The $100,000 Fish…. DEEP SEA Marlin Fishing in Belize

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[Music] 240 miles make up the beautiful crystal clear waters that is the Belize Coastline [Music] so when we got invited to fish the seventh annual Grand creep deep sea classic you know it was an offer we couldn't refuse over the next two days we were wanted 40 boats competing for over a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars in cash and prizes one fish stood out amongst the rest in terms of points and that is the blue marlin guys [Music] yeah baby look at that beautiful blue yes [Music] thank you there you go thank you so much welcome to Belize guys look at this this place is incredible welcome drinks delicious I was telling Dennis if you got to take a little plane somewhere you know the trip is going to be epic we just walked in and this place is absolutely beautiful let's go go pick out our room this might be like the nicest Place we've ever stayed to be honest it doesn't feel like a hotel it feels like a house you know a nice house look at this kitchen yeah not a bad room for a camera man huh look you got a little sea turtle family right above your head keep you safe at night Venice laughs I said no no [Music] deep sea classic thank you to all our participants all right guys day one in Belize we are on the Fish Tales boat which is about we're going to be fishing on for the next two days as you guys see pretty epic out here we got like 40 boats had the captain's meeting last night we got Charro and Robert getting all the stuff ready and we'll see you guys out there [Music] you guys take a look behind me we gotta be no more than two miles offshore and we're in a thousand feet of water which is insane I've traveled a lot of different places in the world and it's always interesting to see how different places the drop-offs are right like in the keys you could go for miles and miles and it's super flat in Belize two miles you're in a thousand feet of water which means pelagic fish so in this tournament Kingfish dolphin tuna sailfish Marlin are all on the target got different points we're gonna explain that throughout the tournament as we go on but right now Shadow and Robert are getting the Outriggers out we're going to be trolling some baits and uh I mean we're a guests here I'm gonna let the captain you know do what he does best because he fishes these Waters every day these guys were born on the uh born in Belize so I'm gonna let them kind of do the show we're just the Anglers here all right we got the man right here this is Perry from the Belize tourism board he's one of the guys who set this whole trip up so shout out to him he's been kind of like our tour guide while here in Belize and I'll tell you what one thing people here super hospitable and then this is Captain shatter right here is the man getting it done and Robert is the one behind the wheel Robert say hi for us hi guys and of course this woman needs no introduction we got lovely Brookie so one thing that these lures do too is it helps with the seaweed we're still in the Atlantic so police is in Central America but is on the Atlantic side there is actually no Pacific side to Belize sargassmc somewhere in the Atlantic so anywhere you have the sarcasm sea connected to Country you're going to have sarcasm weed which is the little orange seaweed you see out here which could be a super big nuisance he's had our first bite super short strike looks like it just kind of ripped the Ballyhoo in half the round doubled over like there was something on there but as soon as I picked the rod up which is gone never saw I never saw Bill or anything here is how this tournament is set up right you get different points for a different species all of the billfish so your Spearfish sailfish white Marlin blue marlin that's mainly what's going to win this tournament because they're worth so much more than your meat fish like the fish are going to Gaff like a dolphin or walk so for example blue marlin 2500 points no matter the size white Marlin 1500 points sailfish a thousand points Spearfish 1500 points so in contrast though your meat fish like a wahoo a case one point per pound so unless you're catching 2500 pounds of wahoo it's I don't want to say it's not worth it but you're you're gonna win this tournament by going after the billfish which we're doing this is our best odds is trolling these baits on top you might not get any action all day and then that one fish could make or break your day in terms of the tournament it's like Wahoo dolphin Kingfish all one point and there's also a minimum size limit like Oahu you have to be at least 30 pounds of Dorado is 20 pounds Kingfish is 20 pounds tuna any species has to be a minimum of 10 pounds so as you can see this is predominantly a billfish tournament whoever's gonna catch that blue marlin whether it's one or two is probably going to be the breadwinner in this video we can't catch a break with these barracudas we just drilled in the Shotgun bait Ballyhoo caught perfectly in half it looks like the exact same thing happened to this one a lot of these offshore Barracuda just keep short striking our Valley food are not getting hooked all right guys first fish hooked up Troll and Valley who all day long can make you go crazy but you're searching like I said for that one crazy trophy fish stopper and this is the best way to do it because you're covering so much water Marlin or pelagic fish so you they're not going to be sitting in one spot they're constantly cruising the ocean I think it's gonna be a barracuda though as they say in the eye or they say in belizabada everything here is shortened say it Forest Captain point the camera in here what we want is Mr Marlin to come right behind him and try to eat them oh look at that yeah it is for ceviche I love it you hear that he said he's gonna eat Barracuda Ceviche so all you guys at home who are afraidi Barracuda don't be that's the perfect eating size Barracuda if you've ever been afraid of eat one they stink when you catch them but I promise you once you flame they don't smell anymore he comes up he's got it he's got it he's got it [Music] now come on you got it he got it oh man just had a billfish come into the spread on this shotgun Rod right here and every single time you could see him I would give it line I would put in free school feed it to him feed it to him set the hook and he'd drop it he did that three times that I thought on the third time that I finally got him but just never came tight yeah you can see this one was a Marlin bite guys it's not really cut it's more like mash so Marlin don't have much sharp teeth so they just play with it a little bit pulling a lot of line hug something big I think pulling a lot of light oh there it is on top Shadow's got some eyes man I didn't even see this rug go off but he sees everything well before we do feeling bigger than that Barracuda that we just had so I was just having a conversation Shadow and he was saying that you could get 30 dollars for a barracuda that it's a pretty good delicacy over here and people really enjoy eating them which is hilarious I know they taste good but back in the States nobody wants them you got another 30 Bill coming in the Bell right here oh that's a big boy right there all right so check it out it's crazy we don't really catch that many Barracuda this far offshore by us in a thousand feet of water but these things seem to be littered out here in Belize look at those teeth he comes up slashes that Ballyhoo in half see he's got a perfect perfect little socket in the top of his jaw where his bottom tooth will fit into a punches come on jump jump jump jump [Music] it's not a baby fish right there [Music] that first thing that shadow did was put the boat in gear to get the as much tension in the line as possible make sure that hook varies in this fish thank you yeah yeah feels big feels heavy hasn't jumped though maybe I'll see him you're a sailfish don't jump really some of them don't jump really we needed something to get our blood pumped in yep that sounded good around a lot of lines tunnel line probably ran like 200 yards so the most important thing if we do have a tournament winning fish possibly on he's going to clear all the lines because you don't want this to get tangled and lose a fish because of a you know silly mistake so we're going to clear all the lines so Perry has a group chat with uh kind of like the tourism board and the tournament committee and you can see exactly what's been caught I think there's only been one billfish caught so far but it's been pretty slow a couple people have a few small Mahi but not even big enough where they could weigh them because they got to be 20 pounds to weigh so it's exciting you know we're all kind of snoozing it's the middle of the day Sun's right overhead right about noon and then you get this screaming run you have no idea what it is but it definitely uh it's a little pep in your step have you caught Marlon I didn't jump before yeah really good really a lot of sailfish in the apartment um never jumped either remember you saw Marlin oh we got uh take our time with it right yeah yeah yeah nice impatient getting your gloves on getting ready to go patience pissed off oh he's gonna jump he's gonna jump nice little blue nice pretty blue pretty little blue man you guys first ever blue marlin this is exciting as hell he finally gave us a little jump right here behind the boat not a huge Marlin but it's a Marlin nonetheless I've only ever seen one Marlin in my life and it was with Brooke she actually caught one in St Lucia where we got engaged right there we do it they do it all right we got the leader touch hold on Harry Perry doesn't have it yet blue marlin blue marlin blue marlin release right here but don't release them yet that is so sick yeah he is we need to give him more speed you want to put it thank you huh [Music] okay Dennis is in the water getting some video we're about to release this one ready where you are all right it's been hype Barefoot right now foreign good job guys good job everybody hey we're we're in the money we're in the money definitely I got myself a marlin so are we working for great job Robert all right Brookie moral is hot beautiful Dennis of course you know working the magic underwater guys well since Victor caught his Marlin we haven't had any action this is the first action we've had since then he says he thinks it's a dolphin I haven't seen it yet though all right give you guys a little midday update we didn't really talk right after the Marlin because we wanted to get lines back in right away since we are in a tournament we're having fun but you know times are serious so you want to try to get lines in as soon as possible we went through a really slow lull butt we just pulled up to this area and there's frigate birds and seagulls kind of everywhere working the water we've seen a lot of flying fish get up so we just made it past like three passes around those birds and Brookie hooked up um but I'm stoked I caught my first ever blue marlin not a giant but it's a blue marlin caught plenty of sailfish never caught one of those absolutely beautiful I mean what else can you ask for first ever successful release on a blue marlin and Belize oh all right guys check it out my first fish in Belize is a little Blackfin tuna I think these have to be what 10 pounds away efficient and in this tournament this fish has to weigh at least 10 pounds to count and I don't know it'll probably be around like eight pounds but he'll still eat really well so there we go our first black man in Belize pretty cool going in the Box [Music] thank you Harry is airdropping the proof of the video of the fact that we caught the blue marlin the fingers crossed I'm pretty sure we're the only ones who reported blue marlin today which means we're probably in first place which would be awesome first time in Belize first blue marlin first tournament we'd ever win all first [Music] all right good morning guys we are getting our lines out it's day two of the tournament real important when you're getting your lines out since we're trolling like six baits not to get them Tangled so we got him staggered some on the Outrigger one right down the middle on the shotgun got the teasers out got some nice Seas we're ready to catch another Marlin the current standings is Florida team Florida's holding it down in Belize first time ever here and we're in first place we got a great Captain we got a great mate Robert nobody yesterday caught a blue marlin there's been two sailfish caught in the way the points work we're currently at 2500 points uh each sailfish is worth a thousand points we got a variety of teasers out there and what teasers do when you're Bell fishing it's all about the site of the billfish right a lot of times before he'll eat the bait he'll come and eat try to eat at one of these things this is a teaser this has a bunch of flashers like little mirrors underwater and it also swivels sideways creates a bunch of vibration if you listen to this it's got a rattle in there it makes a bunch of noise fish are curious they're hunting on top they want to go to any action they can see so we got a bunch of teasers that kind of mimic flying fish on top of the water and we got this in the water anything that could give us an advantage and the basically the baron deep blue to try to raise a billfish to come to us because a lot of people I think people think that billfish are always swimming on top that's not true they've been recorded you know a thousand feet 2000 feet deep do you want to raise them as much as possible and we're going to use every tactic and Method we can to do so this is one of the teasers that I was talking about so this guy is super long it's like 25 feet and you got a bunch of things on it squid skirts these little plastic things that kind of mimic a flying fish so you can imagine you got all these things in sequence and when we're pulling it behind the boat at seven eight knots it's skipping on top of the water so any fish in the area sees it they might think it's just a natural School of flying fish or sardines it's just causing commotion can I see that Robert too and like this too so you got a little spreader bar squid skirts squid skirts and it's just this long chain of commotion a lot of times the Marlin will come up on this and then they'll pull this away pitch a valley who in front of it because the valley who's a nice you know meaty thing that they could actually eat they're gonna swipe at this there's no hooks on here they're not going to get hooked but a lot of times this is just used as the name suggests to tease them in then you pitch a Marlin bait that's why it's super important one of us always has eyes in the spread because you could easily Miss if there's a model that comes by swipes at it and might go away unless you're actively watching it and watching your spread to be able to pitch that bait to it do you love your legs wow I got you I got you you can drop it that's a nice room big someone who came up with the belt [Music] give it a little guys give it a little guess all right good good good you're good you guys we hunt a monster this is not a small fish this was not one that you had to feed as soon as we hooked this thing it was just game on like there was no resistance he just smacked his Valley who on the shotgun day and still has not stopped pulling this fish is gonna be big oh he smoked it you see him come up and Shake he tailed walk crazy yeah yep the game on man that's our first real bite of the day too that'll wake you up try it again Shadow you remember I I fished I fish yes this one this one remember we want to beat Bobby C you know when a fish is Big when they come up when we say whitewash I mean like 15 feet of water just splashing everywhere like crazy you know it's a big fish to do that anytime that this fish slacks up I always want the captain to give it gas because you do not want it to come loose if he comes up and tries to shake the hook that's where you're gonna lose this fish you're fighting a billfish you have no idea how he's hooked you want tension in that line so you try to use the boat you know you got a good crew it's a big team effort and part of that team effort is knowing how to drive the boat these are very fast fish and you cannot catch up to them a lot of time with just the reel it's been a pretty slow morning it's funny that yesterday we were getting all those Barracuda bites and you know a couple tuna and a couple just fish that we missed but today not much traction has been happening and there's a group chat that goes on love everyone if you catch a billfish you got to send it in so that people know who gets what fish first and so far there's been one blue marlin caught today so fingers crossed we get this baby to the boat but guess what they don't have Captain Shadow behind the wheel we do you got to give the captain hype they live for it and this fish wouldn't be possible without them In the Heat of the battle the young man in the sea I went from never catching a Blue Marlin in my life hooked up to my second one ever the beautiful country of Belize and I told myself I was going to tell this story when I was in seventh grade I had a reading teacher named Mrs Foster and uh she just got back from her honeymoon when she started teaching and guess where she went on her honeymoon the great country of Belize beautiful country and she knew I was a fisherman and she said vic before you die you've got to go to the country of Belize because it is beautiful and guess what 20 years later here we are and I can tell you one thing this country is amazing and there's four things we need I need to be in it with the card with the fish and then we also needs the leader touch also and the leader touched you guys still there leader a little more right there later touch blue marlin let's go I got it ready he's gonna jump again he's giving us a little show huh that's not good that was so sick that was so cool jumped right next to the boat gave us a little no I don't need it I don't need it let's get it off now we got the leader touch which is what you need for the tournament we still need a nice release for the video today we get one of one is Flags I'm in between the two days and this is what basically shows that you are not cheating in a tournament you need to have this in the footage with the fish and when you get back to the dock you need to show evidence that of the angler catching the fish this being in the video as well as showing the fish of the diet so they know that you caught it because then catch and release fishing obviously there's no evidence unless you have video evidence obviously with dolphin or the Wahoo you just bring those back to the dock and weigh them but official you're catching release and this is what you need when we first hooked them I don't think he really knew he was hooked because he was kind of coming real slow but when he saw that boat and all those people and he saw that leader touch he goes uh I don't want to be anywhere near these people it's exciting but until you like actually have the fish at the boat unhooked and release it you know it's just like at any second the hook could pull you know which we do already have the catch because when you are Bill fishing a leader touch is a catch is a caught fish so we already touched the leader but you know it would be nice to get it to the boat and unhook it and then watch it swim away I tell you what I don't do a lot of Bill fishing besides the few sailfish we catch at home but these fish are strong man when there you first hook them this fish was super lazy but then you really feel the true power of them he gets that second win and he just wants to go they're super hard to turn because they have this huge Fork tail fish get their power from their tail the bigger the tail the more proportion it is the stronger they're going to be and they just have this huge broad body um just a lot of respect for this animal that's all I gotta say okay we got second side of the fish I can see the teaser that we had for the bait oh no don't go back down he's running again he's going back down a little bit Victor hello Ben fishtails blue marlin leader touch Victor more Rachel yeah baby look at that beautiful blue yes Venice is just uh getting ready he's gonna go in the water get this release on video again grab a few photos and we'll be on the way day two blue marlin Victor who have been about to release right here okay oh man baby foreign there he goes Aquaman [Music] let's go second Blue Marlin in Belize all right thank you second day in Belize two Blue Marlin in a row Grand Caribbean deep sea classic I don't know what up to ask for man this is incredible good job congrats second one good job Robert when you hear of people Marlin fishing they say book at least like six days because you might troll for six days and not see one for us to get three bites and go two for three on Marlin is incredible I mean you can't ask for more man yeah it's it's I feel like it's every Angler's Dream to catch a Marlin it's like the Pinnacle of billfish they get huge they put on a show they're amazing animals and for us to get it all on video Dennis even got to swim with it and get some release video it's amazing I think we're all we're all a little star struck right now it's still shocked it didn't really happen it happened though man thanks to the crew too for you brother good job Dennis Robert get in here listen this guy is 17 years old he's got a promising career in the fishing World let me tell you when me and Brooke and Dennis get lazy and we're not checking on lines he's back here taking Seaweed off pulling the Ballyhoo out getting water to the faces a hard-working young man right here you're welcome it's well deserved all right guys well we got a fish on didn't see it so not exactly sure what it is but it's got some weight to it I was just saying how it's so funny we haven't caught any barracudas yet today I'm hoping it's not going to be a barracuda it's been about an hour and a half since Victor caught that Marlin well that's not the big Cruda he is look at his belly holy Hannah well I guess I jinxed myself I said I literally seconds before this fish I was like so weird we haven't caught any Barracuda today but yes sir we have so many damn well the lines are out of the water and we are about to head back to the dock and we are feeling pretty good because we got two Marlin and there's a group chat of basically all the tournament Anglers nobody else has reported a Marlin except one other team Bob you see and they got one but based on the current points we should be in first place which would be amazing for our first time to police and and your first time catching a marlin not one but two Marlin in two days and like we said earlier two Marlin in two days like can't ask for more beautiful country great people amazing crew I don't want to get too long-winded because we don't know officially yet there could be someone sneakily has four Marlin that didn't want to report it or something so we're gonna head to the dock and we'll see we'll see what happens there thanks someone reported to Marlin problem is they also have other fish we don't have any other fish recorded so technically if they only come to Marlin since we counters first we'd still be in first but since they have other fish for points technically they're getting us some points so we got 30 minutes to try to catch some fish and add some points to the total foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] before the awards ceremony and the final results of the tournament we actually got to go and explore one of their famous sand bars and I did not know this but Belize actually has the second largest Great Barrier Reef in the world [Music] got it got it whenever we come to places like this it's always about fish fish fish and try to make as good of a video as possible but very rarely do we have a lot of down time to be able to really get in nature and you know even though we're out fishing and it's part of nature doing something like this is just so different and fun you know getting in the water getting in with these incredible animals then it's got some really cool footage of a man of shrimp and it's whole and the man of shrimp actually lives in this little hole he comes out and he grabs and he sucks it back in and that's what they do when a fish swims by their hole whether it be a mahara or a sand perch or something nature is just incredible [Music] [Music] thank you I hope you guys are enjoying this underwater footage I get so excited every single time I see Dennis's stuff underwater because you know as a fisherman it's nice to see things from not just above the surface but below the surface and I tell myself every time we go on trips like this trying to get better at it enjoying the location and the experience and we do it all the time but it's not just about the fish you know doing something like this coming out to this little Sandbar area right here swimming with the Stingrays the nurse sharks we saw a man of shrimp which was really cool it really brings your whole trip together and it kind of lets you you know settle down before you got to go back and you take it all in and that's one thing Belize is known for is they're diving they have an incredible scuba diving we will definitely be back to do some diving to do some exploring underwater maybe go into the rainforest a little bit but I think that has a wrap for us today so I will see you guys back at the dock [Music] Vic tell us what's going on we found some kayakers with their kayak flipped and it's full of water so we're pumping them out a little bit trying to get the kayak into the boat and uh drain the water you know being helpful [Music] um done magazines third place 2750 in the buy-in and this one second and first place second place when the team fishtails one last round of applause before he goes in pod money a piece of art found a trophy and for the purse please with a total of 71 500 in cash team boss yeah [Applause] Claremont the resident of Grand Prix this has been a an absolute blast and I guess sometimes the Sun the moon and the stars line up and correct seat with 3 45 yesterday that happened right outside Grand Prix so really excited thank you guys very much Victor woman from the bdb team organized capture your attention so much yes well we got top angler amazing event so this is Roberto this is actually the owner of the boat right here and none of this will be possible like I told you guys shouldani is the captain and Roberto they worked so hard to put us on the fish and uh great event put on by the police tourism board in Grand Caribe is finally holding the trophy showed up a little bit a little late but we finally got our photos together did it hard work so we ended up in second place overall and lost by a total of only five points and the reason I'm playing this clip of Brooke holding this tuna we did not read the rules properly you were actually allowed to weigh fish under the minimum size if you brought it back to the dock you got five extra points so for example this tuna has a minimum of 10 Pounds it was under 10 pounds but you got an extra five points if you brought it to the dock and weighed it so we didn't weigh our two Tunas the first day which would have put us at a total of five thousand and fifteen points the winning team won by five thousand and ten points huge congrats to the first place team they actually got two buzzer beater blue marlin on the last day and they actually read the rules and weighed their tuna so shout out to them unfortunately it is our last day here in Belize and if you guys look behind me weather is not looking too hot we had two Amazing Days of fishing two Amazing Days of weather and I cannot thank the people of Belize enough huge thank you and shout out to the Belize tourism board to Grand Caribe our captain Shadow our mate robber everybody here was just welcomed you with open arms I really love the spirit and the vibe of the Belizean people we were on a little island called San Pedro just off the mainland and this place is incredible we got to dive we got to fish and I had no expectations of even placing this tournament which was just a uh you know a big positive and we are the only word I can describe is blessed the fact that you guys are watching this video right now that we get to do this for a living tell these Amazing Stories and meet these amazing people and catch these incredible fishes all thanks to you guys back at home so if you guys like this video drop a comment below like the video if you haven't already and if you're thinking about a new vacation to go for your honeymoon bachelor party whatever it is consider Belize because this was our first time here and we've already started making our plans for next year because I can tell you this place is incredible nature beauty fish food everything about it comes full circle thank you guys so much for watching and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Landshark Outdoors
Views: 206,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: belize fishing, marlin fishing, blue marlin fishing, tournament fishing, marlin tournament fishing, deep sea fishing, deep sea fishing belize, grand caribe belize, grand caribe deep sea classic, marlin trolling, deep sea fishing tournament
Id: LZQcRV6ci54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 41sec (2381 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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