The 3rd Hokage Is Underrated.

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Nope hes jus weak.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Brook0999 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2018 🗫︎ replies
so throughout Naruto's run there have been a few memes that have come about due to the exaggerated tales the Naruto verse will tell about certain shinobi or just because they're [ __ ] enough to attract those robbing guy solos XD forms of comments which is essentially the equivalent of the memes kids and the Dragon Ball community use when they say Yamcha armed with the shotgun harmonica solos XD and one of these memes happens to be here isn't the god of all shinobi the master of all techniques the man who could solo anybody in his prime now of course it's an exaggeration but it's somewhat of a clever exaggeration that I actually appreciate because of how the data books and characters actually jerked heroes and off during part 1 of Naruto then suddenly acted like he didn't exist in part 2 many people who talk about heroes and powers tend to do it in a somewhat faulty way completely disregarding his lore as like a meme and trying to simply scale him to Orochimaru when he was almost 70 years old during that encounter pretty much the same conclusion youtubers and all sub power Naruto debaters comes to as this in his prime he could probably just like be a sannin but stronger or something and this is ubiquitous go to any Hokage ranking video or any heroes in discussion video and they all say pretty much the same hot garbage without truly analyzing what heroes in sarutobi is actually capable of we're gonna be going into more of a power scaling sense in this video and how he stacks up in his own series and we're going to be avoiding calculations and ap levels in this video so sorry and in advance for people who wanted something like that and I know I'm coming off strong with this intro and I know it's going to get a lot of hate off of that alone but I just want to kind of open the community's eyes to this weird cognitive dissonance it has with this character because for the most part all of those heroes and wank memes are just that a [ __ ] meme with the downplay being an ironic and something to look at far more critically now before we can talk about heroes it's true strength we really need to get out our sparkly white gloves and duster out and really brush off this old rusty monument of an argument concerning heroes in vs orochimaru so most people aren't aware of this but for one Orochimaru has seven states throughout the main series that he can be scaled to and all of them have much different powers for the most part you have Orochimaru in his signing days the one that bought Jiraiya and Hanzo Orochimaru post-time skipped that bought heroes in Orochimaru that fought for tailed version two now so Orochimaru that bought Sasuke the one that bought Itachi Roshi model in the war and in Bordeaux the problem here is that people don't understand the difference between the Orochimaru that bought Harrison and the one that bought four tailed Naruto the Orochimaru that bought four tailed anartha was theorized by Jiraiya and somewhat shown to really kind of hit his limits fighting the four tailed version to nine tailed club so many people scale this and they're like Oh Orochimaru was probably similar to bass to Rio or something but people forget or missed two things those two things being one orochimaru's body was rejecting him and two orochimaru's powers were still stolen from here ISM so that's right so after years in stole orochimaru's powers and his arms even after he stole and got new bodies he never regained those powers heroes in stole and this is dated by Orochimaru right after he resurrects the past for hokages and his arms start like glowing pretty much so all of those abilities and strengths he used to even compete with hears and were mostly lost this is why Orochimaru seems so much stronger versus swirly toby zetsu compared to how he seemed earlier and Shippuden it's then stated that he risen to basically seventy years old it's the strongest of the five cog a stronger than an Okie and raika a and in fact you could argue Enochian a were stronger when he rose in was Hokage since it's implied to anoke he has been out of shape for a while and he's only getting older and that a has been kind of slacking off and hiding away in his depression from the loss of the Third Reich ah Gaede so back to the fight Orochimaru then summons the First Hokage and Second Hokage and while in perfect they are still all considered cog a level by the surrounding ANBU generals watching the battle and are enough to push someone stronger than the Reich ah gay and enoki this is a heroes in who struggles to makes to shadow clones later on and can barely hold this staff in his hand reaching these high cog a levels from here people kind of put it into perspective that here isn't really seem to be struggling with Orochimaru and even Orochimaru kind of jerks himself off by how he's beating the legendary professor so handedly but this is not at all true heroes in just like he was in the past when he failed to capture Orochimaru and sat down and let him run away is not at his full strength so all of these feats so far are him as an old weakened man and suppressed to repeat this old heroes in should be a retired decrepit man just smoking his pipe in his rocking chair is not even going all-out against three cog a level opponents and is still holding his own when this battle was happening hears and uses adamantine prison wall to defend himself from hoshi rama tobirama most powerful combination assault and that technique pretty much summed up the entire fight he rosen was simply fighting defensively the entire time at one point Enma his summon even notes this saying this isn't like you and here's an apologizes and Then There is obviously a sequence where he rose in is closely inspecting Orochimaru implying that he's thinking more about him Anna is also implying that he should be fighting much differently than what he normally would and while you could say oh he's referring to him being much weaker that's not what's happening here isn't even in this final battle is still not resolved in defeating Orochimaru once and for all right before resolving himself to using the reaper death seal Pearson has brief memories of his past his village this made he risen recall that he wasn't simply having a back and forth with his old rebellious student he was protecting his village he was protecting his family at this moment here isn't actually snaps and went all out and while he was tired the difference in power is very clear with this we start to see how he rosin would bite normally he summoned shadow clones and even after being struck directly with a bringer of Darkness genjutsu he then uses the inuzuka clan centos smell to smell the other Hokage through the darkness deflecting their cog a level attacks while unable to even see and then tags and seals both of them after stealing both of them away he has more memories in more recollections the memories of what he was entrusted with woke him up even further from the cog a with tears in his eyes he went all out and destroys Orochimaru with barely any effort at all and easily knocks away the sword that would later throw four tails naruto across the forest like it was nothing he then died sealing away orochimaru's powers and two Hokage who are both cog a level all of this is he risen at his absolute worst the data books go over what he rose and at his best might have looked like a shinobi with all seven chakra natures rumored to be the strongest Hokage a God directly confirmed that his talent surpassed even Toby Ramos and duty heroes in Boley utilizing all of his talents and learning all jutsu in Konoha or most of them it can be gathered that here's and did in fact surpass tobirama as a shinobi now it's unsure whether or not here's and can use maybe like basic forms of the flying risin or not but otherwise you seem to even know a seal for the edo tensei when Orochimaru was trying to revive Minato in their battle and also fancied the shadow clones so it's not illogical to assume since both of these juice you were tobe Rama's and tobirama did teach heroes in especially since heroes and had to deal with someone else in the war other than minato and tobirama not saying he does or doesn't have it here just that if he does have flying risin it would not be actually that far out there now this is just a data book but are there feats to perhaps support this is there a move any more evidence than just like a statement and the answer is actually yes there are feats that directly support here's and being more powerful than tobirama and the five cog a even as a reanimated old man during the war here's an s3 pretty interesting beats that happen in the very few scenes he's even giving during the whole debacle the first feat he has is when he fights Tobey zetsu in his wooden Buddha statue this wooden Buddha statue was single-handedly beating around the entire QB amp'd shinobi alliance and the five cog a all by itself to the point that only a few people were able to fight against moderate in the back even though everyone was trying to help them the COG a and many others in their dismay have no choice but to comment how they aren't even able to budge the thing even after using many large-scale attacks it gets to the point where even the five cog AR pushed into a corner to their rescue reanimated hears and comes down and is able to hold off the Buddha statue single-handedly and counters its five style jutsu with his own five style jutsu a soul Shikamaru and everyone else even comments how if he rosin drops it's over despite pretty much everyone in the Alliance of relevance being there this solidifies the statement earlier in part one that years and was definitely the most powerful of the COG a at least like not the Hokage yet but at least the normal cog a when he was alive but it doesn't really solidify him being above tobirama as tobirama is a bit more of a contentious issue when comparing him to the other coggan that is intel the god tree begins to run amok Naruto is yanked away by the god tree and tobirama tries to stop it using his water style jutsu he finds he is unable to he calls for a minute toes help but Minato was drained by the tree in his brief scrape with it tobirama in his desperation then tries to lunge in directly to save Naruto but before Toby R can even reach Naruto here's in blitzes tobirama and obliterates the god tree with his staff alone and saves Naruto single-handedly again and while this isn't the most insane feat in the series this alongside the statement that hears and had more talent than tobirama and the fact Harrison was reanimated in his old weakened body and not in his prime body should comfortably place heroes in above him at least using empirical data years and was even able to pinpoint the effects of the true seeking orbs almost on first sight and was even able to react to a true seeking attack with only a shadow clone now whether or not hears it could be Hashi Rama as the grand legend suggests and all the memes suggests is a bit more a different argument and while Laura's on heroes inside here on ironically he needs more feats to place him there confidently regardless though he's definitely in the top half of the Hokage pecking order rather than the lower half as people suggest he is at least without any weird amps or nerves and with his insane arsenal of juice who in secret techniques it's not a wonder Orochimaru thought the more ninjutsu you owned the more powerful the shinobi you were as in the end he was more than likely subconsciously looking up to hears and in his own dark warped and cynical way and their final team up then Orochimaru is changed into a neutral party might have been telling of that but forget me what do you think about Orochimaru actually looking up to here is an otherwise I hope you guys enjoyed the video this video is meant to be more of an eye-opening and educational video rather than debate oriented so if you disagree with a thing or two here or there that is okay and you could always debate me if you feel very strongly about it in my discord which I will link down below I'm always willing to have a dialogue and hash it out with my viewers to prove myself and establish the truth or you know we can find the truth together so you know please do if you really do disagree and this is no different even it was intended to be more of a relaxed video and other than that hope you all have a great day and till next time [Music]
Channel: SethTheProgrammer
Views: 1,753,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the 3rd hokage is underrated, hiruzen is stronger than you think, hiruzen video, how strong is hiruzen, hiruzen vs obito, obito vs hiruzen, hiruzen vs orochimaru, orochimaru vs hiruzen, hiruzen vs hashirama and tobirama, hiruzen vs hashirama, hiruzen vs tobirama, hashirama vs hiruzen, tobirama vs hiruzen, hashirama and tobirama vs hiruzen, ranking the hokage, ranking the uchiha, seththeprogrammer, seth the programmer, could adult sasuke beat madara
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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