AR15 Rifle Setup

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Shawn bro what do you think about my new ar-15 setup man it's pretty nice I like that flannel you got there though I'll put that shit's like catnip for the ladies all right so we're gonna talk about ar-15 setup so just like everything else I like to keep [ __ ] [ __ ] simple I'm not the [ __ ] that runs around with two flashlights on my rifle one IR one white light a laser visible laser magnifier I don't do all that [ __ ] I like as slick as possible so I'm gonna give you two different setups here one being pretty much the exact same setup that I used to use in the SEAL Teams and then the CIA and then the one that is actually [ __ ] practical I think for being a civilian so we'll start with the military [ __ ] all right so military I always ran a single point sling until they came out with single two doubles which I actually made one myself but this one is blue force but honestly one thing if you guys haven't noticed that happens in the gun industry somebody comes out with something and then the whole [ __ ] community has the exact same thing so don't get wrapped up around it everybody has these alright I just look for the cheapest one and that's it but I like single to double I always shoot single point the only time I use double is when I want to secure it tight so I can you know save a casualty or put up put a breach and or plant a bomb or work and working on something I like it nice and tight sucked up the next my body especially when I'm climbing over walls that's actually why I'm on top make it my own because I'd be climbing over walls trying to sneak into a sniper hide and my [ __ ] gun would come loose from a weapons cache and the next thing you know it's hitting metal gate and the whole goddamn neighborhood wakes up so I started using single to double so I could secure it and move around smartly so I always keep a tourniquet on my buttstock I didn't make that up I got it from a friend of mine it was in the SEAL Teams he was doing it and I said what the [ __ ] do you have a tourniquet on your buttstock and you know it's pretty it makes a hell of a lot of sense because you don't go anywhere with your gun and if you get [ __ ] up chances are you're probably in a gunfight so it's always gonna be right there right next to you you just rip it off the rubber bands and put the damn thing on so you will have to replace the rubber bands every once a while too because they're gonna get worn out and they'll break so I replace them every once a while I don't do it anymore one thing for you newbies that are just getting into shooting something you can do is actually tape a piece of ear protection like a little foamy or just tape because you want the exact same cheek well every time you shoulder that rifle alright otherwise especially when you're shooting irons otherwise you're never gonna have the same you're never gonna have the same group because you're getting a different angle on those iron sights so what I would used to do until I got really good was I would tape a foamy there and every time I knew that that foamy was right on the corner of my mouth on the buttstock I knew my head was in the exact same spot every single time so if they're new and you want to get good with iron sights I suggest doing that until it really becomes no [ __ ] muscle memory you're not gonna get muscle memory if you're shooting 50 different rifles pick one set it up and keep using it alright so one thing I do change [ __ ] I don't change [ __ ] out very often on my pistol I do change it out hie up the [ __ ] out of a rifle right so have you ever had a charging handle that's real grimy all right I think this is Radian and take this off here alright nevermind oh this is it guys Lee was that I said this is a guys Lee and it's super smooth which also helps with malfunctions all right also it's ambidextrous usually these a ours they come with like these little shitty charging handles and it'll rip your fingers up these ones are nice and big for both righty and Lefty 's and you can't really miss it so it's really gonna help when you're you know when you got to use that thing moving on I changed this safety to the 45 degree safety all right I really like those I know some people they don't like that 90 degree and a lot of times they come real tight I'm gonna tell you right now if you're that guy it's loosening up safeties you're a [ __ ] idiot all right don't [ __ ] do that [ __ ] I've had people come through my courses and they're doing their own modifications and their safeties loose and the next thing you know they're [ __ ] running around with a gun off safe because they tried to do some [ __ ] alright just keep it it's it's tight for a reason [ __ ] keep it that way the reason you do a 45 is because sometimes when you when you're pushing your thumb down to come off safe sometimes you'll get it you won't go all the way up to a 90 all right so they somebody came out with this 45 degree safety I don't know who it was a great idea just talk to your whoever you get your guns worked on by and put that thing in because it is it'll it'll speed your initial shots up but don't [ __ ] with the safeties you're on your own trigger I think this is CMC flat I like that I recommend when you're starting out stick with the stock trigger you're gonna you're gonna improve your shooting with a heavier group and then when you get good then you put in a nicer trigger and you'll be that much better but there are no [ __ ] shortcuts just like anything else if you try to mask all your little errors you're just going to be a shitty shooter no matter what the [ __ ] on your gun so you know another thing with the trigger group and like the safety of the mag release which is this is the mag release right here a lot of times I'll see people and they get this little I don't even know what the hell you call it but it's like a little piece of metal and it comes around here and then your mag release is and your bolt patch bolt release blue is right here alright I think that's just too much [ __ ] going on on your rifle gets caught on stuff and it just clutters it okay you already if you're an operator you already have enough [ __ ] that you need on this gun okay you don't need all the little [ __ ] cool trinkets that you know all the range monkeys put on their [ __ ] okay you don't want that stuff getting caught up on stuff sights moving on to sites I use two different types of sites alright for combat shooting I like fixed front and rear irons okay because if this thing breaks or whatever optic I'm using breaks I don't have to go timeout I need to flip my sights up real quick alright I can just go transition straight to irons alright I don't I think I've seen juanio tech and all my days actually break and it was shot but I have seen n points break not very many but I've seen a [ __ ] ton of other optics break and the last thing you want to do is be in the middle of a engagement where you have no cover and go time out I need to [ __ ] put my sights back so I like running fixed sites when I'm running a red dot that way it's just I can change it or I can transition right away moving forward these lasers alright this is a de Myers mall okay it's got visible and IR all right if you don't have nods here's my opinion on laters on lasers if you don't have nods you don't [ __ ] need it all right the only time I used a laser if I didn't have nods is if I was putting the dot right on somebody's chest just to let them know hey back the [ __ ] off I mean business when somebody has a laser on their chest or on their body they know like yeah this might be the end real soon so they tend to listen but and civilian life you probably you know don't need to be doing that so I mean if you want to waste your money and get you know $3,000 laser go ahead but it's not really gonna do any good however if you do get one they make these little switches that go connect to your flashlight and your laser if you get this be Myers you really don't need that all right it's just an extra piece of something that you put on your rifle that you're gonna have to tape up or zip tie up because if you don't then it'll get in the way it already has these pressure pads so the way I line mine up is flashlight and then my laser controls okay that way I just flip back and forth if I put that on there the switch then I just have extra [ __ ] that I don't really need okay now if you're using the other one the at peels that are mad think they're made by l3 which is actually what I used to use then yeah it makes perfect sense because the buttons aren't right in line with the flashlight okay so grip forward grip come on all right so forward grip this thing right here all right the broomstick I like for combat shooting I like the forward grip I like a metal one because I've seen the plastic ones break I know Magpul is uh and I'm talking about the old-school broomsticks I've seen break Magpul makes some plastic ones they're a little bit lighter I don't think those things are gonna break because they're so short but I like metal because it's pretty much guaranteed not to [ __ ] break I could still shoot a see grip if I want to all right but basically why I like these vertical grips is when I come through a doorway or if I want to strike somebody then I have a hell of a lot more leverage with my thumb behind this to drive that thing through whatever is in front of me that I need to drive it through okay if I have a C grip like this I mean you can just tell right off the bat if you you know if you're at home and you're watching this and you're 15 just try it and then try something like this and you'll see the amount of energy that you can deliver to whatever you need to deliver it to is going to be a hell of a lot more when you have that leverage of your thumb right run them right behind that okay so that's why I like the vertical grips if I'm not clear enough rooms and I'm not in close quarters then I would probably shoot a C group or I see C grip all day long flashlights this one is white light and IR it's surefire arasaka makes pretty good ones too I don't think it really [ __ ] matters I haven't had problems with either one one thing you can do with these if you don't have a cover an IR cover which are pretty much outdated now and is to keep that glass kind of like clean otherwise it's going to have carbon buildup because you want this thing forward take a little bit of weapons Lube and just kind of smear it over the glass part of your flashlight and then when it gets too dirty and your light starts dimming down you just [ __ ] wipe it off and put some fresh Lube on there and it'll keep keep that glass nice and clean and visible so I do I run a pressure switch on my surefire alright and it's got a constant on and off right here it's got which I never ever use but it also it's got the pressure one right here so that way it's momentary all right when you're doing when you start putting lasers and lights and all this kind of stuff on here you want to make damn sure you know which switch does what the last thing you want to be is on and up or you're trying to have trying to stay stealthy and you have a [ __ ] light ad all right you want to see a pissed-off two team of dudes have a light IAD when you're in the middle of an OP if that goes for you law enforcement guys - alright so make damn sure you know which switches which same with lasers you don't want to have a laser ad either so keep that thing on IR keep this thing on IR and know which switch is which okay so moving forward to back to sights because it kind of got off-track there actually I think we need to take a [ __ ] commercial break right now [Music] hey bro where'd you get the Hat vigilance elite calm thanks bro appreciate it Roger hey later all right welcome back from the commercial break so that des cités all right yo tech it's what I like to use all right I've seen one of these things break and it was shot and that's it I know there was like some rumors going on or I don't know something about altitude or cold weather makes him deviate I've been using this thing since 2004 I believe 2004 or 2005 and I always hit what the [ __ ] I want to okay so it I never noticed anything wrong with them and I love them so what reticle do I like to use on my EOTech I like the night vision setting uh if I'm going to combat because we primarily work on nods but for civilians I would probably save the money and not get the night vision one because I'm not going on any ops as a civilian but I like the single dot with a circle reticle around it now they have green I get a lot of questions green or red what's better there's a deal you're overthinking it it's a [ __ ] dot you put it on the target you pull the trigger and it gets hit if you're hunting leprechauns I probably would not use a green dot so there it is all right when you mount it I like to mount it right where the rail meets the receiver here okay so it shouldn't be out here all right some of these things look your hook your if you mount it back here it's to a solid piece of metal it's mounted up here sometimes these rails can come loose which means you just lost your zero all right so always mount it back here on the on the solid piece of metal here all right if you're into running the magnifiers which are awesome they work you just flip them up I don't have one because I don't really use it but they are really good aim point has amiyo tech has them I don't know if anybody else does but you want to make sure you leave enough space here so that you can take it on and off and be able to flip that magnifier up without catching onto this thing okay suppressors what suppressors are the best I don't know but when I look for in a suppressor is I'm not looking for what's the quietest thing all right these things are primarily to hide flash and muzzle flash because if you're shooting at night if you don't have a can on and you get a big fireball well guess what everybody knows exactly where the [ __ ] you are what do they think they're gonna aim at probably the fireball so you put this thing on it covers that muzzle flash or now they make these other ones that they pretty much hide the they hide the muzzle flash which actually these things are pretty heavy as cool as they look they're not fun to pump around they make your gun longer and which means less manoeuvrable so one thing we did when I was in the SEAL Teams is we got those I'm having a brain fart butt muzzle attachments it hides the flash doesn't do anything to the noise but you're not running around with this big girthy looking piece of equipment here so but you can't communicate a lot better with them on so anyways I don't look for what's the quietest suppressor what I want in a suppressor is something that doesn't change my zero whether it's on or off okay which this one does change I found out this is an advanced armament so I would recommend this the ones that I like are surefire and we had some other ones that were I think we're Knights and I never had to change my zero if I didn't want to run this I'd take it off it's gonna meise row with my Oh tuck was exactly the same as it was with the suppressor all right so that's what I look for when I'm hunting for a suppressor is something that's not going to deviate my zero whether it's on or off alright that's about it when it comes to these look like combat setup one thing I will say once you figure out the placement all right and it's gonna vary from person to person whether you want this forward grip forward or back here alright once you're comfortable and you know where everything is and you don't want to change anything make sure you lock tight all of this [ __ ] on there otherwise it's gonna come loose okay alright this is my this is actually the rifle that I like the most that I own it's the funnest one to shoot very flat not the most practical but it's a war sport they don't make them anymore I don't know but I love this thing but this is about as simple I still want to be able to use it if I need to so that's why I put a flashlight on it but this is kind of like my fun gun if that's what you want to call it but I got flip up sights alright if you go flip up don't get those piece-of-shit plastic bag pole ones alright they [ __ ] break all the time spend the extra money I'm not bashing Magpul because these are Magpul alright but they're metal just spend the extra fifty bucks get the metal ones and they're not gonna break okay the plastic ones break all the time so plus they're like kind of Wiggly so you're never gonna hold a zero with it same thing I got the radian charging handle on this one keeps up it's nice and smooth it's not grimy this one has like the super 3 gun trigger from I can't remember who same thing yo tech 36-yard zero flashlight and I do really like shooting see grip just not for combat so but there it is and this C grip actually does to take you can get a little leverage because it has this front hand stop up here to drive force behind so real simple you know nice and clean doesn't get in nothing down here gets in any any uh nothing on here gets in my way at all and honestly this is what I would recommend to civilians it's fun to shoot it's super flat shooting it's reliable and it doesn't have all of that [ __ ] on it that you don't really need as a civilian but anyways thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe to my channel and I will see you you
Channel: Vigilance Elite
Views: 2,123,126
Rating: 4.7760129 out of 5
Keywords: ar 15, AR15, ar15 rifle setup, rifle setup, vigilance elite, vigilance, elite, shawn ryan, shawn, ryan, shawn ryan navy seal, navy seals, rifle, ar 15 rifle, ar15 setup, setup, daniel defense, mk18, military, civilian, military rifles, military rifle setup, shawn ryan vigilance elite, shawn ryan rifle setup, shawn ryan ar 15, vigilance elite rifle, eotech, surefire, arisaka, magpul, rifle upgrades, aimpoint, geissele, combat rifle, m4 setup, m4 rifle, how to set up my ar 15, military m4
Id: z57sMrKynvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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