150+ Level Making Tips For Super Mario Maker 2

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I have played a lot and I mean a lot of Mario maker to levels most of these levels I played on my journey to get the Royal crown and attire but that means I've seen a lot of good and bad levels so today I want to give you all tips on how to make your levels better now I'm not just gonna give 10 tips or 50 tips or even 100 I'm going to be giving 150 tips and tricks on how to make your levels better in Mario maker 2 so what I'm going to do is give at least one tip for every single item in Mario maker 2 now these can be dues or don'ts as both are equally important now if I think of some extra things that I can have more than one per item I'll be starting with the items found in the four main themes then end with a 3d world exclusive items also I know some of my demonstrations may not look good aesthetically but these levels were made more of as the demonstration so just keep that in mind so since we have a lot to cover without much further ado let's jump right into it also minor spoilers for story mode [Music] before we get started I want to give some general tips first off give your levels of theme whether it be based around pipes in the sky or seesaws try to come up with a gimmick and expand upon it some of the tips I'm giving today can be used in most if not all levels while some will be gimmicks that you can build levels around so if you're interested try them out avoid trolling the player and this list will go through some of the trolls but generally don't do this this will just annoy the player avoid using too many sound effects as they get annoying really fast speaking of attached music to enemies or Mario himself as this provides for a smooth music track that plays throughout the level while instead of just placing it everywhere which can sometimes blink in and out make sure your level theme goes well with the gimmick don't just have it be underground for no reason make the theme fits a level don't kill the player in the first few seconds as it'll make them automatically boo your love at breathing room tier levels besides maybe speed around levels breathing room is always nice to have especially in standard levels don't have boss fights in your level if you want it to be tagged multiplayer versus because it's pretty annoying to be in first place and then get halted by a boss fight speaking of multiplayer versus rising lava that either goes above the starting area or a pipe is generally not good for multiplayer if you're looking for hearts you're gonna want to aim your levels at the normal difficulty as they generally get more hearts than the other difficulties avoid adding really difficult jumps into slow autoscrollers I already hate autoscrollers as it is and if you have a really hard jump and if you just mess up you have to play through the whole level again it's just gonna lead to people skipping your level and possibly moving it don't add clear conditions to your levels unless they are necessary I've seen quite a few levels that require you to complete a clear condition like collect the spring for example but then just have a spring at the end which is just completely pointless play test your levels several times this is really the only way to judge if it's ready also play suss it from the start sometimes as well so you can get a understand of the flow of your level now what's more important than play testing it yourself is to have someone else play test it since you're the creator you're going to know how to beat it and beat all the puzzles but if someone else tries it out they won't know this is the best way to get feedback for your levels and this definitely has helped me make better levels but anyways starting with the terrain we have the ground avoid keep it grounds one block thick specifically in the later game themes as they don't look so good as a second tip for ground try to use the ground decorations to alert invisible blocks or other secrets this could be a good way to signal for players to find them this is extra effective if you don't use ground decorations a lot in your level slopes are pretty useful for practical purposes but they are also very good for decoration sticky wet decorations you could combine steep and gentle slopes to make more curved surfaces I use this in pretty much all of my levels for good aesthetic always complete your pipes not having pipes of blocks behind it looks very bad and unprofessional all it takes is two blocks to make your pipes look so much nicer for a second one for pipes if you have an item that's required to beat your level then putting them in pipes will allow the player to retry just in case they fail never make underwater spike mazes they are not fun the stems of mushroom platforms can be used for decoration or they can be used to warn the player for example we can play some mushrooms then here so the player knows that munchers will fall there science all platforms work really well as backgrounds you can only place five semi solids on top of each other before they start getting deleted so be careful you can activate peace which is through bridges so it's a really good way to have the player not be able to carry a piece which to avoid possible cheese later in the level it can also be used to keep the player running and activate a piece which generally placing enemies and blocks are very trolling and can annoy the player especially avoid big enemies and boomerangs whenever you hit or destroy a questionmark block and reset the room it doesn't go back to its normal form unless it has a vine in it then we can use a reset door to retry a challenge and the question mark blocks will be back to normal [Music] this can fix a challenge like this that would normally force the player to reset the level or die hard locks work much better by themselves in one block six rows think round blocks do so use these instead never have invisible block traps like this all they do is annoy the player also the laughing sound effect is annoying as heck so I just wouldn't use it in your levels probably ever when rewarding the player with invisible blocks I would stick with 1ups or coins as giving them a shortcut or a powerup might make them think they were just there for the Creator to cheat his own level and upload it never make try to find the hidden block levels as they are annoying and unfun the once activate donut platforms whether they're just standing on an idly or ground pounding on it so that means you can make levels or situations where you have to jump on falling donut platforms no clocks can be activated by pretty much anything that can fall onto it this means you can have setups like this where it needs to drop down a vine or something off the top of the screen if a Cooper without a shell goes onto a music block in the mario world theme then it will make a barking noise if it's green or a mailing if it's red take a listen you can activate POW blocks by ground pounding on them while they're on the same block as the cloud ice box can be used as windows if you want to make buildings for your level so onto the items coins are good for directing players use them to show players where to go and never use them to lead to a death pin also coins can be small rewards for doing small challenges or going through say an alternative route bitcoins are great ways to reward the player for trying to do something difficult or exploring generally you'll want the bitcoins value to go up based on how hard the challenge was or how hard it was to find the Bitcoin when making levels around collecting pink coins always have one pink coin to spare over the P door that way the player will die with the key as if that does happen when the player has to do the whole level again as it resets their pink coin counter using the progressive power-ups can be a cool way to reward the player such as here if you're able to make it through a section without being hit then you'd be able to get a powerup that would allow you to get say a Bitcoin also when making standard levels progressive power-ups are usually a good thing to include anyway don't make infinite fireball spawning Bowser fights they have been done to death they take away too long to do and aren't challenging try to make your box fights unique and interesting instead of just doing this if you have a level based around the Super Ball powerup then it would always be nice to include an indicator block so the player knows where to stand when throwing the Super Ball okay so now we're coming up to the theme exclusive items all have one for each when jumping normally with a big mushroom Mario will break the blocks below him however when he is in a Goomba shoe he doesn't so maybe you could create a level that requires you to get both of the power-ups this next one is more of a playing tip but when doing your tail attack you're able to attack enemies in front of Mario's face instead of on the same layer at the tail but only if the enemy is on a semi-solid bridge donut mushroom platform lift or cloud using a double speed backward conveyor will give Mario enough speed to initiate flight by the end this is the shortest way to start flight as far as I'm aware we can also make a launch chamber attached to the machine and you can either keep it open or block it off with turn blocks to force the player to spin fly you see twisters will allow Mario to spin with a propeller again without touching the ground that way you can make challenging propeller base levels where you don't have to touch the ground levels where you just use a start at kill everything without any challenge isn't fun so if your level is based around stars and try to make them interesting 1ups are pretty much the perfect item to put into hidden blocks as they only reward the player and not the developer these are good for rewarding exploration if you have a level where rotten mushroom chases the player then having no blocks will allow the rotten mushroom to follow the players even after big jumps since Guba shoes jump towards Mario you can make interesting mechs such as this to create a unique boss fight when playing with Yoshi if you took behind you then hold forward you'll get a huge boost which can help you make hard jumps also while the Mario World Yoshi can tongue through walls the Mario you cannot so keep that in mind when using a level based around Yoshi we then get into the enemy wheels so in the nighttime version of the sky theme goomahs swim around in the sky you could use this mechanic to have some tricky jumps to get up onto a platform or make a difficult jump goombas can be thrown around so this can be used to make the player carry one to activate contraptions like this Koopas can get removed from their shells in mario world in 3d world themes which means you can make levels like this where you have to jump on little Koopas twice using wings on buzzy beetles can make them be used as platforms and you can make a whole level revolving around these flying mechanics shallots are able to be fired from bill blasters and since they are already active in motion they can be used to activate on/off blocks or even ride also be careful and make sure the player can't get a shell mitt from the bill blaster to possibly choose the level later unless you do want them to a new Super Mario Bros u in mario world you can spin jump on spiked tops and climb walls with them this could make for a unique and challenging level when making a shooter level try to avoid overusing the wing at spy knees as they fire out four projectiles and it can get chaotic very fast the funks pineys are good for these types of levels just don't overuse them and the Mario one-in-three theme you can make a setup like this to make sure the player can't take more than one showman however this doesn't work in the Mario u or world theme unless the player is big and ducking which is very strange using the blooper nanny you can create a challenging platforming section like this however I would only use one per section and have a reset door due to how unpredictable bloopers can be now this next one isn't really a tip but I've got about 200 hours in this game and I've played like about 3000 levels and I have never seen this mechanic used in a single level so when Yoshi swallows a cheep cheep that's been in poison he can actually shoot out poison which is pretty cool I don't believe it's any different from fire but this is still a really neat detail that they actually put in the game using fire piranha plants you can stack them with conveyors and you can create a unique and interesting boss fight or hundreds of fireballs are being shot at you and you have to try to avoid them until a timer runs out keep in mind that this machine can get pretty laggy if you use too many though now our next item is the munchers which in my opinion is one of the most useful items in both Mario maker 1 and 2 since I want to get to the other items I'm only going to cover 6 things at the Mont rapido one they can hold up enemies in place which can be useful in the Koopa scenario I showed earlier or even setting up the mech I showed earlier they can crush enemies which means combined with the seesaw you can create a boss fight like this one they could activate P switches which means they can be used in all kinds of timer setups like this one here since they can be attached to tracks this basically makes them moving spikes and since Mario can't go through them they're good for situations like this they're solid which means Mario can run or wall jump off of them and they can also be used as a helmet for enemies he make them invincible no marios jumps mantras are super useful so I might make a video on them in the future but anyway moving on don't have surprise lumps as they can make the player feel cheated make sure the player has enough time to see and react to a flop using Monte moulds you can create a sort of mech design where you can control and ride across spikes or other dangerous obstacles I always like levels that do this so I'd love to see it more you can use rocky wrenches and build blasters to make randomly shifting floors for a boss fight or even just a normal level just make sure the bill blasters are tall enough where the wrenches can't hit the player and the built blasters have coins in them so that they can't hurt the player hammer bros due to their random nature do not work well in large groups or in cramped spaces same thing goes with the chain jumps with wigglers on tracks you can write it and have a little obstacle course using boos you can make it don't look forward or backward room where if you look in a certain direction the player will die when using this though make sure you tell the player in the title or something as they might get confused on why they died when using lava bubbles you should have some sort of indication of where they are such as coins or mushroom stems so the player can be prepared don't make levels where you just have to blow up a ton of bombs as they aren't fun these are known as bomb excavation generally needing to blow up one or two is okay but have it at least in an interesting way with maybe enemies getting in your way dry bones on tracks in the Mario World dream can throw projectiles and can make for a good survival room will where it's timer based or platform days dry bone shells will allow the player to ground pound and everything they're in so maybe you could have some sort of puzzle or secret using this mechanic as it probably isn't too well-known while fish runs normally just fall and die when not underwater in the airship at night theme they can actually swim in the air which can allow for some platforming challenges like this one like bombs magic koopa excavation is not fun i would say even worse also like hammer bros they don't work in cramped spaces or in big groups when using Bowser in a level be mindful that his fireballs will start shooting even at very far distances so try to keep that in mind when making a level with Bowser in it also generally three Bowser's in the same place is not fun and it's way too cramped Bowser jr. is able to jump through floors and ceilings so if you have a boss fight with him don't place the boss room directly above or below it's different part of the level five Boom Boom's in one small space isn't very good level design so be conservative with them generally you're only gonna want one or maybe two per level when using angry suns you should always design your level around them since they're pretty much always on screen when using Lakha two's be mindful that the player might steal their cloud even if it doesn't seem like that there's always a chance so be prepared for it maybe have some walls that block off parts of the level so even if they steal the cloud that can't go through most of the level maybe make them stealing the cloud intentional and add some secrets like a big coin or 1up fire clown car excavation surprise also isn't fun with fire and normal clown cars you're able to make fun aerial based levels just don't put too many enemies as it can get cramped also clown car spiked maces generally aren't fun at least not crampons make them at the very least a little bit open finally on to the gizmos we have the burners and I would suggest not having one by one burner sections like this as they really slow down the flow of the lowell for bill blasters if you're using them as floors or walls like in some of the examples I showed earlier then always fill them with coins or another unharmed --fill item as there's a chance that is strable it can get launched and kill the player or at least damage them in 3d world you can use the catsuit to send Banzai bills in two different directions placing cannons on top of enemies can make them look like they're shooting at you they even turn around when the enemies do which is really cool this technique works very well on airship levels as it kind of looks like their guards icicles are pretty surprisingly useful they can be used to activate on/off blocks and even damage bosses also once something is loaded in as long as they stand on ice blocks they all be loaded in forever which is pretty neat they could also be stood on which can lead to a challenging platforming section where the floor Falls to maybe get a secret origins progress through the level twisters interestingly don't activate seesaws which I guess makes sense as they are floating so you could make many challenges like this one never put keys in invisible blocks and always make them obvious where they are when a player has to go back through a level to get a key that can be very frustrating especially if they die on the way back or can't go back never have Picador now having to choose your paths or a deal is okay what I mean is don't have to save for doors and have three lead to immediate death they're frustrating and dumb doors are also good for resetting rooms like I said in some earlier examples these allow the player to retry a challenge without needing to die when using a p-switch try your best to avoid stuff like this where an exit of a room is blocked off by bricks and you have to wait this really throws off the flow of a level I was just trying to build your level around the p-switch timer but I do understand that this is sometimes unavoidable since pals only destroy the bottom enemy in a stack or a throne the one it hits as well you can create scenarios where you have to hit multiple house like this so I think this is a great time to mention a key part in designing levels keys prevention now cheese is basically when a player cheats a part of the level or it does something that wasn't intended to make the level easier I'm using the spring as an example as there's a lot of tricks that more skilled players can do to spring jumps to avoid major sections of levels and it's not just spring jumps there's pow jumps p-switch jump shell jumps and many more advanced tricks that can be used to cheesy level what I would do is get familiar with these strategies and figure out ways to prevent them from happening in your level a lot of these can be pretty easily fixed so I would definitely suggest looking into them putting vines in a block on tracks can create a challenge where the players to stay on a vine while it travels through a long section with spikes and saws please don't make arrows point in the wrong direction as all it does is confuse the player and annoy them when running into a checkpoint it'll save your red coin status and you're able to effectively have infinite checkpoints as you are able to reactivate the same checkpoint after hitting another one in a sub area this technique will allow you to make levels where you have to go through a bunch of mini challenges and collect red coins and then effectively save your progress after every room now I'm not the first person to come up with this idea but I definitely want more people to make levels like this now this may be a bit of an odd one but don't use lifts on long tracks with levels Tagus multiplayer versus because it's not fun to have to wait for the platform if you die using multiple school coasters can lead to a fun challenging level where you have to jump between them to avoid obstacles so for this next one I made a whole video on the seesaw so go check that out if you want some more tips but as an example one from the video is that you can launch things by ground-pounding on them or a swamp landing on them which will launch anything grinders don't look half bad as wheels for vehicles bumpers are very useful as they allow anything to pass through them but Mario himself so you can use them to say edges of boss arenas blocking off an area that Mario has to throw or drop something into etc skewers are very useful for timer setups clouds can be used with tracks to grab items just make sure your setup works well as sometimes getting the claws to work can be very annoying I'll be grouping the on off hands out of line blocks together don't create things like this where it's just a waiting game while you hold for as it throws off the levels pace using shells to activate on/off blocking create tight timing plaque forming sections you can use them to fill in gaps and try to carry a red Koopa over to maybe use its shell or to have a tip over a seesaw there's ton of possibilities with these two items and I've only just scratched the surface don't make three-wide fast snake lock sections mandatory for your level because they are super difficult and they're especially difficult if you don't know the level maybe you could use these as a small challenge to get a one-up don't make them mandatory also don't make long and drawn-out snake lock sections with no enemies make it exciting instead of just tedious like many things mention here use fire bars in moderate oh oh oh no one-way walls can be very useful in levels insane new super mario bros where you have to wall jump like this which can be very rewarding and very fun conveyors can be good for changing the speed of Seychelle timers and other types of timers finally we have tracks now they're very useful for many things but I will say when needing to write a platform that's on a track it's usually best to have a reset door as the player might do something silly and have it gone without them and then have to wait a long time expecting for it to come back when it might not also with on/off blocks you can have choose your own path scenarios just don't have one lead to death and make each path an actual way to win it's ok if one is harder than the other just make sure you're able to win in both areas well we are finally done no no ok super speed through 3d world long clear pipe sections are very boring so don't include long sections like this in your level if you want a permanent spikes then after the red spike version as long as there aren't any on/off switches in the level they'll remain permanently out climbing semi solids with cap Mario can lead to unique challenges and boss fights hammer excavation is not fun like spike tops you can ride troopers up walls or just along the ground skip squeaks can block items so maybe you could have a challenge where you have to jump at the right moment to get it string BR good for those cat climbing semi-solid sections I mentioned before as they stay on one layer so maybe you could have them guard the line of coins parodic reapers have solid bodies so maybe you can make mario has to defeat them so he's able to pass kind of like a gate with hop chops you can make a section where you have to attract it towards the wall so you can jump over it when using meowser you're pretty much gonna have to design your whole level around it unless he's in a sub world because his attacks are very chaotic and he can load in very easily when you have a pompom boss fight make sure she can't teleport outside of the boss fight room char var and porca poppers should be used in moderation as they get in very chaotic very fast bullies can be used to skip squeaks to make jump detectors the Cooper car shouldn't just be used as a hold board and run over a ton of enemy type level add some challenge where you have to jump or switch directions since crate can float on lava you can write them up a lava rising section of a sub area for example and have the boxes get blown up as you go making your area smaller and smaller since warped boxes are one-way trips make sure you don't need anything from a previous room to beat your levels also make sure you can't go backwards with a warp box after getting a checkpoint that's a good lead to a softlock or an immediate death exclamation mark block trolls like this one are very annoying don't do them blanking blocks can be used as great timers same with the track blocks behind some rewards and some of your trees to reward the player just for exploring don't do this for every treat but just to feel and finally our final item the mushroom platforms work better for our levels than springs as they don't have the chance of making the player crash their car so I would say use these instead but anyways that's it for this really long video if you enjoyed this video at any point please make sure to give it a like or even consider subscribing as I can working really really really hard on this video so it would mean a lot but if you guys want to see more videos like this then let me know in the comments but anyways I'll see you guys next time bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Odyssey Central
Views: 1,837,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Maker 2, 10 super mario maker 2 tips, 150+ level making tips for super mario maker 2, hearts super mario maker 2, mario maker, nintendo, smm2, super mario maker 2, super mario maker 2 building tips, super mario maker 2 course maker tips, super mario maker 2 design tips, super mario maker 2 direct, super mario maker 2 ideas, super mario maker 2 level ideas, super mario maker 2 new features, super mario maker 2 tips, super mario maker 2 tutorial, switch
Id: w35CmDOY6Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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