Every Level Is 1-1, EXCEPT THAT...

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i stumbled upon a super world a weird super world it's all 1-1 but with a little bit of a twist the twist is that it's all 1-1 that's the twist just wait and see this is the super world we're playing it's made by someone named 1-1 even the face looks like 1-1 see that the blue sky and the clouds and the blocks there's even a pipe on the face how clever anyways this has eight courses with 40 levels in it all of them being 1-1 i'll show you 1-1 but it's the credits 1-1 but it's painful 1-1 but it's frozen over i'm actually really excited about this i think this is going to be cool i think it's going to be fun and let's go ahead and start it on up even the overworld is 1-1 how cool is that it's the little things man it's the little things 1-1 the game right okay here we go i hope this is a 1-1-1 wait what is this one called 1-1 but it's actually 1-1 so we're starting off with the actual 1-1 gang we have 99 lives wait there it is this is listen yes thing this it gets stranger you've seen this one before stop it this is just the beginning this is french vanilla one [Music] okay stop it it's gonna get strange this is 1-1 but it's built from memory okay so this creator made 1-1 ooh ooh already it's off this is 1-1 but the creator just did it from memory okay it looks pretty good i even though i just skipped a bunch let's uh oh i can't get back let's go back let's take a look this is pretty good this is pretty accurate i gotta say um this is better than i would have done from memory this is better than i would have done from memory 1-1 but it's squooshed okay here we go [Laughter] [Music] okay i love this so much i love that so much 1-1 but it equals zero what i'm afraid i don't understand it i'm afraid i don't what does that mean a one minus one [Music] what [Music] oh so that's just a [Music] oh whoa all right things are getting weird around here [Music] should i understand what is going on [Music] i understand that it equals zero but what was that what what hey youtube 74 of twitch chat says 1-1 i say 1-1 what do you say do you say 1-1 1-1 what do you say let me know in the comments 1-1 but it's an airship fleet [Music] this is clever this is i love this this is so cool this is so cool [Music] i love it this is very creative say what you want but the creativity is off oh it's off the hook as the kids are saying like it's still recognizable that's the crazy thing is that this is still recognizable oh that's a checkpoint kids are still staying off the hook right that's off the hook oh okay leave me alone okay leave me alone i don't want to die here all right we're in much better position here there we go much better position though let's go gotta one up back let's go oh that's world one is done world 1-1 is done [Music] oh now we're at world 2 1-1 but you're an smb2 mushroom [Music] okay oh come oh come back oh come back okay let's just let's just reset it there probably will be jabrel okay ow let's go [Music] all right come on oh come on that should be good right you got to jump right at the edge let's go this would really stink if we messed up though [Music] all right we're doing we're we're we're killing it [Music] crushing it [Music] no [Music] oh this is gonna be awful this is gonna be awful [Laughter] come on oh my gosh okay ah there we go let's go let's go [Music] all right we're almost out we're almost out baby [Music] oh no okay we gotta do one more come on got it [Music] hey hey come back wait here here's the here's the real test here's the real test did this creator did this creator let is there a one up over here [Music] what a gamer [Music] so okay all right the attention to detail that i mean that's just amazing i didn't think the creator would go that extra yard [Music] i like that this is cool you never what's the next 1-1 gonna be but it comes in waves tell me more [Music] so it's gonna gradually get higher [Music] higher and higher okay so now it's going to go downhill oh oh let's go [Laughter] this is this is this is oh that's a tough jump there a little tough jump [Music] that's great i love it can you take 1-1 higher 1-1 but it spot the difference [Music] all right where's the spot the difference at [Music] i'm seeing no differences yet maybe it's at the end of the level [Music] ah here we go [Music] oh my [Music] chad help me hey keep an eye out you're assuming my favorite i do enjoy a good pop tart cheese pops there's one this is definitely different wait a second what about can i go up here okay well okay we need how many do we need four keys right [Music] is there four keys [Music] four keys um ah we got it we're out we're out let's go we're out [Music] i think we should have played this at the this should have been the last level because then we would really by 40 by 40 levels we would we would know we would have one 1-1 memorized [Music] just destroy everything that was so cool i loved it okay well i bet this can be 1-1 but it's underwater called it [Music] called it [Music] whoa this is spawning bloops you don't in the words of my good friend cheese pops you don't like to see that i kind of want to see what's down the pipe though i don't even need that one up let's see let's just let's just you gotta check what's down the kumquat oh that's so cool but you know i wanna i wanna experience the whole level we're going back up the kumquat are ninji speedruns still a thing no they're done with nintendo's basically done with this game [Music] if we want new content in this game [Music] it's gotta come from the creators themselves nintendo's like yeah we're good we're good with this game we've done enough [Music] cool this is cool it just goes to show you the level design in 1-1 is timeless it's timeless 1-1 but new a 20-second speed run [Music] okay what is this buckle up [Music] we are zooming oh my gosh [Music] that's so hard okay wow this just went from super casual fun play through to this is gonna be ridiculously hard all right let's do some testing what happens if i face left here okay if you face left it slows down okay [Music] face left it slows down okay you can still get on the pipe i feel like the pipe is the cheaters way out though [Music] [Applause] this is it [Music] that would have been fine [Music] come on that is ridiculous [Music] hi okay that's it it's time yep it's time it's time [Music] drop below 70 lives i refuse i refuse to drop below i refuse to say we've lost 30 29 lives on this level i refuse all right this is it lucky number one okay okay i have a new new plan new plan [Music] that was not the new plan this is the new plan [Music] that's it yep here we go [Music] oh yeah yeah what now now i why didn't i recognize this earlier this is definitely the strat right here strat city strat city [Music] drake spike adjusts goodness gracious how do you beat that in 12 seconds all right world three 1-1 but you can't look right someone called this someone called this what happens if i look right but i d i didn't look right wait oh oh you can't look right i thought you said waste i thought you said weast [Music] okay [Music] wait i feel like something's wrong here [Music] i feel like something's wrong i feel like i'm did i mess something up [Music] is it gonna prevent me okay maybe i got away with it [Music] i would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those kids in their pesky dog so what the dump am i doing [Music] okay [Music] that's so hard i can't look left the whole time or i can't look right the whole time that's good oh boy this is gonna be real tough [Music] try drawing an l and an r on my shoe [Music] i knew it i knew i looked i knew i looked right there it's it's hard [Music] i just want to say good luck we're all counting on you [Music] something tells me i'm mind all right we got it [Music] e z game chat ee how's this 20 seconds [Music] [Music] let's wait here [Music] ah [Music] we need zone music dude [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] yes oh that was easy easy level dude first try [Music] you
Channel: DGR
Views: 1,096,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario maker 2, mario maker 2, mario maker 2 troll, mario maker, mario maker troll, dgr, dgr mario maker, dgr mario maker 2, dgr troll, trolled, dgr trolled, ryu, ryukahr, ryukahr mario maker, mario maker ryu, mario maker ryukahr, new courses, new courses mario maker, uncleared courses, mm2 impossible level, impossible levels, 0 percent, 0 percent cleared levels, lil kirbs, lilkirbs, lilkirbs mario maker, lil kirbs mario maker, panga, mario maker panga, panga mario maker
Id: 76S4jgIbV1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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