stuff like this now even on an early stage we're getting the idea of combining tricks like the caveman the Casper flip on thing this is something awesome about skateboarding if you're a regular you're gonna grab the board of each here left hand if you're goofy with the right left foot forward left hand in you okay let's move on to something stationary something that I witnessed a lot on the shelf the rail stall are primo stuff there are two ways to walk in the first version you've got to face the grip tape like this this is also gonna get you some bark control if you learn to balance like this okay there's another way to get up on the board looking like this this is not the way that I would prefer that possible [Music] now look at this Pima having this opportunity I would also likely to use you one of the easiest flip versions on his planet so called rail flip okay [Music] you [Music] the next maneuver that I'm going to introduce you it's some sort of wizardry dust bibo hybrid okay beetle himer it is easy but at the same time it's kind of like playing water this one are you gonna throw your bar like this on the ground and you've gotta hope pray that it's gonna bounce back to make it possible for you to ride away so it's pray and do this I filled the newer debarred the easier is going to bounce back to the tracks to the wheels I'm making it possible for you to ride away I usually try to hold my board angled a little bit which is also a reason that it's going to bounce back quicker I believe it's also needs a little bit of practice nice how it goes there's a last trick I'm actually taking like three different kickflip versions that do not involve any aaalac skills first kick foot to step off kick [Music] kind of like the flip on twitch is the riding version of it it also requires some bolus knowledge because you should stand on both tracks with your feet and you're gonna step up with your front foot and your back foot it's gonna go underneath she's gonna do a full flip you're gonna land back on the board and you're gonna have the time of your life knowing that you landed your first type of kickflip there are two other ways to kickflip and for both of them we're gonna use our hands this is the so called tail position just gonna grab the board we're gonna do this we're gonna land back on the bar now this needs to be practiced for a bit but as soon as you feel like saving up stand on the board tail position grabbing the board back foot can leave it on the floor if you want or you can have it in here just perfect your trick easy let me do this with the other huh if any kind of kickflip you will always have to risk to land in primo and fall but asset falling is a good skill to learn as well so try to build up be careful but also don't be afraid to commit that's the cool thing on this finger flips like you can practice it super easy without actually committing to it however Davos did the ten easiest skateboard tricks ever if you're like super dedicated I'm sure you could learn all of these within 24 hours I hope it's gonna help you getting into skateboarding because learning how to ollie tsar kickflip can be frustrating learning two tricks from this video can give you like some sort of quick reward while he can still work on other things thank you guys for watching if you want to support me you can do this on patreon link in the description the money that I'm getting from that is going to be reinvested in improving the quality of these videos and if you want to support me in a different way you could also buy one of my pram ones I already tale slid off my name yeah it's me elephants the bansuri wife second edition thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe and hopefully see you soon you
Channel: Jonny Giger
Views: 474,454
Rating: 4.9688063 out of 5
Keywords: how to, tutorial, learn, ollie, kickflip, pop shov, skateboarding, skateboard, skate, jonny giger, braille, trick tip, ollie higher, beginner, 2020, fastest way, casper flip, heelflip, spencer barton, aaron kyro, rodney mullen, lesson, teaching, learning, easiest tricks
Id: Cnc3c6gSjsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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