How Strong Is The Avatar? (The Last Airbender)

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[Music] [Music] hello everyone it's your host seth programmer today we're going to be going over a new series on the channel that series being avatar the last airbender now i wanted to go over this topic due to a few reasons one i'm a genuine fan of the series but another a lot of people like to throw poor aang in a lot of versus battles without knowing much about him on twitter or whatever social media examples being anything from aang vs hunter hunter or aang vs goku there's a lot of range there due to lack of knowledge on the subject now i'm not claiming i'm some big brained avatar scaling deity or anything and you must listen to my objective facts but i think it was about time we settled where ang should be on the pecking order for good so for this video we'll be going over more of ang scaling and feats comparatively to other series more in the sense of say a video like kratos versus thanos then an introverse scaling video like what we did with hunter hunter's phantom troop versus madowen i also want to do this video because i feel as though many people surprisingly downplay aang extremely due to the nature of the show not being as flashy and shoving its feet down the viewer's throats all the time which causes many people to think well maybe he can destroy a small building with a big rock or something like that my goal in this video is to somewhat negate that view of the series before we start if you do like these kinds of nerdy talks maybe you just like to relax and listen to some breakdowns of series you know and enjoy consider liking and giving me a sub it really means a lot thank you when most people talk about the power of aang they are usually referencing his avatar state the avatar state is basically a collection of all of the avatars past lives being sort of brought to the surface by the ancient spirit rava who resides within all of the avatars this spirit rava is the reason the avatar is glowing white eyes and so on as she is the great spirit of light and form a connection with the first avatar juan whom she agreed to reunite with in his next lives so not only is the avatar drawing power from rava who we will get into later but he is also drawing strength and knowledge from all of the past avatars as well avatar roku credits the glow to this however we kind of learned that's not the case once korra comes around a fun fact about korra's beginnings episodes that some people have a problem with with the first avatar one it's actually confirmed in the episode commentary that this beginnings with juan was actually thought of by book to earth from original avatar rather than being thought up in book two of legend of korra so it's kind of interesting that roku made this statement in book to earth maybe they thought of the beginning series more later in the book or maybe he's actually just right or we'll never know roku doesn't even really know about the lion turtles all too well so it's not far-fetched to say he wouldn't know of juan or anything of the true state of the avatar as well regardless the previous avatars have an array of feats and hacks abilities themselves that must be calculated when considering aang's strength another did you know is that aang was actually confirmed to have been kept alive in the glacier not due to the great spirit rava but due to the power of the actual avatars within him showing that the actual avatars have an influence over him and his abilities not just rava which some people actually disagree with a great example of these avatars gaining strength and knowledge is in book one air of the legend of korra aang actually appears before cora and bestows her not only her bending back but also granting her new abilities such as the avatar state mastery and energy bending which are things she did not have before we also see in the original last airbender series that whenever aang enters the avatar state he is able to use all forms of bending even regardless of never learning them yet additionally it's shown that the previous avatars appear before the current one due to bestow knowledge and wisdom and can be summoned by the current avatar such as when ang some of the previous four avatars on the back of the lion turtle i think a given for the avatars being within ang is that he possesses the raw combat experience of dozens to thousands of people that probably train their whole lives within him but they offer more than just raw combat experience to compound this the previous avatar can act independent of the current avatar such as roku being able to rip aang's soul out of his body even while he's in the avatar state which is important to know as aang possesses hundreds if not thousands of souls within him once again depending on how many you think are actually there this may also give aang the ability to actually remove or manipulate the souls of others as well in the avatar state giving aang a unique attacking option that isn't negated by standard durability or power a somewhat contentious subject is whether the avatar can bend and shoot lightning like fire lord ozai iro or princess azula of course the avatar never really uses this technique as especially earlier in the series it was considered a one-shot takedown ability or seriously dangerous so if the avatar just started blasting at people it would show bloodlust which isn't really representative of the avatar's character but there is a decent case for avatar roku knowing it in the legend of korra the art of the animated series book one air we learned that in the future many people can now lightning bend and use it for utility such as powering devices and machinery etc but back in the day it was extremely exclusive usually exclusive to the inner circles of fire nation royalty and high ranking military officers considering this was long after people started learning that fire bending was in fact real and that roku is considered either incredibly high ranking to the point that the fire lord listens to him and he wears the prince's crown or is just considered straight up royalty if you consider this era the era in which lightning bending was available to the royalty isn't far-fetched then even aang in the avatar state should be able to shoot it if need be avatar sito in the past was able to trigger volcanoes to erupt which may also imply the avatar has this unique and rare lava bending ability as well which is exaggerated more in korra and with the red lotus these are of course just some abilities the avatar could possess that some weren't very aware of but to get more into his feats the avatar is blatant feats that most talk about and then more intricate and detailed scaling using the lore we'll go over later that isn't so talked about in the past avatar roku lived on a volcanic island that was home to a small settlement of course a volcano is prone to erupt and such a thing did happen this would begin the sequence that ang describes as fighting a volcano avatar roku is able to part lava and this is pretty consistent with avatar sito being able to actually cause volcanoes to blatantly erupt many calculate forcing a volcano or even multiple volcanoes to erupt would require around 1.6 by 10 to the 17 joules or 40 megatons of tnt worth of force which is pretty much rivaling the tsar nuclear bomb the largest nuclear weapon ever detonated by mankind the tsar is slightly larger at around 50 to 60 megatons but 40 is pretty much there rest in peace matter and the rise of kyoshi novel is stated that an uncontrolled avatar could throw around land masses cambridge dictionary's definition for land mass being a large area of land such as a continent that is in one piece and not broken up by oceans with some other definitions saying things such as large islands etc so she either broke up a very large island or an entire continent so you guys decide on that one this makes the sito and roku feats very consistent if not an extremely low end on the scale with roku mainly dying to being poisoned from the toxins and gases from the volcano and he was not killed in his avatar state and on top of that she was a much older man this is because if you die in the avatar state the avatar cycle will end which obviously aang is an avatar so that was not the case avatar kiyoshi is also known to casually separate islands and so on as well these feats of kiyoshi have been calculated anywhere from 1.3 gigatons and with kyoshi's spirit reappearing and creating a storm which has been counted 2.4 gigatons making the tsar bombs look like a fart some other people calculate these things to be more like oh well she can destroy a large town once again it kind of depends on who you ask some people also disagree if kyoshi actually created a storm maybe she just like brought up some dust or something people have different interpretations for avatar even the more blatant things but if you do consider it even the stars that were being designed that were later deemed to be too massive to ever be safely tested by all of humanity would be a baby burp compared to what kyoshi just did there these are more simply the more physically displayed and shown things the avatars have done certainly not building level or large rock level like many would imagine from aang's battle in the actual show however the next level of scaling beyond that and this is a huge debate to be had is avatar the last airbender and the legend of korra both are an extremely inspired series and this can be heard especially in this legend of korra's episode commentaries featuring the writers of the show many of these inspirations are things such as taoism and hindu philosophy and which many concepts are based on more specifically the spirits and origins of the avatar universe in the universe there are spirits that embody the moon spirits that embody light and dark yin and yang spirits that separated all things and so forth these are relevant to the avatar simply because vatu the spirit of darkness and rava the spirit of light are stated by the spirit world to be the almighty spirits almighty in most definitions meaning the absolute or greatest vatu and rava are in a constant state of conflict as in the words of michael dimartino the co-creative avatar they are light and dark with their names representing yin and yang not to be confused with the koi fish tui and la who more than likely actually do represent yin and yang as described by the face dealer co and imagined by aang in his head regardless the almighty spirit's fighting determines the state of the spiritual world and whether it would be reduced to chaos or brought to peace it's no exaggeration to say that these two who take a very center stage in the entire series are more than likely the strongest spirits and have a lot if not the most influence on all spirits in the avatar world which is why all spirits for the most part acknowledge the avatar alongside their past with it being shown that vatu's mere presence was able to change the world around him and corrupt all spirits without him even being present since vatu and rava are the only being stated to be almighty or even be giving really a real power scaling title of being possibly the strongest it does kind of directly scale them higher than other beings such as twee and law if you interpret it that way as obviously almighty could simply just mean very great as well and be more on the vague side even ignoring that in the art of the animated series ravo and vatu are directly stated to be representations of light and darkness as universal concepts twin law gave themselves mortal and susceptible weak bodies to bring balance to the normal world being the moon and the ocean themselves once tweed the moon spirit is damaged by the firebender zhao the world not only loses its moon but the entire world is stated to be losing its balance this causes everything to turn gray even as tui is confirmed to not even be dead as it's confirmed in the lost scrolls water but simply sick this still happens with iro confirming that even firebenders need the moon spirit to be alive as it represents more than what zhao thinks zhao thinking it only represents the moon and water bending when in deeper terms it represents a component of yin yang and balance itself in response to this ang fuses and becomes one with the ocean spirit forming the ocean monster which represents the entire ocean's wrath itself considering law is literally a parallel to tui the moon spirit it'd be pretty logically consistent to say that aang just fused the spirit powerful enough to generate entire oceans and possibly a moon itself if not far far more with a more detailed analysis on them but even on the surface level he could potentially be that power with a certain interpretation obviously for things like speed and avatar you know you can just go over oh well they shoot lightning at close ranges they can react to lightning no one really cares about that because i want to get more detailed concepts maybe in a future video if i ever do like a versus battle i can talk more about the speeds now what i'm going to be talking about is a bit nutty so you can take it or leave it i'm once again i am not saying this is 100 true i'm just saying there's an argument to be had okay i've gone through the important stuff here but this is just for a bit of fun this isn't going to be some in-depth analysis of eastern religion so keep that in mind as we go forward it's blatantly obvious that avatar draws from eastern religions for many of its important concepts such as taoism as i stated before but some of the books such as art of the animated series spirits detailed concepts from hinduism and buddhism such as stating that the cosmic being chora sees the same one we see within aang is in fact her universal self and that korra achieves something called ottman when she faces unawatu which martin dimartino the co-creative avatar makes a direct comparison to he doesn't even say it's like ottman he just says it's literally his interpretation of what korra becomes atman from hindu philosophy considering he's the author his in quote-unquote interpretation is a little more blatant than ours and more so resides in the realm of this is what's actually happening so i'm going to word this carefully as prevent a debate on hindu canon and debates on theology in general i'm just trying to scale a kid with an arrow on his head from a nickelodeon cartoon after all obviously the peak of theology and existence and stuff but anyway atman is a hindu concept of self-realization with your universal self which is beyond identification with concepts like non-dualism the ultimate reality brahman and with it being something called badabeta which is non-dualism and dualism which be extending into many valued logic the reason atman and korra are important as we know obviously that korra in this state of being fights against unawatu which is the combination of unilak and vatu or the quote-unquote dark avatar and while they have a pitched battle and it's implied unavatu wins by catching atman korra or cosmic kora off guard the fact that they are still in the same weight class means the almighty spirits would scale to this state of atman to go into detail brahman also connects to buddhism which the airbenders are directly stated to be based after specifically tibetan buddhism para brahman being a diva spawned from uvolo kiteshwera in a sutra or more commonly known as guanine para brahman being the ultimate reality beyond conception and identification tui and law themselves being said to be yin and yang if you take they steal or ko said would kind of make them beyond the concepts of time and space being contained or even made irrelevant by either one of the koi fish and being surpassed with the concepts of ottoman the reason ottman is beyond time and space is obviously because opman is beyond identification itself by literal definition it is also non-dual and dual meaning any concept that has duality is beneath ottman including the very concepts of physics time space dimensions mathematics the universe the multiverse the hyperverse or the omniverse etc etc the mother of faces which comes from the avatar comic series herself was said to bring separateness into the world which would mean she created dualism itself in the avatar world which is the state of anything being something different disregarding what i said previously this would make her insanely powerful especially if you consider the material and spirit universe's actual universes which she would have had split apart which are stated to be overlapping and implied to be parallel the spirit world itself even showing it has its own nebulas and possible infinite expansion like a universe and so forth to follow the mother of faces connection to taoism she would have created the taiji for muji wuji being before differentiation which is an obvious connection as through her separateness came into the world wuji itself is a concept beyond space-time and dimensions beyond yin and yang as said above and taiji which is the vagueness before duality came into existence since the almighty spirits scale not only to twi and law yin and yang atman and the mother of faces if you take the almighty statement from the spirits of the value and the very author's own interpretation i mean what it did then the avatar is actually quite the menacing force in versus battles indeed and he honestly quite surprised me considering what i thought coming into this video or maybe he's like large nuclear bomb level i don't know anyways guys i hope you enjoyed the video obviously that last section there with all of the buddhist philosophy the hindu stuff that is mainly up for debate but if you really like the avatar and you want him to be strong just run that argument home this video was a lot of fun to make it was a lot of fun re-watching the whole series and looking through all the guides and listening to what the authors had to say about the series i actually learned a lot so a special shout out as well to my friend yog who is pretty versed on buddhism for helping me with some of the research relating to that wacky scaling and hinduism and etc and researching avatar with me but other than that like and subscribe if you enjoyed the video maybe i can make a battle with aang in it some time or maybe some other last airbender character and until next time [Music] you
Channel: SethTheProgrammer
Views: 488,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how strong is the avatar, how strong is aang, how strong is aang in the avatar state, aang vs korra, avatar the last airbender, avatar, aang vs ozai, zuko vs azula, aang avatar state, aang avatar, avatar kyoshi, avatar roku, seththeprogrammer, seth the programmer, analysis, breakdown, the legend of korra, korra, aang, korra vs unalaq, korra vs vaatu, cosmic korra, aang vs goku
Id: ibP88K3_TY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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