How is This Dude Still Alive? - Danganronpa 2

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[Music] ding dong bing bong ding dong bing bong welcome welcome back to another episode of dog rapper 2 my scrubs guys i see so many people asking me out there why aren't you playing more where is my episode of danganronpa but also you don't smash like smash like you know how this works 30k likes you get the next episode of danganronpa or dang it grandpa whichever one you prefer what did grandpa do everyone always says dengue grandpa have you missed last episode it was the last clash trial uh but with that being said guys smash like because you guys did hit 30k likes and let's continue on also i'm loving the cute intros you guys are making keep making more post them to youtube title it with my name and i'll add your intro i love that crap man i keep doing it no one's here right what the heck are we doing man i could totally see it now those idiots i can't wait to see the surprise look on their dumb faces what does hiyoko up to but they'll probably be happy about it they'll probably be very very happy alrighty morning huh in the end i was so worried about puyohico that i couldn't sleep oh yeah what happened to him last episode got crazy it was just it was a back-to-back twist on twists i had more twists in this game than a puzzler i'm proud of that i guess is he really going to live and was it okay to leave him in monokuma's hair uh worry has consumed my heart my body feels terribly burdened i like how this game does have the ability to make us actually care about characters that we absolutely despise such as biakia i didn't care about him as much until he died but that worry ends here there's no way i can lay here and do nothing listen to my stiff body i slowly set up in bed i guess i should head over to the restaurant that's right just do it i should meet up with uh everyone at the restaurant let's go come on oh yeah we're gonna find out fujihiko was safe so he's also gonna be missing an eye i thought for sure he was dead but that that was just it was insane guys i was in complete utter disbelief i've always wondered like what happens if like someone interfered or something and that was like a great way to like answer that question that i had all right we know she's up to no good whoa hajibe are you already here yoki you're the only one here what are you actually so anxious about i'm not acting anxious i just happened to be awake by coincidence so i just came here early i see this girl there's something strange is she trying to pull some kind of dirty trick again the heck is that uh what it's like a ritual the panel has been popped up it's giving off a dreadful unsettling vibe there's a bunch of photos pasted all over it didn't my hero take these photos what's with this terrifying ambience wow what's this an adorable decoration i don't know who uh did it but they must have been spent so much time and effort doing their best to make it my hero is gonna be happy too i don't know who what do you mean she's dead i don't know who did this but we should be grateful to them right hey hiyoko did you good morning it's so rare to run into youtube here hmm what are you looking at uh yeah even pecan scared what are these horrifying photos i expected that reaction what happened what's up what's up is that a brawl yo what's all this ruckus in the morning yo this is bad please take a look at those photos photos whoa what the heck what kind of ominous crap is this is this like something you use for sorcery no this clearly is an insult to get to my hero i don't know who the heck did this crap but they're got they got a lot of nerve this is too much to actually treat my hero's photos like this i don't understand everyone i understand how you guys feel but it's probably good morning everyone [Music] what's with these nasty photos they're giving off a crazy huge ominous aura there's no excuse this is too terrible how could someone be capable of such a heartless trick well it is hiyoko after all like i thought i thought she was actually like guilty she was so like she seems just evil hey i know right seriously it's just the worst cheese i wonder who they did it you're right there's no way my hero will be happy with this why does she keep talking like as if she's not dead she knows that she's dead right of course she does she won't just be unhappy i'm sure she'll be angry she'll cry tears of blood man who the heck did this no no we'll have to search for the criminal later in the meantime fire start the fire we'll have a grand bonfire so my hero can reach nirvana seriously this is you can't someone took their time to make this memorial so we can warn my hero you can't burn it my hero what the heck you sure are you sure it's not the other way around i'm pretty sure whoever made this is totally disrespecting my hero really i think it's just a little clumsy why don't you just take a closer look at the intent instead of focusing on their appearances perhaps despite their clumsiness i'm sure whoever made this probably did their very best if you look at it carefully don't you feel like you can sense their feelings my hero is not alone she'll be with us now and forever this was probably made with those feelings right so i definitely think yep it's a nice decoration after hearing you say that i'm starting to feel the same thing you sure are simple-minded god she's so annoying huh huh it cannot be was the person who made this it was me my hero was really really nice that doesn't make sense because she did like her um she politely taught me how to tie my kimono she was really good at taking care of others my hair was probably lonely by herself so i wanted to tell her that she's not alone even if she's in heaven i'm just waiting for him to say he's got to take a crap i did i want to make it look better but but unless i'm dancing i'm so clumsy at whatever i do i'm sorry i am sorry i'm terribly sorry i spoke at a term without considering your feelings everyone just essentially said it looks like crap sorry hero hyoko i'm sorry how should i put this it looks like we misunderstood now that i took a closer look it looks like you put a lot of thoughts into the decoration so let's keep this thing around until we get off the sideline no no we should come with us whenever we get off the island too it'd be a waste to leave behind such wonderful photos yes don't tell her it looks awful so we're not gonna burn it impossible of course not we never burnt it you i i'd go fool his voice but i don't feel like it weren't you the one who started shouting at i got it fine then i'll forgive you all except me khan of course why does she hate pecan so much that's i don't understand she jealous or something i don't know why are you so strict with me man it's so much unexpected i really can't imagine hiyoka being so diligent and earnest about something who cares about that yoko has a very kind heart that's not it kind of come on it's not like that please gee stop it already you don't have to be embarrassed seriously stop it don't tease me yoko's so adorable when she's embarrassed shut the [ __ ] up you pick face troll why only at any rate i hope this finally settles down it's fairly like you guys to settle things like this really looks like we made such a huge fuss about it and finally settle things that's just like you guys little by little we're trying to understand and find the good in each other that's the reason why we can move forward without feeling despair towards our situation that's what they say but someone's gonna kill each other you know someone's gonna do the killing oh yeah and guys update on the waifu situation i think i officially picked me khan she seems like she's gonna survive i honestly do i think that she'll actually survive and if she doesn't i will be very disappointed and then tier 2 waifu for me would be akane you know i have arrived apologies for the wait what what the what is this object that is releasing impossible a malice clings to my hero even after her death we'll be sucked in if we look dangerous wow this is a very hopeless object thank you you know when weirdo negito is saying yeah right he keeps saying his name wrong it doesn't belong in a hopeful place like this at all it's absolutely brimming with valets let's just hurry up and destroy you so i can't stand to look at it even for one more second i'll destroy you stand aside i shall shatter this barbaric blasphemous false idol to pieces she deserves it i don't like kyoko she's probably my least like character like in this game i gotta say i think i like fujihiko more than i like hiyoko let's be honest ah rip pekko pekko pekka was just essentially haku from naruto but okay yeah like all the characters that don't really have anyone other than hiyoko that i really dislike like oh my pet took a crap i need i need to give us some food and also more mineral water for my pet that's all you get you just get some mineral water he's like i'm starving i only went through like three dead pets in order to realize you have to feed them the most basic knowledge to owning a pet looks like we're gonna take a little more time i completely agree the scene unfolding in front of me was so embarrassing all i could do was sigh but at least it was a peaceful scene however we didn't realize just how short-lived this piece would be even though we were finally bonding a situation was brewing like a huge fracture running between us all ooh i love foreshadowing i love it so much not just for me but for every single one of us we just hadn't realized it yet come on break it on bring it on all right so we're officially starting the chapter trapped by the ocean scent okay someone's gonna fart and kill somebody all right i know it i'm stuffed i can't eat another dang bite man you sure do eat a lot don't you ever worry about like choking yeah i never get worried you don't wait what about fuyuhiko is he really all right i was so concerned i could not sleep at all last night plus if his fate is in monokuma's paws i'm not even concerned uh if i only continue this to his wound somehow i wish i was so useless well i don't think you guys should worry about it uh don't you guys just forget everything that happens when you eat all right now that i've got a belly full of food i'm all set so leave the rest of me i'll question marikuba and avenge for yahiko binge he's not even dead oh what vengeance you just don't want you just want to test your skill well yeah she flat out admitted it okay everyone can i have your attention please oh it's you monomy what do you want man the fun mood's over what now thanks to you hun did i just ruin the mood geez don't trip me so harshly i did my very best today too hey who the heck are you we're talking about something important so go away okay i'm sorry wait no i definitely don't want to be treated like an outsider just what do you want do you what do you mean by i did my very best ah so you finally asked me well once again i've defeated another motto beast how do you like me now i worked hard didn't i so it's obvious she's not just defeating them like it's obviously she's supposed to do it it's obvious to me that she's working with uh monokuma if you've defeated a man obese that means uh that's right you were now able to visit yet another island so let's all live happily ever after with each other this time okay no more getting tricked by monokuma no more thinking about leaving this island let's all live together peacefully as best friends a new island huh maybe now i'll finally find it a way to get off this island and go home no that's the only thing we have that's the one and only hope are you guys thinking about leaving the island even though i just said not to you more importantly monami uh what happened to fuyuhiko will you eco um you see i don't really know miss sonia can't you see it's a waste of time asking her in the end she's just monokuma's ally you're also part of this mysterious world ender organization aren't you hey that's the organization that brought us to this island right since you're the one who brought us to this island that's gonna be it hey i don't know if you're a rabbit or a pig but just what are you planning this is a great opportunity it's time for you to finally fill us in uh what a dilemma but that's still that's the one thing i can't say truly this is a tragedy of middle management she ran away again she's always like this when things get inconvenient for her oh well who cares about manami more importantly she mentioned a new island what should we do however i don't think we should be exploring when fujihiko is in danger but we must move forward no matter what despair stands in our way that's what hope should be what hope you always oh i'm hajime now what hope you always say that just before you lead us into a trap there's something wrong geez you're seriously just as annoying as monokuma i'm also worried about fujihiko but is it really okay if we just stay here and do nothing isn't it better if we do what we can uh what we can huh she's right let's try to find a way off this either before he comes back hmm you are right you are right fuyuka will not recover any faster if we just stand around and do nothing i agree with missoni all right of course he does samp then it's decided let's explore and search for a new hope wait so wouldn't it be faster to just beat up the rest of the mona beach and search all the islands in one go leave it to me that's not against the rules so she's got a point if that strange looking rabbit could defeat one it should be easy for us too hold on hey don't you think about doing anything reckless anyway let's begin let's open the weight of a home-filled future with our very own hands all right okay after all that i feel like we're doing exactly what nagito wants us to do in order to prepare for exploring the new island we should we left the restaurant okay well we're just gonna go to the new island all right good good it's all good and whale i crossed the bridge that led to the new island that says does that say teeny tiny the ambiance is completely different compared to that's what i think it just says wait wait wait wait wait that says whoa whoa what are we doing here what it looks like brazil i i don't know if i should be careful this episode guys uh that's what it says so the residents and ruins are all in shambles it barely feels like a resort and not just that there's definitely no sign of any people here either feels a little dangerous somehow it might be better to proceed consciously oh yeah very dangerous well that's totally what that says hospital okay mikan's gonna love that you know she'll be there a music venue okay well that's that a motel that's weird oh god someone someone's definitely getting murdered in this motel i can see it right now electric avenue the history of monomy is that what that says or the misery of monami wild goodman monokuma let's start at my uh most i'm most curious about this place god they're gonna make somebody jokes about this it seems like a place i'd like to go i can't say for sure there's no danger i should cautiously check what's inside i guess if i have to oh it's not what i thought it was at all okay [Music] what the why are you shouting so suddenly don't surprise me like that the truth is so overwhelming that i can't help shouting out because this is the music venue right yeah it looks like it i never expected to find a music venue i can't help feeling excited i never expected to fight did i just say the same thing twice oh dude she did did i just say the same thing twice are you okay you're giving off a weird vibe not at all i'm totally fine not at all totally fine god this game has enough reading as it is i can't say the same thing twice god this has enough reading i can't say the same thing twice you don't look very okay man with a video like this a book has no choice but to lend a helping hand this is just the beginning oh my everyone just feel this wonderful feeling it's like the smug feeling you get when you explain something with the elaborate metaphor no one understands i feel like i understand but at the same time i don't understand oh well if you really take a liking to this music video i'll uh leave you to investigate it leave it to me like let me bite you no all right what does sonia have to say why is she here i split in place hajime i just realized i'm sorry i hadn't pointed out that i'm actually remembering the names i'm happy about that see for those of you that say it's hard to learn a language this is literally the same concept you know like there's like a million names in anime and it's only over time you don't like try to remember them but you just over time you recall them you're like oh i know their name that's how just seeing it enough you can learn japanese too i mean that's how i learned it anyway what is splendid place uh hajime this must be the fabled disco disco it's where you hip youngsters of their feather fans in tight clothes as they dance they're go goes in lamboras i don't know what lambdas is dang i'm a history too look at this look at the guys i got the tight clothes look at that rip two wow i belong at the titty bar too i mean that that's what it's called i have no clue what sony is talking about why is it okay we need to examine here about i think i'm extremely disappointed they they did not have what they delivered there's a stage i'll probably never have a chance to be on the limelight you know monokuma is gonna be on that stage uh like eventually it's just staff only on the door it probably is some sort of storage room i might as well check inside yeah you should there's a lot of different instruments here including drum sets and guitars looks like there's a stage design stuff too paint stage lights wallpapers and curtains i guess there's something special here we need right now someone's going to hit someone over the head with the banjo and murder them i already know it oh my god is ibuki gonna be next i don't know when i see these venues i think of like who will be murdered next you know oh my god look at look at this description uh it's a full-length mirror right you can see your whole body in this uh huge full-length mirror it's probably used for checking costumes with the mirror this big it'd probably be easy to check how you look sounds like something part of a trial huh stickers with the new logo place on it looks like they made a bunch of them had too many see everything's important in this game everything and now that i'm not cutting anything out you guys can experience it all with me just i hope you have popcorn cause we need it all right let's check the motel it's a small building with guest accommodations and a parking lot this is supposed to be a motel right i've seen the before in movies looks like that murder hotel you see at universal studios wow what a rundown rundown motel it looks pretty unsanitary too it looks just like hajime's house oh very funny oh i got a dirty house you don't know i didn't know where you i didn't know you were here you don't stand out like like that at all so i didn't notice you she's like flirting with us or something like what a weirdo anyway this place is seriously run down it's like the perfect home for a minimum wage workers that's a bit harsh don't you think yeah a little bit that's what i thought don't we got to make sure we check it out though early it's possible that there might be a clue here if you think so why don't you go inside and look around instead of standing around here doing nothing you're probably too vulgar to get this but there's a useful saying called praise a fool and you may make him useful what's that supposed to mean akane was checking out the inside i see after i gave her a little praise she got really excited about it a dumbass like her is pretty rare so we got to make sure she's treated well if her rotten attitude is this extreme i can't really take it personally all right let's go inside obviously we know who's in there all right so it actually won't let us go in all right usually when the game doesn't let us go somewhere that means someone's about to die but okay i guess we can't go there i tried i did i swear guys all right electric over here all right whatever this is like a alleyway or something that's how they say japanese personal computer there are a bunch of street boots filled with electric appliances in the back of the narrow alleyway machines and other parts are cluttered together but wait there's more with this many machines we could probably find something we could use for two-way communication right looks like it's best if i search around here well like walkie-talkies of course she would be here somehow it looks like she's especially things out of the pile of electronic cool uh appliances jackie what happened are you looking for something well yeah i was wondering if there's any game consoles of course you would like to find that so that's what you're doing i already have a tv in my cottage so it doesn't have anything uh so it doesn't have to be a non-portable device i'll settle for anything if you do something let me know if you find something let me know i'll help you carry it back to your cottage yeah i will but i don't want to play video games for a while i'd rather not be reminded of previous incidents poor man can't even play video games anymore what things like electricity looks like you don't get reception even with all the variety they may as well be paperweights oh hey man whoa okay well that stands out what is this there's so many machines just by looking at them i have no clue what they're used for i don't really recommend that section what do you mean well i'm pretty sure amateurs won't really get it all that's up there it's all machines used for stuff like wire tap wire tapping or recording secret videos that's a key item i think looks like there's some ancient looking surveillance cameras too machines used for recording secret videos hey don't get it twisted i just have mechanical knowledge of all these things i've never actually used them before all right all right sonia watch out okay no one said you did hey speaking of surveillance cameras we're being constantly videotaped and wiretapped by monokuma right like i'm kind of jealous because what he does when he's watching missonia oh i knew it he says he's never used these before i'll let him be but he's the type of person who would eventually use them yeah don't trust him i told you he's the pervert guy there's a lot of crtvs crt tvs lined up here they all they all look really old it looks like they're not designed for terrestrial digital broadcasting not that it matters it looks like this tv signal isn't reaching anyway are you serious are you what what happened i thought you'd be happier about being surrounded by so much machinery don't say super such stupid things i'm the ultimate mechanic you know of course i'm happy then you should look happier dude try to understand how i'm feeling i had this unexplainable conflicting feeling about whether or not i should be happy i can't understand that kind of feeling but why do you feel so conflicted there's all this machinery machinery lined up here i want to take them apart i want to dismantle them and look inside that's how i usually think right but i know it's not the time for me to do something like that oh because it's you know being captive and all that is wanting to dismantle normal yeah it's like if you have to hot spread chick you want to take off her clothes right and you want to check out her bone structure right oh yeah the bones that's you know when i'm interested in the ladies it's the bones i want to see their bones hey i like your bones is what i say to them like her ribs are where parts of her bones stick out right that's not normal i see so wanting to check a chick's bone structure makes me a little perverted pretty much he wants us here the bones oh a microwave okay what is the steins gate we have the tvs and we have a microwave see if you've watched einsgate wow i forgot i was wearing this watch times gate guys you love anime you love visual novels you like this game you're probably into it i'm not saying it's the same but it's pretty good territera would have never used this old microwave he would have probably used the latest kitchen equipment and cooked with the world's tastiest dishes with those dishes she would have made a lot of people smile but that's no longer that was it so it's old laptops that they're run down but they could be used i know if we can connect to the internet i thought we already said this as soon as i thought of that i grabbed a random laptop pulled it out of the pile and turned it on oh it actually turns on i'm trying to see if we can connect to the internet ask jeeves no there's no way it'd be that easy but just when i thought i was about to give up wasabi file my eyes don't oh okay without thinking i clicked with that strangely named icon about biggest most awful most tragic event in human history the horrendous event originated with the blank okay is it going to read it the horrendous event originated with some uh students of hope's peak academy causing revolt the students of the res the reserve department were dissatisfied with being treated differently than the primary department and began to fight the academy at first the dispute was conflicted to the campus are confined to the campus and hopes were high that it would settle down someday but things quickly escalated behind the scenes of that rebellion a huge authority was exerting its influence eventually it spread like an affection for lucky riots in various parts of the world it was unlike any previous act of terrorism or kureta it seemed to have a much different purpose however no matter what we assume we simply cannot apply reason to the subverse subversive movement nonetheless the destruction is not chaotic or disorganized it is both purposeful and malicious therefore it is subversive movement full of despair why is it doing that home speak academy became the origin of incident and was forced to put it in to their long history as for the students who survived they were forced to kill each other as a lesson in despair so it's just explaining the first game but what's this how normal it's not normal like a dog barking it's such a normal reaction that it's actually quite novel hey can't you react with more gusto don't you know how very important the scene is could it be were you the one who created this file my my what makes you think that because it's obviously the only thing i can think of the biggest most awful most tragic event in history riots in various parts of the world and hope speak academy getting destroyed it sounds like something you stupid you make up and what's hope speak academy's reserve department i've never even heard of that before really that's weird of all the people you should definitely be the only one who knows about it what do you mean i guess you forgot about it along with the memories of your school life so it can't be helped while we're on the subject of stupid things that file says something about students who survives is that it's referring to us no no no hey hold on a second you guys just one thing you guys been talking about it doesn't make any sense movies with no images music with no sound novels with no words these are things that truly don't make any sense so you can't say something this simple doesn't make any sense who cares about that just answer me who are the students that survived i wouldn't know any important story like that because the only thing i'm good for is being cute i wonder when they're gonna realize that uh biakio was part of them dang it he'd run away again hajime don't worry it's gonna be fine i'm sure he's just making all that up he's not it's interesting that we know that though so i think we can leave now i will never not be mad about biakia dying without like telling us what happened to the other people he obviously forgot i'm guessing but still doesn't make me any less mad all right movie theater time oh he said it we're currently showing right now so please wait five minutes for the next showing to start wait a minute who's that over there that's another character isn't it what does that mean are your eyes just for show look uh look around this is a movie theater right then i'm obviously showing a movie movie well i guess there's no need to even ask we're just going to say this is the next motive right just like the twilight syndrome i'm definitely not going to watch your movie whatever it is i'm not going to see it my goodness and i was thinking about giving you an invitation ticket but i won't allow you to not watch it i went through a lot of trouble to make this movie if you don't watch it i'm gonna be sad i'm sure your movie is no different than the game you made that game was a shoddy piece of crap but this movie is definitely a masterpiece i really hope it's an actual movie that'd be fun anyway as long as i refuse to allow it you will never have the choice to not watch it on this island my word is law if i don't watch it what are you gonna do about it there's no way i'd allow such reckless behavior there's no way i'd allow it but i'd forgive you if you purchased a monaco my sticker at the goods counter over there lanakuma sticker have we ever seen monokuma like this i just noticed that i don't think we've ever just seen him stand he's very short hey there it is i found you i know it wants us to go to the sticker but i'm so curious about this poster who is that it kind of looks like shocky huh it's a video game poster looks interesting a video game poster i'm definitely going to buy that okay it's kind of weird that i said that i immediately said video game all right let's check the good corner oh i want the shirt i'm sorry i was born stupid what the heck this one looks like a tote bag oh it looks like a shirt isn't it look it kind of looks like the you know the neck did that catch your eye it's an all-purpose tote bag useful for a variety of common tasks it's a limited item only one person could have it by the way apparently tote bags were originally invented to carry around ice so how about it want to buy it is it coins i thought you'd say i'd just be up front with you i can't i cut a lot of corners making that thing that's too upfront is that the sticker you were talking about i'm sorry i was born stupid it's not funny and i don't understand its purpose actually to tell you the truth this is a very lucky sticker i received from a wondering miracle working priest and it could be yours for the special price of only 1.5 million dollars okay don't mess with me i don't even have that kind of money then you can pay me back when you get off this island if you don't like it you can always just watch my fine i'll paint whoa i'm surprised as long as i can pay for it after i get out of here i'll pay anything even 1.5 million dollars you're the first person ever to pay 1.5 million dollars for the sticker in other words you really don't want to watch my movie huh that makes me sad managuma but if i'm going to make a huge profit it's okay i'm a mascot who has a hobby of counting money after all you're the worst mascot ever come on take it thief and slap it on your forehead thief take advantage of this divine opportunity thief the sticker i received was even thinner and more cheap looking than i thought it would be it's like a price for a box of candy did i really agree to pay so much money for this piece of crap maybe i'm a little crazy whoa there looks like the showing is over all righty i gotta collect those questionnaires at that moment monokuma started humming and skipped away towards the door leading into the sticker wait who's watching the movie the door opened violently and one person appeared from within of course he would be the one to watch it just further solidifying my theory of him working together with monakuma ah nagito please answer my questionnaire it doesn't matter if i answer it that movie was so boring it was torture minutes felt like weeks while i was watching it um well i guess that's what art is because it's not really artless it's the past it's common sense he's like it's just so uh it's so unique and it's just so only geniuses high iqs can understand it i thought it was gonna be another motive but i guess that's not the case put a lead down if money would have settled this i would have just settled it with money nagita was so depressed that movie must have been really bad i definitely made the right call by not watching it i really want to see it go in apparently i can watch monica with special movie come on go in go in [Music] wow it's really not going to let us well ha jimmy after nikita's glowing review did you change your mind about want to watch a movie of course not what does he have to say i probably have to talk to him i'm so tired of boredom if money would have gotten me out of seeing it i would have just settled it with money let me ask you something if you were told you could pay 1.5 million dollars oh i'm me never mind and not watch the movie i gladly pay it quick answer the movie must have been that bad huh okay that was it dang it now i want to see it all right so now we just need to go look at the hospital all right looks like this is the hospital's lobby the ambiance feels like something out of a horror film i definitely don't want to be a patient here the ambience feels like something out of a horror film i definitely don't want to be a patient here i knew it holy crap i'm sorry i scared you but i don't worry even if i have a heart attack from getting or even if you have a heart attack or getting scared this is a hospital after all the moment i have a heart attack i'll definitely have something i need to worry about but this hospital is a little strange i can't find any doctors nurses or patients anywhere just as i thought here too dang it there's nobody here what's going on with this island and i notice all the medical supplies are still here i'm not sure they'll be useful unless we check them ah that means i need to go check them right oh wait is it freaking what's his face here understood i'll go ahead and do that in the flash so please don't hate me nikon frantically ran to the other end of the dark hall i disappeared making huge fuss as she left i guess that means it's okay to leave this place to her okay or right huh whatever my reading of all the people it seems i've immersed myself in nostalgia this place is similar to the place where the mark of defeating the devil was carved into my body long ago what what already got his car from is that what he's talking about i have said too much forget what you've heard for your sake he was the only one who volunteered that information and now he's already telling me to forget it jabberwock hospital what a weird sign oh i can't go in there all right they're definitely hiding something there's the paper on the bulletin board apparently it's a hospital notice okay it doesn't say anything but it's got monokuma's face on it okay sure game all right well that's it that's all we can do whoa i don't like this sony did something happen just now i went to the hospital and it appears because made very serious i was literally just there a very serious discovery at the hospital i guess she was probably like i was supposed to probably check that first and that's probably why you made it appears you were the same as me huh it's the same as if i turn around he's there but if i also remember that person in the wind what are you talking about geez are you so unrefined it is japan's legendary medical drama that person in the wind aired in 1984 and set the standard for every trendy drama that followed it is about the righteous rookie doctor and elite senior doctor who fought over their mutual love interests i don't know what actually the lead actor and actress got married in real life hold on why do you know so much about old japanese medical dramas is it the library anyway we'll be waiting uh obviously puyo he goes there right you're late had jimmy how did everyone get here before me i was literally just here and the others are already here there are patient rooms lining up the uh there are patient rooms lining up the hallway but everyone is apparently gathered about the room in the very back you're not going with him bisonia is expected from the ultimate princess as she accordingly asked me to come she's very much in touch with the feelings of what's common for nevertheless i know my place i'm not reckless enough to go along with her uh since it's going to be a very touching scene a worthless thing like me would be a very okay so he's in there okay hajime i'm jealous of you jealous of me you don't know what your talent is but you're showing no distress you're even opening up to everyone that must mean you have a lot of confidence in yourself right are you being sarcastic no not at all but still i do wonder what sort of talent you really possess since you dragged it this long already i'm sure it must be an appropriately magnificent talent who knows it's not like it's my fault for dragging us out you're right sorry i'm sorry for stopping you for such a foolish conversation please go on ahead take care after all what did he really want to say to me i don't care oh what the heck bro they got some aliens in here what what is this someone clearly died here what about this oh what wait so who's this that must be that must be freaking uh pekko pekko huh well i guess i should look wait what's over here stairs room for well obviously i'm a little more curious about what's going on over here than anything let me let me in okay so they're not gonna let me click that all right weird gonna start here guys i don't know it's gonna start somewhere oh the patient room okay i can hear voices on the other side of the door it sounds like they're all really here but what are they doing here i had a feeling something bad was happening again what could possibly be bad is someone dead like huh i couldn't help raising my voice what y'all look like you've seen a ghost well i caught this are you all right it's just a scratch that's not a scratch at all though well i'm relieved to see you i was worried you were done for there's no way i'd die from something like this just a slash to like your face there's no way i can die uh yeah you can and you probably will now you know what i think he might be one of the ones to survive just think about it like his reason for surviving like was already kind of gone so i think he will be one of the ones to survive i think nagito nagito will survive i i'm hoping that mikan will survive and then i think um he'll probably he'll probably be one of the ones and maybe chiaki but that's just my guess i see hiyoko dying i see maybe ibuki might survive too i see sonya dying i see a few people die i don't know it means nothing it's just my guess earlier i asked monokuma and he showed me his medical records there's a lot of sword-related wounds but they were relatively light wounds no organs or nerves were damaged considering how fiercely he was attacked this is pretty miraculous you're a ballsy one is that what's called having the devil's luck who knows maybe it wasn't luck maybe paco gave her life to protect for hiki no she protected him while she was getting attacked by the horde of marionettes but if she really wanted to protect fujiko at all costs it's not strange to think that she would have done that no i wouldn't think it's better if we think about it like that you you think so too right fujiko that must have been what you thought there's no way you can die right who knows oh he's so depressed after forcing out those words for your ego turn to his bed away from us and stop talking well of course he'd be sad right i think ruhiko should rest for a while his wounds haven't fully healed so it'd be bad if he over exerted himself no need to worry i'll take care of him for the time being i mean that's what nurses are for you hear that for you hiko just relax and get some uh rest i'll be the one who avenges you seriously he's not dead um you shouldn't you know talk so loudly in front of the injured hold on akane if you hiko has finally come back to us you better not do anything reckless i can't stand the thought of losing someone any longer no i know that i just have to win right this is bad this is bad he doesn't understand at all then do whatever you want hey nekomaru you're the kind of woman who refuses to listen once her mind is made up i know that all too well so do whatever you want i don't care what you do anymore however i'm not gonna do it you to you again huh it please keep your voices down you're the loudest one here hey wait a second nekomaru it was my first time i never thought something that feels so good even existed in this world what my body should have forgotten and now you're saying you're just gonna stop all the sudden look my body's getting all hot again just thinking about it hey you're kidding me is it what i think it is if you're not gonna heed my warning it's unfortunate but it must come to an end obviously they're talking about freaking fighting nakamura left the patient's room hold on i can't live without it with the voice it sounded like it was going to cling on to nekomaru akane rushed out of the patient's room oh my i wonder what that was all about dude it's finally quiet it's such a bad manner to raise your voice inside a hospital humans are such foolish creatures hey hiyoko it's nothing something's definitely wrong i mean she's glowing really hard at fujiko but i guess it makes sense oh yeah she's the one that tried to get her uh killed right oh no no uh was the one that got me hero i killed yeah yeah hey what are you making such a scary face right like no matter what it means it right of course suspicious it's definitely suspicious all we got to do is follow them you think so you think so too right a fire that didn't need to be started has become a towering inferno god there's so many people in the hospital room usually they only left a few people in here all right so we're gonna ask the others what they found on the island let's start with ibuki i see so peco's last one was probably inherited uh properly inherited by fujiko it's romantic but it's just so sad i shall put my heart and soul to my song if you're making a lot of noises mikan's gonna be mad at you did you just say something now you're too quiet i can't hear you at all oh well i think i should just leave her be so what should we do do you guys want to call it quits for today we could talk about tomorrow i know we've all uh we're all tired from the walking we've done today um please leave fujiko to me okay we already know that yeah yeah i know you will she's still glaring i thought we had to talk to everyone for now we decided to call it a day and head back to the cottages walking around all day wore us out but the exhaustion we felt might have been a feeling of relief i arrived at my cottage much earlier than usual and fell into a deep deep sleep [Music] okay i usually skip these two i don't know if you guys want to see these but they literally nothing happens you admire superheroes don't you understand what superheroes are like superheroes live to stop people from achieving their hopes and dreams you know they immediately attack people in groups because they don't have many friends themselves you know they're all short-tempered and say stuff like now i'm mad and i won't forgive you and laugh you know they're lazy people who will run away once the other guy starts fighting back you know they're willing to use weapons even if they're fighting someone who is alone or unarmed you know they're always the winner so they don't know what it's like to have a weakling's worries you know and they like to wear flashy costumes you know which means they're a bunch of smart good-looking violet stubborn elitists who don't have many friends do you really want to admire people like that it's always pointless slept a lot my head feels clearer all right i should head over to the restaurants anyone dead anyone dead they usually don't die this early usually it takes a while it takes about two days for a person to die the faces of everyone who gathered at the restaurant all looked somewhat lighthearted everyone must be really happy so everyone's safe still the day ended halfway yesterday so let's try to put together our information about the new island in the end we couldn't even find a way to escape from this island right seriously you guys are useless but there's a music video i got that but what about the clues we would need includes like information about this island or anything that might help us understand what's happening in the town with all those machines i found a clue katana oh okay see i say it you saw that too i was told about that by nagito so i checked it as well i saw it too but it's about the fact that hope's peak academy has already been destroyed hope's pick academy has been destroyed it's probably just another one of montekuma's pranks there's no way hope's a peak academy would fall but even if it's a prank it's not something he should be allowed to do a symbol of hopes of getting destroyed it's not something you should even joke about well if you're still wondering about it it might be better if you just confirm it for yourself so yeah guys in the beginning of the game i said that that might be makoto because um like you know i kind of figured it is since they first of all you could rearrange the letter of his names and you could rearrange the letters in his name just spell makoto but with like one extra letter but i'm pretty sure and given that he has green he has big hair it's just different colored even sounds similar but just with a deeper voice i'm pretty certain that this is makoto because think about it like right and if that's makoto and we have biakia and he just looked different then it's still possible even though i don't think it's possible even i don't think it but it seemed like it actually might be a possibility that connie might i mean it might be how we i mean their hair is so similar their um figure is so uh similar wait a minute i actually want to see something it says his height so he's five nine i don't think that they would have grown because the fact that and danganronpa one uh their heights were they were over 18 right or they were at least 18. so i don't think they would have grown anymore right or maybe a little bit more let's see if makoto is the same height so it clearly says that his uh he's 160 centimeters he's 5'3 so i don't know he could have grown but i don't know is he wearing like high boots or something maybe he could have grown more because i think guys don't stop growing until like 22 or something like that let's see i'm gonna google it when do men stop rowing so it says the majority of guys stop growing after a little bit after 18. so i don't know i don't is the game is the game realistic i don't know it could be or it could be not like i don't know for sure they were adults though and dr rampa won so that is like confusing to me this is how we'll know if if uh biakio stayed the same height then we'll know right ultimate detective here holy crap guys look at look at makoto he's literally wearing the same jacket tell me that's not like so similar it's like the game's not hiding it this is really cool though see how similar like it's crazy obviously their eyes are different color but why dang that's sick okay all right this isn't about this wait a minute i'm sorry i have to look at this this is the first time seeing it this was the first version of monokuma what i'm so glad they changed it because that is freaking that's actually really scary okay is that six foot one inches so it's like did he shriek he literally shrunk is it did the weight like pull him down man my boy he did not glow up at all unless you like those unless you like that then then he did all right what about date of birth april 28th they don't say birthdays dang it that would have that would have solved it look at the special ability it literally says it right there ultimate lucky unlucky student come on are you kidding me look at it you tell me i i figured it out it's so obvious anyway back to regular programming so basically on the island we found no way to escape nor any useful clues this time around on oh hold on it's this time again not this time around you don't want to correct us each time however it's not all bad news fuyuhiko will be able to return to us that guy pisses me off but it sure makes me happy to think about how he's going to come back to us he's recovering extremely well so i'm pretty sure he could be discharged from the hospital in one week however he's probably lost the use of his right eye forever he totally deserves that hey aren't you gonna going a little too far man i sure did eat i'm stuffed today too you certainly don't eat a lot without you certainly eat a lot yeah without even listening to what the others are saying okay then since i'm stuffed i should go train now train you say you hate training how rare of you yeah if i don't do it i won't get any stronger i have to do it bye now she's like really pumped up i hope she's not thinking about doing anything bad with that our morning meeting ended we all went back to our cottages now then what should i do today and there it is the free time i almost don't want to do free time how about this uh at the end of the game i will go back and just kind of learn more about the other characters and we could do separate episodes on that i mean it's not like we don't get the backstory of the characters you know we're still gonna get the main things but that's just kind of like extra stuff i think what you guys really care about is the story and then yeah because i actually want to go back and dunk and romp one and maybe perhaps record it and learn more about other people in the game as well because i never did that i know a lot of you guys wanted me to do that so maybe we'll just save it that way i could we can go faster yeah i like the sound of that oh ding dong bing bong it's night time whoa what are you doing in my room good morning looks like today's gonna be another perfectly tropical day what a huge success i really uh received such a nice reaction how did you get in here i jumped you're so careless i'm sure i locked the door and i destroyed that worthless lock is that against the rules who cares more importantly there's something important i need to tell you what uh for four hits what no that's just three if you've got time to nitpick others then hurry up and meet at the restaurant i'll explain the details there so i'm counting on you she's like a hurricane but she didn't take time to come all the way to my cottage to summon me does something bad happen again i'm feeling a little depressed now well i feel like she would have reacted differently if something bad was happening right yeah so about what i was talking about earlier guys it doesn't explain why he's so freaking tall now uh unless somehow makoto was younger than everyone else but like yeah but i'm almost certain that's him still the first thing i saw was everyone's backs as if they were forming a circle around me hey what happened as i said i peeked over everyone's as i said that i picked over everyone's shoulders i know something i want to say what is it rock lee that's the same part was looking at put a picture of god see please it's brock lee for you hiko is it okay for you to be moving around like this so soon yeah i don't know he shouldn't be okay whatever i say after this point i apologize in advance if i make a mistake he's totally acting different too my first name is pronounced boo you he co i'm still an inexperienced member of my family's business from this point forward i hope we get along so we can get to know each other better he's totally different just what the heck was that it's nothing really just a greeting there's no way that was just a greeting and yet i feel like that was the first time fuyuhiko ever greeted us um that eye patch of yours um it's nothing there's no way that's nothing since that is uh the eye is no longer so you can't see out of it huh it's only one eye besides i don't look don't i look like i've gained some prestige or something however for you heco are you acting all cool and stuff don't you understand the position you're in right now uh hiyoko do you really think we'll forgive you that easily for what you did don't you get it it's your fault my hero is dead not just my hero pekko died because of you too it's all your fault we've finally been able to get together with everyone so what if we're all here you better not say that we're friends or something there's no way a killer like him will ever be our friend i know yeah you're right it's all my fault i already know that it's my fault that those two were dead yeah are you planning to give us your so what attitude it's not that as he squeezed out of those words for you go suddenly collapse to the ground oh oh dang this he's changed so much he's a total different person now huh what the heck hey don't mess with me do you really think we're gonna forgive you if you just dropped your knees and cry do you really think a half-assed apology will make us forget what you've done no i don't think that at all holy crap that escalated so quickly this [Music] whoa here's a slit in his own stomach what are you saying he's cut up into his own freaking stomach did he do that i didn't think i'd be forgiven with such a half but apology but if i don't do this and my feelings won't oh [Music] i don't feel resolved i hate that the music is so loud that like oh my god dang i hate that the music's so loud you can't hear their voices you fool that doesn't mean you should slice your stomach he freaking wow that's like the samurai weight we must carry him to a hospital as soon as possible he just got out you're right kazuichi leave me a hand this is bad yeah sure thing stop it i can walk through myself there's no way you can walk even though i took the time to patch you up now i need to sew your wounds all over again i feel so ashamed in the end i made trouble for everyone again all right he he's forgiven he's forgiven god my god all right guys we're gonna stop the episode right there make sure you smash like for some more dog and rapa uh obviously this episode is going to get too long but why did he do that is he going to be okay is he going to die you need to find out next episode all right and danganronpa guys thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 283,885
Rating: 4.9854021 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, bijuu mike danganronpa 2, bijuu mike danganronpa, danganronpa 2 gameplay bijuu mike, danganronpa 2, danganronpa 2 goodbye despair, danganronpa 2 goodbye despair episode 9, bijuu mike danganronpa 2 in order, bijuu mike plays danganronpa, bijuu mike danganronpa 2 part 9
Id: zdsldfIao9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 36sec (3096 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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